Hanging out with the girls

(A/N: Credit goes to Lightman2120 for the suggestions in this chapter.)

The next day...

It was a cloudy day in the city. At Metropolis High School, Victor was walking through the halls after history class was done, having a satisfied smile. Yesterday was a good day. Made an impression in dominance against two school bullies, kept in mind of three potential friends, and fought against the superhero girls, proving himself victorious over them & sending a haunting message to not just Metropolis but the entire world itself with his worldwide,  dark magic dome filled with his malicious intent... he was the talk of the planet, everyone was on notice, heroes who would try to stop him & villains who might want to challenge him for who gets to rule the world, while the rest feared him.

It was good. He welcomed that fear, welcomed those who would challenge him as his hulk side hungered for battle. Speaking of which, he enjoyed his test against the superhero girls, the ones he was most impressed with was Supergirl, Zatanna and Wonder Woman who were the only three who kept up with & damaged him while the other three members didn't measure up. Victor/Grim Gamma got what he wanted, for now he was going to lay low & enjoy his human life before the green eyed nightmare would strike again.

He opened his locker and placed his books inside, taking out a bag of lunch for the cafeteria, closing his locker only to jump a bit upon seeing Harleen standing there with a big smile.

Victor: (in his mind) Da f***?!

Harleen: Hello hello Victor! Enterin' day 2 of your warm welcome to Metropolis High School! Anythin' interestin' on your end, Huh? Huh? Huh?

Victor: Well... Classes are okay, the school is getting into the Halloween spirit with the decorations so far and I guess the students here aren't completely crazy or anything. Some wouldn't stop staring at me funny...

Harleen: Eh, they're probably still shaken up that ya managed to whoop both Doris and Leslie, who are the two nastiest bullies in school. Even the football team is afraid of muscles here.

Victor: And yet you're friends with them?

Harleen: Sure, muscles can be pushy and aggressive. And Sparky can be very naughty with the viral pranks on people but they're alright to have fun with.

Victor: (deadpan) Uh-huh...

Harleen: I'm a bit of prankster myself. So ya better hope ya have some candy this Halloween or I'm eggin' yer house with some silly strings and honey.

Victor couldn't help but chuckle. Despite who she hangs out with, he seems to like Harleen's cheerful yet wild & mischievous side.

Victor: How would you even try? You don't know where I live nor do you want to prank me. Cuz when I prank, it's no mercy...

Harleen's smile becomes a wide, scary grin.

Harleen: Oh... I can handle no mercy...

Victor laughs.

Victor: You are a crazy girl, two days here and I'm already starting to like you.

Harleen giggles. The two walk to the cafeteria.

Harleen: I tend to have that effect on others. So what are your plans for Halloween?

Victor: I don't know yet. Halloween is my favorite holiday, the tricks, the treats, the haunting areas, the monsters and most certainly the scares. However, I do not have anything that comes to mind yet.

Harleen gasps and grabs Victor by the shoulders.

Harleen: Then ya gotta come with me & Babsy to Gotham! The houses there have the best candy and haunted houses to get scared outta yer shoes!

Victor thought about it.

Harleen: Also, there's gonna be a massive Halloween party at our old Gotham High School, I have an extra ticket but my pals have other plans so would ya like to go with me, pretty please?!

Harleen had big, sparkly eyes in a puppy dog fashion. Victor was no stranger to that but he felt intrigued by this Gotham City for some reason & if there's better Halloween candy & haunted houses there, how can he say no?

Victor: You know what, my schedule is clear. Sign me up.

Harleen squealed and pulled him into a big hug.

Harleen: Thanks! Ya won't regret this!

Victor: I hope not.

The two approach the table Selina, Pam, Leslie, Carol & Doris was at. The muscle head and the shock punk gave Victor a heated & disgusted glare but the young man paid no mind while Selina smirks.

Selina: Hello there, Victor~.

Victor: Greetings Selina, I take it you're having a good day?

Selina: Oh I'm very ecstatic. And you?

Victor: Oh the usual.

Leslie: So just being a nobody is your usual. Tch, figures.

Victor: (unimpressed look) And you are...?

Leslie: I'm Leslie Willis, you moron! You humiliated me & Doris the other day!

Doris growls at him but said nothing.

Victor: (fakes being surprised) Oh, I remember you both now. (To Doris) I beat you on your turf, guess I'm the big dog now.

Doris was getting angry.

Victor: (to Leslie) And you, I remember taking you to the dance. You're not exactly bad on the moves, it's quite cute.

Leslie was caught off guard with a blush but shook it off, frustrated.

Leslie: Shut up! Don't think this is over, one way or another, you're going to pay!!

Victor grins, bending down to one knee and bringing both hands up in a gesture that says "bring it on."

Victor: I welcome your revenge... I'll be sure to invite you to the cage to knock you out again Doris & to take you to a brutal, ballroom blitz, Leslie....

Doris & Leslie gave him a "WTF?!" look, he wanted them to bring it? No one has ever done that & most people would be scared to cross the two yet this guy wasn't. It made them so mad. Selina chuckled while Carol & Pam couldn't help but snicker. Harleen was heard laughing, the girls and Victor turning to the blonde on her phone.

Selina: Something funny, harl?

Harleen: Yeah! Check out this video.

Victor and the bad girls look at the video. The bad girls couldn't help but laugh at the video, Victor looks at it in silence, seeing his battle with the superhero girls on harleen's phone. He couldn't help but smirk at his handiwork.

Leslie: Oh man, that is priceless!

Harleen: You're tellin' me! Those hero girls got the stuffin' beaten outta them!

Doris: (laughs) Yeah! Even got that puny bee girl running for the hills!

Carol: Serves that GL floozy right for trying to steal another girl's boyfriend!

Ignoring Carol's obsession, Pam stared at this Grim Gamma on video. While he did save her & friends from being locked forever in the Phantom Zone & defeated the superhero girls, She was cautious about the haunting message he sent to everyone across the world, she & her friends felt his intent, signaling humanity's end for a new age. While Pam herself hates humanity & wants to rule by nature, this Grim Gamma has a different world change. She already knows her friends along with Lex and his legion of doom are wondering what shall be done with him? She can already guess what the heroes are about to do, not that she cares.

Then something caught her eye, seeing Diana and her friends walking in but they were not looking well. Soon, the rest of the girls and Victor took notice of it. Diana had bandages wrapped around her forehead, bruises & a black eye. Babs had bandage patches on her left cheek, a bandage wrapped around her left leg & right arm. Jessica though it wasn't seen because of her dress, had bandages wrapped around her upper body due to having cracked ribs. Kara had bandages wrapped around her forehead, a bruise on her right cheek & bandages wrapped around her upper body & arms which were unseen by her clothes. Karen had minor injuries with band-aids on them but looked okay out of the rest, the same thing could be said about Zee too. They saw students reacting to their defeat at the hands of Grim Gamma, some winced at the sight, some were frightened and some laughed, especially Selina's crew, it brought a sour taste in the mouth of Diana & her group.

Victor: Yikes, you look like you've came out of a biker brawl.

Leslie: (laughs) And they ended up on the losing end of it!

Harleen: Babsy Boodle!

She ran over to her best friend, looking over her with a worried expression.

Harleen: What happened to ya?!

Babs: I-It's nothing really, Harleen. Just a bike accident.

Harleen: Bike accident nothin'! You look like you were in a banger of a slobber knocker fight! All of ya!

Kara: (irritated) Look, we got into a fight with someone, okay?! It got messy and don't worry about it, we took care of it, get off our backs already!

Kara stomps off.

Carol: Geez, who or what ticked her off?

Jessica: Sorry about her... She's been in that bad mood since yesterday.

Victor: What happened in that fight, you weren't... caught somewhere, were you?

Zee: We'd rather not talk about it further. As Kara stated, it was a bad fight. Thankfully, the wounds we received weren't fatal.

Victor narrowed his eyes suspiciously but decided to leave it alone. Unfortunately, Doris decided to kick someone while they're down, going over to her favorite victim, Karen.

Doris: (smirks) Since you're all banged up Beecher, I can take ya to the "nurse's office."

Karen knew that tone in Doris's voice, the shy genius knew she was going to either be shoved in a locker or have added injuries to her existing ones. Diana stood in-between Karen and Doris, glaring at the raspberry red head, while the Amazon is injured she wasn't going to let her friend get harmed.

Doris: Move out of the way, Prince!

Diana: Never, she's already injured. I won't allow you to instill more harm upon her!

Doris: Like you're in shape to stop me-

Victor: (voice suddenly cold) Doris. Leave the girl alone & sit down. She's been through enough.

Doris: (glares at Victor) Why don't mind your business?! You're not the boss of me-

Victor suddenly blurted out in rage.


Everyone was shocked by Victor's irate outburst, Selina & her crew and Diana & her friends especially. Doris started to shake from the look in Victor's eyes... the look that promised unimaginable pain & suffering if she makes one false move. The muscle head of the bad girls slowly went over to sit back down with her friends, looking away. Both crews had their own thoughts, especially Karen on why the new guy defended her? She barely interacted with him on the first day. Selina could've sworn Victor's voice deepened at the end of his threat to Doris.

Selina: (in his mind) Hmmmm... I could have sworn his pupils turned green for a second there. Quite odd... Is he something more than a human...? Is he like Doris, Pam & Leslie, a meta?

Victor was breathing heavily before he inhaled and exhaled, calming himself down. He never meant to snap like that, he's usually careful with keeping his anger in check. But Victor couldn't help it, he saw himself in Karen... before his training & powers, always being mocked & bullied. He couldn't stand it, he may be a villain but Victor gravelly disliked bullies.

Victor: Sorry... I blew up at you all. (To the girls) wish you all a speedy recovery. (To Karen, serious) ... Don't. Let. Anyone make you feel like you're nothing because of your flaws, I see great things in you. Don't forget, even the smallest of individuals can succeed.

Karen was shocked but felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders a little.

Victor: Here.

Victor reaches into his bag, pulling out a couple of chocolate swirled marshmallow cookies, handing them to Diana's group & Selina's crew minus Doris, Leslie & Kara.

Victor: Have one, it's on the house. I'm going to eat outside.

Harleen: Vic?

Victor immediately left the cafeteria.

Pam: Awkward...

Zee: What was that about?

Diana: I'm not sure... but at least he defended Karen. It's quite okay in my scroll (eats the special cookie)

Diana's eyes widened as a wave of flavor hit her taste buds.

Diana: It takes like... Victory!

Jessica and Pam tasted the special cookie.

Jessica: Muy Bien! (Very Good!)

Pam's eyes widened but on the inside... A thought bubble appeared with her with an emotionless expression before instantly having a happy smile going "Hehehehehe!" in a high, squeaky laugh before going back to her emotionless expression as the thought disappeared. But she loves the cookie.

Babs was already in a running/jumping frenzy from eating a second cookie. And Harleen quickly joined her after her first taste.



Carol ate the special cookie as she felt her face, a big warm smile forming with sparkles in her eyes.

Carol: The taste is so beautiful! So lovely~!

Zee tastes the cookie and got the same reaction.

Zee: Oh oh oh~! So heavenly! Absolutely exquisite~! How the flavor just dances around in my mouth!

Karen eats the cookie and had a big smile.

Karen: Fantastic!

Leslie: Hey, how come that loser didn't give me a cookie?

Doris said nothing as she was trying to figure out how this new guy was able to scare her? Her?! The toughest one in school? This can't be right, she thought.

And Selina finally eats her cookie and yowls.

Selina: Rrrrow~. My gosh, that's a purrrfect blend of sweetness~. (In her mind) Now that's to die for, I may need to steal that recipe along with his heart~.


A few hours later...

After school was over, Victor immediately went straight home. Parking his motorcycle & entering his mansion, Victor still had some pent up aggression from the scene with Doris picking on Karen even though she looked like the shy genius has been through enough. He really could not stand bullies in the least. Rather than to go Grim Gamma to blow off some steam in causing destruction to draw out some heroes to smash into the ground, he decided to release that aggression in training.

Going downstairs into a massive basement build like a man cave with a laundry room, entertainment center, wrestling ring, octagon MMA style cage ring, dojo mat, extra guest rooms, etc, Victor changes into a black top and dark gray pants as he approaches the exercise equipment, taking out mixed martial arts gloves to put them on & facing the heavy punching bag with a harden stare. He begins to unload his offense on the punching bag, delivering a furious and swift display of kickboxing style fists and kicks, each hit harder than the last as memories flashed into his mind of himself before his training and obtaining powers, how he was a weak target, how his siblings would pay their friends to rough him up and/or beat him to near death. His eyes flashed green & with an angry yell, Victor landed a straight punch to knock the boxing bag off it's stand and crashed into the wall.

The young teenager was breathing heavily with sweat pouring down his head, slowly calming down as his green eyes reverted back to his normal color. He really needed that. He grabs a towel to wipe his forehead & some water to drink. Victor turns to the bursted punching bag on the floor, he chants inverted like a green aura reforming the punching bag, now good as new.

Victor: I know I have spares but can't let the first go to waste.

He leaves the basement and heads upstairs in the bathroom to freshen up. Later after his shower, Victor went to the kitchen to make a meal when he heard his phone ringing. He goes over to his bag to take out his phone, seeing Harleen's contact calling there. He decided to answer the call.

Victor: Hello.

Harleen: (on the phone) Hello there Mistah E!

Victor: Ummmm hey, Harleen. How's it going?

Harleen: (on the phone) Oh nothin' much, just givin' Babsy Wabsy some company!

Babs: (on the phone) Hello there Vic!

Victor: Hello Babs. You... Feeling better?

Babs: (on the phone) I'm okay, nothing completely broken or anything.

Harleen: (on the phone) I'm glad she's okay despite a few bumps and bruises in the road cuz if I find the person who hurt my friend... (angered tone) I will literally bash their brains in & take the matter, put it a blender on high & feed 'em their own brain juice!

Victor: .... Well glad you're looking out for your best friend.

Harleen giggles.

Babs: (on the phone) Also, about what happened in the cafeteria... Thank you for standing up for Karen, though you kinda scared us.

Harleen: (on the phone) I'll say, ya blew up like a dynamite there, ya okay?

Victor: No problem & I'm okay, just some bad memories and Doris attempting to hurt Karen brought them up. I had to blow off some steam which is over.

Babs: (on the phone) That's great. The reason why we're calling is to ask you if you want to hang out at the pier?

Victor: Hmmmm... I don't know, I'm not-

Harleen: (on the phone) C'mon Vic, you'll love the place, especially in the spook fest spirit! Haha! Spirit!

Babs: (on the phone) It'll be fun!

Victor: Guys, as much as I'd like to attend, I'm gonna pass for now.

Harleen & Babs: (on the phone, both pleading) Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase?!

Harleen: (on the phone) You have been on edge buster & we're tryin' to help ya live a little, don't make me have to hunt ya down!

Babs: (on the phone) Harleen?!

Victor: You don't even know where I live.

Harleen: (on the phone) More fun for me to hunt for ya, all I have to do is spot a house I haven't seen before in the city & I have mah target. So... Ya feelin' lucky for the huntin' game~?

Victor was silent for a moment before he was laughing. This girl was crazy but in a good way, she just doesn't cease to make him laugh.

Victor: Hahahahaha! No no, it's fine. Man, you're a mad girl, aren't you?

Harleen: (on the phone) Hehehehehe, want me to be madder...?

Victor: Okay, okay, you convinced me. I'll go to the pier with you guys.

Victor backs up as two loud squeals were heard through the phone.

Babs: (on the phone) We'll text you the location! You're gonna have fun like there's no tomorrow!

Harleen: (on the phone) Better be ready to unleash that wild side for the night Mistah E! See ya soon!

They hung up the phone, Victor then heard a beep sound via text message to see the GPS location to metropolis pier from Harleen. Victor then thought about this, perhaps this won't hurt a bit to hang out with Harleen & Babs.



Victor was riding his motorcycle and following the GPS on the pathway to the metropolis pier. Very soon, said pier was in his eyesight and it was decorated for the month of spooks. Victor smiles under his helmet as he drives over to the pier, seeing a familiar sports car, parking his motorcycle near it.

Harleen's voice: Vic buddy, glad ya made it!

He turns to see Harleen getting out of the car followed by Selina, Carol and Pam.

Selina: Well hello Victor~.

Victor: Hello Selina. I didn't expect to see you, Carol and Pam here. I thought it was only Harleen & Babs.

Selina: Harleen's friend is running a little late but you wouldn't mind our company, would you...?

Victor saw the sly smile on Selina's face.

Victor: I wouldn't mind it, it's a free country. If you girls wanna be at the pier, who am I to tell you to get lost?

Selina chuckles.

Carol: I still can't believe Hal Jordan wouldn't go with me to the pier for spook fest, he didn't sound sick! Ugh! He does this every time!

Victor: Who?

Carol gasps.

Carol: You don't know who Hal Jordan is? For the new guy, you are slow.

Victor had a blunt frown.

Victor: I've been here for two days and I never heard of or met this Hal Jordan. Am I supposed to know or care who that is?

Carol: (arms crossed, frowns) If you must know, Hal Jordan is the star quarterback of Metropolis High's Hamsters Football team, the most handsome & good looking guy in school & (smiles dreamily) my boyfriend/future husband~!

Victor gave her an awkward stare. Selina whispers to him. 

Selina: (whispers) It's kinda an on/off relationship between the two. Carol can be very clingy and stalker-ish. Hal broke up with her via text message on Valentine's day instead of doing it face to face yet she still obsesses over the self centered, obnoxious, "ladies man" himself.

Victor gave her a brief nod. Creepy love sickness alert. He didn't do crazy romantic drama and something tells him if he met this Hal Jordan, he'd punch him in the face & one fist for his throat, for sh**s and giggles.

Carol: Helloooooooo! Are you listening to me, new guy?

Victor: Sorry, yeah. Just... Thinking about throat punching someone....

Carol: Okay... (Mutters) Weirdo...

A limo arrives to stop by, the side door opening with Babs and Zee coming out of the vehicle.

Babs: Leenie Beanie!

Harleen: Babsy Wabsy!

The two embraced each other.

Babs: (to Victor) And I see you made it to the pier!

Victor: Well I needed some fun for a while. (Turns to Zee) I see you brought one of your friends?

Babs: Yep! Everyone else was busy though.

Zee: I had nothing on my schedule so why not? Oh my, I haven't properly introduced myself since we've met but barely interacted at school. My name is Zee Zatara.

Babs: She's quite a fabulous type expert in magic acts, aiming to be the best magician like her father.

Victor: Oh a magician, eh? My name is Victor Emerald, I do love magic shows and you definitely have the looks, kean eye and allure for it.

Zee giggles.

Zee: Why thank you, Victor. Much appreciated. If it's a magic performance you're looking, I'll be more than happy to give you an awe inspiring show or two~? (smiles)

Victor: (smiles) I'm looking forward to your mystic wonders, Lady Zatara.

Zee felt her heart suddenly skip a beat. Lady Zatara? She loved the ring to it, maybe there was more to this new guy than she thought. Selina narrowed her eyes a bit of the magic teenager, ignoring that feeling in her mind.

Selina: Ahem, anyways... While we don't usually interact with one another, there won't be any issues. Let us just unwind and enjoy the spook fest pier.

Harleen: Now ya speakin' my language! Let's go crazy with the spooky!

Harleen and Babs run to the pier with Victor, Selina, Carol, Pam & Zee following behind. A montage of fun begins as the group would enjoy the spook fest special; Victor was seen with Harleen and Babs riding the Frightful Coaster, everyone was screaming from the haunting visuals while Harleen & Babs cheered and Victor laughed. Next was the annual haunted fun house of whacked out rooms, secret passageways, jump scares, strange noise and monsters that lurk in the dark, Babs and Harleen hug each other in fright, Carol was shaking, Pam was holding on to Phil & Victor admired every horrifying visage thrown at him.

Selina was owning the skee-ball game, earning ticket after ticket, She would sneakily take other's tokens for some other new horror games like the creature slime dunk to hit the target into a bunch of monster ooze, she was no fool with the game being rigged so giving her best shot, the target was hit hard enough for the cheap artist to get dunked in slime. She managed to get a prize which was a beautiful and stylish masquerade cat mask. Zee and Carol were partaking of the Scary-o-round with skeleton/zombie horses. Then the two decided to head to the monster booth to take pictures of themselves if they were creatures of the night. In the pictures of the two with peace signs, funny and scary faces and a huge hug with a smile, Zee was a beautiful dark sorceress and Carol was a gorgeous vampire. Victor then joined the two girls & selina in the monster group photos, Selina as a werecat & Victor was a green orc.

Pam was riding the Ferris wheel with Phil, then she would partake in a meat eating contest which she won considering the plant girl had skipped her meal on the way here, earning a gold pumpkin medal. She would then get into a playful yet crazy battle with Harleen in a horror style lazer tag: Monster vs Hunter edition, which Pam didn't really feel like doing but Harleen being persistent would get her to enjoy it a little. Babs was riding the bumper cars with Victor, then the two would try a game of whack-a-skull, similar to Whack-a-Mole as Babs went pro on this, though it looks easy to Victor, Babs pointed out that it took years to master & she proved Victor right considering he only got a few hits compared to how much Babs got. Next was the arcade as Victor, Babs and Harleen would play nearly every new game in there, swarming with tickets. Zee and Carol would try out the new Haunt-O-Dance revolution game, following the steps of each monster style dance moves until the violet lantern got the high score, earning a beautiful platinum & violet monster dance queen crown.

Pam was throwing darts at the monstrous clown balloons, missing a few but got enough to get a prize which was a plant monster plushie. Next was the test of strength challenge, using the hammer to hit the high bell to get a prize, Babs saw one of the prizes to be a limited edition nightmare batman bust, she had to have it. She would try to use the hammer but it was heavy as she hit the bullseye but it didn't even reach the bell. After many failed attempts, Victor decided to step in, taking the hammer and bringing it down on the bullseye with the bell going to hit the top with a loud "ding!" Victor got Babs the nightmare batman bust, much to her excitement. They kept enjoying themselves til their hearts content of the fun and the fright in the night.



The group was seen leaving the pier with tons of prizes and treats in hand.

Babs: That was one of the most fun I've ever had!

Harleen: Ditto on that one, Babsy! It was the night of the wildest nights as I can remember! All these prizes and delicious treats I'm gonna eat until I drop into a sugar coma, hahahaha!

Babs: So Vic... Whatta ya think? Had a great time, huh?

Victor: It was... Wonderful! (Laughs)

Babs and Harleen smiled widely and bear hugged him.

Pam: You seem chipper than before.

Victor: Forgive me for that, having too much chocolate can make me more energetic.

Zee: Hehehehe, and I thought Diana had a sweet tooth.

Victor: The Greek girl with dark blue hair?

Zee: Oh yes, when she was introduced to Sweet Justice, she ravaged her dessert along with ours.

Babs: And let's not forget the pumpkin pie eating contest, she ate her share along with Doris and Barry's share when they couldn't eat anymore. Jess and I tried to tell it's over & she won but Di was crazy, man! She nearly ate Lois's hand off for the last pie!

Victor was struggling not to laugh.

Selina: (chuckles) Hehehe, I was wondering why Doris called in sick from a... night of fun (crime spree).

Carol: Yeah, eating all those sweets. While I too love desserts, I most certainly couldn't eat a ton or two of it, I'm watching my figure.

Zee: That I agree with you on.

Victor: I want to say thank you for a wonderful time you've shown me at the pier. Really appreciate it.

Babs & Harleen: You're welcome!

Selina: No problem Victor.

Zee: You're welcome dear.

Pam nodded. Carol appreciated the praise so far.

Victor: Well, I better get going on home. I'll see ya when I see ya.

Selina: Hold on.

Victor stopped in his tracks, turning to Selina.

Selina: Who says the night has to end now? It is still young and I believe it calls for a special honor of continuing the fun.... (sly smile to Victor) at your place~.

Victor: You want to see my home?

Selina: Of course, perhaps a tour is in order~.

Harleen: And maybe a movie!

Victor: Hmmm... I guess it wouldn't hurt to show you where I live. Sure.

Selina: Excellent.

Babs: Sweet!

Harleen: To the Emerald Cave, hahahaha!

Victor got on his motorcycle while Selina and the others got in the sports car & limo and followed the teenager on the road.


After the ride, the group entered Victor's mansion. It looked very marvelous in the group's eyes, though Pam eyed a well beautiful garden. Victor opens the door and welcomes Selina, Harleen, Babs, Carol, Zee and Pam inside, eyeing the place.

Carol: This place is huge & luxurious!

Zee: Fancy and truly a work of art!

Harleen: I'll say. Ya can have the mother of all wild parties in here!

Babs: Or the mother of all Gotham conventions!

Victor: Yep. It's just me here. Me & my butler.

That's when a middle aged man with short black hair, goatee, green eyes and wearing a three piece suit and dress shoes appeared. Victor created him via constructing fantasy magic.

Butler: Hello there master victor. I see you brought guests?

Victor: Of course. Everyone, this is Thomas.

Thomas: Greetings. Would you like to be given the tour?

Selina: Oh we insist.

Victor: Alright.

The girls were given the tour by Victor and Thomas, showing them his entire mansion from top and bottom, so many things getting the girls' attention. Soon, they reached the last room which was a large garage with a lot of well custom cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.

Babs: Yowza! You have a collection of vehicles!

Victor: It was my father's unfortunately... But I plan on giving them away to earn some more bucks while keeping a select few of 4 to 5 of them.

Zee: Well, I wouldn't mind picking out a car here.

Carol: Don't you have a limo?

Zee: Yes but I still wish to drive myself sometimes.

Selina then eyed a custom dark purple and black Lamborghini in the row.

Selina: Mmmmm, now that's a purrrfect ride, how much for it~?

Victor: Oh for an early sale, that custom one's 2,000.

Selina thought about stealing it instead in Victor's sleep but the feline thief was feeling generous tonight. Out from the bank of millions she "borrowed" from, Selina pulls out 2,000 dollars & gives it to Victor.

Victor: Thank you very much.

Thomas hands Victor the keys to the car which he hands to Selina.

Victor: Enjoy your new car, miss kyle.

Selina: (chuckles) Oh I plan on it.

Babs: I thought you weren't going to use your riches to get friends.

Victor: I ain't. While it's nice having wealth, I'm not going to make people be friends with me because of it. Selina struck a deal with me for the car, not my friendship. I want people to see me for me, not my riches and status.

Zee: Well at least you have class unlike some people with their wealth.

She was referring to one of the individuals, being a certain bald megalomaniac billionaire/evil mastermind.

Selina was already in her new car, starting the engine. Thomas already opened the garage door.

Selina: Gotta love the car purring for me~.

She drove out of the garage with great speed, driving around the mansion.

Victor: Well... She's loving the car. Anyone else want to pick out a vehicle before I close them for sunday's sale?

Zee: Hmmmm, I'll wait until the sale.

Harleen: Me too. I'm thinkin' of buyin' a motorcycle or a party bus.

The rest declined.

Victor: Alright then. I guess we'll end this night with a movie.

Harleen: Yes! What genre?

Victor smirks evilly as lightning flashed outside in the background.


In the living room, the lights were out with the big screen TV illuminating the room with Victor, Selina, Zee, Carol, Pam, Babs and Harleen sitting either on the couch, recliner or the floor watching a creature feature movie. Carol was biting her nails and shaking. Pam's eyes widened and averted Phil's "eyes." Babs and Harleen were quickly eating popcorn while also shaking at the sight of the scary pop-ups. Selina and Zee would jump at the killer scare, wrapping themselves around Victor.

Though Zee was scared, she couldn't help but blush a bit before separating herself from the new guy, she's known him for two days, she can't be falling for Victor. She's heard about love at first sight but still. Selina, on the other hand, pretended to be scared to get a reaction from Victor, secretly smirking at his small blush.

Selina: (in her mind) Awww, the handsome outsider has a blush. Perhaps there's more to him than just looks and wealth, he doesn't know it yet, but surprisingly to myself that he's stolen my heart & now I'm going to steal his.

She glances at Zee.

Selina: (in her mind) So she has a blush as well, the magician likes him too. I'm game for a little man hunt but only one can catch the prized prey, hehehehehe~.

Victor was also lost in thought, getting a strange feeling.

Victor: (in his mind) Why do I get the odd feeling that I'm going to be caught in a bizarre love circle? .... Oh please, like that could ever happen to me.

To be continued...

(Chapter 4 is finished! Please vote, comment and let me know what you think of it! Everyone including the villain girls witness the superhero girls' defeat at the hands of Grim Gamma, and both heroes and villains are wondering what must be done about the green eyed nightmare. Victor hangs out the girls comprised of Selina, Carol, Pam, Harleen, Babs and Zee. The reason why Leslie & Doris didn't join is because of their grudge against Victor but they'll warm up to him eventually. I had one of the love interests Harleen to bond with him the most as well as Zee & Selina warming up to him too. And it looks like things are cooking up for the love of Victor, especially with Selina planning to claim him first, what's going to happen? Find out in due time. Next chapter will be an interaction with Carol with a fighting complication along the way, see ya then! This is omegacrow-nexus fading to black.)

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