Chapter 6: A battle ends but a new war begins

Third Person POV



In an empty bar, a portal appeared as Shigaraki landed on the ground still heavily wounded. The T.V screen turned on and a male voice started talking.

???: "Tomura were you successful in your mission?"

Shigaraki: "No I wasn't we failed, we were all utterly defeated, even our Nomu didn't stand a chance!"

???: "So it seems All Might was able to defeat the Nomu."

Shigaraki: "No not just him, there was another brat with black spiky hair that could handle the Nomu with no problems at all! The worse part about it is that he could've probably beaten him even without All Might's help. That kid.......that kid! If he didn't show up I would've killed those brats and All Might!"

There was silence for a brief moment before the voice started to talk again.

???: "Is this true?"

Shigaraki: "Yes it's true, but that's not all that happened, during our invasion there was a weird purple aura surrounding most of our allies with glowing red eyes, it even happened to the Nomu as well."

???: "Very Strange, do you know what's the cause of this phenomenon?"

Shigaraki: "No I have no idea about it, but if I had to make a guess I'd say it was actually aiding us since it wasn't being a hindrance to our mission."

???: "I see.....we'll look more into this purple aura for later. Right now I want you to find out more about this boy. If what you said is true then he'll be a thorn in our plans."

Shigaraki: "Yes......Sensei."

???: "Tomura Shigaraki next time you will show the world the true horror of your existence!"

When the T.V turned off the man had a smirk on his face.

???: "The sports festival is nearly approaching, I hope to see more of this boy soon because his strength interests me." He said as he sinisterly laughed.

Meanwhile at the USJ

Y/N was walking up the stairs on his way to the entrance, that encounter with Fu from a moment ago had his mind racing with many different thoughts going through his head.

When he got to the top of the stairs he saw Principal Nezu along with another few pro heroes like Snipe, Present Mic, and Midnight.

Nezu who noticed the Saiyan had started approaching him.

Nezu: "There you are Y/N, we've been looking for you."

Y/N: "Sorry about that I didn't mean to worry you."

Nezu: "It's fine Y/N no need to apologize, I actually want to thank you, because of your actions today you saved the students and the teachers, for that we are grateful."

Y/N: "It's no problem, I just did what anyone would've done."

Nezu: "Is something the matter Y/N? You look a little perturbed." He asked in concern seeing the troubled expression on his face.

Y/N: "I'm fine."

Nezu: "Well ok then, you should go join the rest of your classmates outside, we'll handle the rest from here."

Y/N nods and walks away, but stopped when he heard Nezu's call out to him again as he looks over his shoulder.

Nezu: "Y/N I just want you to know that I'm always here if you ever need to talk about something." Nezu said while smiling.

Y/N: "Thanks." He replied with a hint of a smile.

When Y/N got outside the USJ there were police cars and ambulances outside as the villains that were captured were being sent to prison, he looked ahead and saw Midoriya being brought to the nurse and Aizawa and Thirteen being put into the ambulance and being sent to the hospital.

Y/N: (Thoughts) Damn it......none of this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't so careless.

Y/N would make sure to give his teachers a senzu bean when he has the chance.

Kirishima: "YO Y/N!!!"

Y/N turns to see a bunch of his classmates run up to him and started to gather around him.

Kirishima: "Hey man you really kicked ass out there!" Kirishima replied as he grinned while putting an arm around Y/N's shoulder.

Hagakure: "You were on a whole other level compared to us, it was incredible!"

Mina: "Yeah you really showed those villains who's boss!" Mina said raising a fist in the air.

Y/N: (Chuckles) "Thanks guys, but I really didn't think I did that much to help." Y/N replied with a sheepish smile.

Kaminari: "Are you kidding!? If you didn't show up back there to help us I would've been toast! Thanks for that by the way." He said with gratitude.

Tokoyami: "Yes you were a great help to all of us Y/N." Tokoyami added as Koda and Ojiro nodded.

Tsukauchi: "Ok now that the rest of you are here, it seems like everyone's pretty much unharmed."

Tsuyu: "Detective how is Aizawa Sensei?" She asked.

Tsukauchi: "His arms are riddled with comminuted fractures and have some facial fractures as well, but he didn't receive any brain damage so he'll be fine."

Mina: "Sir what about Thirteen?"

Tsukauchi: "As for Thirteen her back and upper arms have sustained serious lacerations, but her vitals appear to be stable. The same goes for All Might he didn't suffer any major injuries so he's being sent to recovery girl to receive treatment."

The class was happy that their teachers would be alright as Y/N let out a sigh of relief.

Y/N: "Wait how is Midoriya?" Y/N asked as Iida and Uraraka nodded their heads.

Tsukauchi: "Midori?....... Oh, he'll be fine as well, just a couple of fractures and broken fingers on his hand so he was sent to recovery girl as well. I actually have some business to attend there." He explained as Y/N, Uraraka, and Iida were glad their friend was alright.

Tsukauchi: "Alright now let's get you all back to class."

Everyone: "Yes sir!"

Tsukauchi: "Sancha.....I leave the rest to you."

Sancha: (Does an army salute) "Affirmative."

Uraraka: "Wait he's not a dog."

Everyone got back on the bus and was heading back to school, Y/N was sitting in the back looking out the window while some of his classmates were chattering on the bus, he started to think back on what happened earlier with the demonic energy infecting those villains and his encounter with the person called Fu. As soon as he gets back home, he'll need to inform Supreme Kai Of Time about this immediately.

Momo: "Y/N?"

Y/N looked up to see Momo standing in front of him.

Y/N: "Oh hey Yaoyorozu, What's up?"

Momo: "Um.....Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

Y/N: "Sure thing, go ahead." Y/N replied as Momo smiled and sat next to him.

Momo: "Today was pretty crazy wasn't it?"

Y/N: "Yeah none of us expected anything like this to happen, but we all managed to make it out of there alive."

Momo: "It's because of you." She said in a low voice.

Y/N: "Hmmm?"

Momo: "I was terrified, we all were. I didn't think we were gonna make it out of there, but you had taken control of the situation and helped everyone. You faced those villains without any fear at all, you were so brave, you acted like how a true hero should."

Momo gets closer to Y/N and envelopes him in a hug.

Momo: "Thank you for saving me, for saving all of us."

Y/N felt his face getting warmer as his heart was beating slightly faster and he didn't know why. Y/N smiled and hugged her back.

Jiro: "Are we interrupting something?" Jiro asked with a teasing smirk who was just a few seats in front of them.

Momo and Y/N's eyes widened as they looked at Jiro and they quickly pulled away with both of them having red faces.

Mina: "Aww you guys look so cute together." Mina cooed who was sitting across from Jiro.

Momo: "I-It's not like that! We were just talking!"

Y/N: "Y-Yeah." Y/N replied not knowing what else to say.

Jiro and Mina started laughing and teasing the two of them which made them start to blush even more.


When they got to the school everyone went into the locker rooms to get changed to get ready to go home.

Y/N didn't bother changing back into his school uniform so he grabbed his belongings and started heading out the door, but not before seeing off some of the guys who didn't already leave.

Kirishima: "See you later man."

Sero: "Bye Y/N."

Kaminari: "Take care bro."

Y/N fist-bumped them as he headed out the door, when he was walking through the hallway he saw Bakugo leaning on the wall with his arms crossed as if he was waiting for someone. When he saw Y/N his eyes raised up for a fraction of a second.

Bakugo: "Hey nerd, follow me."

Bakugo started to walk away which made Y/N raise a brow in confusion, ignoring the insult he decided to follow him to see what he wanted.

After about a minute of walking, Y/N noticed that they were at a secluded location of the school where no one could see them.

Bakugo stopped and turned to look at Y/N with rage in his eyes.

Bakugo: "Is this some type of game to you?!"

Y/N: "Huh?"

Bakugo: "Don't play dumb with me! That power you displayed at the combat training and back there at the USJ, just because you took down some fucking villains and helped All-Might doesn't mean shit. I don't care how powerful you are, I'll be the number one hero and not you so stop looking down on me you bastard!"

Y/N stares at Bakugo with a surprised face for a second before he started to chuckle, then it turned into full blown laughter.


Y/N: "Hahaha, no it's just you really resemble someone that I know."

Bakugo: "What the fuck does that have to do with anything?"

Y/N: (Looks at Bakugo with a serious face) "What I'm just saying is that it's good to have a goal and want to be the best at what you can do, but you can't let your pride cloud your judgement when it comes down to crucial situations, if you don't then you'll learn that the hard way, trust me I've seen it first hand."

Bakugo: (Glares at Y/N before he glanced to the side) "Hmph.....whatever."

Bakugo puts his hands in his pockets and walks away, Y/N watched him leave as he let out a sigh, he wondered if maybe just maybe deep down Bakugo had listened to what he was saying and heeded his advice.

Y/N had walked out to the entrance and took off flying into the air to make his way back to his home.

When Y/N got to his house, he put his stuff down and walked to his laboratory to find a item he needed.

Y/N: (Thoughts) Come on, where is it?

Y/N searched through multiple drawers and cabinets before eventually finding what he was looking for.

Y/N: "Aha! Found it."

Y/N grabbed and put on his communicator watch that he got from Bulma, but Supreme Kai Of Time did some modifications to it so he can contact them whenever he needed them.

Y/N pressed a few buttons before he started speaking.

Y/N: "Supreme Kai Of Time, can you hear me?"

Chronoa: "Y/N?! Yes I can hear you, how everything going?"

Y/N: "We need to talk, it's very important."

Chronoa can hear the seriousness in his voice which made her start to get serious herself.

Chronoa: "What happened?"

Y/N then explained to Chronoa about what happened at the USJ, and then his encounter with Fu and how he knows about the Saiyans and the Time Patrollers.

Chronoa: "This isn't good, do you think the cause of these distortions could be someone from the demon realm that had escaped?"

Y/N: "I don't know but I'm willing to bet that it is, that's if that Fu guy wasn't lying to me."

Chronoa: "I don't trust him at all, not one bit. Someone that could absorb demonic energy from any distortions that are created is unbelievable."

Y/N: "What should I do now Supreme Kai Of Time?"

Chronoa: "Now you have a mission, I want you to find out who's been effecting these villains with demonic energy and take them out immediately."

Y/N: "And what about Fu?"

Chronoa: "Fu is still a mystery to us and we don't even know who he is, I want you to keep an eye out for him. If you find him again I want you to try and capture Fu so we can get some answers from him, but be careful when trying to engage him because if what you told me about his strength is true, then he could be holding back a lot more power than we realize."

Y/N: "Understood."

Chronoa: "I have to go now Y/N, I'll try to find more information about this so it can help you on your mission, I'll contact you through the communicator if I find anything."

Y/N: "Yeah, it'll be a big help."

Chronoa: "And Y/N, please be careful."

Y/N: (Chuckles) "Don't worry I'll be fine. Thanks........................Mother."

Chronoa: (Smiles) "Good luck Y/N."

When she hung up, Y/N went outside and flew to the top of his house and landed there as he stared up into the sky.

Y/N: "I don't know who's behind all this, but I won't let them turn this world into their plaything, I'll stop you no matter what." Y/N declared as he clenched his fist in determination.


Location: Timenest

Back at Conton city, Chronoa and Elder Kai were at the timenest with TokiToki flying in the sky.

Elder Kai: "I don't trust this Fu fellow as well, but if he is right in saying there's someone else behind these distortions, this could spell trouble for all of us."

Chronoa: "I know and that's why I'm not taking any chances this time, I'm going to send in another person to help Y/N on his mission."

Elder Kai: "Are you crazy?! You're sending in someone else?! If I recall correctly Y/N is the best time patroller we have, sending in anyone else would only hold him back!"

Chronoa: (Grins) "I wouldn't say that old man, because who I'm sending in has strength almost comparable to Y/N's and the amount of potential he has is astounding!"

Elder Kai: (Raises a brow) "And just who would that be?"

Chronoa: (Turns to the entrance of the Timenest) "You can come in now!"

The figure walks in and looks at Elder Kai and Chronoa with a smirk on his face.

Location: Unknown

???: "Soon we'll have our revenge and destroy Y/N L/N once and for all, and then we can revive the demon realm. Would'nt you agree?" The person asked and turned to their taller companion.

???: "Yes soon that Saiyan will finally see who's the strongest in the universe." The taller figure clenched their fist as a red aura started bursting out.

???: "Calm yourself, you'll have your chance in due time." The smaller figure reassures their companion which made the person relax a bit.

The smaller figure starts laughing because their plan to destroy Y/N L/N will come to fruition.


Next Time on the Saiyan Time Patroller: "The Return Of An Old Friend."


Hey guys another chapter is finished! I'm finally done with season 1 and could move on to season 2 and 3 where things start to get really intresting.

I hope you all like this chapter, if you have any questions about this chapter or story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See You Next Time!!!

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