Enter the Green Warrior

In an isolated area of Metropolis woods, we see what looks to be an abandoned research laboratory. Inside it was a horrible sight, dry splattered blood all over the place, shattered windows with some of them barricaded, cracks and holes in the walls and roof, the rooms weren't in much shape either and the equipment, machinery and tech was long since been obsolete. Walking through the halls was the
red eyed figure in the black cloak with the strange device on his right eye.

???: An old laboratory of some sort, not the most advanced given these earthlings and their primitive means of technology.

He pulls out a strange silver and purple trim looking flat device.

???: However, this is the best I can find. But with this nanotech alteration device, it should... get this place running.

He presses the button and slammed it into the ground, the device beeped repeatedly as a stream of metallic silver & glowing purple nanite like substance was spreading all over the place, melding with everything in sight and advancing it especially with the out of date technology and equipment. Soon, the inside and outside of the abandoned laboratory was engulfed and altered, transforming into a strong, futuristic alien like fortress.

???: Excellent. Now that my strong hold is set up, It's time I got experimenting. Perhaps I should look for some test subjects on this planet. Though I'd rather destroy it and the Saiyan as well but I won't make the same mistake as Frieza, I rather see him die with my own eyes...

Then his device on his right eye went off.

???: Hmmm? (Pressed the button on the device) My scouter is detecting three familiar signature in the far west of the forest.

Zooming in on the device known as the scouter, it shows an imagery of three humanoid beings setting up a hideout, familiar green looking aliens with pointy ears and antennae.

???: (Smirks) Ah, Namekians. And they happened to be the three I was chasing before through space however, they managed to escape my wrath and somehow found their way to this universe's earth in order to hide. Well, hehehehe... I think it's time they learned no matter where they go, peace will never be in their grasp as long as I draw breath.

The figure pulls out a strange gun device and fires it, opening it as a large group came out of it. There was revealed to be humanoid male & female mutants & aliens of different shapes and sizes, wearing black purple, or blue bodysuits, leotards or trunks, battle armor akin to Saiyan armor with some wearing scouters.

The group saw the figure and immediately bowed to him.

Alien soldier: My Lord, it's good to see you again.

???: The pleasure's all mine.

Female mutant soldier: What are your orders?

???: (Points a few) You nine will head into town to find some test subjects for my experiments, undetected for the saiyan can detect power levels without a scouter. (Points to another group) You seven will head over to the three Namekian targets. The rest of you will work here to the bone.

Male mutant soldier: Wait, those namek scum that somewhat escaped us before, my lord?! They're here?!

???: Yes and so are the 7 magic artifacts. Head far west, bring them to me alive and don't forget the artifacts. (Glares darkly) And you already know the price of if you fail...

The soldiers shuttered and immediately understood.

All: Yes my lord!

???: Now go!

The soldiers the figure sent out nodded as the group of nine went out to find human test subjects while group of seven went to find the Namekian targets as the rest of the soldiers went to their stations around the new stronghold with the figure grinning maliciously.


Dean was seen taking a walk through town, casually taking a look at his phone and getting a text from Mallory about heading to the Lazarus Pit club Kara was talking about and wondering if he wanted to go but Dean declined the offer for now. Continuing his walk, dean heard a scream of despair and run up to a place called Burrito Bucket. Inside was Babs in an employee uniform and she was on her knees, begging to a tall man with blonde hair, fair skin with freckles, blue eyes, wears a yellow shirt with a blue tie, brown pants and black shoes.

This was Shane O'Shaughnessy, manager of the Burrito Bucket and Babs' unpleasant, very strict, abusive and mean boss.

Shane: I told you Gordon, you're one second late then you're fired!

Babs: But Mr. O'Shaughnessy sir, I had some errands I need to run with my dad for a moment, it was very important! It won't happen again-

Shane: Not my problem, I told you that if you'll late today, tomorrow or any day, you'd be fired!

Babs: But I love this place, I've helped bring in customers from time to time! Please, I can't be fired for just being late!

Shane: No excuses Gordon, it takes a strict order of discipline to run the importance of Burrito Bucket, discipline which you lack by goofing off! So I'm more happy than to do this, Gordon you're fired!

Babs looks like she was gonna break down.

Shane: Now get your annoying, waste of space butt out of my restaurant!

Then Shane felt a hand grip on his shoulder.

Dean's voice: Would you care to repeat that, you bastard?

Shane was turned around and punched in the face by the Saiyan, breaking his nose, much to Babs' shock.

Babs: Dean?! What are you doing?!

Dean: Sorry but I can't stand oddly by and let this continue.

Shane, holding his bloody nose, glared at Dean.

Shane: What's your problem?! You broke my nose!

Dean: My problem is your mistreatment of Babs here!

Shane: So what? She's the one who's been goofing off-

Dean: She's the one who's been working hard and loved burrito bucket with a burning passion. She may be goofy but Babs is a great person to work with. A few days she brought me to burrito bucket & has done a splendid job and here you are, the so called boss giving her a hard time!

Shane: She needed discipline to work here at burrito bucket, Gordon has no none of the qualities!

Dean: She has more qualities than you do, jobs are meant to be taken seriously for the boss & employees but there's a thin line between that in respect and abusing your work power & that's actually what you're doing with Babs.

Shane snorted and rolled his eyes but Dean grabs him by the front of his tie.

Dean: Look at me when I'm talking to you, bozo!

Shane: Hey! Let go of me, do you know who I am?!

Dean: You're a repulsive, overbearing, ungrateful and sad excuse for a man who's been trying to get rid of Babs from your place of work since day one. From what I've heard, You've once fired her over one burrito short of a hundred, the whole being late today, tomorrow or any day crap as well as repeatedly threatening to fire her for the pettiest of reasons, should I go on with the list?

Shane: Well tough turkeys, if you and Gordon have a problem with how I run things at burrito bucket maybe you can get out of here and run your own burrito restaurant! (Snorts, glares) Good luck with that, now take your hands off me before you get hurt!

Dean: (glares back) Oh... Someone's going to get hurt alright...

He lifts Shane up off his feet & reels back his fist in ready to unleash a brutal beating upon Shane, who gulps nervously but Babs stopped him.

Babs: Dean, wait! Don't do this! He's not worth it, okay?!

Dean: But Babs he-

Babs: I know, I get it. But beating him to a pulp won't give me my job back or make the situation better. Just let him go.

Dean glares coldly at Shane, who flinched from his gaze as he drops the manager.

Dean: Fine. Consider yourself lucky that Babs stopped me but you're still not off the hook.

Dean pulls out his phone.

Shane: What are you doing?

Dean: Since I've been in Metropolis and this eating establishment, I've caught... wind of the times up to now of your poor treatment of your employee in my phone, video recorded.

Shane's eyes widened.

Dean: I wonder how people would react to this, they wouldn't want to work here or eat here due to how hard you're willing to abuse your workers just to save face on your restaurant's good name.

Shane: You wouldn't dare! You're kidding!

Dean: (cold stare) Does this look like a face that kidds? Your restaurant & your image will be a ruined.

The look clearly spoke to Shane that the Saiyan wasn't bluffing at all.

Shane: Wait! Stop, don't release those videos! Okay, okay! Gordon, you got your job back!

Babs: (excited squeal) YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

She backflips and ricocheted throughout the whole room before landing on top of Dean's shoulders.

Dean: And there's more. To fair to her and your other employees in breaks, day offs & work related assignments because if Babs comes to me with some bad news of you firing her for the wrong reasons or mistreating her... Not only will I have your work world crumbling down, I'll send you to jail myself in a full body cast.

To add that he wasn't joking, Dean split a table in two with a strong kick. Shane saw this and immediately nodded, not wanting to end up the teenager's punching bag.

Dean: Good.

Dean turn to walk away with Babs still sitting over his shoulders.

Shane: (mutters) Yeah, you better run...

Dean turns his dark gaze on Shane, who panicked and hid under the desk. Babs couldn't help but chuckle after the two left the restaurant.


Babs: Thank you Dean! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Dean: You're welcome.

Babs: You know, you didn't have to do that.

Dean: Babs, I couldn't tolerate Shane's behavior at you like that. You could've quit anytime you wanted but I completely understand that you love burritos and working at Burrito Bucket. Heck, you showed me the picture of you holding a bucket of burritos when you were five.

Babs: (chuckles) Yeah...

Dean: You may be goofy and hyper at times but you do the best you can in working at the job and your one of my friends, I don't want you to feel sad or treated badly. Hopefully, things will be better for your place of work.

Babs: (smiles) Thanks. I know it will.

Dean: Well for Shane's sake, I hope he doesn't cause any more problems. Or I'll pay him another visit...

Babs: I'm sure everything will work out.

Dean: Indeed. Also, can you kindly get off my shoulders?

Babs: Oops. Sorry.

Babs jumps off his shoulders and lands on her feet next to the Saiyan. Then the two heard a beaming voice from behind as they turn around to see a slightly tall teenage girl with long blonde hair in two pigtails with blue/red highlights, light tan skin, blue eyes, red lipstick, has a beautiful & graceful figure and wears a split red/blue long sleeve jacket, shorts & long boots.

This was Harleen Quinzel, Babs' Gotham Best Friend Forever but is also known as the chaotic clown villainess & enemy of Batgirl, known as Harley Quinn.

Harleen: Babsy Wabsy!

Babs: Leenie Beanie!

The two ran at each other with a big hug, doing their special song and dance, dean chuckled at this.

Babs: Hey Harleen, how's life treating you?!

Harleen: Oh same old, same old Babsy! Just hangin' around with the crew and with ya when I have all the time in the world for my GBFF!

Dean: GBFF?

Babs: Oh right. Dean, this is my GBFF or Gotham Best Friend Forever Harleen Quinzel!

Dean: Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Dean.

Harleen: Nice to meet ya, any friend of Babsy is a friend of mine!

She holds out her hand for a handshake, the Saiyan took the hand to shake it but felt a bit of jolt and pulled back as Harleen laughs, revealing a joy buzzer in her hand.

Harleen: Hahahahahaha! Sorry if I have a "shockin" personality!

Dean: Heh. So you're quite the jokester, huh? Not bad, ya got me there.

Harleen: Hehehe, thanks! The joy buzzer is a grade A classic!

Dean: Yeah. So you live in Gotham too, hmm?

Harleen: Yep! Though I miss the old city itself, I always tend to visit the place along Babsy Boodle here! So you moved here right?

Dean: Yeah, I used to live in Gotham too.

Harleen: Get outta town! For real?!

Dean: Yep. I had some good times but the bad times were pretty much painful... losing my parents there.

Harleen frowns.

Harleen: I'm sorry...

Dean: It's fine. They're in a better place now.

Harleen: Can I see ya phone?

Dean: Ok.

He pulls out his phone and gave it to Harleen, who goes to his contacts and adds her number to it while putting his number in her own phone contacts before handing the saiyan his phone.

Harleen: Here ya go! Anytime ya wanna hang out, I'm one call or text away! Even the three of us could have a spectacular get together!

Dean: Okay then.

Harleen: So Babsy, how are you doing today?

Babs: Oh I'm fine! At first I was devastated that I was going to be fired after Shane-

Harleen: (angry look) That uptight, lousy, lowlife scumbag! I never trusted him when I saw how he was treatin' ya. Well I'm gonna go give 'em a piece of my mind!

Babs: No, Harleen! It's okay! Dean took care of it!

Harleen turns to Dean.

Harleen: You?

Dean: Yep. Broke his nose and even threatened to get his restaurant shutdown and him put in jail if he treated Babs or his other employees badly.

Harleen: Heh. Well if you ask me, he deserves it and even more than that if I had my way with him.... (Mutters) my mallet or my bat to bash his head. (To Dean) But thanks for lookin' after Babsy Wabsy here, wish we could hang out now but I'm meetin' up with Selina & the others to "decorate" a rich snob's house, see ya Dean! See ya Babsy Wabsy!

Babs: Bye Leenie Beanie!

Dean: See ya!

Harleen then took off but Dean narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Dean: (in his mind) Hmmmm... She has the same energy signature as the clown villain girl, Harley Quinn. They're one in the same... Babs is a hero while Harleen's a villain? Talk about Frenemies. Her aura doesn't seem evil, impure kinda but far from mostly evil like that, what I've seen, her crimes are chaotic mischief, not world domination or mass genocide... Should I tell Babs? No, I don't want to ruin their friendship but maybe I can encounter Harleen and give her the choice to tell Babs & steer her from the villain path.

Babs: Dean? DEAN?!

Dean snaps out of his train of thought and turns to Babs.

Dean: Sorry Babs, I was lost in thought.

Babs: It's fine. Anyways, I got a text from Jess. Something's going on in the forest as she was protecting a rare tree, something about an explosion occuring in an attack!

Dean: An attack?

Babs: Yes! We need to suit up!

Dean nods and tries to feel out Jessica's energy signature in the woods, he managed to sense her, he also sensed the energy signatures of Diana, Karen, Kara and Zee heading over there but also sensed seven evil power signatures west of the forest and three unknown power signatures there as well.

Dean: Alright.

The two ran off in secret to suit up as Saiyan Brawler was seen flying off with carrying Batgirl towards the direction of the forest.


West of the forest of Metropolis...

We see a massive cabin in the center of the forest up west, however, the place and area looked damaged for wear in some kind of brawl as the seven alien soldiers were surrounding someone. The individual was a tall humanoid looking man with slug like antennae, lack of eyebrows, pointy ears, fangs, black eye pupils, slightly dark green skin with less prominent pink patches throughout his slight yet superb muscular body, three conjoined red rings on his wrists and ankles like wrist/ankle bands. He was shirtless, wore a black sash, light blue martial arts like pants and brown shoes.

The seven soldiers were grinning maliciously while the green warrior grits his teeth with anger.

Alien soldier: You've got power, we'll give you that but you're still no match for us, Namekian Trash.

Female mutant soldier: You have one last chance to come quietly with the other two nameks you have hiding in your home or else.

???: (bold tone) If I were a coward, your words might scare me but I'm not. I won't surrender myself, my family or the artifacts you seek!

Male mutant soldier: So persistent yet very foolish, if you think you're getting out of this you're dead wrong. What my lord wants, he gets! You three have escaped us for the last time but you're at a dead end!

Female alien soldier: Our Lord is generous to let us take you three alive because if it were up to us, you'd be dead. So consider yourself lucky, but our Lord didn't say we can't roughen you up if you resist. So... the Easy way or the Hard way?

???: I'm not coming with you or giving you anything.

The Namekian warrior got ready as veins appeared on his head and parts of his body, letting out a loud roar as dark blue & white ki energy forms around him with the forest shaking. The soldiers' scouters started beeping frantically to their shocked.

Alien soldier: His power level is off the scale!

Female alien soldier: B-But his power level was insignificantly low when we were fighting him!

The scouters started to break and explode.

???: You soldiers rely on those devices too much, underestimating me which will be your last mistakes.

He charged at the two of the seven alien soldiers, slamming his fists into their guts. The two coughed up blue or orange vile before the Namekian forms two ki energy blast at point blank range to incinerate the two soldiers, leaving only five soldiers.

Female mutant soldier: Attack!

Three of the soldiers would engage at the Namekian to trade blows with him while two soldiers would try to long range blast him at chances of an opening. The Namek caught a few punches, three soldiers managed to land some solid and quick hits on him but the warrior wouldn't submit as he caught the female soldier's kick, twists the leg which made her yell out in pain and was silenced with a punch through the chest, falling.

The two soldiers were shocked for a moment before lunging at the Namek to exchange blows again, the two other soldiers were trying to get a clear shot at the Namek. Once they saw an opening, they fired a dual purple blast to aim for the Namek, who caught wind of it and disappeared as the blast struck the other two soldiers, killing them.

He then appears before the last two soldiers, who started to back away in fear.

???: Running away from a fight and you call me trash?

The two soldiers growls furiously and lunged at the Namek, all three of them disappeared and reappeared on sending shockwaves through the forest with unleashing furious offense upon one another. Soon, The superhero girls and the Saiyan Brawler arrived and saw the battlefield and the dead alien soldiers.

Green Lantern (Jessica): Dios Mio.

Zatanna: Looks like a meteor hit this area.

Bumblebee: And those things...

Wonder Woman: They're dead...

Supergirl: They look alien like.

Batgirl: Hey. They have armor like yours, Saiyan Brawler.

Saiyan Brawler was silent, upon the seeing the alien corpses with the exact same armor, broken scouters and the symbols... the symbols....

Saiyan Brawler: (in his mind) Frieza's henchmen...? Here?! Does that mean...

Then two more alien soldiers fell to the ground, dead. The superhero girls and the Saiyan Brawler look up seeing the Namekian warrior levitating back down to meet the seven but growled upon seeing the Saiyan Brawler.

Wonder Woman: Who or what are you?

Green Lantern (Jessica): An alien of some kind but not one I've ever seen. (To the Namek) Hey, what are you and what are your intentions here?!

The Namek wasn't answering as his attention was on the Saiyan, who hasn't taken his eyes off him.

???: Another soldier, huh?

Saiyan Brawler: A Namekian...?

Supergirl: A Namek-what now?

The Namek lunged at Saiyan Brawler with a fierce punch which he catches as a massive shockwave ensures, catching the girls by surprise as the two vanished.

Bumblebee: They vanished!

Supergirl: No, they're moving really fast! Man, I can barely keep up with seeing them with my supervision!

Wonder Woman: There!

The Amazon pointed up as the Saiyan and Namekian were disappearing and reappearing in the air, exchanging martial arts style strikes and strong blows to one another.

???: (Attacking) I don't care how many soldiers that tyrant sends, I won't let any of you take us!

Saiyan Brawler: (Attacking) Tyrant? What are you talking about?!

???: (Attacking) Don't play dumb with me, you bare the armor of the wicked soldiers who served the Frost Demon! You've been chasing after us since we were traveling away from our planet, trying to take the artifacts your evil purposes, like the one called Frieza, the bane of the universe's existence!

Saiyan Brawler: (Attacking) Wait? You think I'm working with Frieza?! Listen, you've got it wrong, I'm not associated with Frieza, let alone his people!

???: (Attacking) Don't try to deceive your way out of this, I will not allow you to take what's ours to use for your vile intentions-

He was cut off when he received a jaw shattering punch from Supergirl, sending him straight through the cabin door, breaking it.

Supergirl: Gotcha! (To Saiyan Brawler) Ya know this guy or what he is?

Saiyan Brawler: No, I don't know him in person but I know his race by reputation. Namekians are a peaceful race, one half being of warriors themselves and others with mystic like abilities.

Supergirl: Then why'd he attack you?

Saiyan Brawler: That's what we're going to find out.

The two landed to walk into the cabin with Zatanna, Batgirl, Bumblebee, Green Lantern (Jessica) and Wonder Woman following to see the Namekian warrior recovering while cracking his broken jaw back in place, standing up to prepare himself.

Supergirl: (cracks her knuckles) Alright Green Slug, you've got ten seconds to surrender or you'll receive more than a broken jaw.

???: As if I'd surrender to those who serve the Frost Demons-

Another voice was heard.

???: (A slow deep voice) That's enough Gin.

The group and the Namekian warrior now named Gin, turned around to see two figures entering the room. There were two Namekians; A tall elder looking Namekian but with light jade green skin with prominent yellow patches, slight face wrinkles, a slight athletic body and was wearing a black and white robe, yellow martial arts like pants, and brown shoes. The second one was a younger Namekian in teen years, slightly light green skin with prominent pink patches, a slim yet splendid tone figure and wore a slightly white gi shirt, pants, an indigo sash and brown shoes.

Gin: Elder Corei. They-

Corei: I'm aware of the threat that has unfortunately found it's way to us but I sense no evil within these young humans.

Gin: But he bares the armor-

Saiyan Brawler: Now let's get one thing straight, I hate Frieza and anyone associated with him, including his own race of dark tyrants with every fiber of my being... Why would I work for him?!

Wonder Woman: We wish to know what your intentions are here and who or what you are.

Corei: Very well then. Gather around.

???: (Slight calm tone) Are you okay, Gin?

Gin: Yes, Dunne. It's fine.

The superhero girls and Saiyan Brawler took a seat as the elder Namekian Corei told them about their race and planet's history. As well as the situation with Frieza invading their planet once and slaughtered their people to attain the 7 artifacts known as the Dragon balls for his own gains, even destroying the planet itself, their people revived from another Earth's Dragonballs & later New Namek as it was said that Frieza was defeated by a Saiyan named Goku.

Saiyan Brawler: Goku? I've never heard of a Saiyan named Goku.

Corei: Yes, according to the late Grand Elder Guru, the one known as Goku defeated the tyrant with awakening the power of a super saiyan.

Another Super Saiyan? The Saiyan Brawler thought about it, if what what he's saying true... Could there be more Saiyan survivors out there? Maybe his mother, twin sister, younger sister and brother too? Maybe. But he couldn't be too cautious about it.

Batgirl: And these Dragonballs you say have the power to grant any wish you want?! (Smiles with stars in her eyes)

Corei: Yes, the 7 artifacts known as the Dragonballs have the power to grant anything the user may wish upon.

Zatanna: Like in what you've explained in bringing the dead back to life.

Corei: Yes... But those with natural causes of death can't be brought back. Any wish can be granted but certain wishes can't exceed the maker's powers or it won't be granted.

Bumblebee: And those soldiers?

Corei: They were after us, no doubt. You see... On Namek, I've been learning a lot from Grand Elder Moori, who taught me the ways of the 7 artifacts. I've had a... sight for the journey so I traveled from Namek along with my son Dunne and my pupil/guard, Gin from planet to planet to take in the sights and experience life beyond our wildest imaginations.

Then his face grew cold.

Corei: However, the experience turned into a nightmare....

Supergirl: This Frieza guy ran into you?

Corei: No. This one's likeness is similar to that of the tyrant but it isn't him. Like Frieza, he's a true vile power hungry, being. I came to a planet that was ruled by a corrupted king & life there was withering, people barely living and their possessions taken, those who tried to rebel fell to the king's henchmen.

Green Lantern (Jessica): (gasps) That's terrible! No one could stop him?!

Corei: The corrupted king rarely fights, he has other beings do it for him for the right price. So Gin and I took a stand against the king's forces, they were no joke but we fought on & eventually dethroned the corrupted king. However, the people lost too much still and didn't much strength to recover & move forward. So I decided to use the technique Moori passed to me and with a dragon model, I created my own Dragonballs.

Batgirl: Wait! (Getting Excited) You have the Dragonballs?! Your own set of the artifacts?! Can you show us?!

Corei: Sure. Dunne, my son. Can you retrieve them?

Dunne nods & ran upstairs and later came back down with a large light blue cloth wrapped up and placed it on the table, unwrapping the cloth to unveil 7 orange orbs the size of a volleyball with each orb having a set of jade green stars from 1 to 7.

Girls: Whoa...!!

Saiyan Brawler: I can't believe it.

Wonder Woman: Great Hera, such a rare treasure.

Zatanna: They look beautiful...

Corei: These are the Jade star Dragonballs. With their powers, I used their powers to wish the life on the planet that fell to the corrupted king to be restored. Then we remained there for quite some time to help them, taught them so much and get their lives back on tracks.

Wonder Woman: And a good thing too, you've restored balance and peace to their land.

Corei: Then within a vision, a frost demon was coming for us, I didn't want the humanoid alien life forms to lose everything a second time so the three of us left everything to my strongest pupil and we took off for their safety. Somehow, the frost demon knew about the jade star Dragonballs and wanted them at all costs.

Saiyan Brawler: So he kept chasing you throughout the galaxy?

Corei: Yes. No matter where we go, he tends to find us & doesn't care who he hurts or kills to get his way. I told him that I would never hand over the Dragonballs to him and even if he tried to take them, he wouldn't be able to make his wish anyway.

Bumblebee: Why's that?

Dunne: Well, for Father Corei's Dragonballs to summon the dragon, the password must be in Namekian language.

Gin: But that won't stop him. The monster would try to force us if he gets the chance but we would always try to escape him and keep others from getting murdered.

Corei: We'd thought we've seen the last of him after a sudden course with a wormhole brought us to a different galaxy and this new earth... How wrong we were.

Gin: Grrrr. He or any evil must not be allowed to use the jade star Dragonballs!

Corei: Easy, Gin. It's fine.

Gin: It's not! He somehow found us, we're not safe here! If the frost demon tries to get the information and destroys you, the Dragonballs will cease to exist and he'll add more to the body count!

Wonder Woman: Wait, if you fall then these Dragonball artifacts will cease to exist?

Corei: Yes. If an elder/creator either passes on naturally or is killed then the Dragonballs will go with them.

Supergirl: That's a heavy burden to carry on your shoulders.

Wonder Woman: Well fear not, we shall be your allies and help protect the Dragonball artifacts.

Batgirl: Yeah, it's what heroes do!

Gin: Elder Corei, are you sure we can trust them?

Corei: Yes. Their powers are astonishing and their motives are true, we'll need assistance if we are to face this threat sooner or later.

Green Lantern (Jessica): If it's help you need then you have our word that we will assist in any way we can.

Dunne: Thank you.

Gin: We'll have to find a new place to stay, the frost demon is probably somewhere in the forest.

Saiyan Brawler: I can't sense his power, he's either left or he's masking his signature somehow. But I know a place you three can stay.


Dean: Aunt Margaret, Aunt Mallory, Grandpa Shin! I'm home and I have company!

Margaret and Mallory were approaching from the kitchen while Shin was sitting by the fireplace.

Margaret: Hello there Dean-Eeep!!

Mallory: Sup Nephew and whoa!!

The three spot Dean and the girls with Corei, Gin and Dunne, the two women shocked by the Namekians while Shin kept an eye on them.

Mallory: And you said ravenous Slug people weren't a thing, Margaret. Now I gotta go get my pulsar shotgun.

Dean: Whoa whoa whoa! They're not here to invade. They're in need of a place to stay.

Margaret: I'm not sure.

Mallory: What do they want out of this?

Corei: We do not wish to be a burden in your hospitality. We will assist you in tasks if we could stay here in order to keep out of the frost demon's range of the jade star Dragonballs.

Margaret: Frost Demon?

Mallory: Uhhh the dragon what?

Jessica: We can explain.

One explanation later...

Shin: So you felt that dark power too...

Corei: Yes. Now you all know.

Margaret: Well we don't wish to leave you out with no place to go. We have plenty of room so consider yourselves our guests.

Mallory: And I expect the rent to be paid by the end of the week or you're outta head.

Margaret: Mallory!

Mallory: (chuckles) Easy, Easy, I was kidding! You can stay as long as you like.

Shin: We'll do everything in our power to maintain your safety and for the jade star Dragonballs to not fall into the wrong hands, we shall prepare for them.

Corei: Thank you.

Dunne: Thanks for the generosity.

Gin nods.

Zee: Well we gotta head on home, see you later.

Dean: Bye.

Diana, Kara, Jessica, Karen, Babs and Zee left the house as Dean turn to the three Namekians.

Dean: I'll show you all to your rooms.


Back at the hideout in the woods...

The figure now revealed to be a frost demon alien frowned darkly while his army were in their work stations, his scouter went off hours ago of the energy signatures from the seven soldiers he sent to track the Namekians down all vanished while the nameks signature are no longer there.

He was angry but kept his composure.

???: So they've failed... They're lucky I didn't kill them myself for their failure. Now the nameks are aware I'm here & now they have some help... from seven different beings, one of them is the Saiyan. A shame... I'm eager to start the manhunt but I'm not going to make myself known to this planet... yet (smirks).

Soon, the nine soldiers he sent on a mission came back with 10 to 16 civilians out knocked out.

Female mutant soldier: My Lord, we've returned with the test subjects without detection as you instructed!

???: (Smirk grows) Good... Good... Take them to my main lab. These humans are insignificant but they will have the honor of being one with the gene of the most powerful beings in the universe within my army. Let the frost cross species experiment begin!

Soldier: Yes Lord!

???: (In his mind) And soon... Once I have my army and the Dragonballs in my possession, everyone shall fall before me, especially the Saiyan, hahahahahaha!!

To be continued...

(Chapter 5 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! The mysterious figure has set up a strong hold and brought soldiers in for a hunting mission. Harleen Quinzel makes her debut and Dean knows she & Harley Quinn are one in the same, can he somehow persuade her in the near future to steer away from the villain path? Three Namekian OCs make their debut along with my own OC version of the Dragonballs which abilities will appear in time. Now the nameks have allied themselves with the Superhero girls and the Saiyan Brawler but will they be ready for the Frost Demon, who is secretly planning in the shadows? Find out in the near future, until next chapter which is another interaction between Saiyan Brawler and the second love interest out of the six since Diana. This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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