Strength on a Gigantic Level

Dean was seen leaving the pizza shop with two boxes of four meat style pizza.

Dean: Ah, there's no greater pizza than the four types of meat style. The look of it, the smell of it and most importantly the taste of the pizza itself.

As the Saiyan was walking across the street, he noticed the posters of the missing civilians that were displayed on Metropolis daily planet news. He also noticed Harleen's face on one of the poster, whoever or whatever took her & the other civilians is going to rue the day they even tried it. He will help Babs find her best friend even if he noticed the slightest hint of suspicion in anyone to force some answers out of them.

Dean was cut off from his thoughts when he heard a familiar scream.

Dean: Karen.

Dean held onto his two boxes of pizza and ran west of where the scream was heard.


Meanwhile, we see Karen Beecher running as fast as she possibly can, holding a bucket of dessert.

???: BEECHER!!!!

Karen yelp and runs faster, looking over her shoulder to see someone chasing after her with an angry look.

It was a slightly tall girl with light brown tan skin, puffy raspberry red color hair tied up in an upward ponytail in a red thin scrunchie, hazel eyes and has a bulky figure. She was wearing a yellow workout suit jacket/shorts with pockets on the chest & bottoms and white sneakers.

This was Doris Zuel, the athletic school bully of Metropolis high, Leslie's best friend and also known as the bigger & stronger Supervillainess Giganta. What she lacks in brains, Doris made up for it in brawn. She loves destruction and bullying others as Karen Beecher was her favorite victim to pick on.

Why Doris was chasing after Karen right now? Well Karen got the strawberry chocolate special at Sweet Justice and just as she was about to go enjoy it, she bumps into Doris, who sought to 'thank' Karen for getting her the special. However, when Karen tried to explain she didn't get it for Doris, like with the beef taco fiasco, the athletic bully wasn't asking & wanted to take it from her which begins the chase scene.

Karen made a quick turn to the left, evading and running past normal civilians walking by to lose her tormentor but Doris only rammed through the crowd of civilians, either shoving them aside, elbowing them down or charging through them like an angry rhino.

Doris: Get back here, Shrimp!!

Karen yelped and kept on running with Doris hot on her trail. She would take turns across every corner, taking short cuts and finally hiding in various places to wait for Doris to turn the other way to make her escape. Just as she almost out of the parking lot and home free... Karen was grabbed by Doris.

Karen: Ah!

Doris: Gotcha! (Snatches Karen's dessert) I'll take that! Heh, thanks for the dessert Bugsy Beecher.

Karen: B-But that's my dessert, you can't just t-take it from me!

Doris: (smirks) Of course I can, cuz I'm bigger, badder and better. And you're just a tiny, short and scared bug to be squished!

Karen looks down.

Doris: Aww, you're sad? Too bad! And what can you do about it? Nothing!

The bully laughs as she drops Karen and was about to eat the girl's treat only for it to suddenly disappeared in a blur.

Doris: Huh? What in the world?

Karen was surprised as well but heard Dean's voice.

Dean: Looking for this?

Doris and Karen look around before seeing that Dean was 3 feet behind Doris with Karen's dessert in hand.

Karen: (hopeful smile) Dean!

Doris: Hey! You know this loser Beecher?

Dean: Oh I'm new in town and that girl you're picking on is my friend (narrows her eyes) and I don't appreciate when my friends are bullied.

Doris: (glares) And what of it, huh?! It's none of your business so hand over the goods and get lost or else!

Dean glared at Doris coldly, the way she acted reminds him of the times on planet Vegeta where he was bullied by Saiyan teens who would gloat about how bigger & stronger they are, full of arrogance and pride that they can walk over anyone they please, even their own people until he finally snapped & taught them a lesson. He hated that about his race and anyone in general, if there's one thing of many on his list Dean can't stand, it's a bully.

Dean: No. I think I'll stay and Karen is keeping the dessert she paid for, you she-ape.

Doris: (growls furiously) What did you call me?!

Dean: Did I stutter? You think because Karen doesn't fit the same 'bigger, badder & better' status, you can pick on her? Well why don't you pick on someone your own size, like me?

Using his free hand, Dean gestures for Doris to bring it on. Snorting like an mad bull, the bulky girl went on the charge with vicious intent.

Doris: That's it! You're dead meat!

She yelled loudly in quickly approaching Dean to land a solid fist but the Saiyan managed to catch Doris's fist, throwing the athletic bully off her game to one hand judo flip her, knocking Doris to the ground.

Doris: Ouch!

Dean walks towards to hand Karen her dessert. Doris grunts and got up, shaking off the pain and glaring at Dean's back.

Dean: Here you go, Karen.

Karen: Thanks-Look out! It's Doris!

She saw Doris running in attack Dean from behind but the Saiyan quickly turns around and connects a devastating punch to Doris, a pained gasp escaped her lips with the wind being knocked out of her, falling to her knees & holding her gut to catch her breath. Karen was surprised in seeing Doris for the first time, in the state she's in right now. Doris looks up at Dean who was staring down coldly at her, her teeth clenched with furious eyes locked on the Saiyan. She was the strongest, she wasn't going to take a newbie making a fool out of her on her turf.


Doris lunged at him in rage, throwing a couple of solid and wild fists in attempt to land a hit on Dean, who caught each strike.

Doris: (attacking) I'm. Going. To. Tear. You. Apart!!!

Dean: (effortlessly blocks her attacks) Better fighters than you have tried.

Doris goes for a left swing but Dean ducks underneath the attack with Doris turning around to meet up with Dean hitting a forearm smash combo attack, finishing it with a spinning back fist to Doris left cheek and a low sweep kick to make the bully fall head first along with the rest. She yelled out in pain, holding her head.

Dean: Give up. You can't beat me.

Doris slowly got up, stumbling a bit as she was irate. She moves to attack again but Dean saw right through her, blocking each strike and returning his own brand of martial arts style offense.

Dean: Funny thing about anger, it can fuel your chances in fighting but it can also be your greatest weakness. Everyone can have anger issues, even I have that. But your attacks become predictable and you lose sight of everything.

Doris: Shut up!!!

Doris throws another fist but Dean ducks underneath and flips a couple of feet back before stopping. Doris runs in & attempted to spear tackle Dean but the Saiyan counters her with a hip toss slam with Doris hitting the ground with a thud. The athletic bully groans as she looks up at Dean & flinched under his hard steel gaze, the saiyan not taking his eyes off her for a moment before he turns his back to her and walks away to head back to the still surprised Karen.

Dean: Well that takes care of her. You okay?

Karen: I-I am now. T-Thank you.

Dean: How about we go meet up with the girls? (Holds up his pizza boxes) I have my pizza.

Karen: Yeah.

The two were going to leave but Doris's voice stopped them.

Doris: Hey! *Pant* *Pant*... Get back here...!

Karen and Dean turns around to see Doris getting right back up, slowly and stumbling while holding her side.

Doris: We *Pant* are not *Pant* finished here...! You didn't *Pant* beat me...!

Dean: I'm afraid you are beaten, I don't need to continue fighting you. You already lost, just give it a rest.

Doris: (angry) Never! I'm the strongest here, you're just scared of me like Beecher here! Just leaving like a coward, so get back here and fight like a man!

Dean: (cold tone) No.

Doris: ...?!

Dean: I have nothing to prove to you, I'm merely standing up for my friend here. Plus, do I look afraid to you...?

The expression on the saiyan teen's face angered Doris as there was no ounce of fear on it.

Dean: And again, no you're not the strongest. You're far from it, all I see is an arrogant, self entitled, brute-ish bully who picks on people smaller than her just to feel more dominant and strong but when someone near your strength or passed it comes along, you're not feeling strong, are you...?

Doris: Grrrr...!!

Dean: And you wanna know something. Doris was it...? I was only holding back.

Doris: ....?!

He was holding back?! Doris didn't want to believe it.

Doris: You're lying!

Dean: No, I'm not. You've done nothing to get me to fight at my best. Picking on others smaller & weaker than you doesn't make you the strongest, you'd be a coward... afraid to rising to your potential to fight opponents of a greater challenge, afraid of losing or that your best isn't good enough to try it.

Doris growls.

Dean: Want me to fight you again, then cut the senseless bullying crap & learn better yourself. You have potential Doris, it's ashame you fruitlessly waste it.

Dean turns to walk away, Karen gave her bully a small glance before hurrying behind him. As they were gone, Doris was alone, completely frustrated and shook as she slammed her fist into the ground.


In the superhero girls' lair under Sweet Justice...

Kara: She tried to do what?!

Karen nodded.

Kara: Where is Doris? I'll set that pea brained gorilla girl straight!

Karen: N-No! It's okay, Dean already took care of her.

The five girls turn to the Saiyan.

Kara: You?

Dean: Yes.

Jessica: (Worried) You didn't "hurt hurt" Doris, did you? (Knowing how strong the Saiyan was)

Dean: I only held back, gave her a few martial arts combos, flips and throws. If I went all out powers or not on Doris, she would be in a hospital or not... here. She's a bully but hasn't done anything heinous to be on my (does a throat slash motion with his finger) hit list.

Zee: (smiles) Well that aside, thank you for bringing our lovely Karen here safety darling~.

Diana: My thanks as well to you too friend Dean. Who knows what means of harm Doris would've done when she got Karen alone.

Dean: (to Karen) I take it this isn't the first time she's bullied you?

Karen shook her head.

Karen: No. Doris is the strongest girl in school, barring Kara and Diana, she's a prized athlete and bullies everyone who even looks at her funny. Even the boys jocks or no are scared of her. But she always bullies me the most, I've done nothing to her yet I'm her victim because I'm a puny bug...

Karen looks down sadly but Babs comforts her.

Babs: Aww don't feel so down Karen. You proved so many times despite being small that you were able to be an awesome hero!

Karen: I know but no matter how hard I try to live up to that, Doris is always there to knock me back down. I'm sick of not being able to defend myself against her & ending up her punching bag!

Jessica: I know Karen but you're not alone.

Kara: Yeah. If Doris won't get the message then we'll be there to send her one (slams her fists together) for you.

Karen: That's great & all but I can't rely on you always to fight my battles for me. Doris will try to get me alone or whether she has her friend Leslie with her for an opportunity to humiliate or hurt me when you're not around. Unless I alone do something about it, she's just gonna keep harassing me.

Dean: (in his mind) Leslie? She never told me that Doris was her friend. I may need to talk to the shockjock later about this. (To Karen) Perhaps I can help.

Karen: But-

Dean: I know. You alone need to do something about Doris so while the dojo is still in the works, my grandpa Shin and I can help you learn martial arts in hopes to defend yourself against Doris.

Karen: Really? You'd do that for me?

Dean: Of course Karen. You don't have to be the tallest & biggest to be strong. I've seen & met opponents in all different shapes & sizes cause even the smallest individual can be a formidable and dangerous opponent.

Karen: You think so?

Dean: I know so. Come by my house later on, we'll help you out with your potential to surface. Who knows, maybe you'll be Grandfather's first student from Metropolis to teach but it's up to you if you want to go through it. Take your time to think about it.

The Saiyan then left the hideout, leaving the girls alone. Karen was in her thoughts, thinking about what she should do.


At Doris's house... 5:35 pm.

Doris was furious right now, trading fierce blows on her punching bag. She stomped back to her house after her fight with Dean but it was more of a one sided thing only except Doris wasn't the one who was dominating the fight, Dean basically wiped the floor with her & to add more fuel to her fire... He was holding back on her.

That really pissed Doris off, remembering his lecturing to her of doing nothing to get him to give it his all against her, that she wasn't the strongest by picking on people smaller & weaker than her, even called her a coward for doing so & that piercing gaze The Saiyan gave Doris... That image would haunt her, like he put fear into her, made her feel weak & small.

Doris hated it. She hated it a lot & refused to accept that. She was going to get Dean to fight her & beat him with an inch of his life if it was the last she would do.

Doris: I'll get him... Grrrr, I must...!

Doris snarled and hit a large punch to send her punching bag flying forward but it comes back to knock her on her butt.

Doris: Agh!

Her open laptop beeped, requesting a video chat. She gets up and clicks on it to accept, the screen showing Leslie.

Leslie: Hey Doris-Whoa geez! You look like you've been through a slugfest.

Doris: Yeah yeah. Don't remind me.

Leslie: What happened?

Doris grumbles under her breath.

Leslie: What was that? I don't speak "ugh, errggh, oooggh, zoggh" You may dress like a jungle cave giant but you can speak clearly, meathead.

Doris: (annoyed) Fine! I lost, okay?!

Leslie: To who? Supergirl? Wonder Woman?

Doris: I wasn't out wrecking things as Giganta today. I was about to take puny Beecher's dessert and this loser shows up & butts in my business!

Leslie: So this guy hurt you? Who is he?

Doris: I don't know, some new bozo! I think I heard Beecher mentioned his name, Dean.

Leslie gasped.

Leslie: Dean?!

Doris looked at the shockjock's expression.

Doris: (confused) What? You know that bozo?

Leslie: Yeeeeeah. We're kinda... friends.

Doris: (glared at Leslie) You're friends with that loser?!

Leslie: (glares back) Hey! He's not a loser, at first I thought he was after he called me out on my pranks & I wanted to get back at him numerous times! That didn't work out, one thing led to another... & He helped me.

Doris: Whatta you mean helped you?

Leslie looks away, she didn't want to talk about her humiliation as Livewire or reveal that she was done with villainy and dangerous pranks as well as the Saiyan Brawler's identity and her secret crush on him.

Leslie: It's... Complicated. Let's just drop it, okay? Back to you, what happened between you and Dean?

Doris: I just told you! He stopped me from taking Beecher's dessert and the punk was holding back on me when we were fighting!

Leslie: Whoa, really? Guess he handed your ass to ya without trying.

Doris: Grrrr. Who does that freak think he is?! Said I'm a coward, said that I did nothing to get him to fight seriously! I'll show him who the strongest is, I'll get him to fight me again and he'll be the one who's writhing in pain on the ground!

Leslie: Well good luck to ya on that, just be careful....

Doris: When are that worried about me?

Leslie: What? You & I have our ups and downs at times but you're still my best friend, Doris.

Doris: Hmph. Yeah, yeah, you too.

Leslie: Well I gotta go, heading over to the Metropolis chocolate cream pie eating contest downtown.

Doris: Why? Betting on the one who eats the most pies?

Leslie: No. I'm... actually competing.

Doris: You? Competing in an eating contest? Ha!

Leslie: (narrowed her eyes) And what's wrong with that?

Doris: I know you're sorta on the skinny side Les but you wouldn't last long in the contest.

Leslie: I have my reasons, okay?!

Doris: Out with it.

Leslie: Well winner gets 10,000 dollars, a new massive flat screen TV, an advanced motorcycle and... I don't know why but I couldn't take my eyes on the desserts, my stomach was growling like mad & I couldn't turn away for some reason, I need them-I mean the prizes, yeah! (quietly mutters) But mostly the sweets...

Doris: Okayyyyy, Spark Sweet tooth... Good luck with stuffing your face, I'm gonna get ready for that Dean freak the next time I see him.

Leslie: Alright.

Leslie ended the chat while Doris went back to training.


At Dean's house... 7:57 pm.

The Saiyan got through telling his grandfather Shin the news of Karen wanting to be the first person to join his training program though the dojo is still a work in progress. Mallory and Margaret are out getting groceries while the three nameks were in the backyard meditating.

Shin: I see. And she has time to think about the offer?

Dean: Yeah. The day is almost over and I have no need to rush Karen to do anything she doesn't want to do.

Shin: Indeed. When the time is right, she'll appear with her answers. Whichever she would decide is her choice.

He drunk his tea. Then the door bell was heard, the Saiyan went over and opened the door, revealing Karen herself.

Dean: Hello there Karen. Come on in.

Karen: Thank you.

She was invited inside, the saiyan closing the door behind. Karen, Dean and Shin are the only ones in the room, the young bee hero was quite nervous but took deep breaths to calm her nerves.

Shin: Would you like some tea?

Karen: S-sure.

Shin offered her an extra cup of tea, Karen takes a sip of the nice beverage.

Shin: Dean told me about your issue.

Karen: Y-Yeah. I gave what Dean o-offered me some thought, I did some t-thinking and... I accept. Mr. Shin, p-please take me as your student!

Shin: ...

Karen: I only wish to learn self defense so I don't end up being Doris's punching bag. And I promise that I won't misuse your teachings for selfish or evil purposes!

Shin stares at Karen for a moment, seeing determination and despite her fear, she was willing to prove herself.

Shin: If you're willing to learn, I'll teach you.

Karen's eyes widened for a moment before having a big smile.

Karen: I-I'll do my best!

The next few days with montage begins as Karen was dressed in a white GI uniform and belt as Shin and Dean prepared to give her the works. It starts out with Karen attempting to break boards but each chop didn't phase the board as she hurt her hand, next she was seen struggling to stand on a bamboo tree pole on one foot with four cups of hot tea on the right & left hand & shoulder, but a brief encounter with a fly was enough to throw her off balance to hit the grassy ground, covered in hot tea.

Karen tried to deliver a punch to a punching bag but it didn't budge, she tried to a times but when it did, the punching bag sent her flying. Then Karen was sparring with Shin and Dean, trying to calculate their moves but she was unable to make a good offense or defense, which resulted in her being knocked on her back on the mat.

During breaks, Karen looks at herself in the mirror, seeing her bruises, damage marks and her GI uniform ruffled from the training sessions as she was barely getting good. Tears started to fall but Karen fought back the urge, she wiped them away & looks herself in the mirror with a determine glare in the eye.

She wasn't going to give up.

Soon, Karen begins to show progress starting with the boards, focusing and with the right moment, Karen would break each board in half, Karen timed her strikes carefully and managed to catch/break each board Dean threw at her. Karen would deliver various combo punches and kicks to the training mannequin effective. She also faired well in keeping her balance on the bamboo tree poles holding the hot cups of tea in place, clearing her mind to block all outside distractions. And now, she was in a sparring session against Dean & Shin and this time Karen was fairing well and while Dean & Shin were more experienced, Karen was able to dodge & avoid timely while able to get a couple of good strikes & counters, the sparring session ended as Shin was impressed and Dean gave a thumbs up and Karen smiled happily, returning the gesture.


The next day...

The six girls and the Saiyan were seen walking through town until they reached the park.

Dean: And Karen was able to give me a good judo throw.

Babs: No way!

Dean: Yes way, She has been improving a lot.

Kara: Wow, awesome! Didn't know you had it in ya Karen! (Ruffles Karen's hair)

The bee hero blushes with a smile.

Karen: T-Thanks but I still have much to learn under their teachings.

Diana: I agree, right now you've only scratched the surface of your potential. I have the upmost confidence in you that you'll bring out more of it, friend Karen.

Karen smiles. But the smile faded when Doris's voice was heard.

Doris: Hey losers!

The Saiyan and the six girls turn around to find Doris walking towards them, followed by Leslie with three boxes of donuts.

Leslie: (flirtatious wave & smile) Hey there Deanie-Boy~.

Diana and Zee gave a narrowed glare to Leslie's gesture to Dean.

Dean: (smiles) Hello Leslie. (Frowns) Hello. Doris.

Kara: Willis.

Leslie: Danvers.

Kara haven't told her friends about Leslie being Livewire... yet, giving the shockjock a chance to prove that she's truly changed but one slip up and it's off to space for the spark punk. Leslie also promised not to tell her friends about Kara or Dean's secrets.

Doris: (points to Dean) You and me. Rematch. Now. No holding back!

Dean: I already told you, I'm not fighting you. And even if I did without holding back, it won't change the outcome.

Jessica: We can settle without causing chaos-

Doris: (growls) I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to fight me!

Kara: He said No, get it through your thick skull!

Doris: (glares at Kara) Shut up Danvers unless you want a beating too!

Kara: (glares back) We both know you CAN'T beat me so unless you want to spend summer in a body cast, you'll drop it!

Doris snarled furiously. But an idea came to her head.

Doris: Fine, you want me to prove it huh? I'll fight the shrimp you protected from me, Beecher!

Karen's eyes widened with a gulp.

Doris: When I win against her, you have no choice to give me that rematch unless you are too chicken.

Dean was growing tired of Doris's stubbornness and was about to retaliate until Karen spoke.

Karen: I-I accept.

Zee: Karen dear, no! You don't have to do this!

Karen: Yes. I-I do. Doris is just using me as a way to force Dean to fight her & I trained just for this moment. I need to learn to defend myself so I don't have to live in fear, whatever happens I don't want to be scared anymore.

Dean: (concerned) Karen...

Karen: It's okay.

The five girls, Dean and Leslie all sat at the benches while Karen and Doris were in the center of the field. Doris had a smug grin while Karen took deep breaths & had a focused look.

Doris: Ready to eat knuckle, Beecher?

Karen said nothing and got into her fighting stance. Doris cracks her knuckles before charging at Karen ready to pummel her, she delivered the first shot only for Karen to quickly dodge it, Doris went for another punch but Karen ducks underneath, delivering a couple quick jabs to take Doris by surprise, earning a pained grunt from the bully as Karen backs away keeping her stance.

The girls and Leslie were shocked, Karen managed to get a few hits in Doris. The athletic bully herself was shocked by this but it turned to anger real fast as she roared and charged at Karen who runs at her but before Doris could tackle her, Karen ducks/dashes underneath Doris's lefts, nailing a low spinning kick to the back of Doris's left knee, forcing her to one knee as she rolled away. Karen got to her feet as Doris turns her head to be met with Karen running towards to hit a knee to the face of Doris, knocking her down.

Jessica: Whoa...

Babs: Wow, Karen's really giving Doris what for! She's even faster than before!

Kara: Now that's what I'm talking about! Take the big girl down!

Leslie: (eats a donut) Geez, I gotta admit that Beecher has some moves there. Where'd she learn that?

Dean: From me and my grandfather. We've been training her to bring out her potential to defend herself in a fight.

Leslie: You come from a family of ninjas or something?

Dean: Hehe. Nope. My grandfather is one of the strongest martial artists in the world, taught me the works.

Leslie: Heh. (Eats 4 donuts) Want a donut?

Dean: Sure.

But Leslie stops him.

Leslie: Ah ah ah. I'll give you one but... (Smiles mischievously) I'll feed it to you & you feed one to me, deal stud~?

Dean: Ummm okay.

Leslie takes a chocolate cream donut and gives it Dean while she holds up a regular chocolate donut to feed the Saiyan.

Leslie: Now say "Aah~."

Dean: You too.

The two did just that, Dean feeding Leslie the chocolate cream donut while the shockjock feeds the Saiyan the regular chocolate donut, both enjoying the flavor with Leslie uttering a satisfied moan. Zee, Diana and Kara gave them a silent yet fuming glare.

Diana: (in her mind) How dare she...!

Kara: (in her mind) You're stepping in deep water, Les! He's mine-wait a minute? Where did that come from? Nonono, I can't like like the guy or be jealous of anyone with him, especially Leslie of all people!

Zee: (in her mind) That conniving, deceitful punk! If anyone is winning his heart, it's yours truly!

Back to the fight, Doris and Karen were still going at it. Doris was able to catch Karen off guard and give her a couple of solid fists to the face and gut, rattling the short girl. Doris goes for another one, Karen rolls underneath to avoid, hitting a couple of low kicks to the legs of Doris, making her yelp and hop away as she nail another to get Doris to both knees.

Karen then walks over to Doris and hits repeated kneeling shoot kicks to the chest of Doris, taking the meathead's breath away before gearing away in aiming a spin kick for the face but Doris caught the kick and stood up with a raging look and spun Karen around before throwing her into a tree, a pained gasp escaped her lips.

Girls: Karen!

Dean: ...?!

Leslie: She fought well but Beecher's toast. (Eats another donut)

Dean: Don't be so sure...

Karen groans as she slowly got up, breathing heavily and sees Doris running towards on her.

Doris: You can never beat me, Beecher! You're just a weak, puny insect!

Karen had a scared look but then remembered shin's words. It's not just the size and strength of the opponent but the strongest will & use their strength against them. Karen's fear wavered and narrowed her eyes, running towards the charging Doris.

Babs: This is it!

Zee: Karen No!

Dean: ...

Doris rears her fist back and was nail Karen with the finishing blow, it connected but to everyone's surprise... Karen caught the fist with her both hands, clenched it and uses Doris's momentum against her and pull off a judo throw.

Karen: HAAAAAA!!!

That judo throw took Doris off her feet and sends her back first into the tree!

Doris: Ack!

Doris fell upside down on her head, losing consciousness. Her last thought was... Beecher beat her? Once Doris was down, Karen felt to her knees to catch her breath as she was scooped up by Kara joined by Babs, Jessica, Zee and Diana.

Kara: Awesome work, Karen!

Babs: You did it! You actually defeated Doris!

Zee: What a show there!

Jessica: I'm glad you're okay!

Diana: Way to show a true warrior's spirit!

Karen: *Pant* T-Thanks *Pant* I had... a good teacher.

Karen gives Dean a thumbs up with the Saiyan returning it.

Babs: You know what time it is? Celebration time! To Sweet Justice!

The girls cheered and carried Karen out of the park. Dean and Leslie were the only ones here.

Leslie: Can't believe little beecher actually got one over on Doris like that...?

Dean: Yep. The biggest opponent in the fight isn't always the strongest threat. Even the most smallest can be dangerous, you seem calm. You're not mad about what happened to your... friend?

Leslie: Hmmm meh. Doris is my friend and all but the heat with Beecher is mostly hers, not mine. Not gonna lie, I help Doris from time to time to having "fun" with the little bee.

Dean: Like bullying her?

Leslie: (sheepish smile) Kinda...

Dean sighs. Leslie then grabs another donut and eats followed by four more.

Dean: You seem to like donuts a lot.

Leslie: I know... Seriously, I've been having quite a sweet tooth lately. For some reason I can't stop sinking my teeth into various sweets, a few days ago, I entered a chocolate cream pie eating contest wanting the prizes but I was... mesmerized by the desserts, I won.

Dean: Whoa. You did, you don't look like the beastly eater type.

Leslie: I know! After I won, I even ate the other contestants' unfinished pies and nearly bit someone's hand off with said pie in hand!

Dean: Really? I remember Babs and Jess mentioned Diana doing the same thing in her sugar rush in nearly taking off a girl named Lois lane's hand off in a pumpkin pie eating contest.

Leslie: Oh hahaha! I saw that, Prince nearly went crazy running out of pies and went for Lois! That aside, maybe my sweet tooth rush will fade hopefully, don't wanna end up as big as a blimp, haha.

Dean: Yeah, hope you shake it off.

Leslie heads over to pick up the unconscious Doris.

Leslie: Well better get meathead here back home, knowing her she's not gonna be happy about this when she wakes up.

Dean: Yeah, I'll see ya later Les.

Leslie: See ya later, Deanie-Boy~.

The two went their separate ways. The Saiyan was glad Karen managed to stand up for herself against Doris. Hopefully, this will teach Doris to better herself and not wasting her potential on bullying others.



How wrong he was...

Two problems occured in Metropolis. In the north, a large of those mutant/alien soldiers working with the frost demon were abducting civilians as the Superhero girls were dealing with them. However, another problem arose... It was Doris again but this time, she was out as her villain alter ego Giganta, rampaging in the south. After being defeated by both Dean and her victim Karen, it reeeeally didn't sit well with Doris, who couldn't believe that Karen of all people managed to beat her in a fight, her temper was at raging volcano mode as she pumped up with the growth serum and plans to take her unbridled anger out on the city and anyone who crosses her path.

With the superhero girls busy with one threat, They ask Dean if he could deal with Giganta. He accepted the task, changing into his Saiyan Brawler attire & flew to the south.

In the south, Giganta was seen heavily damaging buildings, throwing vehicles everywhere in causing explosions with people running away in fear.

Giganta: Giganta SMASH!!

Giganta slammed both of her fists into a school bus, splitting it in two to grab and throw at the nearby row of cop cars coming  towards her, some barely dodged while others crashed into other cars and various objects.

Giganta: GRRAAAAAGH!!!

The police were shooting at her but the bullets barely phased her, making the giant Villainess angrier. She picks up two nearby hummer trucks and throws them at the cops, who barely had time to dodge as they were about to be crushed only for a blur to swoop in and block the two incoming vehicles with a barrier which caused the hummers to explode on impact.

The giantess narrowed her eyes at the smoke clearing, seeing the Saiyan Brawler shielding the cops.

Saiyan Brawler: Get out of here, Now!

The cops immediately turned and ran. The Saiyan Brawler glared at the giantess who glared back angrily. He sensed a familiar power signature coming from Giganta.

Saiyan Brawler: (in his mind) So... Like Leslie, Doris is a villain too and a massively big one at that, hence the name Giganta. Seems her strength & power has taken an absolute boost.

Giganta: So you're that new goodie goodie hero Catwoman mentioned? You don't look threatening.

Saiyan Brawler: Name's Saiyan Brawler and I'm an anti-hero, just an ally of the superhero girls.

Giganta: Tch. I don't care what you are, puny man no match for Giganta! (Flexes her beefy arms)

Saiyan Brawler: (in her mind) Power increase, yes. Ego change, no. (to Giganta) Well Giganta, you haven't faced anyone like me, if you think you can toss me aside so easily, be my guest.

Giganta: Grrrr!

Giganta runs at Saiyan Brawler, who rears back his fist and launched it at Giganta, who launched her fist to connect with his, causing a massive shockwave to rattle the city and shatter the glass of the building.

Giganta grabs the Saiyan's fist and spins him around a couple of times before letting him go to throw across the road but he stopped midway, forming energy in hand to fire a massive ki beam fired at Giganta, who crosses her arms defensively with her steel armbands to block the beam on connects, she grunts as the beam pushes her back halfway across town.

Saiyan Brawler flies towards Giganta, who recovers and picks up a truck full of meat and threw it at him, the anti-hero formed a blade of ki and slices it in two, Giganta threw more large objects at the Saiyan Brawler who continued to cut & slice them down until he was tackled by Giganta. She would deliver a couple of solid fists to the Saiyan who retaliate in counters and his own brand of punches and kicks, backflipping away from the giantess before flying back to hit a straight kick to Giganta's face, sending her stumbling back but she didn't go down.

She was even angrier.

Giganta: Oh now You've done it!

She runs at Saiyan Brawler who stands his ground, both readying a fist and connected them with each other's faces, followed by exchanging an assortment of strong and solid punches to one another, emitting shockwaves throughout the city from the forces of the hits.

Saiyan Brawler was actually getting impressed, Doris/Giganta's strength and punches did kinda hit closer to home than in their first fight, while he doesn't like her for her mistreatment of Karen and bigger is always better ego/attitude, he can be give credit for strength where it's due.

Giganta grabs him and begins to slam him repeatedly into the ground but Saiyan Brawler managed to get loose from the hold and launched forward, nailing Giganta with a vicious headbutt.

Giganta: Gaauh!!

Saiyan Brawler then hits an uppercut to send the giantess flying in the air. Turning into a super saiyan, the anti-hero flew into the air after her, tackling the giantess with a lethal powered combo of martial arts hits and was about to drop her to the ground but Giganta reversed him and grabs the Saiyan in her giant clutch.


She drove the Saiyan deep into the ground with an earth shattering thud, rattling the area as she repeatedly pounded him in the ground. The smoke clears as Giganta picks up the Saiyan Brawler by the neck.

Giganta: Heh. Not bad, you actually hurt me there but whatever this blonde haired, glow trick is, it still won't be a match for Giganta!

Saiyan Brawler: Hehe, not bad... Faced opponents bigger than you...

Giganta: (narrowed her eyes) What was that you said, "You haven't faced anyone like me" (grins smugly) you're not so tough, are you? Cuz you've never fought a strong woman like me!

Saiyan Brawler: Well you know what they say... Challenges are not always gonna be easy. I guess I'm gonna have to start fighting seriously.

Giganta: What?

Saiyan Brawler: HRRAAAAAH!!!

His ki flared immensely which sends a burning sensation to Giganta's grip, making the giantess yelp as her grip was broken. She watched as the Saiyan Brawler was yelling at the top of his lungs, his ki powered up exponentially, veins forming on parts of his body, his pupils vanishing and his golden yellow aura slowly turning an emerald green.

Saiyan Brawler: RAAAAAAGGH!!!!!

Green ki exploded out of his body, Giganta braced herself from the blast as metropolis was engulfed by a vibrant dome of green energy before it returned to normal. The smoke clears with the cracks in the road as Giganta turns to the Saiyan Brawler but was shocked by his transformation. The Saiyan Brawler was taller and his body increased greatly in muscle mass, his skin was pale, his eyes were a pupiless white, his hair was slightly long & spikier with a green color and green ki surrounded him.

Giganta was mesmerized by the Saiyan's form, one part of her was scared as the Saiyan Brawler was staring a hole through her with those soulless white eyes & the power radiating from him while the other part of her was... impressed and strangely infatuated by him. He throws his cloak aside and frowned darkly under his mouth mask.

Saiyan Brawler: (low and ominous tone) I don't usually bring out this form unless it's for worldly threats but for you... I'll make an exception for this lesson.

Giganta snaps out of her trance and glared at the Saiyan.

Saiyan Brawler: This is my Legendary Super Saiyan form, your chances of winning just went out of the window.

Giganta: Heh, you got big and bulky but I'm still bigger and stronger than you!

Saiyan Brawler: .... Don't think being bigger and taller will help you survive me!

Saiyan Brawler yelled with immense ki, charging at Giganta and connected a massive punch to her gut, making her spew saliva with some blood.

Giganta: Agh!!

He continues with unleashing a gatling of ferocious punches and kicks to the giantess before delivering a jaw shattering uppercut to knock Giganta in the air, he vanished and appeared in the air above Giganta and close both fists to slam them into the villainess's back, driving her deep into the ground with a crater forming thud. Green ki orbs formed in his hands with Saiyan Brawler firing them at the downed Giganta, the area engulfed in explosions.

He went deep into the explosion and with tremendous force, it depleted upon Saiyan Brawler slamming his foot into Giganta's gut, the crater forming deep beneath her & the ground shaking.


Saiyan Brawler: Still think I'm weak because I'm smaller than you, Giantess...?

The Legendary Super Saiyan got off and delivered a fierce kick to the side, sending Giganta across the damaged road landing on her back. She groans holding her side as she felt deep pain, slowly getting up to brush off the damages, seeing Saiyan Brawler slowly and menacingly approaching her. She was starting to feel afraid of him but Giganta tries to cast the fear aside, overcoming it with anger.

Giganta: No... I won't lose, not again...!

Giganta clenched her fists as Saiyan Brawler was approaching quickly now, the two then lunged at each other, delivering ferocious blows to one another. Saiyan Brawler hits another massive punch to the giantess, earning a pained gasp from Giganta, who tried to ignore the pain and delivered a massive punch of her own to the Legendary Saiyan's gut. His left eye twitched as he delivered another punch to the gut of Giganta who would grunt and hit the Saiyan with another one. The two would repeatedly punch each other in the gut immensely (A/N: Like Piccolo vs #17) until Saiyan Brawler hits a straight kick up Giganta's jaw and a spinning green ki blast to her chest and knock her out of the park to an abandoned shop, destroying it in a huge explosion.

Saiyan Brawler grins under his mask but it quickly became a serious frown, seeing Giganta stumbling out of the fires, her body was taking damage & her breathing was rigid but she was still trying to stand.

Saiyan Brawler: I say you are a persistent one... you are strong enough but you have a long way to go to keep up with me. Just give up & surrender.

Giganta glares at the saiyan in complete rage, her eyes and visible veins glowing orange and her teeth gritted. She runs to the legendary saiyan, rearing back with her fist to land a huge punch but Saiyan Brawler caught it and hip toss the giantess aside with her rolling into the damaged roads.

Saiyan Brawler: (calm tone) Just Stand Down. You can't beat me, Giganta.

Giganta slowly got up, breathing rapidly and roughly before slamming her fists into the ground, roaring furiously.


Saiyan Brawler sighs, seeing Giganta charging at him again. The two continue to go at it again, trading fierce blows and solid attacks but Giganta was soon getting overwhelmed by the legendary saiyan's strength and combo strikes, catching the gigantic villainess off guard with an opening, forming a bright fire green ki orb in hand.

Giganta: (in her mind) This can't be real! I'm the strongest, I'M THE STRONGEST-

Saiyan Brawler: EMERALD BLAZE BOMB!!!

He connected the orb technique with Giganta, who yelled out in pain from the burning sensation as the attack erupted in a fiery explosion which illuminated metropolis in it's glow. Later, the glow of the attack depleted as smoke covered the area with the Saiyan Brawler still standing. The smoke clears as Giganta was down and out, her body heavily damaged with scorch marks on parts of her body, her attire more tattered and her hair messier.

Saiyan Brawler: It is done. She's still alive though, kinda. If I killed her, Les wouldn't like that now. Despite her being a bully, I couldn't take away sparky's best friend. I'll leave her for the cops.

Saiyan Brawler turns and walks away.


He stopped and turned his head slowly & to his surprise... Giganta was slowly getting back up. The saiyan could not believe it, after all that, the giant villainess was still trying to continue, it was a losing battle. Once Giganta was fully back to her feet, The Legendary Saiyan was about to start again but... He stopped.

Saiyan Brawler: ....?!

His eyes widened a bit staring up at Giganta, who's eyes were white with no pupils and slowly raising her fists, barely trying to keep her balance.

Saiyan Brawler: (in his mind) .... She's not even conscious yet she's still raring to go... never know she had that kind of will. (slowly closed his eyes) In a way, I was wrong about you, Doris...


At Dean's house...

Leslie was there with Mallory on a special vlog, holding her phone on a selfie stick.

Leslie: (smirks) And there you have it, fellow shockateers! A strange device (holds up a scouter) was found at the scene of when a local was about to abducted! And here's my witness/victim of the abduction!

Mallory: Yep. When I was getting the old car of mine fixed in the shop when something up & tried to grab me, it wasn't human that's for sure. (smirks) But it wasn't gonna take this gal as I had a weapon on me (a plasma knife) & I got the creep, it got away but it dropped this object here (points to the scouter)

Leslie: (to the screen on her vlog) You heard it here, are there more aliens besides Supergirl and the boy scout (Superman) on this earth? Stay tuned for more shocking surprises!

She finished the vlog video.

Leslie: Thanks for making a vlog appearance.

Mallory: It was nothing really, Criminals human or not (pulls out the plasma knife) I will skewer them where it hurts.

Leslie: Tricked out knife you got there, where'd you get it?

Mallory: My sis Margaret made it, apart of her numerous inventions.

Leslie: Mind if I see it?

Mallory: Sure.

She hands her the plasma knife, the shockjock does a few good swings, slashes and stabs. An idea popped in her head as she added electricity to the plasma knife, making the blade extent a bit like a sword.

Leslie: Oh I gotta get me one of these.

Mallory: Keep it then, I have like 59 of those.

Leslie: (grins) Sweet!

Then the news blared up, showing the fight between Saiyan Brawler and Giganta along with the destruction which was caused during that fight, some sending good comments about the Saiyan while most sent bad comments about him along with being more of a menace than Giganta, that he's dangerous. However, video shows a hooded figure (Shin) appeared with Saiyan Brawler holding the unconscious Giganta, the figure unleashed a massive ray of white light.... which cleared as He, The Saiyan Brawler and Giganta were nowhere to be found as the damages of Metropolis was repaired like it never happened, confusing everyone & wondering what's going on?

Leslie: Doris...

The two heard footsteps and turn to the back where Shin came in followed by Saiyan Brawler, who was carrying Giganta now back to her normal form as Doris, completely injured & unconscious.

Leslie: Doris!

The Saiyan places Doris on the couch, Leslie quickly going over to the fallen giant.

Leslie: Doris, c'mon joke's over! You're okay, right?! Right?! Wake up! C'mon meathead wake up!

Mallory: (to Saiyan Brawler) Nephew, is she on your hit list...?

Saiyan Brawler: No. She's not dead.

Leslie heard this and sighs in relief, turning to the Saiyan, seeing his wounds from the fight. Shin calls in Dunne, who walks towards the fallen Doris.

Leslie: What is the slug guy doing?

Saiyan Brawler said nothing as Dunne brought his hands above Doris, said hands glowing on Doris and to the shockjock's surprise, Doris's injuries, scars and battle damages started to vanish with her body all good as new.

Leslie: You... Healed her?

Mallory: Of course he did, you forgot that namekian healed the hole that majin mad sorceress blew at my chest, right?

Leslie: Oh right.

Dunne heads over to the Saiyan and heals his wounds as well.

Saiyan Brawler: Thanks.

Dunne: You're welcome.

Saiyan Brawler: (to Leslie) When Doris wakes up, the three of us need to talk.

The Saiyan heads upstairs as Leslie was silent, looking at the unconscious Doris on the couch.



Doris jolted up awake.

Doris: Agh! What the?! Where-

Leslie: Easy there meathead! Relax!

Doris looks around, seeing herself in a bed and within a guest room in the saiyan's home, wearing a black shirt and white tracksuit pants. Leslie was sitting by her side on the bed, watching flicks on the flat screen TV.

Doris: Leslie, Where am I?! And who clothes are these?!

Leslie: Well your clothes were destroyed in that fight you lost so the Saiyan Brawler brought you to his home, got you healed up and extra clothes, don't worry, I was the one who dressed ya.

Doris: What?! That Saiyan Brawler freak! Where is he?!

Dean's voice: Here.

A knock on the door was heard, Leslie yelled to come in. The door opens as Dean himself walked in, Doris's eyes narrowed with a glare.

Doris: What are you doing here?!

Dean: I live here.

Doris: But this is that Saiyan freak's home! Where is he anyway?!

Dean: I'm right in front of you.

Doris: Stop playing games with me or I'll-

Leslie: Oh for the love of... Meathead, Dean is the Saiyan Brawler. One in the same.

Doris couldn't believe it, she lost to this guy twice! In a regular fight as Doris and in a powered fight as Giganta. How strong is he?

Dean: Doris or would you prefer Giganta, we need to talk.

Doris: (glares) What? You wanna gloat now of how you beat me in a fight twice or how Beecher managed to get one over on me, calling me weak?! Is that it?!

Dean: What? No. I ain't trying to do any of those things. Plus, I only helped Karen in teaching her self defense, not to show off or gloat.

Doris: Liar!

Doris felt a hand on hers, turning to Leslie who had a serious look.

Leslie: He's not lying Doris. Just hear him out.

Doris growls only for a second before giving in with a sigh.

Doris: Fine...

Dean: As I see it, you're a villain as well, like Leslie was.

Doris: Was? Don't you mean is?

Leslie: Doris... (Looks away) I quit being a villain.

Doris: You what? Why?

Leslie: I don't know if you saw on the news about me but...

Leslie bit her lip and came clean, telling Doris everything what happened in her fight with the Saiyan & her greatest humiliation as well as the Saiyan defending her from the laughing crowd, giving her a second chance.

Doris: I can't believe that happened to you but now what? You're a goodie goodie hero now?

Leslie: Hey, I quit yes but I'm not going goodie two shoes, alright?

Dean: She's telling the truth, Doris.

Doris turns to Dean.

Dean: I had this talk with Leslie before, while she was in that horrible position, where she can dish out humiliation she couldn't take it back as it was now directed at her... The emotions she showed when everyone was laughing at her, does a bad, sadistic person ever shed tears?

Doris turns to Leslie, the shockjock looked away embarrassed.

Dean: It proved despite everything she did, those emotions didn't lie. Leslie was still human even for being the vile person she once was. I only kill those who irredeemable and don't have those traits, which is why I didn't take her life. I didn't kill you in our fight because one, Leslie would hate for her best friend to go & two, like Leslie did, you must have a reason why you are the way you are as a bully & a villain.

Doris: .... You wouldn't understand...

Dean: Then help me understand.

Doris: Why do you suddenly care? I thought you hate people like me.

Dean: In general, yes. I hate bullies, high & mighty people, the list goes on but I wanna help you. To get to know you and that way maybe we can push this grudge aside.

Doris was silent for a moment before she made up her mind to speak.

Doris: I bully and I smash people & things because I was overcompensating for deep insecurities. On a quest for perfectionism and an overpowering fear of not being good enough...

Leslie: Doris...

Dean: ....

Doris: I know, I'm not the smartest person here, that's mostly my folks & Beecher's department. I only want to better myself the only way I can. I just... I hate being weak!

Dean: But you're not weak.

Doris turns to the Saiyan, shocked by what he said.

Dean: Well I'm not gonna pretend your deeds are... okay but in a way, I was wrong about you, Doris. You're actually one of the strongest people I've fought. While our first fight was one sided with me holding back, the second one was quite an exciting one. You actually had me go into my Legendary Super Saiyan form to teach you a lesson about being the biggest opponent in the fight isn't always the best but despite everything, you were able to keep up the fight with that fire in you even though you were unconscious, you got up trying to prove yourself.

Doris: Well I uhh.. ehehe.

Dean: You have potential Doris but you don't have to use it to bully others, cause mindless destruction or be bigger & badder to silence your insecurities and fears. You're strong, fierce and have quite the fire & ambition. Whether you want to be hero or not is your choice Doris, but you can use your powers & your skills to do better things other than villainy. I believed in Leslie when I gave her this second chance, I hope to believe in you too.

Doris couldn't believe what she was hearing from the Saiyan, this guy actually believes in her after everything she did? That genuine look on Dean's face & those words of his was enough to make the athletic girl blush. She quickly shook her head to come back to her senses.

Doris: Alright, alright. Fine, stop trying to butter me up, ya weird jerk. (Trying to hide her blush) I'll give this second chance a shot but I ain't on no hero wagon, got it?!

Dean: Of course.

Doris: And... You're strong too... (grumbles) I wanna fight again someday.

Dean: (smiles) Neat. I hope to fight you again too. We can train & get stronger together, hehe!

Doris blushed even harder, train together?! Become stronger together?! Her heart was racing now as a fire lit up in her, trying to ignore it but it proved difficult.

Leslie: So this legendary super saiyan is a real doozy, huh?

Dean: Yeah, one of my powerful transformation. It was extremely difficult to control & you don't want to know the crazy details... but I mastered it.

Leslie: How does it look, I saw the news but not a whole lot of the form since technical difficulties and sloppy camera angles.

Dean: I can't transform in this house, don't want to ruin it. But I have a picture of myself in it when I was vacationing with my old friends & aunts.

Dean pulls out his phone, going to photo gallery and shows Leslie the picture of himself as the legendary super saiyan at the beach with his old friends, the shockjock was absolutely overwhelmed seeing Dean in that form wearing black cargo shorts, flexing behind three teens she didn't. recognized. Leslie was as red as a tomato with wide eyes, covering her nose which starts to bleed.

Dean: (confused & concerned) You okay there, Leslie?

Leslie: Uhhhh... Y-Yes! I-I uhhh Bathroom, gotta go! (Runs out of the room, bleeding nose still covered)

Doris: Heh. Not bad. (In her mind) I fought him in that form & now seeing that picture, you can grind hamburger meat on those abs... Wait, what am I saying?!

Dean: Well, my aunts are cooking dinner downstairs. If you want, you can join us. All that fighting and resting must've worked up an appetite.

On que, Doris's stomach grumbled.

Doris: Well, if it's good food then I'll eat.

Dean: Okay. See ya downstairs.

Dean heads out of the room, leaving Doris to her thoughts. This feeling was growing stronger as the athletic girl couldn't explain it. It was like a fire arose inside of her, burning even more in resolve and passion from the saiyan's words on account.

Leslie's voice: Doris c'mon! Get a move on or I'll eat your share!

Doris: .... Oh hell no! You better not, Leslie! Stay away from my food!

Doris runs out of her room, still thinking.

Doris: (in her mind) Maybe with this chance, I can get even better & even stronger, strong enough to beat him & maybe... be with him? Huh, I wonder if he likes big & strong girls?

To be continued...

(Chapter 8 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! This is the third interaction with one of the Saiyan Brawler's six love interests on the villain side with Doris Zuel aka Giganta, starting with a conflict with Karen only for the Saiyan to defeat the bully, Karen learning under Dean & his grandfather Shin to learn martial arts to defend herself against Doris, each superhero girl will learn too, Karen being the first pupil. Leslie has been showing odd signs of craving sweets, wonder what's causing that, hmmm? Giganta & Saiyan Brawler had a fierce fight with the Saiyan debuting his legendary super saiyan form & while Giganta/Doris lost the fight, Dean still gave Doris credit for her strength, fire & resolve, wanting to help her as she opened up to him while gaining another chance & a secret crush along the way. Doris is the third love interest to interact with Dean/Dakora. Who do you think is next? Kara, Zee or Barbi? Find out in due time, next chapter is going to be a fight between the Saiyan Brawler and.... Superman. This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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