Christmas Holiday Special

Third Person POV



A/N: This Christmas Holiday Special will take place in a time period where Y/N's friends, classmates, teachers, and other people already knew about Y/N's secret and everything he does, and where he comes from.

Christmas........It was a time to share love and joy, a time for singing carols, decorating the tree, eating cookies & candy, and opening up gifts. But the most important thing is spending time with family and friends.

Y/N was back in Conton City and was peacefully sleeping in his room until he felt someone softly shake him and heard a voice start to call out to him.

???: "Y/N? Y/N? Y/N come on wake up."

Y/N sat up from the bed and groaned a bit, he slowly opened his eyes and saw his beautiful girlfriend Momo standing next to him wearing some clothes.

Since it was December and everyone was given a break from school because of the holidays, Y/N decided to go back to his world and take his girlfriend with him so they could spend more time together. Since then she's been living with Y/N for about 3 and half weeks now and it was one day before Christmas.

Y/N: "Oh.....hey Momo."

Momo: (Smiles sweetly) "Good morning Y/N."

Y/N: (Yawns) "Good Morning."

Momo: (Sighs) "Did you stay up late again to train with Goku and Vegeta yesterday? I thought I told you to take a break from that for now and stop overworking yourself."

Y/N: (Sweatdrops) "U-Uh.......N-No?"

Momo just raises a brow at him.

Y/N: (Chuckles and rubs a hand on the back of his head) "Y-Yeah..... sorry, I just can't help it sometimes. If I wanna catch up to both of them I can't afford to slack off you know?"

Momo rolled her eyes and pinched his cheek a bit.

Momo: "You Saiyans can be really stubborn sometimes and have some bad habits."

Y/N: (Blushes and pouts) "H-Hey don't treat me like a kid."

Momo: (Giggles) "But you're cute like one." She said and kissed his cheek.

Y/N: (Turns beet red) "A-Anyway.....why did you wake me up?"

Momo: "Don't you remember what we talked about yesterday? Our class is holding a Christmas party tomorrow and we were both gonna go to the mall today to do some Christmas shopping for everybody."

Y/N: "Oh yeah I remember! Alright then hold on I'll get dressed."

Y/N got up and went into his closet to pick out some clothes and then went right back to Momo when he finished putting them on.

(A/N: That's what Y/N is wearing)

Y/N: "Ok I'm all set, you ready to go?"

Momo: (Smiles) "Yeah let's go!"

Momo wrapped her arm around his as they left the room and made their way into the city.

When they got to the city Y/N looked around and saw the Christmas decorations, they were walking past people and some of them were time patrollers that greeted Y/N and he greeted him back. When making their way towards the mall Momo was just looking around still in slight awe.

Momo: "It's quite amazing that you actually live here. There's even an actual dragon in the sky."

Y/N: "Hehehe, yeah but that's not really Shenron up there, that's just an imitation of him that was created by mother when she had used her power on the dragon ball pedestal."

Momo: "You once told me that whenever you collect 7 mystical orbs called dragon balls, Shenron will come out and he'll grant you any wish right?"

Y/N: "Yep! But there are limits though, as long as it's within the dragon's power he can grant it!"

Momo: "I still find that a bit hard to believe sometimes, but seeing that I live in a world where almost 80% of the population have superpowers like Quirks, and you're an alien from an entirely different universe I guess it isn't that farfetched."

Y/N: (Laughs) "I know but don't worry you'll get used to it eventually."

Momo: (Giggles) "I guess you're right."

They walked into the mall and stopped right in the middle seeing multiple stores.

Y/N: "Now that we're here let's start looking around, we should split up and find everyone some gifts so we can cover ground faster. We'll meet each other back at the entrance of the mall."

Momo: (Nods) "That makes sense, I'll see you in a bit then Y/N."

Y/N: (Smiles) "Yeah see you in a bit."

They both walked off to go search for what to get as a present for everyone.

(30 minutes later)

Y/N was almost done shopping and had put all his gifts into a capsule, he was looking around the mall searching for a gift for one person.

Y/N: "Hmm.....what do I get for Momo?"

Y/N sees a jewelry store up ahead and walks in, he looks at a majority of items that look very expensive but a certain item caught his gaze.

Y/N: "Wow this is beautiful! I know she'll like this! It's a bit expensive but it doesn't matter. I'll just have to ask mother for another allowance sooner or later."

Y/N bought the item and left the store, when he got to the entrance Y/N saw Momo already there waiting for him with a bunch of gift bags in a basket.

Y/N: (Smiles) "Yo! It looks like you were already done before me, I hope I didn't make you wait long."

Momo: (Shakes her head) "Not that long, I just got finished about 5 minutes ago."

Y/N: "That's a relief, anyway do you need any help with those bags? They look kind of heavy."

Momo smiled and handed him the bags as he took all of them into his hand, for a normal person it would be very difficult to carry them, but thanks to his Saiyan strength Y/N made it look easy.

Momo: "That should be all of them."

Y/N nods as he turns around and bends down a little bit.

Y/N: "Hop on my back, I'll bring us back home."

Momo had happily hopped on his back, Y/N could feel her chest pressing onto his back a bit which made him blush a little as he flew back to his house.

In no time at all Y/N made it back to his house and put all the gifts down on the floor in his room.

Momo: "Hey Y/N can I use one of your capsules to put all of these gifts in?"

Y/N: "Sure!"

Y/N took out an empty capsule and clicked the button, then he threw it at the huge bag of gifts, and in an instant, they were all gone and stored in the capsule. Y/N picked it up and handed it over to her.

Y/N: "Here this should be much safer with you than me anyway."

Momo: "Thanks Y/N!"

Momo hugged him tight and then put the capsule up for safekeeping.


After that Momo and Y/N spent the remainder of the day together and before they knew it, the next day already came and it was Christmas day. When Y/N got up Momo was already gone and left him a note saying she went to Chronoa to drop her off at her universe early and that she'll see him at the dorms later.

Y/N: (Smiles) "I'll head over there later, I have to drop off a couple of gifts here first."

Y/N went to go put on his Christmas outfit, to get into the spirit of the holidays.

(A/N: This but not in Super Saiyan)

As soon as he was ready he headed to the Timenest to give a couple of people he knows some gifts.

When he got to the Timenest he saw Goku, Vegeta, Chronoa, and Trunks.

Y/N: "Hey guys! Merry Christmas!"

Goku: "Merry Christmas buddy!"

Chronoa: "Merry Christmas Y/N!"

Trunks: "Happy Holidays Y/N!"

Vegeta: "Hmph whatever."

Vegeta just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Goku: "Oh come on Vegeta don't be like that, it's Christmas!"

Vegeta: "Big deal, why should I care about some stupid earthling holiday?"

Y/N: "Christmas isn't stupid Vegeta, it brings everyone together and helps us appreciate what we have in our lives like our family & friends, plus there are gifts!"

Trunks: "Yeah Dad, you could at least give it a chance."

Vegeta growls and clenched his teeth in annoyance before calming down and taking a deep breath.

Vegeta: "F-Fine............M-Merry C-Christmas."

Goku: (Smiles) "That's the way Vegeta! I knew you weren't such a stick in the mud!"

Vegeta: "Shut the hell up Kakarot!"

Y/N: "Speaking of gifts, I got you guys some!"

Y/N went into his brown bag and pulled out 4 boxes of gifts and handed it to them.

Y/N: "Well what are you guys waiting for? Open it!"

They all started to open their gifts as Goku, Vegeta, and Trunk's eyes widened when they saw they each had one free All-You-Can-Eat Buffet card that was useable in any restaurant.

Goku: "Oh wow this is awesome! I'll definitely use this! Thanks a lot, Y/N I really appreciate it!" Goku said with stars in his eyes.

Trunks: "Thanks for the gift Y/N, It means a lot."

Vegeta: "Tch..........I suppose I'll use this. T-Thanks brat."

Y/N: (Thoughts) Vegeta actually thanked me?! Hehehe......I guess he really did like his gift.

Chronoa opened up her gift and her excitement went down a bit when she saw that Y/N had got her a cookbook.

Chronoa: "Y-You've got me a cookbook?"

Y/N: "Well yeah mom, I figured since you like to try and cook your 'Recipes' I thought this cookbook would help you."

Chronoa gets a little tick mark on her forehead.

Chronoa: "Just what are you implying Y/N!? Are you saying that I can't cook!?"

Y/N + Trunks + Vegeta + Goku: "Yes."

Chronoa: "How rude! I'll have you know that my recipes will have a person's mouth-watering and the taste will just leave them begging for more!"

Vegeta: "Yeah or send them to an early grave."

Chronoa growls and was about to attack Vegeta but was held back by the arms by Trunks.

Trunks: (Chuckles Nervously) "I'll just bring her back in the time vault so she can calm down, I'll see you guys later." Trunks said as he took Chronoa who just flailed in his arms.

Chronoa: "Put me down this instant Trunks! I am the Supreme Kai Of Time dammit, I'm not supposed to be treated like this!"

Y/N: (Sweatdrops) "Well I have to go too, I'll see you guys later." Y/N said as he waved at Goku and Vegeta before leaving the Timenest.


Y/N was back in the MHA universe and decided to get a few more gifts from here before he made his way to the 1-A heights alliance building. When he walked to the doors he immediately heard Christmas music playing like Jingle bells and saw some of his classmates in their Christmas outfits and setting up stuff like the Christmas tree and other decorations.

Y/N: "How's it going, guys! Merry Christmas!"

Izuku: "Hey Y/N, Merry Christmas!"

Iida: (Smiles and adjusts his glasses a bit) "Merry Christmas to you too Y/N, I'm glad you're here!"

Kirishima: "Merry Christmas bro! To be honest I thought you would spend Christmas back in your world!" He said and smiled brightly as he wrapped an arm around Y/N's shoulder.

Y/N: (Smiles) "Nah, I wouldn't miss this for the world. So what's going on?"

Sero: "We kinda need some help setting up the Christmas tree, we could use your help."

Y/N: "Sure thing!"

Y/N walks over to Mina who was struggling to put on the lights on the tree.

Y/N: "Hey Mina, let me help you with that."

Mina: (Sighs in relief) "Thanks Y/N, you're a lifesaver!"

Y/N simply flew and put all the lights and some decorations on the tree, and when he was finished Mina handed him the star to put on top of the tree and it was finally completed.

Mina: "Yay we did it!"

Y/N: "You mean 'I' did it."

Mina: (Awkwardly chuckles) "Hehehe, r-right."

Y/N: (laughs) "Don't worry I'm just messing with you!"

Mina smirks a bit and playfully punches Y/N on the shoulder.

Mina: "You're a jerk sometimes, you know that?"

Y/N: "Yeah but it's all in good fun."

Y/N makes his way to the kitchen and sees Sato and surprisingly Bakugo making some food in the kitchen.

Y/N: "Hey, you guys need any help in the kitchen?"

Sato: "Hey Y/N, I don't really need much help, but thanks anyway."

Bakugo: " I need any help from you spiky hair!"

Y/N: "Ok Ok, it looks like you're all good here, but I'm surprised you're actually helping out Bakugo."

Bakugo: "The hell is that supposed to mean?!" He said as he was furiously chopping up some lettuce but he looked like an expert doing it.

Sato: "He didn't want to help at first, but Sero told him that he was probably too much of a chicken to help out anyways, as you expect Bakugo got pissed and stomped towards the kitchen and started helping out with the food. I'm actually surprised at his cooking skills."

Bakugo: (Growls) "What was that you damn extra!? You wanna fight!?"

Y/N: (Laughs) "I'll just leave you guys to it."

Y/N went to the lounge and started putting presents under the tree including his own presents, then after that, he walks out to the back lot of the dorms, Y/N looked up into the sky and saw the sun shining brightly. He closed his eyes and smiled as he enjoyed the peaceful weather they had today for this glorious holiday.

???: "Staring into the sky again huh? That's so like you Y/N."

Y/N opened his eyes as he turned back to see Ekon standing right behind him.

Y/N: "Oh hey Ekon! Merry Christmas!"

Ekon: "Heh, yeah Merry Christmas Y/N."

Y/N: "What are you doing here man? I thought you would spend your Christmas back in Conton City."

Ekon: "I was, but I got bored and decided to come back here to see what's going on, also here." Ekon said as he tosses him a capsule.

Y/N: "What's this?"

Ekon: "Your Christmas gift, inside are some training weights that are designed to increase or lower the weight as much as you want, there are no limits to how high you can go."

Y/N: (Smirks) No kidding!? Thanks for the gift Ekon! This will be very useful for my training!"

Ekon: (Rolls his eyes) Yeah, Yeah, you're welcome."

Y/N: "Wait hold on I also got you something."

Y/N takes out one of his capsules and tosses it to Ekon.

Ekon: "Don't tell me you got me the same thing I did."

Y/N: (Chuckles) "Not really, what's inside is your own personal gravity chamber that I had Bulma make for me as a favor, since you always come over to use my gravity chamber whenever we train I figured you would want one of your own."

Ekon: (Smirks) "My own gravity chamber huh? Finally, now I know I'll be using this every day of the week. Thanks, Y/N."

Y/N: "Just promise me you won't go overboard and break it, I don't think I'll be able to convince Bulma to make you another one."

Ekon: "I'll try, but no promises."

Y/N: "So do you wanna come in and hang out with my classmates? It'll be fun."

Ekon: "Tempting but no thanks, I'm already hanging out with my classmates right now, I better head back there anyway, because I told Monoma to make sure to save me some food and I'll be pissed if it's all gone, and I also don't want Kendo chopping me on the head for being late again."

Y/N: "Alright then, see you later Ekon."

Ekon left to go back to his classmates as Y/N walked back in to head to the lounge but had bumped into someone.

Momo: (Rubs her head) "Oww."

Y/N: "Momo!? Oh man, I'm sorry for bumping into you." Y/N said as he offered her a hand, Momo took his hand as he pulled her off the ground.

Momo: "It's fine Y/N, it was just an accident."

Y/N: (Smiles) "Also Merry Christmas Momo! You look great in your outfit by the way."

(A/N: Credit to RJamal for this lovely picture, go check out his Twitter if you're interested.)

Momo: (Blushes) "Thanks Y/N, you look pretty handsome yourself there."'

Y/N: (Blushes) "T-Thanks."

Momo giggles as she took ahold of Y/N's hand.

Momo: "I was actually looking for you, so come on we're ready to open up gifts!"

Y/N: (Smiles) "Oh really? Well alright then, lead the way."

Y/N heads back to the lounge with Momo and sees almost everyone eagerly waiting to start opening up presents.

Jiro: (Smirks) "Finally the two love birds are here, now let's start opening gifts!"

Momo: (Sighs) "Jiro....." She said in embarrassment while having a red face.

Y/N just sat back and watched as everyone opened up their gifts, as he expected most people were very shocked and enthusiastic about what they've got while others weren't that eager about their gifts, but that doesn't mean that they didn't like the gifts they got and instead were appreciative.

Jiro: "Are you kidding me?! This is that new guitar I've been wanting from that music store! It's even got my favorite color and everything, but I couldn't afford it because it was too expensive! Thanks a lot, Y/N!"

Y/N: "No problem Jiro, I'm glad you like it!"

Izuku: (Starts to cry a bit) "No way..........this is the top of the line All Might action figure in his silver age costume! It's limited because there are only a few in existence! Y/N how in the world did you get this?!"

Y/N: (Chuckles) "Let's just say I had to call in a couple of favors."


Bakugo looked at his gift and saw he had a book about Meditation techniques that will help you calm down your anger.

Y/N: "It's a book about meditation, it'll help you stop being so grouchy all the time, you really need it Bakugo."

Bakugo: (Growls) "LIKE HELL I DO!"

Sero: (Smirks) "I don't know man, you look pretty pissed off right now, you probably do need it."

Bakugo: "Screw you tape arms!

Kirishima: (Smiles) "We all actually got something for you as well Y/N, we didn't really know what exactly you liked so we had Yaoyorozu help us, and we all decide to pitch in to help get you this."

Kirishima handed him a gift box as Y/N opened it up and gasped when he saw a statue of himself just like in Conton City, but this one was way shorter and about the size of his hand, he was in his Super Saiyan blue form and in his fighting stance, and below it said the words: 'Y/N L/N: The Future Warrior'.

Y/N didn't really know what to say as he started to tear up a bit, he was grateful for having such really good friends in his life.

Y/N: "Y-You guys really got this for me?"

Iida: (Smiles and nods) "Of course Y/N, we just wanted to show how much we really appreciate you as our fellow classmate and friend."

Kaminari: "Not to mention that you saved us a bunch of times, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be here, we're friends for life bro!"

Hagakure: "It's still cool to know that I'm friends with an alien! You're really cool Y/N!"

Y/N: (Laughs) "T-thanks guys." Y/N said as he wiped a tear from his eye.

Momo: "You actually have one more gift."

Y/N walked over to Momo as she handed him a rectangular gift box.

Momo: (Smiles) "This gift is from me."

Y/N opens it up and his jaw almost dropped to the floor when he saw that inside was a new Gi that Momo got for him, and Y/N REALLY liked it.

(A/N: That's what the Gi looks like)

Y/N: "No way! You got me a brand new Gi, this is amazing!"

Momo: (Giggles) "I knew you would like it, I had your mother help me with the design of it and I had used my Quirk to create it."

Y/N: "Yeah I love it! Thanks, Momo! Oh yeah, I got you something too."

Y/N went into his pocket to pull out a small gift-shaped box and handed it to her. When Momo opened it up she gasped and covered a hand over her mouth, and almost everyone else gasped as well when they saw that Y/N had got her a heart-shaped necklace.

Momo: "I-It's so beautiful!"

Y/N: "I-I got it because I want you to know how special you are to me, do you wanna try it on?"

Momo: (Nods happily) "Yes!"

Y/N makes sure to carefully take it out, and then puts it around her neck, when he was done he saw it was a perfect fit.

Y/N: "All done! W-Wow, it really suits you, I-it makes you look even more beautiful."

Momo had small tears in her eyes with a small blush on her face as she embraced Y/N in a tight hug.

Momo: "T-Thank you Y/N, I love it!"

Y/N: (Hugs her back) "Don't mention it Momo."

Some of the girls had let out some 'awww's' while almost all of the guys smiled as Kirishima had a small tear coming from his eye and said 'So Manly'

Mina: (Smirks) "Hey love birds! Look above you!"

Y/N and Momo looked up and blushed massively when they saw Mistletoe above them.

Most of the class chanted 'kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss,' which made the two even more embarrassed.

Y/N: "Y-You know, w-we really don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Momo: "I-It is tradition after all, and I don't really mind it.......if it's you."

Momo leaned forward and kissed Y/N right on the lips which shocked him but slowly started to melt into it as he kissed her back.

Some of the girls squealed in delight as a lot of the guys clapped and cheered them on. They both separated and smiled at each other while having slight red faces.

Uraraka: "That was so cute!!!!"

Y/N: (Rolls his eyes) "Yeah, yeah, now come on guys let's go get something to eat, I'm starving!"

Everyone nods as they all went to go grab some food and they all sat down talking to each other, and just overall having a good time for the remainder of Christmas.


A/N: This chapter was supposed to come out yesterday but I was spending time with my family, but hey better late than never! I wish all of you a merry Christmas and have a happy new year!

See You Next Time!

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