Saiyan Brawler meets Da Invinci-bros

Another day in Metropolis...

The Saiyan was just finishing his annual training today as he walked back inside the house. Margaret and Mallory were out buying groceries, he then passed the kitchen where he sees an elderly man with slight fair skin, a surprisingly athletic body, long silver hair in a downwards ponytail, a scar going down the left side of his eye, pale blue eyes, a short goatee and was wearing a white & silver Kung Fu style robe with a silver dragon symbol on the back, black pants and black flat shoes. He was clearly preparing green tea.

This was Shin, Dean's foster grandfather and father of the late Akira. He is a multi martial arts master who taught the Saiyan to hone his skills and powers. He was once a teacher to many during his young days of running a dojo, had great pupils, had great rivals and enemies as he was one of the strongest fighters in the world. While he is old, he hasn't lost a step in his game or health, looking better with age and further training himself & Dean.

Dean: Hello grandpa.

Shin turns to the young Saiyan.

Shin: (bold voice) Ah greetings Dean. I take it you finished your daily regimens?

Dean: Yes, I'm getting ready to hit the showers before I head out to meet the girls.

Shin: Friends of yours I take it?

Dean: Yep. They've been quite a wonderful group.

Shin: Even after they found out your... other tasks?

Dean: Yeah, they know I'm an anti-hero but are willing to work with me.

Shin: That's good. You've made quite the impact in Metropolis but do be careful of the trials and challenges ahead.

Dean: Will do. Gonna reopen the dojo soon in Metropolis?

Shin: In due time, my grandson. In due time.

Dean left while Shin enjoyed his tea. After freshening up in the shower and got into his normal clothes, Dean takes his leave and flew off into the sky unseen but unaware that a certain speedster ran by to spot the Saiyan before running off.


Downtown, Dean met up with Babs, Zee, Kara and Jessica.

Dean: Hey girls.

Babs: Hey Dean!

Kara: Sup.

Jessica: Hello there.

Zee: Greetings.

Dean: Where's Diana and Karen?

Babs: Oh Di had to go back to Themyscira for an annual festival of some sort.

Kara: And Karen had other plans with her family. So it's just us for today.

Zee: But no fret, it'll still be a treat with the five of us.

Zee leans closer to the Saiyan with a smirk.

Zee: Would you like to take part to my awe spectacular magic event, to see wonders beyond your wildest dreams!

Dean: Hmmm...

Zee realized her over excitement & steadied her composure with a slight blush.

Zee: Ahem. I-If you wish to that is?

Dean: Sure. But... You're not a false magician, are you?

Zee let out an angry gasp and slapped him.

Jessica: Zee!

Dean: Ouch.

Zee: (angry) I am shocked and insulted that you would have the audacity to even say such a thing to me! My magic is marvelous thank you very much!

Dean: I'm sorry, my bad. I love magic shows but there were at least four or five magicians I've met at a young age who were either swindling & conniving fakes & egotistical villains of magic.

Zee: (arms crossed with a glare) In what regard do I resemble any of those people you describe?

Dean: (puts his hands up in defense) I-I didn't mean it like that! The question was stupid and it just brought some memories, is all, I'll h-happily attend your magic act!

He laughs nervously. Babs and Kara couldn't help but laugh as Zee give him a stern glare for a moment before switching to a soften expression.

Zee: Wonderful, apologize accepted and I apologize for the slap. Now come darling, let us be off for you have a part to play in my act~!

Dean silently followed the purple haired girl with Jessica and a laughing Babs and Kara not too far behind them.


Later in an amphitheatre, we see a large crowd along with Jessica, Babs and Kara amongst them as Zee, in her magician attire, was putting on a spectacular performance. From levitating through three flowing large hoops to sawing herself in half to escaping a tank full of sharks while trapped in a straight jacket to the magic deck of cards act for audience members to pick the right one to show.

Then Zee would remove her hat from her head and place her hand within and pulls out five rabbits while also making flowers from a civilian's shirt to disappear & made into a bouquet of real flowers for his date as the audience clapped in praise.

Zee: And now for my grand finale, the disappearing act!

A cloud of purple smoke appeared on stage and out of the smoke is a black & purple mystic looking, human sized box.

Zee: And now for my lovely assistant!

An open light shine on stage to reveal Dean as the crowd cheered.

Dean: (in his mind) I wasn't expecting this.

Zee then opens the door of the box.

Zee: Now if you'll please step inside?

Dean: Okay.

Dean stepped into the box as Zee closes the door, locking it & placing a cloth over it before rotating it around. She soon taps the box with her wand before unveiling the cloth.

Zee: Now I shall make my assistant disappear! Now you see him...

Zee unlocks and opens the door to reveal that Dean had vanished.

Zee: Now you don't!

The crowd was in awe.

Zee: Now I shall bring him back to reality!

Zee closes & locks the door and rotates the box around again. She then taps the box with her wand again, unlocking the box and opening it to reveal the Saiyan inside.

Zee: Ta-da!

The crowd clapped and cheered along Kara, Jessica and Babs. Then a random man (from illusions of grandeur) who was in the crowd yelled out.

Man: Fake-!

He was cut off and decked in the jaw by Kara as he went down like a sack of potatoes.

Jessica: Kara, was that necessary?

Kara: Eeyup, Karen told me about how this guy was constantly killing Zee's act so I made a promise to take a care of it when he shows up to try to troll on her.

Babs: He's out like a light. But anyways, (cheers) Nice work, Zee! You too Dean!

Zee and Dean smiled and take a bow.


Babs: What a spectacular performance!

Jessica: Excellent job out there you two.

Kara: Yep.

Dean: Thanks, didn't expect to be part of the act but most of the credits goes to Zee over here. She's the real deal in the magic act.

Zee: Why thank you, Dean. But I have to give credit where it's due however...

Zee walks closer to Dean with a sway of her hips.

Zee: (slight playful yet seductive smile) ...I look forward to repaying you now or when the time is right, whatever you wish for~...

Kara had a silent yet heated glare.

Dean: It's fine Zee. No need.

Zee: Okay but if you ever change your mind, I'll answer the call~ (winks)

Kara growls silently under her breath while Dean quickly hid his blush. But then a familiar voice caught the group's attention.

???: Hey Jess, there you are!

Jessica, Zee, Kara, Babs and Dean turn to see five teenage boys approaching them.

The first was a tall athletic & good looking teenage boy with emerald green eyes, short brown hair & fair skin. He was wearing a dark green & lightish gray shirt, dark gray-ish blue jeans and dark gray & white sneakers.

The second one was the same tall, slim yet athletic teenage boy Dean saw at sweet justice. Short spiky blonde hair, cerulean blue eyes, slight fair skin and wears a red hoodie, a white shirt inside, blue jeans and red & yellow sneakers.

The third was a small teenage boy with a slight pudgy figure, short slightly bushed up black hair, fair skin with freckles & clear blue eyes. He was wearing a red shirt, dark blue shorts, white socks and gray & white shoes.

The fourth was a slightly tall teenage boy with fair skin, pear green eyes, pure diamond blonde hair up right & beard and a slight athletic body. He was wearing a pear green shirt/dark green vest combo with an ascot of arrow symbols, greenish brown pants with a black belt, lime green socks & black loafers.

And the fifth was the tallest teenage young man of the group, has a very muscular body, olive skin, short messy brown hair that covers his dark green eyes. He was wearing a red & white baseball cap, a white shirt underneath a dark yellow open shirt sleeves shirt with lighter yellow at the collar & sleeves, green-ish blue pants and red & white sneakers.

They were Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Garth Bernstein, Oliver Queen and Carter Hall aka Green Lantern, The Flash, Aqualad, Green Arrow and Hawkman of the Invinci-bros.

Jessica: Oh hello there Hal.

Babs: (smiles) Barry! How are ya?!

Barry: (smiles) I'm doing good Babs, thanks for asking.

Kara: Sup Garth (ruffles his hair) and hey there to you too, Carter.

Garth: (chuckles) Hey Kara and stop that, hehehe.

Carter nods. Dean then sees Zee and Oliver narrowing eyes at one another.

Zee: Queen.

Oliver: Zatara.

Hal: I see you girls made a new friend. Nice to meet ya, Name's Hal Jordan.

Dean: Dean, good to meet you as well.

Hal: I was wondering if we all can go somewhere... private to talk?

Babs: (gasps) Is there another criminal activity going on?! A villain group forming a plan of world destruction or domination?! A dark Superman terrorizing the universe?! Evil versions of us from a parallel universe trying to ruin our good names & destroy everything & everyone we love?!

Hal: Hey, Hey, Chill Babs. All will be explained once we get there.


The girls and boys were now in a secluded area where no one else was around.

Jessica: So what's the emergency, Hal?

Hal: Well for one, we know...

Kara: Know what?

Hal: We know that you know that I know you're working with the anti-hero here (points to Dean) Saiyan Brawler.

Babs: (tries to lie) What? Are you kidding? C'mon, he's just a new friend of ours, he's obviously not-

Oliver: Don't play the fool with us, Bartholomew uncovered the truth behind the curtain of your new "friend."

Babs: Barry?! Why?!

Barry: I'm so sorry Babs, I wanted to make sure if he was on good terms and not trying to hurt you guys.

Babs: (hugs Barry) I understand. I can't stay mad at you.

Dean: So now what? You know who I am and what I do...? So my question is... Do you plan to arrest me?

Jessica: Hold on, Hold on! No on is arresting anyone!

Zee: Yes, he's an anti-hero but he's no psycho. We too had difficulty trusting him but after hearing his story & motives, he's become an ally of us!

Oliver: Defending the accused, desperation isn't a splendid look for you, Zee.

Zee snarls & threateningly brought her wand out which glowed. Before blows can be delivered, Hal yelled out.

Hal: Hold it!

Everyone turned to him.

Hal: At first, we were going to stop you but after seeing you in action with the girls, you proved it to be quite the candidate.

Kara: Candidate? For what?

Hal: Ready bros?

All: Yeah!

Hal, Barry, Oliver, Carter and Garth went through a transformation sequence into their alter egos Green Lantern, The Flash, Green Arrow, Hawkman and Aqualad. All five of them did their heroic poses.

Green Lantern (Hal): Behold for we are... Da Invinci-bros!

All boys: Yo Bros!

Dean, Kara, Jessica, Babs and Zee had deadpan looks.

Dean: (in his mind) Getting Ginyu Force flashbacks here... (speaks) The Invinci-who now?

Green Lantern (Hal): No, Da Invinci-bros!

All boys: Yo Bros!

Dean: (to the girls) So they're basically the superhero boys of Metropolis?

Kara: (rolls her eyes) I wouldn't know what to tell ya at this point with their team name.

Babs: They also fight crime individually, as a team or with us at times.

Green Lantern (Hal): So how would you like to join the best team in Metropolis? To be a part of something awesome like us Bros stopping bad guys in their tracks & look good while doing it?

Kara: Best Team of Metropolis? Tch, you wish.

Dean turned to the boys then to the girls for a moment before going back to the boys.

Dean: Look, you're quite the team and your background is rather impressive. While I appreciate being a candidate... I'm gonna have to decline the offer.

Green Lantern (Hal): Wait what?!

Kara: (smirks) Rejected, HA!

Jessica: Kara please?

Green Lantern (Hal): C'mon man, think of the good you can do more than you already have in Metropolis while teaming with us, we'd be great!

Dean: As I said, I decline. I have no issues with you all, really I don't.

Green Arrow: Then why would you refuse such a splendid opportunity?

Kara: Maybe because he's apart of a better team, keyword: ours.

Jessica: Kara, let's not make things get out of hand.

Green Arrow: You would prefer their team over ours, working with Zee of all people who's performance pales in comparison to my own!

Zee: Excuse me?! I'll have you know that I had a marvelous performance done today with excellent praise alongside my lovely assistant here!

Dean: You two aren't the best of friends, are you?

Green Arrow: Oh you have no idea... She and I are rivals on the stage while she partakes in magic, I partake and excel in the ways of the theater & acting. Only one of us is worthy of the spotlight and that is yours truly.

Zee: Please, your acts barely have ten times the audience I have in mine!

Green Arrow: Keep telling yourself that, purple haired one. (to Dean) If you ever wish to reconsider, check out my performance of a lifetime later today.

Dean: I'll think about it but good luck on your performance.

Green Arrow: (gasps before glaring) Take that back, you fiend!

Dean: I do not follow.

Green Arrow: It is forbidden to wish the actor good luck in the theater!

Zee: Well then... He certainly wishes you tons and tons of Good and Bad luck on your performance!

Green Arrow gasps again, then growls as he and Zee get into an argument. Dean gets out of it as he met Hawkman, Aqualad and the Flash.

Dean: Are they always like this?

Aqualad: Yep.

Hawkman nods.

The Flash: Very true.

Green Lantern (Hal): Zee & Oliver's argument aside, perhaps-

Dean: I told you I decline.

Jessica: Okay, break it up!

She separated the two.

Jessica: Look, we didn't come here for a fight. Hal, you brought us here to for an offer for Dean but he gave you his answer.

Dean: She's right. I do hope to get to know you five more but as I said, I decline your offer. See ya around.

Dean took his leave with Zee, Babs, Kara and Jessica following, leaving the Invinci-bros all alone.

Green Lantern (Hal): Well, that happened.

Green Arrow: That ruffian has quite the nerve to turn us down.

Aqualad: I mean, he didn't show any disrespect.

The Flash: Yeah, he politely declined and we should respect that.

Green Lantern (Hal): Naw, he's just the new guy. He was obviously nervous and didn't want to start right away is all.

Hawkman shook his head, not the right answer Hal was saying.

Green Lantern (Hal): He just hasn't seen us in action. Once he sees how awesome we are, he'll come around and join us! Time to start this operation Bros!

All: Yo Bros!


Que Montage!

First, Saiyan Brawler and Supergirl were fighting against an evil, giant sea beast near the beach, which was trying to eat civilians. The two were getting people to safety while also delivering strong offense to the monster, who was fighting back hard. Then suddenly, the sea beast begins to arise from the ocean in a swirling tornado of water to hurl into the air as Saiyan Brawler fired a ki beam with Supergirl firing heat vision to combine and destroy the monster, Supergirl and Saiyan Brawler noticed that Aqualad was the one who was assisted and thanked the Atlantean hero.

Next, Saiyan Brawler and Batgirl were stopping Harley Quinn and hired henchmen from planting explosive through metropolis, the two managed to defeat the thugs and later Harley but they still needed to locate and disarm 15 scattered bombs. However, a swift blur came in to reveal the Flash with 15 bombs now disarmed. After Harley and her henchmen were taken away, Saiyan Brawler and Batgirl thanked Flash for the assist but the speedster understands & respect the Saiyan's decision from and decided to not bother him on it.

Saiyan Brawler then was seen fighting the Swamp Zombie from Gotham City, Solomon Grundy who found his to & was on a rampage in Metropolis. The two went to blows with tremendous force and strength as the Saiyan was surprised yet excited by Grundy's sheer power and durability as he liked the challenge. Then Hawkman appeared to lend a hand along with his energy coated mace, both of them managed to overpower and knock out Grundy as the advanced forces of Metropolis police department took him away. Saiyan Brawler appreciated the help and was amazed by Hawkman's power, the bird themed powerhouse accepted the thanks & began to understand the decision he made back then, deciding that he wouldn't force the Saiyan to join the Invinci-bros and would rather have him as an ally than an enemy but something tells him that Hal or Oliver might not be so understanding.

Then Saiyan Brawler and Zatanna were dealing with Poison Ivy, who was spreading her plants with venomous spores to unleash in order to poison metropolis. Zatanna and The Saiyan were getting people to safety & trying to take out the spores but Poison Ivy wasn't making it easy for them as more grew in the place they disposed of. However, a couple of arrows were fired at the spore plants, releasing a gas that caused them to shrink and shriveled up, much to Poison Ivy's anger & horror. Out of the blue making a dramatic entrance was Green Arrow himself, Poison Ivy sends her plants after him but the archer would display his strategy, avoiding the attacks and aiming/firing his arrows in excellent timing as said arrows contained a special weaponized gas to take care of the plant attacks as well as the plants with the spores, getting rid of them & weakening Ivy. As Poison Ivy was taken away, the three received praise as Green Arrow gave the Saiyan a smug smile before making his dramatic exit while Zatanna had a suspicious look, knowing that her arch rival was up to something.

The Saiyan Brawler and Green Lantern (Jessica) were a massive meteor hurdling towards Metropolis as they were getting ready to take care of it, Green Lantern (Hal) appears to help with Jessica in using their construct energy to contain the meteor from going further as Saiyan Brawler gathers energy & sends a powerful energy wave to send the meteor flying back into the sky back into space until it exploded out of orbit. The crowd cheered for them as reporter try to get some answers on their team up, Saiyan Brawler was about to speak, but Hal interrupted stating that the Saiyan is apart of the greatest team in Metropolis led by him, basking in the praise. The Saiyan Brawler narrowed his eyes as did Jessica herself, knowing what Hal was up to.

Days went by as Saiyan Brawler and the girls were getting more attention and help from Hal and his group more so than usual, much to their annoyance as they weren't just "helping" them...


The next day...

Dean was sparring with Babs in the backyard with Kara, Zee, Jessica, Karen and Diana watching. Soon, the two stopped and immediately took a bow.

Dean: Excellent job Babs. You're quite an excellent fighter.

Babs: Why thank you. What I lack in superpowers I make up for in intelligence, gadgetry and learning various forms of martial arts! Like the legendary Batman, I'm making my mind and body a dangerous weapon to combat the acts of villains that lurk in the darkness of Metropolis itself!

Dean: Trying to prove yourself to a be good hero like the Batman, eh? Well I'm rooting for you on that one.

Babs: (smiles widely) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Maybe you can teach me some of your styles!

Dean: Perhaps I can. Maybe you can be one of the first students for my grandpa's dojo.

Kara: Dojo?

Babs: (smiles widely) Dojo you say?

Dean: Yep. My grandpa is opening up a dojo in Metropolis, not now but in a few weeks I guess. He found the right place needed but it's still a work in progress until the dojo itself is ready and Mallory said she'll help with fliers on it's opening.

Diana: That is glorious, bringing in individuals to be trained as fierce warriors to protect the world of man itself!

Dean: Well... Kinda true Diana. While my grandpa is running a dojo to train people to be deemed as worthy pupils but he's not actually running a superhero or anti-hero legion group.

Diana: Oh.

Karen: So it's for people who can't defend themselves?

Dean: Basically yeah but he doesn't let just anyone train under him, he sees who is worthy of learning his fighting abilities. Anyone who misuse his teachings for selfish reasons or evil purposes pays the price.....

Karen: P-Pay...!

Shin's voice: Yes.

The girls turn around to see Shin walking in.

Shin: You see, many tried to misuse my teachings for either selfish reasons or acts of evil however, they suffer the consequences of their actions.

Zee: So you're Dean's grandfather?

Shin: Yes.

Jessica: Wait, by consequences... Do you mean you killed your students?!

Shin: No. Like Dean, I don't take a life unless the vile threat is too dangerous to be contained or beyond redemption. And They're just young ones up to teenagers 15 to 17 & 18, I wouldn't dare take a young one's life even if they dare misuse my teachings.

Diana: Then what do you do?

Shin: An ancient ki technique I've learned to target the nerves of the opponent, it strips them of the knowledge and power they've acquired from my teachings.

Babs: Oh! Oh! Like an amnesia style fighting move!

Shin: Something like that. After it's done, no matter how hard they try or attempt to sneak a peak at the lessons, the person will never re-learn my teachings or re-achieve greater power from it. Their martial arts career would be over.

Kara: Laying down the law, huh old timer?

Shin chuckles.

Shin: I'm not actually as old as you see me. Elderly I am but I continue to improve with age and skill.

Kara: Oh really? How about I fight you then?

Shin: In time yes.

Kara: (smirks) Why not right now?

Kara lunged at Shin.

Jessica: Kara!

Kara delivered a solid fist but Shin uses his finger to turn Kara's fist and the rest of her over to the side, landing face to the ground, much to everyone's except Dean shock. Kara quickly recovered and was shocked for a moment before growling and went to deliver an assortment of strong offense to Shin who was merely blocking each hit with one hand before catching the punch which gave off great force and flips Kara with her landing in the grass.

Kara: Agh! How'd you-

Shin: You're strong, very strong but strength alone isn't enough in battle. When battling an opponent stronger than you, don't try to out power him/her, use their strength against them.

Kara got up.

Kara: Are you an alien yourself?

Shin: No. I'm human but with extraordinary means of attributes. Like one of them to control of my aura or ki energy, focusing it to form attacks from energy, flight by manipulating my ki energy as well as the ability to sense other's energy like I'm doing with the six of you.

Zee: Wait, with us?

Shin: Yes, six of you have great power in you but most of it is dormant.

Babs: Wait... (Gasps in excitement) We have dormant powers?!

Shin: Well individuals have great ki energy within them as it exists in every living being, not just humans alone. When trained properly, you can focus and draw the ki out to concentrate, manipulate & use it to certain means like enhanced strength, speed, endurance as well as aura, blasts, power ups, etc. And control is very important when ki grows powerful and more difficult to control.

Dean: That is true, all of six of you girls have great ki. For humans, Karen and Babs have power of an average level, no offense.

Karen: None taken.

Babs: Yeah. So when non trained, people have little ki but when properly trained, we can learn to control it?

Dean: Yep. Jessica, your power is quite high but with a mix to the energy of your green lantern ring.

Jessica: Wow. I really have that much?

Dean: In a way yes, but your energy and the green lantern energy from your ring is kinda like a dual level of it.

Shin then turns to Zee, Kara and Diana.

Shin: You three are the most powerful in your group with ki energy...

Zee: Us?

Shin: Yes, Kara herself being a Kryptonian alien, her strength level is off the charts and unrestrained, more power is sure to come but is dormant.

Kara: (grins) Whoahohoho! I have more powers coming?! (Flexes her arms) Gonna keep getting awesome!

Shin: Then there's you (to Zee) Your power is quite tremendous with the ways of magic, I take it?

Zee: (a praising smile) Well hehehe, I am known as the Princess of Pretidigitation, my magic powers are indeed tremendous if not wondrous!

Shin: Though I sense your power is tremendous, I do feel a strange phenomenon...

Zee: (frowns) A phenomenon? Whatta you mean?

Shin: Well, it's a rather dual type of it. While I sense your aura of light within you... I sense an aura of darkness within you as well.

Zee suddenly went pale with a slight look of fear and panic.

Zee: ...?!

Karen: Zee?

Zee remembers the events with her dark magic as her fearful expression intensified.

Dean: Zee... Are you okay?

Zee: (blurted out) I-I have to go!

Zee run out.

Karen: Zee! (To the others) I-I'll go after her.

Karen ran after her.

Shin: My apologies.

Babs: It's fine, you didn't mean to. Hopefully, she'll be fine but what about Diana?

Shin: Ah yes. Based on what my grandson told me, you're an Amazon of Themyscira, A demigod type as you are. You were able to keep up with Dean and more, you definitely have the power & heart of a true warrior.

Diana: Why thank you. As an Amazon, I must be at my best to protect the world of man from evil.

Shin: Excellent, I can tell you'll call upon your access dormant powers in time. Well, I gotta go feed our pets, see you later. Tell Ms. Zatara that I apologize if I scared her.

Shin walks back inside. Jessica then gets a text and groans in annoyance.

Dean: Problem Jess?

Jessica: Lois Lane, editor-in-chief of the Daily planetoid newspaper just gave me a heads-up on the next issue on the newspaper scoop.

She shows the text with a pic taken of today's newspaper with the headlines saying, "Saiyan Brawler, New member of the Invinci-bros?" Dean's right eye begins to twitch before pinching the bridge of his nose with an annoyed sigh escaping his lips.

Dean: Really...? I thought I told Hal & his group that I'm not interested in joining their group.

Kara: Apparently, they're not getting the message clear enough. Considering they've been showing themselves in our fights with villains a lot more than usual. Doesn't takes a genius to figure out they trying to show off to get you on their good side.

Jessica: No, this is mostly Hal's doing. The others are merely following an idiot.

Dean: Okay, I'm going to end this now.

Dean closes his eyes and try to feel out the energy signatures of Hal and his friends. Soon, he managed to find where they're located.

Dean: Got 'em. I'm gonna finish this predicament immediately.

Jessica: Wait, you're not going to-

Dean: No. They don't have evil in their aura but one thing's for sure... The constant actions they're pulling is a downright annoyance.

Dean powers up and flies in the air.

Jessica: Wait!

Entering her green lantern form, she flies after him.

Kara: Well, don't wanna miss this.

Kara grabs Diana and Babs before flying after them.


In a secluded area, the Invinci-bros finished up on their daily training session.

Green Lantern (Hal): Great job bros.

Green Arrow: All in a day's work for us as always. Oh and it seems that we made the news.

Green Arrow shows the daily planet newspaper of their heroics, especially with Saiyan Brawler and the headline showing the title. Hal smiles confidently while Flash, Hawkman and Aqualad had uncomfortable looks.

Green Lantern (Hal): Sweet, now that Saiyan Brawler seen how awesome we Bros can be and the news seeing it too, he's bound to join our team!

The Flash: I don't know about this Hal... Any new friend of Babs is a friend of mine and I've love to work with him but this has gotten... outta hand.

Aqualad: Plus, he did say he wasn't interested in joining us. I'd rather have him as a friend than an enemy but if he sees that newspaper... (Gulps nervously)

Hawkman nods. He wanted this plan to end a long time ago but Hal was very persistent and made him and the others swear to this... bro code he babbled about to carry on their mission.

Green Lantern (Hal): You worry too much, we're not doing anything wrong. We're showing the Saiyan we got what it takes for him to accept us as a team.

Green Arrow: Absolutely, Zee and her team had a... tolerable run with the new guy but after our work, he'll come begging to join us!


The Invinci-bros were caught off guard, seeing the sudden explosion to a huge hole in the ceiling as Dean hovered over them with a calm yet menacing look.

Aqualad: (scared) W-Well... He came here but he's not g-gonna beg to join...

The Flash: Told ya he wasn't interested.

Green Lantern (Hal): Nonsense. I'm sure if I explain this, then he'll come around-

He was cut off when Dean appeared straight in front of them and grabbing Green Arrow in the neck, glaring at the archer in hearing everything before he broke in, not liking what Green Arrow & Green Lantern's thinking of their plans.

Green Arrow: (chokes) Oh... Dear...

Dean turns to Hal.

Dean: You five and I are going to have a long 'chat' about respecting others decisions and the consequences for ignoring the decision to carry out your "great" plans...


Green Lantern (Jessica) was flying after Dean along with Kara, who was carrying Diana and Babs. Dean was already far from the four girl's sight but Kara was able to hear the sounds of screaming ahead, screams she familiar with.

Kara: Got them!

The four girls located the area where the Invinci-bros were located in order to find Dean. When they got there, the place was wrecked whatsoever. They spot Aqualad, Hawkman and the Flash with guilt and/or scared expressions but all three have minor damage, the most noticable thing was the anime style large sized bump on their heads.

Diana: What happened to you?

Aqualad: D-Dean wasn't actually happy with what we did...

The Flash: The three of us didn't want to go with it when gone too far and while we apologized, we weren't off the hook... understandable.

Hawkman nods.

Kara resisted the urge to laugh.

Kara: Well... (Tries to hold back her laugh) you kinda have it coming.

Aqualad: Y-Yeah. We get the semi-easy part of the consequences. Oliver and Hal on the other hand...


The walls from another room bursted open as someone came flying and fell to the ground near the three and four girls. It was Green Arrow but he looked terrible, his suit was completely tattered and scorched with major bruises, his hair was a mess, his beard too, a couple of teeth were missing, his right arm & leg were broken and he has a black eye as well as his bow broken in half along with his arrows scattered.

The four girls and three boys were shocked.

Green Arrow: N-Never in my life have experienced such a t-thrashing...

Kara was still shocked but couldn't hold it anymore as she laughed.

Kara: Hahahahahaha!!

Green Lantern (Jessica): Kara!

Kara: Hahahahaha!! I can't help it! Hahahaha!!


Another crash was heard as Green Lantern (Hal) was seen, he too look like he was in a war, hair slightly messed up, a black eye and his lantern suit tattered with some mayor bruises. Dean flew after him in Super Saiyan form with minor damage & a glare as he was fighting Hal. Hal, despite his fear of the Saiyan's rage, fought back the best he could in trading fierce shots but slowly Dean overpowered the lantern corps hero, delivering a solid punch to the gut that rattled Hal before landing a solid elbow to his head, sending him crashing into the ground near the others.

The smoke clears as Hal was breathing heavily on one knee. Jessica approached the other green lantern.

Green Lantern (Jessica): Hal!

Green Lantern (Hal): Oh uh H-Hey Jess. I'm bruised but I'll survive. I've have worst-

Jessica slapped him upside the head.

Green Lantern (Hal): Ouch! Hey!

Green Lantern (Jessica): What were you thinking?! If this was your idea of befriending Dean then it wasn't even close to smart!

Green Lantern (Hal): What's the deal, he attacked us!

Green Lantern (Jessica): Only because you went and ignored his decision, inserting yourself in our battles not to just help but to show off and annoy in your oh so "great" plan to force him on your team when he clearly said NO!

Dean landed near them.

Dean: (glares) I don't like it when people go behind my back to try to make me do or decide things I don't wish to do. You five broke that rule especially you, the leader of this team (points to Hal) along with the broken arrow over here (Green Arrow) that I was on quote "going to come over, praise them for their awesomeness and beg them to join the Invinci-bros", you two are either utterly delusional, idiotic, arrogant or all of the above!

Hal and the Invinci-bros flinched from the Saiyan's tone.

Dean: (to Aqualad, Hawkman and Flash) I don't appreciate your parts in this but you three aren't so bad. I would like to know you more.

Aqualad, Hawkman and Flash smiled and understand.

Dean: (to Green Arrow) I can see why Zee despises you so much. Are you a real hero or are you just "playing" the part, you mediocre pompous, self entitled drama queen.

Green Arrow: M-Mediocre...!

Dean: (to Hal) And you... While I'm angry at you the most for your actions, I can give where credits due. You were able to get me to go just my super saiyan form in our fight, I commend you for that much.

Green Lantern (Hal): Well I'm not one to brag but you're not the first alien I've fought, man you pack a punch but hey, I'm Hal Jordan and I can take it.

Green Lantern (Jessica): (smacks Hal) Don't push it Hal, you're already on thin ice.

Diana: What you did was inexcusable! You need to respect one's choice when made, not to pull this sort of shenanigans!

The Flash: We're sorry.

Babs: I forgive you Barry.

Aqualad: Hawkman and I apologize too.

Kara: It's fine Garth. But you're lucky I didn't get to you before dean did.

Green Lantern (Hal): Look, I'm sorry we tried to force ya to join our group and did all that stuff to repeatedly annoy ya, we cool?

Dean: Far from it but it's a start. I'll give you a chance to make amends but if you pull this stunt again... (Energy flares) I won't be so nice next time.

Green Lantern (Hal): C-Crystal Clear.

Green Arrow: (glares) You call what you did to me Nice?!

Kara: And you deserved it!

Green Arrow: Nobody asked you, you lowly, punk delinquent!

Kara: (cracks her knuckles) Do I need to break the left arm and leg?!

Green Arrow: (scared) I'll be quiet now.



Dean, Diana, Babs, Kara, Jessica along with Hal, Garth, Barry and Carter who was carrying Oliver, was at the Saiyan's home. Margaret was treating the Invinci-bros wounds while Oliver was in an arm and leg cast, Mallory was at first about to put the hurt on them for their actions but Margaret and Dean held her back to calm her down.

Dean gave the bros a tour of his home, Zee and Karen later showed up as Dean delivered an apology from his grandfather for the sudden scare, she humbly accepted it. Once Zee & Karen were filled in on the Invinci-bros actions & the tended wounds, Karen felt disappointed in Garth and Carter for their actions but still forgave them as they regretted their actions. Zee on the other hand, was outraged & gave the Invinci-bros a major tongue lashing especially to her rival Oliver as she was suspicious of his actions before to try to annoy/force her lovely assistant/secret crush to join his group despite the saiyan already declining the offer. She would've done worse to the archer and Hal but Dean handling them was more than a punishment they deserved.

As they were doing their own thing, Shin was seen meditating on the roof.

Shin: (in his mind) There's a power somewhere deep in Metropolis... It reeks of vile, malice and darkness. Whatever it is, we must prepare.

To be continued...

(Chapter 4 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Dean/Dakora's foster grandfather Shin makes his debut and is opening up his own dojo in Metropolis, are the superhero girls up for learning a thing or two about their dormant power? The Invinci-bros: Hal/Green Lantern, Barry/The Flash, Garth/Aqualad, Carter/Hawkman and Oliver/Green Arrow make their debut as well but things go outta control. As things calm down, Shin senses a dark power hidden somewhere in Metropolis. What could it be? Find out in due time. Until next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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