The Six Visitors

4 days later...

Within metropolis, clouds were forming upon the city, the calm before the storm was brewing. The scene shows the mansion where Victor and his butler Thomas was decorating the place for Halloween after the young man had just gotten done with school.

While he is going with Babs and Harleen to gotham for treat or tricking along with the annual haunted houses & spooktacular party at their old Gotham High School, Victor wanted to make his home decorative for the holiday, including auto prank traps in case some people would like to... trick on his abode while he's away. He & Thomas started setting up tombstones & coffins with animatronic skeletons & zombies, cobs webs on the steel fences & gate with false large spiders, bats hanging from the trees and rooftops with gargoyles, false yet realistic blood and more.

Victor: Ah, Now this is a haunted house. We don't have pumpkins yet since the patch is closed for now.

Thomas: I'll make arrangements for the next appointment to the pumpkin patch, Sir.

Victor: Thank you Thomas. Be sure to get the holographic projections for the ghouls and monsters as well.

Thomas: Of course, Sir.

Victor noticed the sky getting more cloudy followed by rumbling of thunder.

Victor: Looks like the storm's coming. Better head inside when we get drenched in rain soon.

Thomas: Yes, Sir.

Then a loud horn was heard, the two turn to the open gate as Selina came driving in the open road with her new car she bought from Victor, stopping near them.

Victor: Hello, Selina.

Selina: Hey there, Victor~. Hmmmm, got some work done around the house?

Victor: Yep. Thomas and I decorated the mansion. So even though I'm going with Babs and Harleen to gotham, I can still have my house looked the haunting part.

Selina: You've certainly outdone yourselves with the decorum.

Victor: Yep. Automatic candy for anyone who is brave enough to come it here. But if anyone thinks about a trick on my home...

Victor smirks evilly.

Victor: They're in for an era of mischief while I'm gone...

Selina smirks with a chuckle.

Selina: I enjoy the side of mischief. Wanna go for a ride on the town?

Victor: Hmmm, Sure. Why not? Take a break while I'm gone, Thomas.

Thomas: Of course, Sir.

Thomas heads back inside the mansion while Victor hops in the passenger's seat as Selina revved up the engine and spun around the circular road before heading back to the way she came, going past the gate and into town. The Lamborghini past 7 piles of leaves on both sidewalks at high speed, scattering them everywhere as a fat worker saw this & fumed.

Fat Worker: I just finished raking those!

He takes off his hat and throws it to the ground, repeatedly stomping on it. Selina was chuckling to herself and drove each red light, cutting ahead of the incoming vehicles as civilians were yelling out complaints.

Victor: You sure have a need for speeeeeeeeeeeeed...!

Selina: What can I say? I love a swift thrill ride~.

Sirens were heard followed by three cops behind.

Victor: Looks like your speeding caught some unwanted attention.

Selina: Another thing I love about thrill rides, a good chase~. Let's put this ride you gave me into overdrive.

She steps on it and turns a fierce right around the block, the cops following after. Selina would take curvy paths, bumpy roads, different short cuts and other risky attempts to lose the cops, two of them managed to get the slip but one cop car was still on their their tail. Victor was silent but he was loving this chase that Selina was putting on for this, the girl really knew how to live dangerously and he couldn't help but like that side of her.

Selina: Two down & only one... Hmm?

Selina looks up ahead, seeing the bridge about to open up in two for a large boat to pass through.

Victor: Dead end.

Selina: Not yet, darling. Hold on to something.

Selina stepped on the ignition and sped ahead with the cop car tailing after. Victor followed the feline thief's advice and hung onto the seat, the car driving up the bridge, jumping the first half like a big ramp while the cop car stopped in it's tracks, the officer seeing the Lamborghini high up in the air.

Victor: OH SH****************T!!!

Selina laughs as they landed on the other side of the bridge with a slight bump but got away from the cop. She then takes the road ahead before turning left deep into an alleyway where Victor sees her sports car parked ahead. Stopping near it, Selina gets out of the car followed by Victor.

Victor: You are quite the type to take risks, aren't you?

Selina: (smirks) It's quite fun, been doing it since I moved from Gotham.

Victor: Oh you're from Gotham too?

Selina: Yes, wanted a change of... scenery & metropolis has that.

Selina then runs to pounce on the mid wall and jumps on the steel ladder leading up the stairs up to an apartment building. Victor followed after her as Selina made it up top, opening up the window & heading inside & inviting Victor to join her. But neither of them knew someone was watching them.

Selina: Welcome to my humble abode.

Victor looks around this apartment dwelling, it looked fancy in a way, some rather luxurious and expensive things like the furniture, TV and more in this place, valuables mostly cat like statues & gems, etc.

Victor: Wow, luxury is an apartment room, eh?

Selina: Yes. I never claimed to live in a mansion.

Victor: Not judging. It looks fancy.

Selina: Why thank you, though living in a mansion would be great but in metropolis... mansions are basically the prime targets to get robbed...

Victor thought about it & realizes that Selina is corrected. Mansions can be a big target for robbing to Criminals & supervillains if the security is easily dispatched or not good enough to handle the level of the threat.

Victor: I see your point. Luckily, I tightened my security.

Selina had a challenging smirk while she never facing Victor. He continues to impress her as she wanted to test the young man's theory & security on her next heist. She then turns to the young man.

Selina: Carol told me what you did.

Victor: She... Did?

Selina: Yes, how you helped her finally get over the idiotic jock himself. After seeing her take out of her pictures of Hal Jordan, shoving them in the trash. What you said to her about finding someone to be worthy of her love really opened up her shell to shatter the twisted fantasy world, how poetic.

Victor: Yeah. We both had a... bad fallout when I told her the truth but we worked things out.

Selina narrowed her eyes.

Selina: I'm sure you both did. She already has eyes for another & wants to approach slowly & more purely.

Victor: Really? That's great! Who's the lucky guy Carol found?

Selina turns away from him.

Selina: (lied) I don't know. She didn't say...

Selina remembered perfectly that Victor was the new crush Carol is eyeing for the help of forgetting Hal Jordan to move on but she wasn't counting on the new guy being the one the violet lantern grew infatuated with. Jealousy didn't sit well with the cat burglar, not only competing with Zee for Victor's heart but Carol as well.

Victor: Selina?

Selina shook her head and turns to Victor.

Selina: Hmm?

Victor: You zoned out there for a bit. Something wrong?

Selina: Oh no, nothing of the sort.

Then a couple of cats came out of nowhere and approached Selina, who smiles and comforts them.

Selina: Good kitties~.

Victor: You're a cat person, hmm? That's nice, I love various animals whether they're dogs, cats, etc. These cats look very cute.

He reached out to pet one of the cats, who purred in delight.

Selina: Hehehe, the cute kitty likes you.

Victor: Yeah. They are very cute.

Selina chuckles but hears a rough knock on at the door. She wasn't expecting anyone right now.

Selina: Victor, could you be a dear & feed the cats? I better answer the door, the food is in the left upper cabinet.

Victor: Roger Roger, Selina.

Victor went to the kitchen while Selina walks towards the door, hearing the rough knocking. She groans, obviously whoever it is certainly has no patience. She opens the door to see a tan skinned, athletic man with short black hair & wearing black shades, a hoodie, armor shirt, pants and boots. He had a dark look on his face.

Selina: (raised an eyebrow) Can I help you with something?

???: (devious tone) Yes, you can...

He grabs Selina by the neck, forcing her to back up in the apartment, slamming the door behind him. He forced her against the wall, Selina was choking from the grip and attempted to break the hold but the guy wasn't budging, he wasn't human from Selina's perspective. What was he?

Selina: Rrrrgghhh! Who are you...?!

???: Doesn't matter who I am, where is he?!

Selina: What are you talking about-ack!

???: The one who bares the blood of green, Where. Is. He?!

He slammed Selina against the wall, earning a pained grunt.

???: I saw him go up here with you, now where is he?! I won't ask again!

He hissed, showing sharp fangs, causing Selina to wince. Before he could do damage, the man was grabbed from behind by Victor, turned around to receive a punch to the face, knocking a fang out. Selina holds her neck to catch her breath, seeing Victor lands a few hits on the man, who would fight as well, she narrowed her eyes with a glare as no one corners a cat on her home turf.

Selina recovers & goes to turn the guy around, hitting a right cross claw to the cheek, leaving a mark as the man yells in pain & rage, he was going to lash out at Selina but he was turned back around by Victor to hit a vicious knee to the gut. He groans & was turned around to get a punch to the face by Selina, the man kept getting spun back & forth to receive an attack from Victor & Selina at least 14 times before Victor caught him, turning him around to face Selina.

Victor: 3 for 3!

Selina hits a knee to the gut, an upper right fist to the face & roundhouse kick for good measure, knocking the man down.

Victor picks the injured man up, who hissed showing his fangs & golden yellow eyes with sharp slits.

Victor: A vampire...?

Selina: Vampires? But those are only in legends.

Vampire: (low snarls) Oh... We're real, yes. And we are everywhere in new home for the Daywalker Donwill have your corpse,  one with who bares the blood of green.

Selina: Blood of green?

Victor: Daywalker Don... (Eyes widened in realization, whispers) Blade...

(A/N: Basically my OC evil version of the Daywalker & vampire hunter Blade. Only from Victor's world, this Blade is a very dangerous moss boss villain.)

Vampire: (smirks) You think you got rid of us, well you're not the only who made it to this new world... It'll belong to the Daywalker Don!

Victor narrows his glowing green eyes, pulls the vampire up and with a grip on his neck... He snaps said neck clean around, killing the vampire before Selina's very eyes.

Selina: ...?!

Victor: So... Some thought of the same thing...

Victor then heads towards the window, dragging the vampire corpse. Selina then snaps out of her shock and follows him.

Selina: Victor, what's going on? What is it about the one who bares blood of green? The Daywalker Don?

Victor turns to look at Selina with a green eyed glare. Those eyes again, Selina thought. She was correct, Victor might be a metahuman.

Victor: I can't explain the full story, Selina. But for now, you might need to tighten your security here or find a new place to live or they'll be coming for you...

Victor leaps out of the window with the corpse.

Selina: Victor, wait!

She looks out of the window to find him long gone.

Selina: Victor!

She was unaware of the six figures watching from the roof as they vanished.



The storm started & begins to pick up more, rain drizzling throughout the city followed by radical lightning, high winds and rumbling thunder. Victor entered his home, uncaring of his clothes wet by the storm.

Victor: Thomas!

Thomas appears.

Thomas: Yes, Master Emerald? Good heavens (noticed the vampire corpse)

Victor: Take it down to the lair, scan his brain for memories of the Daywalker Don, Blade or any knowledge of others who have made it to this world.

Thomas: Very well, Sir.

Thomas takes the vampire corpse, goes to the fireplace to open up two mini gargoyle heads to reveal two blue buttons to push, opening up a secret passageway below the fireplace, heading downwards with the corpse. Victor then decided to back go out & do some hunting, if The Daywalker Don is here in this world & metropolis, who's to say that others haven't came here too?

Before he could reach the door, the lights started to go out one by one.

Victor: Crap.

Victor chants a spell mixed with electrical elemental aura to send out a wave expanding inside the mansion, bringing the power back on.

Victor: Phew.

But he didn't count on a figure standing behind him. Victor then got the feeling he wasn't alone in his own house, he turns around & barely avoid a sword strike across the face. Victor would avoid & block the sword strikes of the figure who continues to attack before he was given a boot, the figure knocked back to land on his feet.

Victor got a look at the figure. It was a slightly tall male with glowing golden yellow eyes with sharp slits. He wears a black custom ninja mouth mask, black bodysuit with custom ninja gear along with holsters of daggers, shurikens & smoke bombs, black gloves, sash, front & back cloth & boots. He also has two katana blades strapped to his back, one of them in hand.

Victor: Who are you?

The figure lunged at him with some martial arts style combos mixed with his katana to combat Victor, who would fight back. The two kept trading blows before the figure rams Victor's head against the wall 5 times before throwing him across the living room. He leaps in to bring his blade down but Victor quickly turns to catch the blade and flip kicks the figure off him, crashing out the window. Victor recovers and goes to jump out the window, looking around to find the figure gone, nothing but fog in the storm.

Victor: That was a hit & run wonder.

Then he felt something wrap around his stomach, looking down to see chains, Victor was pulled back in the house, through the living room, then dining room and through the glass door into the pool out back with a big splash. The pool water glowed green for a moment before out of it jumped Grim Gamma.

Grim Gamma: Okay... Now I'm very angry!

Grim Gamma looks around for the attacker.

Grim Gamma: Coward! Face me!!!

Then he heard something, it sounded like rumbling but not from the thunder in the storm. That sounded like rumbling earth, he turns to see a wave of earth coming at him as something shot out & tackled Grim Gamma across the yard, hammering away at him before the green eyed nightmare caught the fist, lands a couple on the figure & throws him across the pool. Grim Gamma got up & saw the recovering figure but it wasn't the one who tried to slice & dice him.

It was a slightly tall, athletic  male, with orange eyes, light brown skin & wearing a black & orange custom protective half mouth mask, a sleeveless black & orange armored vest with a hoodie, bronze armbands, black & bronze gloves, black belt with a silver buckle, black cargo pants with bronze knee armor & black boots.

Grim Gamma: Another guy?

The figure cracks his neck and spreads his arms, the entire ground rumbling as large spheres of earth came out and he launches them at Grim Gamma. The giant would run & punch away the earth spheres one by one, one earth sphere hit Grim Gamma in the face but shattered on impact, he got closer and closer before grabbing the next earth sphere & smashes the figure with it. He would crystallize his fists & hammer away at the remains and the figure underneath it, Grim Gamma stops his attacks and stood up but sees only rocks scattered everywhere, no bloody body of the figure was present.

Grim Gamma: Strange.... First a ninja, then an earth elemental mutant, both vanished before I can finish them. What is going on here?

Grim Gamma turns to leave, he should go check on Thomas to see if he picked up anything on the security cameras. He entered the hole in the glass door, seeing someone standing in dining room. It looked like a female, slightly tall but has a violet red flaming skull for a head, glowing purple eyes & is wearing a black & red trim leather jacket with shoulder spikes, armored black shirt, black armbands with silver stud spikes, black & red trim pants and boots. She also has long chains wrapped around her chest, as well as a skullclad shotgun & scythe strapped to her back.

Grim Gamma: A ghost rider? Here?

The flaming skull girl pulled out her shotgun & fired flame bullets at Grim Gamma, who blocks with his arms, the bullets exploded on impact. He grunts and runs towards the rider, who side steps to avoid being rammed. She pulled out her chains which ignited in flames and would repeatedly lash out at him like a whip. Grim Gamma yells from the lashes from the flaming chains, he growls angrily and caught the next attack, grabbing the chain and spun it with the female rider across the room, damaging the walls and throwing her into the kitchen. Grim Gamma then runs towards the kitchen to smash the rider only to find her gone.

The green eyed nightmare grits his teeth, getting awfully sick of this hit & run crap!

His eyes widened and roared in pain, feeling something very sharp pierce through his back. He felt something or someone on his back, feeling the sharp stab again, earning another pained yell, making him back up into the walls, crashing through into one of the guest rooms. He gets up, feeling his blood wounds on his back heal, growling angrily before hearing rattling chains being dragged on the floor. He spots another figure, it was a slightly tall, strong female with fair skin, piercing yellow eyes, slightly long & messy blonde hair and is wearing a black custom protective half face mask with silver studs & a skeletal design with sharp rows of bone fangs over her mouth, an open black hoodie jacket, a black & yellow trim, armored bra, black armbands with long chains of hooks on the end attached to them, black & yellow trim shorts, kneepads and boots. She also has three sharp metal claws coming out of her knuckles.

Grim Gamma: Okay, what other surprises are going to present themselves to me, eh?!

The masked female let out a primal yell before launching herself at Grim Gamma, slashing him across the chest, followed by a corkscrew shoulder slash & one behind the back. The green eyed nightmare grunted, turned to fired crystal shards at her, she would uses her claws to knock them away before charging at him again, repeatedly driving her metal claws in his chest, drawing blood & making him yell out. She went for another but suddenly she froze as if she couldn't move, being levitated with Grim Gamma standing up, his wounds healing.

Grim Gamma: Psycho with metal claws, meet magnetism!

The girl was lifted up and slammed into the ground at 7 times, forming a crater. Grim Gamma jumps and slams his fists onto the clawed figure, going through the ground & into the basement with a loud thud. Grim Gamma breathes heavily & rose to his feet to finish the psycho girl but to his surprise & anger, she too suddenly disappeared with only rubble left behind.

Grim Gamma roared in complete irate.

Grim Gamma: Enough running & hiding! Come out, now!!!

Another roar reached his ears, turning around to receive a large fist to the face to drive through the plasma TV, shattering it. The green eyed nightmare recovers & spot yet another female figure, a She-Hulk like one with long flowing blonde hair, pale blue skin with visible green veins, blue green eyes and possesses an abnormal muscular & curvy body. She is wearing a sleeveless white & blue trim armor vest, black sleeveless shirt, black gloves with white & trim armbands, black & silver belt, black cargo pants and white & blue trim boots. She also has a large blade strapped to her back. 

Grim Gamma: Ya know what, not questioning these things anymore. Just smash!

Grim Gamma spreads his arms and slams his hands together for a thunderclap at the female hulk, who braced herself & took the attack head on. She glowed azure blue and fires energy blasts at Grim Gamma, who forms a dark magic barrier to block it. The female hulk pulls out her large blade which glowed and runs at Grim Gamma to bring the blade down to slice through his barrier as he got out of the way.

Grim Gamma: (in his mind) An enchanted blade, it sliced through my magic barrier.

He forms a large, molten blade and crossed swords with the beast. The two would trade blade strikes with one another, unleashing great shockwave throughout the basement, causing the place to shake immensely.

Grim Gamma: (attacking) Who are you?! What's your business with me?!

???: (bold female voice in an icy tone) How dull you are... to forget us so easily...

The two were in a vicious stalemate before breaking the blade bout.

Grim Gamma: Whatta you mean?

Soon, the ninja appeared in a black cloud of smoke, the earth mutant appeared from popping out of the ground, the rider appeared via fire teleportation and the psycho metal claw girl appeared from out of the roof, joining the female hulk.

Grim Gamma: So all five of you are with one another, hmm? Well no more hiding, come fight me like warriors!

Earth Mutant: (bold male voice) You can drop the charade, Victor. Is it that obvious that you forget your friends, man?

Grim Gamma: Friends?

???: (cold female voice) Indeed. Despite their... changes, the five still haven't forgotten about you since our disappearance & neither did I.

Grim Gamma: The five? (Eyes widened in realization) Who said that?

???: I did.

The five stepped aside as a swirling purple & black portal appeared, followed by a giant figure of Grim Gamma's height. It was a female who looked like the adult of the group of five, long black hair, pure red eyes, pale skin, a powerful muscular build & wears a sleeveless black & white trim bodysuit with armor, a left long sleeve black glove with a white metallic armband, armored kneepads and boots.

Grim Gamma also noticed the glove she is wearing on her right arm, eye widening. It looked a black & white modified skullclad version of the infinity gauntlet with six familiar stones in place.

Grim Gamma: The infinity gauntlet & stones... How did you... Are you really...? (Looks at the ninja) Sid? (Looks at the earth mutant) James? (Looks at the rider, who shows a brief human face) Brooke? (Looks at the psycho with metal claws) Jessica? (Looks at the She-Hulk) Breanne? (And finally looks at the woman with the infinity stones) Liz?

Liz: Yes... And anything is possible... within the multiverse....


A few minutes...

Victor was seen sitting on the couch in silent. The damage all over his house was completely repaired like it never happened with a snap of a finger from the woman named Liz. Speaking of whom, she was standing along with the other five who were friends of victor, who he thought disappeared without a trace, now here. They stand before him in their human forms.

Sid Qrow was a slightly tall teenage young man with pale skin, cold blue eyes, short neck length black hair and a lean athletic body. He is wearing a black trench coat, dark gray dress shirt & black vest, black dress pants and black shoes.

James was a slightly tall teenage boy with light brown skin, short black hair with a white streak on the left, orange eyes and an impressive athletic body. He is wearing an orange & black hoodie, a short sleeve shirt with a fist symbol on it, dark blue jeans and black & orange sneakers.

Breanne Rivers was a tall teenage girl with long blonde hair in a downwards ponytail & a blue streak, cold blue eyes, fair skin & a strong muscular and curvaceous body. She is wearing a short sleeve black shirt, black/dark gray/blue army camouflage cargo pants and black & blue boots.

Jessica Rivers was a slightly tall teenage girl with slightly short & messy blonde hair and piercing yellow eyes, fair skin and has a strong & feminine body. She is wearing a custom black & yellow trim leather jacket with shoulder spikes, a black shirt, fingerless biker gloves, black leather jeans & black and yellow trim boots.

Brooke Rivers was a slightly tall teenage girl with slightly long blonde hair with purple streaks, red eyes, fair skin & has a beautiful and athletic body. She is wearing ear piercings, a red & purple custom jacket, black sleeveless shirt, dark blue jeans with shreds and purple boots

And finally, Liz Qrow was an 8 ft tall goth woman with very pale skin, longer black hair, cold blue eyes, black lipstick on said lips and has an ample curvaceous & very bulky figure. She is wearing a long sleeve tight, black shirt with the words “Workhorse Goth” in white on the chest, dark blue jeans and black & silver stud boots.

She still was wearing the gauntlet.

(A/N: Sid, Liz, Breanne, Jessica and Brooke are old ocs of mine from my loud house stories while James is new. Also, special thanks to Lance1889 for Liz & Sid's last name & dbz619 for the last name of the three alphas.)

Victor had so many questions. Where were they this whole time? Where & how did they get powers & more specifically, how did Liz gets the infinity stones?

Liz: Your mind is flooding with many questions... As I repeat, anything is possible within the multiverse.

Victor: Yeah (chuckles) multiverse theory can be quite a b****.

Jessica: Tch. That's what I said.

Victor: But how did you six end up knowing about or end up in various places through the multiverse?

Liz: Well, during my daily trips to the shops with Sid and the others. I spotted a rare amulet, it had quite an allure & I paid for it.

Victor: What's an antique amulet have to do with it?

Sid: Shush.

Victor looks at Sid.

Sid: Listen.

Liz: There's more to it, otherwise, Iron Imperious wouldn't have came after us.

Victor remembered the leader of the Atrocious Avengers.

Liz: Turns out, the amulet was a siege perilous, a key to access worlds beyond ours & he wanted it. Iron Imperious was relentless in trying to get it even if the siege perilous is removed from my lifeless body in my goal to protect my brother and my adopted children.

Victor: Wait, adopted?

Sid points to Breanne, Jessica, Brooke & James. He understands.

Liz: In a fatal attack by Iron Imperious, it hit the siege perilous which activated, sending us to different worlds, all of us were separated.

Victor: I see. So that's how you disappeared... What worlds did you six end up in?

Sid went first.

Sid: I landed in an ancient land of monsters, heroes are vampires, villains are werewolves in a heated war. I was bitten by one of them, was crazy trying to survive & deal with the thirst but I met a version of Blade, known as the Walker among the Sun, a neutral vampiric ninja who taught me how to use my new abilities, gave me weapons to hunt & gave a vial mixed with his blood to survive the sunlight, made a name for myself in slaying vampiric & lycan versions of heroes & villains known as the assassin Night Spirit.

Victor: Huh. Talk about a ninja universe with a Twilight twist.

Sid: I'd settle for Underworld than Twilight.

Brooke: For me, I entered a world of an apocalyptic age, heroes & villain fighting for survival rather than justice or evil. Talk about Mad Max style mixed demonic creatures with chaotic warriors, I was about to be a sacrifice for everlasting life by the clan of M.

Victor: M?

Brooke: Mephisto.

Victor: Ugh, him. I swear, in any universe that Demon Lord is nothing but trouble.

Brooke: Yeah. But I was saved by the Vengeful Spectres, compromised of multiple ghost riders made of Hawkeye, Black Widow, Wolverine, Rogue, Beast, The Hulk, She-Hulk, Human Torch, Invisible Woman & Deadpool, rebels all led by the main ghost rider, Johnny Blaze. They took me in, gave me a home, slowly but surely I got along with them & I wanted to join them so using the orb of Zarathos which contains the everlasting essence of the spider of vengeance, I was given the powers of the ghost riders. We would all ride through the ruined world, burning the wicked evil worse than the last, not as heroes but as executioners, I go by Flare-Skull since it'll be crazy for everyone to go by ghost rider.

Victor: True. Do they...?

Brooke: No dude, While we all were ghost riders, Johnny went by Ghost Rider while everyone else has their own names despite the spirit of vengeance flowing through us all.

Victor: Ok...

Jessica spoke next.

Jessica: I was in a world, humans hating mutants & all that crap. The scumbags of the Mutant Response Division created a special collar to use on mutants, to take away their free will and cater to the humans as slaves, anyone who helps or hides a mutant will be locked up, killed or subjected to experiments to mutate them while being sold as a mutant slave.

Victor narrowed his eyes which glowed green.

Jessica: I was one of them who defended a little mutant girl, who I helped get away but I was captured & sent to the Mutant Response Facility & subjected to Protocol WX (Weapon X). They injected me with DNA samples from a wolverine alternate called Wolv-scar, a mutant brawler along with adamantium, making me a berserker. That really hurt. I was dragged into an underground mutant brawl arena where mutants fight for humans' amusement & high bets. Just when I thought that world wasn't any crappier, being in a cage drove me nuts... (snarls) force to fight, force to fight, Fight! Fight! Fight!


Brooke: Ouch! (Rubs her shoulders)

Jessica: As days, weeks, months & years go by, I hehehe... (a slight crazy smile appeared) I've gone to love fighting, to love pain, to love the thrill. As I grew, so did my fighting experience & lust for the cage brawls... I went by Cage Claw because of it, my winning streak went through the roof by knockout, submission & death against any mutant I fought, I quelled my fury & insanity to go again & again & again!!

Jessica laughed maniacally as her claws surfaced & was about to lash out but Liz embraced her from behind.

Liz: Shhhh. Shhhh. Remember your breathing exercises, Jessica. In & out.

Jessica's laugh slowly died down, inhaling and exhaling before having a calm, near emotionless expression. Victor was at a loss for the words, seeing Jessica's mental breakdown.

Liz: (sighs) She's still... shoken up about that, I saved her & freed the mutants from that world's vile grip on them.

Victor: Oh.

James then spoke.

James: The world I ended up in was a futuristic reality where mutants & humans co-existed in making an equal paradise, courtesy of the brotherhood of X-warriors & S.H.I.E.L.D. Neos. However, they don't have much room for humans & mutants who are cold, demented, crazy & want nothing more to either control the paradise or burn it to the ground.

Victor: Eh, pure vs impure political power.

James: Yeah. They come from the Nether-City, full of human & mutant thieves, assassins, psychos, killers, you name it. Anyone who enters their territory will have a tough time surviving there, against a single or a whole army of them. Unfortunately, I ended up in that city, trying to not get put on the chopping block. I know what I learned in fighting & sports wasn't gonna be enough against experienced individuals, especially if one of them were mutants. So I came across a strange shop that sells potions that grant mutant powers but the price was high so I decided to steal them while the clerk & his large, mutated dogs were after me, I drunk them & they gave me earth elemental abilities mixed with near unbreakable skin, I tore through them like tissue.

Victor: Another way to create a mutant.

James: A phantom mutant mercenary called Ghostpool (oc variant of Deadpool) saw my fight & offered to train me but man, that guy is insane yet humorous. He taught me more about fighting, to use my powers & to wield weapons, taking me on jobs for bounties to roll in the big bucks. Anyone who was on my list was a target, I was known as Gravestone, the mercenary of the underground.

Victor: Gravestone, huh? Catchy.

James: Thanks man. Ghostpool tried to name me Rocko-quake or Captain Boulder but those didn't work for me.

Victor chuckled as Breanne was next.

Breanne: I ended up in a world where a group of people like General Ross, J. Jonah Jameson, Robert Kelly grew paranoid and resentful of the Avengers, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, the Defenders, etc, thinking that they're above humanity & they'll turn on them, going rogue & becoming the very evil the heroes have sworn to stop. It drove them to their core to create an organization known as the Humane Division, creating trained weapons to use in order to "protect" humanity from their supposed destructive heroes, given their subjects DNA from beings they acquired it from secretly to infuse, alter & strengthen the test subject, creating their own empowered soldier to control.

Victor: And you were one of them, hmm?

Breanne: Yes. I was given the Hulk's DNA to become the Humane Unit's monstrous powerhouse, The Decimator. With the neural device implanted in my head, they would train & control me & the others to target those who are a threat to their world, like the Hulk to General Ross, the mutants especially the X-Men to Kelly & Spider-Man to Jonah.

Victor: Sheesh, I feel like in every universe, any Spider-Man original or parallel is hated by that jackass.

Breanne: I fought many in that world, all for their twisted beliefs. One day, I was ordered to target wolverine next. In a heated battle, he struck his claw through my head, hitting the device in my brain, I fell into a temporary state of shock, my wound healed as the chip was destroyed, I was free... & I was really angry, so I took my rage out on the three that did this to me, slaying them & burning their entire organization to the ground.

Victor: Nice. And what about that large, enchanted blade you have with you?

Breanne: Oh, I was ordered to target Thor once, it happened during an invasion on Asgard with Loki, I failed to take out the God of Thunder but I managed to get the blade from one of Loki's elite guards, it came in handy.

Victor: It sure did.

And finally, Liz was last.

Liz: As for my tale... I landed in a world where everything was ruled by the leader of the Inner Demons, Martin Li also known as Mr. Negative. Some heroes fell to him, some got corrupted by him & others formed a resistance against him in order to keep hope alive. I was caught in the crossfire, wondering if you all were here... The siege perilous was no longer in my possession. I tried to survive & fight for my life but in the end... I was captured & corrupted to become one of Mr. Negative's brutes.

Liz's entire body was engulfed by a black & blue-ish white aura, her entire body looking like a negative inverse photo.

Victor: Whoa.

Liz returned to normal.

Liz: I did... horrible things in his name, but for some reason, it felt faint but like my will was trying to claw it's way out, like I wasn't fully corrupted... I had to fight the Inner Demon in my mind & soul which took time... time I took until finally, I was able to overcome it & use Mr. Negative's powers in order to fight him to the death, in a grueling battle, I finally slayed the demon but became the new one in his place.

Victor: So you took everything he had after his death...

Liz: I thought it was over, that the war would end but Thanos decided to make his presence known, with the infinity stones in his hand. I heard about what they can do through vital information so thinking fast, I split the mad titan in half.

(A/N: Basically she did it like Vision did to Thanos in Marvel: What If?)

Liz: I took the stones, but I greatly overwhelmed by their powers mixed with the negative energy. So by using the reality, time & space stone, I put myself in a created area in order to train & master them so I don't go insane. It was intense, rigorous & a lot of time it took.nI fully mastered the infinity stones & the negative energy, becoming a nigh omnipotent being as I decided to have the universe live in peace... under my rule. So through every planet I conquered one by one & slaying those who are a threat to that peace, the universe was fully under my palm as The Negative Titan.

Victor was silent, Liz conquered an entire parallel universe like that?

Liz: With or without the infinity stones, I overcame every hero & villain that crossed me in that world. It was over. I've won. After the conquest was completed, I felt empty... By gaining everything, I've lost what I had, I felt empty... I thought about my brother & all of you, wondering if I'll ever see any of you again?

Victor felt sympathy for the woman.

Liz: Then I heard someone telling a tale of how I lost everything in order to gain more & that's when I saw him... The Watcher.

Victor: The Watcher?

Liz: Yes, the Watcher also known as Uatu, is a fifth dimensional being who observes the multiverse within the nexus of all realities. He has seen countless events that has ever happened, ever will happen or what could happen in different realities of the prime universe.

Victor: Well I've learned about the multiverse but never about someone who watches these events, kinda creepy.

Liz: Yes. I managed to see him & find my way to his realm. He thought I was after the multiverse & would fight me if need be but I had no interest in conquering the entire parallel dimensions for I am satisfied with the accomplishments I had. I asked him to help me find all of you but he swore to not interfere with the events of other universes. (Sighs) While I was greatly upset with him, the Watcher's oath is bound and I wouldn't force him to help me so I decided to do the job myself, entering different universes until I found each of you before coming here.

Victor: Wow... You all have such... bizarre & tragic stories as you six made quite the reputation of the being one of or the most dangerous in the worlds you've landed in.

James: Well, yeah.

Sid: Now, we think you owe us an explanation.

Victor: Hmm?

Liz: You know us before & after the events of the siege perilous. As we know of you before, we don't know the aftermath of how you became the villainous Grim Gamma. Perhaps you can enlighten us with your tale?

Victor: I guess I do owe you guys the scoop of what happened during your disappearance. It starts like this...

Narrator: One story telling later...

After telling his story, Victor saw the reactions on the six. Some were shocked, saddened, sympathetic & enraged while in Sid & Liz's case as they had calm and cold looks, they were fuming on the inside.

Victor: And that's what happened.

Brooke: I can't believe they killed your aunt like that. I'm sorry for your loss.

James: That was messed up, man. Not trying to compare who has the worst in our stories but your old man is a sick & twisted S.O.B.

Victor: True dat.

Breanne: You killed your tormentors, annihilated the Atrocious Avengers & those who wronged you or tried to stop you, our world gone.

Victor: Yep. I did save your personal belongings to remember you by before I paid my... parents a visit.

Jessica: Well it wasn't a total loss.

Liz: (shaking in silent anger).... If I knew what your father was going to do, I would've-

Victor: Liz, it's fine. You didn't know then & you weren't there. And even if you were, there's nothing you could've done, my former old man would've had you arrested or worse, I didn't want you to be taken away from Sid & the others.

Liz felt a hand on her shaking palm, the woman turned to her younger brother who was comfortingly rubbing her hand in an attempt to calm her down. The giant goth woman took some deep breaths in doing so.

Victor: Besides, my aunt is avenged, my crazy family is dead & I had to destroy our planet as it was a bitter memory that I erased. I came here to start a new life as a human before I conquer this world as Grim Gamma to bring a new age.

The Six look at each other before turning to Victor.

Sid: If that's the case, we're on board.

Liz: I can alter this world right now with a snap, just say the word.

Victor: Thanks guys. And thanks Liz, but no thanks. If you changed this world, it would be conquered in your name, not mine. I need to conquer this earth myself, I mean, no shame in using the infinity stones. Heh, many individuals have conquered countless worlds with or without them soooooo...

Liz: (chuckles) That's true & I understand. It's fine, but myself & the others will assist you in this goal & I'll only use the stones for necessary means. But know that we're not the only ones from our former worlds that came here...

Victor: I'm aware & I'm making preparations.

Jessica: The heroes and villains of this world, this city of metropolis, all of them are going to be on in our hit list?

Victor: In a way, yes. Some will be potential recruits.

Brooke: Ah, forming a band of villains here, eh? (Smirks)

Victor: Heh, you know it. Since you six are here, not dead & fully powered, my new mansion is your new mansion too.

Victor spreads his arms wide.

Victor: Bring it in.

The six embraced Victor.

Breanne: Thank you for the hospitality.

James: Much appreciated man.

Victor: No problem... I'm glad you're alive.

Liz: We're glad you are too...

They broke the embrace.

Liz: We all lost everything in order to gain more, but it is not all lost... And Victor, as sudden as this is, we are here for you as a team but we can be a family, your new family to treasure you unlike your former one.

Victor was taken off guard by that. He thought, his five friends & Sid's big sister are offering him a chance to be a part of their family? He wasn't much of a family guy given his past but that's just it, the past, this was the here & now.

Victor: I honestly am caught off guard by that one but I'd be an idiot if I said No. I'm in.

The goth woman smiles slightly and embraced her new son. The others had smiles & smirks in being reunited with their friend now adopted brother. Soon, the embrace was broken as Victor looked at the six.

Victor: We have a lot of work to do as well as getting in the spirit of Halloween this month. So how about a horrific monster movie marathon tonight?

Jessica: (grins) Hell yeah!

Brooke: Double hell yeah!

Breanne: I'll prepare the popcorn.

James: Let's see what you got in your movie section.

Sid: You had me at monster movies.

Liz: You also had me at horrific.

The six went to get the stuff needed as Victor watched with a smirk.

Victor: This is gonna be more fun. (Turns to the readers) You're still here, the chapter's over. Go home! Wait until next chapter, Green Eyed Nightmare Out!

The scene faded to black.

To be continued...

(Chapter 6 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Here's the down low on this chapter, Victor had an interaction with Selina, who later is suspicious about the man's abilities as well as the individuals hunting him. Six Visitors arrived at Victor's home to attack him & later revealing themselves to be his long lost friends Sid, Breanne, Jessica, Brooke & James with the additional of Sid's big sister Liz, my OCS. I had fun making oc fanon multiverse versions of the heroes & villains for their origins of how the six got their abilities, especially with thinking of a variant mob boss version of Blade, a phantom mutant version of Deadpool, etc. Fanon or Canon, the marvel multiverse is unstoppable to us fans! Excelsior! as the late great Stan Lee would say! Now Victor has a new team/new family, what's going to happen? Find out on the next chapter, this is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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