First Encounter, An Amazon's Heart

The next day, Dean was seen in the backyard wearing black pants, bandages wrapped around his hands and black shoes, practicing quick punches and kicks.

Dean: Hraaaaah!!!

Dean disappeared and reappeared in backflips and front flips while throwing more swift and strong punches & kicks. While he was training, Dean didn't know that his aunts let in a visitor who was told of his whereabouts in the backyard. That person was Diana, who texted Dean that she was coming over in which the Saiyan texted her the means to locate his home.

Diana: Friend Dean, it's me. Your aunts told me that you were back here-

Diana was caught off guard by Dean training, the way he moved, the well timing and calculated display of his punches and kicks and his physique... The Amazon was as red as a tomato as her heart was pounding rapidly.

Diana: (in her mind) Great Hera... His physique is like it was molded by the gods...

Soon, Dean finished with a straight kick that send shockwaves throughout the area. He takes a deep breath and turns around to see Diana standing there on the back porch, staring at him.

Dean: Diana, I didn't know you came here early. How are you?

Diana: .....

Dean: (raised an eyebrow in confusion) Diana? Are you feeling okay?

Diana: .....

Dean: Do you have a fever? My aunts have medicine if you're not feeling well.

Diana automatically slaps herself, coming to her senses with a small blush.

Diana: Oh uh yes! I am okay! Sorry for my sudden freezing. I managed to follow your text map to find your place of dwelling.

Dean: It's fine really and neat. So may I ask, what did you want to do today?

Diana: Well... As far as I can see that you are training right now, I was hoping to join you in participating. Since we're aligned with one another, I want to see how strong and skilled your abilities are against me.

Dean: Sure. I'd like that.

Diana: Excellent, I'll go change into my attire. May I ask where your bathroom is in your home?

Dean: Oh right, head upstairs and to your left, go down to the hall and you'll find it.

Diana nods as she heads back into Dean's home, the Saiyan went into his bag to pull out large, weighted armbands, belt and ankle bands to place them on, feeling heavier as he crouches to the ground to do pushups while he waits for Diana.

Later, Diana came back out wearing her hair in an upwards ponytail, wearing a red sports bra, blue yoga pants and red & white sneakers.

Diana: Dean, I'm ready for our training session!

Dean: Good!

Dean got up, taking off the weighted armbands, belt and ankle bands, letting them drop the ground which makes a loud thundering sound.

Diana: What in Hades?!

Dean: Sorry for the scare, these are weighted armbands, belt and ankle bands.

Diana picks up them but was surprised by the material's weight.

Dean: Heavy, aren't they?

Diana: Yes. How do you train in these?

Dean: It's no easy task. One day, I fought a villain who can control & manipulate gravity, a powerful and tricky one at that to make gravity as light as a feather to throw you off your game or as heavy as numerous mountains to crush you, it was a miracle that I beat him, he really roughed me up.

Diana: An individual who possesses the power over gravity itself? Never have I known someone like that.

Dean: Yeah. After that, he gave me an idea to test my limit through certain levels of gravity to train in so one of my aunts made these special weighted armor, armbands, belt, ankle bands and equipment specifically created from materials & technology needed to up the gravity training. She does plan on making a special room to train in on changing gravity levels someday.

Diana: What an outstanding and bizarre creation.

Dean: Yes, I nearly weighed a ton or more & I could barely move when I first tried the weighted gear but I got use to it and after removing it to move around freely, I was even faster and as a light as a feather.

Diana: Then I wish to try these weighted gear as well.

Dean: Are you sure you can handle that?

Diana: (smiles confidently) Why yes, I am an Amazon. I will face and overcome any obstacles in front of me.

Diana puts the weighted armbands, belt and ankle bands on, causing the Amazon to fall on all fours with a grunt.

Diana: Urrgh...!

Dean: Told ya it was going to be difficult.

Diana: (struggling to stand) Hrrgghh...! Nonsense! I won't succumb to this... I will overcome this... dreaded weighted garbs...!

Dean: Then you can start by moving around the backyard, the area's quite huge so you'll be able to have enough space to move around in the weighted gear to get use to it before we begin sparring, I'll even spot you.

Diana: Much... Appreciated... Friend Dean!

Diana then started her lunge/walk/run through the huge yard with weighted gear attached to her as it felt like multiple gold bricks were attached to her but the Amazon wasn't going to give up, she would master this and move on the next challenge with Dean spotting for her.

While this was going on, two people were watching from the back door of the house. The first was a slightly tall woman in her early 30s with fair skin, long black flowing hair, green eyes and possesses a curvaceous bottom heavy figure & she was wearing a black business jacket, a light yellow turtleneck shirt, dark gray pants and brown loafers.

The second was a slightly short woman in her mind 20s, slight fair skin, slightly short spiky hair, green eyes and possesses an athletic, beautiful top & bottom heavy figure. She was wearing a sleeveless black shirt, a sleeveless blue leather jacket, blue jeans and brown boots.

They were Margaret and Mallory, older sisters of the late Selene, Dean's foster mother. The first woman, Margaret was the oldest and the elegant, smart & strict one being a scientist & inventor but isn't a total stickler of authority as she too enjoys fun and spend time with Dean but didn't tolerate Mallory's teasing or impractical jokes.

Speaking of whom, Mallory, the second older sister, was the thrill seeking, funny and free spirited one. She has a career as a cage fighter & a mechanic and has a hand in training Dean & getting him to join her on her mischief, much to Margaret's dismay & not wanting her to make a delinquent out of the Saiyan.

Margaret: I must say that it's wonderful that Dean is making friends already in Metropolis.

Mallory: And the first is a real strong girl at that, nephew's really got a dashing one there.

Margaret: Don't be sudden, Mallory. He's not looking for a girlfriend at the moment, not after what happened last time...

Mallory: Oh yeah... I put his ex girl's mom in a kimura lock for trying to force our nephew to get back together with her floozy daughter.

Margaret: Normally I'd disagree with you on senseless violence but she had it coming.

Mallory: And hey it's not senseless if you don't get caught.

Margaret: I feel like you're trying to get arrested.

Mallory: Hey, her daughter broke my nephew's heart but I can't beat up a kid. Even I have standards so her delusional mother was the next best thing. And you don't even wanna know what I did to the father who was a cop.

Margaret: Yeah wait-what did you do?!

Mallory: Hey, he's wasn't one of those good cops.

Margaret: (sharp glare) What. Did. You. Do?

Mallory: Uhhhh what's that? I gotta feed the pets? Okay! Gotta go, byyyyyyeeeee~!

Mallory ran off.

Margaret: Mallory!

She ran after her, leaving Dean and Diana alone.


On a mountain peak, there was a figure appearing on the edge to lay eyes on metropolis. The individual in question was slightly tall, looked female & humanoid but possesses an insectoid like appearance in a red/dark gray/black spotted armored exoskeleton frame slightly bulky yet feminine, her eyes were blue with slitted black pupils, more of her insectoid features were sharp horns pointed upwards like a crown, a strange beak like mouth with sharp fangs, three toed foot, five fingered hands, wings like a beetle & a long tail coming out of her back with a stinger at the end.

This female creature was dragging what looks like an injured burly guy with red hair and wearing a dark blue business suit and black shoes.

Female creature: (raspy, growly voice) Is this metropolis?

The burly man grunts as the creature pulled him up to eye level, looking at him with a menacing leer.

Female creature: You said... You've been to Metropolis before and seen an Amazon Hero amongst the others so I'll ask again... Is. This. Place. Metropolis?

Burly man: Y-Yes, there's a sign over a bit far over there that says otherwise!

The creature turns to where the man was pointing and seeing the sign, confirming that he was telling the truth.

Female creature: (smirks) Ah... So this is metropolis. Quite different from the one I've seen... Today's your lucky day, human. I won't kill you.

Burly man: Oh thank goodness, so I'm free to go?

Female creature: (smirks sinisterly) Sure.

She released him as the burly man ran as fast as he could but he let out a pained wail upon being pierced in the back by the stinger of the female creature's tail.

Burly man: H-Hey... But you said...

He felt his life leaving him, his entire body started to shrink and age slowly before vanishing completely, leaving only his clothes.

Female creature: Fool. Now... I shall succeed where I have failed to do in my world... The Amazon, Wonder Woman, with the immense power I possess, I'm coming for you. So says... Biocha.

The creature known as Biocha flew inside metropolis with a haunting laughter.


Back at Dean's home...

Slowly but surely, Diana was getting used to the weighted gear she had on and was able to move around a bit quicker than the time she started, running laps, doing acrobatics and solid punches & kicks.

Dean was impressed by the Amazon's determination and will to get stronger. He was also impressed by her pure beauty, her strong & graceful physique and style was truly that of a warrior goddess, it made him blush a bit as he tries to get these thoughts out of his head and focus.

Dean: Ahem! Alright, time out.

Diana immediately stopped with a front flip, landing in front of the Saiyan who was slightly surprised by her up close.

Diana: What's next, friend Dean?

Dean: ..... W-Well, Ahem. Why won't we take a break for now, you seem to be tired from the weighted gear.

Diana: (hands on her hips with a smile) Preposterous, I am perfectly fine and used to it.

Then Diana fell backwards with a little "uh oh" and would've hit the ground if Dean hadn't caught her.

Dean: Whoa there, you nearly hit the ground. You okay?

Diana's face was redder than ever, the Saiyan caught her with their eyes meeting closely, her heart beating rapidly with a fluster.

Diana: Y-Yes. Maybe I am little exhausted and you have my thanks for catching me.

Dean: Sure, no problem.

Dean helps Diana up, removing the weighted gear.

Dean: I'll get us some water.

Dean ran back into the house, leaving Diana to her thoughts.

Diana: (in her mind) There is that strange sensation again... The way he caught me in his arms, the embrace felt warm & strong. Could he be the one... as humans would put it in a love connection...? I must know more...

Soon, Dean came back with two bottles of water, the two would sit down and have a drink while having a conversation. Diana would tell Dean about her life in Themyscira, home of the strong & fierce Amazon Warriors ruled by her mother, Queen Hippolyta.

Dean: So you disguised yourself as a warrior and won the whole tournament of Athena and Aphrodite? And even snuck out of your home to seek out warriors in arms to protect the world of man?

Diana: Yes, despite going against my mother's wishes, I did pass the tests by Amazon law, no tricks. I know I disobeyed her but I wanted to see what the world of man had to offer & I was old enough to make my own choices, choosing to be a hero & protector... I guess back then, she was afraid of losing me.

Dean: I wouldn't blame her if she was afraid of losing you. It means despite her strict nature, she truly cares about you and saw true spirit, heart & strength in you, seeing you as worthy & making the right decision for you to continue your life in protecting the innocent from the wicked.

Diana smiles genuinely.

Diana: She truly is an Amazon of wisdom, guidance and strength. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her. Perhaps you can meet my mother someday.

Dean: Neat, I would love to head to Themyscira to meet her.

Diana: Oh Nonono. She'll come visit metropolis often and only then I'll introduce you to her.

Dean: Really?

Diana: Yes. I'm sorry but men are forbidden from entering Themyscira and the consequences for a man to step foot on Amazon grounds would be dire.

Dean: Wait, so... Only women on the island city?

Diana: Yes.

Dean: And no men are on Themyscira?

Diana: Nope, no men.

Dean: Then how are the children born-you know how babies are born, right?

Diana: (raised an eyebrow in confusion) Of course I do, why's that?

Dean was silent. This got confusing & awkward real fast.

Dean: ....Okay, nevermind, moving on from that. Shall we start our sparring?

Diana: Of course!

The two walk to the center of the yard, both entering their fighting stance. Dean and Diana held their combat pose for a moment before lunging at each other, trading solid & great shots with one another, inflicting tremendous force upon each other while dodging and countering each other's moves.

Dean and Diana smile confidently as they were enjoying themselves in this sparring match between The Saiyan and The Amazon.


Downtown Metropolis....

Supergirl, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Green Lantern (Jessica) and Zatanna were seen fighting Harley Quinn, Catwoman and Poison Ivy.

Batgirl was fighting her nemesis from Gotham in hand to hand combat, exchanging strikes until Harley brought out her mallet and hits her over the side, sending her into a car with a grunt. Batgirl dodged the next incoming hammer shots before launching her bat bombs to knock Harley away, comedically hitting the ground multiple times before lying flat on her back.

Harley Quinn: Now... That's what I call going out with a bang, hahahaha-ouch.

She passed out. Batgirl approached her and tied her up in a strong, steel rope. But then she was grabbed by a large vine from a monster of living vines by Poison Ivy, who had Bumblebee and Green Lantern (Jessica) in her monster's grip as well.

Poison Ivy: Yes, crush them my lovely pet.

The monster proceed to obey as Batgirl, Green Lantern (Jessica) and Bumblebee were trying to get out of the vines but each time they attempt to cut them down to escape, more vines would appear to squeeze them immensely. Poison Ivy smirks evilly but a magic blast collided with the beast, causing it to screech with Zatanna appearing.

Zatanna: Time to remove the weed from the yard of metropolis.

Poison Ivy growls.

Poison Ivy: You dare mock the green? Crush her my pet!

The monster shoots out more vines at Zatanna who flew towards it while dodging it's attack, invertedly chanting and bringing forth a magic blade to swifty and elegantly slice the monster and it's vines to pieces, freeing her three friends.

Poison Ivy: NOOOOOO!!! You will pay for that-

Poison Ivy was hit by a gag by purple slime with said slime wrapping itself around her as Ivy was ensnared, muffling with screams.

Zatanna: And that's a wrap for this performance.

Meanwhile, Supergirl and Catwoman were fighting one another.

Catwoman: (dodging and countering) How many times have we played this game, Supergirl~?

Supergirl: (attacking) This isn't a game, it's a fight!

The two continued their brawl with Catwoman easily avoiding each attack Supergirl was throwing at her, ashame she didn't have any kryptonite to bait her with this time but the feline thief was having a fun time toying with the angry kryptonian.

Supergirl: Stay! Still!

Catwoman: Sorry, not sorry. With all the powers you have, you're easily predictable to read.

Supergirl growls furiously but then she had an idea.

Supergirl: I'm predictable, huh? Well how about this?!

Supergirl went for a right hook only for Catwoman to chuckle, dodge and leap over Supergirl to land on her feet, turning to retaliate with a spin kick but stopped upon seeing Supergirl up in her face with a silly, cat like expression.

Supergirl: Mrreoow!

Catwoman: Huh...?

Then the feline thief felt a sting of pain erupt in her jaw from Supergirl's surprise uppercut that sent her flying into the sky while yowling loudly.

Supergirl: (smirks) Ha! How's that for predictable?

Catwoman soon came back down to earth and was caught in a bubble construct by Green Lantern (Jessica), the feline thief letting out a pained, annoyed groan.

Later, the three villains were taken away by the authorities.

Zatanna: Well that takes care of them.

Batgirl: All in a day's work for the superhero girls!

Supergirl: By the way, where's Wonder Woman? She's usually here with us.

Bumblebee: She went to Dean's to train with him.

Supergirl: Wait what?

Zatanna: Wait what?!

Batgirl: Oh yeah, she wanted to fight him to test his strength against hers.

Supergirl: Awww man, and she didn't tell me?! Ugh, I could've gotten my rematch with him!

Green Lantern (Jessica): (sighs) Supergirl, please...

Batgirl: Let's head to Dean's home.

Bumblebee: But we don't know where he lives.

Batgirl: Oh don't worry, Diana send me the deets before her leave!

The superhero girls take their leave, unaware that Biocha was watching from the rooftops, smirking as she secretly follows them.


Later on Dean's home...

Dean and Diana were taking a break from their long sparring session, each of them surprised and impressed by their strengths.

Dean: Wow, you are the definitely the Princess of Amazons for a reason.

Diana: (flexes her arms) Heh, well these as others would say aren't just for show. Though I must say that your means of strength are on a different level.

Dean: Thanks.

Diana: I am curious though besides your fighting, your Saiyan capabilities and energy sense, what else can you do?

Dean: Well I do have blast attacks in my arsenal, some element based. Some power up moves to enhance my power. I can turn into a giant ape only on the light of a full moon.

Diana: Really? Like those werewolf beings Karen talked about?

Dean: I guess you can say that. I don't usually got out at night when there's a full moon, I can control the form but... I don't wish to cause a panic in the cities. I also have more transformations thought to be a legend in stories-

Margaret's voice: Dean! Diana! Your friends are here!

From the back door, Kara, Zee, Jessica, Babs and Karen appeared.

Babs: Hey there Diana! Dean, nice place ya got here!

Diana and Dean got up and turn to the five girls.

Diana: Greetings my friends.

Dean: Glad you can make it.

Zee and Kara's eyes widened at the sight of the Saiyan's built physique.

Zee: (in her mind) Oh my~... very athletic he is... (A smirk appearing on her face)

Kara: (in her mind; blushes) Someone's been working out... (Shook her head) What am I thinking?! So what if he's very hot-no! I still owe him an ass kicking!

Jessica: How are you two?

Diana: We're doing quite well, Dean and I were sparring til our hearts content. Plus, the weighted gear he subjected me to was rather challenging.

Babs: Weighted gear?

Dean: A special material one of my aunts made to help me with my training.

Babs picks up the weighted gear or at least tried to.

Babs: C'mon you...! Get! Off! The! Ground! Eeeeeaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!

Kara: Step aside Babs and let me handle this.

Kara picks up the weighted gear and managed to lift it up and the kryptonian was surprised herself by how heavy the gear was.

Kara: How heavy is this stuff?

Karen: I could analyze it.

Dean: Sure. It quite a helpful material. Diana managed to get the hang of it.

Kara: Anyways, (glares at Dean) you and me right now. Rematch.

Diana: (stern tone) Kara, we've just got through sparring and friend Dean is obviously exhausted. He needs some rest.

Dean: Eh, I don't mind. If your friend wants a rematch, I happily give her one.

Zee: Nonsense, you've obviously been through a match with Diana who's an Amazon. You'll be exhausted upon a facing fully rested kryptonian. You might need to get some rest before facing her.

Dean: It's okay Zee, I can handle that.

Zee, Diana and the others have worried looks about this, Kara can be a little... stubborn at times on finishing something she or someone else started in a conflict & judging by the way she was looking at Dean for the last two defeats, she intends to finish it at round three.

Kara: Alright Saiyan Guy, I believe I owe you big time for the last time you got two over on me (cracks her knuckles).

Dean: (fighting stance) Eh, still holding on to that? Honestly, it wasn't my intention to humiliate you as you would put it but if you want this match so bad then here I am.

Kara then ran at Dean and rears back her hand, forming into a fist and ready to strike Dean. The Saiyan was ready to defend himself but then he felt something strange as this distraction caught him off guard with Kara punching him in the right cheek, sending him into the brick wall.

Diana: Dean!

Zee: Not his face!

Kara smirks.

Kara: What's the matter? You would've blocked that one before, lose your edge?

Dean rubs his right face cheek with a groan.

Dean: No. Something's wrong, really wrong.

Kara: Wrong? Afraid I'm gonna beat ya?

Dean: No, I sense something here... a vile power but it made up of billions of life? I even feel you girls' power signatures.

Zee: Huh?

Babs: Our power signatures?

Diana: A vile power?

Kara: Are you trying to stall? We're in the middle of a match here!

Dean narrowed his eyes, that power he's sensing is quite strange. He looks around the area, passing the girls before his eyes laid upon seeing Biocha standing above his house roof.

Dean: There!

Kara: Huh?

The six girls then set their sights on the humanoid insect creature.

Kara: Gah!

Karen: Eeep!

Jessica: What the heck is that?!

Babs: It appears to be some sort of bio anthropomorphic human/insect hybrid created by genetics technology and amplified-

Kara: NERD!!!

Zee: Ewewewew! Someone kill it with a giant shoe!

Biocha chuckles darkly and leaps off the roof, landing a few feet away from the group.

Diana: Who are you, creature?!

Biocha: Why hello... Wonder Woman.

Diana's eyes widened in shock as were the rest of the girls.

Biocha: Ah... So the gang's all here... (To Babs) Batgirl.... (To Jessica) Green Lantern... (To Zee) Zatanna... (To Karen) Bumblebee... (To Kara) And Supergirl....

She then turns to Dean.

Biocha: (in her mind) I don't recognize this one... He has great power too, definitely an alien species...

Diana: How do you know of us...?

Biocha: I suppose introductions are in order. I am Biocha... An bio android from another parallel world.

Karen: A-A parallel world?

Babs: So they do exist?!

Biocha: More than you know... You see, thanks to you Amazon, my creator's dream of world domination was reduced to nothing.

Diana: ...?

Biocha: You see, I was designed for one purpose, to become the ultimate lifeform... to aid my creator & her division into conquest but the Wonder Woman of my world destroyed everything. In my creator's dying breath, she told me that if I were to absorb Wonder Woman, I would achieve greater power...

Diana: Absorb me?

Biocha: Yes... I had to drain billions of life forms to build my power forth...

The six girls gasped.

Dean: That explained how I felt that unusual power... it felt like many. Wait... I felt the girls'energy in you... How?

Biocha: Hehehehe... Hahahahahaha... Hahahahahaha!!

Biocha kept laughing as her ki surfaced, pure cold purple ki... it was a frightening sight to behold, seeing & hearing a swarm of wailing souls. Dean was silent, Kara and Diana were shocked, Karen was shaking, Babs, Jessica and Zee were horrified by the monster's power.

But what shocked the girls the most was seeing some of the wailing souls taking a physical visage... showing souls identical to Batgirl, Bumblebee, Green Lantern (Jessica), Zatanna and Supergirl yelling/shrieking & wailing loudly, reaching out as if they were calling for help from their eternal suffering.

Diana: Great Hera...

Zee: Oh God...

Babs: W-Was that... Us...?

Biocha: Hmhmhmhehehehe... That's right. In my world. I devoured you five as well, now having your memories, knowledge & each attributes of your powers & skills.

Jessica placed her hands over her mouth, completely horrified while Karen nearly fainted.

Kara: You disgusting freak!!

Biocha: That's what your counterpart said when I caught her by surprise after absorbing the Bee.

Diana glares angrily at the monster.

Diana: Why? Why would you do this? What do you hope to gain from these heinous actions?!

Biocha: I told you... I was designed for conquest and to absorb Wonder Woman. Though even with this power as the Amazon of my world & I fought, I was unable to absorb her as she overpowered me. She would've slain me if I hadn't use Zatanna's spell ability to teleport away. So... I decided since my Wonder Woman wouldn't be beaten so easily to cooperate, I can find another Wonder Woman that will submit to me...

Karen: S-So you used a dimensional device to come here... to absorb Wonder Woman of this world.

Diana's eyes widened before narrowing her eyes.

Dean: Diana...

Diana: And you think I'll stand oddly by and let you absorb me?

Biocha: What does it matter? I'm going to absorb you whether you like it or not.

Kara: You're gonna have to get through us first!

Biocha: Hehehe, I already devoured you five before, I'd be more happy to do it again. But... This is rather fun.

Biocha uttered a familiar inverted chant and aims purple magic blasts at Kara, Karen, Jessica, Babs and Zee before they could even react, freezing them in place.

Babs: H-Hey!

Kara: Cant... Move!

Zee: That's one... of my spells...!

Biocha: Now you five can watch as I absorb your friend.

Karen: Zee... Can you... unfreeze us...?!

Before Zee could utter a chant, Biocha shot purple goop from her hand to cover her mouth.

Zee: Mmmph!!

Biocha: No interruptions, now Diana... Time to feast...

Diana got into her combat stance as Dean stepped forward.

Biocha: (to Dean) You... You're an alien, yes? Not sure what you are nor do I care. You want to live then you better make yourself scarce...

Dean: No. They're my friends, that includes Diana as well. What you did in your world was vile and you think you can come here to succeed where you've failed in your world, no way.

Diana: I shall finish what the other me started in destroying you, creature!

Biocha: Hehehehe... Don't be so certain.

Biocha powers up and fires a heat vision at the two, Dean and Diana dodged it but Biocha kept up the lazer shots with the two running around the yard. Margaret came in with a pie.

Margaret: Hey, I was hoping you guys would love some pie-

One of Biocha's lazers hit Margaret's pie, disintegrating it.

Margaret: What the-*gasp!!!*

Dean: Margaret, get inside!

Margaret: Okay, be careful!

Margaret heads back inside. Biocha forms green construct blades with golden yellow sharp stingers and charges at Dean and Diana with swift slices.

Jessica: She has... My powers?!

Kara: That insect... monster has all our powers!

Zee: Mmmph! Mmmmmmph!!!

Babs: What was... That?! I can't hear you with the slime over your mouth!

Zee groans with narrowed eyes.

Karen: How... Do we help Dean and Diana?!

Jessica: We can't... We're stuck in a frozen spell & since... Zee's mouth is gagged, she can't undo it!

Kara: I... really hate magic...!

Biocha: (attacking) It's useless to resist! In the end, you'll be a part of me!

Dean caught the next strike and headbutts Biocha, who stumbled back as Diana ran/leaps over Dean's back and delivered a triple spin kick to send her back. Biocha snarled shrunk down to the size of a fly and flew around Dean and Diana, firing lazer eyes, batarangs and magic induced stingers at the two who tried to swat her away but her speed was near instantaneous.

Diana: Stop with this cowardice tactics and face me, monster!

Biocha dodged another swat and return to normal size to knock Diana away with a Kryptonian strengthen punch, sending her crashing into the garage door. Dean charged at Biocha, the two trading punches & kicks to one another.

Biocha: (attacking) You're as strong I am. Perhaps you should join me after I absorb Diana, us equals in power should rule the world together.

Dean: (attacking) One. No, I don't work with evil beings, especially ones made by mad scientists. And Two, equals? Fat chance, my strength & power wasn't achieved by absorbing people's life energy.

Biocha: (snarls) If you won't join me, then you'll have to die!

The two continued to fight until Biocha shrunk down again to avoid dean's attack, soon growing back & multiplied into magic clones. Diana soon recovered and joined in fighting off the clones until they all vanished but Biocha was nowhere to be seen.

Diana: Where'd she go?

Dean: I still feel her power but it's like she's everywhere yet nowhere.

The two look around for the bio android, spotting no sign of the creature in the area until Biocha suddenly appeared beside Dean.

Kara: Dean... on your left!

Dean turns to his left... only for Biocha to deliver a sharp, magic stinger shot to the eyes of Dean as the Saiyan yelled out in pain, clutching his face with slight blood flowing from his closed eyes.

Diana: Dean!

Dean: Aaagh!! Cheap... Shot!!

Biocha: I'm not afraid to fight dirty.

Then Biocha shot the Saiyan point blank range with a massive green lantern/magic/bee stinger blast that sent him flying out of the area.

Kara, Karen, Jessica and Babs: Dean!!

Zee: Mmmph!!!

Diana: NOOO!!!!!

Biocha: Now with the nuisance out of the way, it's just the two of us.

Diana felt great rage from the monster's treatment of her friends and new friend. She charged at the bio android with a solid fist to the gut, a right hook to the face of Biocha, who coughs up blood followed by a chain of combo attacks to the creature. The bio android fights back as the two exchange combatant strikes in a stalemate until Biocha turns to strike Diana with her stinger tail but the Amazon dodged each tail shot and grabbed her tail, swinging Biocha around a couple of times before slamming her into the ground repeatedly.

Babs: Go Di... You got this!

Kara: Crush that... Bug freak!!

Diana would grab Biocha by the neck.

Diana: You dare attack those I care about and countless others, your days are numbered monster!

Biocha: I'm sorry, you're right! Please don't hurt me, I'll do anything!

Diana: Then you shall answer severely for your misdeeds!

Biocha: I'll do it! I'll do it! I'll do it... (smirks slyly) NOT!

With a quick spell chant, Biocha's eyes glowed brightly to blind Diana, who yells and released Biocha while clutching her eyes in pain.

Diana: Aaaghhhh! My eyes! I-I can't see!!

Biocha grinned evilly as her tail swung forward, the stinger part of it opened up wide above Diana.

Jessica: Diana!

Karen: L-Look out!

Diana tried to locate Biocha but her vision was blurry and darkened as Biocha used her tail to engulf almost the top half of Diana, who screams loudly.

Biocha: Hahahahaha!!

Diana struggles and tries to find means of escape but the bio android tightened her tail's hold on the Amazon and roared, further pulling the rest of Diana's upper body inside her tail with her legs kicking back and forth.



The five girls tried but still couldn't move from the paralysis spell, horrified and angered by Biocha, who was continuing her absorption of Diana, who was heard yelling and struggling as the rest of her was being pulled inside the bio android's tail.

Babs: No!!!

Karen: (cries) Please, let her go!!!

Jessica: Don't do this!

Biocha: Yes.... Yessssss... I will finally be complete, I shall become the ultimate being with the world in my hands!!!

Diana who was completely trapped in the bio android's tail was entering a horrible fate of being one with Biocha, the other superhero girls were helpless to stop her from absorbing their friend. Biocha was going to get her wish, her power and her ultimate-


Kara, Karen, Zee, Jessica and Babs: (gasped) ....?!

Biocha: ....?!

The bio android let out a loud screech as blood and slime spewed out of her mouth from... her whole tail (with Diana still in it) and wings sliced in half, Biocha stumbled forward to one knee, turning to the culprit with a pained snarled.

She along with the five girls were shocked to see Dean but his training gear was tattered, some wounds were shown as his eyes were closed but... he was surrounded by golden yellow ki and his hair was spiked and golden blonde.

Zee: Mmmph!! (Dean!!)

Karen: (smiles) H-He's alive!

Jessica: Dios Mio, thank goodness!

Babs: And he's blonde now!

Kara: What the?!

Biocha: Grrrr... Ack! H-How?! You should've been reduced to dust...! (Regenerating her wings and tail)

Dean ignored her and formed a blade of energy and sliced the severed tail of Biocha down the middle, opening it up to reveal Diana covered in slime.

Diana: (coughs) Ugh... The horror, reminds me of one of the grotesque tales of the underworld...

Diana looks up with her vision coming back to see Dean, with golden hair & ki.

Diana: By Zeus's beard.... Dean, you're alive! And your hair is blonde...?

Dean: (smiles) Glad I made it back in time. You okay?

Diana: (smiles back) I am now...

Biocha charged at Dean from behind in a sneak in the form of a green construct batarang/dagger to strike... only to receive a solid blow to the stomach of Biocha, who coughs up blood from the immense shockwave of the attack.

Dean: Hmph. You may have damaged my eyes but I don't need my sight to tell where you are now!

He send her crashing into the ground after a gruelling uppercut. The bio android slowly got up with a furious glare.

Biocha: I was so close to achieving the keys to the ultimate conquest of my true form... What are you?!

Dean: I'm a Saiyan. A Super Saiyan who protects the innocent and eradicates the wicked. I've been in Metropolis for a few days and I've learned so many things about Diana, she's strong, loyal, determined and has went challenges time & time again to get where she is. She has heart and is truly worthy of being called Wonder Woman.

Diana had a big, genuine smile with a blush.

Biocha: Grrrrr!!!!

Dean: What you did to others, tried to do to Diana in your world and what you tried to the Diana of this world is unforgivable, you shall pay for your actions ten fold!

Biocha roared in rage, body growing in abnormally muscles and forming a massive shockwave beam.


Dean gave her a narrow look before turning to Diana.

Dean: Diana, can you stand?

Diana: Yes...

Diana slowly got up and walks beside Dean.

Dean: You said you wanted to finish what the other Diana started, allow me to help you with that.

Diana: Right. What battle strategy do you have?

Dean: Take my hand, I'm going to give you some of my energy. When I do, focus and control it to form a weapon of energy in hand.

Diana: Right.

Diana takes Dean's hand as the Saiyan powers up with some of his energy transferred itself to Diana, who was shocked by her body being engulfed by golden ki.

Diana: (in her mind) Great Hera, his energy is so righteous... It's like I'm empowered by Zeus himself!

Dean: Now focus.

Diana: Yes.

The Amazon focuses the energy as the two joined hands formed a mystic looking broadsword of ki.

Babs, Kara, Karen, Zee and Jessica: Whoa...

Dean: Let's show this creature the Power of a Saiyan's Soul & an Amazon's Heart!

Diana: Yes!

Biocha: DIE!!!!

Biocha sends a massive ominous purple wave of energy at Dean and Diana, who charged forward with a loud battle cry, their energy broadsword attack clashed with the beam with a huge shockwave.




The two used their energy broadsword attack to pierce through the beam of Biocha.

Biocha: HUH?!

Dean and Diana charged through the beam itself and pierced the blade through the chest of Biocha.


Dean: This is for everyone you've killed in your world!

Diana: Your evil existence ends now!

Then the ki blade expanded to blast forward with Biocha splitting in two and a beam of golden light shot up and back.

Biocha: NO! NO! NO! AAAGHHHH!!!!!

The split body of the bio android begin to break apart and fade into ashes as an explosion of light happens. Soon, the explosion subsided and the smoke slowly cleared with Dean and Diana hitting the ground while panting.

Diana: We... We did it.

Dean: Biocha's energy signature has completed vanished so yeah... We did it.

Babs: Dean! Diana!

The two sees Babs, Jessica, Kara, Karen and Zee running towards them. We even see Margaret and Mallory, who was holding a high tech version of a tommy gun running to them.

Margaret: Dean!

Mallory: You alright nephew?! Where's the bug monster Margie's been telling me about?! I'm gonna blast it to smithereens!

Dean: It's fine... Diana & I took care of it. Plus, at least the whole neighborhood wasn't caught in it as I managed to control the explosion...

Jessica: What about you, Diana?

Diana: I'll be fine, friend Dean really saved me there.

Margaret: Oh my, your eyes!

Dean: It's okay...

Zee: Don't worry, I got them covered.

Pulling out her wand, Zee chants invertedly in a purple flash as Diana and Dean's wounds were healed, Zee used her magic to fix the damage done in the fight with Biocha.

Zee: And done!

Kara: You do realize you did magic in front of Dean's aunts, right?

Zee cursed under her breath.

Mallory: Nonsense, it's cool. Not the first time we've seen something supernatural like or something. Glad nephew here is making friends, especially supers.

Margaret: I assure you six that your secret is safe with us.

Karen: Thank you.

Babs: Also, what was that golden blonde hair trick you pulled?

Dean: Oh, it's another form of my race thought to be a legend in stories but true. It's called Super Saiyan.

Babs: (stars in her eyes) Oh it was super alright, super amazing!!

Diana: Yes. What a legendary form for a righteous warrior!

Dean: Yeah, I have more than one Super Saiyan form.

Babs: Show us! Show us! Show us!

Dean: Maybe next time.

Diana: We avenged the people who fell to that monster, including the superhero girls of that parallel world.

Then suddenly... ghosts of the Alternates Batgirl, Supergirl, Zatanna, Bumblebee and Green Lantern (Jessica) appeared with genuine smiles.

Karen: Eeep!

Jessica: Ghosts!

Zee: Our ghosts?!

Babs: ghosts from another world! My mind is blown!!

The ghostly versions of the superhero girls turn to Dean and Diana.

Ghost(s) Batgirl, Bumblebee, Green Lantern (Jessica), Zatanna and Supergirl: Thank You.

Dean and Diana smiled & nod as the ghostly versions of the five superhero girls smiled and waved while slowly vanishing to the next world.

Kara: That... was weird.

Jessica: Their spirits were avenged, now they can rest easy.

Diana: Indeed.



Margaret made dinner as she, Jessica and Zee were having a conversation, Babs and Karen were watching TV, Mallory and Kara were having an arm wrestling competition and Dean was enjoying his own food until he felt a hand tap on his shoulder. Dean swallowed his food and turns to see Diana in her normal attire.

Diana: Hello there.

Dean: Hey, Diana. How was your shower?

Diana: It was relaxing, glad to get the monster slime & stench off my skin.

Dean: Glad you're doing better.

Diana: Yes. And you have my thanks for saving me as well as vanquishing that bio creature.

Dean: (smiles) Heh, I can't take all the credit, you helped me with defeating Biocha and avenging the souls of those who fell to her, including the five girls' parallel selves. You truly have the strength & heart of an Amazon.

Diana had a sweet smile and leans forward to catch the Saiyan off guard with a kiss on the cheek.

Dean: ....?!

Diana: And you have the determination and soul of a Saiyan. Consider that my thanks.

Diana turns to walk away as Dean blushes a bit, feeling the spot where Diana kissed him on.

Diana: (in her mind) This feelings grow stronger and stronger just like our bond... Hopefully in time, I will confess these feelings to the Saiyan Warrior.

To be continued...

(Chapter 3 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Dean's aunts Margaret and Mallory make their debut, I made my OC Biocha, inspired by Cell to be the antagonist for this chapter, having to be from a world, like Goku destroying the Red Ribbon Army but an alternate version of Wonder Woman destroys Biocha's creator's division and their plans for world domination, also taking a route like Cell with 17 & 18 but in absorbing Wonder Woman to achieve her ultimate form, although she didn't achieve where Cell succeeded, a downer really but I'd have fun writing this chapter.)

(Meanwhile, Diana Prince, the first of the six love interests had an interaction with the Saiyan Dean/Dakora, having her  feelings grow stronger towards him. Like Diana, soon Kara, Zee, Doris, Leslie and Barbi will each have a chapter where they'll have an interaction with the Saiyan too where their feelings will surface for him in different ways but no, they won't confess their romance feelings to him right away, that'll be too soon. But anyways, you can guess which of the girls (Kara, Zee, Doris, Leslie & Barbi) will be next to have an interaction with the Saiyan Brawler, it's anyone's guess.)

(Next chapter won't be the next love interaction but an encounter between the Saiyan Brawler and the Invinci-bros, what will happen between them? Find out soon, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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