DBZ/RWBY Chapter 2: Different World New Experiences

(DBZ OST- The Saga Continues)

Last Time on Remnant's Future Time Traveling Saiyan, Gohan had finally managed to defeat the notorious Cell with a massive Kamehameha wave, ending him for good. The Z-warriors then returned to the lookout to wish back Trunks and all the people that died, but Goku decided to stay in other world because it was time for Gohan and the others to protect the Earth. A couple of days have passed and the future warrior finally decided to return home, he gave his farewells to his friends and family as he traveled back in time to the future to return to his time, but it malfunctioned and sent him to a timeline he wasn't familiar of. As he explored the city he came across a store and saw a girl with a Scythe surrounded by men with weapons, deciding to help he sprung into action. What happens next starts now!


Third Person POV



Roman Torchwick along with his lackeys were currently in a store called from 'From Dust Till Dawn' as they were about to rob it, but unknowingly to them there was another girl with a red cape named Ruby Rose who was in the store as well currently listening to music on headphones.

"Alright kid, put your hands where I can see'em." The man said as he pulled his sword off his sheath, but the girl didn't hear him.

To his annoyance he started to walk up to the girl and turn her around, which made the girl question what he wanted.

He gestured her to take the headphones, as the girl in the red cape did just that.

"Yes?" Ruby questioned.

"I said, put your hands in the air now!" The man demanded.

Ruby's straight face slowly started to turn into a smirk, "Are you robbing me?" She asked.

"Yes!" The man yelled.

"Oooooh." Ruby said.

Ruby then let out a roar cry as she kicked the henchmen in the stomach, making him going past Roman Torchwick as he crashed into the back of the store. Roman then nodded to another henchmen to go check out the problem.

Trunks has now finally arrived at the store as he looked up and saw the name of it.

"From Dust Till Dawn? Weird name for a store." Trunks said.

As Trunks was about to go inside, a window suddenly shattered on the right side of him revealing a redheaded girl with a red cape holding a scythe.

"What the?" Trunks said, surprised by the scene.

('Is that girl holding a scythe?') Trunks thought.

Trunks then looked at a couple of men that came out of the store, holding guns and swords as they came to the entrance.

('Wait a minute... is this a robbery happening right now? Oh man just my luck, the first store that's actually open in this City is currently getting robbed.') Trunks thought as he sighed in annoyance.

"Ok.......Get her." Roman said as the men charged at her.

Ruby who saw a henchmen getting close was about to attack, but a boy with lavender hair and a sword strapped to his back jumped in front of her and kicked the henchmen in the face, sending him flying to the floor.

"Huh? Who are you?" Ruby asked surprised by the sudden event.

"Don't worry I'm here to help." Trunks said reassuring her.

Ruby nodded as more henchmen charged at them. Trunks quickly dashed forward and gave a punch in the gut to one henchmen sending him flying back, and casually dodged a swing from a sword by leaning to the left. Trunks quickly chopped his neck as the henchmen fell down to the floor unconscious.

Ruby was seen swinging around on her scythe as she kicked one henchmen in the face, as two more came from behind her so she quickly grabbed her scythe and twirled around it sending one flying into the air, then she slammed a henchmen into the ground with her scythe creating a small crater.

('Not bad, I wonder who taught her how to fight.') Trunks thought as he saw the girl take out multiple henchmen using her scythe expertly.

Roman sighed as he saw his henchmen get taken out easily, "You were worth every scent truly you were. Well, Red and..... lavender, I think we can all say it's been a eventful evening. And as much as I love to stick around... I'm afraid this is where we part ways." Roman said as he pointed his cane at the both of them and shot at them.

Ruby used her speed to quickly get out of the way, she turned around and the boy with the sword on his back was not moving.

"Hey what are you doing!? You have to get out of the way!" Ruby shouted with fear and worry in her voice.

Trunks just stood there as the projectile was speeding towards him. For a normal person they wouldn't be able to track it, but in his eyes the projectile was going in slow motion.

Trunks casually took out his sword and cut the bullet in half, which resulted in a little smoke going in the air.

Ruby who was watching was looking wide eyed at the scene, at first it looked like the guy was just standing there like an idiot waiting to get hit. Then the next thing that happened was him taking out the sword he had on his back and somehow managed to cut the bullet in half, it happened so fast that she barely seen him move.

Trunks put his sword back on the sheath and turned to the redheaded girl who was looking at him in awe.

"Are you okay?" Trunks asked as he saw the redheaded girl look at him in awe.

"I-I'm fine, but how did you do that?" Ruby asked.

"Uh maybe later, I think we should go after the guy that robbed this place." Trunks said as Ruby nodded and turned to the shop owner who came out of the store.

"Do you mind if we go after him?" Ruby asked as the man nodded, Trunks and Ruby saw Roman climbing up the latter on top of the building. Ruby used her scythe to shoot at the ground and quickly propel her self up the building.

('That Scythe is also a gun as well? Haven't seen a weapon like that before, are customizable weapons a normal thing in this world?') Trunks thought as he started to fly up the building and landed behind Ruby.

"Hey!" Ruby yelled.

"Persistent..." Roman replied as some noise was heard as an airship was shown flying in front of all of them.

The door on the airship opened as Roman got in it and turned to face the both of them with a red dust crystal in his hand.

"End of the line, Red and Lavender." Roman said as he threw it and it landed between the both of them which made Trunks raise a brow in confusion.

('What's he doing?) Trunks thought as he saw Roman point his cane aiming at the crystal and shot at it.

Trunks eyes widened as he quickly reached back for his sword, but suddenly a blonde woman with green eyes wearing glasses, while also wearing a purple cape around her quickly got in front of them as there was a small explosion.

"Whoa-ho-ho! Huh?" Roman laughed but stopped as he saw the smoke clear.

As the smoke cleared the women was shown protecting them from the blast with a purple incantation acting as a shield as it slowly disappeared.

('Huh? Where did she come from?) Trunks thought.

The blond haired women was then seen throwing multiple projectiles at out of her crop, making the ship rocking the ship back and forth.

Trunks was a little impressed by the display of skill he was seeing. Minus the Z-fighters the humans in this world seemed stronger than the ones back in his timeline.

"We got a huntress!" Roman said to the women in a red dress.

The blond haired women then shot a projectile in the air, a thunderstorm then appeared above the airship and rained down on it with multiple sharp shards of ice on it.

The women in the red dress was seen in the doorway of the airship. She then shot a fireball at the blond haired women as it was blocked by a created shield, The women in the red dress then used the remains of the fireball to send an explosion from down below as the blonde rolled out of the way.

The Blond then used those remains to create a sharp stick, and she shot it at the airship as it was casually destroyed by the Women in the red dress with multiple blasts of fire. The Blond then created more sharp projectiles in the air as they attacked all around the ship making it rock a little.

The women in the red dress created a explosion of red energy around her destroying the projectiles in the air, and then the airship started to fly away.

Ruby shot at the airship with her scythe as it was blocked by the women in the red dress. Fire was seen coming from below all three of them as they quickly jumped out of the way.

Trunks had decided that was enough and walked forward, and was about to take his sword out and stop the airship from escaping. He was stopped when a hand appeared on his shoulder as he turned to see the women looking at him with a stern gaze telling him to not do anything.

Trunks frowned at the women wondering why she was letting them escape, but he sighed and nodded even though he didn't agree with the woman's decision. He took his hand off his sword as they all watched the airship flying away.

"You're a huntress!" Ruby said in delight. "Can I have your autograph?"

('I don't think this is the time to ask for autographs.') Trunks thought while sweat dropping.


Trunks and Ruby were now in a police station for questioning as they were being scolded by the Blond haired women known as Glynda Goodwitch.

Trunks was sitting in a seat with his arms folded and eyes closed next to Ruby, while Ruby looked at the floor with a sad look on her face. Trunks didn't even want to be in here in the first place, but the women named Glynda wanted the both of them to come with her for questioning. Trunks could've left if he wanted to but he didn't want to bring any more unwanted attention to himself, and his mother told him to respect the authorities. Also these were the only people who he ran into in this city, so maybe he could get some answers on where he currently is and get more information about this world.

"I hope you both realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, you both put yourself and others in grave danger." Glynda said.

"They started it!" Ruby retorted.

"She's right they were robbing a store, we couldn't just sit there and do nothing. We did what we had to do." Trunks commented as he opened his eyes.

"If it were up to me, you'd both be sent home with a pat on the back.....and a slap on the wrist." Glynda said as she slammed her crop on the table scaring Ruby.

"But....There is someone here who would like to meet the both of you." Glynda said as she moved out of the way as a man with grey hair walked out with a plate of cookies and a mug of hot chocolate in his hand.

"Ruby Rose, you... have silver eyes." Ozpin said leaning a little towards the girl.

"Um..." Ruby muttered in confusion.

"And you young man, what is your name?" Ozpin asked turning towards the boy.

"I'm Trunks Brief." Trunks said introducing himself.

"So your name is Trunks Brief, interesting." Ozpin said as he turned back to Ruby.

"So where did you learn to do this?" Ozpin asked as it showed Ruby fighting some henchmen on a scroll Glynda was holding.

"S-Signal Academy." Ruby answered.

"They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" Ozpin asked.

"Well, one teacher in particular." Ruby replied.

"I see." Ozpin said as he put down a plate of cookies in front of them.

As soon as Trunks grabbed a cookie off the plate, Ruby started devouring the rest of them at a fast speed which made Trunks question if she had the eating habits of a Saiyan or not.

"It's just that I've seen one other Scythe wielder of the skill before. A dusty, old crow." Ozpin explained.

"Mmmm....Thash mun unkul!" Ruby said with her mouth full.

Ruby then quickly swallowed her food when she seen the weird look she was getting from Ozpin.

"Sorry, that's my Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal! I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now I'm all like--Hoowaaahh! Witchaaaa!

"So I've noticed, and what about you young man? The strength and speed you've displayed is most impressive, especially with that sword of yours in your possession. Do you mind if I ask who taught you how to use it?" Ozpin asked.

"I learned on my own sir, so you could say I'm self taught." Trunks answered.

"I see." Ozpin said as he turned back to Ruby.

"And what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?" Ozpin asked.

"Well...I want to be a Huntress." Ruby answered.

"You want to slay monsters?" Ozpin asked.

"Yeah. I only have two more years of training left at signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon! You see, my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a huntress. And I'm trying to a Huntress cause I want to help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, 'Hey, might as well make a career out of it!' I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and really, gosh, you know!" Ruby explained as she finished talking at a fast tone of voice.

Trunks who was listening smiled a little at Ruby's enthusiasm, she almost reminds him of Goku in a way.

"Do the both of you know who I am?" Ozpin asked.

Trunks shook his head no, as Ruby answered his question.

"You're Professor Ozpin, You're the headmaster of Beacon." Ruby said.

"Hello." Ozpin greeted.

"Nice to meet you." Ruby said.

"A pleasure." Trunks said.

"Do you want to come to my school?" Ozpin asked.

"More than anything." Ruby said.

"And what about you Mr. Briefs, are you interested as well?" Ozpin asked.

Trunks thought about it and was hesitant to accept since he didn't know how long he would be in this timeline, because as soon as he get's some fuel for his time machine he'll return back to the future immediately.

"I don't know. I'm fairly new around this place so I might not be around here that long." Trunks answered.

"I see, but from what I've just heard it looks like you don't have anywhere to stay at the moment right? We can provide you with food and a place to sleep in as well." Ozpin explained.

('Food and a place to stay huh? I guess it wouldn't hurt to agree and accept his offer for now. In the meantime I can figure out what happened with the time machine, and also to find some fuel while I'm there.') Trunks thought.

"Ok, I accept your offer." Trunks answered.

Ozpin looked at Glynda to see what she had to stay about it, but she just rolled her eyes.

"Well okay." Ozpin said.

Ruby was really happy she gets to go Beacon, while Trunks was wondering how an actual school was gonna be, since he never went to school before because he was home schooled by his mother. Even if he wanted to go to an actual school he couldn't because he had to deal with the androids growing up.

The androids.....the mere thought of them caused Trunks to get angry. The androids in the other timeline were surprisingly not at all like their future counterparts and weren't considered a threat to him and the Z-fighters, but the androids in his timeline were nothing more then heartless monsters who relished in killing innocent people. All while wearing a smile on their faces.

As soon as he get's the Time Machine back up and running, he'll return to the future and destroy the both of them to avenge his Master Gohan and every else they killed.

('Mother..... please stay safe.') Trunks thought.

Trunks and Ruby were free to go as the both of them got up and started to walk towards the exit, but a hand rested on Trunks' shoulder as he turned around and saw it was Ozpin.

"Um Ozpin right? Is there something you need?" Trunks asked.

"Mr. Briefs, you said you were new around correct?" Ozpin asked as Trunks nodded his head.

Ozpin gave Trunks a Scroll and explained that it can show him a map of the world and the city he was currently in. It also could be used for other things such as calling people, or a computer/Tv as well as other things.

"I see....thank you for your hospitality." Trunks said gratefully, at least with this thing he won't be running around with no idea where he was going.

"You're welcome, I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Briefs." Ozpin said as Trunks nodded and left the building.

('That boy.....I can sense great sorrow in him, those eyes....those weren't the eyes of a child. It were the eyes of someone who's fought many battles with his life on the line numerous times.') Ozpin thought as he watched the boy walk away. He was curious about the boy and wanted to know what happened to him, but he knows he wouldn't get an answer straight away. For now it would be best to just keep an eye on him for right now.


(Play DBZ Kai BGM- Next Episode Preview)

Trunks: Hey it's me Trunks! So I guess I'm going to school for the first time, I wonder what kind of people I'll meet there.

Ruby: You're Trunks right? It's me Ruby. I like you to meet my sister Yang.

Yang: I'm Yang Xiao long! You're pretty cute Trunks~

Trunks: Oh uh.... nice to meet you Yang.

Weiss: Who are you supposed to be?

Trunks: My name is Trunks, can you lay off of Ruby? What she did was an accident.

Jaune: You use a sword too? That's cool!

Trunks: Um.... Thanks.

Trunks: Wait we have to take an Initiation?

Blake: Yes, It's to test your skills.

Trunks: Next Time on Remnant's Future Time Traveling Saiyan.... "New School! Prepare for Initiation!"


AN: Hey guys sorry for the long wait on this story, I've just been really busy working, and doing school work currently, but I will be focusing on updating this story a lot more now.

Anyway if you like this chapter or story, leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See You Next Time!!!

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