Chapter 4: A New Threat Has Appeared

Third Person POV



U.A High School

After classes were over everyone was heading out the building as Y/N was seen walking out of the building, he started to think back on his talk with Principal Nezu not that long ago.


After the afternoon classes were over some of the people in Class 1-A like Todoroki and Bakugo already left, the rest of the class were just conversing with one another while the rest of them were just content with being alone.

Y/N couldn't stop thinking about All Might, back at the combat training his power was decreasing rapidly, from what he could sense nobody in U.A couldn't even pose a threat to All Might.

Y/N: (Thoughts) It just doesn't make any sense, why would his power suddenly decrease for no reason? I need to find out more about this.

Suddenly the speakers in the classroom were turned on and Principal Nezu's voice was heard.

Nezu: "Y/N L/N would you please come to the principals office, I repeat would Y/N L/N please come to the principals office."

After that the speakers turned off as Y/N was wondering what the principal wanted with him. Everyone stared at Y/N as he got up from his seat.

Iida: "What could the principal want with you Y/N?"

Y/N: "I don't know but I guess I'm about to find out."

Uraraka: "Are you gonna be okay? I hope it isn't anything bad." She asked a little worried.

Tsuyu: "Y/N hasn't done anything wrong, so I'm sure he'll be fine."

Y/N: "Thanks Asui." He said as he smiled at her.

Tsuyu: "Ribbit, no problem but call me Tsu."

After that Y/N walked out the door and made his way to the principals office. When he got to the principals office he started to knock on the door.

Nezu: "Come in!"

Y/N opened the door to see Nezu looking out the window as he was drinking a cup of Coffee.

Y/N: "You wanted to see me sir?"

Nezu: "You've arrived Y/N have a seat right here, and please you don't have to be formal when we're alone just call me Nezu."

Y/N nodded as he sat down on one of the chairs and watched Nezu take another sip of his tea.

Nezu: "So how's U.A been treating you so far Y/N?"

Y/N: "It's been really good, this school is pretty interesting, I've been learning a lot of new things here and all of the Quirks I've seen so far are very cool to see."

Nezu: "I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying yourself so far. So Y/N if you don't mind I would like to ask you a couple of questions."

Y/N: "Uh sure I don't mind answering your questions."

Nezu: "With the abilities you possess I can assume you don't have a Quirk right?"

Y/N: "Yes but it's a 'Very' long story, are you sure you have the time?"

Nezu: "It's fine, take as long as you need Y/N I don't mind."

Y/N nodded as he started to tell Nezu about how he's a Saiyan, and then explained their heritage and biology, he also talked about the concept of Ki. After that long story Nezu was really impressed by the Saiyan's overwhelming power and also on the usage of how Ki works.

Nezu: "You also mentioned that Saiyan's have the ability to access a transformation called 'Super Saiyan'."

Y/N: "Yes it's a form that only us Saiyans are able to access."

Nezu: "I you mind showing me?"

Y/N: "Uh....I don't think that may be a good idea."

Nezu: "Oh come now Y/N, you have nothing to worry about, please indulge me."

Y/N: (Sighs and stands up) "Ok then."

Y/N: (Thoughts) I'll have to lower my power so that I won't destroy his office.

Y/N then close his eyes and concentrated on his energy, his hair started to flow in the air, and a white aura calmly flared around him as it slowly changed to a bright yellow. Y/N opened his eyes which were now turquoise and his hair turned golden completing the transformation.

Nezu: "So this is what a Super Saiyan looks like." He said in slight awe as he could feel the power emitting from him.

Y/N: "Yeah this transformation boosts my power up to 50x my base, and that's only the first level of the transformation."

Nezu: "There are more levels to Super Saiyan?"

Y/N: "Yep and they're a lot more stronger than this form."

He then powered back down to his base and sat back down.

Nezu: "Very interesting, also since your not from here and are part of the 'time patrollers' that the Supreme Kai Of Time mentioned you were in, she said you were currently the strongest warrior there, so I'm wondering how strong are you exactly?"

Y/N: (Sweats nervously) "Well see....."

Nezu: (Chuckles) "Seeing how you're reluctant to answer I can assume you're a lot stronger than All Might right?"

Y/N said nothing and just nodded.

Nezu: "Incredible, you're about the same age as a high schooler and you're not even at your peak yet! The potential you have is truly amazing.

Y/N: "I owe it all to my mentors, without them I wouldn't have gotten this far, I want to keep getting stronger so I can protect everyone I care about." He said with a passionate tone of voice as Nezu smiled at Y/N.

Nezu: (Thoughts) Spoken like a future hero in the making, I have no doubt you'll be able to achieve that goal.

Y/N: "By the way Nezu does anyone else know who I truly am?"

Nezu: "So far I'm the only one that knows, none of the other teachers or heroes know your true identity."

Y/N: "I see but if something bad were to ever happen that no one else can't handle, could you notify the other teachers about me, but try to leave out that I'm not from here."

Nezu: "No problem at all, consider it done."

Y/N: "Thank you."

Y/N had sighed in relief but unbeknownst to him, it was gonna be a lot harder for him to keep his secret under wraps.

(Flashback End)

After Y/N made it out of the gates of U.A he walked a little further away, once he got to a safe enough distance he started to take off into the air.

A few minutes have passed as Y/N was flying above the city of Musutafu, he started to look around for a clear opening that was close enough to the city, he looked down and saw a large grassy landscape.

Y/N: "That's perfect!"

Y/N floated down to the ground, he then started to measure the distance of where he should put his new home, after a couple of seconds he took out a capsule from his bag.

Y/N: "Ok this should be enough space." He said as he clicked the capsule and tossed it at the right spot, there was a loud poof as a capsule house was shown.

Y/N went inside and wasn't in the least bit surprised when he saw how the house looked. It had multiple floors with large bedrooms that also had wardrobes, one large kitchen and dining room, A gym, one big living room that had a HD T.V, video game consoles, a laptop, one hidden laboratory, and one garage.

Y/N: (Chuckles) "Bulma always did like to go all out whenever she handed out gifts."

Y/N then went to fix himself something to eat, after that he put on his GI and went back outside.

Y/N took out another capsule and threw it as there was another loud poof as the gravity chamber was shown. Y/N went inside and set the machine to over 1000x normal gravity and slowly started to feel the effects.

Y/N: (Slams his fist against his palm) "Alright it's time to train!" He said as he begins his training in the gravity room.

(Timeskip brought to you by Y/N training class 1-A how to use Ki)

It was another day Y/N was currently walking towards the direction of U.A high, in the distance he saw a massive crowd around the gate of U.A high.

Y/N: "What the? What's going on?"

???: "Hey Y/N!"

Y/N turned to the side to see Jiro and Momo walking towards him.

Y/N: "Hey you two."

Jiro: "What's the media doing here?" She asked pointing to the crowd.

Y/N: "I don't know, that's what I'm trying to find out."

Momo: "There were rumors going around that All Might was teaching at U.A, so it must've reached the media and now they're trying to get answers."

The Media then turned to see more U.A students going towards the building as they rushed over to the three of them.

News Lady: "Hey kids! What can you tell us about All Might!?"

Y/N: "Um well.... All Might is pretty strong and seems like a pretty cool tea-"

News Reporter: "What are his classes like!? What's his teaching methods?!"

Momo: "I-I think All Might taught us well on how to be-"

New reporter 2: "How long has he been a teacher at this school?!"

Jiro: "I'm not really su-"

Y/N, Momo, and Jiro then kept getting overwhelmed with questions as none of them were able to get a word in.

Y/N: (Whispers) "Jiro, Yaoyorozu, if you want to get out of here grab on to me."

Momo and Jiro turned to Y/N as they raised a eyebrow in confusion.

Y/N: "I have a technique I can use to get us out of here."

Jiro and Momo nodded as they grabbed on to Y/N's shoulder, he then put two fingers on his forehead, then suddenly they vanished from sight.

News lady: "What the!? Where did they go?!"

News reporter 2: "They just vanished out of thin air!?"

Aizawa: "If you're done gawking hurry up and leave, you've bothered most of my students enough, and All Mights not here anyway." He said in a bored tone of voice as he started walking away.

News lady: (Runs towards him) "Please just give us a few minutes of your tim-"

The gates to U.A then slammed shut as the barrier was now activated.

News lady: "What the hell!? That could've killed me!"


Y/N appeared into the hallways of U.A as Momo and Jiro looked around in surprise as they see students walking ahead in the distance, surprisingly no one saw them suddenly appear.

Jiro: "Whoa we're in the hallway."

Momo: "Y/N what was that technique?"

Y/N: "It's called the instant transmission."

Momo + Jiro: "Instant transmission?"

Y/N: (Nods) "Yeah it's a technique used to travel long distances in an instant, I basically have to lock on to someone's energy signature that I'm sensing and then teleport to that location."

Jiro: "Dude you could teleport as well!? How does that even work because It sounds complicated."

Y/N: "It wasn't easy and It took me quite a while to master it."

Momo: "That..... seems like a very convenient technique."

Y/N: "Yeah but the technique does have it's downsides."

Jiro: "Anyway thanks for helping us out there Y/N." She said as both her and Momo smiled.

Y/N: "Sure thing."

In Class 1-A

Aizawa: "Good job on yesterdays combat training you guys, I looked back on the video feed and saw the results for each of your teams, (Turns to Bakugo) Bakugo you're talented so don't sulk like a child about your loss okay."

Bakugo: "Yeah whatever."

Aizawa: "Midoriya I've seen the only way you've won the match is by messing up your arm again, work harder and don't keep giving excuses that you can't control your Quirk that lines already getting old, you can't keep breaking your body while training here, but your Quirk will be really useful once you get a handle on it, so show a little urgency huh?"

Midoriya: "Right."

Aizawa: "L/N, Yaoyorozu, and Mineta (Aizawa stares at the three of them with a stern expression which made Momo and Mineta really nervous, but he was mostly focused on Y/N who had just stared back at him unfazed. He then goes back to his usual sleepy face) Good job you all had a plan and executed it perfectly with little to no casualties, keep up the good work."

Y/N and Momo shared a proud smile with one another as Mineta started talking out loud.

Mineta: "Yes I'm one step closer to getting a harem full of girls!" Most of the class deadpanned at that as Bakugo started to yell.

Bakugo: "Shut up you damn midget!"

Aizawa: "Alright let's get down to business our first task will decided your future."

Everyone: (Thoughts) Is it another Quirk test?!

Aizawa: "You all need to pick a class president."

Everyone: (Thoughts) Oh good just normal school stuff.

Most of the class then started to raise their hands because they wanted to be president.

Kirishima: "Hey you guys pick me! I can be class rep!"

Kaminari: "Yeah I'll take it!"

Jiro: "You're gonna need me!"

Aoyama: "You're gonna need someone dazzling like-"

Mina: "I'm totally the right pick!"

Bakugo: "You better pick me you bastards!"

Y/N: (Turns to Momo) "Most of them are really enthusiastic about this huh?"

Momo: (Giggles) "It seems they are."

Iida: "Everyone please calm down! The class representatives duty is to lead others it can't just be something anyone can do, they must have the trust of every student in the classroom, therefore the most logical way to fill this position is do it democratically, we will hold an election to choose our leader." He explained with his hand held high.

Everyone: (Thoughts) You obviously want to be class rep the most.

Kaminari: "Is this really the best Idea?"

Tsuyu: "We've only known each other a few days, how do we know who we can trust?"

Kirishima: "Besides wouldn't everyone just vote for themselves?"

Iida: "Most people will, but what that does mean is that whoever receives the most votes will be the most suitable person for the job."

Y/N: (Walks up to Iida) "I agree with Iida, it wouldn't be so bad if we gave it a try right?"

Iida: "Thank you Y/N! Your cooperation is very admirable!"

Y/N: (Sweat drops) "Sure man, but just calm down a little."

Iida: "Mr. Aizawa do you also agree!?"

Aizawa: "Whatever just make sure it's done before my nap." He said as he laid down in his sleeping bag.

Iida: "Thank you for trusting us!"

Iida then passed out some index cards to everyone as they all sat down and wrote down their vote.

Out of everyone in the classroom Y/N only saw two potential candidates which were Iida and Momo. Out of the two of them Momo is the best choice, she's very calm and rational, and also really intelligent so he wrote her name down.

(Timeskip brought to you by Y/N and Goku launching Kamehameha waves at each other.)

Election Results

Y/N L/N: 8 Votes

Izuku Midoriya: 3 votes

Momo Yaoyorozu: 2 votes

Y/N: "How the hell did I win!?" He exclaimed not expecting this outcome.

Midoriya: "How did I get 3 votes!?"

Bakugo: (Angrily stands up from his seat) "Ok you idiots who in the hell voted for them!?"

Sero: "What you really thought anyone was gonna vote for you?"

Bakugo: "What you'd say?! I'll kill you!"

Iida: "Zero votes I feared this might happen, but I can't argue with the system I chose."

Momo: "So you voted for someone else huh?"

Iida: "Y-Yes my vote went towards Y/N."

Y/N was surprised Iida actually voted for him, he seemed pretty passionate about wanting to be class rep the most so he assumed he voted for himself.

Y/N: "Why me?"

Iida: "Back at the combat training you've demonstrated impressive strength and speed not to mention your willingness to protect your classmates and to work with others. I thought you would be the best option to lead the class."

Y/N: "I guess I can see your point. (Sighs) So who else voted for me?"

Y/N then saw the first set of hands which were Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, Mina, and Jiro. The next was Momo who had quickly looked away when he glanced at her, and finally Midoriya who let out a sigh as he raised his hand.

Y/N: "You too Midoriya?!"

Aizawa: "Alright the class rep is L/N and our deputy is Midoriya."

Midoriya: "Really? It's not a mistake?" He said quivering with anxiety.

Y/N: (Puts a hand on Midoriya's shoulder) "Are you okay?"

Midoriya: "Y-Yeah I'm fine."

Tsuyu: "This might not be so bad."

Kirishima: "Yeah I can get totally get behind Y/N being class rep, he's seems pretty responsible and his Quirk is no joke, and Midoriya isn't so bad as a deputy either."

It was now lunch time as everyone was making their way out of class and heading towards the cafeteria. Y/N was stopped by Midoriya before he could leave out the door.

Midoriya: "Hey Y/N?"

Y/N: "What is it Midoriya?"

Midoriya: "Do you mind if I sit with you at lunch today?"

Y/N: "No problem man I'll meet you there."

Midoriya: "Thanks." He said as he looked a little relieved.

When Y/N got into the cafeteria and got his food he was making his way towards a empty table.

Hagakure: "Hey Y/N come sit with us!"

Y/N looked over and saw Momo, Jiro, Mina, Hagakure and a few of his other classmates at a table.

Y/N: "Sorry but I already told Midoriya I'd sit with him."

Mina: "It's fine Y/N, maybe next time."

Y/N nodded apologetically to them and kept walking as he could've sworn he saw a hint of disappointment from most of the girls.

Y/N had sat down at a empty table and started eating, he stopped for a moment as he looked over and saw Midoriya waving at Uraraka and Iida as he went to Y/N's table and sat down.

Midoriya: "Hey Y/N, you seem to really like Lunch Rush's food huh?" He pointed out as he couldn't help but stare at the massive amount of food stacked up.

Y/N: "What can I say I just love to eat!" He said as he finished another bowl in under 10 seconds.

Midoriya: (Thoughts) I'm still not used to seeing someone eat that much.

He said with a blank stare.

Y/N: (Munch) "So Midoriya I have a feeling you wanted to talk to me about something, was it about the election?"

Midoriya: (Looks down at the table) "Yeah, I don't know if I'm really fit to be a class
deputy, I just don't have the qualifications."

Y/N: "I hear you, to be honest with you I feel like I'm not fit to be class rep either."

Midoriya: "Really!? Why do you think that?"

Y/N: "Well I see myself as more of a fighter than a leader, plus there are some people in our class that are more fitted to be class rep."

Midoriya: "Who did you vote for?" He asked curiously.

Y/N: "I actually voted for Yaoyorozu."

Y/N: (Mumbles) "Although I wonder who was the other person that voted for her?"

Todoroki: *Sneezes*

Midoriya nodded in understanding.

Midoriya: "That's true back at the combat training Yaoyorozu was able to come up with a plan against one of the strongest teams like Todoroki and Shoji, with Mineta's Quirk and your insane strength along with Yaoyorozu's creation Quirk all of you were able to take them out no problem not to mention that-"

Y/N just stared at Midoriya as he watched him mutter to himself.

Y/N: "Uh.....Midoriya?"

Midoriya: "Ahh! I'm sorry it's just a bad habit."

Y/N: "It's fine, say Midoriya I was wondering if-"


Intercom: "Warning! level 3 security breach, please evacuate the building in a orderly fashion!"

The students in the cafeteria then got up and started running out of the cafeteria.

Y/N: "What's happening!?"

Midoriya: "I don't know, but we have to see what's going on!"

Y/N and Midoriya went out of the cafeteria but then they got separated from the huge crowd.

Y/N: "Damn it.... Midoriya where are you?"

Y/N then looked around and noticed Momo getting squished and struggling to get out of the crowd.

Y/N pushed through the crowd trying to make his way towards Momo, he could easily get everyone off him but he didn't want to risk hurting anyone.

Y/N: "Yaoyorozu grab my hand!"

Momo sees Y/N in the distance as she pushed through the crowd and barely managed to grab his hand. Y/N quickly used instant transmission to teleport to a section of a crowd where it isn't crowded.

Y/N: "Phew.......are you okay?"

Momo: (Sighs in relief) "Yes, I'll be fine. Thanks for the help."

Y/N: "So what's going on?"

Momo: "I don't know, but from what I've heard it looks like someone broke into the school."

Y/N: "Really?"

Y/N looks out the window to see that it's only the media from before.

Y/N: "look It's a false alarm, it's just the media."

Momo looks towards the window and saw that it was the media, then all of a sudden Y/N heard Iida's voice as he saw him standing on the exit sign looking like an emergency exit.

Iida: "It's okay it's just the media outside there's absolutely nothing to worry about! Everything's okay we're U.A students we need to remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best!"

The students then managed to calm down as they looked out the window.

Random student 1: "Look the police are here!"

Random student 2: "Thank goodness."


Class 1-A

After the false alarm was settled everyone was now back in class, Y/N had a quick talk with Midoriya and they both decided that since they didn't want the position, it was better to hand it over to Iida and Yaoyorozu.

Y/N and Midoriya were now standing side by side one another in front of the class, Y/N and Midoriya then shared a nod as Y/N stepped forward.

Y/N: "Before class starts I just want to say that Midoriya and I don't want our positions and decided that Tenya Iida should be class rep and Momo Yaoyorozu should be our deputy."

Both Iida and Momo's eyes widened in surprise as Midoriya walked up next to Y/N.

Midoriya: "Iida was able to capture our attention and get us in line, so we believe he should be the one leading our class from now on."

Y/N: "And Yaoyorozu is more of a leader than I am, so I believe she's better suited for this than me."

Kirishima: "Hey if Y/N and Midoriya vouch for them I'm cool with it, Yaoyorozu's pretty smart and Iida totally manned up and took charge earlier."

Kaminari: "Same here, hey did you notice he looked like the emergency exit sign on the wall earlier?"

Aizawa: "Hurry it up you two, I don't really care who's the class rep or the deputy just stop wasting time." He said as he laid back down in his sleeping bag.

Iida: "Y/N and Midoriya, If you truly believe that I deserve to be class rep then I promise you that I will do my absolute best to lead our class to victory!"

Most of the class then started chanting emergency exit Iida as Y/N smiled and went to his seat behind Momo.

Momo: "Y/N did you truly mean what you said up there?"

Y/N: "Of course I did! I was one of the people that voted for you after all." He said with no hesitation and she can hear the pure honesty in his voice.

Momo's face turned bright red as she averted her eyes from him and looked to the side.

Y/N: "Hmm....what's wrong?"

Momo: "It's just I've never had someone other than my parents compliment me like that before."

Y/N: (Flashes a son grin) "Well you're welcome then."

Momo's lips slowly curled up into a smile, Mina who was secretly watching their interaction started to smirk at them.

Mina: "Y/N and Yaomomo, I totally ship it!"

Y/N + Momo: "Huh?" They both said with surprised faces.

Jiro: "Yeah if you're gonna flirt with each other, you two should just get a room." She added joining in on the teasing.

Y/N: "Hey It's not like that we're just friends."

Momo: "Y-Yes we're not together!"

Jiro: (Smirks) "Yet....."

Momo: "Jiro!"


Aizawa walked up to the teachers podium to start his announcement.

Aizawa: "Alright for todays training your instructors will be me, All Might, and some other faculty member that will be watching over you."

Most of the class were surprised and started to wonder what they will be doing this time and who was also the other teacher.

Sero: (Raises his hand) "Sir what kind of training is this?!"

Aizawa: (Holds up a card that said rescue) "In this part of your training you'll be dealing with natural disasters that may occur like shipwrecks, floods, wildfires, and many others."

A majority of the class starts excited at this.

Y/N: (Thoughts) "So Mr. Aizawa, All Might, and someone else are gonna be here. Heh this should be fun."

Aizawa: "Quiet down I'm not finished, you can use your hero costumes for this so you won't be limited in this exercise, this will be at a facility so we'll head over there on a bus, so hurry up and get dressed."

Aizawa walked out of the classroom as everyone went to the locker rooms to get dress in their hero outfits.

In the boys locker room Y/N was taking off his school uniform and got his GI out of the locker, he looked up and saw most of guys looking at him with shocked looks as they saw his Muscular body that could rival that of All Might.

Kirishima: "Dude I already knew you were built, but you are freaking Jacked! Whatever I'm doing in the Gym clearly isn't working."

Y/N: "That's just because I train differently, if you want I can help you set up a workout routine if you like."

Kirishima: (Grins) "Really!? Thanks man I really appreciate it."

Y/N: "Of course...what are friends for?"

Y/N went outside and only saw a couple of people in his class just waiting for everybody else.

Y/N: (Thoughts) Well since I'm waiting for the rest of my class this looks like a great time to get a little training in.

Y/N then went to a clear space in the area and started off with some stretching and a light workout.

After warming up his body Y/N adjusted himself and got into the turtle hermit fighting stance to do some shadow boxing. After a few seconds passed Y/N started to throw punches and kicks faster than the eye can see, his movements were coordinated and his strikes held power behind it like he was fighting an actual opponent.

Y/N: "Haaah!"

Y/N finished with a strong punch into the air, he then got out of his fighting stance and relaxed his body.

Y/N: "Alright......that's enough for now."

What Y/N didn't know was that he had a small audience watching him.

Bakugo: "Tch....showoff."

Hagakure: "Whoa......"

Tsuyu: "Y/N seems like he's pretty prepared for this ribbit."

Momo: "I agree."

Midoriya: (Walks up to Y/N) "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Oh hey Midoriya, what's up?"

Midoriya: "What were you doing just now?"

Y/N: "Oh just some shadow boxing, it doesn't hurt to get a little extra training in now and then. I'm really fired up right now, I hope I get to fight some strong people in todays training!" Y/N says with excitement.

Midoriya: "You seem to really like fighting don't you Y/N?"

Y/N: (Nods) "Yep!"

Uraraka: (Walks up to Y/N and Deku) "Hey Y/N! Hey Deku!"

Uraraka: "Uh Deku why are you wearing your P.E clothes? Where's your hero outfit?"

Y/N: "Well his hero outfit did get pretty torn up back at the combat training."

Midoriya: "Yeah and I'm still waiting on the support company to fix it up, so I'll have to wear this for now."

Everyone then hears a whistle being blown as they turn to see Iida standing by the bus.

Iida: "Gather around Class 1-A! Using your student numbers form two neat lines so we can get on the bus efficiently."

Y/N: (Sweat drop) "Iida really is taking his role as the class rep pretty seriously huh?"

Midoriya + Uraraka: (Sweat drop) "Yeah..."

Everyone was now on the bus as Iida was sulking because the bus's layout had completely ruined his class's boarding strategy.

Tsuyu: "I have something I want to say about Midoriya."

Midoriya: "W-What about me Asui?" He said trying to hide the nervousness in his voice.

Tsuyu: "I told you to call me Tsu."

Midoriya: "Right sorry."

Tsuyu: "That power of yours is a lot like All Mights."

Midoriya: "Ahh! R-Really you think so? I never really thought about that."

Y/N: (Thoughts) She's definitely on to something there, come to think of it he does have a similar energy signature to All Might but it's not as strong, somethings definitely fishy between those two.

As Y/N was in his thoughts his ears had perked up when he heard his name.

Kirishima: "But if any of our classmates have pro Quirks it's Todoroki, Bakugo, and Y/N."

Tsuyu: "Sure but Bakugo is always angry so he'll never be popular."

Bakugo: "What did you say!? I'll kick your ass!"

Tsuyu: "See."

Y/N: (Thoughts) This guy...... he reminds me of Vegeta on so many levels. The anger issues, his massive ego, that stubborn pride of his. Why haven't I noticed this before?

Kaminari: "You know we just met you so it's kind of obvious that your personality is flaming crap mixed with garbage."

Bakugo: "You're gonna regret the day you applied to this school you loser! I'll kill you!"

Y/N: (Smirks) "That doesn't sound very heroic Bakugo."

Bakugo: "Shut it spiky hair!"

Y/N: "Why don't you make me blasty?" He asked in a mocking tone.

Bakugo: (Stands up) "What did you say you cocky bastard!? I'll blow you away!"

Y/N: (Deadpan) "You're one to talk."

Momo: (Covers her mouth with her hand in slight disgust) "How vulgar."

Uraraka: (Giggles) "Yeah but it's kind of funny seeing them fight."

Aizawa: "Hey that's enough....we're here."

When they arrived at their destination everyone got off the bus and saw a person wearing a space suit waiting for them.

Thirteen: "Hello everyone! It's nice to finally meet all of you."

Most of the class was shocked and started to get excited especially Midoriya.

Midoriya: "It's the space hero 13! She rescued a lot of people from natural disasters around the world, I can't believe I'm seeing her in person!"

Y/N looked over at Midoriya and chuckled at the antics of his green haired friend fanboying over meeting a pro hero.

Thirteen: "Come on everyone I'll show you inside."

When they went into the building everyone gaped at the inside of the building, it was gigantic and the layout almost looked like an amusement park.

Y/N: (Thoughts) Wow this place is amazing.... if Goten and Trunks were here they would have a field day if they saw this.

Thirteen: "Welcome to the Unforseen Simulation Joint! But you can call it the USJ for short. I created this facility to prepare you for all kinds of natural disasters!"

Everyone: "Just like universal studios Japan."

Aizawa walked up to Thirteen to talk to her about why All Might isn't here, which Thirteen explained that he used up all his power and won't be able to make it.

Thirteen: "Ok before I get started I have 1 thing to say, maybe 2, possibly 3, or 4, or 5-"

Everyone: (Deadpan) "We get it!"

Thirteen then started to explain how her Quirk called Black Hole is useful but dangerous as well because it can kill a person, she then started to talk about how their Quirks can be deadly if not used correctly.

Thirteen: "That's why for today you'll be learning how to use your Quirks to save people's lives, that's what being a hero is all about. (Bows her head) Thanks for listening."

Most of the class started to cheer as Y/N who was standing in the middle grinned and couldn't wait to get started for todays lesson.

Suddenly Y/N's eyes widened as he sensed multiple energies coming towards their direction with malicious intent.

Y/N: "This isn't good."

Everyone looked at Y/N who now had a serious look on his face.

Mina: "What's wrong Y/N?"

Y/N: "I can sense multiple energy signatures approaching our location and from the looks of it, they aren't here to socialize."

Bakugo: "The hell are you talking about Spiky hair?"

Y/N: (Turns to the middle of the Central Plaza) "They're here!"

As if on cue all the lights started to flicker and go out. Aizawa turned around and narrowed his eyes as a purple portal started to appear, multiple villians started to come out with a guy wearing a hand on his face in the front and a giant humanoid bird like creature with its brain exposed on his side.

As this was happening a lone figure was floating in the sky wearing a cape concealing his presence.

???: "Hahahahaha! Oh boy I can't wait to see how this plays out!"


Next Time on The Saiyan Patroller: "Meet Fu."

Hey guys another chapter of this story is done!

I hope you all like this chapter! If you have any questions about this chapter or story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability!

See You Next Time!

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