Island of Matriarch M

(A/N: Hello, omegacrow-nexus here. Before we start the chapter, I know I said this was supposed to be a camping trip of terror chapter but I decided to change it. Hope you enjoy!)

2 weeks later have passed since the battle with Livewire as Metropolis and it's people were safe. Though the electric villainess was humiliated due to an inverted attack by the Saiyan Brawler, leaving her... half exposed to the point where Livewire nearly broke down crying with the constant laughs & the crowd taking photos of her. Enraged by this, Saiyan Brawler snaps at the audience for this act of cruelty, while Livewire wasn't innocent in causing these nasty & harmful pranks to make others a laughing stock, the crowd was no better than her now that the situation was reversed.

After telling/threatening the crowd to delete the half exposed pics of Livewire, they dispersed and Saiyan Brawler would take Leslie home after discovering her & Livewire were one of the same. He would also apologize for putting Leslie in that position for his attack wasn't meant to humiliate her like that, Leslie would also apologize for her acts, including the insult/mention of his real & foster dead families. She felt discouraged and utterly embarrassed, knowing how her victims felt on the end of her nasty antics that her villain rep & internet rep is completely ruined, Saiyan Brawler consoles the shockjock that she can still be an internet sensational star & has the potential to still make great vlogs and pranks for fun, mischief & entertainment, not for crime & to hurt other's feelings or to nearly put them in danger.

Despite Leslie's bad girl image, she's wasn't completely heartless in the Saiyan's eyes after witnessing her emotions in the humiliation, maybe misguided. He also admits that Leslie had quite the rebel punk girl like spunk & creativity and has confidence in her to start over & shock the world as an influencer to be like & praised, not shunned & disliked. This jolted a spark in Leslie's heart after being given this second chance, even surprising the Saiyan with a kiss on the cheek for his way with words & finding out the identity of the Brawler.

Leslie promised Dean she won't waste this chance or reveal his identity to anyone while the Saiyan promises to keep her secret. After exchanging numbers to hang out sometime, the Saiyan Brawler left but was unaware that the spark in Leslie was growing & growing, resulting in a crush as the shockjock hopes to make him fall for her with this second chance.



Mallory: Ya got the supplies ready nephew?!

Dean comes in said supplies, loading them up in the RV.

Dean: All packed up and ready to go, Aunt Mallory.

Mallory: Ahaha! Good work (flexes her right bicep) Time to head out of town and tame the wild beasts of the oceans!

Dean: If these monsters exists that is.

Mallory: (smirks) Of course they do, you Saiyans, Amazons, Kryptonians, Magic Beings and Space cops (Green Lanterns) exist, right?

Dean: ....Touche.

Mallory laughs and ruffles the saiyan teen's hair.

Mallory: Well, hope ya don't mind that I ask one of the nameks to come with us to experience our fun time.

She pointed to the inside of the RV where Dunne was sitting in the passenger seat but he was wearing a hooded cloak to hide his face.

Dean: You sure about this?

Mallory: We'll be out at sea so no one will spot a green slug teen helping us out while relaxing.

Dean: Well okay then. I also invited Babs, Kara and Leslie over to join us.

Mallory: Leslie? The punk prankster who humiliated the girls?

Dean: Yeah.

Mallory: You're pals with her now? But didn't she try to make ya the bad end of a joke?

Dean: Yeah but she's alright now. We had a... talk, two weeks & she's working in progress not to be a toxic cyber bully prankster/vlogger anymore.

Mallory: Okay nephew, but if she steps outta line (pirate impersonation with a glare) She be walkin' da plank!

Dean: Got it.

Babs' voice: DEAN!!!

Dean turns to see Babs running towards him with Kara slowly following behind and Barry was also present.

Babs: Got here as fast as I could! Hope you don't mind that I brought Barry along for the ride?

Dean: It's okay.

The speedster smiled.

Barry: Thanks. I look forward to having a great time with you all. Relaxing on a boat and admiring the wonders of the seas and catching fish.

Kara: Meh. Catching some fish, big deal.

Mallory: Not just ordinary fish we'll be capturing... we're talking about fish ten times bigger than a house.

Kara: Heh, I'll believe it when I see it.

Babs: Well what are we waiting for?! Let's go go go!

Babs gets in the RV followed by Barry. Kara was about to head in too when the kryptonian heard the voice of someone she least expected.

Leslie's voice: Hey Deanie Boyyyyy~!

The Saiyan turns to see Leslie walking across the street towards him and the group.

Kara: (narrowed her eyes) What's she doing here...?

Dean: Hey Leslie. Glad you could make it.

Leslie: Just followed the path you texted me to your house. (looks at his house) Eh, not bad.

Kara: (glares at Dean) Ahem! Wanna explain what she's doing here?

Leslie: Well duh, I was invited here Danvers. Isn't that right, Deanie Boy? (smiles mischievously at the saiyan)

Kara glares angrily & a bit of jealousy at the shockjock. Deanie Boy?! What is she nicknaming him now?! Now the kryptonian could tell she was up to something. The shockjock was moving in dangerous territory of the Saiyan, her territory... Wait? Where'd that come from?! Kara thought. She snapped out of it and turned to Dean with a forced smile.

Kara: Ummm Dean-O, can I talk to you for a minute...?

Dean: Oh sure.

The kryptonian dragged the Saiyan inside the house, where Kara can be heard yelling & arguing angrily with Dean behind the door, leaving Leslie with a confused look & with Mallory.

Mallory: (narrowed eyes) So you're this Leslie I heard so much about...

Leslie: Hey... Who are you?

Mallory: I'm Mallory, his aunt.

Leslie: (in her mind) Part of his foster guardians or something, she looks like she in her 20s. (Speaks) Your his aunt, you don't even look old enough to be one.

Mallory: I get that a lot. I've heard of how you... do things for views, I don't appreciate anyone making a fool of my nephew or his friends, especially when harm is involved...

Leslie: (groans) I get it. But I'm trying to not be that person anymore, your nephew... helped me in a way.

Mallory: ..... Helped you?

Leslie: Yeah. We had a... Talk. I even sent out an apology for my shockateers to start out new with the pranks & vlogs, toning down the mean spirited material.

Mallory was confused but Leslie knew what she meant, not wanting to reveal her humiliation or secret as Livewire to the rebel aunt.

Mallory: That sounds like my nephew, trying to see some good in bad people like ya. Not worst but if Dean here believes you're capable of doing right then I'll get cred to ya but if you hurt him or his friends again (leans in & whispers menacingly in Leslie's ear) I won't hesitate to pull the trigger...

Leslie gulps nervously. While she was an electric metahuman who's went toe to toe with the superhero girls, the way Mallory's tone hit scared the daylights out of her.

Mallory: BANG!

Leslie was startled as Mallory stepped back, laughing.

Mallory: Hahahahahaha! Bang-Bang! Pa-pa-pa-pow! Hehehehe!

Leslie: ....?!

Mallory: That always gets 'em. No worries though, I won't kill ya but seriously, don't hurt or play my nephew or there will be a problem.

Leslie sighs heavily, nodding.

Mallory: Though being a prankster myself, I must say that ya got me with that Beethoven Belcher video, don't tell Zee but I laughed so hard at that.

Leslie: Hehehe, yeah.

Mallory: Since you're starting over with vlogs and pranks for fun, mischief and entertainment, I may have some ideas with your shockateers skyrocketing back to the surface.

Leslie: I'm always open to new ideas. Ya know what, you're alright.

Mallory: Heh, I'm beginning to like ya too. For a punk, ya got spunk but play your cards right & "Deanie-Boy" will be into you in no time.

Leslie's eyes widened with a blush.

Leslie: W-W-What?!

Mallory: (smirks slyly) Ya think I didn't noticed the mischievous smile & the nickname of my nephew when I was packing things up. It's cute a bad rebel girl like you has a soft spot for him.

Leslie: I-I do not!!

Mallory: Then why are you blushing?

Leslie: (blushing harder, yells) S-Shut up!!

Mallory chuckles. The door opens with a calm Dean walking out with Kara, who was completely upset with arms crossed.

Dean: Okay, ready to go.

Mallory: Good.

Kara: I guess... (To Leslie) I'll tolerate you coming along but I won't like it.

Leslie: (grumbles) Feeling is mutual, Danvers.

Kara: But you owe me a new guitar.

Leslie rolls her eyes with a scoff.

Babs: (in the RV) Let's go alreadyyyy!

Everyone got the RV as Mallory was in the driver's seat and fires up the engines to drive away from the household.


Driving out of town, the RV was seen moving forward through the open road in the forest area, Mallory was eyeing the road while driving & listening to Breaking Benjamin. Dunne was silently in his thoughts. Babs and Barry were watching a action/comedy movie on the custom TV. Kara was asleep on the sofa wearing ears buds link to her phone.

Dean was sitting at the table, enjoying some freshly made steak sandwiches packed though he wasn't going to eat them all but just a few. Leslie was on her phone, texting her friends that she's out of town for a trip with a friend (minus Harleen who was still missing) she met & to her misfortune Kara & Babs were with her, though she was going to warm up to Dean, she'll try to tolerate the two girls while on this trip and have a little fun along the way.

After a few hours of driving, the group made it to the stop. Quite a pleasant city at best, passing by the districts and taking in the sights, Mallory was heading northeast to the docks.

Mallory: Alright, here we are.

Babs: Yes!

Barry: Cool!

Leslie: Ugh, finally.

Mallory whispers something to Dunne, who nodded as they got up and heads to the side door, opening it to head out. Babs and Barry followed while bringing their things, Dean & Leslie was about to leave but noticed that Kara was still asleep.

Dean: Must've been bored throughout the drive here. Better wake her up.

Leslie formed a mischievous smile.

Leslie: Oh I know how to wake her up.

Leslie put a glint of electricity in one finger and pokes the finger at Kara's left side, sending a slight shock that awoke the punk kryptonian, who yelped and fell on her butt.

Kara: What the?! Who?! Where?! Why the?!

Leslie: Hehehe. Sleep well Danvers?

Kara got to her feet, glaring Leslie in eyes.

Kara: What's the big idea, Willis?!

Leslie: Chill out Danvers, I only used a (lies) joy buzzer to wake you up. Got ya shocked huh?

Kara: Why you-

Dean: Alright, that's enough you two. We're already at our destination.

Kara: Oh we are? Finally. (To Leslie) This isn't over.

Kara goes past them and out of the RV. Leslie rolls her eyes and followed with Dean being the last one to leave.

Babs: Ah, there's nothing like the smell of the sea.

Kara: All I smell is fish.

Leslie: Ditto on that.

Barry: Well there is a merchant over there selling fish.

He points to nearby shop where said merchant was indeed selling fish.

Merchant: Fish! Get your fresh fish here, even got fried fish, raw fish, etc! We got 'em all!

One man was about to enter the line but Kara bumped him out of the way.

Kara: (smiles) How much for the fried fish we talking about?

Mallory and the disguised Dunne was loading up their stuff on the boat she rented out which was a large motor Yacht. Dean also helped out with the items.

Leslie: So this is the boat you rented for the trip, huh?

Mallory: Yep, we're gonna be hunting for the beasts of these seas either put them on my mantle or to cook them & boy do I make exquisite dishes for fishes that'll make your taste buds go wild!

Leslie: Sea beasts? Ha! Sharks and whales I get but there's no way fish the size of a giant exist in these waters.

A large figure loomed behind Leslie, Barry and Babs.

???: (bold grim voice) Oh but there is, young ones....

The three yelped.

Babs: AAAH!

Barry: Gah!

Leslie: The hell?!

It was a big burly, fair skin tattooed man with a captain style jacket, black pants and boots.

Leslie: Seriously! Don't sneak up on us like that, ya creep!

???: (narrows eyes) Name's Ironarm Drako and I couldn't help but hear ya talking about catching beasts of these seawaters?

Babs: Why yes, yes we are. Although we never encountered such things but we're raring to make a discovery!

Leslie: Please Gordon, there's obviously no beasts in these oceans.

Ironarm Drako: Oh but there is such a thing. I've caught many of these giant creatures on my trip throughout these oceans. Heck, my friend here caught a rare giant golden catfish.

He points over his shoulder. Babs, Leslie and Barry looks over to another ship and in a large net was a golden catfish but it was very huge. (A/N: Similar to the giant fishes on Dragonball Z: Kakarot if you played the game or heard of it.)

Babs: Holy smokes! That fish is massive! The long whiskers, the giant sharp teeth and the wide fins!

Barry: Wow, that fish is nearly the size of a house and as a long as a school bus.

Leslie: ....?!

Ironarm Drako: There's more fish like that out of these seawaters but I'd turn back if I were you, it's no place for young ones.

Mallory appeared.

Mallory: No worries, they're with me. Plus, I ain't afraid of no sea beasts. If anything, it's the other way around.

Ironarm Drako glares at Mallory.

Ironarm Drako: I thought so as well 3 years ago, but it's not the beasts you have to worry about... Those who went further through these seas have disappeared...

Mallory: Disappeared?

Babs: Disappeared? How exactly? Oh wait, abducted by aliens?! Held hostage by a supervillain for ransom or experiments?! Taken to an underwater gladiator pit to fight for their lives?!

Ironarm Drako: Neither. You stray too far from the path you're on... You'll be another victim to the terror of... The Fog of M.

Leslie: Fog of M? Never heard of it.

Mallory: Uh-huh... What does the M stand for?

Ironarm Drako: No one knows... Mystery. Malice. Madness... I once sailed very far on these seas with my crew in search of a legendary treasure, many have tried and failed but I would stop at nothing to get it. However, the trip was dangerous from stormy days & nights to rapid currents to the beasts of the seas but the worse of them out of all was the Fog of M.

Barry and Babs were holding each other, shaking. Leslie let out a yawn, obviously bored. Mallory was curious as she continued to listen.

Ironarm Drako: I was close to the X, where I'll finally find the treasure but then... We came across the Fog of M, I was warned too about the horrors of the Fog but I didn't believe in legends. How I've regretted my choice. The Fog was thicker than any usual fogs, darker gray with a strange hue of pink-ish purple glow. We entered the fog to see our mission through but first we heard sounds of moaning, wails and distorted voices...

Babs: M-Moaning... Wails...?

Barry: V-Voices.

Ironarm Drako: Yes. My crew was frightened, I felt like I had chills running down the spine, but I wouldn't turn back now. We continued on forward until we saw something we shouldn't have... I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me but rows of glowing eyes circled around us in the fog, their piercing gazes staring right in our very souls... one by one my crew were pulled into the foggy waters without a trace before their screams were heard, I was the only one left trying to figure out what happened until something big struck me & my ship in one charge, I fell into the waters with my ship going with me which I thought you would be my last night on earth...

Mallory: And yet you're here today.

Ironarm Drako: Yes... I woke up a small island of rocks, stranded for 2 years until I was rescued but I lost my crew, my ship and my right arm.

Leslie: .... What a load of bologna. You're making it up.

Babs: I don't know about that, he doesn't look like the type of person to be joking.

Leslie: (rolls her eyes) Seriously? A mysterious fog that takes people, likely story. I don't buy it, plus I see two arms so he obviously didn't lose it.

Ironarm Drako rolls up his right arm sleeve and to the group's shock, his right arm was entirely made of pure iron metal.

Barry: His... Arm. It's...

Babs: All metal, bionic, prosthetic, fake, robotic, pure iron!

Leslie: Well... It could've been a shark that got him.

Ironarm Drako: Maybe it did, maybe it didn't.... I'll never forget what I saw to that day, the fog of M is haunted... anyone who would cross through it has never been heard from again, I was one of the lucky ones to barely escape & live to tell the tale.

Mallory: Well I'm sorry for your lost but I'm here to enjoy my day with my nephew & friends while catching the gigantic fishes of the sea and no ghost story is gonna scare me off, real or not.

The man sighed.

Ironarm Drako: Well... Don't say I didn't warn you. Go on ahead and sail to catch your prey but if you see the Fog of M... Turn your boat around and steer clear of the haunted visage or else you'll be added to the lost souls within it, wandering the dark seas for eternity...

The lightning flashed and thunder rumbled loudly, scaring Babs and Barry as the man took his leave. Dean then appeared after loading up the last of the supplies and Kara appeared with two buckets of fried fishes.

Dean: Everything's all set.

Kara: (munches on a fried fish) What did we miss?

Babs: Sea beasts! Fog! Haunted! Ghosts! Ghouls! People go missing! Never seen or heard from again!

Dean: Huh?

Kara: Easy Babs. You're losing your head here, what's up?

Leslie: Oh the two were scared of a spooky story by a burly old man with a metal arm about this creepy fog of M (waves her hands in a creepy manner) that swallows up people without a trace.

Babs screams and jumps into Barry's arms both shaking.

Leslie: Hehehe! Seriously? It's just a cheesy, fake story.

Kara: (laughs) For once I agree with you, a ghostly fog that takes people & turns them into ghosts, Ha!

Dean: Hmmmm.

Leslie: C'mon, you don't obviously believe that story, do ya?

Dean: I'm not sure. But let's not rush into things, we'll go relax on the yacht and catch the giant fishes needed for Mallory's special dishes.

Mallory: That's right nephew, now everyone on the yacht!


We cut to the yacht moving out at sea with Mallory at the steer. Dunne was in one of the rooms, meditating in silence. Babs and Barry got changed into their scuba gear ready, the speedster wearing a red & yellow lightning pattern trim wetsuit and the girl caped crusader wearing a purple & yellow long sleeve & short legged wetsuit. Kara was lounging around while eating her fried fish and steak sandwiches she snagged from Dean. Speaking of whom, Dean was sharpening a spear while Leslie was in one of the rooms, changing.

The docks were very far out of their sights, Mallory brought the yacht to a complete stop in the heart of the ocean.

Mallory: Alrighty guys, get your fishing rods, spears, bait, nets and shotguns ready!

Dean: Ready.

Babs: Way ahead of you! Barry and I are going (Batman voice) underwater to find the fish beasts that dwells...

Barry: Ready!

Babs: Now let's dive!

The two immediately jumped off the yacht cannonball style into the water with a big splash. Dean then turns to Kara, who was still eating.

Dean: You're not gonna join them?

Kara: (swallowed her food) Mmmm. Oh, no not yet. Gonna enjoying these steak sandwiches, these are to die for! (Chomps on another)

Dean: Oh ok-wait a minute... Those are my steak sandwiches!

Kara: I didn't see your name on them.

Mallory: Oh no... Hehehe.

Dean: A lot of food was packed for this trip and you just took my steak sandwiches, my exquisite treasure... (Gasps, narrowed his eyes) You never take a Saiyan's food...

Kara: Is that so? Well what's gonna happen, huh? (Smirks daringly)

Dean: (serious) You and me. Right now.

Kara chuckles, getting up to crack her knuckles and neck.

Kara: Hope you brought it Saiyan cuz I'm about to send you hurdling through the ocean. Winner who throws the person over into the water gets the remaining steak sandwiches, Loser does what the winner says.

Dean: Deal.

Mallory: Oh this is gonna be good, luckily this yacht is big enough for a fight but no full powers or it'll damage it.

The two charged at each other. Meanwhile, Babs and Barry were swimming underwater & looking around for giant fish beasts, the sea itself look quite beautiful in the deep, from exotic plants to various sea creatures, Babs swam ahead to better sights of her target with her bat net cannon ready in case she spot it.

Babs: (in her mind) Babs' inner monologue, Barry and I are in the deepest sea waters searching for the giant fish beasts that roam these underwater territory. You gotta have razor sharp wits & immense stealth like the bat to sneak up on the prey-

Babs felt a tap on her shoulder, which made her yelp and turn to aim her net cannon only to see Barry, who caught several fish but none of them fit the bill to the ones they were looking, at least something was caught. Babs gave Barry a stern look that spelled "don't sneak up on her like that", The speedster gave a sheepish smile under his mask and an apology, he points up surface to get the captured fish to the ship. Babs nods as Barry quickly swam up, The young female caped crusader then went to her monologue.

Babs: (in her mind) Now then... Oh right, you gotta have razor sharp wits & immense stealth like the bat to sneak up on the prey, carefully... makes sure they feel safe and when you get close to them, you strike!

Babs then turns around... only to come face-to-face with a giant eyeball which was all beady looking.

Babs: ....!!

Babs let a loud gargled scream.

On the yacht, Kara and Dean were trading fierce blows & grapples in trying to throw each other off the yacht. Barry resurfaced with net full of fish he caught while Mallory was looking around with binoculars.

Mallory: C'mon you stubborn beast, where are you? You can't hide forever-


Mallory, Barry, Kara and Dean turn their attention to massive splash in the ocean followed by loud scream of Babs.

Barry: Babs!!

Babs was seen stuck in her own net which covered partially the body of a giant monstrous looking golden fish (A/N: like the ones from DBZ: Kakarot game) which was swimming quickly and rabidly around the waters.


Mallory: There is it! Ready your battle stations! I'll get the double harpoon launchers 2000! Time to save your friend & trap that fish!

Kara and Barry jumped into the water to swim after the fish beast and Babs.

Kara: Hold on Babs, help's coming!

Dean and Mallory later came back rolling in two silver & blue trim cannon like launchers with harpoon spears within them.

Mallory: Gotta thank Margaret later, target locked!

They got their sights on the beast.

Mallory: Loaded in?!

Dean: Yep!

Mallory: Fire!

They activated the launchers, aimed and fired the double harpoon spears hooked to steel rope across the ocean. The spears struck the fish beast on the side, causing it to let out a loud roar.

Mallory: Got 'em! Whoa!

The yacht was being pulled forward as the giant sea beast swam faster and wilder.

Dean: It's got us now! Hold on!

The fish beast swam even faster and pulling the yacht forward along with it, the two holding onto the launchers, Kara and Barry saw this & swam out of the way of the yacht's path but went after them and the beast to get Babs.

Kara then managed to get close and jump on the fish beast, reaching for Babs and rips the net off to free her.

Kara: You okay Babs?!

Babs: Y-Yeah! But look at the size of this fish beast! Cool huh?!

Kara: Yeah, Yeah. Now brace yourself!

Babs: Wait what-AAAAAAH!!!

Kara throws Babs off the gigantic fish to Barry, who managed to catch her in the water.

Barry: Gotcha! You okay Babs?

Babs: (blushes a bit) Hehe, I am now! I-I mean, thanks!

Kara was now on the top of the gigantic fish beast who was still swimming fast while pulling the yacht linked to the two spears in its side.

Kara: Alright, you're about to feel some powerful hurt! GRRAAAAAGH!!

Kara rears her fist with a pumped powered flex and slams it into the head of the sea beast, sending immense pain to the creature and a shockwave through the seas. The beast collapsed and fell to the side of the water, mid floating and out of it as the yacht came to a big halt.

Dean: Whoa!

Mallory: Haha! Gotcha ya sea beast! Thanks for the help, Kara!

Kara: (smirks) What can I say? (Flexes) I am the greatest what I do.

Leslie's voice: Guys!

Everyone turns to see Leslie, who was dressed in a long sleeve & legless black and blue lightning pattern wet suit driving a jet ski with an upset look.

Mallory: Leslie? What are you doing? I thought you were in the yacht?

Leslie: I was, I got changed and went for a dive to check out any sea beast sightings and when I came back up, I see the yacht taking off quickly! Seriously, you left me behind!

Dean: Sorry. It wasn't by choice, we were... kinda dragged across the ocean.

Babs: Where'd you get a jet ski.

Leslie: (eyes move back & forth, smiles sheepishly) Uhhhh I... burrowed it.

It cuts to an angry teen jock and his cheerleader girlfriend floating at sea.

Jock: That punk chick freakin' stole my ride, dude! And after I wanted to ask her out!

Cheerleader: Please get us back to shore, the sea water's getting in my hair!! Wait what?! (Strangles the jock) You two timing, flirt of a creep!

Jock: (choking) Aaaaggghhh!

The scene moves back to the group.

Barry: Okay. Mallory, Dean and finally Kara managed to catch a gigantic fish monster by Babs' finding it.

Babs: Well hehe, though getting ensnared by the net wasn't my plan but the fish is ours!

Kara: Sorry ya missed the show Les. Fashionably late to see me lay the smackdown on this gargantuan whooper.

Leslie: (rolls her eyes) Haha, very funny danvers. (Smiles confidently) But you're not the only one who caught a massive whopper here!

She points a finger behind her, making the group take a look. Behind Leslie was a rope tied to the back of the jet ski linked to a mid floating gigantic red fish beast in a large net.

Kara: How did you of all people manage to catch a giant fish monster?

Leslie: (smirks) Oh there's a lot of things you don't know about me. Ha! I'm definitely sending this gigantic surprise to my shockateers in my vlog.

Dean: Great work.

Leslie and Kara: (at the same time) Thank you. (looks at each other) Huh? (Glared at each other) Grrrrrrrr.

Mallory: Two for the price of one!

The skies were getting very cloudy with the air growing eerily calm as Babs noticed it along with something up ahead which made her grow pale.

Babs: Uuuuh, guys...?

Dean: I'll reel in the fish giant Kara put down. Leslie, tie the rope linked to the fish giant you caught to the back.

Leslie: Roger Roger.

She drives her jet ski closer to the yacht and unties the rope holding the red gigantic fish and ties it to the back.

Babs: Guys?

The strange presence she spotted was rolling in awfully close.

Barry: Babs, are you okay-oooooh no... (seeing what Babs saw) F-F-F-F...

Babs: GUYS?!?!

Kara, Leslie, Dean & Mallory: What?!/ Geez, what's your problem?/ What is it Babs?/ Something wrong?

Babs: Fog! Death! Creepy mist! Strange lights! FEAR!!!!!

Mallory, Kara, Dean and Leslie look up ahead seeing the mother of all fogs looming closer to them. Looking directly at it, this fog was everything Ironarm Drako described & warned them about. Thought to be a legend but it was true, right in front of them was the haunted & eerie Fog of M.


Barry: Oh man, oh man! It's true, the legend is true! The Fog of M is real!

Kara: Now hold on, you can't possibly believe that crazy guy's story is true? It's just an ordinary fog!

Babs: What kind of fog has pink-ish purple glow in it?!

Dean didn't like the look of that fog, he sensed an awfully amount of dark life energy coming from it.

Dunne: You feel it too, don't you?

Dunne appeared before Mallory and Dean.

Dunne: There's an evil source of power coming from that fog.

Mallory: That bad, huh? Everyone on the yacht, we'll pulling out!

Reeling in the fish giant Kara caught, Babs, Barry and Kara swam over to the yacht while Leslie climbs aboard from the jet ski as the dreaded Fog of M begins to descend upon the boat. Mallory heads up to the main quarters to get the yacht going to turn it around but an odd sound was heard as the boat wasn't going. Mallory raised an eyebrow in confusion and tried again, the boat wasn't starting back up.

Mallory: What the...? It was working a moment ago and I'm pretty the fuel meter isn't on E.

Kara: What's the hold up?!

Mallory: Damn it... The yacht's motor engines aren't responding! We're sitting ducks!

Leslie: Seriously?! Did you forget to refill fuel in the freakin' boat motor?!

Mallory: (sarcastic) No I sold it all to buy packs of beer... (Yells) Of course I didn't forget! The fuel meter is not even on E yet the control aren't budging!

Barry: That's not good and the fog's upon us...

Babs: We gotta get outta here or stay to catch whatever spirits are in this haunted fog. Either way, we can't let them pick off one by one! Stay together! Strength in numbers! They can't take us all if we're in a group!

Leslie: I think that bat hoodie of yours was snug tight on your brain, there's no such thing as ghosts!

Then a series of eerie, low moans and groans were heard followed by wails that sent chills down the spine.

Babs: T-Then what'll you call that?!

Kara: It's obviously some punks messing with us.

Dunne: I don't think so... There's evil in this fog...

Leslie: (to the hooded namekian) Sure... (Mocking a scared girl) Oh no, we're trapped in a haunted fog! We can't get out, we'll be sacrificed to the lost souls here forever! Hahaha! Let me guess, the fog made the yacht stop working?

Dunne didn't answer the shockjock but narrowed his eyes, feeling the evil presence growing more & more vile.

Kara: (to Barry and Babs) I can always fly this yacht out of here.

Babs: Bad idea.

Kara: C'mon Babs! Work with me here, what can happen?!

Babs: (whispers) Well for one, Leslie might see you & find out Kara Danvers is nowhere to be found & Supergirl suddenly appeared, putting two & two together to find out your secret. And two, the ghosts in this fog will get you!

Kara: Okay, I might buy the first one but the second one is straight up bull! There's no ghosts!

Babs: Have you forgotten our encounter with the Silver Banshee ghost?!

Kara: Well I-ugh! That was an exception!

Babs: On what grounds?!

Barry: Guys...

Kara & Babs: What is it?

Barry: Do you get the feeling you're being watched...?

Kara: Why?

The speedster shakily points at multiple trails of pink-ish purple glowing eyes around in the fog, gazing at the group with their cold & horrifying stares.

Kara: W-What the?!

Leslie: This can't be real! It must be a light show!

Babs: Out in the middle of the ocean surrounded by a haunted fog?!

Dean and Dunne vigilantly stare at the multiple scary eyes in the fog. Then the fog forms a giant ghastly & beastly looking face with glowing pink-ish purple eyes with wide, terrifying grin.

Hehehehe... Hahahahahahaha!!!

Babs and Barry screamed in fright. Kara and Leslie were shocked. And Mallory pulls out her pulsar guns to shoot lasers at the monstrous fog visage but it went through it with the ghastly evil laugh intensifying.


Mallory: Ugh!

Another scream was heard with everyone seeing Leslie and Barry floating around in midair.

Barry: Something's got me! (Running on air) Can't... Get loose!

Leslie: H-Hey! Let me down from here! This isn't funny!

The two were getting dragged away. Dean and Babs went after the two, grabbing the foot of Barry and Leslie to pull them back but whatever is pulling them had a strong grip.

Babs: Hold on!

Dean: I gotcha-

Babs and Dean were hit by unseen force, causing them to lose their grip as Barry and Leslie were pulled into the foggy depths of the ocean.

Barry: Babs!!

Leslie: Dean, Help!!

The speedster and the shockjock were pulled in completely, vanishing without a trace.

Dean: Barry! Leslie!

Babs: Noooooo!!

They called out to them but no trace of them was heard, Dean even tried to sense Barry and Leslie's energy signature to track but for some reason, he wouldn't lock onto the speedster and shockjock's ki to go through the fog and save them. This was no ordinary fog as he thought because it's blocking his energy sense.

Kara was seen firing lasers at the monstrous fog visage surrounding her and Dunne, who was firing ki blasts at them.

Kara: This things just won't give up! I can't punch them or blast them away!

Dunne: Our attacks have no effect on them.

Kara: Then... They really are ghosts-agh!

Kara and Dunne were engulfed by a giant fog hand.

Kara: GRRAAAAAGH! Let me out of here!

Dunne: Ngh!

The kryptonian and namekian struggled and the fog hand had a solid grip on them, a large set of pink-ish purple eyes staring maliciously at them.

Kara: Wait til I get out of here! I will-

Kara was cut off when she and the namek were pulled into the foggy depths of the sea, vanishing.

Mallory: Kara! Dunne!

Mallory dodges the foggy hands trying to grab her and regroup with Dean and Babs.

Mallory: Where's Allen and Willis?

Dean: They were taken.

Mallory: Damn... Same with Kara & Dunne.

Babs: This is bad! This is really, really bad! We're the only ones left!

The three heard more wails and distorted voices with the deranged laughter growing, the eyes within the fog piercing at the three with Mallory on her guard with her pulsar guns, Babs with her batarangs and Dean with his fists, ready for more horrors ready to jump out. But then Dean noticed something up ahead in the fog, a shadow of some of sort which was getting closer & eclipsing in size and looming over the yacht & from the looks of that visage and it's pace, it was looking to ram into the boat full force...

Dean: Get Down!

Dean quickly got to Babs and Mallory to shield them as the giant shadowy, looming visage charged in and....


In one quick & fatal charge, the yacht was completely decimated by the force, leaving nothing but pieces of the large boat in the foggy waters with no sign of Dean, Babs and Mallory in sight. Dead silence filled the ghastly Fog of M until the haunting laughing echoed through the creepy area.

Hehehehehe... Hehehehehahahha...  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Dean can be heard groaning as he opened his eyes.

Dean: What the... Where am I?

Babs' voice: Dean! Glad you're awake!

Dean: Huh? Babs, where are you?

Babs' voice: Up here!

Dean fully regained his senses and looks around, seeing a strange and creepy lab/sanctum structure area with mysterious artifacts, potions, advanced machinery, an inner circle with mystic marks on the ground with a M symbol in the center. He looks up and sees Babs and Mallory hanging from the ceiling in a cage.

Dean: Babs! Aunt Mallory!

The Saiyan attempts to go help but he wasn't moving, he looks and finds himself in an X formation with his arms and legs in high tech restraints with tendril like tubes strapped to his head & arms. He noticed Dunne & Kara to his right and Leslie & Barry to his left, in the same restrain predicament as he was.

Dean: Guys? Guys! Wake up!

They four slowly awake with some groans and grumbles.

Leslie: Ugh... My head...

Barry: Last thing I remembered was getting dragged into the fog and passing out...

Kara: Ugghhhh... Huh? (Noticed the restraints & tries to break out but was stuck) Grrrr! Agh! I can't get loose!

Barry: Me neither!

Leslie: Where the hell are we?!

???: (eerie female voice) I believe I can answer that.

Kara: Who said that?!

???: I did.

Barry: Are you a... ghost?

???: You wish I was... No I'm something worse...

Out of the shadows appeared a slightly tall woman with pale skin, very long black hair to the right side with the left side completely shaved, eerie purple eyes, has a voluptuous beautiful figure. She was wearing a white trim coat with split sharp coattails, a sleeveless black & indigo trim bodysuit with a boob window, a silver trim belt & thigh length black boots. She also has a strange letter M mark on her forehead.

Dunne saw the M mark and was horrified.

Dunne: No... Not that mark...

???: (eerie smile) Welcome, glad to have you all awake.

Dean felt a vile power coming from this woman.

Dean: Who are you?

???: I am Matriarch M, a marvelous scientist & sorceress. Welcome to my island.

She pressed a button as a holographic image of a massive, ominous looking island appeared surrounded by the Fog of M.

Matriarch M: How fortunate for me that you found yourselves on my island, but very unfortunate for you... Seems my creations got hastily with playing with you in my fog...

Leslie: Your fog?

Babs: Creations? (Gasps) It was you! You're the reason why people were disappearing throughout the seas through this Fog of M!

Matriarch M: (acts surprised) Wow... You're smarter than I give you credit for, detective.

Kara: So there was no ghosts? You made that fog?

Leslie: Gee. She just got through telling us that Danvers. Seriously, Fog of M. Matriarch M. What does the M stand for anyway?!

Dunne: Majin...

Dean: What?

Dunne: It stands for Majin.

Mallory: Majin?

Barry: Majin?

Kara: Who or what is a Majin?

Dunne: Majins was a race of magical beings, individuals of pure destruction itself. I've heard about them, they have laid waste to countless planets and carved a path of pure chaos and terror through the universe more so than Frieza. Even the Saiyan known as Goku encountered the one known as Majin Buu, who a prime example of destruction incarnate. This woman is a carrier of the mark of the Majin.

Matriarch M chuckles as she walks towards Dunne, ripping the hood off his head, the namekian teen glaring at her.

Matriarch M: Nailed it on the spot, namekian. Been awhile since I've seen your kind in my universe.

Leslie: (looks at Dunne) You're an alien?!

Matriarch M: Of course he is, you punk. Surprised you weren't curious why he was hiding his face.

Leslie growled angrily at Matriarch M.

Dean: You said from your universe? So you're from another world.

Matriarch M: Yes. I'm from a parallel dimension, discovering the wonders of multiverse traveling although in the prototype phase but I managed it. It brought me here since I needed to... get away from my enemies for awhile, setting up my island.

Babs: So what's your game here? Why are you making people disappear in your fog?

A creepy grin stretched across her face as the mad sorceress laughed which echoed.

Matriarch M: Simple... Takeover.

Babs: Takeover?

Matriarch M: Yes. Setbacks & delays have happened in my world but here, I've been conducting, experimenting & using my dark magic to create the Fog of M in order to keep trespassers away but... It's fun if they don't ignore the warning and stumble into my fog where my majin warriors & created monsters take them... they bring them to my island as test subjects.

She presses another button, showing holographic images of people or what they used to be, all bizarre, menacing and/or grotesque monsters of all shapes and sizes all bearing the majin mark.

Kara: Holy crap...

Leslie: I think I'm gonna be sick...

Babs: That's horrible! You monster!

Matriarch M: That's one half of the large list of victim. The other half is to use their energy to pump it in this.

She shows a large light purple cocoon pod within a bizarre machine, the wires and tubes linked to the restraints Dean, Kara, Leslie, Barry and Dunne are in.

Mallory: What is that thing?

Matriarch M: Within that cocoon lies my ultimate, malicious Majin warrior of pure unbridled power & destructive tendencies. For years, I've been getting energy needed to fuel this cocoon for my creation's revival. (Frowns) Alas, the army of victims' energy I stole only went so far... but not far enough to revive it fully.

Matriarch M turns to the five, the grin returning.

Matriarch M: But fortunate has smiled upon me as the five are the keys to my creation's full revival! Each of you possesses powerful energy with the correct amount, with the Namekian and the Saiyan along with you three as well.

Kara: Leslie? Powerful? Ha! You're either insane or funny!

Leslie: Tch! You're no prize either, loser. You're as powerful as a dog with an annoying bark!

Kara: Why you-

Matriarch M: SILENCE!

The punk kryptonian and shockjock turned to the mad sorceress, who showed holographic images and scans of Kara, Leslie and Barry.

Matriarch M: The Blonde girl is very powerful, not human but of alien origin. Upon my scanning of you all while you were unconscious, I found out your DNA was that of Kryptonian physiology.

Leslie: Kryptonian? You're a kryptonian like the boy scout (Superman) & stupidgirl (Supergirl)?!

Kara: Hey, I'm not Stupidgirl! I'm Supergirl! (Realized her mistake) Crap...

Matriarch: The Blonde boy (Barry) & the punk girl (Leslie) are human or at least were... Metahuman possibly but both energy signature are quite on an impressive display, hint of cosmic, chemical, lightning and electricity.

Leslie: (nervous) Uhhh... I don't know what you're talking about? I think you have more screws loose in your head.

Barry: (in his mind) Oh man, does she know about the speed force? This is really bad...

Kara: What are you hiding, Willis?

Matriarch M: You doubt my proof, you're a metahuman of pure electricity while the blonde boy has quite an energy signature with lightning, chemicals & cosmic substance but mostly to his foot I think... eh no matter.

Leslie was sweating while Barry caved.

Barry: Okay, I'm The Flash!

Leslie: Eh?!

Babs: Barry!

Barry: I'm sorry, she broke me down!

Kara then thought about how Leslie called her "Stupidgirl" and the only villain she fought that use that name often as insult at the battlefield was... Then a lightbulb appears on Kara's head which exploded.

Kara: You're Livewire!

Leslie: (in her mind) Oh Crap.

Babs: My mind is blown right now!

Leslie: Uhhh, Dean is Saiyan Brawler!

Dean: Leslie!

Leslie: I panicked, okay?! She's knows now like you did!

Kara: (angrily glares at Dean) You knew she was Livewire?!

Dean: (sighs) 2 weeks after our encounter, yes.

Kara: And you didn't tell us?! She's a villain and you're trying to be buddy buddy with her?! You need to break it off!

Leslie: Hey, you don't decide who he can or can't hang out with! Plus, I'm not that person anymore!

Dean: Look, she's trying to change! She did bad things I get it but Les is trying to redeem herself.

Kara: (rolls her eyes) Likely story, why don't you release General Zod from the phantom zone & see if you can make him good!

Dean: Who?!

Kara: Exactly!

Barry: Guys please don't fight, we can work something out.

Kara: (angry) Dean, Leslie's a snake! A electric snake, she'll misuse our secrets and tell her villain friends! You can't trust her!

Leslie: (angry) I'm about misuse my electric hand upside your head!

Matriarch M: If you guys are done bickering like fools, I got business to take care of. Now where was I...? Oh yes, energy extraction!!

Matriarch M goes to the machine with the cocoon inside and pulls the lever, activating the machine glowing a pink-ish purple with electricity which spreads from the wires & tubes and reached the restraints of Dean, Kara, Leslie, Barry and Dunne, engulfed by the energy extraction process, feeling excruciating pain.






Babs: Guys! No!!!

Mallory: Let them go or you'll answer to me!

Matriarch M only grin as the energy of Dean, Kara, Leslie, Barry and Dunne was being extracted and transferring to her machine with the cocoon inside. The meter was quickly reaching close to Max.

Matriarch M: Yes... Yes! This is the moment I've been waiting for! Hahahahaha!

Mallory: Damn it, I gotta get outta this cage!

Babs: Wait... I got it!

Babs reached through her left wet suit sleeve and pulls out a swiss army like batarang.

Babs: (smiles) Yes!

Mallory: You keep that around, don't ya?

Babs: Yep, gotta be prepared for times like this.

Mallory: (smirks) Good one kid. Now pick the lock while the mad sorceress or scientist is distracted.

Babs: (smirks) Gotcha.

Dean, Kara, Leslie, Barry and Dunne were screaming in agony from the energy being drained from them while Matriarch M was admiring her work ready to be revived. Babs went through her swiss army like batarang, Screwdriver no. Needle no. Toothbrush no. Fork no. Drill no. Key Yes! Babs slinked her hand through the bars and carefully placed the key in the lock to fit, turning around a bit until a click sound was heard.

Babs: Got it!

Babs unlocked it, getting her hand free and opening the cage door as she & Mallory jump from the cage to the floor on their feet.

Matriarch M: Yes! It's at full power! My creation is finally-

Mallory: Hey, Psycho Witch!

Matriarch M turns around and got tackled by Mallory to the ground. While the two struggled in grappling each other, Babs pulls out two batarangs and throws it at the machine's controls & levers, sparks flying and streaming.

Matriarch M: No!!

The machine was short circuiting with more sparks flying and set of mini explosions popping up, causing the energy extraction process to come to a crashing halt.

Babs: Oh yeah! Score one for the bat!

With the machine fired, the restraints on Dean, Kara, Leslie, Barry and Dunne clicked open as some fell to their knees or completely hit the ground.

Babs: Guys! You okay?!

Dean: I'll live...

Barry: Me too, thanks for the save Babs.

Dunne gave a brief nod.

Kara: I'm fine. Sore but fine...

Leslie: Battery ain't completely low... but I felt like my soul left my body.

The six heard a yelp upon seeing Mallory sent flying with a hole in her chest from a pink-ish purple ki blast.

Dean: Aunt Mallory!

She landed on the ground, clutching her wound with blood spilling from it and her mouth. All eyes turn to a very irate Matriarch M.

Matriarch M: You... (Points to Babs) years of planning to revive my ultimate majin warrior, dashed thanks to you!

Dean got into in front of Babs to guard while having an enraged look, immediately going super saiyan.

Dean: You're going to pay for hurting my aunt and everyone else you've trapped here!

Matriarch M: Correction, it'll be you who pays... especially the orange haired brat! You'll all know the true meaning of torture when I'm through with you all!

Ominous ki surrounded the mad sorceress as she was getting ready to attack. Dunne saw Mallory wasn't fairing well as he went to her while the Saiyan, Kryptonian, the shockjock, the speedster and the female caped crusader got ready to fight.


A breaking sound got everyone's attention, Matriarch M turns around and sees the broken machine with the cocoon cracked open in two with smoke coming out of it, forming into a solid visage.

Matriarch M: ....?! Could it be...?

Within the smoke, the solid visage took shape with glowing purple eyes present.

Leslie: You guys seeing this?

Dean: The cocoon hatched...?

Kara: What? How?! Babs fried it with the machine!

Babs: Yeah!

Matriarch M broke into a diabolical laughter.

Matriarch M: Perfect! Absolutely wonderful! My creation is alive! ALIVE! HAHAHAHA!

Out of the smoke appeared a slightly short humanoid lifeform, it has slender feminine build indicating that it was female. She had black eyes with glowing purple eyes, pale indigo skin, antenna tendrils on her head that resembles a hairstyle of a mohawk combed to the right, distorted shaped ears, fangs, no nose and wearing a sleeveless black bodysuit.

The creature looks around the room, looking at Matriarch M then the group. She tilted her head eerily to the left, eyes giving a blank stare.

Leslie: Pfft! Hahahaha! That's the big creation you've been waiting for?!

Kara: Hahahaha! I thought it was a big, bad monster warrior, not an iddy biddy small fry, hahaha!

Babs: I don't know guys. Never judge a book by it's cover.

The Majin creature grits her fangs and erupted with ominous purple & black ki, yelling frantically.

Dean: Her power... It's terrifying.

Barry: Whoa... I feel that!

Leslie: I see that!

Babs: I taste that!

Matriarch M: Hear me, my creation! I am Matriarch M, your master! Show me your true power by killing these fools!

The creature stopped and stared at the group Matriarch M ordered to kill.

Majin creature: (slightly high pitched female tone) Kill... Kill... Kill!

Dean: Guys, we need to finish this quickly!

Barry: Way ahead up to ya!

Barry sped quickly at the majin creature, running circles around her in forming a red tornado and levitating her up. Dean got ready and flew up while Kara turns to Leslie.

Kara: Truce?

Leslie: ... Truce.

Kara and Leslie nod and joined Dean in the attack while Barry had the majin creature trapped in his red tornado. Dean fired a light blue ki beam, Kara throws her back and fired a large red laser from her eyes and Leslie absorbed electricity from the machines around her to fire a large beam of electricity, all three attacks hitting the majin creature who yelled frantically & powered up to repel it... only for her to be eclipsed by the combined attacks and blew up into pieces.

Matriarch M: NOOOOOOO!!!

Dean, Kara, Leslie and Barry regrouped with Babs and Dunne, who was carrying Mallory. Matriarch M fell to her knees as charred pieces of her creation fell to the ground like rain.

Matriarch M: No...  Failure, Failure, Nothing but Failure! (Slammed her fist to the floor)

Kara: (smirks) Irony stings, doesn't it? Your creature is done.

Dean: And so are you.

Matriarch M glares angrily at the group, she wasn't gonna let this stand. Before she could do anything, she noticed the charred pieces of her majin creature slowly started to turn pale blue. Her eyes widened, their attack wasn't strong enough, her creation was still alive! But it was weakened, she needed to develop her power further as a retreat was in order.

Matriarch M: Hehehehe... Hehehehe... Hahahahahahaha!!!

Leslie: What's so funny?!

Kara: You're about to get pummeled into next week!

Matriarch M: I'm afraid today's not the day, so consider this a free pass. We'll meet again and next time, you'll be the first ones to fall to my power during my takeover... I promise you.

Matriarch M slammed her hands to the ground, Dean went to stop her but she chanted an inverted spell as the place shook immensely and the entire area was engulfed in bright purple light.

The next thing that happened was... Dean, Kara, Leslie, Barry, Babs and Dunne who held onto to Mallory emerged from the water. They looked around, nothing but ocean on a clear night, the fog and the island along with Matriarch M was gone.

Babs: Matriarch M is gone!

Barry: Along with the island and the fog...

Leslie: Talk about using a Houdini trick to run away.

Kara: I really wanted to punch the witch's crazed face in.

Dean: Oh man, Mallory-

Dunne: She's fine. I healed her, if I haven't gotten to her in time she would've died.

Dean: (sighs in relief) Thank you.

Leslie: Well what'll we do now? Swim back? Plus, we lost our giant fish beasts.

Babs: Wait, there they are!

They saw what's left of the yacht but the two fish giants they caught floating in that grave of the former ship.

Kara: Well it's not a total loss. I'll carry them.

Barry: Climb on Babs, I can run us back.

Babs: (jumps on Barry's back) Right!

Dunne: I'll carry your aunt to fly.

Dean: (to Leslie) Looks like I'll carry you back.

Leslie blushes a little.

Leslie: Oh uhh o-ok, hehe.

Dean picks Leslie up bridal style, making the shockjock blush redder as he flew her back to the way they came, followed by Barry running on water with Babs on his back, Kara flying while carrying both giant fish beasts and Dunne following with Mallory in his arms.

This was a crazy day but the group knew that this won't be the last time they'll see or hear of Matriarch M.


Back at the Saiyan's home...

Margaret: I'm glad you're all alright.

Mallory: You worry too much, Sis.

Margaret: (to Mallory) You had a hole through your chest by a psycho scientist!

Babs: Sorceress.

Barry: Basically both.

Margaret: Whatever!

Mallory: I'm still alive.

Margaret: Thanks to Dunne here. Thank you.

Dunne: You're welcome.

Margaret: (to Mallory) And don't scare me like that again.

Mallory: (rolls her eyes with a smile) Yeah yeah, I promise. Ya can't get rid of me that easily. Now, I got me some giant fish to grill.

The two women left and Dunne went to meditate, only leaving the five in the living room.

Babs: Well despite the supposed haunted fog and the reveal of a crazy sorceress/scientist from another dimension, this trip wasn't that bad.

Barry: Yeah, I had fun.

Dean: Me too.

Kara: So now what?

Dean raised an eyebrow.

Kara: I mean, since we know Leslie's little secret and she's knows ours. Where do we go from here?

Dean: She'll keep it.

Kara: (narrowed eyes) And how do you know old sparkplug will keep it?

Leslie: (glares) Watch it, poser punk.

The two glared at each other as the saiyan chuckles.

Dean: You two are like sisters, I can see you getting along just fine later on. 

Leslie and Kara glared at the saiyan.

Dean: Hey, you know I'm right. You both have punk style, love rock and are tomboys, etc.

The kryptonian and shockjock look at each other with a sigh before Kara hit a hard yet playful punch to Leslie.

Leslie: Ouch!

Kara: That was for the shock wake up call and... great job with helping take out that creature.

Leslie: (rubs her arm) Thanks. You... Too...

Kara: I know it'll take time to trust you, a pain in the ass in high school and as a villain-

Leslie: I get it.

Kara: But if you're really changing as Dean said you are, I'll try... to accept you but if you step out of line or tell any of your villain friends our secrets, (narrows her eyes) I will hunt you down and give you a fist to the head so hard, you'll forget more your own name.

Leslie: Hmmmm, Maybe...

Dean: (stern) Leslie...

Leslie: I was kidding! Geez, I promise. (Crosses her arms with a huff) You're no fun when I can't trick you.

Kara: (smirks) Heh.

Leslie: Well I gonna go, see ya around Danvers & Deanie-Boy.

Dean: You're not gonna stay for Mallory's special dishes?

Leslie: Naw. After everything that's happened here, I'm gonna head home & collapse in my bed. Maybe another time.

Leslie heads for the door, waving the saiyan goodbye before heading out & closing the door.

Babs: So... Livewire's on the side of good now?

Dean: Well she didn't say anything about being a hero while giving up her villain ways but the choice is hers.

Babs: Okay.

Kara: Well enough about that, let's dine.

Barry: Alright.

The four went to the kitchen for Mallory's special dishes.


We cut to Leslie, who was walking back to her home listening to some music on her phone but looking closely on the back of her neck... a piece of the majin creature was seen slithering around before phasing itself into Leslie's skin...

The End...?

To be continued...

(Chapter 7 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! The group heads on a fishing trip with Leslie also tagging along as Kara doesn't trust her. But they heard the legend of the Fog of M which was rumored to be haunted but it was created by my oc Matriarch M, a majin scientist/sorceress who seeks world takeover in reviving her ultimate majin warrior (another OC of mine) but failed (not completely though) but the group has not seen the last of Matriarch M. Secrets were revealed and be kept again between Leslie, Kara and the group. And finally, it looks like a piece of the majin creature has stowed away & phased itself into Leslie's skin, what will happen to the shockjock? Find out in due time, next chapter the Saiyan will have an interaction with another love interest of the six since Diana & Leslie got their turn, who is next? Tune in next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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