S1E1: A new legend
(1 thousand years ago)
Battle cries are heard and swords clash as we see two knights have their massive battle near the shores of the beach ad they clash ans arrows have been fired. The battle was intense but the battle seem to be losing to the heroic knights side as they were getting slaughtered by the enemy.
Among them was a heroic knight cutting down the enemy knights named Marcel L/n as we see him taking on multiple enemy knights all around him. He blocks his sword and tosses some away as he charge and took out many enemy knights in his way.
Marcel L/n looks heavily injured with blood pouring out of his armor and his helmet lost, revealing his face as he stared at his enemies that were ready to end them once and for all.
Marcel looks around, seeing his knights nearly defeated as he grind his teeth and then he rasies his sword into the air and said.
Marcel: Rally with me! We must not allow our enemies to win this battle! We either die with honour or live in victory! Us knights will never give up! Now charge!
His knights made a battle cry and they all charge towards the enemy knights for a epics last battle when suddenly a beam is shot down and destroyed the enemy knights, turning them into dust.
This shocks Marcel and his knights when they heard something and they all look up and witness something very shocking as it appears out of the clouds as a large shadow covers them all.
Marcel: (shocked) By the gods!
(Present day)
We see a nice looking town where we see the citizens of the town minding their own business and doing their usually days working, talking to the neighbours or other things. Everything seems very peaceful and normal since other cities have super hero's such as Superman or Batman but they live in a peaceful and normal life.
We then cut to the library where we see a young boy name Y/n L/n looking for the history with very interest and after he was done he closes his book and bring some to the encounter and place the books on the table where the Liberian scans the books while he tells Y/n.
Male liberian: (smile) Have a nice day we have here huh Y/n?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. It seems like a peaceful day.
Male Liberian: (smirk) It always have been.
Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah.
There is a TV next to the counter with the news talks about Gotham and how Batman stopped Bane from blowing up a bridge.
Y/n: Say your a Batman fan aren't you?
Male Liberian: (small laughter) Yep. (Batman's voice) I am the terror of the night, I am the knights, I am Batman! (Normal voice) You have to admit he is a really cool super hero.
Y/n: (smile) He is a interesting super hero.
Once the Liberian is finished he puts the booms inside a bag and hands it to Y/n and before he was about to pay him he stops him.
Male Liberian: (smile) No need to pay, its free.
Y/n: You sure?
Male Liberian: Yeah those books are pretty old anyways and I've been meaning to get rid of them so it's all yours.
Y/n: (smile) Thank you. Take care.
The Liberian wave goodbye to him as Y/n leaves and make his way home. He soon enter his neighbourhood as his neighbours greet him home which he nodes and smiles. Ever since his parents passed away his neighbours has took care of him and he return that by helping them as best he can.
With that he is well respected by everyone in the neighbourhood and parts of town. Soon he arrived home as he unlocke the door and step inside of his home. He walks in and enters his father's office which was his small library room to place the books away. After he was done he turne to leave but noticed a picture of him as a kid along with his parents.
He pick up the picture and looks at it.
Y/n: (thought) Mum....Dad.....I really do miss you.
He stared at the picture for sometime and then place it down. He turns to leave but accidentally kick something that cost something to fell and land on the floor.
Y/n: Whoops. My bad.
He bends down to pick up the small box and once he did a watch came out of it. He stared at the watch and then pick it up to look as he suspected the watch.
Y/n: Huh, looks new.
He check the box and sees a small note came out which he pick it up and open it to see it was a gift to him from his dad. He smiled a bit and looks at the watch as he puts on the watch and looks at it.
Y/n: (smile) Looks good on me. Although I've never seen a watch like this one. Maybe he made it?
He shrugged and leaves the room to do his own business. Time flies by and soon we see the sun was about to set as we see TV playing at the background while Y/n is in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. His watch is placed on the table behind him as Y/n was in the middle of cleaning when he heard.
???: Hello? Can you hear me?
He stop for a moment and turn around only to see nothing. He poke his head out to look at the TV and thinking it must be the TV he turns it off but then he heard.
???: Can you hear me? Please answer.
He was a bit creep out so he looks around and sees a watch that is glowing so he approaches the watch and pick it up. He stared at the glowing watch and then reply.
Y/n: Hello?
Suddenly a beam shot out of the watch which made him surprised as he move back and watched as a blue female AI appeared in front of him as she have her eyes shut but once she appear she open her eyes and the two made eye contact.
Y/n: (surprised).....Um.....Hello?
She stared at him for sometime and then a smile appeared as she launch over and hug him with a cheerful tone.
???: (smile) It's you! It's really, really you! I can not believe it!
Y/n: (surprised) Wow I'm sorry but who are you?!
???: Oh my bad~! Allow me to introduce myself.
She then spin around once after she hug him and then she said.
Alice: My name is Alice, the Legion of Knights personality assistant AI. But you can call me lil sis.
Y/n: (surprised) So....your an actual AI?
Alice: (smile) Of course I am silly billy. I mean does a normal human look like this?
Y/n: No you are right they do not.
Alice: (smile) Anyways after thousands of years of waiting I'm finally ready to assist you and your battles.
Y/n: Battles? I'm confused.
Alice: (smile) Wait? Your parents didn't tell you?
Y/n: No my parents passed away a long time ago.
Alice: (shocked) What?! I'm so so sorry to hear. I didn't know they were dead. Wait, so they didn't tell you another your ancestor?
Y/n: You mean Marcel L/n? Yeah. They told me a lot about him and how he free this town from darkness.
Alice: Yeah he was but he was the greatest hero in the whole planet!
Y/n: Whole planet?
Alice: Let me explain. A thousand of years ago my creators gifted your ancestor and your knights high tech armor and weapons in hopes to battle against any threats including the greatest threat in all of the universe. The Traitor Knights.
Y/n: The Traitor knights?
Alice: The Traitor Knights or the Chaos Knights are knights that wishes to take over worlds and planets. Their goal is to kill any life that isn't their race. They are large brutes who hates all beings and wishes to destroy everything. My creators fought them but were close to defeat so in hopes to survive, they flee to the stars until they reach to earth. My creators hidden on earth until their passing leaving me to take care your ancestor and his knights until they were disbanded. Your ancestor told me that one day his descendant will pass down that watch you have until the threat will soon come.
Y/n: (looks at the watch) So thos watch is made by alien technology.
Alice: (smile) Yep. It has a lot of coop stuff besides time. It has a tracker, allows you to summon weapons and armor and it can be use to summon a portal to the fortress.
Y/n: A what now?
He accidentally push something on the watch and it made a bright light as a suit of knight armor digitally appear on Y/n and once that Y/n looks at the knjght armor he is wearing in disbelief.
Y/n: (shocked) Wow! Unbelievable!
Alice: (smile) Looks like yo have your armor! How exciting.
Y/n: So what happens now?
Alice: (smile) I think it will be a good time to take you to the fortress. We need to gather the other knights and then we shall-
Suddenly there was a massive shake follow by a huge explosion coming from outside as Y/n rush out and burst open the door to see a alien ship hovering over town.
Y/n: What is that?!
Alice: (appears next to him) It looks like one of Chaso knights scout ship. Thye must have found this planet.
Y/n sees this and without any thought and rushes into town where we see large hulking knights costing chasing through town as they flip cars and blow up shops and other buildings.
Chaos knight captain: Search the whole city. Find Marcel L/n and kill him.
The other Chaos Knights agree and was about to begin their search when they heard.
???: You won't harm this town!
They all turn and see Y/n standing in front of them. Disbite wearing armor the Chaos knight captain growls and asked.
Chaos Knight captain: Who are you boy?
Y/n: I am Y/n L/n, Marcel L/n descendant.
Chaos Knight captain: So your related to Marcel. Interesting.
Y/n: Who do you know about my ancestor?
Chaos Knight Captain: Did you honestly think we were the first to came here. Another group came here and warn us about him. We were ready to face him and his army but I suppose your on your own. Which will make things easier for us.
They pulled out their chainsaw swords as Y/n closes his fist and tells them.
Y/n: I'm maybe alone but I will not run away from the lights of you!
Then his sword digitally appeared on his back as he reach into his back and pulled out his sword. He gets into a battle stands as the Chaos knight Captain roars follow by the rest as the Chaos Knights charge towards him. Then Y/n charge towards them and they have a epic battle as he blocks their strikes and move around quickly before they could land a hit at him.
He move around quickly and manage to cut down a few Chaos Knights which they drop down onto the ground as he blocks theie strikes as sparks fly out of their blades as he breaks through and cuts one down. One was about to land a strike when Y/n summon a shield on his left arm and then he blocks it, making the Chaos knight back as he lands a killing blow.
He stab him in the gut as he drops dead while he turns around and cuts down a few more Chaos Knights. Soon they were taking out and now it was just the captain of the Chaos knight and Y/n as the two ready their blades and then the Chaos knight captain charge towards him.
Y/n doesn't move however has he waited and waited and as soon the Chaos knight captain gets close he bends backwards as the chainsaw sword misses him with a inch and then he gets up and immediately cuts him down.
The Chaos knight Captain groans and grunted and then he drops onto thr ground as Y/n walk up to him as the Chaos Knight Captain turns to him and tells him.
Chaos Knight captain: This.....This is not over......a while fleet will.....come.....and.....when they do.....your world....Will be......no more.
Then he dies as he ans his Chaos Knights all turn into ashes including their armor and once that the battle is wrong. The Chaos Knights ship also turns into ashes as Y/n stood there as citizens came out and once they see they were saved, they cheered for Y/n which he smiled and rasied his sword into the air as a sign of victory.
In the middle of the ocean we see a very large fortress that has deactivate invisible mode as it is seen in the middle of the large plane ocean.
Inside we see Alice showing Y/n around the place which amazed him and soon they reach a table where Alice opens a map to reveal planet earth and the whole galaxy it self.
Alice: We can go anywhere across the galaxy within second. In the past Marcel and his knights can only use portals to travel to places across the planet since the portals was not working but now, we can travel to other planets.
Y/n: (surprised) Amazing!
Then Alice open to earth and revealing 12 dots around the planet.
Alice: Oh.
Y/n: What's wrong?
Alice: I was suspected multiple of people that are related to the Legion of Knights but I only detected 12.
Y/n: (smile) It will be okay.
Alice: You sure? The Chaos Knights has a large army and 13 knights can't take them all on.
Y/n: Maybe but my ancestor was a hero and I will not dishonour him by given up. Besides there are other super hero's out there that can help us. For now, let's bring back the past, let's begin back the Legion of Knights.
Alice smiles with a node as the two of them stared at the 13 dots of earth as they will do anything they can to defeat the Chaos Knights or any threat that dares to try to harm earth. No matter how many they might be, the Legion of Knights will stand strong and protect earth no matter the cost.
To be continued........................................
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