Chapter 5: Meet Fu
Hey everyone sorry if you got a notification for a updated chapter earlier, I made a mistake and accidently published it when it wasn't finished yet, anyway onto the chapter.
Third Person POV
As the wave of villains poured out of the portal the class started to feel rather uneasy.
Kirishima: "Who are those people are they supposed to help with our training? I thought we were supposed to be rescuing people?
Y/N: "No they definitely aren't here to help us, they seem like trouble most likely those guys are villains."
Everyone in the class were in Utter shock realizing the dangers of the situation.
Mineta: "N-No way...."
Midoriya: "R-Real Villains....."
Aizawa: "L/N is right so all of you stay back!"
Y/N and Midoriya glance at Aizawa to see him start to put on his goggles and getting ready for a fight.
Kurogiri: "The only heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraserhead, strange because the schedule we retrieved from U.A says that All Might should be here as well."
Aizawa: "So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked on the campus."
Shigaraki: "Where is he? We went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who want to meet him, the great symbol of peace. So I guess maybe killing a few of his students will make him come out to play."
Momo: "Thirteen why aren't the alarms going off?"
Thirteen: "I'm not sure."
Aizawa: "One of these villains must have a Quirk that's jamming our alarms and communications. Kaminari try to use your Quirk to contact the school."
Kaminari: "Right.... (Puts his hand on his earphone for a few seconds and stops when he can't contact the school) It's no good I can't contact them either."
Aizawa: "Thirteen protect the students and get them out of here."
Midoriya: "Are you really gonna take them all on by yourself? Your Quirk isn't meant for prolonged fights even if you can erase their Quirks."
Y/N: (Steps Forward) "He's right Mr. Aizawa it could be pretty risky taking on that many people, please allow me to assist you."
Aizawa: "Don't worry you two, you can't be a pro if you only have one trick. I leave them to you Thirteen."
Aizawa uses his scarf and jumps down the stairs to combat the villains.
Random villain 1: "Shooting Squad go!"
Random villain 2: "Didn't they say it was gonna be Thirteen and All Might? So who's that?"
Random villain 3: "Don't recognize him but if he thinks he can take on all of us he's dead!"
Aizawa dashes towards the villains and uses his Quirk.
Random villain 1: "My Quirk!?"
Random villain 3: "Where are my bullets!?"
Aizawa then quickly proceeds to beat down the villains using scarf and Quirk without much trouble.
As Aizawa was fighting, Thirteen and the rest of the class were running towards the exit, but only Y/N and Midoriya stayed back. Midoriya was amazed that his teacher was taking down so many villains so quickly, Y/N on the other hand wanted to jump in and help his teacher despite everyone being told to leave.
Iida: "Y/N and Midoriya! Come on don't just stand there we gotta go!"
Midoriya nods and follows them as Y/N takes one last look at Aizawa before hesitantly joining his classmates. As the class were about to reach the exit, the purple mist guy from before appeared in front of them in a portal just before they could reach the door.
Y/N: (Thoughts) Shit they really did plan all of this from the start, and it seems like this guy isn't gonna let us leave to get help. I don't know how but it looks like he has a Quirk similar to instant transmission, can't let my guard down around him.
Kurogiri: "It's a pleasure to meet you we are the league of villains I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice and say hello. Besides isn't this a fitting place for All Might the symbol of peace to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today but I see no sign of him, it must've been some change in plan we haven't foreseen. In the end it doesn't matter I still have a role to play."
Kurogiri was then rushed at by Kirishima and Bakugo as they jumped at him to attack him.
Thirteen: "Get back here you two! He's too dangerous!"
There was a big explosion as smoke started to cover the area.
Kirishima: (Smirks) "Did you really think we'll stand around and let you tear this place to shreds?"
Y/N: (Thoughts) Did they get him?...... No they didn't I can still sense his energy, he wasn't effected by that attack at all.
When the smoke cleared Kurogiri was shown not taking even the slightest bit of damage.
Bakugo + Kirishima: "What!?"
Kurogiri: "All of you really do live up to your reputation, U.A students really are powerful but now it's time to scatter all of you around the facility so you can face my comrades and meet your death!"
Kurogiri's purple mist covered everyone and he started to use his Quirk to scatter everyone around.
Y/N quickly looked through the mist and saw Shoji holding Mina and Sero in a tight embrace so they won't get teleported. Since they were the closest people by him Y/N ran towards them and grabbed Shoji by the back of his collar.
Y/N: "Shoji Hold them tight I'm gonna get us out of here!"
Shoji nodded as he held onto Mina and Sero as Y/N jumped high enough to where he was out of the mist and landed in a safe distance not far from it.
Y/N: "Are you guys okay?"
All three of them nodded as Y/N ran back to the spiral mist to go save the rest of his classmates, but it was too late as he can sense they were all teleported to different locations of the USJ. The only other people with them were Uraraka, Iida, and Sato.
Thirteen: "Are all of you okay?!" She yelled not taking her eyes off the enemy.
Y/N: (Runs up to Thirteen) "Yes we're fine, I was able to help out a couple of my classmates but a rest of them got separated from us."
Thirteen: "I-I see." She replied in a worried and crestfallen tone, if only she had reacted faster against that villain none of this would've happened.
Iida and the rest ran up to Y/N and Thirteen.
Iida: "Thirteen most of us managed to escape, but the rest of our classmates weren't so lucky, what are your orders?!"
Thirteen: (Quickly glances at the group and looks back the enemy) "Who's the fastest in this group? I have a job for you to do, I'll need you to run to the school and inform the faculty of what's happening here."
All of them look at Y/N.
Sero: "Y/N is the fastest out of all of us so he'll be the right person for-"
Y/N: (Shakes his head) "No I'm not the right person for this job."
Uraraka: "No way you're totally the right person! You're even faster than Iida!"
Iida: "Uraraka's right Y/N you are faster than me-"
Y/N: "You're right I am faster but with my strength and abilities I'll be more needed here so I can help the others."
Y/N: (Smiles) "So it's up to you class rep, now get out of here we got your back."
Iida: "B-But I can't just leave you all here, it would be disgraceful of me to leave you all behind!"
Sato: "Y/N told you to go emergency exit. If you escape you can alert them with the alarms outside, that's why they're focusing on keeping us here in the USJ."
Sero: "Yeah and they won't follow you when you're outside, so blow this guy away with your engine legs!"
Mina: "We're with you Iida!"
Uraraka: "Yeah It'll be just like when I helped you in the cafeteria!"
Iida was stunned by all the support he was getting from his classmates, then with a determined look on his face he activated his engines and started running towards the door.
Kurogiri: "Do you really think I'll let you escape that easily?!"
Kurogiri chases him but Shoji rushes at him and grabs him tight.
Shoji: "Keep going!"
Iida keeps running as Kurogiri got out of Shoji's grasp and kept going after Iida at an even faster pace.
Iida: (Thoughts) Damn it! he's on my tail I won't be able to make it in time.
Y/N then appeared beside Iida and was running next to him.
Iida: "Y/N?!"
Y/N: "Iida I'm about to try something to buy you more time, but whatever you do don't turn around and keep running got it!?"
Iida: (Nods) "Understood."
Y/N: "Everyone cover your eyes now!"
Thirteen and his classmates didn't know what Y/N was about to do, but they complied and shielded their eyes.
Kurogiri: "Whatever you're planning is futile!" Kurogiri yelled as the mist was about to completely cover over Iida and Y/N.
Y/N stopped and put his hands to the center of his face with his fingers spread towards his eyes.
Y/N: "Solar flare!"
A blinding white light was shown in the area. Everyone struggled to covered their eyes because of the intense brightness.
Kurogiri: "This light! I can't see anything!" He yelled being temporarily blinded.
While this was happening Iida managed to open the door and started running back to U.A. When the light died down everyone noticed that Iida had escaped. Y/N then ran back over to his classmates.
Uraraka: "He got out!" She cheered in happiness.
Sato: "Nice work bro!" He said patting Y/N's shoulder.
Sero: "We're saved now since he can go and inform the other heroes!"
Y/N: (Walks over to Shoji) You did great too Shoji, that was pretty smart of you to grab him so you can buy Iida more time to get out."
Shoji: (Nods) "Thanks I just did what I had to do."
Kurogiri: "He got away and is gonna go back and call for reinforcements...... it's over. I have to go back an inform Shigaraki of our predicament." Kurogiri quickly created a portal to go back to Shigaraki but was interrupted by Thirteen using her Quirk.
Thirteen: "Where do you think you're going?!"
Kurogiri: "Thirteen you're a hero who specializes in disaster relief tasks yet you still choose to fight? How admirable of you but you overlooked one thing. (Creates a Portal behind Thirteen) Your experience in battle is far below an average hero's, you turned yourself into dust by your own power!"
Thirteen took massive damage because of her own Quirk which had ripped the back of her suit.
Thirteen: (Weakly) "H-he got me, I'm sorry."
Mina: "Sensei!" She cried out as herself, Uraraka, and Sero ran over to Thirteen.
Y/N widened his eyes as he quickly looked at Thirteen and sensed her life force is slowly decreasing and could potentially die if her injuries aren't treated. He then looked at the mist villain as he took notice of the metal brace inside the mist, even though he can't be touched physically Y/N could still sense his real body so that must be it!
In the blink of a eye Y/N was in front of Kurogiri and grabbed the metal brace, he slammed him into the ground creating a small crater.
Kurogiri: "Arghhh!" He cried out in pain and was momentarily unconscious.
Y/N: "Sato and Shoji come over here and help me!"
Sato and Shoji both looked at each other and nodded as they ran over to Y/N.
Y/N: "Sato I want you to watch him and if he tries anything use your strength by putting enough force on this metal brace right here it's where his real body is hidden, and Shoji I want you to use your Quirk to listen out and make sure no bad guys are coming, and also make sure this guy doesn't try anything funny."
Shoji: "Got it." He replied as he used one of his tentacle arms and formed it into an ear and another into an eye.
Sato: "What are you gonna do Y/N?"
Y/N: "I'm gonna go check up on Thirteen and then go help the rest of our classmates."
Y/N ran forward and saw Mina, Sero, and Uraraka, gathered around Thirteen.
Y/N: "Hey guys, how's Thirteen holding up?"
Mina: (Starts to tear up) "Not good, she's in really bad condition, and the rest of our classmates are out there fighting those bad guys, what are we gonna do?!" She cried out looking down at the floor with a worried expression.
Y/N put his hand on Minas head and softly pats it which made her look up at him.
Y/N: "Don't worry, everything is gonna be alright. We're all gonna make it though this." He replied with a warm smile which made everyone start to smile a little because of how calm and nice Y/N is which really made him easy to get along with.
He walked over to Thirteen and raised his hand over her. A small Ki ball formed in his hands and it slowly went over to Thirteen. Everyone watched Thirteen glow in blue energy before it vanished.
Uraraka: "What did you just do?"
Y/N: "I transferred a bit of my energy to heal some of Thirteen's injuries, she'll be fine for now but we gotta get her some medical attention soon."
Y/N: "Now you guys stay here and watch over Thirteen, I'm gonna go help our teacher and the rest of our classmates."
Uraraka: "Y/N you can't there's too many of them!"
Sero: "Yeah we should just wait for the other heroes to arrive."
Y/N: (Smiles) "Hey don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
Y/N starts walking over to the staircase but when he heard his name being called he turned back to see Mina walking over to him.
Mina: "Thanks for helping us out back there." She said with a small smile.
Y/N: (Smiles) "Don't mention it."
Y/N then jumps down the stairs and started running to where Aizawa's Ki signature is located.
Meanwhile With Aizawa
Aizawa kicked and punched multiple villains that surrounded him and used his scarf to wrap around and take out multiple villains while using his Quirk from time to time.
As he was fighting he couldn't help but feel something strange is going on, it was faint but he saw a majority of them had a purple outline around them as their eyes glowed a bit red, even though these villains where nothing he couldn't handle, most of them were more persistent in attacking him than the others so he had try a little more than usual just to knock them out.
Y/N appeared next to Aizawa and kicked a villain in the face that was gonna attack from the left side.
Aizawa: "L/N What are you doing here? I thought I told you and everyone else to leave."
Y/N: "A lot of things happened so I came to help you out Mr. Aizawa, it looks like you're in a bit of a pickle here."
Aizawa looked at Y/N and saw that he meant business and wasn't gonna take no for an answer.
Aizawa: (Sigh) "Fine but be careful these villains for some reason are a bit more tougher than I give them credit for."
Y/N nods as he faces a group of villains and gets into his fighting stance, but suddenly Y/N senses something strange about their Ki. It felt demonic for some reason, it was weird because he couldn't sense anything like that coming from them before. The only people he knows were capable of having that type of energy were the ones from the demon realm.
Y/N narrows his eyes as he focuses closely on their Ki, a couple of seconds later his eyes widened when he saw a faint purple aura around them with their eyes glowing a bit red.
It's just as he suspected someone has been amplifying them with demonic energy. But who's the cause of this? Could someone have escaped from the demon realm? It's unlikely but he had to consider the possibilities.
Y/N: (Thoughts) (Tightly clenches his fists) Dammit! Out of all the times the time breakers could've made their move, why would they go here of all places!?
Y/N noticed his breathing was getting a little heavier, so he closed his eyes and slowly took a deep breath to calm himself down. Now was not the time for him to start losing his cool, right now he has to focus on the task at hand and that's helping his teacher and everyone else.
A group of villains ran at Aizawa and Y/N. Y/N took out half of them out quickly using his speed to elbow one in the gut, kick another in in face, and finished the rest off with a weak Ki blast.
The fodder villains were quite shocked by this.
"How is this kid so strong?!"
"I didn't even see him move!"
Aizawa: "I would be more worried about yourselves if I were you."
Aizawa was behind them and kicked one of them in the chin, he avoided a left hook at his face and wrapped the other villain around in his scarf and launched him over at a couple of villains taking them all down.
Aizawa: (Glances at Y/N) "What's the situation with the others?"
Y/N: "More than half of my classmates were teleported at different zones around the USJ by that mist guy. We helped Iida escape so he could inform the others back at U.A. Thirteen was also badly injured by him but I gave her some of my energy to lessen the damage so she's fine for now." Y/N explained as he landed a punch in a villains gut.
Aizawa: (Nods) "Listen kid, I need you to go and help your classmates that are scattered around the facility."
Y/N: "But what about you? I can't just leave you here."
Aizawa: "Right now helping your classmates is far more important. I can take care of myself just fine, so don't worry about me."
Y/N: "Ok then understood." He replied and uses instant transmission to sense one of his classmates that were the closest and teleported to their location. Aizawa turns back to face the group of villains.
Aizawa: (Thoughts) That kid.....he was far too calm for someone that's going up against a group of villains trying to kill him. Kids his age should be frightened or a least be a little alarmed, but I didn't see any of that in his eyes, it was almost like he experienced something like this before and was used to it. If I didn't know any better I'd mistake him for a pro hero.
Aizawa shook his head and focused on taking down these villains, he'll have to think more about his peculiar student later.
As this was happened the cloaked figure was sitting on top of a mountain and was just watching everything with an excited and curious expression.
???: "These Quirk powers are so interesting! Especially that spiky haired guy, but it's strange from my research no one in this universe should be able to use Ki or even know it exists."
For a couple of seconds he started thinking, then the cloaked figures eyes lit up in realization.
Conflagration Zone
Ojiro was having a tough time, he took out as many villains as he could, and used his tail to keep himself above ground to avoid the fire and hide in the shadows.
Ojiro: (Thoughts) I need to go find the others and get out of here fast.
He looked up ahead across the street and saw it was empty, so he landed on the ground and make a break for it and ran since the coast was clear. Unfortunately it was just a trap as more than 25 villains came out and started to charge at him all amplified with demonic energy.
Villain 1: "We got you now!"
Villain 2: "It's over for you kid!"
Ojiro grit his teeth a little and got into a fighting stance, he didn't know if he could handle this many villains at once by himself but he has to try, he has no other choice.
Y/N appeared in front of Ojiro with Instant Transmission, he sticks out his hand and uses the Kiai technique creating strong wind pressure to send all the villains flying back.
Ojiro: "Y/N?!" Ojiro said being quite surprised a little to see Y/N take out all the villains in less than a second but nonetheless he was quite relieved to see him.
Y/N: (Smiles) "Ojiro it's good to see you."
Ojiro: "Same to you Y/N thanks for the help, if you came any later I would've been in big trouble there."
Y/N: "Sure thing, now I'm gonna teleport us out of here, so grab onto my shoulder."
Ojiro nods as he puts his hands on Y/N's shoulder and teleports them to the entrance.
Y/N and Ojiro appear next to the group making all his classmates look up, he looked around and saw no sign of Kurogiri.
Y/N: "What happened?"
Sato: "That mist guy managed to get the upper hand on us and he quickly escaped."
Shoji: "Yes, we were careless."
Y/N: (Shakes his head) "It's okay guys, what's important is that all of you are safe that's all that matters." He replied as everyone smiled at Y/N.
Y/N: "Okay you guys watch over Thirteen, I'm gonna go help the others." Y/N said as he disappeared.
Downpour Zone
Tokoyami and Koda were running while cutting through corners of buildings, Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to swiftly take out any villain that got near them.
Tokoyami: "These villains numbers are reducing slightly, I hope our comrades are doing okay." He said with a little concern in his voice. Koda was thinking the same as he was worried about his classmates as well.
More Villains started to come out and charged at Tokoyami and Koda.
Koda got into a fighting stance as Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow ready to fight.
Y/N appeared and quickly took out all the villains in seconds before they even realized what happened.
Y/N walked up to them as they looked a little stunned and questioned how Y/N did that.
Tokoyami: (Nods) "Y/N glad to see your okay." He replied as Koda nodded in agreement.
Y/N: "Same to you guys, hurry and grab onto me I'm gonna teleport us back to the entrance."
They both looked at each other for a second and nodded as they grabbed his shoulder and Y/N teleported away bringing them back to the entrance.
Landslide Zone
After dropping Koda and Tokoyami off, Y/N arrived at the next zone and felt a cool breeze pass by him, he saw a trail of villains frozen in ice as some looked a little frightened.
Y/N: "Todoroki had make quick work of them, they didn't stand a chance."
In the distance he saw Todoroki and made his way over to him. Todoroki heard footsteps behind him and was about to attack but stopped when he saw it was Y/N.
Todoroki: "Y/N.... What are you doing here?"
Y/N: "I came to help you out but it looks like you didn't need it huh?" Y/N rhetorically asked looking at the villains who were almost frozen statues.
Todoroki: "I'm fine I don't need any help here Y/N, it'll be better if you go help the others."
Y/N: "Well okay then if you're sure, and also you should try to be more aware of your surroundings you could've hurt Hagakure back there." Y/N replied with a stern tone as he sensed the invisible girl, her gloves and boots being the only noticeable thing you can see on her was watching them hiding in the back.
Todoroki: "Huh?"
Y/N: "Hey Hagakure over here!" Y/N yelled waving at her.
Hagakure who was watching Y/N and Todoroki was surprised when she saw Y/N waving her down.
Hagakure: "He can see me?!" Hagakure questioned as she ran up to both of them.
Hagakure: "Hey guys! Todoroki you were so strong when I saw how easily you took care of those villains!"
Todoroki: (Thoughts) I didn't even notice her, Y/N's right I could've accidently ended up freezing her.
Hagakure: "How did you know where I was Y/N?" Hagakure asked her voice dripping with curiosity.
Y/N: "Oh that's easy every living being has a tangible energy source inside of them, so I use that to sense where someone is."
Hagakure: "Oooh that's makes sense!"
Todoroki: "I hate to interrupt our little chat but we have more important things to do."
Y/N: "Right, Hagakure I'm gonna teleport us back to the others so grab onto me."
Hagakure put her hand on his shoulder as Y/N teleported her back to the others. After Y/N dropped her off he was flying in the air going to the next zone.
Y/N: (Thoughts) Okay not that much longer now.
Y/N looked ahead and seen a boat in the water and noticed Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Mineta on the boat with multiple villains surrounding them in the water.
Y/N was about to go help them but he saw Midoriya send a strong pressure of air into the water creating a whirlpool, Tsuyu wrapped her tongue around him while holding Mineta and jumped a safe distance away from the area, and Mineta used his Quirk to trap all the villains together.
Y/N: (Thoughts) Good job guys, especially you Midoriya.
Since they were fine for now Y/N made his way over to the Mountain zone and saw Jiro and Momo with Kaminari being held hostage.
Y/N: "Tch not on my watch!"
Mountain Zone
Electric Villain: "Don't move! If I see any of you use your Quirks I'll kill this kid!"
Jiro and Momo put their hands up and stay put.
Jiro: "Damn it we were careless." She said with a little anger in her voice.
Electric Villain: "I don't want to kill a kid that's an electric type like me, but I will if I have to."
Momo: "Since he's an electric type user like Kaminari then he must've been the one who was interfering with the communications."
With quick thinking Jiro started to praise both him and Kaminari for how powerful electric types are while discreetly sliding one of her earphone jacks close to the plug in her leg.
Momo: (Thoughts) I see.... if Jiro can connect her earphone jack she can use her plug to do a no motion attack!
Electric Villain: "Do you really think I don't know what your doing? Only fools fall for something like that!"
Jiro: (Thoughts) Shit he knew.
Electric Villain: (Smirks) "Tell you what I'll let him go in exchange for your lives understand? Don't abandon the hostage now heroes, you got 3 seconds to make your choice or I'll kill him! Hahahaha!" He explained while glowing purple and having red eyes.
Kaminari: (Fried) "Hee Hee Weeeeeee."
Electric Villain: "Now let's start the count down. 3 2-"
Momo: "What do we do!?" Momo asked with panic on her face.
Jiro: "I don't know!" She shouted with frustration.
Electric Villain: "1.....well then say goodbye to your friend heroes!" He yelled as electricity summoned from his hand and was aiming for Kaminari's face.
Jiro + Momo: "No!"
Suddenly a punch landed in the villains face sending him crashing into one of mountains.
Jiro and Momo looked ahead and were shocked when they saw that it was Y/N that saved them.
Y/N: "You alright Kaminari?"
Kaminari: (Fried) "Yayyyyyyyy."
Y/N: (Thoughts) He's fine he just overused his Quirk.
Jiro and Momo had quickly ran over to Y/N.
Y/N: "Hey are you girls okay?"
Jiro: "Y-Yeah we're fine."
Momo: "Yes thanks for saving us Y/N." She said in gratitude.
Y/N: "No problem, now come on let's get out of her-"
Y/N quickly turned in the location of the Central Plaza where he could sense Aizawa's energy decreasing rapidly.
Momo: "What's wrong Y/N?"
Y/N: "Our teachers in trouble! You and Jiro go and take Kaminari to the entrance while I go help him."
Jiro: "You can't! If our teacher can't beat them then what chance do we have?!"
Momo: "She's right Y/N we know your strong and all but you might get hurt or even worse you'll die!" She said looking fearful and worried.
Y/N's hair shadowed over his eyes, and his lips curled down for a brief second, then he started to slowly started to smile.
Y/N: (Stands up and slightly turns his face to look at them) "Hmph that's what you think." Y/N replied as they all looked at him and could see the tiny smirk on his face.
Jiro took Kaminari as Y/N started making his way over to where Aizawa is, but was stopped when he felt someone grab his hand and turned to see Momo.
Momo: "Please be careful okay?" She said in a concerned tone.
Y/N: (Nods) "Got it."
Meanwhile Aizawa had his head slammed into the ground by the Nomu as both of his arms were broken.
Aizawa: (Thoughts) This thing is strong, probably near All Might's level!
Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Mineta were watching in horror as they watched their teacher being brutally beaten by that thing.
A portal was made as Kurogiri appeared next to Shigaraki.
Shigaraki: "Kurogiri is Thirteen and the others dead?"
Kurogiri: "I had incapacitated Thirteen but I'm afraid one of them had escaped while another student had managed to knock me out for a short while."
Shigaraki was silent for a moment before he started to furiously scratch his neck.
Shigaraki: "Kurogiri if you weren't our warp gate I would've turned you into ashes. Our plans are now crumbled, when the pros arrive their will be too many they can throw at us, it's game over man Aaaah it's game over!"
Shigaraki: "Shall we leave then?"
Mineta: (Hopeful) "Are they actually going to leave? We're saved you guys!" Mineta cried while grabbing Tsuyu's boobs.
Tsuyu's cheeks turned red for a second and then started drowning Mineta under the water.
Tsuyu: (Turns to Midoriya) "Why would they leave now? This is a bit concerning Midoriya." She asked having a bad feeling about all this even if the news sounded good.
Midoriya: (Nods) "Yeah moments ago their only goal was to try and kill All Might, if they leave now they'll only alert U.A of the threat they posed. What are they thinking?"
Shigaraki: (Turns to Midoriya and Co's location) "But first how about we smash some of his pride as the symbol of peace!"
In an impressive speed Shigaraki was in front of them reaching a hand out to Tsuyu's face to disintegrate her. Tsuyu watched as the hand was going towards her face in slow motion, she closed her eyes in fear waiting for her inevitable death to happen. However it never came, she slowly opened her eyes and was surprised to see Y/N in front of her holding Shigaraki's wrist in a tight grip.
Midoriya + Tsuyu + Mineta: "Y/N!?"
Shigaraki: "Who are you?!" He angrily asked when he was so close to killing one of these so called 'Heroes' but all there was silence from Y/N who just glared at him.
Shigaraki used his other hand to try and grab him but a punch connected to Shigaraki's face making him go flying back but he was caught by the Nomu.
Y/N: "Listen up I need all of you to get Mr. Aizawa out of here and head back to the entrance, I'll take care of these guys myself." He demanded with a no nonsense tone not taking his eyes off the enemy.
Mineta: "Y/N are you crazy! Did you look at what they did to Mr. Aizawa!?"
Midoriya: "He's right it'll be suicide facing them alone!" Midoriya added not wanting his friend that actually believed in him to become a hero die.
Y/N: (Looks back and has a face full of confidence) "Trust me I'll be fine, now go."
Tsuyu: "Y/N......"
Midoriya didn't want to leave his friend alone to fight these monsters but something in him told him to trust Y/N.
Midoriya: (Nods) "Okay then, let's go guys."
They nodded as they quickly went to grab Mr. Aizawa and make their way towards the entrance as Tsuyu and Midoriya took one last look at Y/N.
Tsuyu + Midoriya: (Thoughts) Please don't die Y/N.
As the group made their way towards the entrance up ahead they saw Kirishima, Bakugo, and Todoroki, along with Momo, Jirou, and Kaminari who wasn't fried anymore.
Mineta: "Hey over here!" He called out as they all ran up to them.
Kaminari: "What happened to Mr. Aizawa?!"
Midoriya: "It was because of that bird creature, it had defeated him so easily." He said in concern.
Kirishima: "Wait if you guys are here then where's Y/N?"
Tsuyu: "Over there with the rest of those villains, he bought us time so we can save Mr. Aizawa."
The rest of them widened their eyes as they looked over and saw Y/N standing alone with the other villains.
Y/N inwardly smiled as his friends were safe, he then turned his attention back to where Kurogiri, Shigaraki, and the creature were standing.
Shigaraki: (Furiously scratches his neck) "I was so close to killing one of them, but that doesn't matter because I'll just set an example to this heroes and kill you first before I kill All Might and the other brats!"
Y/N: (Growls) "I won't forgive you for trying to kill my teachers and my friends!" He said with a fierce look as a solid white aura flared around him.
This made all of Class 1-A shiver a bit in fear because compared to the kind and carefree person Y/N is, this was almost like an entirely new change in personality to all of them, he was serious and looked battle hardened.
Y/N slowly started walking towards them.
Shigaraki: "Oho? you're approaching us? Even after what we did to Eraser Head you still won't run away?"
Y/N: "I can't kick your asses without getting closer."
Shigaraki: "Well then get as close as you need to. Nomu kill him!"
The Nomu screeched as the demonic aura flowed through him.
Y/N: (Thoughts) Whoa It's power is slowly increasing every second.
He said a little surprised by the boost in power the demonic aura is feeding it.
Class 1-A: (Thoughts) "It's that weird aura again!" Everyone from Class 1-A thought feeling uneasy.
Shigaraki had noticed it earlier as well but since it didn't really do anything to hinder his plans, he could care less about it at the moment and would think about that later.
The Nomu charged toward Y/N and cocked it's fist back about to strike, Y/N stopped walking and just stayed still. All of them shouted at Y/N to get out of the way but he stood his ground.
There was a loud boom when the punch connected to Y/N's face, the ground broke beneath them as large amounts of wind and dust started picking up in the air.
Everyone was silent...........did they just really watch someone die right before their eyes?
Mina: "Y/N!"
Midoriya: "NO!"
Uraraka: "I-is he?......." She asked not wanting to continue.
Momo: (Disbelief) "H-he can't be...." She said holding back a few tears.
Bakugo: "Damn it spiky hair!" He shouts in anger.
Shigaraki: (Laughs manically) "You see! This is what happens when you try to play the hero, you end up dead just like that one! Let that be an example to all of you who tries to stop m- WHAT!?"
(Play Gohan Fights Frieza theme)
When the smoke cleared everyone was shocked to see Y/N as the Nomu's fist was caught with a open palm.
Shigaraki: "He stopped Nomu's attack?! Impossible how are you still alive?!
Y/N: "Now it's my turn. Haaaaaaaaaaaa!" Y/N yelled and started to power up shaking the entire USJ creating gusts of wind everywhere as the Nomu flew back from the pressure while the rest of them were struggling to stay on two feet.
Shigaraki: "Who the hell is this brat?!"
Midoriya: "What power!"
Kaminari: "I'll say!"
Y/N stopped powering up and both him and the Nomu charged at each other as their fists clashed creating a shockwave.
Nomu then sent a barrage of punches at Y/N as he dodged all of them effortlessly which surprised everyone.
Y/N then elbowed the Nomu in the face making it's head lean back, then followed up with a powerful punch to the gut. Y/N then kicked it up the air as he fazed above it and slammed it down to the ground making a huge crater.
Y/N: (Charges up Ki in his hands) "Energy Blast Volley!"
Multiple Ki blasts were launched at the Nomu damaging it further, Y/N then finished it off by charging up a Ki blast larger than the others and launched it resulting in a big explosion.
Y/N: (Floats down to the ground) "Your creature is done for, now take all of your buddies and leave now."
The whole class was staring at Y/N in awe as he easily overpowered this monstrosity. They knew he was strong but this was on another level.
Kirishima: "Holy shit....."
Kaminari: "He can fly too!? Man talk about OP."
Mineta: "Yeah that was awesome!"
Tsuyu: "With power like that, he could probably rival All Might."
Momo: (Thoughts) Incredible, is this Y/N's true power?
She said staring at Y/N in wonder.
Shigaraki: (Laughs) "If you think that's all it takes to defeat Nomu you're sadly mistaken."
Y/N: "Hmm?"
The Nomu was now getting up with one of it's arms missing, it started regenerating the damage and was completely healed.
Shigaraki: "Nomu is the biological engineered anti symbol of peace made to kill All Might, he has shock absorption and super regeneration, no matter how much you damage him he'll always get back up, you'll never beat him."
Y/N eyes widened a bit as this thing had more than one Quirk. However it didn't deter him in the slightest as he already faced beings with those types of abilities.
Before the Nomu could attack again there was a huge explosion near the entrance.
Everyone turned and was happy to see the number 1 hero All Might and he was not happy.
All Might: (Rips the tie off his shirt) "No need to fear now everyone, Why? Because I am here!"
All Might then jump down the stairs and quickly makes his way over to Y/N at a fast speed.
Y/N: (Smiles) "Good to see you finally came All Might."
All Might: "I heard from Young Iida about what you did to help everyone Young L/N, and for that I thank you. Now I'll take it from here."
Y/N: (Shakes his head) "No let me help you, that creature has shock absorption and super regeneration and was made to kill you, trust me it's tougher than it looks."
All Might: (Thinks for a bit before nodding) "Alright then, let's work together to bring these villains to justice!"
Shigaraki: "It doesn't matter if All Might's here, now you've save us the trouble of looking for you, now Nomu kill them!"
(Play You Say Run)
The Nomu roars as the demonic energy flared even more as All Might and Y/N charge at the Nomu.
All Might: "Detroit smash!"
All Might lands a heavy blow on the chest which was blocked by Nomu as it lands a punch to the face making All Might fly back. Y/N appeared in front of the Nomu and dodged a punch aiming for his face and retaliated with a spin kick to the jaw.
The Nomu flew from the blow as All Might landed a blow to it's face and followed up with a uppercut to the chin making it fly up in the air. Y/N had appeared above it and sledgehammered it down to the ground.
The whole class was amazed as they watched Y/N and All Might working together against this creature as some of them started to cheer.
Hakagure: "All Might and Y/N are amazing!"
Tokoyami: "Such power!"
Sero: "You guys are awesome!"
Uraraka: "Beat that thing!"
Mineta: "Kick it in the balls All Might!"
Kirishima: "Their so manly!"
Momo: "You can do it!"
Midoriya: "You both got this!"
Bakugo and Todoroki were watching with wide eyes as All Might and Y/N were beating the Nomu around the area. They knew Y/N was strong but they didn't know the gap in power would be this big.
The Nomu quickly got up and roared in anger as it ran towards All Might at an insane speed, it threw a powerful punch where his injury was located making All Might cough up blood and was sent flying into the mountain area.
Y/N: "All Might!"
Y/N growled and dashed at the Nomu who threw a punch at him, Y/N redirected it's arm to the side and landed a heavy blow in the stomach making it tumble on the ground and crash into a wall.
All Might emerged from the mountain and jumped towards Y/N.
Y/N: (Concerned) "All Might are you okay?!"
All Might: (Coughs out a little blood) "Yes I'm alright, that creature really does pack a punch. Now let's finish this Young L/N!"
Y/N: (Nods) "Yeah!"
The Nomu came back and was angrier than ever. All Might and the Nomu clashed sending a barrage of fists at one another with some landing on the other as Kurogiri and Shigaraki flew back.
Kurogiri: "I can't get close to them!"
Shigaraki: "Didn't you already hear? Nomu has shock absorption and super regeneration, it's futile!"
All Might: "Yeah I know! What about it?!"
All Might: "Made to fight me? If you really can withstand me at 100% then I'll just force you to surrender beyond that!"
Midoriya: (Thoughts) All Might and Y/N are working together to defeat that thing. (Looks at All Might) And those aren't any ordinary punches, every single hit, is more than 100% of his power!
All Might starts to overwhelm the Nomu and sending it flying.
Y/N: "If it has that then it must have a limit, then all we have to do is make it overuse it's ability!" Y/N said landing a bone shattering punch to it's face making it fly back in the air.
All Might: "A real hero always finds a way for justice to be served!"
All Might and Y/N appear above the Nomu and slam it down to the ground making a huge crater. Y/N uses instant transmission to teleport to the Nomu and grabs its arm spinning it around wildly and threw it towards All Might.
Y/N: "Finish it All Might!" Y/N yelled as All Might landed on the ground.
All Might: "Now listen here villains! You may have heard these words before but I'll show you what they really mean!"
One For All coursed through All Might's veins as he clenched his fist and reeled it back.
All Might punched the Nomu in the gut sending it flying out of the building as it kept soaring into the air and split the clouds.
Y/N: (Gives a thumbs up) "Good going All Might!"
All Might: (Gives a thumbs up back) "Same to you Young L/N! Great teamwork!"
Shigaraki: "Impossible they beat Nomu!? This can't be happening! Hacks! I call Hacks! They cheated! Did that guy lie to me?! All Might hasn't gotten any weaker at all!"
In the smoke All Might starts emitting a little steam from his body that only Y/N and Midoriya noticed.
Midoriya: (Thoughts) Oh no! He's almost out of time!
Y/N: (Thoughts) His power is decreasing rapidly, just as I figured he probably only has a limited amount of time to fight in battles like this.
All Might: "It's over for both of you, what are you going to do now?" All Might said spouting empty threats since he was low on time and tried to scare them off.
Shigaraki: (Scratches his neck in fury) "No No No! Nomu wasn't supposed to lose to All Might and some kid! This is so unfair!"
Kurogiri: "Tomura Shigaraki we are currently outmatched, I think we should retreat for now."
Shigaraki growls and charges towards Y/N with pure hatred in his eyes.
Shigaraki: "I'm not leaving without killing somebody!"
Shigaraki thrusts his hands out towards Y/N, Y/N ducked under it and landed a heavy kick to his chest sending him tumbling towards Kurogiri.
Y/N: "I would listen to your friend if I were you, or do you just want to keep getting your ass kicked?" Y/N said as he flared his aura a little which made everyone step back a bit.
Shigaraki struggles a bit but manages to stand up on two feet.
Shigaraki: "You'll pay for this!" Shigaraki yelled and was about to charge him again but a bullet passed through his hands and legs as blood seeped out.
Everyone looked at the entrance and saw Iida with the other pro heroes.
Iida: "Everyone you're class president has returned reporting for duty!"
Uraraka: "Iida!" She said happily.
Present Mic and Ectoplasm used their Quirks to take care of the remaining villains in the USJ.
Shigaraki: "The other pros are here it's game over no- Aghhhh!"
More bullets passed through Shigaraki as Kurogiri protected him with his mist but he was getting pulled towards Thirteen who was using her Quirk.
Thirteen: (Weakly) "You tried to kill me!"
Kurogiri used his Quirk to pull himself and Shigaraki into the portal as they got smaller.
Shigaraki: "This isn't over All Might one day I will kill you once and for all! (Looks at Y/N) You as well, count on it!" Then they both were gone and escaped.
Y/N: (Thoughts) Go ahead and try, I'll be waiting.
Y/N turned around and walked back to All Might, but when he got close he saw that it wasn't All Might........or it didn't look like him at least. This person was way too skinny and had sharp, angular features and long limbs, his neck long and his eyebrows absent.
Y/N: "Hey All Might!"
All Might: (Widened his eyes as sweat drops from his head) "Uhhh what are you talking about Young L/N, I'm not All Might you must have me mistaken for someone else!"
Y/N: (Deadpans) "I know it's you All Might, first off you called me Young L/N which All Might always says. Second you may not look like it but you still have a similar appearance and the same energy signature so I can tell it's you."
All Might: (Sighs) "Yeah you're right it's me."
Y/N: "I see..... so you have a limited amount of time to fight in that form huh?"
All Might: (Nods) "Yeah lt's a long story, I'll tell you about it later, but could you keep this a secret and not tell anyone?"
Y/N: "Don't worry I won't, my lips are sealed."
All Might: (Smiles) "Thanks kid."
Y/N smiles brightly but it didn't last as Y/N narrowed his eyes and could sense that someone was watching them.
Y/N: "Hey All Might, I'm gonna go ahead and scout out the area a little bit to make sure no more villains are around."
All Might: (Nods) "Ok then just be careful kid, when you're done go back to the entrance and head back to class."
Y/N nods as he takes off and flies over to a dead end area of the USJ. Y/N then stops and looks around.
(Play Future Of Fate)
Y/N: "Whoever you are come out I know you're there."
???: "Aww man! I was hoping to keep my presence hidden a bit longer but oh well, I've been wanting to get out of this cape anyways."
The figure took his cape off, it was a guy with a sword strapped to his back with glasses and a high ponytail wearing long-sleeved shoes, yellow pants, a black shirt with x between columns on both of his sleeves while wearing a black buckle belt around the waist area. He also has black fingerless gloves with yellow wristbands.
Y/N: "Who are you?!"
???: "Oh I almost forgot, my name is Fu it's nice to meet you!"
Y/N: "Tell me something, you were watching everything from the start weren't you?"
Fu: "Yepperoni! Watching all those Quirks in action was so exciting! I have to say I would have never expected one of the time patrollers to be all the way out here, you were so powerful when you fought against that Nomu creature, as expected of a Saiyan!"
Y/N's eyes widened as his mouth slightly opened in shock, this guy knew he was a Saiyan and know about the time patrollers?
Fu: (Gets close to Y/N) "Hey do you enjoy being a time patroller?! Is it fun? You have to give me all the details about them!" Fu says in excitement.
Y/N gets back to gain some distance from Fu and slowly clenches his fists.
Y/N: "I don't know how you know all of this, but one thing is for sure, you were most likely the one who powered up those villains with dark magic weren't you?!" Y/N stated as he sped towards Fu to punch him, only for him to easily catch his fist.
Y/N: "What?!"
Fu: "Hey calm down no need to attack me, so that's what your concerned about, you see you've got it all wrong here."
Y/N: "Stop with the lies, there's no way I'll believe you!"
Y/N charges at Fu again and sends a barrage of punches at him, Fu dodged each and every one of them. Fu then disappears and reappears behind him.
Y/N growls a little in annoyance as he kept trying to land a blow on Fu, but no matter how much he increased his speed he wasn't able to land a solid hit on Fu as he kept dodging his attacks. Fu then lands a fist to Y/N's stomach making him cough out Saliva.
Fu disappears again and reappears a few feet away from Y/N.
Fu: (Sighs) "Sorry I didn't want to attack you, I'm not that fond of fighting but you left me no choice but to defend myself."
Y/N slowly looks up and holds his stomach in pain.
Y/N: (Thoughts) He only landed one blow but I didn't think it would do that much damage, this guy is insanely powerful.
Fu: "You see believe it or not I wasn't the one that was affecting them with anything, I was actually informed of this universe by someone, I only came here because it piqued my curiosity."
Y/N: "Huh?! What do you mean?!"
Fu: "Oops I think I wasn't supposed to tell you that, (Shrugs) oh well cats out of the bag now. But hey don't worry about that I can help with all this, that is if you help me out of course."
Y/N: "What are you talking about? Help you out how?"
Fu: "You see I am also a scientist, I can help you get rid of the demonic energy of the person that's effecting them by absorbing it, just imagine how much of the energy I can get that's generated! The only way I can do that is if I contribute to it directly or indirectly."
Y/N: (Thoughts) Can he really do that? If he is telling the truth then it doesn't seem so bad to help him. However I can't take any chances, I don't even know who he is or where he even came from, this guy is far too suspicious.
Y/N: "Sorry but even if you might be telling the truth, I still don't trust you. You are far too suspicious."
Fu: "Aww come on! I won't do anything that bad. Oh I know! I'll just give you some time to think about it and you'll give me your answer later ok?"
Y/N: "I'm pretty sure that I won't change my mind."
Fu: "Trust me I know you won't let me down! Well I gotta go now I'm sure we'll meet again soon. See ya!"
Y/N: "Wait where are you going?!"
Fu doesn't say anything and just takes his sword out and slashes it in the air making an infinity symbol and teleports away.
Y/N: "Crap he's gone, who was that guy and what did he mean by someone else told him about this Universe? Could Fu be working together with this person?"
Y/N had a lot of questions in his head that needed to be answered but he decided to think about it later and fly back to the entrance and catch up with the rest of his classmates.
Next Time on the Saiyan Time Patroller: "A battle ends but a new war begins."
Hey guys another chapter of this story is finished! Sorry for the late update I've been busy these days and while trying to get some ideas for stories I have racked up I'm my head and getting the inspiration to write.
I hope you all like this chapter if you have any questions about this chapter or story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of the ability.
See You Next Time!!!
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