Chapter 9: The Sports Festival Begins
Third Person POV
After two weeks of nonstop training, today was finally the day of the Sports Festival. Y/N got out of bed and prepared for the big day today. He made sure he got everything he needed before he started to head out the door.
Y/N: (Smashes his fist against his palm and grins) "Alright! It's time for the Sports Festival, Let's do this!"
Y/N made his way to U.A and saw a massive crowd already there waiting to get in to watch this event, and the line was long because of the extra security, there were also party games, hero merchandise of pro heroes, and a lot of food stands.
He landed on the ground and started walking towards the entrance and maybe check out a couple of food stands while he was at it because he couldn't fight on an empty stomach.
Girl Reporter: (Sigh) "Why is the security line so huge?"
Guy Reporter: "Well it does make sense, a bunch of villains had broken in before so of course they're much stricter this year, some people say they shouldn't be even holding the festival."
Girl Reporter: "Perfect! Nothing brings ratings up like a little controversy, plus everybody will be tuning in so see class 1-A!"
As everyone was talking about how exciting the sports festival was gonna be this year, three pro heroes that go by the name of Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, and Deatharms were seen walking around as they were there for extra security for the school.
While they were walking around Mt.Lady was feeling hungry so she was looking at different food stands for something to eat, her eyes lit up when she saw a Takoyaki stand and quickly made her way over there, when she looked at the blond-haired man, she saw he looked a little devastated but just ignored it.
Mt. Lady: "Hello!" When she greeted the man he was instantly back in good spirits.
Man: "Whoa Mt. Lady is that really you?! It's an honor to meet you!"
Mt. Lady: "Why thank you, I'll have one order of Takoyaki and please hold the salt."
Man: (Deeply Sighs) "U-Uh I'm sorry Mt. Lady but I'll all out of Takoyaki for right now, I should have some more before the first round of the festival starts."
Mt. Lady: "What!? Who could have possibly bought them all?!"
Man: "Believe it or not, it was some kid that ate them all."
Mt. Lady: (Slightly twitches one of her eyes in annoyance and walks away in slight anger) (Thoughts) Damn it!
Death Arms: "Is she gonna be okay?"
Kamui Woods: "It'll be fine, she'll get over it soon." He replied as they both started to follow her.
Y/N: "Man that Takoyaki was so good!" Y/N said as he made his way to his class.
Everyone was now in the waiting room as some people in his class were eager to get started while most of them felt nervous. Y/N was warming up by stretching his body, after that he looked around and saw some of his classmates chatting while the others were mentally preparing for the event.
He noticed Momo was sitting down looking a little uneasy and started walking over to her.
Y/N: "Hey Yaoyorozu."
Momo: "Y/N?"
Y/N: "You feeling nervous?"
Momo: "Only a little bit, how about you?"
Y/N: "Not really, but I don't think there's nothing you need to worry about, you're gonna do great ok?" Y/N asked as he put a hand on her shoulder.
Momo: (Smiles and Nods) "Yeah, I'll do my best." She answered looking confident.
Suddenly Iida came in through the door.
Iida: "Everyone get your game faces on! We're entering the arena soon!"
???: "Midoriya."
Everyone turned to look at Todoroki who walked up to Izuku.
Izuku: "Hey Todoroki, what's up?"
Todoroki: "From an objective standpoint, I think it's fairly clear that I am stronger than you."
Izuku: "Y-Yeah I guess so..."
Todoroki: "However you've got All Might in your corner helping you out, I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two, but know that I will beat you."
Todoroki then turns his attention towards Y/N.
Todoroki: "And Y/N."
Y/N: "Huh?"
Todoroki: "It's obvious that you're the strongest one here, but It doesn't matter how strong you are, or how many abilities you have. I'm gonna beat you as well and win this no matter what." Todoroki declared with a tone as cold as Ice.
Y/N: (Glares) "Is that so? Well, then I accept your challenge, but you better come at me with everything you've got because if you don't then you'll be sorry." Y/N declared which shocked most of his classmates at the bold statement.
Kaminari: "What's up with all of these declarations of war lately?"
Kirishima: (Gets up and puts a hand on Todoroki's shoulder) "Yeah guy's there no need to pick fights right now, the festival is about to start."
Todoroki: (Shoves his arm away) "We're not here to make friends, don't forget this isn't a team effort." Todoroki said as he made his way to the door.
Izuku: "Wait a sec, Todoroki."
Y/N: (Thoughts) Izuku?
Izuku: "I don't know what's going through your head and why you think you need to tell me that you'll beat me and yeah, of course you're better than me. In fact, you and Y/N have way more potential than anyone in the hero course."
Kirishima: "Midoriya maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, and us."
Izuku: "No he's right you guys, all the other courses there are coming for us with everything they've got, we're all gonna have to fight to stand out. And I'll be aiming for the top too."
Y/N watches with a proud smile as he sees that Izuku has grown a lot over the past two weeks.
Todoroki: "Fine."
Present Mic: "Hey! Make some noise all you rapid sports fans, get those camera's prepped media hordes! This year we're bringing you some of the hottest performances in U.A's sports festival history guaranteed! I've only got one question before we start, Are You Ready!?"
The class started to walk out as they could hear cheering coming from the end of the tunnel.
Present Mic: "Let me hear you scream as our students make their way to the stage! Now our first group are no strangers to the spotlight, you've known them from surviving a villain attack! It's the hero students of class 1-A!"
Y/N and the rest of his class walk out onto the field, Y/N was walking next to Izuku and was looking around and sees people in the stands as Izuku looking around nervously.
Izuku: "I didn't know there would be so many people."
Y/N: "I know right? But you don't need to worry about them Izuku, do you remember what All Might said? You're gonna show the world who you are right?"
Izuku: (Smiles) "Yeah I will."
Kirishima: "Present Mic sure did talk us up a lot, it kind of makes me nervous, what about you Bakugo?"
Bakugo: (Smirks) "I'm not worried, makes me want to win this thing even more."
Present Mic: "Next they haven't been given nearly as much screentime, but this next group is still stock full of talent! Welcome hero course class 1-B!"
Present Mic introduces the next class when they came out which grabbed Y/N's attention. He glanced over and saw the brown-haired boy walking out with his hands behind his head and had a nonchalant face.
Present Mic: "Next up General Studies classes C, D, And E! Support Classes F, G, And H! And Finally the Business Classes I, J, And K! Give it up for all of U.A's first-year contestants!"
Midnight: "Now the Introductory speech!" The R-rated Pro Hero Midnight announced as she wore her revealing hero outfit that attracted the attention of many men who had hearts in their eyes and were thinking many indecent thoughts about her.
Kirishima: "Uhh someone should talk to Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing."
Kaminari: "Yeah that costume should come with a warning."
Tokoyami: "Is that really appropriate apparel for a high school game?"
Y/N: "Should she really be wearing that in a live event?" Y/N said as he didn't blush at all, he just thought it was kind of weird.
Mineta on the other hand gave a thumbs up of approval.
Midnight: (Cracks her whip) "Silence everyone! And for the student pledge, we have Katsuki Bakugo!"
Everyone stares at Bakugo as he made his way to the stage.
Izuku: "He's the first-year rep?"
Sero: "I guess that hothead did finish first in the entrance test."
Random girl: (Sigh) "Only for the hero course exams."
Izuku: "O-Oh right."
Sero: "Yeah that girl definitely hates us."
Kaminari: "And we've got Bakugo to thank for them not liking our class."
Y/N: "Come on guys, there's no way he can make it worse right?"
Kaminari: "Dude don't jinx it."
Bakugo gets to the stage and stands in front of the mic as everything is silent.
Bakugo: "I just want to say........that I'm going to win."
Everyone: "I knew he would say something like that!"
Mina: "Y/N you Jinxed us!"
Sero: (Runs over to Y/N and shakes him by the shoulders) "This is your fault Y/N!"
Y/N: "Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! Please stop shaking me!"
All the classes and a majority of the crowd start to get angry and boo at Bakugo.
Iida: (Rapidly chopping his arms) "Why would you be so disrespectful you're representing us all!"
Bakugo: "It's not my fault you're just stepping stones to my victory." He said as he gave a thumbs down to everyone.
???: "I'm gonna crush this overconfident jerk! I can't wait to knock him down to size!"
???: (Chuckles) (Thoughts) It looks like I've found your counterpart Vegeta.
The screen on the monitor changes to orange and says 'First Game'
Midnight: "Without further ado, it's time for us to get started!"
Uraraka: "U.A isn't really letting us catch a breath huh?"
Midnight: "This is where you begin feeling the pain! The first faithful game of the festival!"
The screen appears behind her and starts to shuffle around.
Midnight: "What could it be?"
It stops and the screen shows a sign that says 'Obstacle Race'
Izuku: "So it's gonna be an Obstacle Course.
Midnight: "Ta-da! All 11 classes will participate in this treacherous contest, the track is 4 kilometers outside the stadium, I don't wanna restrain anyone at least in this game! (Seductively licks her lips) As long as you don't leave the course you're free to do whatever your heart desires!"
Midnight: "Now then take your places contestants!"
All the students went to the instructed tunnel as the lights flashed green. Y/N was at the back as he got ready to get started. He then look to his right and saw the brown-haired boy patiently waiting with his hands in his pockets, he turned to Y/N when he noticed him staring.
Y/N still felt that he was someone he knew but he just couldn't remember, so he decided to just walk over to him.
Brown Haired Boy: "Can I help you?"
Y/N: "About what you've said to me before, I feel like I know you for some reason but I just can't figure it out."
Brown Haired Boy: "Do you really not remember me? Either I've changed so much ever since the last time we met that you can't recognize me, or you're just a complete idiot."
Y/N: "Enough with the games, so I'll ask again just who are you?" He asked as he glared at him.
Brown Haired Boy: (Sigh) "'s me Ekon."
As the boy's name finally left his lips, Y/N rapidly started getting some memories he had forgotten.
Y/N: (Thoughts) Ekon? Wait a minute I remember now!
(Flashback 1 and a half years ago)
Shockwaves could be heard in the air as Y/N and Ekon were seen fighting each other. Y/N and Ekon clashed fists and jumped away to get some distance.
Ekon: "Come on Y/N is that all you got!?"
Y/N: "Not even close!"
Ekon throws a punch at Y/n face, but he caught it and kicked Ekon in the chin, and slammed him towards the ground. Y/N followed him down as Ekon recovered and shot a Ki Blast at Y/N who deflected it, but that was only a distraction as Ekon sped towards Y/N and head-butted him which made him lean back in pain.
Ekon threw a barrage of punches to his stomach and slammed him down into a plateau as the debris fell on top of him.
Ekon waited for Y/N to come out because he knew that wasn't enough to beat him, the ground started shaking as yellow beams of light were seen as Y/N burst out of the rubble and was now in his Super Saiyan form.
Y/N: "Alright Ekon no more playing around, now it's time to get serious!"
Ekon: (Smirks) "I've been waiting for you to transform, now show me the power of a Super Saiyan!"
Y/N: "Then I won't disappoint you now bring it! Rahhhhhhhh!" Y/N yelled and powered up as the golden aura exploded around him.
Suddenly Y/N was instantly in front of him and landed a fist deep in Ekon's gut which made him cough out blood, Y/N punched him in the face as Ekon flew back. He chased after him and was already behind Ekon and landed a punch to the back of his spine.
Ekon: "GAHHHH!"
Ekon grits his teeth and elbowed Y/N in the face and turned around to throw a blow to his temple as Y/N blocked it and they both started to trade punches and kicks at high speeds.
Y/N started to get the upper hand as ducked under one of Ekon's attacks and threw a devastating uppercut damaging him further and followed up with a spin kick to the chest as Ekon crashed down into the ground.
Ekon: (Coughs) "Damn it! Is the gap in power really this big between us?"
Ekon slowly gets on his feet and looks up to see Y/N still in the air.
Y/N: "This was a good fight Ekon, but now it's time to finish this."
Y/N cupped his hands together and brought them back, a blue ball of energy formed in his hands and started an iconic chant.
A white aura surrounded Ekon as he powered up and brought his hands back to charge up his own attack.
Ekon: "Buster!
Ekon: "Cannon!"
The two beams collide as the air slashes intensely, the two combatants were struggling to overpower the other.
Ekon: "Full Power!"
Ekon's beam gets bigger as it pushed Y/N's Kamehameha back, Y/N starts to gritting his teeth.
Y/N put's more power into the Kamehameha that pushes his attack back, Ekon's feet started to slide back and was slowly losing ground.
Ekon: "I w-won't lose!"
Y/N: "It's over Ekon!"
Y/N put's his full power into the attack instantly overpowering his Buster Cannon as the blast consumed Ekon and caused a massive explosion.
When the smoke died down Ekon was shown on the ground unable to move and barely conscious.
Y/N powered down to his base form and flew down to Ekon, he pulled out two senzu beans from his pouch and crouched down next to Ekon.
Y/N: "Ekon here's a senzu bean, eat it."
Ekon ate the Senzu bean and hopped up now back to full strength as Y/N ate the other senzu bean.
Y/N: "Senzu beans really come in handy, right Ekon?"
Ekon: "........"
Y/N: "Ekon are you okay?"
Ekon: "Yeah I'm good, I have to say that Super Saiyan form of yours really is something else."
Y/N: "Yeah you were pretty strong too for an Earthling, there's not that many humans that could push me past my base and keep up with me in Super Saiyan."
Ekon: "Thanks, so do you think I'm ready to become a time patroller?"
Y/N: "Oh yeah you're more than ready, I know you'll pass the test with flying colors!"
Ekon: "I see.....well I guess training is done for today, I'll have to prepare for the test tomorrow."
Y/N: "Ok, I'll see you later than Ekon, good luck on the test!" Y/N said as he held out his fist to Ekon who reciprocated the fist bump.
Y/N started to walk away as Ekon called out to Y/N.
Ekon: "Hey Y/N!"
Y/N: (Turns back) "Hmm?"
Ekon: "The next time we fight I'll be much stronger than before, one day I'll beat you and show you that Earthlings could be just as powerful as Saiyans!" Ekon declared with a raised fist.
Y/N: (Smiles) "And I'll be waiting for that day!"
They both flew off and went their respective ways as unbeknownst to the both of them, this was the last time they would see each other in a long time.
(Flashback End)
Y/N: " that really you?"
Ekon: (Chuckles) "Of course it's me, who else would I be?"
Y/N: "Y-You've changed Ekon, just what happened to you over the past year?"
Ekon: "That's irrelevant, all that matters is that I'm here now assigned to be your partner for your mission from the Supreme Kai Of Time."
Y/N: "What?! But she never told me about this."
Ekon: "She was going to tell you earlier, but I wanted her to keep it a secret. I didn't want her to spoil the surprise, and from the look on your face I'd say it was worth it."
Ekon: "I'll just tell you this, personally I really don't give a damn about the Sports Festival, I just want to settle things with you that's all."
Y/N: "It's great to see you again Ekon, but I have to admit that I am glad you're here."
Ekon: (Raises a brow) "Why is that?"
Y/N: (Clenches his fist and smirks) "Because now I have something to look forward to in the Sports Festival."
Ekon smirks back as they turn their attention to the light that was counting down, and started to get ready.
Ekon: "Hey Y/N, even though I said I don't care about the Sports Festival, that doesn't mean I don't mind losing to you in this event."
Y/N: "That's funny I was thinking the same thing."
The final light went off as Midnight shouted.
Midnight: "Begin!"
Everyone started running through the tunnel as Y/N and Ekon started dashing through the doorway.
Next time on the Saiyan Time Patroller: Sports Festival Part 2
Hey guys I came out with another chapter for the story.
If any of you have any questions about this chapter or story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
See You Next Time!!!
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