Claws of the Cheetah
It was nightfall in metropolis as Wonder Woman, Supergirl and Saiyan Brawler were engaging in a fight against... Zatanna?!
Zatanna ?: (eyes & hair now neon blue, skin paler, body radiating with immense neon blue & black energy) Hahahaha!!! This is truly marvelous, I can feel the power coursing through me!
The trio were dodging and avoiding her dark magic blasts. Why was Zatanna attacking them & causing destruction through the city? Well... it was a bizarre day, Dean & Diana were having an annual sparring session & Kara was lifting weights when the news popped up, shockingly stating that Zatanna has gone rogue, wrecking havoc throughout Metropolis.
It wasn't like Zee to just go and behave so malicious and to partake in such heinous and destructive deeds so the Saiyan, Kryptonian and Amazon went to confront their friend, hoping to snap her out of what's making her do this. In a heated battle, Zatanna wasn't showing any ounce of mercy in her attacks against the three.
Supergirl: Aggh! I really hate magic! Especially dark magic!
Wonder Woman: Zatanna, what have come over you to act in such a violent & evil manner?!
Zatanna grins evilly.
Zatanna ?: Hehehehahahahahaha! (sings alluringly & maliciously) Oh my dear 'friends...' I'm afraid that this is all ooooover~~~...! So thou shall breathe thy last breath, especially yooooooooou, atrocious saiyaaaaaaaaaaaan~~~~~~!
She fires another dark magic blast at the three, Wonder Woman blocks it with her shield while Saiyan Brawler form a barrier of ki to shield himself & Supergirl.
Supergirl: What happened to her?! Why is Z going all dark side on us?!
Saiyan Brawler: Because it's not Zatanna!
Wonder Woman: Comrade Saiyan Brawler, could she be an imposter or mind controlled?!
Saiyan Brawler: I don't think so. That is Zatanna's body but that power I'm sensing right now ain't her signature!
Supergirl: Whatta you talking about?! That's Z's body but her energy mumbo jumbo ain't the right one?!
???: H-Hey!!
The three and Zatanna? turns to see a slightly short humanoid alien woman with light blue skin, long white hair in a braided ponytail, purple eyes and possesses a chubby voluptuous and busty figure & was wearing space armor barely floating and looked really hurt while holding a fatally bleeding wound in her right chest.
Zatanna?: You?!
Supergirl: (angry) Great, another one of those Frost Demon scouts! I'll take care of her!
Supergirl flies at the woman who yelped as the kryptonian was about to pummel her.
???: W-Wait! Stop, it's me!!
Saiyan Brawler: Supergirl, stop!
Supergirl stopped in her tracks, turning to the Saiyan.
Supergirl: What?! I was about to-
Saiyan Brawler: hit Zatanna.
Supergirl: Huh? Are you blind? This fat alien soldier lady doesn't look a bit like Zatanna!
Saiyan Brawler: Not on the outside, her energy signature is inside.
Wonder Woman: (to the alien woman) Friend Zatanna?
Zatanna: (groans from the wound) Y-Yes! It's me! (Points to the other Zatanna?) That witch & goons fought against me, pulled a ghastly trick and fatally wounded herself to steal m-my body!
Imposter Zatanna: Guilty as charged, your body has such power from this dark energy, I feel so glorious!
Zatanna: (horrified) What have you done?! That dark magic is dangerous, you don't know what your doing! Give me my body back now!!
Zatanna coughs up blood as her wound got worse. The Saiyan feels Zee's energy slowly fading from the wound.
Wonder Woman: Zatanna!
Imposter Zatanna: Hahaha! You think I'd give it because you demand it? Oh Nonono, your body is truly astonishing and oh so powerful~~~~~. I'll make great use for it when I take the saiyan's head to present my Lord!
Wonder Woman: You and the Frost Demon shall do no such thing!
Supergirl: Sorry Z but I'm going have to hurt you, I mean her! I mean, the fat alien in your body!
Zatanna: Wait! You'll damage my beautiful face!
She flies at the imposter Zatanna who readies another attack.
Imposter Zatanna: (darkly sings) Try as you might, you shall noooooooot succeeeeed, that's for suuuuuure~. I have the unbridled and mystic poweeeeeer to-
Saiyan Brawler appeared behind the singing imposter.
Saiyan Brawler: No.
Saiyan Brawler hits a strong palm strike to her back, sending imposter Zatanna flying.
Imposter Zatanna: Aaaaggghhh! Why you-
She was cut off when she received a strong fist to the face by Supergirl, who stayed on the twisted body snatcher to not give her any ounce of defense or offense, hitting her harder and harder!
Imposter Zatanna: Ouch! Stop it!
Imposter Zatanna: Stop it!
Imposter Zatanna: ANGRY!
As Supergirl was pummeling the imposter Zatanna, Wonder Woman and Saiyan Brawler help the real Zatanna who coughs up more blood as she was really hurt from the fatal wound.
Wonder Woman: Friend Zatanna, stay with us. Be strong, don't leave us sister!
Zatanna: Huff... Huff... Huff...
Supergirl was heard yelling as the three saw her struck to send imposter Zatanna crashing back first into the ground with an earth shattering thud.
Zatanna: M-My body!
Supergirl: (glares) You got 5 seconds to give my friend her body back now or else!
Imposter Zatanna: (heavily damage) N-Never you ignorant flying rage ape!
A tick mark appears on Supergirl's forehead.
Supergirl then flies down at her like a missile, Imposter Zatanna frowns for a brief moment before an evil smile stretched across her face, her entire body glowing indigo blue! Zatanna eyes widened as she knew that attack well.
Zatanna: (gasps) S-She's going to switch bodies with Supergirl!
Imposter Zatanna: (sings) Change NOW~~~~!!
The indigo blue light shot out a beam towards the charging Supergirl.
Wonder Woman: We must act now before the alien fiend takes Supergirl's body!
Saiyan Brawler: (to Zatanna) Z, do you trust me?
Zatanna: .... (Blushes at the Saiyan looking in the eyes) I-I do.
Saiyan Brawler: Ok. Then I'm very sorry for this.
He grabs her.
Zatanna: Wait, hold on-
He throws her up towards the beam.
Supergirl was flying in but noticed the indigo blue dangerously approaching her.
Supergirl: Huh?!
Imposter Zatanna grins evilly as she was about to claim Supergirl's body but heard and saw Zatanna screaming launched towards her attack.
Imposter Zatanna: (sings opera like in distress) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~~~!!!
Zatanna was hit by the beam as Supergirl braced herself from the light. Both souls left opposite bodies as Zatanna made it back to her body & the imposter was back into hers as the lights faded, the alien soldier falling to the ground, succumbing to her fatal injuries. Supergirl floats back down near Zatanna as the neon blue and black aura faded completely with her hair, eyes and skin returned to their normal color. Wonder Woman and Saiyan Brawler towards them to look over Zatanna.
Supergirl: Z, you with us? Are you okay?
Zatanna opens her eyes, a pained glare pointing in the kryptonian's direction.
Zatanna: I-I'm back in my body, that's good but I'm anything BUT OKAY right now...! Ouch!
Supergirl: (laughs sheepishly) Sorry... Had to do it.
Wonder Woman: Though it was a tough battle, we are victorious and friend Zatanna is back within her body.
Zatanna groans in pain, luckily, her magic was slowly healing her. Her eyes blinked and widened as she felt herself getting picked up gently, turning to the face of Saiyan Brawler.
Her face immediately went red blushing.
Saiyan Brawler: It's okay, I got you.
Zatanna: (whispers) Oh hold me closer, my strong prince~~...
Saiyan Brawler: What?
Zatanna: (stammers) N-Nothing! T-Thanks-
New Reporter: (cuts in) This is Metropolis daily planet news bringing you this special report!
Wonder Woman: Where did he come from?
Supergirl: Need to put a bell on you!
News Reporter: It seems that local heroes Wonder Woman and Supergirl along with the vigilante Saiyan Brawler succeeded in stopping & apprehending former hero now criminal Zatanna!
Zatanna gave an angered & appalled gasp.
News Reporter: Does the group have anything to say about the former superhero girl-
Supergirl: (grabs him by the tie) Okay, I'm going to stop you right there, chatter box. Cameras rolling, right? Good. A lot of crazy stuff happens in this town, so here's another crazy thing that happened okay... (Chuckles before yelling at the reporter) Her body was swapped, moron!!!
New Reporter: Ack!
Saiyan Brawler: Zatanna had her body stolen and the imposter (points to the now dead alien woman) was the cause of it, Zatanna is innocent and too marvelous of a hero to go down a dark path.
Zatanna had a big warm smile with a blush.
Wonder Woman: I think we're done here.
Supergirl released the News Reporter's neck tie, the four leaving the scene.
News Reporter: (to the camera) ....... Back to you guys?
The next day...
Dean & Diana were partaking in a jog during their training regiment.
Dean: (smiles) You think you can keep with me, Diana?
Diana: (smiles confidently) On the contrary friend Dean, I am already keeping up with me and further beyond!
Diana was jogging faster ahead of Dean.
Dean: Oh no you don't!
Dean ran after the Amazon, turning it into a genuine yet competitive race through the city, trying to keep up one another.
Diana: Heh, you are indeed a worthy runner but I am much worthier-
Dean: Diana, look out-
Diana accidentally bumps into someone around the corner, both fell with a thud, the person in question let out a distraught yell. Dean ran over to the two who were groaning and rubbing their heads as shopping bags were scattered.
The person Diana bumped into was a slightly tall teenage girl with light tan skin, brown-ish orange eyes, long blonde hair in a ponytail and possesses a beautiful & curvaceous figure. She was wearing a long sleeve yellow jacket with with cheetah spots on the white fur on her sleeves and neck cover, along with wearing a short red skirt & white high heel boots.
This was Barbara/Barbi Ann Minerva, a very snobbish rich & queen bee popular girl of the Metropolis High School but is also known as the Cheetah, a very ferocious and wild feline predator & enemy of Wonder Woman.
The very girl in question find her shopping bags scattered and her fur jacket, skirt & shoes stained with the latte she had knocked over. A low, intense growl escaped her lips and turns her heated glare at the person responsible.
Diana. Barbi narrowed her eyes which glowed green with slits but she kept her wild side at bay. Barbi was the best to excel at everything in school until Diana came into the picture, upstaging her at everything which sparked her jealousy to curse the Amazon but the artifact cursed her instead, turning her into the ferocious cheetah & fought the Superhero girls at some point, she even was found by Diana and came clean about unleashing the cheetah because of her jealousy, Diana tells her that jealousy is a green eyed monster and should let it go but... Barbi didn't let go of embraced the cheetah's power and vowed to get Diana/Wonder Woman.
Diana: (stands up) Oh my head... (Gasps) Oh Barbi, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up.
Diana reached for her hand but Barbi slapped her hand away.
Diana: Ouch!
Barbi: (stands up, voice of disgust & anger) Keep your sweaty hands to yourself and did anyone teach you proper manners to watch where you're going?!
Diana: I humbly apologize for knocking you down, it wasn't my intention-
Barbi: Well apology denied, you knocked over my items and let my latte spill all over my outfit, do you know how much these cost?! Do you?!
Diana: (firm tone) Barbi with great honestly, it was never my intention to knock you down or defile your wardrobe with your latte. We can fix & resolve this, we're all friends here.
Barbi snorts in disgust.
Barbi: Oh we're pass the point of fixing (pokes a finger at Diana's chest, glaring her in the eye) Let's get something straight, Diana; We're not friends, I don't like you, I can't stand you or your measly golden attitude, having people fooled with your cliche heroic complex but you can't fool me for a second.
Diana: What are you saying? I'm not trying to act!
Barbi: (sneers) I'm saying you're no one's hero, but an utter fool trying to play hero in this survive or perish world, always trying to show people especially myself up & parade around like the conniving & atrocious witch you are! Do you understand with that thick skull of yours-
Then Barbi felt someone's hand firmly on hers to keep her from poking Diana further on her rant. The blonde turns to Dean who had her shopping bags in one hand (probably picked them up when Barbi was arguing with Diana) & the other slowly removing her hand from Diana's chest. Her glare met his steely, stern gaze.
Dean: (stern stare) I really appreciate it if you don't belittle my friend like that. She just apologized to you & tried to help you with your things, yet you wish to chew her out immaturely over a simple accident.
Barbi: (snarls) And just who the hell do you think you're talking to?!
Dean: My name is Dean and I'm talking to a pompous, snobby queen bee cliche. Apparently, you don't know Diana well, meaning you're the fool here, not her. She's always believed in doing the right thing & would never hurt, insult or act in a such a manner you described her, she's a good person, not a self-entitled glory hog who looks down on people.
Diana couldn't help but smile with a slight blush from the Saiyan defending her. Dean furrowed his stern, fiery stare at the blonde girl, who flinched as if he was staring at her very soul.
Dean: And if you're talking about a witch, you need to take a very looooong look at yourself in the mirror & I don't mean your outside appearance, I mean on the inside for you need a serious attitude adjustment.
Barbi: ...?!
Dean hands Barbi her shopping bags and walks passed her with Diana following. The Saiyan felt a strange power from Barbi the moment she crossed hairs with Diana but if she causes any problems, he'll handle it personally. Speaking of Barbi, she stood there staring off into space with wide eyes as wild thoughts were going through her mind.
She felt overwhelmed when Dean stood up to her like that, his tone, his blazing eyes in a fiery stare and the scent... it didn't seem human but felt strangely exhilarating. She then slowly looks at the hand Dean held when she poked/chewed out Diana... the touch felt strong & firm.
Without a word, Barbi runs quickly through town back to her mansion, retreating to her room to slam the door shut, throwing her shopping bags on her bed while breathing heavily. She felt her heart beating rapidly and her body heat going over the edge, her predatory nature was going wild thinking about the saiyan.
Barbi: How... How he stood up to me like that, talked to me like that... I should be angry but the young man's scent, the strength, the tone of authority and blazing intent... (Blushing) Oh, I must have him... (smirks) I will have him and Diana won't win this time.
She chuckled sinisterly with glowing green eyes.
Leslie and Doris were in a hidden location as they got a text from Selina, who needed to talk to them.
Leslie: (eats some boxes of chocolate cookies) *Munch* So what do you think *Munch* Selina wants to talk to us *Munch* about?
Doris: How should I know? Plus, where is she anyway? Shouldn't Selina be the first one here?
Leslie: Beats me *Munch*.
Doris: Les, how many boxes cookies did you eat on the way here?
Leslie: About... *Munch* 38.
Doris: 38 boxes? Les, you need to cut down on that. You're gonna end up as big as a hippo.
Leslie: As if, I haven't shown any sign of gaining pounds. And I would if I could quit Doris but I can't shake this sudden sweet tooth urge.
Doris: Here, let me help you.
Doris takes the boxes from Leslie and throws them out the window, a cat's yowl heard offscreen.
Leslie: Hey!
Doris: Did ya a favor.
Leslie: (eyes glowed purple) Grrrr! Leslie mad! Leslie shock orange hair girl for throwing sweets away! (Tries to attack Doris)
Doris: What the?! Leslie, stop that!
Leslie suddenly snapped out of it, eyes returning to normal.
Leslie: W-Whoa... What happened?
Doris: Have you lost it?! You tried to attack me!
Leslie: I did?
Doris: I think those sweets are making ya coco in the head.
Leslie: I'm not going coco, okay?!
Selina: Are you two done bickering?
The two see Selina walk out of the shadows followed by two figures. The first was a slightly short teenage girl with fair pale skin, violet eyes, pink lipstick, large purple-ish black hair in a ponytail & possesses a beautiful & graceful figure. She was wearing a pink bow tied on her ponytail, sporting a dark pink and white cheerleader outfit, white socks and pink sneakers.
And the second one was a short teenage girl with long pale crimson red hair that reaches down her waist & covers her left eye, green eyes, pale skin & a slender yet graceful figure. She was wearing a yellow shirt with three leafs, dark green jacket, gray pants & green and white sneakers.
The first was Carol Ferris, beautiful cheerleader of Metropolis High School but also known as Star Sapphire, member of the Supervillain girls, member of the violet lantern corps & has a very unhealthy obsession with Hal Jordan, who broke up with her but she doesn't take No for an answer...
And the Second is Pamela "Pam" Isley aka Poison Ivy, plant lover and human hater (with the exception of her friends & Jessica who she tolerates sometimes), member of the Supervillain girls and a villainess of plants who seeks to "save" Metropolis from the threats humanity have wrought upon Nature.
The three had stern stare at Doris and Leslie.
Doris: Les and I are here, what's this boring meeting about?
Selina: Oh... I think you two already know what this is about.
She pulls out a Daily Planet Newspaper showing Livewire & Giganta fighting alongside Saiyan Brawler against Superman as well as the headlines saying, "Livewire & Giganta on the hero side?"
The two former villainess' gulped.
Selina: Care to explain?
Leslie: Look, it's not what you think!
Pam: Oh really? Cuz it looks like you two joined up with the pathetic heroes.
Doris: Whoa whoa whoa! This is not the true story here!
Leslie: Yeah!
Carol: You're teaming with a new guy who works with the hero girls but unlike them he kills villains! Who do you think we are?! Huh?! Have you seen those weird armored creeps he's put down, what makes you think we won't come after us?!
Doris: He ain't a deranged psycho, pinkie!
Leslie: You don't understand! He does kill villains but every villain in general! If he did, you (to Selina), Doris and I wouldn't be here right now!
Pam: ....What are you saying then?
Leslie: ....That we quit being villains.
Doris: But not for the reason you think, we're not on the heroes side!
Selina: .... Enlighten us.
Leslie: During our fights with Saiyan Brawler, trying to beat him only to fail, we learned some things about him & he learned some things about us when he spared our lives, helped us see things differently when we hit rock bottom...
Doris: He gave us a second chance, we fought that superwimp alongside him to help him. That we can be more than what we were.
The two then told more of their story to Selina, Carol & Pam, leaving out the part where the giantess & the shockjock have a crush on the Saiyan.
Leslie: We made our decision to work with him as Rogues, we're not Bad guys anymore but we're not goodie goodies either!
Doris: Yeah. We're on Team Brawler. And if you can't understand, well then we're outta here.
Leslie and Doris turn to walk away.
Selina: Hold it.
The two turn to Selina.
Selina: Alright... It's shocking for all of us that you chose this but I guess I can respect your choices, though you two aren't villains anymore, it shouldn't stop us from still hanging out as a crew.
Doris & Leslie were shocked.
Leslie: Really?
Doris: We're still friends?
Selina: Of course. You thought we were gonna hold a grudge against you & act like children, tch, as if. It's your choice, your decision. We're not your mothers. (Smirks) and way to stick it to the Man of Steel.
Leslie: Thanks, Head Cat.
Selina: You're welcome. But remember if & when we meet again in the crossfire...
Leslie: Hehehe, I get it.
Carol: I don't like it but it's your choice, however, (glares) if I see you working with that two timing Jessica Crew who's trying to steal my Hally Wally, I won't hesitate to aim my wrath at you two.
Leslie: Ok....
Doris & Leslie: (whispers) Nutjob/Lovesick maniac.
Pam: I guess not everything lasts forever, even villain alliances, so I'll respect your choices and still remain friends with you two (glares) don't make me regret it...
Doris: Fine, Fine.
Carol: I wonder where Harleen is?
Selina: According to the news, She's among the missing, abducted by these strange beings in armor.
Doris: Saiyan Brawler said someone very terrifying has appeared and it's nothing like chrome dome (Lex Luthor), he is much much worse.
Leslie: And this guy is a part of an alien race that conquered/or destroyed countless planets & went all genocidal all different races.
Pam: An alien, really? You're joking?
Doris: No. This frost freak or whatever is abducting people for what, I don't know. And Harleen is one of them. I'm saying we all gotta watch our backs.
Carol: Not the first time I encountered aliens but if this monster is as terrifying as you say then I guess I'll take your words for it.
Selina: We all will, and we will get Harleen back. For now, the meeting is done. See ya when we see ya two.
Leslie and Doris smirk and nodded and fist bump Selina, taking their leave.
Selina: Oh and Doris? Leslie?
The two turn to their friend.
Selina: Did you two have a great time with your stud~.
Leslie and Doris's face went red. Pam looked at the feline thief's sly smirk while Carol squeals.
Carol: Oh so you joined him because you both looooooove him~! So sweet~!
Leslie & Doris: (stuttering) W-We do not!/Y-You're talking crazy talk!
Selina: Awww, Doris, Leslie. There's no shame in admitting you have a crush, it's natural~. After all, we've seen your battles with him, (to Leslie) you were all over him when you got that power boost & did he enjoy seeing you half exposed~? (To Doris) And I bet you enjoyed his power & strength when he dominated you in that fight~, hmmmm~?
Leslie & Doris: (both red with anger & embarrassment) S-SCREW YOU SELINA!!!
The two ran off as Selina, Carol and Pam chuckled.
At the Saiyan's home...
Diana, Babs, Jessica, Kara, Karen and Zee were talking amongst in the living room as Dean walked in with large bags of food and poured them in five very large bowls.
Babs: And still I've found nothing on where Harleen is! (Groans) I swear whenever I get so close to getting a lead on where she might be, I get pushed back so far!
Jessica: (comforts) Shhhh... Don't lose hope Babs, we'll find Harleen and the rest of the missing civilians.
Babs: I know, I just had this feeling that she's calling out to me for help! I even had a nightmare once of what that Frost Demon guy is doing to her, I need to find her and fast even if I have find everyone of those aliens' kryptonite!!!
The girls give her awkward looks.
Kara: Oooookay, you're not gonna find kryptonite to effect them if they're not me or my cousin.
Dean: Don't stress, Babs. We'll find Harleen. I'd sense her energy if I could but it seems the Frost Demon is blocking traces of his location to find him or your friend. But that doesn't mean we give up, if Harleen is as strong as you say she is, she won't cave in.
Babs: Yeah, you're right.
Dean: She'll be strong for you, so be strong for her and never give up on your friends.
Babs: (smiles) Yes!
That caught the girls off guard followed by a chorus of loud roars and yowls with running footsteps entering the living room.
Kara: What the?!
Karen: Yikes!
Entering the living room was five very large jungle cats; A male cheetah, a female tiger or tigress, a female jaguar, a female lion or lioness and a male lion. The five feline predators had hungry looks and spots the large bowls of meat.
Dean: Come & get it.
The five immediately swarmed their bowls and ate wildly.
Babs: Wow, you said you had pets but I didn't think you meant jungle cats!
Zee: Whoa, they're quite huge and ferocious than your average jungle feline.
Dean: Well they were kinda... enhanced jungle cats, let's say a villain was creating genetically altered super animals to run wild in Gotham back in my solo days, I stopped the guy but these five felines were miserable with him & taken a liking to me freeing them so I chose to have them as my pets.
Kara: Wow... They look so fierce yet so cute...
The girls look at Kara.
Kara: What?! I'm not completely punk rock, don't judge me!
Zee: I wouldn't. After looking after my lovely bunnies Hazel Von Hausle the 3rd & Dandelion Pipkin de Heisenplay, who wouldn't find them cute & nearly caused a bunny-pocalypse once by putting them together.
Kara: I said I was sorry, how was I supposed to know Harry Houdini was a mom & expecting kids?! Plus, her & Merlin's love was so cute!
Zee: For the last time, that's not their names!
Loud roars interrupted the girls, seeing the five large jungle cats glaring at them with glowing blue eyes.
Jessica: Easy now... We don't want any trouble.
Karen: N-Nice kitties...
Dean: Whoa there. (To the cats) Easy there, guys & gals, they're friends, not enemies.
The jungle cats slowly calmed down.
Dean: (to the girls) They're highly protective of the family. Go ahead, pet them if you want. The cheetah is Finn, the tigress is Tori, the jaguar is Gwen, the lioness is Jade and the lion is Joe.
The girl went to approach the enhanced jungle cats, some were hesitant but begin to pet and rub the fur of the five jungle cats, who gave purrs and nuzzles up to the girls.
The girls: Awwwww~!
Dean: Hehe, they like you already.
Diana: Such adorable yet strong creatures.
Kara: Very huge, ferocious and cute at the same time! A triple threat!
Then the door bell rings.
Dean: I'll get it.
Dean heads to the door, opening it to find Barbi standing there.
Barbi: (sultry tone) Why hello there, Dean, was it~?
Dean: Yes... And what are you doing here, Barbara? And how did you find my home?
Barbi: Oh please new guy, call me Barbi. And as for how I found your home... I ran into two individuals during a store trip, your aunts, I take it? One of them knew my father due to traveling so I asked where to find you, not bad of a home you have here.
Dean: (suspicious glance) Okay... And what do you want to talk about?
Barbi: I think we've gotten off the wrong foot you & I, even... (Trying to hide her disgust) ahem, Diana as well... and I apologize for that. I would like to invite you to a pool party at my house to start out fresh.
Dean: Hmmmm... Sure, can I invite the girls as my guests?
Dean pointed over to the girls who were playing with the enhanced jungle cats, Barbi's eyes widened, Dean was a cat person and those beastly cats were larger than the average Cheetah, Tiger, Lion, etc. She felt herself getting hotter with her heart beating rapidly, another reason for the girl reel the saiyan in to make him hers.
Barbi: (ignores her animal side) Oh but course you can bring them as well, even... Diana can come too. I... see you have jungle cats as pets?
Dean: Yeah, I really love them. they're really protective, strong, fierce and even adorable when they want to be, rubbing their fur and showing compassion when you care for them really make them purr a lot.
Barbi: (in her mind) Oh how I would love for you to make me purr, you strong alpha~... (Speaks) well the pool party is at 6:00 sharp. Don't be late, Dean~.
Dean: Ok then.
Barbi takes her leave as Dean closed the door and turned to the girls who saw & heard everything.
Dean: I take it you heard-
Babs: Yep! I can't believe you were invited to Barbi's pool party! And you have us as your guests! Sweet! I heard Minerva has one of the best pool parties in Metropolis!
Kara: But she's stuck up with that richer and popular than you attitude, she's up to something...
Zee: Dean Darling, I strongly advise you don't go to that party, what if Barbi's only befriending you to use you?
Dean: I appreciate your concern but Barbi isn't showing any signs of hostility. I didn't like her at first when she insulted Diana like that but it sounds like she wants to make amends. If something goes wrong then I'll snuff it out, you don't have to go if you don't want to.
Diana: I understand friend Dean. If Barbi wishes to show signs of change then I'll accept the conditions.
Kara: Eh, this party better not be lame and I'll be watching that fake fur wearing host.
Karen: I-I wouldn't mind.
Jessica: Of course.
Zee: Okay but if she so much as look at you the wrong way, she's going to deal with me.
Babs: Sure! Oh and Dean?
Dean: Yes?
Babs: Can you show us your Super Saiyan forms?
Dean: But... Didn't you see my forms already?
Babs: Yeah but still not in order & some we haven't seen yet! The transformations seem so cool, can you show us, please, please, please?!
Dean: Okay, okay. I'll show you. Let's head to the backyard.
Kara: Guess we can talk about the Barbi situation later.
Speaking of Barbi, the rich girl never actually left the area. She was watching the conversation about her and the party through the window, she snarled at the girls keeping her potential mate away from her. Not only does she have Diana to contend with but Zee, who was rich & popular in her own right with the beauty/body to back it up, is another potential threat especially when Barbi hear Zee call her Dean "Darling". Hearing something about "Super Saiyans?" whatever that was to Barbi & heading to the backyard, the rich girl sneaks her way to the back & hid behind the large bushes before Dean & the girls were seen entering the backyard out of the house.
Babs: So where are the three namekians?
Dean: They are at the dojo with grandfather Shin, each willing to learn a thing or two from one another.
Karen: That's good.
Dean: Alright, now where to begin?
Barbi was looking through the bushes.
Barbi: (in her mind) Namekians? What are those? Some sort of foreign civilians?
Dean: As you know, I'm in my normal state.
Kara: Well no duh. Get on with it.
Zee: (stern) Kara.
Dean then transformed into a Super Saiyan, much to Barbi's shock.
Dean: And you girls already know of my Super Saiyan form.
Diana: Ah yes, I am aware of the form and I felt the immense power shared by you when we vanquished the diabolical android creature that tried to absorb me.
Barbi: (in her mind) Gracious, I was correct. He isn't human and... This Super Saiyan form, the flare, the sheer force, oh he looks like a golden god~!
Dean: Now here's something you girls haven't seen yet.
Dean powers up again as his golden hair got spiked in a different style as his golden ki was shrouded by lightning.
Jessica: Whoa, so this form is another alteration to Super Saiyan, correct?
Dean: Why yes, a form ascended past a normal Super Saiyan. Basically, Super Saiyan 2.
Karen: Cool.
Diana: Truly magnificent friend Dean. It's like Zeus has bestow his power upon you.
Babs: Radical! And you're basically surrounded by pure lightning!
Kara: Not bad.
Zee: Very impressive darling.
Barbi was overwhelmed, another transformation? And the weight of the power and scent was stronger than the first as the rich girl's eyes was switching from normal to glowing green, resisting the urge to jump out at the Saiyan, wanting to see if he was strong enough to handle her, to be worthy to being her mate.
Barbi: (in her mind) Must... Not... Cave in. But oh my, he's tempting me with his power & scent!
Kara: So what's next? A Super Saiyan 3?
Dean: Heh, I wish. I have two transformations remaining and you already know this one... (Powers up as his golden aura was slowly turning emerald green)
Barbi's eyes widened. Two more transformations?! And he's entering the next one, the girls braced themselves while Barbi was completely overwhelmed by the tremendous force of power Dean released as the scent grew stronger too, shielding her eyes from the green glowing light which within minutes dimmed down. She lays her eyes on Dean & immediately gasped with a huge blush & her jaw open upon seeing the young man in his Legendary Super Saiyan form.
Dean: And you all know my Legendary Super Saiyan form.
Kara: (mesmerized; mutters with a blush) Who could forget that...? You can really grind meat on those abs...
Zee had hearts in her eyes and giggles in glee.
Diana had heart in her eyes with a goofy smile again as she fainted.
Karen: That form is still intimidating.
Jessica: I agree.
Babs: Still boss level. And one more transformation left! (Smiles wide with starry eyes)
Barbi was breathing rapidly, her body heat reaching critical levels, her heart was at it's quick pace and her widening eyes were fully green with slits at the sight of Dean's LSS form, desirable and primal thoughts erupted from her mind as Barbi at her limit.
Barbi: (in her mind) So much Power... a legendary form... The pure physique of an alpha, so strong, so dominant, so perfect! Can't... Hold... Back... MY INSTINCTS!!!
The animal side took over, Barbi transformed into the Cheetah, a loud primal roar escaping and jumping out of the bushes, getting Dean and the girl's attention before the saiyan could reveal his next form... The Cheetah attacked him!
Dean: Huh?!
He got some claw strikes to the face and chest before he grips the arms of Cheetah and throws her across the yard only to land on her feet, snarling.
Karen: Cheetah!
Dean: You know her?
Diana: A very ferocious & dangerous beast we've crossed paths with before.
Babs: What's she doing here?!
Kara: Don't know but I'm about to put her in a cage!
Kara charged at Cheetah with wild, strong punch only for Cheetah to dodge corkscrew style followed by a swirling kick to the back of the kryptonian's head, knocking her into the grassy floor with a loud thud. Diana enters her Wonder Woman persona, charged at Cheetah, who snarled & charged at her enemy, both trading fierce blows to each other, The Amazon blocking the sharp claws with her silver bracelets of submission. Cheetah spun like a bladed twister of claws as Wonder Woman was on the defensive before the Amazon would attempt to fire back with a combo attack only for Cheetah to counter & intercept to nail Wonder Woman with leaping repeated bicycle kick to send her crashing into a nearby tree.
Cheetah turns to Babs, Karen, Zee, Jessica and finally Dean who was in his legendary super saiyan form, the predator smirking menacingly before pointing her claw to him.
Babs: Uh oh, Dean, I think it's you she wants!
Zee: (summons her magic) Well whatever she wants our darling friend for, she can't have him!
Dean felt out Cheetah's energy signature, it was definitely strong at best but it senses very familiar.
Dean: (in his mind) Barbi?
Cheetah noticed Kara and Wonder Woman getting up, glaring at the predator.
Dean: Kara, Diana. Stay out of this. It seems your enemy wants to fight me & that's exactly what she'll get.
The Amazon & Kryptonian turn to Dean then back to Cheetah, the wild grin never leaving her face, her animal blood boiling and rush kicking in, wanting to get the Saiyan alone.
Wonder Woman: Very well.
Kara: Normally I wouldn't let you hog the fun but fine.
Dean steps forward in the center of the area, Cheetah begins to slowly circle the legendary saiyan who kept his eyes on her, waiting for her to make a move. Within seconds, Cheetah ran at Dean at full speed, leaping up to connect a gatling of claws to the Saiyan who would avoid the attacks and blow her away with a forceful palm strike.
Cheetah grunts, spiraling to the ground to land on one knee, growling. She moves in a quick whirlwind formation followed by immense slashes to the Saiyan, who blocks the attacks but winces a bit from the claws sinking into his flesh, oblivious this was no ordinary Cheetah metahuman.
Dean counters with a kick to the jaw that sends Cheetah up in the air as he quickly followed by flight, while in the air, Cheetah regained her senses and saw Dean approaching her like a missile. Cheetah smirks and used to her momentum to plummet down to launch herself and Dean, the two trading quick blows from punches to kicks to claw strikes to wild & strong counters and maneuvers.
Babs: Whoa! I can barely see their attacks! Almost all blurry like! Like The Flash levels of blurry speed but not at the same time, only to show-
Kara: Okay Babs, we get it. They're fast.
Jessica: I'm surprised that Cheetah is keeping up with Dean and in his strongest form.
Zee: Same but what is it that she wants from Dean by fighting him?
Babs: Trying to learn his fighting style? Maybe seeing him as a potential threat to her territory like a king or queen of the jungle to eliminate him? Or maybe she's a spy for Lex Luthor to observe Dean's Saiyan powers to use for a way to control him? Or she's trying to test him & make him her king-
Zee: (yells in anger) NOT ON HER 9 LIVES!
Cheetah was seen crashing into the ground as Dean landed near her, reaching for her, Cheetah's eyes shot open and leaps up to hit a claw to Dean's eyes.
Dean: Aaaggh!! Why is everyone always aiming for the god damn eyes?!
Cheetah leaps and pounced on him, slashing him over the chest, shredding apart his shirt until the Saiyan grabs both claws and rose up to his feet, glaring at the feline beast with narrowed white eyes as the claws didn't do too much damage to the eyes. Cheetah tries to break free but the Saiyan's grip on her claws wouldn't budge, Cheetah was starting to feet two ways of emotions; Fear from the Saiyan's dark glare & looming form and Excitement from the feats of his Strength, Speed & Durability as the scent drove her even wilder, earning a loud purr from the feline beast.
Dean proceeded to give Cheetah the "Hulk vs Loki treatment" in slamming her repeatedly into the ground with great force before throwing her. Cheetah let out a pained yowl before spinning around and hitting a tree feet first to lunged at Dean, clawing his right cheek, she pasted him and bounced off the fence and launched herself at him again, this time slashes his back. Cheetah kept up the momentum in bouncing off random objects in the yard, launching herself & slashing Dean from all sides like a razor sharp pinball.
Dean grunts, feeling & taking the extremely fast & lethal hits from Cheetah for a good, solid moment before finally nailing her with a monstrous clothesline, making Cheetah to hit the ground.
Kara: Whoahohoho! That got her spinning like a pinwheel!
Dean then grabs Cheetah, strongly gripping her in a Full Nelson hold. Cheetah groans and growls, struggling to get away but Dean wasn't letting go of her as he flew her up to the air.
Karen: He's taking her up the air!
Jessica: Is he going to suffocate her by entering space?!
Kara: (arms crossed with a frown) Oh so when I want to punch someone directly into space, it's a no. But when the guy does it, it's okay & bright as the sun.
Jessica: I won't agree with any action resulting in someone tossed into space!
Babs: Wait, he's not going into space! Look!
In the air up high, Dean stopped while still holding the struggling Cheetah in the Full Nelson.
Dean: If you have some ounce of humanity in that beastly mind of yours, yield and I won't drop you.
Cheetah: (Not listening, yowls defiantly) Raawwr!!
Dean: So be it!
Cheetah's eyes widened as Dean powered up with emerald green aura expanding, engulfing Cheetah along with him, the legendary saiyan flying down like a rocket holding onto the feline beast, who yowled loudly from the burning aura piercing her fur and something unexpected happened... strangely enough without Dean or Cheetah noticing the emerald green aura was sinking into the beast's body.
Karen: He's coming in for a landing!
Zee invertedly chants a spell to form a barrier to shield the group along with the house as Dean nailed Cheetah with an aura powered full nelson like piledriver, hitting the ground with an immense thud but due to Zee's barrier the impact of the attack stayed in the yard, not reaching the rest of the neighborhood.
The smoke soon cleared as Dean stood up, returned to his normal, looking down at the Cheetah who was flat on her back in a crater, groaning.
Dean: It's done.
Dean walks away as Zee lifted the barrier, she and the others ran towards the Saiyan, the magician hugging him.
Zee: Oh darling, are you okay? (Let's go of him) Oh no, look at you with all these claw marks!
Dean: I'm fine Zee, I've had worse than this but man, those claws are indeed lethal.
Zee: Oh Nonono, that simply don't do at all (pulls out her wand) Allow me to make your wounds disappear~!
Zee invertedly chants "heal" with a purple light engulfing Dean as the wounds closed up, disappearing like they never happened.
Dean: Wow, I feel much better alrighty, (smiles) thanks a bunch Zee.
Zee: (giggles with a proud yet mischievous smile) Hehehehe, oh you're most welcome darling~.
Kara: (rudely interrupts) Are you two are done flirting... Let's put that cat in a permanent zoo cage.
???: Not... this time.
The girls and Dean turn to see Cheetah slowly getting back up, some surprised that the feline beast was able to get up after a full dive hit like that. Cheetah cracks her neck along with most of her bone back in place before grinning from ear to ear at the Saiyan.
Cheetah: (Speaks) So... Even though I went wild, The test was a success after all, you are truly strong enough to be an alpha...
Dean: Test?
Babs: (gasps) The Cheetah can speak?!
Wonder Woman: It is rather surprising that Cheetah has a form of speech now but regardless, friend Dean has bested you, surrender at once!
Cheetah: (cackles) I'm afraid not. This is where I take my leave for now... (To Dean) Our dance is far from over, another day... another day~...
Despite her injuries, The feline beast was able to leap away from the area and runs off.
Kara: Hey! Get back here!
Kara was about to fly after her but Dean stopped her.
Dean: No, let her go. She's already defeated and won't be starting trouble now.
Kara: (glares) But she knows where you live, who you are & who we are-
Dean: (glares back coldly) Then I'll deal with it personally...
The kryptonian flinched under his icy gaze. Zee noticed the yard a mess and chants a spell to clean up the damages.
Babs: I'm still surprised that Cheetah spoke, she rarely gets a word in other than growls, yowls, snarls and roars!
Karen: She said something about a test?
Jessica: And it was directed at you, what could this mean?
Dean: I don't know... (in his mind) but I might have my answers at the pool party...
At the Minerva family mansion...
There were cars, motorcycles and other vehicles parked outside as guests in bathing suits were attending & enjoying the spectacular pool party from Barbi's friends and acquaintances to some new faces all having a great time.
We see Barbi relaxing on the beach chair (her injuries past due to accelerated healing) and was wearing a two piece black and gold swimsuit with cheetah spots & has on her signature orange sunglasses. But still get the thoughts of her fight with the Saiyan out of her mind.
Barbi: (in her mind) What a rush that was, he surely passed my test. Sure, I couldn't contain myself & lost it to lung at him but it was all worth it see how strong of a potential man he is to be worthy of me.
Then something caught Barbi's, lowering her shades to Diana & her friends all in swimsuits walking in followed by Dean, who was wearing black & blue swimming trunks with a blue dragon symbol on the left leg.
Barbi: (in her mind; ecstatic) He actually came here?! Play it cool, don't panic.
Barbi clears her throat and gets up, walking towards the saiyan and the girls with a sway of her hips and a sly smile.
Barbi: Ah I see you made it on time, Dean. Whatta you think of my humble abode~?
Dean: It's not bad. Quite luxurious & fancy.
Barbi: Well no need to stand around, go on & enjoy the party.
Babs: Don't have to tell me twice!
Kara: The last one to the pool is a rotten egg!
Babs and Kara ran to the pool, yelling "cannonball" jumping in with a big splash. Jessica and Karen followed shortly after them as well.
Dean: Before that, Barbi... I need to talk to you about something, alone.
Barbi: Alone you say~?
Zee & Diana: (in their minds) Alone?!
Dean: Yes.
Barbi: (sly smile) Well then, come with me to my quarters and I'll answer whatever you want to know~.
Dean walks inside with Barbi following.
Diana: I wonder what he wants to talk to Barbi about in private?
Zee: (narrowed her eyes) I don't know and I don't like it, she's up to something. I have to-
Diana: No Zee, we shouldn't pry into their business. Whatever they are to speak about is between them.
Zee: Ugh, fine.
Meanwhile, Barbi led Dean to her room. Perhaps this was the right time to seduce him right here & now. She walks with a sway of her hips to & sits on her bed while crossing her legs & giving the Saiyan a seductive glance.
Barbi: Here we are in my room, all alone~. So... What is it that you wanted to discuss with me?
Dean: Well for one, nice room you have here. And two, I wanna know why you jumped out to attack me, Cheetah?
Barbi's seductive glance faded, replaced with a surprised & fearful expression.
Barbi: (lies) Cheetah? I-I don't know what you're talking about?
Dean crosses his arms with a deadpan look.
Dean: Don't play dumb with me, I sensed to your energy signature within the Beast.
Barbi couldn't believe it, she was found out! Now her potential mate knows of her secret!
Dean: So why did you do what you did? Was that apology a lie for an opportunity to strike?
Barbi finally found her voice, waving her hands in defense.
Barbi: Oh Nonono, it's not true! Well for Diana it was but... (Sighs) I got curious of you and when I saw your transformations, you awoken something in me with my beast side losing control to lash out at you, to test you if you will... (stops talking and leaving out the part of her making him her strong mate)
Dean gave her a skeptical look.
Dean: So you weren't in control? And you found your speech in that form finally?
Barbi: I think that power drop to the head may have solve that maybe, I was able to think & speak clearly now in that form. But before that, I'm still trying to control this side of me since I got myself cursed.
Dean: Cursed? How'd you do that?
Barbi looks away from Dean, biting her lip with an unsure look.
Dean: Barbi, no one's in your room but you & me. I won't tell a soul about it.
Barbi looks Dean in the eyes, seeing no means of deceit. She breathes in & out before telling him.
Barbi: I was the most popular girl in school, I had it all & still, I'm rich, I excel at physical and mental skills and has been praised for my accomplishments... Until Diana came into the picture, outdoing me at mostly everything. I was so angry & insanely jealous that I used a golden cheetah artifact to curse Diana but it backfired & cursed me...
Dean saw Barbi look down with tears falling.
Barbi: I ruined the school event decorations, attacked Diana and the superhero girls... I even admitted to Diana that I released the Cheetah but didn't tell her I was her, she tried to tell me to let go of the 'green eyed monster' but I wouldn't listen and wanted to get Wonder Woman at all costs, you must think I'm a real monster now...?
Barbi was about to break down but felt arms wrapped around her, seeing Dean hugging her, much to her shock.
Dean: It's okay. I don't think that about you.
Barbi: Y-You don't??
Dean released the hug to look at her.
Dean: No, I admit that what you did was not good but you didn't know what you were doing. Jealousy can strike a lot of people, I've had my jealous moments before but you let it consume you & it's all over.
Barbi: ....
Dean: I've been in Metropolis for a few weeks and got to know Diana and her friends. And I know Diana wouldn't purposely try to upstage you, outperform you or take everything you worked for & make it nothing, believe me Barbi.
Barbi: (wipes her tears) Oh.
Dean: If anything you and Diana are ons par with each other.
Barbi: Really?
Dean: Yes, Diana was able to keep up with me a sparring session and a fight, you also proved that against me, you are strong, skilled, fast, determined, motivated and fierce as she is in your ways, against my Legendary Super Saiyan form no less, you have that fire in your heart & that wild spirit.
Barbi couldn't help but blush at the Saiyan's compliments of her.
Barbi: Oh wow... Well T-Thanks.
Dean: And like Diana, you are beautiful in your own way. And I understand that you have a rivalry with Diana, but don't make it one of malice and resentment.
Barbi: (blushes even more before snapping out of it).... Okay.
Dean: I guess since you came clean about your cheetah origin, I guess it's fair I told you mine.
And that he did, telling Barbi his origins & adventures from planet vegeta to this earth of Gotham City to Metropolis now, the rich girl having mixed expressions after he was finished.
Barbi: That's... a lot to take in.
Dean: Yeah.
Barbi: But... I don't think you're a monster either.
Dean: Thank you.
Barbi: Are you... (gulps) going to kill me?
Dean: No. Aside from property damage & attacking the superhero girls, you've done no acts of villainy, fatal harm or murder to anyone else to get on my hit list. Plus, you were in a feral state.
Barbi sighs in relief.
Dean: And I won't tell anyone you're the Cheetah but YOU'RE gonna have to tell Diana & her others at some point since you know who they under their civilian identities.
Barbi knew he was going to say that.
Barbi: I understand.
Dean: And maybe we can start fresh and become good friends, even with the girls, especially Diana & you two can get a good rivalry going & not one of hatred, okay?
Barbi didn't know about it, while it would be a difficult task, for her crush, she'll try.
Barbi: Alright, I'll try.
Dean: (smiles) Great. The pool party ain't over, so good hostess, shall we have some fun?
Barbi: (smiles) Oh we shall~.
The two leave the room as Barbi spoke in her head.
Barbi: (in her mind) So... an alien warrior from a different world, he's had quite the ups & downs in his life. Now he's really proven himself worthy but.... (Determined) What I've been doing was the wrong way to get him for myself, I have to prove I can be WORTHY of The Saiyan and EARN his love, whatever obstacles get in my way better to ready for the beginning hunt.
A strange aura shrouded over Barbi's body without her knowledge, a familiar LEGENDARY aura...
To be continued...
(Chapter 10 is finished! Please vote, comment & let me know what you think of it. Made a short gag reel battle involving a body switching OC inspired by Capt. Ginyu to take Zatanna's body. Here's the Fourth interaction of one of the Saiyan Brawler's six love interests on the villain side as Barbara "Barbi" Ann Minerva aka Cheetah makes her her debut, confrontations occurs, Dean defends Diana against Barbi, who begins to try & make the Saiyan hers, Leslie shows more signs of the majin under her skin. Leslie & Doris are found out by Selina, Carol & Pam but as they explained our actions, Selina & the others accepted their decision & remained friends even though Livewire & Giganta aren't villains anymore. Dean's pets make a debut, Dean goes one on one with the Cheetah in a heated fight & Dean and Barbi learn about each other, Dean willing to help Barbi stray from the path of jealousy & revenge to a new path, causing Barbi in wanting to prove herself worthy of the saiyan's love. Barbi is the fourth love interest of Dean/Dakora. Two more interactions remain, which next on the hero side, Kara or Zee? Find out in due time, next chapter is gonna be an outing... gone horribly wrong. This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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