Out of the Green Flames of the Old World
The story begins... it showed a world in complete ruin, people were running, their screams echoed throughout the city crumbling to the ground and the fires spread beyond, reducing it or those caught in the fire to ashes. Many dead corpses lied in the crossfire, unfortunate that they didn't make it. Most of the corpses were heroes trying to stop this threat only to fail, the other half being villains who sought the source of this destruction's power to use it for their own but only to fall.
We cut to a massive mansion up a desolated hill, the place was barely standing, torn apart in different directions, surrounded by flames of green & black. In the center of it all was a middle aged black haired man in a torn business and a beautiful, long dark brown haired woman in a ruined dress, the man was holding the scared woman protective as she was shaking in fear, he was too but he tries to be brave, a blood curdling and ear deafening roar reaching their ears. Loud stomps can be heard, the two shook with each stomp getting closer and closer to their direction as a giant shadow was seen walking through the smoke & fires, the man quickly pulls out a gun and starts shooting at the approaching giant but the bullets weren't doing anything, the figure moving closer until it towered over the two, the man out of bullets, looking up at the giant who was looking down at the two with fiery green eyes full of malicious intent.
Man: S-Stay away from us, you hear me monster?!
A dark chuckle escapes the giant's lips, a grin forming.
???: (dark, deep male tone) Pathetic... I've heard worse screamed at me with such flare, disgust, hatred... You included but you lack it now, I see the fear in your eyes as many before you...
Woman: What do you want?! You destroyed everything, killed mostly everyone, whatever you want from us, money, political power, we'll make it happen, just let us live! We're an innocent family who lost our children!
A haunting laugh escapes the creature.
???: Hahahahahahaha... Oh that is rich, you're a family right but you're anything BUT innocent. In fact, this whole world going to sh*t because of you two.
Man: What? You're blaming us for your rampage?!
???: Oh yes & no, while I've admitted to piling the bodies of those who stood in my way but you two... are the ones with all that blood on your hands...
Woman: I d-don't know what you're talking a-about! We've never met you or asked you to commit these destructive act!
???: Heh, oh we've met & we're close... Not in terms of a happy bond but in blood... You see, what I am now is because of him...
The giant pointed at the man. The woman looked at her husband.
Woman: Harold? What does he mean?
Harold: Rhonda my dear, I have no idea what he's talking about. This monster is lying!
???: Perhaps this should help you remember...
He was engulfed in Green & Black swirling fire, the two married couple begin to witness the monster's form shrinking and shrinking with it's form changing, the flames soon depleted. Harold & Rhonda's eyes widened upon seeing a tall young man about 17 years old with pale skin, slightly long black hair, pale blue eyes and possesses an impressive athletic body. He is wearing a black long sleeve shirt, dark blue jeans and black & green sneakers.
???: (normal, cold male voice) Surprised?
Harold: Y-You?!
Rhonda: (eyes shed tears) Victor...? Oh dear lord, what happened to you? What possessed you to cause this destruction?!
Victor snarls with a sneer.
Victor: Funny you mentioned it, did Father not tell you that he sold me to an organization that dabbles in creating weapons associated with gamma energy? Apparently he had colleagues there & decided to wrap me up like a gift for their next weapon project....
Rhonda: H-Harold?! Is this true?! You said he went missing!
Harold glares at Victor but didn't speak.
Victor: I'm pretty sure he made that up, considering how much he despises me & for what? I can't live up to your expectations? That no matter what I do, it's always a mistake in your eyes, so you sought to get rid of me... (Grins) How well did it work out?
Harold: (yells angrily) Don't act smug with me, you insolent whelp!
He goes to punch Victor in the face but he doesn't so much as flinch or went down.
Victor: That's it?
Harold: ....?!
Victor grabs his arm, his fingers dug deep into Harold's arm as blood poured out, the main screams in pain.
Victor: Times have changed and my fear of you has long since been gone, old man. I still haven't forgotten your "discipline" on me for the littlest of things or what I was blamed for... allow me to give you a receipt for that...
With a violent tug, Victor rips the man's arm right off his body. Harold yells out in agony, falling on his back & clutching his bloody stub where his arm was. Rhonda places her hands over her mouth in horror.
Rhonda: Victor, that's no way to-
Victor: Oh don't act like he's innocent. My scars say otherwise, but you don't really pay attention. You're more focused on your favorite eldest son & daughter, Heh, talk about favoritism at it's lowest.
Rhonda: T-That's not true! I love all you three!
Victor: No, you don't... Otherwise you'd stop them from rubbing their success in my face, would abuse me every chance they've got & let's not forget when I was hiding, the final straw that broke the camel's back, that made me lose all regard for humanity, they killed my aunt, the only family member who didn't treat me like sh**, in cold blood...
Rhonda: ....?!
Victor: It's funny, they say that if you want a mistake corrected, you gotta do it yourself... The two said that to me but I was the one who corrected them by depriving them of their lives...
Rhonda was crying while Harold was fuming that his Star children died to Victor.
Victor: I wanted to show you that I can achieve so much more, to make you proud & be loved but I learned that it was irrelevant. All you've done is give me neglect and pain. It was my pain & hatred for you that kept me alive through what the foundation did to me, you & everyone who looked at me like a parasite & an abomination brought this monster upon the world... the blood I spilled is on your hands as much as mine. I've slain various heroes & villains here while some fled, smart they were, others were quite the challenge and I loved it... (Grins maliciously)
He begins to walk towards them. The father & mother were backing away in the rubble of their own house, looking at the thing that was once their son.
Victor: There's nothing left for me in this world... It's just a very bad memory of my life gone to hell. A memory I will soon erase after I'm finished with you two...
Harold: You cursed bastard! What are you going to do? Destroy the planet, you'll be killed too!
Victor: Oh I already made plans... but you won't live to see them.
Harold: Stop! You don't know what you're doing!
Victor: Oh don't I? You seem to know what you're doing when you sold me to those psychos... (Growls, eyes turning green) Tortured me... Experimented on me... Made me what I am...
Rhonda: Please...! Mercy...!
Victor: You don't deserve mercy...
Green & Black flames engulfed Victor, returning to his monster form as his shadow loomed over the parents. Harold and Rhonda's screams went through the entire area followed by a gruesome light, the screams soon silent. Reverted back to his human form, Victor passed the scorch corpses of his parents and went to the basement of the destroyed home, passing through old, charred and decrepit items as he saw a passcode lock door intact.
Victor: Bingo, it's a good thing I spotted the old fool's typing in his password. While the rich life was a bore, it had it's perks. Now I'll take what I'm owed for my next phase...
He then types in the code, the light glowing green as it opens, he goes to a lower level below the basement, seeing a large, armored silver vault. He smirks and protects to fire a green heat beam around in a circle, the security system activated but he shot the weak point of it without looking, the large armored door felt with a loud clang, revealing the vault room full with billions of dollars, solid plates of gold, gems, rare valuables, etc. All of the family fortune sitting in this room.
Victor grins.
Victor: Perfect...
The screen freezes on him.
Victor: (narrating) Yep. That's me. My name is Victor Emerald, and before you all say it... No. I'm not The Hulk. Well, I'm a hulk but I'm not THE real guy or even a main variant of the original. Yeah, the Hulk of my world is a main variant, yep, I learned in a lot of ways that there's a whole kaleidoscope of worlds different than the last, Heh, talk about multiverse theory being a b****.
So, let's begin from the top, you know my name. My world is basically a variant of the original with heroes and villains like the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Hydra, A.I.M., Sinister Six, The Brotherhood, Masters of Evil, you name it. Only difference is my world is like a reverse world where Villains are heroes and Heroes are Villains, especially my world's version of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, being the most Deadliest Villains in my world known as the Atrocious Avengers.
(A/N: They're my OC evil versions of the Avengers.)
Villainous individuals made of Iron Imperious (Iron Man), Green Reaper (The Hulk), yeah that's what he's called in my world, ahem, then American Anarchy (Captain America), Blooded Widow (Black Widow), Hawk Archer (Hawkeye), The Thunderous God (Thor), Shadow Panther (Black Panther), Emperor Ant (Ant-Man), Wasp Empress (Wasp), Malice Marvel (Captain Marvel), Fiery Falcon (Falcon) & more but I'm not gonna list them all. Back to me, I come from a very rich family.
The image shows a younger victor with his family in a portrait.
Victor: (narrating) Ya think being rich and to have everything you want can make you happy, hehehe, well I'm not one of those. My childhood like most others was rough as a black sheep, a mother who barely knows you exist & favors the oldest brother & sister, who won't pass up an opportunity to gloat, flash their egos and pick on me, and my Father... (Chuckles darkly) He's a real piece of work in his authority complex of a stick up the ass, he despises me & tend to "discipline" me for petty nonsense or things I wasn't apart of, sees me as a bad seed, a disappointment, a plague & all that crap. I wasn't just getting the shunned stick at home...
The images showed whatever Victor goes from a kid to preteen at different schools, he would get isolated, picked on, pranked or beaten to near death.
Victor: (narrating) I was the unpopular one, the outsider but I don't flash my rich heritage out to people to make them stop or be my friends. Hell, my siblings would pay their friends to rough me up. Entering middle school, I've had five friends who liked me for me, I dabbled in various activities, even forms of fighting to vent out my frustration and anger, then defend myself against my tormentors.
Another image shows Victor learning different forms of fighting, furiously lashing out to break board, knock a punching bag across the room and make large cracks in stone with his fists bloody. He would later seen fighting & knocking out his bullies.
Victor: (narrating) At age 14, my father couldn't stand the backbone I grown, think I "forgot my place" in the family so he sought to get rid of me...
Harold was driving to an open through the woods with a drugged unconscious Victor in the back, entering a strange facility.
Victor: (narrating) It was known as the Foundation of Green, a twisted organization that specializes in making weapons associated with Gamma radiation. Apparently, he knew a few colleagues of his there, simply handed me over to them, saying "he's your problem now, I don't care what you do with him, I don't wish to see this monster in my presence again." And that was that... 1 year they've experimented on me, the pain was absolutely excruciating that I didn't know I was dying or coming back to life, the infusion of gamma radiation was unbearable like being inside the sun times a thousand until I finally snapped.
Another image showed Victor's eyes opening to turn black with glowing green pupils, his body growing and forming into a tall, hulking Behemoth that went wild and rampaged throughout the foundation of Green.
Victor: (narrating) All that pain, madness and rage brought out the monster which completely decimated the entire foundation, no one was spared. The monster inside took his rampage to the city, clashing with the villains and heroes there, while it did match them, it was unable to beat them. Fleeing was the only option. At age 15-16, I went into hiding, going to the only family member that truly cared for me, my aunt Millie. I told her everything & she took me in, homeschooled me, she was the only person who kept me from losing it, trying to figure out these abilities. At times I was afraid of the creature staring back at me in the mirror... but in time I grew more intrigued.
More images revealed Victor training to control his monster side, would even go out at night to fight villains.
Victor: (narrating) At first, I tried to be a superhero in attempting to help people with these powers, it worked briefly but the people were scared of me, others wanting the monster side of me put down. One day, when I was cleaning my aunt's attic, I stumbled upon something in one of the rare objects she collected, it was a book of ancients, it contains a complete list of spells, I didn't believe it at first & thought it was an old book but I got a demonstration...
Another image showed Victor with the ancient book, looking through it and reading a spell, a small portal forming before his very eyes.
Victor: (narrating) I couldn't believe my eyes, a true magic book. And I'm surprised my aunt left it to collect dust or didn't try it out, probably didn't know it. I started to learn each spell though I failed to realize the magic aura pouring into me was dark, granting me more powers to my existing ones. It felt... welcoming & exhilarating. I was going to tell my aunt this but I heard her scream, followed by a gunshot...
Victor was seen running through the halls, down the steps and towards the front door, opening it to a horrific sight. His aunt was lying motionless in a pool of her own blood with his two eldest brother & sister standing over her with guns & smug looks.
Victor: (narrating) My two siblings were here and not for a friendly hello... Their snarky smirks & the itching feeling I was still alive & wanted to correct it, stating that Millie was a traitor to the family for harboring an unwanted monster. I wasn't focused on their harsh words, I only stared at my aunt's dead body... The family member that has treated me well with love & kindness was dead. That was when I went cold, my mind descended into madness and rage.
The two siblings then repeatedly gunned down Victor to kill but their smirks faded, he didn't go down as he begins laughing maniacally followed by a loud roar, his tearful eyes glowing green as he was suddenly engulfed in Green & Black flames, turning into his hulk form looming over the two.
Victor: (narrating) In that act, I lost it. The two siblings tried to gun me down again but it proved useless as I tore them apart. The next day, I gave Millie a proper burial, with her death my heart grew cold & my soul burned with a vengeance, having no regard for humanity anymore... So I continued my training in both sides of me, I learned and completely absorbed the spells & knowledge of the dark ancient book, becoming a hybrid of a gamma mutate & dark magic being. They all saw me as a monster so I began to embrace it, be one with it & decided to cause destruction...
It showed Victor in his hulk form causing untold & tremendous destruction throughout his hometown, and who those who wronged him & those who tried to stop him paid the price.
Victor: (narrating) It was truly thrilling, the people that ran away in fear, those who wronged me would die & those who tried stop me, Heh, they weren't fighting the same mindless beast or novice giant trying to play hero... the heroes & villains fell to me, I would take a piece of them, what made them relevant as my trophy. Some of them fled, wise choice, while the Atrocious Avengers came in, seeing me as a leverage to further their own conquest or a threat to their rule. They have power & experience but their egos tend to be their biggest weaknesses. I engaged them in battle, we all suffered damage and unleashed a lot on each other but in the end, I stood tall, I was victorious against the deadliest villains on my earth, taking my prizes. While I didn't bother going after innocent people, I didn't care if they got in my way as you saw me earlier take out the main objective of my hatred, my parents. With them gone, well... narration over for now.
The screen unfreezes as Victor forms a swirling portal in his hands.
Victor: Now into my storage space.
The swirling vortex begins to suck everything within the vault, all the emerald family fortune gone in an instant, the portal closing.
Victor: Gotta make a living for the next step. Now....
Victor does an inverted chant and forms an unstable looking light green and black orb.
Victor: Here's a little something for the Earth's core, the planet will be nothing more than a memory...
He drops it as it sinks into the ground, heading for the Earth's core. Victor then forms another swirling vortex but larger.
Victor: Out with the old, goodbye former home.
He goes through the portal which vanished as the ground starts shaking and the earth rising followed by pillars of green light surrounded by black lightning, this was happening all over the world as the planet glowed light green with black lightning circling around, Earth itself was stretching apart and finally exploding in a huge light before it depleted into a swirl of space dust. We see Victor riding through the current of the swirling gateway, he has wiped out his former world and now he plans to go to a new one, which parallel universe he doesn't know as he pinpoint a precise location nor did he care.
Victor: Wherever I end up, I plan to start out fresh. Though I succeeded in destroying the objects of my hate, besting my enemies and committed planetary destruction, I feel like there's more to be done... to have humanity end & to have a new age where monsters walk the earth, and I would be it's predecessor, for all heroes & villains there will know & fear the name... Grim Gamma...
He grins, eyes glowing green as he heads to his new home for a peaceful life followed by planetary conquest.
To be continued...
(Chapter 1 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Welcome to the first chapter of DC superhero girls: Enter Grim Gamma where you witnessed Victor's place & life of origin. Now done with his old world, he sets his sights on a new world as you all know where he's going. Watch out, a green eyed nightmare is coming to Metropolis! This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)
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