#sweet justice part 2

Diana:By the white beard of Zeus, what is this place?

(Y/N): That my Amazon friend is called a mall.

Babs:You're right (Y/N) and normal teenager lesson
number one, never say stuff like... "By the white beard of
Zeus." Lesson number two, you gotta look the part. Bright
colors, big logos, be bold!

Then Kara grab Diana and hand her leather clothing.

Kara:Leather, lots and lots of leather.

Than Babs grab Diana and show her a phone.

Babs:Lesson 3, your phone is your life. Pics, emails, texts, shopping, social media, every single bit of knowledge mankind has ever known.

Then Jessica grab Diana and make her drop the leather
clothing, she then hand her organic cotton clothing.

Jessica:Uh, no leather. These were all made with organic cotton from Turkey.

Then karen hand diana some clothes

Karen:Dress to not draw attention to yourself. But not
too much, or you risk drawing attention to yourself

Then Babs push Diana into a changing room.

Babs:Now, get in there and be normal.

Some time later, Diana came out of the changing booth and she is wearing a mix up of clothing

(Y/N):uhhh i think that's too much

Then Babs got an idea.

Babs:I know. Accessories!

Babs ran to get some accessories, only for Zee to trip her.
Zee:Have you finished tormenting this poor girl? Then,
allow me. detcefrep rennam lla ni stcefrep kool!

Zee then cast a spell on Diana to give her a new look.

(y/n):now that's more like it


Jessica:Oh, she's good.

Zee:Ladies and (y/n) may I present Diana Prince. Foreign exchange student from Greece. Geek chic.

Diana:And these garments give me the appearance of a typical mortal female adolescent?

(Y/N):Yeah, pretty much.

Jessica:Oh yeah.

Zee:Oh, yes.

Kara:I guess.

You all are on the rooftops as Diana changes back in her Wonder Woman outfit.

Diana:If we are to be a team, then I must know your
skills and abilities.

Diana then turn to Jessica.

Diana:You! Name, rank, skills!

Jessica:Uh... Hi, I'm Jess. I'm a cadet in something
called the Green Lantern Corp. And... Oh, boy. Well, see, I
was given this power ring by these weird aliens. They are
sort of like space cops and they patrol these different
sectors. You know what, the whole thing is really
complicated. I can make stuff with this ring.

She use her ring to make a potted plant.

Babs:That is so cool! Do a pogo stick.

Jessica then makes a pogo stick.

Babs:A burrito.

Jessica then makes a burrito.

Babs:A mucho megarrito supremo with the works!

Diana:With this ring of the gods, you may produce any weapon imaginable to beat your enemies into submission?

Jessica:Well, in theory, yes. But I don't believe in violence.

Diana:Admirable. So how shall you be known?

Jessica then put on her green lantern outfit.

Jessica:Green Lantern? Kinda comes with the ring.

Diana:Good. And you, Batgirl?

Babs:I can do all sorts of cool stuff. Even though I don't have any alien rings or anything, but I'm really good at figuring things out. And I make the coolest bat gadgets, like this! Bat barometer and this glow-in-the-dark bat
staff. And these bat grappling hooks that I was totally this close to using when Batman was fighting Professor Pyg on the roof of this building. But then Robin showed up, and Batman had to save him. And you know how that goes. And I never actually got to show him how they
work. And I never even got to meet him, but that's a whole different story, so I...

Diana:you lack focus

Then babs put her bat girl outfit


(y/n):uhh...that was fast

Diana then turn to Zee.

Zee:You can call me the mysterious, the fabulous, the
awe-inspring... Zatanna!

Zee then use her magic to change into her outfit.

Diana:Impressive. Have you other skills?

Zee:I can turn a red heart black. Ever seen a jumping jack? Go ahead, check behind your ear.

Diana then check behind her ear and found a Jack of diamonds.

Diana:What sorcery is this? I have seen enough. Though you possess great quantities of style, you must learn to channel your magic into a cause. Our cause. And I am afraid this uniform will not suffice. Think of another.

Zee was shock from what Diana said.
Babs:Try a cape.

Then Diana turn to Karen as she was working on her suit, when she saw Diana, she tried to keep calm.

Diana:What can you do?

Karen:I can, um... I'm still sort of working out the kinks.

She press some buttons and then she shrink and then her wings starts to buzz.

Karen:Oh, the wings aren't supposed to buzz like that.
I'm working on rocket launchers, but they malfunction. The whole thing is all messed up. I wanted to be big and strong, so people would notice me, but... my growth tech backfired, and now I'm even smaller and more invisible than before. I should just go home.

Diana then pick her up with her hand and look at her.

Diana:You possess far more strength than you know. You simply lack confidence, little Bumblebee.

Karen:I actually prefer the indestructible, gamma phase,
1000 k—


Karen then revert back to normal size.

Babs:Trust me, it's way better.

You then walk to Karen.

(Y/N):You know i sensed some potential to you karen but you didn't discover your inner self

Hearing that karen smiled at you

Karen: thanks (y/n)

Diana:And you, we've seen your incredible strength. Is there anything more you have to offer?"

Kara:*scoffs* Not to you. I'm no hero, "Princess." That racket's for

Diana:You could be the greatest hero the world of Man has ever known. You simply lack proper motivation!

Diana then grab Babs and throw her into the distance the girls gasp. Kara then took notice and did a quick change and fly after Babs.

Jessica:Have you lost your mind?

You and the girls as Diana smirks as she see Kara as she caught Babs in her arms.

Kara:Okay, fine. I am a superhero, all right. *scoff*So what?

Babs:*gasp*Again! Again, again, again!

Later, you and the girls are in a junkyard and you see Zee
in a new outfit while you were sitting on some of the destroyed cars

Zee:Ugh, I conjured a new outfit to hang out in a junkyard?

Babs:Shh. She knows what she's doing.

Diana:Soldiers! Our mission is to save the world of Man.

Babs:That's right.

Diana:In order to do this...

Babs:Preach, sister!

Diana:...we must learn to save...


Diana:...man himself.

She pointed at a bunch of mannequins that look like women.

Karen:Um, I think those are ladies.

Diana then throws a hubcap at a pile of cars, making them fall on the mannequins as the girls gasp but Diana ran to them and grabbed them while doing falling cars and then stands on a pile of cars.

Diana:And now, it is your turn.

Kara was next as she was in a crowd of mannequins as
Diana made a pile of cars fall then Kara flies to the cars
and smash them with one punch, she was smiling but the girls were in shock while you face palm yourself as Diana had a look of disappointment as Kara look down and saw that the
mannequins were destroyed.

Later, you and the girls went to a comic book store.

Babs:Normal teenager lesson number four. Pop culture.

Zee:Culture? Is she kidding?

Babs then gasp at the comic that Zee was holding.

Babs:O-M... No way! It's the super-rare Batman giant super-special with limited edition pull-out Batman poster.
I would kill for this!

Diana:Have you learned nothing? We must protect the
innocent, not engage in needless slaughter over material goods.

Jessica:Diana, it's just an expression.

(Y/N):She doesn't mean literally.

Jessica: (Y/N)'s right, it a figure of speech. For instance, if you are hungry, you might say, "I'd kill for a burrito."

Jessica then point at a burrito stand.

Jessica:Go on, you try.

Diana then take a deep breath and quickly went to the burrito stand.


This scares the vendor as he run away from her, Diana then holds out some money.

Diana:Accept my payment or PERISH!

Later, you and the girls are back in the junkyard and it
was Zee's turn to save mannequins as they were about to be crushed by a compacter as Diana wanted Zee to go first as Zee use her magic as the compacter crushes a car. Zee then sent a beam of magic to the machine as it turned it off as She landed on the ground and conjured clapping hands as she was bowling as you and the others were not happy at what you saw as Babs got Zee to look at the compacted mannequins as Zee was in shock.

Later, we see Kara holding onto a chain that is holding a dog as Jessica place a steak on a mannequin's face as she tries not to throw up as she went with the others as Karen shrank and aim her rocket launchers at the dog as Kara let the dog loose. Karen then press the button but the missiles aren't firing and she flew all the way to Diana as She watched the dog eat the steak, she then fainted as Diana patted her for comfort. Then you all see the dog run off with he mannequin's head as you and the girls chased after it

Later, Babs place her feet into a foot bath.

Babs:Normal teenager lesson number 26. Uh, what are
we doing again?

Zee:Pampering ourselves. Isn't it relaxing? An important
part of being a teenage girl is taking care of yourself.

The girls were getting their nails done as you were getting massaged by your back by spa employees while kara are sitting on a couch. As The other spa employees were trying to get Diana's nails done.

Diana:And, in the world of Man, the toe-nail is the point
of focus?

Zee:Precisely. Isn't this fun?

Spa employee:Such enormous calluses.

Diana: Ugh

Spa employee:Time for the big gun.

She pull out a foot sander.


She pulled out her lasso and started to chase the spa employees as you and Kara took notice and chase her.
Later, back in the junkyard, we see an entire horde of mannequins and there was a stuffed cat on a tree as
Diana was trying to get her to get it, but she got distracted by a butterfly. She then got her attention as she pointed at the tree. Babs then run and beat the
mannequins and then grab the stuffed cat. She held it up and Diana look disappointed as you tilt your head as Kara facepalm while the others look in shock.

Babs:Uh, those weren't bad guys?

Next, there was a group of mannequins as Diana showed
Jessica that Babs was driving and excavator as it roared like a monster. Diana wants her to fight it as Jessica refuses to fight, Diana walk away in frustration as Jessicathen use her ring to lock the mannequins in a safe and send them far away and then she smirk at Diana as shepoints at the others as the excavator got Kara as Jessica was in shock and ran to help her as the others tried to help her, but Kara broke free sending pieces of metal at

You and the girls were now at the junkyard

(y/n): okay I just wanna tell you that you're 100% officially failed in saving those mannequins

Kara: jeez ya think

(y/n): But hey have a little leap of faith I'm sure you can pull it off in these times

Unaware of diana she throws one of the broken cars at (y/n) as the rest of the girls tried to warn you

Babs: (y/n) look out

But (y/n) saw this one coming so he grab something and then


As the girls saw you unharmed. But what's more surprising is that the destroyed car was sliced in half with your hilt that has a plasma-like blade it was your trusted saber given by your partner ....... The X-Saber

Babs: Ha, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I knew you have some skills (y/n)

(y/n): Ok guys, you got me,

Diana: So is it true that you have powers, Mr. (l/n)

(y/n): well i wouldn't say powers more like advanced technology but Yes, I do. But Can we start over the skills and abilities. Name, rank, skills?

Diana: Sure, can you tell use you skills and abilities?

(y/n): Well for starters I have 2 main weapons and 64 special weapons in my arsenal 'all of them were shocked but babs was excited that I said that' but it's best to show you all


As he said those words while raising his fist he was struck by lightning blinding them as he begins to transform as his eyes were closed and his body was covered in a blinding light the out of nowhere a helmet spawned on his head and then all parts of his armor were on (y/n)'s body as his blue eyes now become green as his right hand turned into an arm cannon called x-buster a.k.a mega buster mk.17 as he turns into 360 spin and aiming the buster completing his transformation

As the girls were in awe of seeing (y/n)'s transportation

(y/n): This armor is made of titanium x alloy and can withstand extreme temperatures and i can access some of the upgraded armors and my special double gear system which can enhance my mobility and power of my buster

Diana: Amazing. So how shall you be known?

(y/n):I will become Mega Man X, the Maverick Hunter hero, the shining blue beacon of light"X"

When babs heard the word "Maverick Hunter" she gasp in realization as when she sees the badge when they first met

Babs: wait were you affiliated with the special forces called the Maverick Hunters.

(y/n): *snaps fingers* spot on.

Babs: but why are you here?

(y/n): my team thought i worked very hard that i became stressed and my friends thought it's the right time that i take a break

Diana: then shall we test your abilities

Then it was your turn, and it's simple, keeping the public safe
from explosions. Diana then throw a gasoline barrel at
you as Kara use her heat vision on it and it explodes. You used shotgun ice, to freeze the barrel. And Diana looks impressed.

Later, you and the girls are at a movie theater while Kara was  asleep.

Babs:Normal teenager lesson number 86... Romance.

Aiden:I never wanted to love her, Alexandra. But she's the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me, ever. So, why hasn't Caitlyn texted me?

Alexandra:She just needs time, Aiden. It's only been two days. If she texts after three days, that's irrevocable love.

Diana:What is happening?

Karen:Aiden just realized he can't live without Caitlyn. But Alexandra is telling him that Caitlyn won't text until tomorrow, because that's exactly what Michael didn't do to her when they broke up. And, isn't it all just so sad and beautiful?

Diana: Teenage males are very confusing.

Jessica, Babs, Karen, Zee:Tell me about it!

(y/n): oi really

The girls look at (y/n) and you give them the 'seriously' glare

Jessica:No offense (Y/N).

(y/n):none taken.

Caitlyn was looking through a window but then Aiden went through the door.


She looked as she took her glasses off as Aiden came to

Aiden:You will be mine, Caitlyn. Forever.

Diana:Beware, Caitlyn! Aiden attacks!

Diana then pull out a sword and then charge at the screen, but you managed to catch her by the waist and hold her down.

(Y/N): ok calm down diana it's just a movie

But what you don't know that Diana was blushing uncontrollably as the other girls were getting a bit jealous of that. After the movie ended, you and the girls head outside.

Kara:She is just not getting it, you guys.

Babs:No! I am not giving up on this team. There's got to be some place to loosen up an uptight warrior princess.

(Y/N):Great, Any ideas?

Karen:Oh, I know.

You all head to the pier as you all head to the carnival. You were playing see ball and Kara tried to roll a ball, but instead, she destroyed the machine. Diana tried a slice of pizza but the cheese stretch as she tries to catch but only to get tangled in it, you and girls began to laugh at it.
Then you and the girls rode on carousel horses then you all ride on a rollercoaster as you were screaming on the top of your lungs in fright, after that you went to the nearest trash bin and let it all out, and then Babs and Diana were dancing while a guitar player were playing music. Diana then encounter a photo booth and then Diana was pushed into it. It took several pictures but the final picture has
you and the girls together.

Meanwhile, at Lexcorp, there was a mysterious figure
typing on a computer as it was putting a program into an,
army of demo bots.

So an another threat is rising not much of a maverick threat will the girls and "X" save the day

Awakened_Z3R0 out

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