Saiyan Brawler vs Superman
7 days have passed since the battle with Giganta, after Doris opened up to the Saiyan and was a given a chance to put her potential to better use, she too quit being a villain but wasn't gonna be a hero upon seeing it as overrated in her & Leslie's opinion. However, given the acknowledgement for her strength, fierceness and resolve from the Saiyan in their second fight, this lit a fire in Doris along with some passionate feelings to want to train with Dean, hoping to fight & defeat him someday while also wanting to get better to be with him.
Doris: So... You come from a race of strong warriors who love to fight?
Dean: Uh-huh.
Doris: (smirks) Sounds like my kind of people.
Dean was currently taking a walk with Doris and Leslie as Dean explained his origin to the punk & athlete.
Leslie: Gotta say, this veggie king (insulting king vegeta) and the ice lizard (insulting Frieza) need to get the pompous & royal stick out of their asses. And has this Frieza always been such an edge lord?
In universe 7...
A certain tyrant sneezes while sitting on his throne, getting the strangest feeling someone was talking about him.
Dean laughs.
Leslie: The way I see it, this guy is all blah blah blah filthy monkeys blah blah blah all saiyans must die blah blah blah the entire universe is mine, the almighty lord Frieza & all that crap, hahaha!
Dean laughs even more.
Dean: That's him, that's definitely him! Hahahahaha!
Doris: Hahahahaha!
Universe 7...
The same familiar tyrant kept sneezing, someone was definitely talking about him and he was getting annoyed, shooting a beam from his finger through a nearby soldier's chest falling dead with the others cowering in fear.
Dean then got a text from Mallory and a big smile appeared on his face.
Dean: Yes!
Doris: What?
Leslie: Something on your mind?
Dean: Aunt Mallory sent me great news, gotta get going. Wanna come see?
Leslie: Eh, sure. Why not?
Doris: Whatever.
The three went on their way. Dean got direction of the location Mallory sent him, heading down the street, taking a few turns left & right throughout each corner until their run came to an end, seeing a well traditional, decorated black, white and pale blue trim and outlined dojo building with a grand sign & a mystic looking silver & white dragon symbol on it.
Shin, Margaret, Mallory and the six girls were there.
Mallory: Nephew, glad you could make it!
Margaret: Shin has finally opened up this dojo, the Sacred Silver Dragon.
Shin: In it's grand opening.
Dean: Sweet!
Babs: It looks amazing! I gotta see the inside! C'mon, let's go go go!
Diana: A glorious place to train and forge great warriors, bringing out their sheer strength and potential.
Zee: Quite a traditional sense of decor, reminds me of my favorite sushi place.
Leslie: Seems your grandpa went all out of the old Hong Kong style class, huh?
Doris: Eh, not bad.
Kara: (narrows her eyes) And what are you two doing here?
Diana: (warning glare) And if you're here to cause trouble to this grand opening then I suggest you leave or you shall be punished for your misdeeds.
Leslie: Easy, easy uptight greek queen. We're not here for trouble... (Sly smile) unless you want some...?
The six girls glared at her.
Leslie: No takers? Well that aside, Doris and I were just hanging with Dean over here.
Zee: I get you and Darling Dean are friends, it boggles the mind of how a charming guy and a slick, juvenile punk can co-exist.
Leslie: (offended) Hey!
Zee: (to Dean, stern stare) But now you befriended Doris? Darling, I know we can't tell you to pick your friends but have you forgotten about what she does & how she tormented dear Karen?
Dean: (places his hands up in defense) Zee, I assure you that I have not forgotten about that but Doris & I had a talk, coming to an understanding. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't have befriended her or Leslie. Also, Doris... Do you have anything to say to Karen?
Doris groans in annoyance, grumbling as she walks towards the young bee hero. Karen kept up her guard in case her tormentor would try anything, considering that she defeated Doris, Karen would think she would be out for revenge.
But what happened next wasn't the case.
Doris: I'm sorry... okay? I won't... bully you again.
Dean noticed the strain in Doris's apology but it wasn't a false one. The six girls, Karen especially was shocked by the sudden apology. Doris doesn't apologize for anything, ever. Doris then gives Karen a rough pat on the back, making her yelp.
Doris: Heh. And good throw ya had on me, maybe you're not so weak after all, small still but not so weak.
Karen: Umm, thank you?
Babs: Doris apologizing and complementing Karen... We're in a paradox! A parallel universe, keep a look out for your counterparts, they could be evil while this Doris is nice-
Doris: (angry) If you don't shut it, I will shove you in that trash can and roll you down a hill!
Babs hid behind Kara with a scared "Meep!"
Kara: Nope Babs, she's the same Doris.
Babs: (whispers to Kara) Do you think Doris might have powers like Leslie does as Livewire?
Kara: (whispers back) Ha. That'll be the day.
Doris crosses her arms.
Dean: Work in progress.
Doris: Hmph.
Margaret: My word. The impulsiveness and angry outbursts on her...
Mallory: Hehe, love her already. Nephew needs some rivals here and this one's got grit & attitude, hahaha.
Doris: Who are you three?
Mallory: Name's Mallory and this is my sis, Margaret. And the old man is Shin, grandfather of Dean and we're the aunts.
Doris: Aren't you two a bit young to be aunts?
Margaret: We get that a lot. We've taken care of Dean as foster guardians ever since... our deal sister, the foster mother Selene & her husband was murdered in Gotham...
Doris and Leslie winced, especially seeing a dark look in Dean's eyes.
Diana: Friend Dean?
Jessica: Are you alright?
Zee: Darling?
Leslie: Deanie-Boy, you good?
Dean: ...Sorry. I gotta go. Uhhhh, enjoy the dojo grand opening. I'll come back shortly.
Margaret: Okay, be careful.
Dean nodded and walks away, everyone watching him go with concerned and worried looks.
Shin: Give him time to settle. It's never easy to get over losing ones you care about. Let us head inside.
Shin heads inside the dojo with Margaret, Mallory, the six girls, Doris and Leslie following behind him.
Dean was taking a walk by himself, in a funk. While he moves on, the saiyan has never forgotten about his foster parents Selene and Akira. Besides his Saiyan family, they were the closest to him and were innocent people, yet they were struck down by an unknown assailant and what for? He was 13 years old back then & if he learned to sense energy sooner, he would've found the guy & made him pay. While Margaret, Mallory and Shin don't blame him for it, the Saiyan blamed himself still, while he wasn't there during the murder as he was helping a friend out on a project, Dean wishes he could've done something to prevent this.
Mallory and Margaret lost their sister Selene.
Shin lost his son Akira.
And The Saiyan lost both of them as his cherished family.
Dean sighs, walking past a nearby window of an electronics store with multiple TVs showing Metropolis daily planet news with people running away from alien and mutant soldiers, the saiyan recognized them as the ones who tried to capture the three namekians & from what Leslie & Mallory revealed by the scouter one of them dropped, they're the ones kidnapping people & for the frost demon of Frieza's race.
Dean: You guys picked the wrong day...
He flies off.
Downtown Metropolis...
People were running away in fear as group of alien & mutant soldiers flying around, blasting up the place, closing in on various civilians to snatch them up to fly away.
Alien Elite Soldier: Keep it up, fellow soldiers! Our Lord requires more test subjects on the double! Failure is not an option!
All soldiers: Yes Sir!
As they were carrying out their orders to capture more civilians for their master, they were cornered by the sinister minions shaking in terror until two of three soldiers were blasted apart by ki orbs, some shot through the chest by slim ki blasts and in a blur, some was taken out by neck snaps.
Elite Alien Soldier: What the hell?!
The Elite Alien Soldier and his remaining forces look around, their scouters picked up in the air and looked up to see the Saiyan Brawler staring down at them with a cold gaze.
Saiyan Brawler: So... My sources are correct, you're the ones abducting civilians...
The Elite Soldier narrowed his eyes, getting a good look at the guy and spots the tail wrapped around his waist.
Elite Alien Soldier: So you're the surviving Saiyan my lord has been hunting for. This is perfect, saved us the trouble of looking for your simian hide.
Saiyan Brawler: ...
Elite Alien Soldier: And since our last team didn't come back from bringing those nameks, I assume you're the one responsible for that, eh?
Saiyan Brawler was silent. The Elite activated his scouter to get a reading on his power and laughed.
Elite Alien Soldier: Hahaha! Really? A measly power level of 3,000?! That's the best you can do.
The other soldiers laughed along with their leader. The Saiyan Brawler was still silent and unfazed by their mockery.
Elite Alien Soldier: I don't see what our Lord was worried about, this isn't worthy of his time or mine. But maybe we'll let you live if you tell us the location of the nameks & their Jade Star Dragonballs or would you rather tell my lord... once you're before his presence in chains.
Saiyan Brawler: ... Try to make me talk.
Elite Alien Soldier: Foolish. Teach him a lesson!
All soldiers: Right!
All of the soldiers charged at the Saiyan Brawler full force, attacking from all sides with solid & strong punches, fierce kicks and ki blast shots but the anti-hero would block each hit, dodge each blast and counter them with hitting a well timed punch through the chest, a swift kick to snap or decapitate the neck and deliver a couple of ki blasts to incinerate them one by one. The Elite Soldier is wide eyed in shock as his forces were quickly dwindling in mere seconds.
Elite Alien Soldier: I don't believe this, he's... destroying them? But this can't be right, his power level is only 3,000 and my soldiers are at a power level of 19,000. It can't be...
Soon, the group of soldiers were no more, leaving Saiyan Brawler alone to face the Elite Soldier.
Saiyan Brawler: Looks like you're all alone.
Elite Alien Soldier shook off his shock, glaring at the Saiyan.
Elite Alien Soldier: Don't think you have an upper hand saiyan trash, I'm a whole different story than my men! I'll destroy you in an instant!
He charged at each other, exchanging a series of shockwave inducing combo attacks, nearly matching each other blow for blow but the Elite begins to get overwhelmed by the saiyan's attacks, he goes for a ki shot to the face but the saiyan ducks underneath and nails them with an uppercut to the jaw, a spin kick to the gut and finally a left swing to knock him into the ground.
The Elite groans slowly getting up and sees the Saiyan Brawler glaring down at him, making the Elite growl.
Saiyan Brawler: Give up, you can't win.
Elite Alien Soldier: I am an Elite, you're such Saiyan trash! You can't be stronger than me! You can't!
Saiyan Brawler: You rely too much on those scouters, I'm far stronger than that little device can read. Continue to underestimate me and you'll regret it.
The Elite was growling in frustration and rage. Then he started to chuckle slowly before laughing sadistically.
Saiyan Brawler: What's so funny?
Elite Alien Soldier: If you're really that strong then let's see it!
He flew into the air and quickly charged a massive purple ki ball. Saiyan Brawler got ready to defend himself but the Elite grins and fires it down, however, the Saiyan realized that the alien didn't aim it at him, the attack was aimed at the crowd of civilians, who screamed and tried to run from the energy ball.
Saiyan Brawler: ...!! Oh no, you don't!
Powering up, Saiyan Brawler forms two pale blue energy orbs and brings them together to fire a large beam to hit the massive ki ball & drive it upwards into the air, missing the civilians as it was rocketed into the sky, saving them. The Elite appeared behind the Saiyan Brawler with a smug grin and forming a ki blade as he wanted to use the civilians as bait to get the anti-hero to drop his guard in order to strike the fatal blow from behind.
He goes in for the kill to stab the ki blade through the back to the heart...
The Elite Alien Soldier received a backwards kick to the gut, making him spew up a bit of blue blood, falling to his knees. The Saiyan Brawler turn to him with a look of disgust.
Saiyan Brawler: Really? You're that desperate to try to bait innocent people with that attack of yours to get me from behind? Honestly, I'm not surprised, you so called Elites are really a bothersome nuisance.
Elite Alien Soldier: Why Y-You...!
Saiyan Brawler: I take it your master is listening in our... conversation on the scouter? Well here's a message from me... (cold, steel gaze) Your days are numbered...
The Elite Soldier was stuttering with sweat falling down his head as he got up & flew away, Saiyan Brawler kept his gaze and fired a ki beam at the fleeing Elite, who was engulfed & screamed as he was incinerated. The Saiyan Brawler sighs to himself, he heard loud cheers and turns to the crowd of civilians chanting his name and thanking him for saving them, while he doesn't like the fame, Saiyan Brawler would be there to help out the innocent and as for the Frost Demon... He has a feeling that he'll be seeing that vile Frieza like monster soon...
???: So We finally meet, Saiyan Brawler.
Saiyan Brawler turns around to see someone floating behind him, arms crossed. A very tall, good looking young man with light fair skin, short blueish black hair with a front side curl, sky blue eyes and an impressive muscular body. He was wearing a red cape, a light blue, red and yellow bodysuit, tights and boots while having an S symbol on the chest.
This was Clark Kent aka Kal-El aka Superman, Metropolis' most recognized & beloved hero and Kara/Supergirl's cousin.
Saiyan Brawler stared at the kryptonian's serious gaze with his own.
Saiyan Brawler: So you're this Superman I've heard so much about?
Superman: So you've heard of me?
Saiyan Brawler: Yeah, mostly by reputation and that your cousin had some... choice words to say about you.
Superman made a mental note to talk to Kara later but gets back on track to why he's here.
Superman: I've been watching your... battles and even the teams up with my cousin & her friends and though I appreciate your intentions, murder is where I draw the line.
Saiyan Brawler: Murder?
Superman: Killing off criminals and villains doesn't make you a hero. Sure, they were bad guys but taking their lives isn't the way of justice, it isn't the morals of a real hero. I'm sure a young, inexperienced, troubled teenage boy like yourself doesn't understand what you're doing is wrong, if you keep on doing this, you'll be no better than the villains & everyone will fear you than rather praise you.
Saiyan Brawler stared at Superman for a moment before laughing. It wasn't an evil one, an insane one or sadistically, it was just a funny, genuine one.
Superman: (narrows his eyes) And what exactly is so funny?
Saiyan Brawler: Oh nothing. Some things you're right about; Young teenage boy, got it. Troubled, kinda but I handle it well. But inexperienced... Don't assume that I'm new to this whole thing...
Superman: You don't know what you're doing, you're basically a potential threat to Metropolis if you aren't stopped.
Saiyan Brawler: Really... I'm a threat to Metropolis? I'm afraid you're mistaken there, big blue. I'm not aiming to kill innocent people so if you think those bad guys I took out were innocent, you're even more stupid than your front curled hairstyle.
Superman: Did you just insult my look?
Saiyan Brawler: You see Superman, I respect the morals of what the superhero girls and even the Invinci-bros & you have done to protect others from villains. I even believe that justice can be served the right way to either face prison time for their crimes or some who want/need help & means of redemption.
Superman: Then you must-
Saiyan Brawler: But... That only applies to various individuals who have emotions, attributes and traits of truly being human under their dark sides, it's what I saw in Catwoman, Livewire and Giganta despite their acts of theft, emotional humiliation & senseless destruction, they have no blood on their hands, I saw means of humanity in them which is why I didn't kill them. Call it my... specialty if you will.
Superman was surprised.
Saiyan Brawler: However, There are various types of criminals and villains who threw away their humanity in different ways, who have no such morals, emotions, don't regret the actions they cause or the people they mercilessly hurt & killed cuz not everyone can be saved.
Superman: (glares) That still doesn't make it right to execute them! There are other ways to handle the matter, not execution!
Saiyan Brawler: (glares back) Have you not listened to a word I said? I only kill when it's necessary against those who are irredeemable and too dangerous to live. Wake up, this isn't a world of black & white, there are gray areas... not every criminal or villain can be reasoned with or contained, I've come across & killed those in my days in Gotham to know what's up, even Red Hood & various others agreed with what I'm talking about. Scarecrow, Black Mask, Bronze Scorn and even those were aligned with the frost demon, member of the race of the galactic tyrant Frieza...
Superman: Frieza? Intergalactic tyrant? I haven't heard of anyone like him.
Saiyan Brawler: Of course you haven't, I'm from a different world and this tyrant and his kind are absolutely vile, cruel and evil... The numbers of planets conquered and/or destroyed, the countless people he mercilessly killed... And a member of his clan are here somewhere in Metropolis, getting his men to abduct people & plans to rule this universe starting with your planet.
Superman: Likely story, how do I know what you say is true? What if you trying to mislead me to get out of being brought in. You come with me quietly, we'll found out the truth.
Saiyan Brawler sighs.
Saiyan Brawler: I don't expect you to believe me but I'm not surrendering to you. If you get in my way, I won't hold back.
Superman: Then I guess Talking's not gonna work.
Saiyan Brawler vanished, Superman looks around for him but he appears behind him.
Saiyan Brawler: My thoughts exactly.
Superman turns around and hits a powerful fist to the Saiyan Brawler, who caught the kryptonian's punch, sending out a shockwave through the city. Superman would go on the offensive with a couple of strong fists while Saiyan Brawler would stay on the defensive, blocking & catching his punches. Saiyan Brawler caught Superman's punch and grips it and judo throw him into the ground only for the kryptonian to stop midway and fired beams of his eyes to send the Saiyan into the air.
Superman flies up after the Saiyan, delivering punch after punch to the face and gut before hitting a solid left fist to the face, knocking him a few feet away in the air. The Kryptonian went on guard as Saiyan Brawler slowly turned to look at the hero.
Saiyan Brawler: Not bad. Not bad at all. For a showboater who loves the spotlight to boost his egotism, you sure aren't that bad as Metropolis' greatest hero.
Superman: Not dignifying that other part, I have sworn to keep this city & the world safe from harm & you're one of those who would cause harm to it.
Saiyan Brawler: You're persistent, making me repeat myself. I'm not a hero but I'm not a bad guy either, I'm not in it for the spotlight or fame, I do what must be done. And I don't need a last summer superboy telling me otherwise.
Superman: (getting annoyed) Agh, it was two summers ago! When is Kara gonna let that go or stop telling others?
Saiyan Brawler laughs.
Superman: Ok... Now I'm getting peeved.
Superman exhales air from his lungs and unleashed his Super Breath upon the Saiyan Brawler, who braces himself as the gale forced attack hit him as he was not only being pushed back but parts of his body were getting frozen until he was fully encased in ice, falling from the sky and into an open area of an unattended construction site east of the city. Superman floats back to the surface to see the ice encased Saiyan.
Superman: That should hold him, now to get him to the maximum security prison-
Superman was cut off when he noticed the ice begin to form more cracks followed by streams of gold light shooting out until it was completed shattered with great force, Superman braces himself from the ice and light, glancing forward with narrowed eyes to see Saiyan Brawler in his Super Saiyan form with a serious look.
Saiyan Brawler: Okay Man of Steel. Round 1 is yours, now let's begin Round 2.
He flew at the Man of Steel as a massive clash unfolds.
Back at the Sacred Silver Dragon dojo...
Diana: Hraaaah!!
Doris: Rraaagggh!!
Diana and Doris were testing their might on training mannequins, The Amazon delivering strong and well timed punches, kicks and lethal combo attacks while the giantess metahuman was unloading on the mannequin with solid fists, boxing hits, clubbing blows and forearm strikes.
Soon, the two stopped.
Diana: This mannequin is quite durable than any training dummy I've ever practiced on.
Doris: I actually agree with ya on that, most dummies I've practiced with would break.
Mallory: Well not these ones, girls. With Margaret's work & infusing the mannequin with one of the perfect materials, ya got yourself a brilliant, very durable punching machine that won't break, get old, etc.
Kara: Sweet, mind if I take it for a spin?
Shin: Be my guest.
Kara then goes to deliver a punch that sends the mannequin across the dojo into the walls, surprisingly, the mannequin didn't break.
Kara: I gotta get me one of these!
Shin: Karen Beecher, please step forward.
Karen does so, a bit confused but presented herself. Shin then called for Margaret, who came by rolling in something hidden under a white cloth.
Shin: Seeing as you were the first in Metropolis to start as my student, for you have a long way to go yet your progress is improving. We like to present you with a gift for a pupil.
Margaret unveils the cloth, revealing the surprise with the girls, especially Karen's eyes widened. It a mannequin about Karen's height & size but it was garbed in a custom made black & yellow GI uniform sweater with the Japanese kanji symbol for Bumblebee on the left front while the silver dragon symbol is on the back, honeycomb patterns were on the lower parts of the sleeves, black armbands, black belt & pants, black socks and yellow sandals.
Karen: Whoa...
Babs: It looks wonderful! You got your own GI Karen!
Zee: My word, it looks truly astonishing! The design and trims with the color and theme is truly you, dear.
Margaret: Shin and I worked on drawing the designs while sending them to a friend of mine, who is a marvelous fashionista to bring this to life.
Leslie: (rolls her eyes) Definitely makes ya look like a Queen Bee.
Mallory: So... Whatta ya think?
Karen: I-I love it! Thank you so much!
Shin: It was no problem.
Babs: (bouncing up & down with a big smile and stars in her eyes) Can you make us a special gi too?! Can you take us as your students and teach us too?! Please?!?!?!
Before Shin could speak, Jessica interjects.
Jessica: Ummm everyone, you may want to see this.
The girls, Shin, Mallory, Margaret, Leslie and Doris joined Jessica in seeing the news on TV.
News reporter: This is Metropolis daily planet news with a shocking discovery. As you see, several civilians were just saved from the strange extraterrestrial species in odd warrior attire by The Saiyan Brawler. While the civilians are saved by the vigilante, the Saiyan Brawler was seen in a confrontation with Metropolis' most recognized hero, Superman. A massive brawl has broke out between the Man of Steel and the Vigilante.
Kara: (outraged) What?!?!
The video shows both Superman and Saiyan Brawler (in super saiyan) flying around to clash with each other, exchanging numbers of fierce blows and firing eye beams and ki blasts at one another.
Zee: What does your cousin-(nearly forgot Leslie & Doris were here) I-I mean Superman think he's doing?!
Kara: How should I know?! (In her mind) Man, he's going all out against Clark?! What am I, chopped liver?! He never fought me like that & only got the drop on me in seconds! Grrrr!!
Diana: Margaret, Mallory and Shin, we have to go immediately! Congratulations on the grand opening of your dojo!
The three knew what the six girls were going to do and nodded in agreement. Diana and her friends then ran out of the dojo.
Doris: Hey, where you going?!
Leslie: Damn boy scout (Superman)... Doris, let's go!
Doris: What for?
Leslie: To help, duh!
Doris: Why?
Leslie: (sighs) We're not helping the heroes, we're helping Dean. Plus, do you really wanna hear the news about supes beating the saiyan brawler?
Doris groans, hearing praise about the superhero girls was cramping enough but Superman was a bigger showboater, she would never hear the end of the kryptonian's praise.
Leslie: (smirks) And it'll be nice knock that boy scout down a peg.
Doris smirks in return, cracking her knuckles.
Doris: Oh I'm up for that.
Mallory: Well what are you two waiting for? Go help my nephew and lay the smackdown on that alien pretty boy!
The two former villains left.
Margaret: I hope this doesn't end in disaster, while Superman is a hero, we don't want Dean to end up-
Mallory: You worry too much, Margie. Nephew won't kill the guy, heroes aren't on the hit list unless false heroes count. Plus, he loves a challenge & he won't let something like this do him in.
Shin: Trust in him, Margaret. He will be fine.
Margaret: Okay.
Back to the fight...
Superman and Saiyan Brawler were going at it with a decisive battle, both exchanging an assortment of strong and solid blows to each other, dishing out combo attacks and flying in to charge each other in a shockwave of clashes, Superman also firing laser eye beams while Saiyan Brawler was firing ki blasts at the Man of Steel.
Superman: (attacking) Give it up, you can't beat me! Just do the right thing and surrender!
Saiyan Brawler: (attacking) You make it sound like you've already won. Heh, you won't exactly know until I try and surrender... Not happening.
The two kept going at it, dealing out damage to one another until Saiyan Brawler vanished. Superman looked all over for him until he reappeared to the left, right and front of him, the Man of Steel fired eye lasers at the three saiyan brawlers which vanished as they were afterimages, catching the kryptonian off guard with a solid left look to the jaw.
Superman grunts, returning a punch to the jaw of Saiyan Brawler. The kryptonian would deliver more solid attacks to the Saiyan before grabbing him & flying deep into the ground, driving him into it with a giant crater forming.
Superman stood before the downed Saiyan Brawler, who glared back at the kryptonian.
Superman: Last chance, surrender.
Saiyan Brawler: We both know... it's not enough to end this battle, Superman. I told you... I ain't throwing in the towel, I know you're no murderer... so, if you want to take me to prison, you're gonna have to beat me so bad until I lose consciousness.
Superman narrows his eyes, he's tangoed with stubborn individuals before & this one was no different. Before the kryptonian could do anything, he was hit a beam of electricity.
Superman: Aaaaggghhh!!
He was sent across the crater, crashing head first into the debris. Saiyan Brawler was confused but in a swift transport of lightning, Livewire appeared.
Livewire: Hands off the stud, boy scout!
Saiyan Brawler: Livewire?
Livewire turns to the Saiyan with a proud smirk.
Livewire: The one & only Deanie-Boy~. (sees Superman trying to get his head out of the ground) Hahahaha! He's still trying to pick his head out like a vegetable, hehehe!
Saiyan Brawler slowly got to his feet.
Livewire: Looks like we got here before the superhero girls.
Saiyan Brawler: Wait, we?
Livewire: Wait for it~.
Superman finally got his head out of the ground, shaking his head as he reaches for his hair to fix it.
Superman: Why do people always mess with the look. (Completely fixed it) Okay all better, now where was I?
Giganta's voice: About to get stomped on!
Superman turns to look up only to be double stomped into the ground, forming a larger crater.
Giganta: Cave-in, ha!
She grabs Superman by the leg and begins to slam him repeatedly into the ground (like she did once with Supergirl at the mall) and spinning him around and throwing him out of the area.
Giganta: Home run!
Saiyan Brawler: What are you two doing here?
Livewire: Thought you should use some help here.
Giganta: And it felt good to stick it to Superloser here.
Saiyan Brawler: Well, here he comes.
Superman returns, glaring at the three.
Superman: So you have Livewire and Giganta in on your crimes, not surprised that they would take the deal, well all of three of you are going to prison.
Livewire: For what? Maybe ya missed the call but we're not bad guys anymore.
Giganta: But we ain't good guys either, we're on Team Brawler!
Superman: So you're working with this innocent murdering lunatic.
Livewire: Innocent? Murderer? Ha! He hasn't been killing people, ya moron. He only takes out worst guys.
Saiyan Brawler: Don't bother explaining it to him, Livewire. Apparently, he's too thick headed to see the gray areas in a world of black & white.
Giganta: Enough talk, let's just pound some sense into the super-freak!
Superman: You won't find safety in numbers, either way you're all going to be brought to justice.
Saiyan Brawler unleashed a battle cry, golden yellow ki aura turning green as he enters his legendary super saiyan form. Livewire, seeing the form up close, blushes a deep blue, even Giganta blushed from seeing that form again.
Livewire: (in her mind) The picture of this form was hot before but... up close, the stud has become a 10,000 out of 10!
Saiyan Brawler: I was thinking of beating you on my own but I don't mind if these two want a shot at you too...
Livewire powers up with electricity while Giganta cracks her knuckles.
Saiyan Brawler: As I said before, I have no intention of killing you or any innocent people, Superman so this battle will be by knockout if you want to us to prison. Well, come at us!
Superman charged at the three, who fought back against the kryptonian in a big brawl. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Green Lantern (Jessica) and Zatanna arrived to stop the fight between Superman and Saiyan Brawler.
Wonder Woman: Superman and Saiyan Brawler! You must cease this at once!
Batgirl: Yeah, let us explain....
The superhero girls stopped upon seeing Superman taking on not just Saiyan Brawler but Livewire and Giganta as well. While that was surprising, the girls were even more shocked by the anti-hero's legendary super saiyan form.
Batgirl: Another form?! That screams final boss level!
Bumblebee: It's more intimidating!
Green Lantern (Jessica): And Livewire and Giganta are fighting with Saiyan Brawler? Perhaps he was right about them changing their ways.
Wonder Woman, Zatanna and Supergirl say nothing as they were all red in the face, infatuated by their friend's legendary super saiyan form. Wonder woman had hearts in her eyes with a goofy smile, Zatanna had hearts in her eyes with a big smile in a giddy, giggling frenzy and Supergirl's jaw nearly hid the ground.
Batgirl: Ummm guys, snap out of it!
She slapped the three girls at the same time.
Supergirl: Who? What? Where?!
Zatanna: Hey!
Wonder Woman: (shook her head) Thanks, I needed that...
Batgirl: Well while you three were staring off into space, they're still fighting!
In the battle, Livewire was firing volts of electricity at Superman who dodged it and shoots eye beams at her but Giganta got in the way, blocking the lasers with her golden armbands, the lasers hitting Superman who grunts.
Livewire: Giganta, play ball!
Giganta: Gotcha!
Giganta grabs Livewire and throws her in Superman's direction, curling up and forms into a ball of electricity to hit Superman dead on, heavily shocking him as he yells out in pain. Livewire appears behind the Man of Steel and electric dropkicks his back in to send a jolt to push him into Giganta, who caught him and switched him into an upside down position, holding the Man of Steel in place and jumps up high and nails him with an earth shattering tombstone piledriver.
Supergirl: Yes! Piledriver that glory hogger- (The girls narrowed their eyes at her) Uhhh I mean, oh noooooo, don't do that.... Noooooo...
Giganta picked Superman like a vegetable and throws him up in the air, the Man of Steel regained himself and gritting his teeth, tired of these games.
Superman: Okay, this ends now!
Saiyan Brawler's voice: I couldn't agree more.
Superman quickly turns around to deliver a quick punch but the legendary saiyan to caught the punch, gripping it tight.
Saiyan Brawler: You see Superman, everyone has their own means of justice. You may not like my methods but we're not enemies.
Superman growls and starts trading fierce strikes with the legendary saiyan, who trades back more lethal hits as the two were hammering away at each other for a moment before breaking apart, glaring at one another.
Superman: Why shall I believe you?
Wonder Woman: Because he is telling the truth!
Superman sees the superhero girls move in.
Superman: And why would you all believe his lies, he's a murderer!
Wonder Woman: Believe me, Superman. We had our doubts about the Saiyan Brawler too & thought he was an enemy but after resolving the matter, we have to come understand him as our friend.
Green Lantern (Jessica): While we don't agree with his methods, he hasn't targeted innocent lives or showed signs of trying to commit bad intentions!
Superman: He was-
Supergirl: Kal, wake up and smell the kryptonite! He's not a bad guy, Wonder Woman here got the truth out of him with her lasso!
The Man of Steel was aware of the lasso of truth and it's capabilities. He turns back to the legendary saiyan.
Superman: So everything you said was true?
Saiyan Brawler: (reverts to normal) Of course it was, want Wonder Woman to lasso me again to hear it for yourself?
Superman: And this being from another world, this frieza and a member of his family is here too?
Zatanna: (rolls her eyes) Of course, what'll you think darling was trying to tell you when you oh so viciously attacked him.
Superman: And Giganta and Livewire?
Livewire: (arms crossed) My giant friend over here already make it clear, we're on team Brawler but don't think we're being all goodie goodie cuz we quit being villains, boy blue.
Giganta nodded in agreement.
Saiyan Brawler: Yes. You may not see me as a hero Superman but we both want protect the innocent and I do respect what you all do as heroes, even I still believe in giving others a second chance or criminals need to be punished the right way, the girls believed in me and I trust them as my friends and teammates.
The superhero girls, Livewire and Giganta smiled.
Saiyan Brawler: But like I said, certain individuals can't be redeemed or contained, too dangerous to be left alive. I only kill when it's necessary, not willy nilly or for money or a sick thrill of it.
Superman narrows his eyes but kept listening.
Saiyan Brawler: I'm not trying to be the hero you are or up to your expectations, I do things my way in order to keep the peace & believe me that this frost demon is a frightening force of nature unlike anything you've all ever faced, like frieza, he's conquered billions of planets & slaughtered countless people, he isn't just after me or the Jade Star Dragonballs.
Superman: Dragonballs?
Giganta: Uh, The dragon's what?
Supergirl: 7 magical orbs that grant wishes.
Livewire: Ya didn't mention this to us before?!
Supergirl: Hey! I said I would warm up to you to earn my trust, I don't have to tell you everything! You'd probably misuse a wish!
Livewire: No, I wouldn't!
Supergirl: Yeah, you would!
Zatanna: Technically, she doesn't know namekian language so she wouldn't be able to activate-
Supergirl & Livewire: Not now!
Saiyan Brawler: ... Anyways, he's not just after me or the Dragonballs, it's this whole universe starting with your planet with metropolis being his stepping stone & trust me, locking him up or reasoning with him ain't gonna fly. So what'll it be, you wanna have TWO enemies on your hands or you can have me as an ally to stop the Frost Demon?
Superman thought about it for a moment, he really doesn't agree with the saiyan's methods and if this frost demon is as a worldwide or universal threat as he says he is... He might not have much options.
Superman: I really hate to admit this, but you're right. I still don't agree with what you're doing but if this Frost Demon alien is a worldwide threat to not just Metropolis but earth & the entire universe then I'll have you as an ally...
Saiyan Brawler: Good.
Superman: But I'll be watching you. You get in the slightest trouble or forms of a double cross, there will be a massive cell with your name on it.
Saiyan Brawler: Heh. Got it, 'Superboy'.
Superman: (annoyed) It's SuperMan.
Saiyan Brawler: (points to Supergirl) That's not what she told me, superboy last summer.
Supergirl: Hahaha!
Superman: It was TWO SUMMERS AGO! What did I told you?!
Supergirl: It ain't my fault it's true! Don't get mad at me!
Superman: You just had to tell people, even Saiyan Brawler over here?!
Supergirl: Awww, gonna cry Boy blue?!
Superman: Oh I'll show you, you little brat!
Supergirl: Who are you calling a brat?!
The two kryptonians were arguing like angry children, the other hero girls, Livewire, Giganta and Saiyan Brawler couldn't help but laugh at this.
The next day, Dean's house...
Dean, the six girls, Leslie and Doris were sitting on the couches, watching a action/comedy/horror movie until the news came on, talking about the fight between Superman and the Saiyan Brawler. Superman was seen with with some reporter in an interview.
Superman: As you can see, I was testing the Saiyan Brawler's means of power & skill during the fight.
Kara: Tch. And practically trying to arrest the guy.
Reporter: And who exactly won the fight yesterday? Cameras went dark during the climatic finish.
Superman: Oh well... I won, easily. He was strong & had quite an assist but I managed to best him (puts on his signature smile)
Leslie: Bullsh*t! There's no winner & the last part of the round went with the three of us handing the boy blue's ass to him!
Kara: Ugh, taking credit as usual.
Jessica: No need for that.
Reporter 2: And what of Livewire & Giganta of the supervillain girls, who appeared to assist the Saiyan Brawler in the fight against you?
Superman: From what I've heard, the two villainess are giving up their evil ways & aligned themselves with the Saiyan Brawler. However, I will be watching them & Saiyan Brawler if any suspicious activity occurs & no comment on his... methods.
Dean understood what he was saying but at least he's not an enemy.
Reporter 3: And what of the abductions of civilians by these... strange life forms?
Superman: What I do know is that something is coming... and these abductions are only the beginning of a world level threat but people of Metropolis, do not panic for myself and the heroes of this world will make sure that this threat is stopped at all cost to ensure the planet's safety.
The crowd was chanting for Superman, who posed with a confident smile.
Reporter: You heard it folks! Metropolis and the world will be safe and sound, knowing that the heroes will defend, especially the greatest hero of all, Superman-
A table was thrown by a very, angry Kara.
Dean: Annnd... We're getting a new TV.
Zee: Kara, was that necessary to throw a table at our friend's television?
Babs: (in her mind) Like back at the lair during the whole Powergirl fiasco.
Doris: Ya know. If she hadn't done it, I would.
Diana: Friend Kara, please refrain from losing your temper!
Kara: I'll pay for it later! He just find new ways to drive me mad!!!
Leslie: Are you getting mad or going mad, Danvers?
Kara: Don't try to joke with me Leslie and I don't have an anger problem, Karen!
Karen: I-I didn't say anything about that.
Kara: You thought it!!
Dean: Eh, let him have his moment.
Kara: Eh?!?!? Why? Why aren't you angry about this?! Superman just claimed/lied that he beat you & you're cool with that?!
Dean: I don't do fame or praise, Kara. If he wants to parade in claiming a "victory" over me, it's fine.
Zee: Technically, the fight was undecided. Superman never beat you but you never beat him.
Dean: Then it'll will be sweeter than ever to fight him again someday.
Leslie: Very strong and looking for a challenge, I like it...
Dean: Anyways, you eight have secrets to share with each other?
Jessica: Secret?
Doris: What secret?
Dean: You know what I mean. We're getting along so well with each other, I think it's time to come clean. Leslie, Doris, would you like to go first?
Leslie: Uhhh... (Getting nervous)
Doris: ( getting nervous) I-I don't know what you're talking about.
Dean: It's okay, there's no shame to revealing it. We're all friends here.
Zee: Debatable in certain means.
Dean: Besides, Kara and Babs know.
Diana: What do Kara and Babs know? What do you two know?
Zee: You two know something we don't?
Kara: Now hold on!
Babs: We can explain-
They were cut off by a stream of static & electricity and tearing of clothing & a primal roar, the girls minus Kara, Babs and Dean were wide eyed to see Livewire and Giganta, who was crouching, where Leslie and Doris were sitting.
Diana: Great Hera...
Zee: Leslie, you're Livewire?!
Karen: D-Doris, you're Giganta?!
Livewire: Guilty as charged.
Giganta: They look like they saw a ghost.
Jessica: And you three knew about this and didn't tell us?!
Kara: Hey! Babs and I knew Leslie was Livewire after a run in with a mad majin scientist/sorceress. The Giganta thing is new to us!
Dean: It was a test of trust, Kara and Babs didn't spill Leslie's secret to you while she didn't spill mine & theirs to her villain friends. So after weeks, I thought maybe they would be trusted to know your secrets if they finally show you theirs since they're not villains anymore.
The girls looked at him and then at Livewire & Giganta. They sighed as they revealed their secrets, the two former villains eyed widened.
Livewire: So I was right, if danvers and gordon were super, their friends had to be too.
Giganta: No kidding.
Wonder Woman: So now you know our secret.
Livewire: No duh iron maiden and you know ours.
Giganta: So what now?
Dean: Well we'll be working together in the near future of challenges here. If you don't believe that Livewire and Giganta-
Green Lantern (Jessica): No need, this is great news.
Batgirl: Yeah! Welcome to the side of good, you two!
Giganta: You try to hug me, you're going to get slugged.
Livewire: For the last time we're not heroes, okay? Allies, maybe just maybe but that's it!
Batgirl: ... (Smiles) Close enough!
Wonder Woman: Welcome to our sisterhood in arms!
Batgirl: Sister and Brother, ya know cuz Dean is a guy-
Supergirl: Got it.
The six girls pulled the two former villainess.
Giganta: H-Hey! Not a hugger, not a hugger!
Livewire: Can't breathe, suffocating! Dean, help us out here!
Dean: (chuckles) C'mon you two bad girls, a hug won't hurt you.
Dean joined in on the hug, making Livewire and Giganta blush heavily. The two groan and give in slowly accepting the hug from the six girls but especially their saiyan crush. However, this moment was interrupted by Mallory's angry voice.
Supergirl: Uhhh Doris did it!
Giganta: Wha-Grrrr! You Superb***h!
Margaret & Green Lantern (Jessica): Language!
In the woods...
We see the frost demon in his hideout, sitting on his throne coated in shadow as the soldiers were shivering from his cold, murderous gaze.
???: So... My days are numbered, eh? (Chuckles coldly) I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken, moronic saiyan...
He holds up an ominous looking ki orb in his hand.
???: perhaps I shall make an early reveal to let these pitiful heroes know what they're up against & once I get through with them one by one, I'll stare deep in the saiyan's terrified eyes as I slowly deprive him of his life... Hehehehehe...
He fired the blast forward, causing the screen to fade to black.
To be continued...
(Chapter 9 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Conflict has arose between the Saiyan Brawler and Superman as a battle erupts with Livewire & Giganta joining in, had a little running gag with Frieza sneezing when Dean, Doris & Leslie were talking about him, Shin has finally opened up his dojo with giving Karen a gift for being his first student. After learning the truth, Superman becomes an unlikely ally to the Saiyan Brawler, Livewire and Giganta reveal their identities to the Superhero girls who do the same, becoming unlikely allies to them but both former villains are siding with team brawler. And the frost demon is aiming to strike. I know the battle between Saiyan Brawler and Superman ended with no winner but hey, who knows? They might fight again someday. Next another is another interaction between the Saiyan and one of his six love interests as Diana, Leslie and Doris had their turn. Who's next? Kara, Zee or Barbi? Find out next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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