Superhero girls vs Grim Gamma
In an undisclosed location, a swirling dark purple and black portal appears. 6 figures came out of the portal which would close.
???: Are you sure this world is where you sensed his aura?
???: Yes, I am certain...
???: Well what if your magic aura detection stuff is wrong & ended up in the wrong dimension.
The figure being the tallest one shot a dark glare at one of the five figures, who was silent.
???: Don't underestimate my ability, he is here and we will find him.
Downtown metropolis, after hours of a grueling and decisive battle, the Superhero girls once again prevailed. The supervillain girls were tied up with enchanted chains courtesy of Zatanna, looking all defeated, frustrated and bitter.
Batgirl: Time to go back to the slammer, villains.
The villain girls glared at the hero girls with disgust.
Wonder Woman: When will you villains ever learn that good always triumphs over evil?
Livewire: (snarls) Oh bite us, Blunder woman!
Poison Ivy: (growls) It disgusts me that you pathetic heroes always meddle in our affairs.
Star Sapphire: You always ruin everything for us!
Supergirl: (mocks) Oh boo hoo, my evil plans are always being stopped. Maybe if ya just stay in jail, we wouldn't have to beat your asses every day!
Livewire: (yells) Screw you! You're not undefeated against us, we've always had your numbers and you know it!
Supergirl: And I'm not the one tied up, am I sparky?
Livewire growls.
Green Lantern (Jessica): You say we ruin everything but it's you ruining other people's lives with your antics, why? Did someone hurt you to pass your pain onto others?
Star Sapphire: Don't play psychoanalysis with us!
Batgirl: The point is you're the villains and we're the heroes, you try to commit a crime, we stop you. It's part of the job of protecting people when you're trying to rob, control or kill people. Letting you do whatever you want will bring endless destruction and chaos & not the way you think is fun.
Giganta: Says you, goodie two shoes chumps!
Harley Quinn: A little chaos never hurt nobody, what gives ya bozos the right to tell us what to do or what not to do?!
The superhero girls shook their heads, these girls will never learn.
Zatanna: You six are like cockroaches sometimes, don't you have something better to do in life than pointlessly wasting on theft & destruction?
The villain girls glared at them.
Catwoman: So you're going to put us in jail again? We'll be out sooner than you think.
Supergirl: Ya know what...? Perhaps regular prison is too good for you six.
The superhero girls and supervillain girls gave Supergirl a surprised look.
Supergirl: (eyes glowed red via lasers) Maybe putting you in prison isn't enough, maybe we try a different approach.
Wonder Woman: (stern tone) Supergirl... What are you thinking about...?
Bumblebee: Y-You're not gonna K-Kill them, are you?
That really got the villain girls' attention, some shaking a little nervously. Kill them? Superheroes don't kill, they thought. Catwoman, Livewire, Star Sapphire, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn try to see if Supergirl's expression was a bluff but they found no means of it in her eyes.
Giganta yelled out.
Giganta: Yeah right, you superheroes don't have the guts!
Supergirl fires her laser eyes at Giganta's head, making her yell out in pain. The hero girls and villain girls were shocked & horrified by the kryptonian's actions but saw that Giganta only had a nasty, burnt bruise on her head but was still alive.
Giganta: Ooooow...
Supergirl: Don't tempt me.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Supergirl, that was really unnecessary to-
Supergirl: Easy there GL, they're not going to die, (glares at the villain girls) no matter how much they deserve it but that's the easy way out, I'll do you one better.
Poison Ivy: (rolls her eyes) Better than death? It must be tragic...
Supergirl grins.
Supergirl: You girls are going on a one trip to the Phantom Zone...
Harley Quinn: (gasps) Not The Phantom Zone! (Clueless) what's the Phantom Zone?
Supergirl: It's a parallel prison dimension designed to hold the most corrupted, dangerous & evil intergalactic criminals to serve their sentences, mostly to life as you can never age... can never find no means of escape... (Grin turns scary) You'll be stuck in a timeless & spaceless prison forever...
The supervillain girls didn't like the look on the Kryptonian's face.
Bumblebee: B-But didn't Zod escape once-
Supergirl elbows Bumblebee to keep her quiet.
Supergirl: And guess what, my cousin Superman has the projector and you six just signed your life sentence.
Catwoman: You can't be serious!
Star Sapphire: You can't lock us in a space prison, I'll never be able to grow up & have a family with my true love (Hal)!!!!
Supergirl: Whatevs, where you're going, (to Catwoman) You can't sneak, slink or steal... (To Star Sapphire) you can't cause damage over a stupid obsession with a guy... (To Poison Ivy) No plants for you to turn monstrous or make a jungle for your crazy nature vision... (To Livewire) No electronics & humiliation pranks for others to see you in the spotlight... (To Giganta) No raging destruction like a dumb gorilla... (To Harley Quinn) And definitely no chaotic clowning around...
Wonder Woman: Supergirl are you sure acquiring the usage of this phantom zone from Superman is the right thing to do?
Green Lantern (Jessica): You say it's for the most evil & deadliest criminals, these six are bad yes but surely they won't survive in there!
Supergirl: Well apparently they never learn to give up their villainous ways so they're going to learn the hard way!
Batgirl: Supergirl, let's just talk about this! We just send them away to the metropolis central prison, I can tighten up security and-
Supergirl: Nope, ain't happening. I'll be right back with the projector.
Supergirl flies into the air. The superhero girls turn to the supervillain girls.
Livewire: Seriously?! You're not gonna let her lock us in a space prison for the rest of our lives, are you?!
The hero girls try to find the words to speak.
Livewire: C'mon, the last I checked Blunder Woman, you're the leader! When did the alien muscle head start making decisions without your f**king approval?!
Green Lantern (Jessica): Would you kindly watch your language?
Star Sapphire: (tears in her eyes) I can't be locked in a space prison forever! There's so much I wanted to do, you can't let Supergirl do this!
Harley Quinn: We may be villains & all but do we really deserve to be put on the extra extra worst, evil space jail list?!
The hero girls winced at that.
Poison Ivy: (panics) You can't let this happen, the world's nature needs me! If I'm gone, humanity will continue to hurt the green!
Catwoman: Don't waste your breath, Ivy. I don't like this even more than you do but it seems that we've reached our last lives...
Giganta: Well I'm not going in the Phantom whatever place!
Giganta struggled to get loose but those enchanted chains kept her from going anywhere.
Wonder Woman: You six have committed heinous deeds over and over again. While the Catwoman's crimes are mostly theft, the rest of you have put people in peril.
Harley Quinn: It's not like we killed anyone!
Zatanna: Are you kidding? With the exception of Catwoman, you Harley, Star, Livewire, Giganta and Ivy, your acts have come close to killing innocent people! Do you girls even think before you do anything reckless?!
Bumblebee: We'll try to talk to Supergirl about this & give a lighter sentence but-
Batgirl noticed something in the sky.
Batgirl: Uhh girls?
Wonder Woman: We'll put Catwoman in a maximum prison but I say the rest of the villain girls shall be banished to the phantom zone.
Star Sapphire: (infuriated) WHAT?!
Catwoman was shocked. While she doesn't mind being spared to be transported in a maximum prison, but her friends, her team are going to the phantom zone? That didn't sit well with the feline thief. The thing Batgirl saw was getting closer.
Batgirl: Girls?
Livewire: (furious) This is bullsh**! You can't put us there, you need us more than we need you! What's a good hero/zero without a great villain to take the spotlight?! Without us, you would be nothing to talk about in this town or the world!
Harley Quinn: C'mon girls, can't ya just write us a ticket or somethin'? Eh, eh, eh? No need to throw us in the hole see?!
Giganta: (enraged) Let us OUT!!
Green Lantern (Jessica): Let's calm down and discuss this maturely. Wonder woman, perhaps putting them in the phantom zone is a little overkill-
Batgirl: GIRLS!!
All: WHAT?!
Batgirl points to the object hurtling towards them quickly. The hero girls immediately grabbed the chained villain girls and moved out of the way. The object hit the road with great impact, sending a thunderous earthquake throughout the city as everyone in metropolis was alarmed by it. Soon, the quakes depleted as the superhero girls and supervillain girls saw the massive crater where the object had landed, showing a huge fire of green & black.
Supergirl came back with the phantom zone projector.
Supergirl: Alright, I got the-whoa!
She joined the others in looking at the crater. Was it was meteor? Wrong answer. Then something was heard while seeing a silhouette of a giant figure arose in the smoke followed by giant footsteps as the superhero girls saw the giant figure appear out of the crater of green & black fire.
They, along with the supervillain girls got a full glimpse at the being's appearance with shocked and/or scared eyes.
He was tall, up to Giganta's height if not taller, has a massive muscular body, his hair was longer & pure white, has light green-ish gray skin with mystic glowing green, white and black warpaint marks on his face, chest, back & shoulder, resembling death itself. He had sinister black eyes with glowing green pupils. He was wearing metallic silver armbands, a silver belt with two purple jewels on the side & an emerald jewel in the center, black latex pants with a black and green front & back cloth, silver ankle bands and black boots.
Supergirl: What the hell... is that?
Harley Quinn: He's... Big!
Bumblebee: He's S-Scary...!
Giganta: He's ripped...
Wonder Woman: He looks like death... Identify yourself, creature! Are you a creation or champion of Hades?!
The giant inhaled and exhaled.
???: Finally... To see one of this world's greatest heroes in person... I hope you can entertain me like others before you...
Batgirl: Others? Whatta you mean by that? Who are you?!
The giant chuckles darkly. His body radiated with gamma energy as mystic green & black fiery aura engulfed his body. Both heroes and villains felt the weight of his power.
Bumblebee: (scanning the creature) H-His body has passed the max l-level of radiation but it's infused with a strange power signature!
Zatanna: I sense magic within this beast... dark magic...
The giant then suddenly vanished and reappeared in the front of the chained supervillain girls, catching them and the superhero girls off guard. The villain girls looked up at the giant, his cold eyes directed at them, they grew nervous.
Catwoman: W-What do you want...?
Star Sapphire: Don't kill us, please?! (Sobs)
The beast tilted his head a little.
Giganta: (growls, angry but secretly scared) Whatta you waiting for?! Do it!
Livewire: (whispers harshly to Giganta) Meathead, shut up! I want to live...!
The beast raised his hand as the enchanted chains glowed green and shattered, freeing the villain girls.
Zatanna: He broke the chains!
Batgirl: Don't let them escape-
She was cut off when the beast, without looking at them, raised his left hand in the hero girls' direction, a huge wave of gravity sending them far across the road through 4 buildings, the villain girls looking at him in shock.
Livewire: Whoa...
Giganta: He just sent those hero bozos flying without even looking at them.
???: Leave. Now.
Normally, the villain girls wouldn't take orders from anyone, especially the heroes or newbies but something tells this giant is no pushover & he just freed them so... it's best the hero girls are the targets of this beast's wrath than them.
Catwoman: Fine. Let's go girls.
Harley Quinn: Thanks for the save, Jolly Gray Gus! What's your name?
???: I am Grim Gamma. The green eyed nightmare, now leave while I still allow it...
Harley Quinn: Don't need to tell us twice, Buh-bye Mistah G!
The villain girls fled, Grim Gamma raised an eyebrow at what Harley Quinn called him, Mistah G? He could've sworn he heard that before but with an E at the end. His thoughts were cut off when he felt a punch to the face, courtesy of Supergirl, sending him into a couple of trucks.
Supergirl: You think you can march into our turf & get one on us, think again! (Sees the phantom zone destroyed) Oh no, crap! Ugh! Clark's gonna kill me-wait a minute...
Supergirl sees a note in the remains of the projector, picking it up to read it.
Supergirl: (reads the note) Surprise! You stole a fake replica of the phantom zone projector, you think I'd leave the real one out in the open, signed Superman. P.S. if you're Supergirl, you can't use the real one for modern villains or recklessness. Not a toy-Oh come on!
She heard a roar and saw Grim Gamma lunging at her, Supergirl would avoid him and got a couple of fierce punches and kicks to the creatures.
Supergirl: (attacking) C'mon big guy, give me what ya got!!
She continued to attack him, went for an uppercut but Grim Gamma caught the fist with a bloody grin, tightening the grip.
Supergirl: Gaah!
Grim Gamma: If you insist...
Supergirl was getting slam repeatedly into the ground, released her midway to deliver flame powered boxing punches to the Kryptonian, knocking the wind out of her before rearing back in right arm which was coated in strong diamond to nail Supergirl in the face so hard, saliva and a bit of blood escaped her mouth that she was flung out of the city.
Grim Gamma smirks and looks over to receive a running sword slice from Wonder Woman, knocking him back a bit but Batgirl comes in with a glide kick to connect but he doesn't go down. The monster chuckles as Zatanna, Bumblebee and Green Lantern (Jessica) join the two.
Grim Gamma: Intriguing.
Wonder Woman: Sisters, attack!
Batgirl and Bumblebee ran in first as Grim Gamma raised his fists to slam into the ground, creating a tremor wave of earth in their direction, Batgirl jumped while Bumblebee and flew to avoid the wave, Batgirl would throw batarangs in mixed with Bumblebee shooting stinger blasts at him but it didn't seem to phase him.
Grim Gamma: Starting with long range attacks, eh?
Grim Gamma raised his arms which glowed and shot out sharp crystal shards at the two, who barely managed to get out of the way, the shards damaging properties, vehicles and more. Batgirl winced as she felt some shards land a gash on the left leg, right arm and left cheek when she landed only to feel something rumbling beneath her, immediately getting out of the way of a fist of earth. More of them shot out of the ground as Batgirl would dodge them while running at Grim Gamma to deliver a gatling of martial arts punches and kicks to the monster but it barely landed any damage.
Grim Gamma: You have a lot of spirit and resolve, shame your strength and mine are worlds apart.
With a fierce backhand, Batgirl was sent flying into an incoming police car which stopped in it's tracks along with more behind it. Batgirl groans with her consciousness fading. Cops came in and started to shoot at Grim Gamma, who gave them an annoyed look.
Grim Gamma: Bullets? Really? You think you officers would know better than to stop individuals out of your league.
His eyes glowed and fired a breath of ice to encase the officers in frozen blocks. He was about to shatter them but winced from a sting blast to the side of his face. Bumblebee was flying around in her shrunken form to blast the giant, who was stumbling back & trying to swat the tiny hero away but Bumblebee would avoid the beast's grasps & keep blasting him. While the stingers weren't hurting him, Grim Gamma was getting annoyed.
Grim Gamma: Alright enough.
He managed to catch Bumblebee in both hands with a squashing slam, separating both hands as the tiny hero fell, returning to normal size with her suit damaged with some lightning circling around her. She groans in pain, regaining her wits until she looks up at the giant staring coldly at her. Bumblebee shook in fear as she tried to either shrink down or fire her weapons but the suit was malfunctioning which wasn't helping right now.
She heard Grim Gamma chuckle followed by sniffing the air.
Grim Gamma: Haaaaaa... I just love the smell of FEAR.
He grins maliciously with his hands coating in green & black fire, slowly approaching Bumblebee, who was backing away in fright.
Grim Gamma: C'mon, fight back.
Bumblebee: ....?!
Grim Gamma: Fight. Back. I know even the smallest of beings can be a major threat, you... have that potential & only scratched the surface but your fear clouds your judgment.
Bumblebee: Aaa... Aaaaa...
Grim Gamma: Are you going to fight back like a warrior or run like a coward?
Bumblebee: AAAAAAAAAH!!!!
Bumblebee screams in complete terror, getting up and nearly tripping as she runs away to fly as far from Grim Gamma as possible.
The giant sighs.
Grim Gamma: Disappointing...
He then felt the ground shake and heard an inverted chant as glowing purple chains shot out of the ground and began to ensnare Grim Gamma.
Grim Gamma: Rrrrgghhh!
He saw Zatanna floating over him. Then Green Lantern (Jessica) flies in to form a construct of a green prison cell to further trap the giant.
Zatanna: How can something like you exist with such power, what are you and where did you come from?
Grim Gamma only smirks at her in silence, which only annoys Zatanna.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Don't worry, Zatanna. He'll have plenty of time to explain himself once we escort him to the metropolis central prison.
Grim Gamma's smirk grew with a laugh as his body turns into a form of green wind to phase through the chains & barrier before reverting back to fires a breath of strong gust to blow Green Lantern (Jessica) & Zatanna away followed by the vehicles & object off the road. The two girls recover and begin to fire construct energy & magic blasts at Grim Gamma, who grunts & yells out in pain.
Zatanna then forms six clones of herself to fire multiple magic beams to Grim Gamma who yells in agony, landing on his knees and covering his face. Zatanna and her clones look at the giant, happy that they got the monster cornered but that feeling vanishes when his pained groans become fits of hysterical laughter, looking up at Zatanna with wounds healing.
Zatanna: What's so funny?!
Grim Gamma: Because you're so strong, because your magic was able to hit close to home, that was quite an impressive display of magic, effective and magnificent.
Zatanna was confused. An enemy of unknown origin was complimenting her on her magic? She didn't know wherever to be weirded out or praised.
Grim Gamma: Now my turn to show you one of my magic tricks.
He yells out an inverted chant as a strange force washed over Zatanna, her clones vanish, her eyes swirling and struggling to keep her balance as the entire world was spinning.
Zatanna: W-What the...?!
Grim Gamma: What's the matter? Unable to get your bearings? Can't tell right from left? Up from down? Reality from illusion?
The entire world started to warp and distorted in Zatanna's eyes, the magician's senses were completely thrown off, it was an illusion spell & a stronger one at that. She attempted to use a spell to get out of it but received a strike from Grim Gamma. She growls as she saw a group of Grim Gammas surrounding her to attack, she would try to avoid their attacks but her balance is completely thrown off as well, unable to tell which move they're gonna make before they do it for a counter.
Zatanna: Gaah! Can't... Concentrate...!
Grim Gamma: It's over... Good night princess...
Zatanna felt a hard chop to the back of her neck as her world went black. In reality, Zatanna was lying on her back unconscious with Grim Gamma putting her down as he senses a double pattern in the magician.
Grim Gamma: She possesses light & dark magic eh? Very interesting. Hmmm, she does look astonishing, even though she's asleep.
He turns to the only ones left, being Green Lantern (Jessica) and Wonder Woman.
Grim Gamma: Only two left...
Wonder Woman: Such fiendish power... What are you...?
Grim Gamma: Just a monster...
Green Lantern (Jessica) lunged at Grim Gamma who fired a beam of lightning at her. The female lantern corps forms a shield construct to block the attack & fly forward to ram the shield into the giant's chest to knock him down but he held his own, gripping the shield to shatter it before Jessica's eyes as she was caught in a bear hug.
Green Lantern (Jessica): Aahhh!!!
Grim Gamma: You bare the color green but something tells me your mind & resolve isn't up to the level of power, unlike mine.
He then tightened the bear hug to crush the female green lantern, who started to scream.
Green Lantern (Jessica): AAAAAAAAAH!!!
She tried to get loose and use her ring but as she looked into the fiery eyes of the monster, petrified washed over Jessica, her ring power & will grew dim, replaced by fear.
Grim Gamma: Now let's hear those bones break! Let's hear more of your screams!!
The female green lantern begin to scream loudly in fear and pain.
Green Lantern (Jessica): (screams massively) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!
Her screams grew more high pitched and pained as Grim Gamma reveled in her fright until a vicious knee struck him followed by a spin kick to the face by Wonder Woman. He released Jessica who fell unconscious as Wonder Woman engages the giant, executing swift & strong strikes followed by shield assisted attacks to her combo, knocking him a few feet away from her.
Wonder Woman: You will not continue this act of brutality, demon! You will be stopped here and now!
Grim Gamma recovers with a snarl.
Grim Gamma: Then show me your might, warrior.
He roars and charges at Wonder Woman, who unleashes a battlecry and charges at the monster, the two quickly exchanging a fierce gatling of fists to each other. The impact of each punch from the Amazon and the Giant sent shockwaves here throughout the city, the ground forming cracks, the glass shattering and the people running away from the warzone.
Grim Gamma: (attacking) Yes, this is a heated bout! I can tell you're one of the strongest just by fighting you! Keep fighting! Keep fighting until your knuckles bleed!!
Wonder Woman growls, the two kept trading massive blows before the Amazon back flips away to avoid the double fist slam, pulling out her lasso of truth and ensnared it around Grim Gamma's neck, trying to make him submit. The giant grunts, grabs the lasso and begins to swing it with Wonder Woman who yells, around and around, making the Amazon crash into vehicles and buildings, causing more damage. Grim Gamma removes the lasso from his neck, throws it aside and turns to see Wonder Woman running in with a front flip kick to the face to knock the giant into a brick wall.
The Amazon proceeded to land after punch after punch after & so on to Grim Gamma cornered against the wall forming cracks behind it. Wonder Woman kept up the frontal assault for a moment before Grim Gamma brought his arms to slam them on her back, nailed a giant knee to the gut, blood & saliva spewing from the Amazon's mouth while taking a flaming punch to the face, Wonder Woman sent flying across the city. She was covered in major bruises with blood on the right side of her lip and her suit tattered a bit, groaning as she tried to get back up only to hear a loud roar in the air to see Grim Gamma landing like a meteorite down to crush the Amazon, the ground shaking immensely with rocks flying everywhere.
Grim Gamma rises to his feet as Wonder Woman laid below him completely damaged, her bones ached and her muscles burning & her uniform even more ruined. She had fought many strong opponents but this creature she thought was on a different level, what was he?
Grim Gamma: You have fallen Amazon. You've given me quite a challenge, matched me nearly but in the end... I am victorious.
Wonder Woman tried to get up despite the pain.
Wonder Woman: (glares) I... won't... give in... You'll have to kill me... demon, for even if it takes the last ounce of strength of my body... I will not yield to any evil you stand for... whatever you have planned, you won't succeed...
Grim Gamma stares at the Amazon before a sick laugh escapes him.
Grim Gamma: I hear these heroic traits so often. How you stand for true, justice and peace for all mankind. Hell, I once tried to be the good guy from where I'm from...
Wonder Woman: Then... why-
Grim Gamma: Because I realized it was irrelevant, in spite of everything done countless times for the people you protect, you give and give until it's never enough, they'll hate you and see you as a threat that must be put down. There is no true peace but I plan to change that so you're not dying today...
The Amazon was silent but shocked.
Grim Gamma: No, today was a test. For now, I want you to witness what I have in store for this world, as long as humanity exists, there is no real peace, once this world experience what I will bestow, the old earth will be nothing more than a memory & a new one shall be reborn, whether you are apart of it or no longer exist in it, if you're the latter... when your planet enters MY new age...
He kneels down to whisper in Wonder Woman's ear.
Grim Gamma: ... Only then will you have my permission to die...
Wonder Woman attempted to rebel but Grim Gamma silenced the Amazon with an earth shattering fist, making the crater bigger, the warrior now unconscious. The giant threw his head back and let out a blood curdling roar so loud, metropolis shook, various windows shattered and everyone was in silence but felt great fear. He finally stopped while breathing heavily, looking at the defeated Amazon as well as the rest of the unconscious superheroes minus Bumblebee who ran away & Supergirl, whose body wasn't seen when she was flung out of the city. He then noticed the people of metropolis all scattered, either hiding or frozen at the sight of him.
He even noticed a news crew, despite their scared expressions, still trying to get a scoop. The monster grins as he has a scoop for them, green and black aura shrouding his body, floating in the air.
Grim Gamma: People of metropolis... This is only the beginning of my reign, I am your reckoning but I am also your salvation. Stand with me & embrace the new age under my rule. Defy me & what your heroines endured will be NOTHING compared to what befalls you, hero or villain to stand in my way! For all will know & fear the name, GRIM GAMMA!!!
He unleashed a wave of green and black energy which quickly spreads until it completely engulfed metropolis in a frightening dome which further expands instantly, sending a wave of terror through other areas like Gotham City, Star City, Central City, etc until the entire planet was engulfed in a frightening green light, it wasn't an attack to kill or a ray of light to mutate anyone... It was a worldwide, dark magic dome filled with malicious intent, everyone was on notice, experiencing a terror unlike anything they've seen or felt, the world given an omen of what's to come in the near future, courtesy of the monster, the green eyed nightmare, Grim Gamma.
To be continued...
(Chapter 3 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! As the superhero girls prevailed over the supervillain girls, Supergirl had an idea to banish them to the phantom zone but it gets derailed in the form of the debuting Grim Gamma, the hulk alter ego of Victor Emerald, who frees the villain girls & takes on the hero girls in a destructive bout. After his victory, Grim Gamma sends a haunting message to not just Metropolis but to the entire world, is anyone ready to stop this monster? Find out in time, next chapter will be the aftermath. Also if anyone has any chapter ideas & suggestions, let me know in the comments section. This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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