The Journey Begins
???: (Narrating) So... This is Metropolis, my new home.
It cuts to a huge RV driving into said town, through the streets and passing by various buildings until reaching a neighborhood with the RV parking up in a driveway of a large house close to mansion level.
???: (Narrating) I have to admit that Metropolis looks quite nice, compared to my old home in Gotham City but I did have memories there long after I came to this planet known as Earth from my original home. I'm sure those of you want to hear the story but it'll come real soon.
A couple of individuals stepped out, grabbing their items as they were gathering them into their new home.
???: (Narrating) But for now, I'm gonna enjoy my new journey in Metropolis, I hope to meet some people and some challenges in the next chapter of my life on earth.
Metropolis high school....
We cut to the cafeteria where a familiar group of six girls were present, enjoying their lunch and having a conversation as today was the last day of school and everyone was ready for summer vacation.
The first one was Barbara 'Babs' Gordon Aka Batgirl, a slightly short girl with red/orange hair, pale white skin, green eyes and has a slim yet graceful figure. She was wearing a purple hoodie with bat ears & yellow stripes on the sleeves, a yellow shirt underneath, dark purple shorts, long socks with white, purple & yellow stripes and yellow & white shoes.
The second one was Zee Zatara Aka Zatanna, a slightly tall girl with long, sparkly purple/blue hair, light magenta eyes, light pale skin, wears dark red lipstick and possesses a curvaceous figure. She was wearing a white long blouse shirt with a black vest, a small dark magenta short skirt and black high heel boots.
The third one was Karen Beecher, a short girl with medium length lightish dark brown hair with a yellow highlight streak with upwards pigtails, green eyes and has a petite graceful figure. She was wearing a long sleeve bee-like yellow/brown sweater, a yellow short skirt, dark brown leggings and light brown boots.
The fourth one was Jessica Cruz Aka Green Lantern, A slightly tall girl with long dark brown hair, green eyes, light brown skin and possesses a curvaceous figure. She was wearing a long crop top shirt with a long green dress with sleeveless straps on shoulders underneath & dark green flats, along with light green hoop earrings & a green bonnet and long green skirt with green ballet shoes.
The fifth one was Kara Danvers Aka Supergirl, A tall girl with short blonde hair in a choppy bob, cerulean blue eyes, pale white skin and possesses a curvaceous and muscular figure. She was wearing a blue leather jacket, a light blue shirt, a golden yellow belt, light red ripped jeans and dark red boots.
And the sixth one was Diana Prince Aka Wonder Woman, She was the tallest of the girls by 6 ft 4, has long dark blue hair in a ponytail with a golden headband, blue eyes, tan skin and possesses a strong & curvaceous figure. She was wearing a reddish sleeved shirt with a white undershirt, a blue skirt, long white socks and red shoes.
They were known as the superhero girls, protectors of metropolis.
Kara: Finally, today's the last day of school and I can't wait for the three month vacation.
Babs: 3 months of fun, relaxing, hanging out with friends and fighting crime!
Zee: Ummm crime fighting isn't exactly an activity for summer vacation.
Babs: True but you know what Batman says... (Dark voice) Crime never sleeps... (Smiles widely)
Zee: Okaaaaay...
Jessica: While the fact is true but let's not allow it to stress us out.
Diana: Indeed. Let us enjoy the vacation of summers.
Kara: We only have a few moments before this day is over and no school for three months!
We cut to the rather large house with the RV parked in the driveway, the door opened as someone stepped out of the house. It was a tall young man with light tan skin, slightly long & spiky black hair, black eyes, a scar on the right side of his cheek, possesses an impressive athletic figure. He was wearing a black trench coat, a black sleeveless shirt with a dragon kanji symbol on it, dark blue jeans and black and white sneakers.
???: (Narrating) Now that everything is settled into our home, let's get introductions out of the way. The young man standing there is me, My name is Dean but I also go by Dakora.
The guy now known as Dean/Dakora then looked around as no one was in sight, he took a deep breath as strange pale blue aura surrounded his body and took off into the air in a burst of energy with an energetic smile.
Dean: (Narrating) You see I'm not actually a human, I'm an alien. I come from a race of intergalactic warriors known as the Saiyans, who exist to do battle and show off our strengths. In shorts terms, we love to fight. While some saiyans come off as evil, there are a few I've known that aren't like that but that's a story for another time. It was revealed that Frieza was about to betray the saiyans from a Saiyan named Bardock but no one believed him as he went to fight the tyrant himself, I nor my family never liked or trusted Frieza to begin with... Mother also came back with my twin sister who also said the same thing Bardock said after they were ambush by Zarbon and the Ginyu force, servants & elite forces of Frieza...
Dean got dark flashbacks of that day when he was young.
Dean: (Narrating) Their Saiyan team was killed, including my father and older brother while the two survived and escaped them. With none of the Saiyans believing Frieza was doing, we had no choice but to flee Planet Vegeta as it was destroyed by the tyrant. An accident occurs, I was separated from my mom and sister, off course and into a wormhole and it brought me to crash land on Planet Earth in a place known as Gotham City, met two people who took me in and raised me, my foster father and mother Akira and Selene. They were good people... But I was 13, an unknown assailant killed them... and I was now in the care of Selene's two sisters and Akira's father/my foster grandfather Shin, who is a multi martial arts master who taught me so many things and to hone my skills & powers as they progressed beyond. While I have helped people in Gotham before and there are individuals who are incapable of redemption or unable to be contained in jail, if they're too dangerous... I will have to put them down.
Dean flew through the air, looking down at the city of metropolis. It was a beautiful sight to behold.
Dean: (Narrating) Gotham was good to us but it showed so much painful memories and I have to move on from that so my foster family and I decided to move to Metropolis and I can tell that I might like it here.
Dean then head down in an open area in the park, his narration over in his mind as he spoke.
Dean: Ah, such a nice place. Less pollution, less dark skies and more scenery.
He takes a walk around while admiring the nature and the fresh air, it seems very fitting and was quite peaceful. He then approached a nearby tree and takes a seat in a lotus position, closing his and begins to meditate. But then he felt a disturbance... it felt very evil.
Dean: (opens his eyes, serious tone) An evil presence... Not too far from here and several life signatures are fading. I better go take care of this.
He got up and vanished.
A few hours later...
The bell rings as Students were seen running out of Metropolis High School with excited cheers, school is over and summer vacation has begun. The six girls also made their exit, each excited and ecstatic about the start of their three months of fun, relaxation and such. Their first means of starting was heading to their favorite place of desserts, Sweet Justice.
They sat at their signature spot/secret entrance to their hideout where they partake in their favorite choices in desserts, Diana especially with the death by chocolate special.
Kara: (listening to her rock music via phone and earphones while bobbing her head back & forth) Yeah! Now this is my jam for the start of summer time!
Babs: And Sweet Justice is the best place to begin our vacation! No one is immune to it's sweet charms!
Diana: (finishes her desserts & looks around with a frantic expression) This concoction is absolutely marvelous and intoxicating! More! I must have MORE!!
Diana was about to leap out of her seat and at the employee but Jessica and Zee held her down.
Zee: Diana stop, calm yourself!
Jessica: You need to show restraint, don't let the sugar rush control you!
Diana slowly calms down a bit.
Diana: (breathes heavily) My apologies friends, this magical concoction tends to rile my blood & spirits up with adrenaline...
Zee: Uh-huh...
Babs: Well it's true about Amazons having a powerful sweet tooth, Sweet Justice is irresistible to all!
Karen: Ummm, g-girls...
Zee: Diana's sugar rush aside, Sweet Justice is truly a glorious establishment.
Karen: Girls.
Jessica: I admit that as well but there is such a thing is having too much of the dessert. It's not healthy to constantly-
Karen: GIRLS!
Diana, Kara, Babs, Zee and Jessica turn to Karen.
Babs: What is it?
Karen: L-Look at the news.
The girls then turned towards the Television, seeing the news and a picture shown of a strange looking, athletic man with a black & bronze skull mask, white glowing eyes, a black and bronze bodysuit with twin dragon symbols on it, trench coat, holsters with guns and knives, black gloves and boots.
News reporter: This is Metropolis Daily Planet News reporting an emergency broadcast to warn all civilians of the infamous Bronze Scorn, a deadly crime lord and leader of the Bronze Dragons.
Babs: The What now?
Kara: Never heard of 'em.
News reporter: He is wanted in 30 states, crimes involving being a mass murderer in commiting genocide, stolen rare valuable, drugs, weapons, etc. He's been to prison in several states but always tends to escape, made deals with anonymous crime lords and aligned with them, acts of terrorism, illegal drugs & weapons, sexual harassment, abduction and I mentioned before... Mass Genocide.
Kara: We heard you the first time!
Jessica: That's horrible!
Babs: And he's here in Metropolis?!
News reporter: He is currently in Metropolis and has the mayor hostage as his forces are in his main office and the authorities are having a difficult time trying to retrieve him from the maniacal criminal, who threatened to kill the mayor if any cops or supers try to stop him or if his demands aren't made from Lex Luthor, teenage billionaire & owner of LexCorp. Citizens are advised to stay away from these dangerous individuals until further notice.
Karen: T-That is bad.
Kara: Well then let's go give that bronze bozo a grade A super beat down (cracks her knuckles)
Jessica: But the news reporters stated that if Bronze Scorn sees any heroes, he'll kill the mayor!
Zee: Well we can't sit here and do nothing.
Babs: Then we make sure we aren't seen...
The girls look at Babs.
Babs: Stealth operation, unseen and evasive maneuvers! We secretly sneak in, take out Bronze Scorn's guys unseen... infiltrate the mayor's home, get Bronze Scorn on his blind side, take him down and save the mayor!
Diana: Excellent strategy, Babs. Quickly friends, we must save the mayor and apprehend the Lord of Crime!
Karen: Crimelord.
Diana: Yes, that.
The six girls then took their leave to deal with the threat but unknown to them, the news still running as the news reporter was heard yelling out something as the screen shows a mysterious cloaked figure taking out the Bronze Dragons firing at him to guard the area but he would disappear and reappear to deliver swift yet lethal blows to each member of the Bronze Dragons, leaving them on the ground, lifeless.
At the mayor's main office, we see the leader of the Bronze Dragons, Bronze Scorn himself in the quarters of the Mayor who was tied upside down in chains, with heavy wounds and blood and the mouth covered by tape as the Crimelord stared the mayor in the fearful eye.
Bronze Scorn: (cold tone of malice) Ah, the pure look of fear... The eyes alone tells me the tale, but still it's ain't enough.
Grabbing a dagger which glowed, Bronze Scorn slowly carved a slash mark on the mayor's right cheek, earning a muffed yell.
Bronze Scorn: I hear metropolis has a lot to offer, especially at the most decorative company possible, LexCorp... (Chuckles darkly) I already allowed you to call Luthor to make the exchange to make it worth my while before I gagged you. If lex's men don't bring me the valuables & advanced machinery schematics needed... Metropolis will witness your blood all over the entire office...
The Mayor was shaking in fear.
Bronze Scorn: I know Lex & Lex would be a fool to back out, it'd be a shame for his family reputation and legacy to tarnished by letting you die, the blood of you would be on his hands, everyone in Metropolis will blame him and no matter the work & money, he would be never be able to walk through metropolis or anywhere again...
He laughs wicked, turning to the mayor.
Bronze Scorn: And for your sake, you better HOPE he doesn't keep me waiting or any of your heroes show up because if I see signs of a bat, amazon, an S themed individual or any description of heroes I've received... Metropolis shall be painted in your blood...
A knock at the door was heard. Bronze Scorn then answered it believing it was one of his men.
Bronze Scorn: What is it?
A second knock was heard.
Bronze Scorn: Are you coming in or what? Has lex's men shown up?
A third knock was heard. Bronze Scorn was getting annoyed at this and heads over to the door to chew out one of his soldiers for cracking up jokes. He opens the door and sees one of his soldiers standing there stiff as a statue.
Bronze Scorn: You better have a good reason why you're cracking jokes at a time like this...?
The soldier was silent as he slowly fell forward, Bronze Scorn stepped aside as one of his men hit the ground. The Crimelord kicked his head in not too much but to see if he was alive. He wasn't. Snarling, Bronze Scorn kicked the lifeless man's head in so hard, it was sent flying out the window with the glass shattering.
Bronze Scorn: (ear communicator) Men, I want you to find out who just killed one of my soldiers, now!
All he heard was static. He tried calling them and giving more orders but static was all he heard much to his frustrations. He then turns to the mayor with a look of anger but smiling under his mask.
Bronze Scorn: Seems your little heroes ignored my warning & lex's men aren't here... Which means bad news for you...
Pulling out two glowing blades, the leader of the Bronze Dragons was stalking the mayor, who was shaking in fright. Before Bronze Scorn could sink his blades into the mayor, he felt a hand on his shoulder as he turned around only to receive a solid fist to the masked face, he was sent flying through the window. The Mayor spots a white cloaked figure approaching and freed him from the chains and ungagged him.
???: I'll take care of the leader of the Bronze Dragons, you get to be safety.
Mayor: Y-Yes.
The Mayor ran off while the cloaked figure went out the window and met up with Bronze Scorn, who slowly got up and looks at the figure with a snarl.
Bronze Scorn: And who are you? I don't recall seeing you on the list of the heroes residing in Metropolis.
???: I'm not a hero but I do have a problem with you. I've heard... of the things you've done and no matter how many times you were put behind bars, you have certain people who betrayed their morals to break you out and continue the bloodshed... and for what? Money? Position of power? To be feared?
Bronze Scorn: The weak die and the strong survive... And I plan to keep it that way, no one can stop or contain me no matter how hard they try, and they can never kill me because they're the good guys, especially heroes with all the powers in the world, they never have the guts to finish people like me...
???: Is that a fact?
Bronze Scorn smiles under his mask and charges at the figure with glowing blades in hands, unleashing an assortment of strikes and lethal slashes to the figure, who was dodging them without even trying. The figure would exchange mixed martial arts and tae kwon do style strikes and hits to counter Bronze Scorn's attack in a fierce battle, it was up to stalemate for a moment before the figure caught the glowing blades with his hands.
Bronze Scorn: ....?!
???: I've met others like you... Powers and no powers they were dangerous, unable to be contained and said the same thing you said about good guys never finishing off people like you. Well not everyone follows that cause...
In his grip, the figure shattered the swords with his bare hands. Bronze Scorn stumbled back with his broken swords.
???: Heroes do all they can to protect this world even if they can't save EVERYONE, they put their lives on the line to make sure people like you are stopped and I respect them for that.
Bronze Scorn: (snarls) And what are you exactly, their fan boy charity case?!
???: No. But unfortunately, there are other individuals who have no problem in ending a life to save countless... depends on who is too dangerous to be contained....
Bronze Scorn heard enough and pulls out two advanced pistols to shoot bullets of energy at the figure, who wasn't moving but that's how it looks like in the leader of the Bronze Dragons eyes but in reality the figure was moving instantaneously in avoiding the energy bullets. Soon, the figure disappeared and reappeared in front of Bronze Scorn and delivered a monstrous punch to the gut of the Bronze Dragons leader, who coughs up blood through his mask. He backs away to regain himself, glaring at the cloaked figure as he took out a couple of glowing throwing knives.
He begins to run at the figure, throwing his glowing knives at him but the figure would knock them away with one hand without effort. Bronze Scorn got near him with two knives in delivering a strong and fierce display of punches, kicks and knife shots to the figure, who fought back against the Crimelord. Meanwhile, cameramen and new reporter of the daily planet in a safe distance were getting this fight on camera. From a nearby rooftop, the superhero girls appeared in the form of Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Green Lantern and Zatanna.
They were aiming to put the stealth operation to order but stopped in their tracks upon seeing every bronze dragon member that was guarding the main office was lying there, scattered about and lifeless.
Supergirl: What the?!
Batgirl: Looks like someone beat us to taking out the Bronze Dragons.
Zatanna: Girls... They don't look like they're unconscious...
Bumblebee: A-According to my sensors, no pulse, no heat signatures & heart rate... They're... T-They're dead...
Green Lantern (Jessica): Dead?!
Batgirl: Guys, look over there!
The superhero girls spot the cloaked figure fighting Bronze Scorn in a fierce fight which was in a stalemate but it looks like Bronze Scorn was getting overwhelmed by the figure.
Zatanna: Who is that?
Supergirl: I don't know but since he's the one fighting the bronze bozo, he's the one who killed these guys.
Wonder Woman: While he's fighting the leader of the Bronze Dragons, acting as an executioner is unacceptable! We must apprehend him as well!
Supergirl: (cracks her knuckles) Gladly!
The superhero girls leap into action during the fight between the cloaked figure and Bronze Scorn, who was getting overwhelmed by him, he tried to drive the knives into his shoulders but was palm strike in the face, denting his mask as he nearly fell but was grabbed from behind in a sleeper hold by the cloaked figure.
???: Give up, you can't win...
Bronze Scorn: F*** you! I'll kill you, I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do!
???: Pretty big talk coming from someone who is in a difficult position...
Bronze Scorn: Heh. Whatta ya gonna do... Knock me out and take me to another high level prison like the good guys before you...? I'll always be ahead of them to break out and you good guys with all the powers in the world... never will have the guts to finish people like me....
???: Who said I was taking you to prison...?
Bronze Scorn: What...?
???: I'm not a hero, remember? I took care of your soldiers and I'm going to do the same thing to you... By ending your life.
Bronze Scorn: ...!!
Wonder Woman: Halt!
The cloaked figure and Bronze Scorn were surrounded by Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Green Lantern and Zatanna.
Bronze Scorn: Oh look, more caped weaklings...
Supergirl: (angry) Who're you calling weak?!
Wonder Woman: This act of fighting is over, you both will answer for your crimes!
???: Crime? What'll I do?
Zatanna: You killed these people here!
???: Correction... I killed the members of the Bronze Dragons who aren't clearly innocent people. And now the leader will join them...
Bronze Scorn: No! Release me! I'm not gonna die to someone like you!
Green Lantern (Jessica): Stop! He will face justice but execution isn't the way to do it!
???: Well you're half right... There are some people who have to face justice and time in prison for their crimes but...
He tightens his grip around Bronze Scorn's neck as the leader of the Bronze Dragons was struggling to breathe.
Batgirl: Stop, what are you doing?!
???: There are individuals who continue to hurt others, to repeatedly break out of prison, those who've done awful, awful things to innocent people... those who are unable to be redeemed, they don't deserve prison...
The six girls charged at him to stop him but he vanished with Bronze Scorn.
Batgirl: ...?!
Bumblebee: He v-vanished!
Supergirl: So fast!
They heard grunts and turned around to see the cloaked figure in the air still holding the struggling Bronze Scorn.
???: They deserve death...
With a fierce snap, Bronze Scorn's neck was turned clean around with a sickening break, killing him!
Wonder Woman: No!!!
The cloaked figure dropped the now lifeless body of Bronze Scorn to the ground. The superhero girls were horrified by this but some recovered and glared at the figure.
Wonder Woman: What have you done?!
???: I rid the world of one of it's vile individuals.
Supergirl: While we all just found out about and straight up hate the Bronze Bozo, we have a no killing rule here!
???: And I respect your morals as heroes to protect the innocent but there are times when I have to put down those who are too dangerous to be contained or left alive.
Green Lantern (Jessica): But there are other ways to handle a criminal, killing them off isn't the answer, everyone will fear you as a villain.
???: Then I'll bare the fear and hate rather than letting innocent people die at the hands of those like Bronze Scorn.
Supergirl: Then you're gonna bare what's going to happen to you next!
Supergirl flew at him that top speed with a fist gearing up to punch the cloaked figure and send him flying but when she connected, a massive shockwave erupted throughout metropolis. The heroes girls, especially Supergirl was shocked by the fact that the cloaked figure caught her punch head on.
Supergirl: How?!
???: Not bad. Not bad at all, you're very strong. I would love to have you as a sparring partner someday.
Supergirl: Sorry but I don't make friends with murderers!
He sighed.
???: A shame.
He vanished before supergirl's very eyes.
Supergirl: What?! Where did you-
???: (From behind) Sorry.
Supergirl felt a chop to the back of her neck as her consciousness faded away. She fell from the sky only to be caught by Zatanna.
Batgirl: Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Is she-
Zatanna: No, she's alive.
Then one of the cameramen left from the group unseen, revealed to be a disguised member of the Bronze Dragons, who points an advanced gun at Bumblebee and Batgirl from behind to shoot. The cloaked figure saw this as the guy fired energy bullets at Batgirl and Bumblebee, who heard the sound and turn around but reacted too late as they were within the energy bullets range.
Before the energy bullets could strike the two, the cloaked figure appeared in front of the two heroes, who were shocked as he caught the energy bullets and flung them back at the last member of the Bronze Dragons, killing him.
Bumblebee: ....?!
Batgirl: You saved us...?
The cloaked figure turns to the superhero girls.
???: I couldn't let that happen to you. (Sighs) Despite how you feel about me now, I'm not here for trouble. In time, hopefully we can resolve this matter. Until we meet again...
He was engulfed by pale blue aura and skyrocketed into the air, out of sight and leaving the shocked hero girls behind.
To be continued...
(Chapter 1 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Welcome to the first chapter of DCSHG: The Saiyan Brawler (DC superhero girls x Dragonball super crossover) where the Saiyan oc makes his debut, I also put in an oc villain for him to face while meeting the superhero girls as well, who aren't actually on good terms with him after the whole killing of the villain but next chapter will resolve things out.)
(As you know from the character profile last chapter, the Saiyan Brawler will have six love interests, three heroes (Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Kara Danvers/Supergirl & Zee Zatara/Zatanna) and three villains (Barbi Ann Minerva/Cheetah, Leslie Willis/Livewire & Doris Zuel/Giganta). It'll a first shot of a harem, not a huge one but a small, genuine one of six where in time they'll be chapters where the Saiyan Brawler will interact with the six girls of hero & villain side to spark a love connection between them all and before you readers say it, No. There will be no weird lemons like scenes, it's not that kind of story!)
(Anyways, next chapter will resolve the conflict between the Saiyan and the superhero girls, until next time! this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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