Sweet Justice/Paranegades Debut/Training

Boss: It's time we show them, that we exist. It's our time now.

(Lighting flashes, to reveal the members on the roof)

Raijuken: So what's the agenda, Arsene Loupe?

Arsene: Each of you follow them at whatever places they go to, and report back when done surveillance, and at the right moment, we'll introduce ourselves to them.

(That said, Arsene spreads his cape as he jumps off... Before gliding up as he is flying)

Raijuken: See you guys later. [His feet taps the wire as he gets absorb, and travel across the lines]

The Jester: Guess it's time for our show to start! [he stretches his arms as they grab the sides of the roof slowly walking back as his arms suddenly get longer with the sound of something rubbery stretching sound] See ya! [he jumps as he slingshot himself away.]

The green horned boy crouches down, before jumping high to another far building, leaving behind cracks on his spot.

The dark Lantern nods as he slowly levitates and flies away at a deafening speed.

The gorilla grunts at the giant reptile and wolf, as they both respond with a hiss and growl, both of them jump as their bodies glow and go to the shoulder pads with symbols, then jump to another building and go to another one.

As the people left, it was monitored by a small drone with the same armor from Messiah beeping as it sends it back to the receiver.

Messiah flies after receiving it from the drone, then arrives to see the mall.

Messiah: Whoa, it's so big I might bring my parents and brother here.

He goes to the alley as the armor comes apart to revert to Seth Crosser, and walks in as he hears Babs and the girls, getting new clothes for her to fit in.

Seth didn't come alone as another boy was seen walking while he spies on the girls.

The boy appears around their age, having shoulder length hair that appears bright red, olive-green eyes with dark brown eyebrows. Currently wearing a long sleeve shirt (the kind that comes out of shoulders), Capri pants and laces less shoes. He is Ian Isley, who is called Geviba in another name, Pamela Isley's brother.

Ian: [pulls out his phone and calls] Gev to Loupe, Gev to Loupe, I am in.

Arsene: [on phone] Good, any reports at your location?

Ian: [at the phone] They're apparently at the clothing store.

Diana: By the white beard of Zeus, what is this place?

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number one, never say stuff like... "By the white beard of Zeus." Lesson two, you gotta look the part. Bright colors, big logos, be bold!

Kara then grabbed Diana and gave her a lot of leather clothes.

Kara: Leather, lots and lots of leather.

Then Babs grabs Diana and shows her, her phone.

Babs: [hyperactive] Lesson 3, your phone is your life. Pics, emails, texts, shopping, social media, every single bit of knowledge mankind has ever known.

Diana got dizzy and dropped all the leather clothes on the ground then Jessica grabbed her.

Jessica: [grunts] Uh, no leather. These were all made with organic cotton from Turkey.

Karen walked up to Diana and handed her more clothes.

Karen: Dress to not draw attention to yourself. But not too much, you risk drawing to yourself.

Babs pushes Diana in the dressing room afterwards.

Babs: Now, get in there and be normal.

Diana walked out of the dressing room and looked... Not normal.

Ian: [watching while hiding] Yeesh, like no one introduced her to modern clothing nor mirrors or sense of clothing.

Then suddenly Babs got an idea.

Babs: I know. Accessories! [She runs but got tripped] Whoa oof!

Zee: [sighs] Have you finished tormenting this poor girl? Then allow me. [She brought her wand as magic flows across it and waves it]

Ian: [pulls out his notebook and starts writing] The lavender haired big hip girl is a Homo-Magi.

Zee: [chanting magic] Detcefrep rennam lla ni stcefrep kool. (Perfected manner all in perfect look.)

She uses her magic, hitting Diana as it changes her outfit into a new outfit.

Zee: Ta-da!

Jessica: Oh, she's good.

Babs: [gasps]

Ian: [recorded while hiding] Incredible, best to show this.

Zee: Ladies, May I present Diana Prince. Foreign exchange student from Greece. Geek chic.

Diana: And these garments give me the appearance of a typical mortal female adolescent?

Jessica: Oh yeah.

Zee: Oh, yes.

Kara: I guess.

Diana: Good. Then it is my turn.

Babs squeals at it as the screen changes to show everyone on the rooftop with Diana in her Wonder Woman attire. Seth watches from a distance building as Messiah while the Paranegades watches as well.

Messiah: [watches as his visors extends to look like binoculars] Let's see what those girls are capable of.

At the other building, the Paranegades watches as Geviba uses his magic to create a magic circle, acting like a magic telescope.

Arsene: Status.

Geviba: Out of the open on the roof, all there like soldiers on the first day of the military.

Back at the roof the girls are at.

Wonder Woman: If we are to be a team, then I must know your skills and abilities. [Points at Jessica] You! Name, rank, and skills!

Jessica: Uh... Hi, I'm Jess. I'm a cadet in something called the Green Lantern Corp. And... [Exhales] Oh, boy. Well, see, I was given this ring by these weird aliens. They are sort of like space cops and they patrol these different sectors. You know what, the whole thing is really complicated. I can make stuff with this ring.

She uses her ring to create and construct a green potted plant, catching the two buildings attention.

Messiah: Whoa, that's cool.

Raijuken: What do you know, Drake, there's another lantern here.

That said catching the attention of the Black Lantern with a red fire head.

The Lantern was a dark colored being in a black lantern suit with the red fire emitting from his head, having two rings on his hands (one red, other black). His name is Dra'k Ink, the Fusion Lantern of Red and Black, The Bled Lantern.

Dra'k: Interesting, glad to know that it's a Green One.

Babs: That is so cool! Do a pogo stuck. [That said, Jessica turns it into a pogo stick] A burrito. [She changes it into a burrito] A mucho megarrito supremo with the works!

Wonder Woman: With this ring of the gods, you may produce any weapon imaginable to beat your enemies into submission?

Jessica: Well, in theory, yes. But I don't believe in violence.

At Messiah's spot.

Messiah: Hm. She's vegan and a pacifist.

At the Paranegades' spot.

Drak: She still has a lot to go with the Green Ring of Will.

Back at the girls.

Wonder Woman: Admirable. So how shall you be known?

Jessica: I'm, Green Lantern, I guess?

Her ring glows as it covers her body, materializes a skintight suit that shows off her impressive curves, as well as a Green Lantern emblem over her right eye and a green streak across her hair.

GL Jessica: It kinda comes with the ring.

At the Paranegades.

Raijuken: [takes pictures with a different camera] Holy sh#t, she's smoking in that suit for a Lantern! I always thought she was slim but damn.

Back at the girls.

Wonder Woman: Good. And you, Batgirl?

Babs: I can do all sorts of cool stuff. Even though I don't have any alien rings or anything, but I'm really good at figuring things out. And I make the coolest bat gadgets, like this! Bat barometer and this glow-in-the-dark bat staff. [She says as she shows off her gadgets, as Wonder Woman was about to say something, she is shocked as the silhouette shows Babs stripping down and changes her outfit]

Batgirl: And these bat grappling hooks that I was totally this close to using when Batman was fighting Professor Pyg on the roof of this building. But then Robin showed up, and Batman had to save him. And you know how that goes. And I never actually got to show him how they work. And I never even got to meet him, but that's a whole different story, so I...

Wonder Woman, Messiah, Arsene: You/She lack focus.

Wonder Woman: Awareness, and decency.

That said, made her feel embarrassed that she changed in front of them.

Batgirl: [blushes and chuckles embarrassed] Oops, Sorry...

The clown watches with his eyes literally being hearts with blood coming out of the nose holes, cheering, then Wonder Woman turns to Zee as she twirls her want to change her elegant clothes into a magician outfit, complete with a top hat.

Zee/Zatanna: You can call me the mysterious, the fabulous, the attractive... Zatanna!

Messiah: [deadpan] Just my luck, an egomaniac who's self obsessed.

Raijuken: Emphasis on "attractive"... [Thrusts his hip a bit] Bow-chika-bow-wow.

Wonder Woman: Impressive. Have you had other skills?

Zatanna: I can turn red heart black. Ever seen a jumping jack? Go ahead, check behind your ear.

Wonder Woman checks behind her ear, and pulls out a coin.

Wonder Woman: [gasps] What sorcery is this? I have seen enough. Though you possess great quantities of style, you must learn to channel your magic into a cause. Our cause. And I am afraid this uniform will not suffice. Think of another.

Zatanna: [gasps as she expects her outfit]

Messiah: Ouch.

Geviba: Damn.

Batgirl: Try a cape. [that said, makes Zatanna thinks about it as she looks behind]

Wonder Woman: [points at Karen] What can you do?

Karen pressed a few keys on her gauntlet and shrunk down, and sprouted wings.

Karen: [grunt] I can, um... [scream as she falls down a bit] I'm still sort of working out the kinks. [gulps as he wings buzzes while flying] Oh, the wings aren't supposed to buzz like that. I'm working on rocket launchers, but they malfunction. The whole thing is all messed up. I wanted to be big and strong, so people would notice me, but... my growth tech backfired, and now I'm even smaller and more invisible than before. I should just go home.

Wonder Woman: You possess far more strength than you know. You simply lack confidence, little Bumblebee.

Bumblebee: I actually prefer the indestructible, gamma phase, 1000 K-

Wonder Woman: [interrupts] Bumblebee.

Batgirl: [whispers to Bumblebee] Trust me, it's way better.

As she did the others, she points at Kara, where Messiah rolls his eyes as he zooms in his telescopic visors.

Wonder Woman: And you, we've seen your incredible strength. Is there anything more you have to offer?

Kara: [scoff] Not to you. I'm no hero, "Princess." That racket's for chumps.

Messiah: [mentally] Yeah, "racket's are for chumps", like you are now.

Wonder Woman: You could be the greatest hero The World of Man has ever known, [walking towards Babs] All you need is a little MOTIVATION! [She threw Babs high into the air like a javelin]


Everyone gasps seeing it happen.

The Masked Clown: HOLY SH#T!

Kara sees it, quickly takes off her jacket to reveal a blue shirt with a red S and yellow interior.

Messiah quickly unfolds his wings to fly and save her, until the sonic boom goes by his radar. He scans at the building the girls are at, seeing Kara is gone.

GL Jessica: [gasp] Have you lost your mind?!


She screams more before something fast managed to grab her from falling her.

Bumblebee: Wait, look! [she points at Kara, who flew back up to the rooftop with Batgirl, carrying her bridal style]

Kara now wore a blue long sleeve shirt with an 'S' inside a diamond on her voluptuous chest, a red short skirt, a red cape, and red boots. All of this put together allowed her developed muscular body to be even more visible.

Messiah blushes hard to see her in that outfit with the steam expelling out of the sides on where the ears should be, the right eye starts beeping as he touches the side of his head.

The Paranegades were surprised to see her as The clown and Raijuken makes wolf whistles and howling seeing Kara, while Drak scans her with his ring.

Arsene: What do you make of this?

Drak: It says that she's a-

Messiah: [reading the info on the POV of his helmet] -Kryptonian, a humanoid alien from the once was glorious planet, Krypton. They are capable of-

Drak: -Flight, Super Eyes (Heat Vision, X-Ray Vision, Telescopic), Super Hearing and Smell, Invulnerability, Super Breath and Stamina, and Super Strength.

Messiah: [finishes reading] Damn, all this time she's an alien like Clark? (A/N To answer that, his dad is friends with Clark, and discovered each other's identity and keeps it a secret between them) That would explain the bruises, and the way she's better than me at sports.

Supergirl: Okay, fine. I am a super hero. All right? [scoffs] So what?

She puts Batgirl down with the others, everyone stops for the moment and Batgirl breaks silence.

Batgirl: [gasp] Again! Again, again, again!

Messiah: [deadpan] Ok, wow, I mean just, wow.

Everyone cheers as some sigh of relief.

GL Jessica: Oh, thank goodness.

After an interesting moment Messiah and the Paranegades just saw, they followed them to the junkyard, hid behind the pile of trash and Zee got herself a new outfit.

And she wasn't looking happy.

Zatanna: Ugh, I conjured a new outfit to hang out in a junkyard?

Batgirl: Shh. She knows what she's doing.

Wonder Woman: Soldiers! Our mission is to save the world of Man.

Batgirl: That's right.

Wonder Woman: In order to do this...

Batgirl: Preach, sister!

Wonder Woman:...we must learn to save...

Batgirl: Whoo-hoo.

Wonder Woman: ...man himself.

Bumblebee: Um, I think those are ladies.

Messiah and some of the Paranegades facepalms.

Wonder Woman then throws a disk as it hits a pile of cars as they start to fall onto the mannequins, Wonder Woman rushes in and kicks one car away, she then starts grabbing each of the mannequins as the pile hits the ground, when the dust settled Wonder Woman was on top with the mannequins as they were on her shoulders.

Wonder Woman: And now, it is your turn.

It was now Supergirl's turn as she went next, Wonder Woman kicks another pile of cars and Supergirl flies towards them and punches them, Supergirl stood there with her arms crossed with a smirk as she looks at her friends, Wonder Woman was disappointed while the girls were scared and shocked at the sight and Messiah facepalmed, Supergirl was confused before she looks down and screams as she saw the civilians were all crushed.

The team was now in the city in their street clothes as Barbara showed them a comic book store to help Diana.

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 4 pop culture.

Zee: [annoyed picking up the comic] "Culture" is she kidding?

The person was also there as he appears to be an American-Japanese teenage boy, having fritzy black hair, red and blue eyes (heterochromia), tall slim athletic body. Wearing a long sleeve shirt that is big enough to cover his hand, baggy pants with spiral patterns, ballerina shoes. He is Juno Majima, known for his other identity, Banzooie.

Juno: [goes next to the section and hides, pulling out a periscope to see them] What are you teaching her today, Babara-chan.

Babs: OMG, [she looks at what she's holding before grabbing it] no way is this the super rare batman giant with limited edition pull up batman poster, I would kill for this!

Diana: Have you learn nothing, we must protect the innocent not engage in slaughter for material goods.

Juno: [hiding] Haven't learned the figure of speech.

Jessica: Diana it's juts an expression

They went outside as Babs held her new comic (Juno uses his powers to give Babs the amount of money to buy the comic).

Jessica: A figure of speech for instance, if you were hungry you might say I'd kill for a burrito. [Then she points at a Burrito cart] Go on, you try it.

Diana goes to the seller as she took a deep breath.

Diana: I will kill you for a burrito! [The seller screams in fear and runs for his life as Diana pulls out the money and chases him] Accept my payment or die!

She chased after him and the team gasped as they chased after her.

In the Junkyard Zatanna was next as "civilians" were heading towards a trash compactor, she flies to the air with a violet aura, she made a light show as the girls liked it then she made a orb and she throws it to the compactor as it turns it off.

Zatanna lands on the floor and created a hands to applaud her as she bows but then Barbara taps her shoulder to show her that the Civilians were already crushed before she even turned the machine off.

Batgirl was picked for training to catch a stuffed animal, she jumped over the mannequins and punches one, and kicks one in the stomach, she then jumps to the air and throws multiple grenades at them and lands on the other side and punches two in the face as they explode, she then looks at her team and they were in shock.

Batgirl: [nervous] Were those the bad guys?

Messiah, and The Paranegades shakes their heads while watching.

Bumblebee was next as Supergirl was holding back a dog, GL Jessica puts a piece of meat on the mannequin's head as she almost threw up, Bumblebee was nervous and then Wonder Woman gave the signal, Bumblebee gulped as she shrunk and prepares her cannons, Supergirl lets go of the dog as it goes after her, Bumblebee tries to shoot but they didn't work so she runs away as the dog tries to eat her but luckily a stray bullet hits in front of the dog, scaring it away.

Wonder Woman: This is going to take some time.

That said as they have no idea where the bullet came from, nor who shot it, only to reveal at the top of the pile cars, Messiah had his arm turned into a sniper rifle

With a bit of smoke coming out, which was only used to scare the dog away, he sigh of relief as he de-materializes the gun.

GL Jessica was next as Wonder Woman had her face a wrecking machine but she refused to fight as she made a construct to protect the civilians but the machine was about to smash Supergirl, but them a shockwave pushes her away, groaning a bit as she was confused of what hit her.

Geviba was hiding behind the pile with his hand in front in a paw gesture, meaning he uses the shockwaves to push her away.

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 26. Uh, what are we doing again?

That said as the girls were suddenly in the spa as they were bathrobes (except Kara as she's still clothed), and Lewis was there as well being in robe as he is suddenly looking more feminine in order to hide his masculinity.

Lewis: [feminine] Seems you're not much for that, huh?

Kara: Nope. You?

Lewis: [feminine] Already finished, just relaxing and waiting for them to be done.

Zatanna: [to Babs] Pampering ourselves. Isn't it relaxing? An important part of being a teenage girl is taking care of yourself.

Diana: And, in the world of Man, the toe-nail is the point of focus?

Zatanna: Precisely. Isn't this fun?

Diana was confused as the masseuse checking her leg to show hair and nails.

Masseuse: Such enormous calluses.

Diana: Ugh!

Masseuse: Time for the big gun. [she pulls out the electric nail file and starts whirring]

Diana: WEAPON! [she quickly pulls out the lasso and chases her.]

(Imagine them in Bathrobes)

The girls chased after Diana as their speed made their robes blow up a bit, exposing their underwear as Lewis secretly records them with his tongue out as he quietly chuckles lustfully.

The screen later changes to show the movie theater with the girls there, along with Seth and the Paranegades in disguise.

Babs: Normal teenager lesson number 86... Romance!

Aiden: I never wanted to love her, Alexandra. But she's the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me, ever. So, why hasn't Caitlyn texted me?

The girls were showing emotions to the movie, except Kara as she was sleeping during it.

Alexandra: She just needs time, Aiden. It's only been two days. If she texts after three days,that's irrevocable love.

Diana: What is happening?

Karen: Aiden just realized he can't live without Caitlyn. But Alexandra is telling him that Caitlyn won't text until tomorrow, because that's exactly what Michael didn't do to her when they broke up. And, isn't it all just so sad and beautiful?

Diana: Teenage males are very confusing.

Jessica, Babs, Karen, Zee: Tell me about it!

Seth: [mentally] I'm gonna pretend that I didn't hear that.

Juno, Lewis, Ian, Three Bodybuilders: [quietly] B#tch.

Aiden: Caitlyn! You will be mine, Caitlyn. Forever.

Diana: Beware, Caitlyn! [she quickly pulls out her sword] Aiden attacks! [yelling while charging]

Karen: No, Diana! He's just going to... [it was too late as Diana tears through the screen] Kiss her.

The girls exited the theater and the others continue to follow them.

Kara: She is just not getting it, you guys.

Babs: No! I am not giving up on this team. There's got to be some place to loosen up an uptight warrior princess.

Karen: Oh, I know.

As the girls leave, Seth goes in a hidden alley, and taps his chest for the Scarab to appear.

(Something how the scarab would be transformed on the host, and ignore the rest of it, I couldn't find the proper one)

The Paranegades were far from view as the emo looking boy in red and black hold his hand up as they teleport away.

They arrive at the carnival while incognito to see the girls showing Diana all the rides and games in the Pier and safe to say it seems they are having a good time together.

The girls huddle up in a photo booth to take a picture of them together.

Seth: Well, they're finally connecting and fitting in, best I earned myself a treat. [he walks away as he doesn't know that he's being spied on as the area around changes] Hm? Uuuuh where am I?

Arsene: [off-screen] Somewhere so we can see and talk to you....

Seth looks around confused on who talked before he sees flashing light-

-with the Paranegades appearing in front of him.

Arsene: Messiah.

Seth: I don't know what you're talking about, you have the wrong guy.

Geviba: Don't fool us, we know who you are after we saw you.

Seth: [mumbles] Crap baskets.... [out loud] Look guys, I don't want trouble with any of you.

Raijuken: There won't, that's why we came to find you.

Gorilla: So better stay and listen to us.

The three are a group of different animals as they appear gigantic; one is a albino gorilla with shoulder pads, braces on his knees and wrists that used to be for chains, loincloth, named Mona Tropizon. The second is a reptile that is a cross species of a crocugator and turtle, right shoulder pad, same braces as Mona, named Angela Tropizon. The last is a wolf with braces identical to his brothers, loincloth, left shoulder pad, spikes protruding from his back and tail, named Jonathan Tropizon. They are the Tropizon Brothers.

Angela: We want to be noticed more.

Jonathan: And we need you and those girls to boost our reputations.

Seth: You need me and the girls?

Dra'k: As over the years we've done something potential with our powers, some people still see us as monsters, so with you, would get us in the light.

Arsene: Yes, and we shall unveil our masquerade and show you who we really are, some you might know.

That said, the light covers them to reveal their appearances as Juno, Ian, Lewis, except the others.

Arsene Loupe was actually a tall African-American young adult man with a slim mustache, braided hair, wearing a normal t-shirt while wearing a jacket, bell bottoms pants, cowboy boots. Named Douglass Kyle.

Dra'k shapeshifts into a human emo goth looking boy, wearing a black jacket and pants, red shirt with his rings camouflage on his middle fingers as normal rings, long black hair. His earth name, is Drake Mink.

The Tropizons revert back to human form as they appear as tall bodybuilders; Mona appears as also a American-African man in a sleeveless shirt and shorts with baggy pants, opened toed sandals, named George Celedis. Ralph reveals to be a Hispanic-African man in a shoulder-length shirt and jeans, has a teeth necklace (wolf teeth), closed sandals, named Ralph "Lovobo" Celedis. Angela shows to be an Asian-African man wearing a kariyushi shirt and striped pants, his name is Isoto Celedis.

Seth: What the- Lewis, Ian, Drake, some other guys I don't know?!

Juno: Juno "Banzooie" Majima, the Mad Clown of The Paranegades, born from Gotham city!

Seth: Wait really?

Juno: Yep, one of Babs' friends!

George: I'm George Celedis, these are my brothers, Isoto, and Ralph, we're bodybuilders from three dads and one mom.

Seth: Your must've partied hard.

Isoto: Tell us about it.

Douglass: And I am Douglass Kyle, I am also from Gotham, and I am the leader of the Paranegades.

Drake: So think about it, let us in the spotlight, and we'll prove that we're the good ones this city needed.

Ian: We'll be there when time is urgent. See ya.

The Paranegades walks away from Seth as he was dumbfounded by the new unfortunate alliance, he couldn't what to say before hearing particular voices.

???: Hey Seth, good to see you.

???: Long time no see, Crosser.

Seth turns around to see the people calling him.

One boy who's Pale skin, dark hair. Sharp cheek bones and jawline, mostly from how skinny he is. His body isn't technically "built" to be extremely athletic, but he's forced a nice lean build from stringently working out. Easily loses and gains weight as a direct result of his work, causing fluctuations in his build. Five foot something, wears a red long sleeve shirt, black jeans and shoes.

The another boy is like a mirrors a young Bruce Wayne despite their not being blood related. This could be a subconscious action by him to absorb traits of his father figure. His lean acrobatic body starts to set him apart from Bruce's image. He manages to be well-built but still limber and flexible. His feet and hands are rough and calloused. His hair is brown and can get long but usually stays at a length in between Bruce's. His eyes are bright blue without even a hint of green or brown. He wears a blue short-sleeve jacket with, a blue shirt, a black wristband, and has black jeans and black sneakers.

Seth: Hey Dick, Tim.

They later hugged each other. Years ago, his family visited Gotham City when Seth and his brother were younger. They became best friends, and had great adventures together.

Seth: I can't believe it's been forever. Since when did you guys move here?Tim: Last month. We both attended Metropolis High.

Dick: Yeah, now that Bruce see how responsible we are, he buys us a mansion for us, here in Metropolis.

Seth: Well that's cool, a high class house like my parents have one, only it's not a mansion but you get what I meant.

Tim: Speaking of that, how are Mr. Fuyukuchi and Mrs. Melissa Crosser?

Seth: Doing alright.

Dick: And your brother, Masaru?

Seth: Still a little shit, but he's still my brother.

Tim: That's alright then.

Seth: So, I'm about to head to get ice cream, you guys wanna come?

Dick and Tim: Sure.

The three later leave the pier and walk towards their destination, while the Paranegades watch them while they hide.

Banzooie: Welcome to Metropolis, Wing-Senpai, Robin-San.

To be continued

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