Chapter 2: Hero's vs Villian's test

Third Person POV



As soon as the Quirk assessment test was over, all of the students from class 1-A were going home. Aizawa was making his way back to the school building, but was confronted by All Might.

"Aizawa that was a rotten move." All Might said.

"All you were watching. No talk shows today?" Aizawa asked.

"A rational deception, that's cute but you aren't known for being light hearted. I read your file, last year you expelled an entire class of freshmen students." All Might replied.

"You have no problem kicking student's out, anyone you deem unworthy. You actually were planning to send last place home. So that can only mean you see the same kind of potential in young Midoriya as I do!" All Might continued.

"Hmm....That's strange, it sounds like you've been in his corner the whole time?" Aizawa asked with a small grin as All Might flinched a little.

"Isn't it a little early for you to be playing favorites? He does some have potential I'll give him that, but if that wasn't the case I would've expelled him without hesitation. It's cruel to let a kid keep believing in something that won't come true." Aizawa replied.

"Also there's another student in my class who's name is Y/N L/N. He broke all the records in the assessment test which surprised even me a little." Aizawa explained as All Might looked a little shocked.

"Y/N L/N? I know that name......Isn't he one of the recommended students?" All Might asked.

Aizawa nodded, "The very same." He replied as he started to walk away.

('L/N may have tried to hide it, but I was already suspicious of him after the 50 meter dash so I can tell he was trying to hold back. I won't question his reasons but I'll be keeping an eye on him.') Aizawa thought.

All Might watched Aizawa walked away as he was in his thoughts.

('You're a kind man Aizawa I know that, but clearly we're gonna have us a problem. And the other student young L/N, the principal really didn't tell me all that much about him, but it seems he has a really impressive Quirk to be able to brake all the records in the assessment test. I should ask young L/N what his Quirk is whenever I get the chance.') All Might thought.

The Next Day......

Y/N was seen sleeping peacefully in his bed as the alarm on his clock rung loudly on his nightstand.

He now started to wake up as he sat up on his bed and turned his alarm off, and rubbed his eyes. Y/N then made his way to the bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth, he then put on his school uniform instead of his GI because he'll just have to take it off when he gets to school anyway.

After Y/N got finished getting dressed he gathered whatever else he needed as he got time scroll.

Before Y/N was about to leave, he stopped and thought about something for a second. He noticed that he has to keep coming back here to his own timeline whenever he had to go home. It would be pretty suspicious of him if any of his classmates asked where he lived and he kept disappearing out of the blue like that.

Y/N then went in his school bag and opened a box that was full of capsules, and saw that he actually had a Capsule house that was given to him by Bulma for his birthday a long time ago. Y/N appreciated the gift, but he never really had any use for it since he already had a home that was not that far from the time nest.

Y/N then decided to live in that timeline for now since it would be more convenient for him.

"Alright then it's settled I'll be staying in that timeline for the time being. I have everything I need now, I'll go check and see how everyone's doing in the time nest before I leave." Y/N said as he left his room.

In the Time Nest....

Y/N walked into the time nest and saw Supreme Kai Of Time talking with Trunks as he saw Toki Toki flying up in the air.

"Hey guys!" Y/N called out as Trunks and Supreme Kai Of Time turned to see Y/N walking over to them in his school uniform.

"Tokiiiiiiiiiiii!" TokiToki called out as he landed on Y/N's shoulder and started to rub his head on his cheek.

"Hey there Tokitoki." Y/N greeted as he petted him as Tokitoki flew off again.

"Hey Y/N good morning!" Supreme Kai Of Time greeted.

"Morning Y/N." Trunks said. "Why are you wearing that uniform if I may ask?"

"Oh this?" Y/N said as he rubbed the back of his head with one of his hands. "This is my school uniform."

Trunks's eyes lit up in realization, "Oh I see, I forgot you're going to school now in one of the new timelines."

Y/N chuckles, "Yep, so far I actually like this new timeline, all of the Quirks I've seen so far from everyone is really interesting."

Trunks smiled, "Well at least you're enjoying yourself so far."

"So how is everything so far? Have you found any changes in history?" Y/N asked.

Supreme Kai Of Time shook her head, "There hasn't been any changes so far, but we'll still be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary."

Y/N nodded, "Ok then, well I just wanted to tell you guys that I'll staying in that timeline for now."

Trunks and Supreme Kai Of Time were confused.

"Why?" Supreme Kai Of Time asked.

"Well it would be pretty weird if one of my classmates asked me where I lived since I don't have a home there, and I keep disappearing out of the blue right? I say it's best for me to stay there for now to avoid suspicion." Y/N explained.

Trunks and Supreme Kai Of Time understood his reasons as the both of them nodded.

"Yes that would be for the best." Supreme Kai Of Time agreed.

"Well I better get going, I don't wanna be late for school, and don't worry about my living arrangements I have that taken care of." Y/N said.

"See ya guys later!" Y/N said as he waved at them.

Trunks and Supreme Kai Of Time waved goodbye at Y/N as he grabbed the time scroll and disappeared.

In Musutafu...

Y/N appeared in a secluded location in the city where no one can see him appear out of thin air. He then started flying in the air and made his way to U.A high.

Y/N arrived at the school as he made sure no one saw him and slowly landed in a location near the school.

He saw a bunch of students walking in the entrance as he started making his way towards the building.

('I wonder what else the school is gonna throw at us, the assessment test was unexpected but nothing I couldn't handle, I guess I'll find out today then.') Y/N thought.

As Y/N was walking he started to hear his name being called out to him.

"Hey Y/N!" A voiced called out as Y/N turned around to see one of his classmates named Kirishima he met from yesterday.

"Oh hey there Kirishima, good to see you." Y/N greeted with a smile.

"Same to you bro." Kirishima replied as he smiled while walking with Y/N.

"So Kirishima is there anything you wanted from me?" Y/N asked.

"I saw you walking in through the building, so I just wanted to make new friends and you seem pretty cool to me." Kirishima explained with a happy grin on his face.

Y/N was surprised by how down to earth Kirishima was, he never really hung out with anyone else besides the Z-fighters, and Trunks.

Come to think of it Y/N now noticed he never really had any friends in his age range, so he thought this could be his chance to hang out with people his age.

Y/N smiled, "Sure I'd like to be friends with you."

Kirishima returned the smile, "Awesome!"

Y/N and Kirishima were seen walking in the building heading to their class.
Y/N got to know Kirishima a lot more, and also know what his Quirk is. He thought it was impressive that Kirishima can harden any part of his body, that would be useful in defense in combat.

As Y/N and Kirishima got to the classroom both of them went inside and sat down in their respective seats.

As the rest of the students walked in, the early morning classes have now started as Present Mic was teaching English in the mornings, and they had other classes as well like Math and history.

Y/N already knew all of the material he was taught because even though he was powerful, the time patrol required you to be academically smart as well. Since Y/N was good friends with the Z-fighters, Goku suggested Bulma to help him since she was one of the smartest people he knew. Vegeta obivously had a problem with that, but Bulma didn't mind teaching Y/N as she threatened to take away Vegeta's gravity room if he kept complaining.

Y/N had answered most questions that students like Momo Yaoyorozu had some difficulty figuring out.

Y/N's classmates looked at him in shock, as Y/N now realized he had unconsciously brought more attention to himself without knowing it as he let out a resigned sigh.

('Oh great another nerd like Deku.') Bakugo thought with an irritated look on his face.

After morning classes ended it was now time for lunch as Y/N then finally made it to the cafeteria as he saw it was mostly crowded.

Y/N then made his way to the cafeteria line and saw a person wearing a cooking apron and a chef hat as well as a mask that covers his face. He also wears white gloves and shoes, there's also a tube that connects from his mouth to his back.

Lunch Rush saw Y/N then immediately fixed him up a tray of food, and handed it to him as he put one of his thumbs up.

Y/N looked at his tray and saw that he had curry with white rice. The food smelled really delicious as Y/N started to slightly drool.

Y/N knew this wasn't gonna be enough to sate his saiyan appetite so he decided to asked the head chef a question.

"Um excuse me, but if you don't mind, can I have extra servings of these?" He asked.

Lunch Rush was surprised as this young man's question caught him off guard.

"Did you just ask if you wanted extra servings?" Lunch Rush replied as Y/N nodded.

"Sure no problem, how many do you want?" Lunch Rush asked.

Y/N chuckled as he rubbed one of his hands on the back of his head.

"Well........" He started.

A minute later almost all of the cafeteria was looking at Y/N as they saw him carrying a massive amount of trays in both of his hands, he then put all of his food down as he now sat at an empty table.

Before Y/N could start eating he heard his name being called, he turned to see Kirishima and some of his classmates standing by holding their trays, as most of them had jaw dropping expressions by the amount of food he has.

"Oh hey guys." Y/N greeted.

"Dude....are you seriously going to eat all of that?" Kaminari asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, won't that make you sick?" Sero commented.

"Oh don't worry I'll be fine." Y/N replied as some of them nodded hesitantly.

As they all sat down by Y/N, the saiyan warrior had a gleeful look on his face.

"Alright it's chow time!" Y/N said as he started to eat his food at a ridiculous pace.

About 20 seconds have passed as Y/N was already on his fifth tray. Everyone around Y/N was either in awe by the scene or disgusted, as they just sat there and watched him pig out on his food.

"Where does it all go?" Momo asked.

"His stomach must be a bottomless pit if he can eat that much." Kaminari commented.

"I think I lost my appetite." Jirou said with a look of disgust.

A couple of minutes have passed as Y/N was finally done eating as he put his final tray down and had a satisfied look on his face.

"Man that food really hit the spot!" Y/N exclaimed as he slowly patted his stomach.

Y/N then looked to see everyone around his table staring at him.

"What?" Y/N asked.

"You literally just ate enough food to feed a whole city block!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Really? It didn't seem like it was alot to me, to be honest I could go for some more food right now." Y/N said.

('He's still hungry!?') All of the people around Y/N thought as they sweat dropped.

"How are you able to stay in shape if you eat that much?" Mina asked.

"Well that's because I come from a lineage of people that have really high metabolisms and big appetites, and also because my Quirk does require a lot of energy
for me to use." Y/N explained which wasn't really a lie, more like a half-truth.

The group nodded in understanding as Midoriya started to speak up.

"So um Y/N, I've been meaning to ask, could you tell me what exactly your Quirk is?" Midoriya asked.

"Sure I see no problem in telling you." Y/N replied as everyone eyes were on Y/N as they started to listen intently.

"My Quirk is Energy Manipulation, I can manipulate the energy inside of me to do things like shoot energy beams. I can also use it to increase my strength, speed, and durability, and other things far beyond normal capabilities. I was trained at a very young age because my Quirk was very hard to master, so I need to have a lot of energy in order for it to be effective." Y/N explained as he was careful in not giving too much information about his 'Quirk' so his classmates won't get suspicious.

"I seems like your Quirk is really powerful." Momo said.

"I guess that explains why you eat a lot." Tsuyu replied putting one of her fingers on her chin.

"Wow.... your Quirk can make you do multiple things, that's really cool!" Uraraka said smiling brightly.

"Dude you're so manly!" Kirishima exclaimed as he raised a fist in the air.

Meanwhile not that far from them, Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki were looking at Y/N talking with everyone as they heard him explain his Quirk.

('I don't care how powerful spiky hairs Quirk is, he's just another bug that I'll squash. And I'll crush you as well Deku.') Bakugo thought as he glared at Midoriya and Y/N.

('Energy Manipulation? I never heard of a Quirk of like that before, he might actually pose a problem.') Todoroki thought as he had a feeling that Y/N is unique somehow from everyone else.

30 minutes later....

After lunch was over all of class 1-A went back to their classroom as they waited for their teacher to arrive. Some of them were patiently waiting while the rest were talking to the others.

Y/N was currently talking to Momo as he was sitting behind her.

"So your Quirk makes you have the ability to create anything as long as it's non living? That's awesome!" Y/N exclaimed.

Momo smiles, "Thank you, but I do have to understand the molecular structure of what I'm trying to create, and I do need to eat a lot in order to produce more things with my Quirk."

Y/N nods as he understood how Momo's Quirk works, he was impressed because she had to be really smart in order to do that.

Suddenly, a loud voice was heard as the door opened.

"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might exclaimed with his cape floating dramatically, as everyone was shocked to see the number 1 hero in their classroom.

"I can't believe it's really All Might!" Kaminari said.

"So he is a teacher, this year's gonna be totally awesome!" Kirishima exclaimed as he clenched his fist.

"Hey look, isn't he wearing his sliver age costume?" Tsuyu pointed out as All Might heroically marched to the teachers podium.

"I'm getting goosebumps it's so retro." Ojiro said as he smiled.

('So this is the number 1 hero.') Y/N thought as he looked at All Might and saw he was really tall, and had the appearance of a hero. However his power seemed really strange to Y/N, he didn't know why but it was like he could sense multiple energies signatures in him.

"Welcome to the most important class at U.A high, think of it as heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and know what it means to fight in the name of good." All might explained.

All Might flexed his muscles as he turned around and showed a card that said 'Battle' "Let's get into todays lesson! Don't pull no punches!"

"Fight training!" Bakugo said with a smirk.

"Real Combat!?" Midoriya said with a nervous voice.

"One of the keys of being a hero is........looking good!" All Might said as he pointed to a part of the wall as boxes with numbers were shown.

"These were designed for you based on your Quirk Registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started." All Might continued as a majority of the class voiced out their excitement.

"Get yourselves suited up and meet me at training ground beta!" All Might said.

"Yes Sir!" Everyone replied.


At Training ground Beta.....

All Might was seen standing in the middle of training ground beta with his hands on his hips as he waited for the students to come out with their new hero costumes. All Might then began to hear footsteps as most of the students began to come out.

"They say that clothes make the pros young ladies and gentlemen, and behold you are the proof! All Might said. "From now on you are all........ heroes in training!"

All of the heroes in training stood in front of the number 1 hero.

"This is getting me all revved up!" All Might exclaimed. "You all look so cool! Now then before we get started it seems that Young Midoriya and Young L/N aren't here yet."

Then footsteps were heard as everyone turned around to see a figure coming out of the room as Y/N was shown wearing his GI, and Midoriya arrived soon after wearing his hero outfit.

(AN: This is what the GI looks like)

A few of the girls started to blush a little because of the muscles that was shown through your GI.

"Hey Y/N and Deku!" Uraraka said as she walked up to them. "I like your costume not to flashy you know, and your hero outfit is pretty cool as well Y/N."

"Haha thanks, your hero outfit is pretty cool too Uraraka, and I like yours as well Midoriya it suits you." Y/N replied.

"O-Oh t-thank you, you guys look cool as well." Midoriya replied as his face turned bright red as he tried not to look at Uraraka's hero outfit.

"Thanks.... but I really should've been more specific about what I wanted, this body suit is skin tight, not really my style." Uraraka continued as she rubbed her hand on the back of her head.

"I love this school." Mineta commented as he stared at Uraraka's hero outfit with a perverted look as he put one of his thumbs up.

"Very interesting hero outfit Young L/N! You look very cool!" All Might said as he then looked at Midoriya as he saw that his hero outfit resembled him.

"You're so obvious." All Might muttered as he turned away and covered his mouth.

"Ok now that you're all ready it's time for combat training!" All Might announced.

Iida then raises his hand, "Sir....this is the fake city from our entrance exams, does that mean we'll be conducting urban battles again?"

"Not quite! I'm going to move you two steps ahead. Most of the villain fights you see on the news takes place outside, however statistically speaking, running in with the most dastardly evil doers take place in doors. Think about it backroom deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs, truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise you'll be split into a team of good guys and bad guys and fight two on two in-door battles." All Might explained.

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Tsuyu asked.

"The best training is what you get on the battlefield! All Might replied. "But remember you can't just punch a robot this time, you're dealing with actual people now."

Most of the class then started to bombard All Might with questions.

"Sir will you be the one who decides who wins?" Momo asked.

"How much can we hurt the other team?" Bakugo asked.

"Do we need to worry about the losers getting expelled like earlier?" Uraraka nervously asked.

"Will you be splitting us up based on chance or actual skill?" Iida asked.

"Isn't this cape treshek?" Aoyama asked.

All Might sweat dropped, "I wasn't done talking!"

All Might then pulled out a script as he looked at it.

('Is that a script? Not something I'd expect from the number 1 hero.') Y/N thought.

All Might then explained how the test is gonna be set up as the hero team had to recover the nuclear weapon or capture the villians, and the villian team has to defend the nuclear weapon or capture the heroes.

"Times limited so we'll be choosing teams by drawing lots!" All Might said as he had a yellow box in his hand. "Now due to the odd number of students we'll have one team of three, now let's draw!"

All Might then draws the teams as the results were shown.

Team A: Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka

Team B: Mezou Shouji and Shoto Todoroki

Team C: Y/N L/N and Momo Yaoyorozu and Minoru Mineta

Team D: Katsuki Bakugo and Tenya Iida

Team E: Mina Ashido and Yuuga Aoyama

Team F: Kouji Kouda and Rikidou Sato

Team G: Denki Kaminari and Kyouka Jirou

Team H: Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui

Team I: Mashirao Ojiro and Toru Hagakure

"Wow what are the chances! We're a team!" Uraraka said to Midoriya smiling brightly.

('Oh my gosh! I have to make a good impression on her!') Midoriya thought.

('I'm on Momo and Mineta's team huh? I have to make sure to hold back a good amount of my strength so that I don't severely injure my classmates.') Y/N thought.

"So Y/N it looks like we're on a team." A voice said from behind Y/N as he turned to see Momo.

"Heh I guess so I can't wait until it's our turn, I look forward to working with you!" Y/N replied as he smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

Momo cutely smiled at how enthusiastic Y/N was, "Likewise." She responded.

After that Momo walked away as Y/N heard another voice from beside him.

"We're really lucky to be getting to work together with a hot girl like Yaoyorozu huh?" Mineta asked as Y/N look to his right to see the short purple haired kid staring at Momo's leaving form with a perverted look on his face.

('Oh great....this guy is a pervert just like Master Roshi and Elder Kai.') Y/N thought as he sighed in exasperation.

"I declare the first fight of the year will be......these guys!" All Might said as he pulled out two balls with the letters A and D.

"Team A will be the heroes and Team D will be the villians, everyone else can head to the moniter room to watch." All Might said as everyone nodded.

As everyone was leaving Y/N stopped and noticed Midoriya looking really nervous as Bakugo stared him down with a fierce look.

"Hey Midoriya." Y/N called out walking up to him.

"O-Oh um Y/N, w-what is it?" Midoriya asked as he was snapped out of his thoughts.

"You're gonna do fine just give it your all, I'll be rooting for you man." Y/N said in encouragement.

Midoriya was stunned for a second as he slowly started to smile as he nodded.

"Right.....Thanks Y/N." Midoriya replied.

"No problem." Y/N said as he walked to the moniter room.

Midoriya was nervous before but Y/N's words had really motivated him as he now stared at Bakugo with determined eyes which shocked the blonde teen.

('Tch...damn nerd, I can't wait to crush you.') Bakugo thought.

Everyone was now in the moniter room as All Might made his announcement.

"All right let's begin the in-door combat training, team A and team D, your time starts now." All Might said.

"Pay attention kids think about what you would do." All Might continued.

('Young Midoriya in this class you're just another student, I'll grade you as I would anyone else without playing favorites.') All Might thought.

('Show them what you can do Midoriya.') Y/N thought with a confident expression on his face.

Next time on The Saiyan Time Patroller:
Combat Training continued.

Hey guys I wanted to update this story a lot earlier but a lot of stuff came up but I'm glad I got to update it today.

I hope you all like this chapter if you have any questions about about this chapter or story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See You Next Time!

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