Into the New World, A Green Eyed Nightmare

In the city of metropolis...

It was October 8th, fall season long since it was cloudy, the wind was blowing as some civilizations are doing some early halloween decorating in their neighborhood. Soon, a large green swirling portal opened and out came Victor, who landed on top of a building on his feet.

Victor: Well, here I am. Now, let's see...

Victor takes a look at the city of the new world he stepped foot in, it didn't look so bad. He spots the sign that says "Welcome to Metropolis."

Victor: Metropolis, huh? Haven't heard of that kind of city in my world. A different take I guess and wow...

He looks at the decorations in most neighborhoods, all spooky and terrifying in their own way. He breathes in and then out with a smirk.

Victor: Ah, the decorations, the set-up, the images of things that go BUMP in the night. Seems that I made it just in time for October, Halloween being a favorite holiday of mine. I cannot wait... to get started but first, gotta set up my place of home to live, a base of operations underground and I wonder what the high school here is like?

Victor leaps off the building, going elsewhere.


We cut to Metropolis High school. The bell was heard ringing with students all getting out of class, wandering the halls to head for lunch as we see a familiar group of six girls heading to the cafeteria.

The first of the group of six was a very tall (being the tallest by 6 ft 4) teenage girl with long dark blue hair in a ponytail with a golden headband, a strong & curvaceous figure, blue eyes & slight tan skin. She was wearing a reddish sleeved shirt with a white undershirt, blue skirt, long white socks and red shoes.

This was Diana Prince Aka Amazon princess of Themyscira & brave warrior of Metropolis, Wonder Woman.

The second was a slightly short teenage girl with long red/orange hair, pale white skin, a slim yet graceful figure & green eyes. She was wearing a purple hoodie with bat ears & double yellow stripes on the sleeves, a yellow shirt underneath, dark purple shorts, long socks with white, purple and yellow stripes with yellow & white shoes.

This was Barbara 'Babs' Gordon Aka hero of the night, Batgirl.

The third was a slightly tall teenage girl with a curvaceous figure, long & sparkly purple/blue hair, light magenta eyes, light pale skin & wears dark red lipstick. She was wearing a white long sleeve blouse shirt with a black vest, a small magenta short skirt & black high heel boots.

This was Zee Zatara Aka the awe inspiring magician Zatanna.

The fourth was a very short teenage girl with a petite graceful figure, medium length lightish brown hair with a yellow highlight streak in upward pigtails, light brown skin and green eyes. She was wearing a long sleeved bee-like yellow/brown striped sweater, a yellow short skirt, dark brown leggings & light brown boots.

This was Karen Beecher Aka the micro sized and intelligent winged hero known as Bumblebee.

The fifth was a slightly tall teenage girl with a curvaceous figure, long dark brown hair, green eyes and light brown skin. She was wearing a long sleeve green crop top with a long green dress with sleeves straps on shoulders underneath & dark green flats along with light green hoop earrings, a green bonnet and a long green skirt with green ballet shoes.

This was Jessica Cruz Aka one of the bearers of the ring of willpower, Green Lantern.

And the sixth was a tall teenage girl with a curvaceous & muscular figure, short blonde hair in a choppy bob, cerulean blue eyes and pale light skin. She was wearing a blue leather jacket, a light blue shirt, a golden yellow belt, light red ripped jeans and dark red boots.

This was Kara Danvers Aka the punk tomboy/kryptonian hero, Supergirl.

They were the protectors of Metropolis, the Superhero girls.

Babs: And so I made a special jack o' lantern carve for this year's Halloween design (Batman impersonation voice) The Bat O' Lantern...

Kara: Sure, good Babs but I went out and got me the biggest pumpkins for the house, calling them Jack O' zilla, (throws up the rock horns) Oh yeah!

Diana: Hallow of the Ween is quite a strange holiday. But the festivities and wonders of candies is truly a remarkable delicacy.

Zee: True and it's pronounced Halloween, Diana.

The girls sat down at their signature table to have lunch and a conversation.

Kara: Gotta love tater tots and four meat pizza friday (starts wolfing down her food)

Jessica was a little disgusted with the meat coated meal.

Jessica: It's a good thing I brought my own lunch, vegan style special. So any plans for Halloween?

Karen: W-Well I don't have anything major yet considering it's the 8th of October and too early but I guess a standard search for houses for the best candy.

Kara: Thinking of going to the annual Horror Fest Concert at the Lazarus Pit. (Smirks) It's gonna be a rocking blood bath!

Zee: My daddy is hosting a Halloween party extravaganza, invitations have already been made for our peers. The Horror & Ravishing decorum is still in the planning but we have plenty of time so no need to rush.

Diana: I might introduce tricks & treats to my mother and the fellow amazons and attend your festival of horrors, Zee.

Zee smiles.

Babs: (smiles) I'm thinking of going trick or treating in Gotham again with Harleen, (stars in her eyes) it has all the best stuff in spooks, screams, creeps, monsters and sweets!

(A/N: This is a future alternative idea to the episode in Nightmare in Gotham so Babs and Harleen never figured out each other's identity in this story.)

Jessica: I'm thinking of attending Zee's party as well, not before a little sugar hunt.

Zee: You're more than welcome, Jessica. I also have invites for you and Diana.

Jessica: Thanks!

Diana: Much appreciated!

As the girls continued to talk, Mr. Chapin came in and following him was Victor.

Mr. Chapin: (to Victor) Alright Mr. Emerald, after the talk in my office, everything is in order for you to enroll here.

Victor: Why thank you.

Mr. Chapin: You have your schedule for your classes, your assigned locker & let me warn you... (Stern glare) no rough housing, no trouble making & no chaos on school grounds. I'll let you off with a warning should you try anything on your first day but if you try to further break the rules, there will be consequences...

Victor: (mocks a salute) Sir, Yes sir!

Mr. Chapin: Good. Enjoy your lunch.

The principal left as Victor chuckled behind his back.

Victor: Ah, Trying to act all drill sargent like, it's really laughable.

He looks around the cafeteria and finds an empty table to go sit at, Victor walks over to the table & passes the six girls who noticed him.

Babs: (smiles) Look girls, we've got a new student!

Victor made it to the table, pulling out his lunch and placing it on the table. It was a double quarter pounder cheeseburger with bacon, tomato, pickles and mayonnaise, some salad, a can of soda and bags of special chocolate swirled, marshmallow cookies. He loved these as it was a recipe of his late aunt who would make for him & others at her bakery, after her death, he took the recipe to honor her & to have no one take it.

Jessica: Perhaps we can have a chat with him, he looks like he can use some friends.

Kara: Nope. Nah. Nada. No way. Not gonna happen.

Jessica: And why not?

Kara: Jess, you can't just go around randomly expecting someone to accept you as a friend. Look at Pam.

Jessica: There's nothing wrong with her, I was able to become her friend.

Kara: Jess... Aside from hanging out with Selina & her crew, she doesn't want to associate with anyone. She's just tolerating you just to get you to leave her alone, just a lost cause.

Jessica: There's no such thing as a lost cause!

Kara: Keep telling yourself that & let's not forget about the creepy stalker Zee brought into our group, Carly Crummy!

Zee: (glares) It's Casey Krinsky & she only wanted to be accepted!

Kara: (glares back) We did that & look what happened after!

Zee tries to speak but finds no words, remembering the creepy acts Casey caused, the stalking, dressing like her & obsession with her wasn't bad enough, she stole Zee's likeness & powers along with her friends powers. While she was defeated & Zee wanted to start over with her, Casey refused & vowed revenge to expose their superhero identities to all, someday. Looking at Victor eating his lunch, Zee admits that she sensed something strange about him but also admits that the new guy looks cute.

Kara: Look the point is, don't accept lost causes, crazies or any freaky people in our friend group, one false move & it's your ass!

Jessica: Language Kara!

Diana: Though I understand the choosing of friends into our group, maybe we should at least give him a chance.

Kara: Have you not heard a word I said...?

Diana: I heard it perfectly, I'm certainly suggesting a compromise.

Zee: I heard too but I don't think dear Babs did.

The girls minus Zee saw Babs no longer among them & spots her heading to Victor. As the young man was enjoying his food, Victor saw the feeling he was being watched. He turns to the left to find Babs looking at him with a bright smile & sparkles in her eyes, Victor slowly chewed & swallowed part of his burger.

Victor: ... Can I help you?

Babs: Oh no. But maybe I can help you...

Victor: Uhhhh...

Babs: With a circle of friends! My name is Barbara Gordon but I'm usually called Babs!

Victor: My name is Victor Emerald. And while the offer is nice and all, I'm not really looking for any friends at the moment.

Babs frowns.

Babs: Oh, well welcome to Metropolis high... I guess...

Victor: Yeah. But I'll keep you in mind, here, try a cookie.

Babs smiles a little, accepting the special cookie Victor gave her. She took a bite out of it, her eyes widened and the inside of her head showed her brain exploding. Back to Babs, she was overwhelmed greatly by the flavor that she devoured the rest of her cookie.


Babs started to run & jump around the cafeteria in a silly frenzy much to everyone's confusion and the girls' shock. Babs reappeared back to Victor.


Victor: Thanks, it's a family recipe from my late aunt. I make them now but they're not better than hers... She was the only family that truly cared for me...

Babs: Oh... I'm sorry for your loss.

Victor: Don't be. You didn't know (in his mind) At least she can rest easy knowing her killers were slain.

Babs: Anyways, thanks for the cookie. Maybe I'll see you around & we can hang out sometime?

Victor: Sure. Want me to exchange numbers with you or something?

Babs nodded as Victor pulled out his phone and Babs pulled out hers, both exchanging numbers.

Victor: You seem like a very hyperactive girl, I'll keep you in mind.

Babs: Thanks! See ya!

She went back to her table while Victor went back to eating. The girls look at Babs with shock and worry.

Zee: Babs, what was that about?

Babs: Oh nothing, just a little talk.

Kara: Talk? You literally ran and jumped around the cafeteria like a mad rabbit on fizzy soda!

Babs: That's because of his special cookies!

Karen: (raised an eyebrow) Special cookies?

Kara: (rolls her eyes) What's so special about an ordinary cookie?

Babs: It's not an ordinary cookie! The taste will have your brain explode in feeling the flavor, he was taught to make these amazing cookies by his late aunt.

The girls frowned.

Jessica: Oh dear... He lost his aunt?

Babs nods.

Babs: He said that she was the only family member that cared for him. Judging by that logic, I can assume he didn't have anyone else in his family with the same courtesy.

Karen: That must be really sad.

Zee: So that cookie recipe is all he has to remember her by?

Babs nods.

Diana: A tragic moment where it hurts to part with the ones you truly care about...

Kara: How did she kick the bucket?

Zee: Kara!

Kara: What?!

Babs: That aside, he's not really looking for friends right now but he kept me in mind as we trade numbers.

Diana: Excellent work, friend Babs.

Jessica: That's wonderful. See Kara, he's not a bad person.

Kara: (grumbles) We'll see Jess, we'll see...

While the girls were continuing with their lunch, we cut to another table where another group of six girls were sitting, noticing the conversation between Babs and the new guy.

The first was a slightly tall girl with a bulky figure, light brown tan skin, hazel eyes, puffy raspberry red hair tied up in an upward ponytail. She was wearing a yellow workout suit jacket/shorts with pockets on the chest & bottom and white sneakers.

This was Doris Zuel, the athletic bully of metropolis aka, the tall & muscular powerhouse villain, Giganta.

The second was a tall girl with a beautiful yet slight skinny figure, had slightly short black hair with blue highlights on the right side and the left side of the head shaved, brown eyes, light pale skin and purple lipstick. She wears a black choker, grey ear piercings, a full gray bodysuit underneath a black leather jacket with silver diamonds along with a black skirt with two silver diamonds on her belt and black/blue boots with silver buckles.

This was Leslie Willis, the notorious viral, bad girl type punk prankster aka, the electrifying villain, Livewire.

The third was a slightly short girl with a beautiful graceful figure, violet eyes, pink lipstick, fair pale skin and large purple-ish black hair in a ponytail with a pink bow. She was wearing a dark pink and white cheerleader uniform and pink sneakers.

This was Carol Ferris, the beautiful cheerleader with a strong & crazed obsession with a certain green lantern boy, aka the villainous violet lantern, Star Sapphire

The fourth was a slightly tall girl with long blonde hair in high pigtails with red/blue highlights, a beautiful & graceful figure, light/pale tan skin, blue eyes and red lipstick. She was wearing a split red/blue long sleeve jacket, shorts and long boots.

This was Harleen Quinzel, a bubbly, fun loving and mischievous prankster in her own right & Babs' best friend, aka the clown princess of crime, Harley Quinn.

The fifth was a short girl with long pale crimson red hair that reaches down to her waist, dark green eyes with one of them covered by the hair, a slender yet graceful figure and pale skin. She was wearing a yellow sweater shirt with three leafs, dark green jacket, gray pants and green & white sneakers.

This was Pam Isley, an anti-social girl who loves nature but hates people with a few exceptions... Aka the villainess guardian of mother nature & nightmare to humanity, Poison Ivy.

And the sixth was a slightly tall girl with short dark purple/black hair with light purple highlights, dark magenta eyes, has a curvaceous figure and light brown skin. She wears a small long sleeve, black jacket with a white shirt underneath, wears diamond like earrings, bracelets and a necklace, a dark violet purple oval-like belt, black pants and gray boots.

This was Selina Kyle, the leader of the crew, a beautiful yet cunning girl, aka the thrill seeker, master thief and leader of the supervillain girls, Catwoman. 

Selina: My my, it seems that we have a new student here... (Smile slyly) And not a bad looking one either, quite handsome~...

Carol: Hmmmm, I admit that he does look decent enough but he's not Hal Jordan.

Harleen: Ignoring that, it's nice to make a new friend. Since Babsy wanted to give the new guy a shot, might as well hop on the bandwagon, hehehe! He'll love my prank routine!

Pam: .... I'll give him 10 seconds & he'll most likely avoid you, Harl.

Harleen: C'mon Red, where's your sense of humor?

Pam gave her a disgruntled glare.

Leslie: Eh, he doesn't look that bad. Perhaps he'll look good for one of my shots... (Smiles evilly).

Doris: Hmph. Let's go 'greet' the new guy.

Doris cracks her knuckles and gets up to walk over to Victor's direction, Leslie follows suit and Harleen not far behind them.

Selina: Are you two coming?

Carol: I don't really care about the new guy, as long as he doesn't get in the way of my hally wally, we won't have bad blood.

Pam: No thanks.

Selina shrugs and goes after the three girls. Victor had just finished eating his food, the only thing left was the soda and the bag of special cookies he was going to reopen when he heard Doris's voice.

Doris: Hey Newbie!

Victor turns to his right to find Doris, Leslie, Harleen and Selina approaching his table. The students had eyes on the new guy knowing Doris's mean streak on others, especially if it's a new student.

Victor: And how can I help you?

Doris: (smirks) Yeah, you can help us. So make it easy on yourself to get out of a beating free card, fork over your cash.

Victor looks at her, deadpanned. Of course, he meets the bullies of this school.

Victor: And by orders of whom I'm giving my money to?

Doris: Name's Doris Zuel, I'm top dog around here.

Victor: Okay...

Harleen: I saw ya talkin' to Babsy Wabsy a few minutes ago, I'm her GBFF (Gotham Best Friend Forever), Harleen Quinzel, nice to meet ya!

Victor gave Harleen a small smile.

Victor: A pleasure to meet you Ms. Quinzel. Love your red & blue split style.

Harleen giggles with a blush.

Leslie: Name's Leslie Willis, you probably heard of me from my most famous vlogs on MetropoVids, nice to meet ya.

She holds out her hand for a handshake but Victor saw the electric sparks in her hand, assuming it was a joy buzzer, he gave a slight smirk and grabs her hand but instead of a shock, Leslie yelps in surprise & slight pain from the strong grip from Victor who shook her hand.

Victor: I'm new to metropolis so I haven't heard of your vlogs but it's nice... to meet you, Leslie.

Leslie: G-Good... to... Know... Hand b-back... Please?!

Victor releases his grip as Leslie pulls her hand back, wiggling it around in place.

Leslie: (in her mind) Damn, he nearly broke my hand. Wow, he has a strong grip...

Selina: I'm Selina Kyle, a pleasure to meet you Mr...

Victor: Emerald. Victor Emerald.

Selina: Ah, like the bright green crystal with a blue-ish texture. You are quite the gem, aren't you~?

Victor partakes of Selina's hand and kisses the ring on her finger.

Victor: Indeed. And the pleasure is mine to meet you, Ms. Kyle.

Selina: Rrrow, and a gentleman too~ (smirks slyly)

Victor: I take it you're rich as well?

Selina's eyes turned into diamonds, rich as well he says? So the new guy's rich too? Jackpot.

Selina: Well in a way, yes. You must be deep in luxury, eh?

Victor: Yeah, I come from a rich family, an 'accident' killed them and I have the fortune, my only aunt was only the one I had left but she is no longer with us. I mean, it's good to have wealth but I find the rich lifestyle to be a bore, most people wanna hang with you because of it and all-

Doris: Yeah, yeah whatever! We're not here to hear your sob story or make friends with you, rich geek! So fork over the cash or else...

Victor saw the angry fire in Doris's eyes, it mimicked his own in a way, his dark blue eyes turned green for a moment before reverting back, grinning.

Victor: Or. Else. What?

The students gasped, looking at Victor like he has a death wish.

Doris: Or you're dead meat!

Victor was silent for a moment before snickering.

Victor: Okay, okay. Let me just... Hahaha... Let me... Hahaha! Let me just simply comprehend what I'm dealing with right now. (To Selina) A beautiful girl with an alluring and mischievous complex with a deadly sneak & crafty mind behind the looks.

Selina blushes.

Selina: (in her mind) Well... He's not wrong.

Victor: (to Harleen) A fun loving, stylish, energetic prank type girl with a crazy wild side & isn't afraid to let it out.

Harleen: (giggles) Nailed it!

Victor: (to Leslie) A snarky, spunky punk girl with an eye for trouble, mischief & plays by no one's rules, becoming a bane of everyone's existence, and judging how you talk about the vlogs you post, makes you a massive sucker for the spotlight.

Leslie gave him a "WTF?!" look. She didn't know whether to be accepting of the praise or denying of the insult as he merged the two together.

Victor: (to Doris) And you no doubt are the one to dabble in sports, beat on those who are smarter or weaker than you but lack the intelligence to face someone with equal strength or intellect, making you the big, tough stupid one.

The students gasped even louder, they all thought clearly that the new guy has a death wish. Jessica was going to stop this from spiraling into a fight but Kara blocks her, wanting to see how this goes. Doris was fuming angrily.

Karen: U-Uh oh... I-I know that look...

Doris: (yells angrily) What did you say to me, ya smart mouth sh**?!

Victor: Did I stutter?

Doris went to punch him but he effortlessly moves out of the way.

Victor: Oh, someone's head is hotter than a volcano & it's not just your red hair.

Doris goes for a right swing but Victor ducks underneath.

Victor: Seriously, your raspberry red hair kinda looks like cotton candy. Did you get your head in the cotton candy machine?

Harleen laughed at that one. Doris growls in rage, launching herself at Victor to deliver a couple of solid swings and heavy punches but Victor would dodge or block the hits no problem.

Victor: Sloppy! Slow! Predictable! Not well timed! Close but no cigar!

Doris: Rrrrgghhh!!

Everyone was watching the fight unfold, Doris was throwing attack after attack but Victor was intercepting everything Doris threw at him, the bully unable to land a single hit.

Jessica: Girls, we need to stop this!

Kara: Nope. It's this new guy's fight & I ain't bailing him out.

Jessica: Kara!

Babs: He's just defending himself, Jess. And wow, he has some moves.

Diana: Truly impressive, yes. I may test him myself when I get the chance.

Jessica groans. Doris was getting tired and frustrated.

Doris: Hold stood freak!

Victor: Okay... (Cold tone) I think I've humored you long enough...

Doris threw another punch but Victor grabs the fist and nails Doris with a solid fist to the face, shocking everyone. He didn't stop there as he stayed on & hit an assortment of boxing jabs to Doris, who grunts in pain before backing up & finished it with a spinning roundhouse kick across Doris's face.

Doris: Ugh!

Doris spun around from the kick's impact before plummeting to the ground, barely conscious. Everyone, including Diana & her friends along with Selina & her crew were highly surprised. The new guy just beat Doris Zuel in a fight!

Victor: Game. Set. And Match-

He was cut off when he side stepped a straight kick from behind by Leslie, who went passed him as he grabs her hand and yanked the electric punk girl back, she yelped as she went down halfway as Victor kept her in place with his left hand holding hers & the right arm/hand wrapped around her waist, their face inches away from each other, in a dance duet position.

Leslie was as red as a tomato.

Leslie: (blushing) Eep...!

Dean: (cold stare) So... You wanna dance too, eh?

Leslie: I-I... Y-You...

Dean: (grins) Then let's dance.

And to everyone's jaw dropping, Victor would force Leslie in a sudden dance duet, making the shockjock unable to break away or stop blushing, switching from the tango to the waltz to the salsa & so on. The girl students were intrigued and impressed, especially Selina and Zee.

Selina/Zee: Rrrow, a fine dancer as well~./ Oh my, he can move in a duet like that, so elegant yet energetic~!

Leslie: Whoa! H-Hold on! Oh wow~! Hey! Stop that!

Victor: And for the final twirl!

Victor twirls Leslie around, releasing her as the shockjock was spinning across the cafeteria.


Leslie spun directly into the open cafeteria freezer, a loud bang was heard. Leslie was seen laying upside down in a pile of boxes of frozen foods, groaning with her eyes spinning dizzy like, unconscious.

Harleen: Hehehehehe! Me next! Me next!

Victor raised an eyebrow at her. A pained growl got his attention, looking back at Doris who was back up to ignore the bruises as she was raging mad now.

Doris: Huff... Huff... You. Are. So. Dead!!!

Victor: (grins) Still up huh? I'll fix that.

Before anyone could throw a fist, A yell from the principal was heard.

Mr. Chapin: That's enough!!!

Everyone turns to see Mr. Chapin marching towards the group, clearly upset.

Mr. Chapin: I already told you to not cause trouble but now I hear & see you in a fight on your first day? Do you have anything to say for yourself?

Victor: I kept your warning in mind but raspberry cotton candy head (Doris) & the cybern punk (Leslie) over here wouldn't leave me to my lunch so I had no choice but to defend myself.

Mr. Chapin looks at him, then Doris, then to Selina & Harleen, then to the unconscious Leslie and back to Victor.

Mr. Chapin: Very well... You won't get punished by suspension or detention but you will make up for it by doing some cafeteria cleaning this weekend.

Victor: Meh.

Mr. Chapin: As for you Doris, same as always, Detention on the weekend plus 2 and you can bring Leslie to the nurse & tell her she's on the chopping block too!

Doris groans, sending a heated glare at Victor, who sported a very scary grin that shook her a bit before she quickly ran to get Leslie and left the cafeteria, promising that she will get even with Victor.

Mr. Chapin: Now back to your lunch hour, and no more funny business!

He takes his leave, everyone went back to their lunches, some glancing at the new guy not only standing up to but surviving & beating Doris and Leslie, two of the biggest bullies in metropolis high. Selina and Harleen turn to Victor who glances at them.

Selina: You could've ratted me & Harleen out but why didn't you-

Victor: Meh. Didn't care. Plus, you two never really try to insult or lay a hand on me which would've ended badly.

Harleen: Well I gotta say ya got some moves, float like a butterfly and sting like a bee, Hehehe! Ya into boxin'?

Victor: Well I learned various forms of fighting, boxing included. Back at my old schools, I was a huge target, an outsider if you will. Had to strengthen myself.

Selina: Well I say it's paid off (eyeing him up & down)

Victor: You're not mad that I took out your friends?

Selina: Well normally we would be but the two will be okay & gunning at you later.

Victor: Good & I'll be waiting.

Harleen: Wanna hang out sometime?

Victor: Hmmmm, I keep you in mind.

Harleen squealed and pulls out her phone to trade numbers with Victor. Selina shrugs with a grin and decided to trade numbers with him as well before they went their separate ways.

He is already gonna like it here.


A few hours later...

After hours of classes he's taken which wasn't that bad, science being his main subject, school was over as everyone left the building. Victor was walking out too and walked over to his transportation, it was a bright green, sports motorcycle bike. Getting on it, Victor starts up the engines but notices a sports car with Selina in the driver's seat, Harleen riding shotgun with Pam, Carol, and Doris and Leslie, who had bandages wrapped around their heads, in the back.

Selina: (smirks) Hey Victor, nice ride~.

Victor: (smirks back) Thanks. Can say the same thing about your ride.

Harleen: I'm lovin' what I'm seein' in that motorbike! Lookin' to rev it up, Vroom Vroom!!

Victor chuckled.

Victor: Yep. School's not bad, has some interesting things and I bet this town does too, I'm really gonna like it here.

Harleen: Oh trust me, ya will! Oh, the two girls in the back are Carol and Pam!

Victor turns to the back, seeing Pam paying no mind to him and Carol was on her phone, she noticed Victor looking at her as he waved hello, she gave a brief wave before going back to her phone. He didn't really give the glares of Doris & Leslie any attention.

Victor: Well I'm heading home now, see ya when I see ya.

Selina: Oh trust me, we'll meet again real sooooon~.

Harleen: Buh-bye, Mistah E!

The girls drove off while Victor drove his motorcycle away from the school, traveling through the open roads of metropolis. After making a couple of turns, Victor made it to his new home, a massive dark gray & navy blue mansion with a beautiful well cut, large lawn, the place surrounded by a long/large black fence/gate. It opens as he drives in, parking the motorcycle in the driveway and heading inside with the keys for the door.

Inside of the mansion was even bigger and luxurious from the living room to the dining hall to the kitchen to the basement & entertainment center to the multiple bedrooms/guest rooms/bathrooms and more. Advanced security system, locks and a giant value for his wealth and trophies he took from his slain foes all kept in safely. Victor drops his bag to the recliner and plops on the couch.

Victor: Ah, this is absolutely glorious.

Grabbing the remote, Victor turns on the big screen TV, metropolis news popping up about a hero named Superman taking care of a giant monster, everyone cheering for Superman who basks in the glory. Victor rolls his eyes, while this Superman had quite the powers from the footage he's seeing, the gamma mutate hybrid saw egotism in this Man of Steel, reminds him of Iron Imperious.

Victor: Making a mental note to smash him into the ground one day.

He watched the news further, seeing other heroes from the... Invinci-bros? Victor thought the name sucked, but seeing Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Hawkeye, The Flash and even Aqualad in action made him intrigued in wanting to challenge this world's heroes. How many they are, he was reveling in the future opponents to take on. Then another footage showed on the news to reveal the superhero girls team of Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Zatanna, Batgirl, Green Lantern (but a girl one) & Bumblebee taking on the supervillain girls team of Catwoman, Livewire, Star Sapphire, Giganta, Poison Ivy & Harley Quinn in a heated battle. Victor observed both sides' powers, skills, weapons on the big screen in silence as this battle continued on the news... A malicious grin started to spread upon Victor's face as his eyes turned black with glowing green pupils.

Victor: Forget waiting for a challenge... (Dark voice) I think it's time I make my presence known now...

To be continued...

(Chapter 2 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Victor has made it to metropolis, I decided to have him arrive in the month of October for some Halloween ideas even though the holiday currently is months away outside the story. He enrolled in metropolis high school, Diana & Friends as well as Selina & her Crew make their debut. After school, he spots potential opponents in metropolis and it seems the fight between the superhero girls and supervillain girls has caught his attention, deciding for Grim Gamma to make his presence known. Watch out everyone, a green eyed nightmare is coming for you until next chapter! This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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