Prolouge: Y/N L/N
Third Person POV
Y/N L/N was the savior of the universe and was the one to restore history back to it's natural course.
It has been 9 months ever since he defeated Mira and restored history and nowadays Y/N had just been training, and honing his skills while also making sure there weren't any changes in history but so far there wasn't any.
The Supreme Kai of time noticed this and decided to hold a party for Y/N, so she informed Goku, Vegeta, Trunks and Elder Kai. Elder Kai was reluctant at first, but agreed since he did deserve it. Goku wanted it to be at Capsule Corp, everyone agreed even Vegeta.
In Capsule Corporation...
Y/N was seen pigging out on his food as Goku and Vegeta were doing the same.
"You Saiyans have no manners I swear." Elder Kai said watching the scene with disgust.
"At least that's one thing we can agree on." Supreme Kai Of Time said as she sweat dropped.
"It's just something you get used to." Bulma replied while smiling.
"By the way where Trunks?" Elder Kai asked. "I was sure he would be here."
"Trunks wasn't able to make it because he said he was busy and had some stuff to take care of." Supreme Kai Of Time answered.
Y/N then put his final bowl down and swallowed his food, "Man, that hit the spot! Thanks for the food Bulma!" Y/N said.
"You're welcome Y/N, you deserve it after all." Bulma answered while giggling.
"So Y/N." Goku said after finishing his food. "About what we talked about earlier after your fight with Mira. You wanna have that sparring match now?"
"Oh yeah! I remember now, sure thing I've been wanting to test my strength against you." Y/N said with a smirk.
"Hold on Kakarot, I'm not going to let you hog all the fun to yourself, Y/N will be fighting me first." Vegeta cut in while glaring at Goku.
"What! No fair Vegeta, I asked him first!" Goku complained.
"You think I care?" Vegeta replied as he crossed his arms.
"Hold on just a minute, you guys don't have to fight. I'll be happy to fight both of you, is that okay with you two?" Y/N suggested while nervously chuckling.
Vegeta hmph'd while Goku just smiled and put his thumbs up.
"If you guys are going to fight, then go somewhere else! I don't want you wrecking my house." Bulma replied with a stern tone.
"Wait Y/N." Supreme Kai of time said. "After you're done, I want you to meet us at the time nest, we have something very important to discuss with you." She said while Elder Kai had nodded.
"Sure thing, I'll be back soon." Y/N replied with a thumbs up as he walked over to Goku and Vegeta. Goku then used his Instant Transmission technique.
At the Gizard Wasteland....
Goku, Vegeta, and Y/N appeared at the designated location, as they then separated and got some distance from each other.
"Alright....this should be a good place for us to go all out with no people or wildlife around." Goku said.
"I hope the both of you are prepared to lose." Vegeta said getting into his fighting stance.
Y/N smirks, "That's my line, I won't hold back!" He said getting into his own fighting stance.
Goku gets into his fighting stance as well, "Hehehe....I'm getting excited."
There was silence as the wind blowed around them as nobody made a move.
Then Y/N powered up as a white aura was shown around him, he fired a quick Kamehameha at Vegeta who widened his eyes and quickly dodged as the attack completely destroyed the rock he was standing on.
Goku let out a war cry as he quickly dashed forward to Y/N as the two exchanged punches and kicks at high speeds as shockwaves were made with each blow.
Y/N then got the upper hand as he kneed Goku in the gut, and appeared behind him and sledgehammered him to the ground making him crash through several rock formations.
"Big Bang Attack!" Vegeta yelled as Y/N quickly looked up to see a huge blue ball of energy heading towards him.
Y/N stuck his hands out and caught Vegetas attack and was struggling to push it back. Y/N yelled as he smacked away Vegeta's attack and send it into the sky.
Y/N then sensed someone behind him as he quickly did a roundhouse kick, but hit thin air.
"Too slow Y/N!" Vegeta said as he elbowed Y/N in the face as he got sent to the ground, as Vegeta followed up with a barrage of Ki blasts which made a huge explosion.
"Don't forget about me Vegeta!" Goku yelled as he flew fast towards him.
Vegeta smirks as he sped towards Goku as they clashed and landed extremely fast punches and kicks towards each other with some connecting and others not.
"You won't win against me clown!" Vegeta said landing a devastating punch to the stomach and followed up with a uppercut to the face.
Goku groans in pain as he got sent flying back as he catches himself in the air.
"Man you really are amazing Vegeta, but I'm just getting started!" Goku smirks as he yelled and turned Super Saiyan.
Vegeta has his own smirk as he yelled and turned Super Saiyan as well.
Before they charged at each other there was a huge earthquake as the ground shook, and then a huge explosion was shown as a bright light appeared.
Y/N was now seen in the air in his Super Saiyan form, he dashed towards the two saiyans and punched Goku in the face and shot a barrage of Ki blasts at Goku who quickly crossed his arms to block.
Y/N then dodged an attack from Vegeta that missed by an inch, and punched Vegeta in the gut who let out a cry in pain. Vegeta grit his teeth as he kicked him but the attack just phased through him.
"What?" Vegeta said as Y/N was behind Vegeta who quickly turned around only to see an energy blast at his stomach, as he was blasted towards Goku.
Goku uncovered his arms as he saw Vegeta speeding towards him as he let out a yell in surprise and a loud 'Boom' was heard.
Y/N crossed his arms while having a smirk on his face.
"If you two thought that you could take me out that easily then you're wrong." Y/N called out as a even brighter light was shown.
Vegeta and Goku were both in their Super Saiyan 2 form as their hair was more spiker and with electricity flowing around them.
"Super Saiyan 2 huh?" Y/N said while grinning.
"Let's go Vegeta!" Goku said.
"Just stay out of my way!" Vegeta replied.
Vegeta and Goku both charged at Y/N who quickly went Super Saiyan 2 as well as he charged at them as there was a huge shockwave.
Goku and Vegeta were ferociously attacking Y/N who was blocking them.
Y/N let out a loud yell as he pushed back both of them with a kiai wave.
Both of them caught themselves in the air as Goku quickly cupped his hands together and brought them back.
"KA-ME-HA-ME-" Goku started.
Vegeta draws both of his hands back while gathering Ki as he then places the bottom of his palms together.
"FINAL-" Vegeta started.
Y/N then looked up and saw two bright lights above as the energy attacks they were charging got even brighter.
Y/N then put both of his hands above his head with his palms facing them as he charged his own attack.
"HAAAAAAAAA!" Goku yelled.
"FLASHHHHHH!" Vegeta yelled.
"Masenko-HAAAAA!" Y/N yelled as Goku and Vegeta's energy beam clashed with Y/N's.
Y/N grit his teeth as he was slowly getting pushed back, he then let out another yell as he put more power into the attack pushing theirs back.
Goku and Vegeta were now getting pushed back as they let out a yell of their own, pushing the attack back again.
Y/N started losing momentum as he was getting over powered by the combined attack.
"I won't lose here!" Y/N yelled as he powered up even more as his hair got even longer, with his eyebrows disappearing as a more serious face was shown on Y/N.
Y/N then put more power into his attack as Goku and Vegeta's attack quickly got overwhelmed.
"What!?" Goku and Vegeta said as they saw a massive energy blast coming towards them, they were quickly engulfed by the attack as the blast was sent into a huge rock formation and a loud explosion was heard.
Y/N was breathing a little heavy as he stood up and looked into the distance where the smoke was.
Two yells were then heard as Goku and Vegeta's emerged out of the rubble as their hair and aura was now blue.
Y/N smirks, "So you two finally decided to use your true power huh?"
"You're strong Y/N I'll admit that, but you're no match for me in this form, it's time to show you the power of a true saiyan warrior, and after I'm finished with you you're next Kakarot." Vegeta declared.
"That's fine by me." Goku said doing his usual son grin as Goku and Vegeta both dashed towards Y/N.
('Wow even though I can't sense their energy the pressure I'm feeling is insane.') Y/N thought.
Y/N tried his best to avoid Goku and Vegeta's attacks, but they were simply too fast in this form as Vegeta launched another Big Bang attack at Y/N who quickly dodged out of the way.
"Behind you!" Goku said as he instant transmissioned behind Y/N as he kicked him in the side of his head as he went flying, and appeared in front of him as followed up with a devastating punch in the stomach as Y/N crashed through multiple rock formations.
"DADADADADADADADADADA!" Vegeta yelled as he out a volley of energy blasts where Y/N crashed at as he completely destroyed the area.
As the smoke cleared Y/N was nowhere to be seen.
"What the? Impossible! Where did he go?" Vegeta said as Goku appeared next to him.
Goku and Vegeta looked around for Y/N trying to sense him, then Goku's eyes widened as he looked up.
"Vegeta above!" Goku yelled.
Vegeta looked up as he saw Y/N with his hands cupped by his side as he charged a huge Kamehameha.
"Get ready for the real deal!" Y/N yelled. "KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!!!!!!"
The huge Kamehameha completely engulfed Goku and Vegeta and exploded when in contact.
Y/N was breathing heavily as he fell to the floor as he turned back to his base form and passed out.
Goku and Vegeta were still seen not really damaged, but with a couple of scratches on them after Y/N's attack.
They both flew down to Y/N as they saw him unconscious.
"You were really strong Y/N, with enough training I'm sure you'll reach this level in no time." Goku said.
Vegeta hmph'd as he crossed his arms, "Even though he's nowhere near our level, he still has his Saiyan pride."
"I guess since Y/N's out for the count, it just us two now." Goku said as Vegeta smirked at that as they quickly appeared in the air.
"Get ready Kakarot!" Vegeta said.
"Bring it Vegeta!" Goku yelled as they both charged at each other.
Y/N woke up as he noticed he was laying on a bed.
"Where am I?" Y/N said as he looked and saw the logo Capsule Corp on the top of the wall.
"Oh I'm at Bulma's place, but where's Goku and Vegeta?" Y/N asked as he got out of the bed and headed outside.
When outside he saw Goku and Vegeta.
"Oh hey Y/N! You're finally awake!" Goku said waving over to him.
"Hey guys, how long have I been out?" Y/N asked.
"A few hours." Vegeta answered. "Kakarot carried you here after our fight."
"Oh really? Well I guess I lost, but I'll just have to get even stronger in order to beat you two!" Y/N declared as he clenched his fist.
Vegeta smirked as Goku just smiled and nodded his head.
"We'll be happy to teach you how to get the god forms like we have if you like Y/N." Goku asked.
"Really?! You'll do that!" Y/N said getting excited at the thought of getting even stronger.
"Sure thing, right Vegeta?" Goku asked as Vegeta just tsk'd and looked away.
"I'm not doing this for him, I'm only doing it because I want to see how strong Y/N will get." Vegeta replied.
Y/N and Goku chuckled a little because they knew deep down Vegeta actually liked Y/N and wanted to train him.
"Well It's been fun fighting you guys but I gotta go now and see what Supreme Kai Of Time wanted with me, so I guess I'll see you guys later." Y/N said.
"Take care Y/N! Next time you come, we'll train you and show you how to get the god forms." Goku said.
Vegeta said nothing as he only put out two fingers in response.
"Sure thing! See ya!" Y/N waved as he disappeared.
In the Time Nest........
Supreme Kai Of Time and Elder Kai were waiting for Y/N to show up.
"Where is that boy? Doesn't he know not to keep us waiting like this." Elder Kai said.
"He should be here shortly, I heard from Bulma that they just got back from their fight." Supreme Kai Of Time replied.
Both of them heard footsteps as Y/N then walked in.
"There you are! We've been waiting for you for quite a while now." Elder Kai said with a bit of annoyance.
"Calm down old man, I'm glad you finally showed up Y/N, we need to talk to you." Supreme Kai of Time said as Elder Kai was fuming a little that she called him old when she was only older than him by a millenia.
"So what is it you two wanted to talk to me about?" Y/N asked.
"Y/N ever since you saved the universe and restored history, you've still been working hard to make sure nothing bad happens everyday, so we decided that you needed a break." Supreme Kai Of Time explained.
"A break?" Y/N said.
"Yes ever since you saved history, you've been overworking yourself a lot. Normally I wouldn't agree to things like this, but even I think you should take a break." Elder Kai said.
"Well......I have been working a lot to make sure nothing bad happens, so if you two think I could use a break, I won't argue with you. So if I'm taking a break, what would I be doing?" Y/N asked.
"There is a new timeline from Toki Toki's egg and in this timeline there are humans in that world that are much stronger than the ones on your earth. They have these powers known as Quirks, their Earth is very different since there are no saiyans, namekians, or frost demons that come to Earth. In fact they don't even exist in that flow of time, they also have academy's for people with Quirks who want to become heroes, and then there are also people with Quirks who become villains." Supreme Kai Of Time explained.
Y/N was interested in this as he heard these humans have superpowers that are called Quirks. He started to get a little excited at seeing the different powers these humans could have and see if any of them could give him a challenge.
"So I guess you two want me to go to this new timeline to take a break right?" Y/N asked as the two of them nodded.
"There's a hero academy called U.A high, it's one of the best schools there, and don't worry about how you'll enroll, I've already spoken with the headmaster of that school, so you'll be going there as a recommended student." Supreme Kai Of Time explained.
Y/N got even more excited as he clenched his fist.
"That's awesome! So when do I leave?" Y/N asked.
"You leave tomorrow, and don't worry about your work, we already informed Trunks of this and he said he'll be glad to take over for you." Elder Kai replied.
"You should go get some sleep Y/N, and get ready for tommorow." Supreme Kai Of Time said.
Y/N nodded as put two fingers on his forehead, "I will, see ya." He said as he vanished.
Y/N then made it to his room as he took a quick shower, and after he was done he put some clothes on as he laid down on his bed.
"U.A high huh?" Y/N said as he went fast to sleep.
Y/N was now at the Time Nest with Supreme Kai Of Time and Elder Kai.
"So are you all ready to go?" Elder Kai asked.
Y/N nodded as he checked his capsules which contained multiple clothing of his Gi and other clothes, Senzu Beans, and a gravity chamber given to him by Bulma as a gift.
"Yep I'm all set!" Y/N replied.
Supreme Kai Of Time nodded as she handed him the time scroll and a map of the city.
"Have fun Y/N! Make sure you make lot of friends!" Supreme Kai Of Time said.
"Even though you're taking a break Y/N make sure to be on your best behavior while you're there." Elder Kai said as Y/N nodded.
"See ya guys!" Y/N waved as he started to disappear as the two Kai's waved back.
Y/N then appeared in a city in the distance that was similar to west city, but not as advanced.
"Woah." Y/N said while he looked at the city.
Y/N took out his map as he looked at it and saw where U.A high was located.
Y/N grinned, "Welp I can't be late, I should get going." He said as he started to fly to U.A high with a bright smile on his face.
Next time on The Saiyan Time Patroller: U.A High.
Hey guys! I always had this story idea in mind and I've always wanted to make a MHA story so I'm kind of excited and want to see how this story will go.
I hope you all like this chapter! If you have any questions about this chapter or story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
See You Next Time!
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