Chapter 11: Sports Festival Part 3

Third Person POV



Y/N: (Thoughts) Izuku has 10 million points?! This could be bad for him, now everyone is gonna be going straight for him in this next event.

Y/N listens as Midnight then explained the rules of the Cavalry battle. Basically, there can only be a maximum of four teams and you can only have one rider and one horse, you're also not allowed to make anyone fall off on purpose which could end in being disqualified. Since everyone has a point value, anyone who teams up with a certain group will increase their total point value which will be displayed on headbands.

Y/N: "So the more headbands you get the higher your point total huh? Hehe, this should be interesting."

Midnight: "You all have 15 minutes to pick your teams, now start!"

Y/N saw a majority of his classmates crowding around Bakugo asking him to team up with them. He starts walking and looks around for someone to team up with, his first thought was Ekon, but he then disregarded it because he couldn't even find him, and if they both were to team up they'll just be able to take all the headbands away and just easily avoid everyone, that wouldn't be fair to the competition.

Y/N keeps looking around through the crowd of people until he sees Izuku in the distance who was standing all by his lonesome. He felt bad that no one wanted to team up with him so he decided he'll help his friend out as he started making his way over to him.

Todoroki: "Y/N do you have a second?"

Y/N turns around and sees Todoroki and Momo walking up to him.

Y/N: "Hey guys, what's up?"

Momo: "Y/N we want you on our team, you'll be a great asset to us."

Todoroki: "With your strength and unique abilities there's no way we'll lose."

Y/N was about to deny their offer and told them he already had someone in mind as he turned his head back to look for Izuku, but he was already gone, he figured he must've found someone else to team up with.

Y/N: (Sighs) "Fine, I'll join you."

Momo smiles as Todoroki just nodded his head.

Todoroki: "Good now that's three, we just need one more person. I already have someone in mind."

They all hear some footsteps and saw Iida walking towards them.

Iida: "Excuse me, I would like to join your team if you don't mind."

Y/N: "Iida? I thought for sure you would've teamed up with Izuku."

Iida: "Yes I know, but if I keep following after Midoriya I'll never have a chance to grow myself, that's why I'll do my best to win against him!"

Y/N: (Smiles) "I see, so you're also starting to see him as a rival now."

Todoroki: "Iida you're just the person I was looking for. The reason I chose all of you is because I think this is the battle formation with the best balance. Now that we have a full team let's start coming up with a plan."

Y/N: "Hmmm.....ok I have a plan! Todoroki you'll be the rider and get as many headbands as possible, Iida you'll be at the front for speed to help us avoid the others, Yaoyorozu you'll be at the back for defense, and mobility with your creation quirk, I'll help out as well and assist you for defense if anyone gets too close to us.

Momo: (Smiles) "Y/N that's a great plan!"

Iida: "That's a splendid idea Y/N! I trust in your plan wholeheartedly."

Todoroki: "I also agree, that will work."

Iida: "I guess you'll be attacking using diversions of Ice and Fire right?"

Todoroki: "Not quite, when I'm in battle, I never use my left side."

He said and slightly clenched his fist while staring at Endeavor who was in the stands.

Y/N raises a brow as he looks at Todoroki and then follows his gaze of who he was looking at.

Y/N: (Thoughts) Why does he not want to use his fireside? I guess that's something to find out for later, right now we have an event to win.

Y/N: "Alright you guys, let's get ready to win this!" Y/N yelled as his teammates nodded their heads in determination as Y/N grins and slams his fist into his palm.

Meanwhile, Izuku was looking around for another team member, he tried looking for Y/N but he couldn't find him. He had Uraraka and Tokoyami but he needed one more person.

Izuku: "Guys do you have another person in mind that could join our team? We don't have that much longer before time runs out."

Uraraka: "What about Y/N? I'm sure he'll team up with us."

Izuku: (Shakes his head) "I already thought of teaming up with Y/N, but I can't find him anywhere."

Ekon: "Hey it looks like you guys need one more person, I'll join your team."

Izuku, Uraraka, and Tokoyami turned and saw the boy named Ekon walking up to them.

Izuku: "Y-You're Ekon from class 1-B right? Are you sure you wanna team up with us? Because of my point total, everyone's gonna be coming after us."

Ekon: (Smirks) "I know, which is why the challenge excites me."

Uraraka: (Smiles) "Well if you're really sure about this, then you can join us!"

Izuku then tells the plan to his teammates and they all nodded in understanding as it was time for the Calvary Battle to start and all the teams were in formation.

Todoroki: "We only have one target, go straight for Midoriya."

Y/N: "No we can't go after him just yet."

Momo: "What do you mean Y/N? Midoriya has the most points, so if we manage to grab his headband we'll easily take first place."

Y/N: "That's true, but we all know that everyone else is thinking the exact same thing, what we should do instead is ignore Midoriya for now and focus on getting the other headbands instead to increase our point total, we'll go after him when his team is all alone and then we can take his headband."

Todoroki: "Fine but we'll follow the plan I have to get Midoriya's headband."

Y/N: "Hehe, that's fine by me."

Present Mic: (Taps Aizawa on the shoulder) "Hey! Hey! Look alive!"

Midnight: "3! 2! 1! Start!"

Immediately almost everyone started to go after Midoriya's team.

Tokoyami: "They're coming, make your choice Midoriya!"

Midoriya: "Ekon can you buy us time so Uraraka can make her move?!"

Ekon: "Don't worry, I got it."

Ekon launched a couple of Ki blasts near the incoming teams to stop them in their tracks, he then threw a Ki blast towards the ground creating a smokescreen, when the smoke cleared they were gone.

Tetsutetsu: "Where the hell are they!?"

Hagakure: "In the sky!"

They looked up and saw them floating into the air with Urarakas Quirk with Ekon helping to support them and himself by flying.

Uraraka: "Ekon that's amazing! I didn't know you could fly!"

Tokoyami: "Impressive...... do you and Y/N have similar Quirks?"

Ekon: (Grins) "Kind of, but let's just say I'm full of surprises."

Midoriya: (Thoughts) He's able to produce the same type of energy attacks and could fly just like Y/N, but that's impossible, Y/N told me he was the only person in this world that was able to use Ki. Could he be.........another time patroller like Y/N?

Izuku looked back and saw Jiro launching her headphone jacks towards them.

Izuku: "Tokoyami! Incoming!"

Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to swat her headphone jacks away with its claws to protect their blind spot.

Tokoyami: "Nice work, Dark Shadow."

Dark Shadow: "Aye Aye!"

Ekon: (Thoughts) So this guy can summon a sentient Dark Shadow creature that could aid him not just for offense but for defense as well. Some of the Quirks I've seen are kind of interesting.

Jiro: "Tch.....Dammit!"

With the help of Ekon and Dark Shadow, they were able to land safely on the ground and continued to avoid the others.

Izuku: (Smiles) "Excellent Mobility Ekon! You're amazing!"

Ekon: "Meh I don't deserve all the credit, Uraraka also helped with her Quirk after all."

Uraraka: (Smiles) "Thanks Ekon!"

Present Mic: "Wow barely two minutes since we started and it's already turned into a free for all! Yeah! Watch those headbands, you can even ignore the ten million points and go after the other contestants which would be smart to do!"

Mineta: "Hahaha! This Is too easy, it's not a fight it's more like a massacre!"

Izuku and the others saw Shoji and the other teams charging straight for them.

Izuku: "Mineta? Also, Is that Shoji? but where's his team?"

Ekon: "Be careful Midoriya, I can sense that two people are hiding inside those arms of his."

Izuku: "Wait really?! Then it must be Mineta, but I don't know who the other person is."

Tokoyami: "We need breathing room! We can't get caught trapped between multiple opponents!"

Suddenly a tongue came out from where Shoji was carrying Mineta and also Tsuyu, Midoriya quickly dodged it as well as another class 1-b student.

Tsuyu: "Impressive moves as usual Midoriya."

Izuku: "Whoa Asui is in there too? Is that even allowed?!"

Midnight: "Judges say, yes it is!"

Uraraka: "Come on, we have to keep running!"

Ekon: (Smirks) "No need for that, let them come."

Izuku: (Shocked) "W-What do you mean Ekon?"

Ekon: "I'll make sure they won't even get close to us."

Mineta started throwing his purple balls with Tsuyu using her tongue again to try and take their headband but Midoriya dodged it.

Tokoyami: "Whatever you're planning, I recommend that you do it right now!"

Ekon smirks as multiple teams were about to close the distance between them, but before they could get close Ekon closed his eyes halfway before opening them a bit wide as he let out a shockwave that shook the ground and pushed all of the teams away from them with a strong wind current.

TetsuTetsu: "What the hell was that?!"

Mineta: "Damn it! We were so close!"

Present Mic: "Whoa! It looks like team Midoriya managed to get out of a tough situation by managing to push their opponents back with pure force, I could even feel it from all the way up here!"

Aizawa: (Thoughts) The only person that's able to generate that kind of force is Midoriya, but I know it wasn't him, it had to have been that other transfer student from class 1-b.

Izuku: (Thoughts) Amazing.....Ekon was able to blow everyone back with just the sheer force of his power! That's kind of similar to my Quirk and All Mights.

Uraraka: "Phew, that was a close one."

Ekon: "Heh........I told you so, that will keep them off of us for a while. Come on let's keep moving." They all nodded as they continued to avoid everyone.

Present Mic: "More than seven minutes have passed, so let's check the scores on the big board for all to see!"

As soon as the scores were shown up, the only people that had a lot of points were Todoroki, Midoriya, Monoma, and Tetsutetsu's team.

Present: "Other than Midoriya and Todoroki's team, class 1-A doesn't seem to be doing so well, especially Team Bakugo!"

Meanwhile, Team Todoroki had managed to snatch multiple headbands from a bunch of teams as Bakugo got his headband taken by Monoma and was surrounded by multiple teams from class 1-B.

Monoma: "Hahaha! It's like taking candy from a baby, class 1-A is so predictable, this shows how pathetic you are compared to us!"

Bakugo: (Grits his teeth and has small veins appearing on his head) "Kirishima......change of plans, before we go after Deku we're gonna put these shitstains in early graves!"

Bakugo yelled as he started to emit an intimating aura around him which scared many that were around him.

Izuku's team continued to run as there was one minute left in the clock.

Izuku: (Smiles) "Since nobody could get close to us, we should be able to avoid everyone now pretty easy."

Just then Todoroki's team came right in front of Izuku's team making them stop in their tracks.

Todoroki: "I'll be taking that now."

Tokoyami: "I didn't think this confrontation would happen until later in the contest, he seems to have it out for you Midoriya."

Midoriya: "We can do this, the game is almost over, all we have to do is protect the headband!"

Ekon: "It's about time you got here Y/N, I was wondering what was taking you so long."

Y/N: (Grins) "Don't worry about that, that strong force I felt from earlier was because of you wasn't it?"

Ekon: (Chuckles) "Who knows?"

Y/N: "Well it doesn't matter, we're here to take that headband away!"

Ekon: (Smirks) "By all means, you guys are more than welcome to try, but you'll fail miserably."

Todoroki: (Frowns) "We'll see about that, Iida go!"

Iida: (Nods) "Right!"

Todoroki: "Yaoyorozu! Get ready to protect us!"

Momo: "Got it!"

Todoroki: "Y/N! Is everything set up!?

Y/N: "Yep, all of them are about to run into that little trap I put down earlier."

Iida charges forward as the rest of the teams behind them chased after them, but when they got close all of the teams had stepped into a Ki mine Y/N had planted down which created a bunch of explosions that blew all of the teams back and was forced to use their Quirks to protect themselves.

Momo had created a large shield to protect them from the blasts around them as Todoroki had a staff in his hand, he froze it and stabbed it into the ground spreading the Ice around which had frozen the rest of the teams by their feet. Todoroki had quickly took their headbands and charged straight for Izuku.

Aizawa: "They had set a trap for the other teams by having Y/N put tiny explosions into the ground so Todoroki can freeze them all."

Present Mic: "You said it Aizawa! That's some great teamwork!"

Uraraka: "They're too strong, there's nowhere for us to run!"

Tokoyami: "I'll take care of them!"

Dark Shadow had swung at them with his claws but Momo quickly protected them with her Quirk and blocked the attack.

Midoriya: "Yaoyorozu's creation Quirk is amazing! She's too good!"

Tokoyami: "Don't forget that they have Y/N on their team, he's the most dangerous one. His insane strength, and also his Quirk will be a problem for Dark Shadow to hold off."

Ekon: "You don't have to worry about Y/N, I'll take care of him."

Midoriya: "Really? Are you sure about this?"

Ekon: (Nods) "Yeah, just leave it to me."

Midoriya: (Has a determined face) "Ok then, even if we may be at a disadvantage we'll hold onto the 10 million no matter what!"

Present Mic: "There's only one minute left and the 10 million points is still up for grabs! Team Midoriya is still in the lead and managed to keep the 10 million points despite all the odds against them!"

Iida: "Everyone, I'm going to do something that will leave me useless after this, so I'm counting on you."

Momo: "What do you plan to do?"

Iida: "Hold on tight! Make sure to grab the headband!"

Y/N and Ekon felt his Ki starting to rise as his engines quickly activated and going into overdrive."

Iida: "Recipro Burst!"

In an instant Iida dashed towards them at speeds that nobody but Y/N and Ekon could follow. Ekon smirked as he quickly created a Ki shield protecting his team as Iida turned back now shocked to see his plan didn't work.

Ekon: (Thoughts) If I didn't act quickly he most likely would've taken the headband, but unfortunately for you, you're facing against me. I've been observing all of your Quirks during the obstacle course, most of them are pretty impressive but it's nothing compared to me.

Todoroki: "Tch.....sorry Iida, I couldn't grab it in time."

Iida: "N-No it's my fault, I was careless."

Y/N: (Smiles) "Hey don't look so down Iida, that move of yours was awesome! But it's not over yet, we still have plan B remember?"

Todoroki: "You're right, Iida could you still move?"

Iida: "Yes, I can still move, but I won't be able to use that move again."

Todoroki: "As long as you can still move, that's all that matters. Y/N, Yaoyorozu, are you ready?"

Y/N: "Hell yeah!"

Momo: "You can count on me!"

Iida charged forward towards Izuku as Ekon just sighed and shaked his head and saw another team charging towards them.

Bakugo: "Deku! I'm taking that fucking headband!"

Izuku: "Oh no! They're coming!"

Ekon: "They're a persistent bunch, I'll give them that."

Tokoyami: "Dark Shadow!"

Dark Shadow got in front of his team, ready to defend them.

Y/N: "Yaoyorozu!"

Momo nods as she created a couple pairs of dark shades, she put them on and handed the rest to Todoroki and Iida.

Momo: "Y/N do it now!"

Y/N nods as he put his hands close to his eyes and started to spread his fingers out. Uraraka widened her eyes as she remembered that move back at the USJ and quickly tried to warn her teammates.

Uraraka: "Deku! Tokoyami! Ekon! Cover your-

Y/N: "Solar flare!"

A large bright light fired out which blinded almost everyone that was close to them and also in the stadium as they were forced to cover their eyes. Iida got right by them and Todoroki had grabbed their 10 million point headband as the light died down.

Present Mic: "Well that was an unexpected light show! And because of that, Team Todoroki managed to snatch the 10 million points and has taken first place!"

Izuku touched his head to notice their headband was gone.

Todoroki: "I got it this time."

Izuku: "I-I'm sorry guys, they took our headband."

Ekon: "You don't have to worry about that!" Ekon said through gritted teeth as he took the two headbands that he grabbed from his mouth which shocked everyone.

Uraraka: "Ekon took their headbands!"

Todoroki looked down and noticed the headbands missing around his neck.

Y/N: "What?!"

Momo: "How was that possible? He was blinded!"

Ekon: (Smiles) "I just did it on instinct, I didn't actually know if I could pull that off, but I managed to do it."

Ekon: (Thoughts) I wasn't expecting you to pull of a move like that Y/N, but since I couldn't see you, I just sensed your energy and could tell where you all were, and in that moment I jumped up and use my teeth to grab his headband when you passed by us.

Bakugo: "Damn it!"

There was only 10 seconds left in the calvary battle as Bakugo quickly jumped off his team and used his explosions to charge at Izuku and Todoroki.

Midnight: "3, 2, 1, and times up!"

Bakugo fell to the ground as everyone else stopped.

Present Mic: "Now let's see who the top 4 contestants are!"

Present Mic: "In first place Team Todoroki! In second place Team Midoriya! In third place Team Bakugo! And in fourth place team Tetsu- wait Team Shinso!? How the heck did they make it so high up!?"

Uraraka: "W-We did it!"

Izuku: "E-Ekon thank you so much! We would've lost If you didn't manage to take their headbands!"

Ekon: "Heh, don't mention it."

Izuku started to cry as his tears were coming out like a geyser from his eyes.

Ekon: (Sweatdrops) "Jeez is crying another part of his Quirk or something?"

Present Mic: "Those four teams will move on to the final event! The next event will continue after an hour lunch break! Hey Aizawa let's go get some food!"

Aizawa: "Leave me alone, I'm taking a nap."

Y/N: "Good work everyone, we won!"

Iida: "Thank you Y/N! It was because of your other plan which made us get the headband."

Momo: "You were awesome out there Y/N! I'm glad you decided to join our team."

Todoroki nods his head in agreement as Y/N smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Y/N: "Hehe, thanks guys. Come on let's get some food, I'm really hungry after all of that."

Everyone started to go get lunch as Todoroki had pulled Midoriya aside for a quick talk to him, he asked if Midoriya was All-Mights secret love child which Izuku immediately denied. Todoroki then told him about his father and what he went through in his past, he told Izuku that he was gonna beat him using only his Ice, Izuku declared that he won't lose to him and will beat Todoroki with everything he's got.

(Play DBZ OST- Earth Music)

Meanwhile in the cafeteria Y/N had gotten an insane number of trays with a gigantic pile of food on them as he sat down at a table and started eating.

Y/N: "Oh man, this is really good stuff!"

Y/N was unaware of all the eyes now watching him, Almost everyone in the cafeteria was gawking at Y/N watching him consuming his food at a ridiculous pace stacking plate after plate of food on the table, he didn't even stop once to take a break and just keep on eating. Only class 1-A wasn't surprised by this because they've seen him do this before.

Mina: (Chuckles) "Looks like Y/N's attracting a big crowd again."

Uraraka: "How many plates of food has he eaten so far?"

Jiro: "I lost count after 100."

Momo: (Sighs) "Well I wish he would take his time while he's eating."

Mina: (Smirks) "Oh? Are you feeling worried about your boyfriend Yaomomo?"

Momo: (Blushes) "H-He's not my boyfriend! I just don't want him to choke that's all."

Jiro: (Raises a brow) "Then why are you stuttering? Your face is a little red too."

Momo: "I...I d-don't know what you're talking about."

Mina: (Smirks) "You can keep denying it all you want, you'll have to admit you have feelings for him sooner or later."

Uraraka: (Smiles) "You two would make a pretty good couple."

Tsuyu: "Do you like Y/N? If so when are you gonna make a move on him, Ribbit."

Momo: I will admit that I may have a crush on him."

Mina: (Grins) "So you do like him! That wasn't so hard now was it?"

Momo: "Quiet, You're too loud! But to answer your question Tsu, I have no clue. I don't even know if he even likes me in that way."

Jiro: "Well you'll never know until you try, and I bet he feels the exact same way about you from what I've seen."

Uraraka: "All that's left for you to do is make a move on him."

Momo: "T-Thanks you guys, Iisten........I'll think about it okay?"

Tsuyu: "Don't wait too long Yaomomo, because someone might beat you to it and steal him from you."

Hagakure: "I agree, Y/N is really hot after all."

Momo: (Sighs) "I'll keep that in mind."

Mineta and Kaminari then walk up to them and Mineta told them they needed to dress up in cheerleader outfits and do a cheer battle. The girls were confused and skeptical about this especially Momo and Jiro, but Mineta said it was mandatory and was a message from Aizawa.

Meanwhile at another table......

Monoma: "Tch......class 1-A always likes to show off."

Kendo: "W-Whoa he sure does like his food."

Setsuna: "How can someone possibly eat that much without getting sick?"

Awase: "Maybe it's a part of his Quirk?"

Pony: "For some reason I really doubt that."

Ekon: "Don't think too much of it, that's how he usually eats." Ekon said in a nonchalant tone and walked up to them holding his tray of food.

TetsuTetsu: "Ekon, you don't seem surprised by this at all."

Ekon: (Sits down and starts eating) "That's because I know him, and I've seen how he eats in the past, so this is nothing new to me."

Kinoko: "You two sound like really good friends."

Ekon: "I guess you could say that, but we're still rivals no matter what."


Everyone started making their way back to the arena as Y/N saw Ekon up ahead and made his way over to him.

Y/N: "Hey Ekon, you did pretty good in the Calvary battle, but I can tell you were holding back."

Ekon: "Hmph, I could say the same for you, you could've easily won that by yourself if you wanted to without even needing a team."

Y/N: (Chuckles) "Y-Yeah I know, but I just wanted to give everyone a chance to show what they've got that's all."

Ekon: (Shrugs) "If you say so."

Ekon then saw something out of the corner of his eye and raised a brow at what he was seeing.

Ekon: "What the hell? Why are they wearing that?"

Y/N: "What's up?"

Ekon: "See for yourself." Ekon said as he pointed to the side, and Y/N was surprised to see all the girls in his class wearing cheerleading outfits.

Aizawa: "What are they doing?"

Present Mic: "And it looks like class 1-A is going full on fanservice!"

From a distance Mineta and Kaminari had perverted grins on their face and gave each other a thumbs up.

Momo: "What you tricked us?! You're gonna regret this!"

Momo falls to her knees feeling a bit angered that she got tricked by something like this.

Momo: "Why do I always fall for that little perverts stupid schemes? I even used my Quirk to make these outfits."

Uraraka: "It'll be okay." Uraraka said in reassurance while patting her back.

Y/N: "Hey girls, what's up with the outfits?" Y/N asked as he walked over to them with a confused face.

Jiro: (Growls) "Mineta and Kaminari tricked us into wearing these outfits, Mineta said it was a request from Mr. Aizawa, damn perverts."

Y/N: (Tilts his head) "Wait so you all actually believed what Mineta said? It should've been pretty obivous of what he was planning from the start."

Most of the girls faces turned red and looked away in embarrassment.

Y/N: (Smiles) "If it makes you girls feel any better, you all look great in those outfits, it's really cute hehe."

All of the girls blushed as their faces turned even more red.

Momo: "T-Thank you, Y/N."

Y/N: "Don't worry, I'll get them to apologize."

Y/N walked away and found Mineta and Kaminari, they were still grinning at each other as Y/N walked up to them.

Kaminari: (Snickers) "Oh hey Y/N what's u-"

Both of their faces went pale when they saw Y/N giving them a death glare.

Y/N: "The girls are pretty upset about what you two did, you know that right?"

Kaminari: (Shivers in fear) "Blame Mineta! He was the one that came up with the idea, I just went along with it!"

Mineta: "What?! You traitor! P-Please don't hurt us Y/N!"

Y/N: (Sighs) "I'm not gonna hurt any of you, I just want you to apologize to them that's all."

Kaminari: "W-What really?"

Y/N: (Nods) "Mineta I'm not forcing you to stop any of your perverted schemes, but maybe if you just keep it to yourself sometimes or stop doing it completely maybe you can get a girlfriend. The same goes for you too Kaminari, maybe there's a girl that's already interested in you, but if this keeps up you'll probably ruin your chances, you'll never know."

Kaminari and Mineta were shocked by Y/N's words and the advice he was giving to them. Mineta started to cry as he ran up and hugged Y/N.

Mineta: "R-Really?! I'm so sorry Y/N!

Kaminari: "T-Thanks Y/N, I'm sorry too."

Y/N: "I'm not the one you guys should be apologizing to." Y/N reminded them as he pointed a finger at the girls.

Kaminari and Mineta immediately ran over to the girls and started bowing their heads to them.

Kaminari & Mineta: "We're sorry, we won't do it again!"

After that they ran off as the girls were stunned and in disbelief.

Tsuyu: "Wow they actually apologized."

Mina: (laughs) "I wasn't expecting that to happen."

Y/N: (Smiles) "I just gave them a little talk that's all, and after that they were quick to regret their actions."

Uraraka: (Smiles) "Thanks a lot Y/N!"

Y/N: "Don't mention it, I'm happy to help anytime."

Y/N waved at them as he started to walk away.

Mina: (Smirks) Yaomomo, if you don't make a move on him soon, maybe I will instead."

Momo frowned a little and then blushed as she just looked at the ground.

After that Midnight had started to explain the final event which was a tournament style bracket and everyone would fight 1v1 battles. Ekon and Y/N started to get a little excited at this as they both looked at each other and smirked.

Ojiro: (Raises his hand) "Excuse me, I'm sorry but I want to withdraw."

Izuku: "What? Why?"

Iida: "This is a rare chance for you to get scouted by the pros."

Ojiro: "You're right, but I don't remember anything that happened from the cavalry battle until it was the end. I think it was that guys Quirk." Ojiro explained as he looked at Shinso.

Ojiro: "I know this could be a great opportunity for me, and I shouldn't waste this chance, but my conscience won't let me."

Izuku: "But you can still-"

Ojiro: "No! Everyone here gave their all in round two, I don't deserve to advance without even knowing how I got there in the first place, it just wouldn't feel right to me."

Hagakure: "That doesn't matter, you can still prove you deserve to be in the finals!"

Mina: "She's right, I didn't do much either."

Ojiro: (Puts a hand on his face) "That's not it, I'm talking about my pride here. I refuse to give that up, you wouldn't understand.

Y/N walks over to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.

Y/N: "I understand how you feel, It's your pride as a martial artist right? I would feel the same way if I were in your position, you have the heart of a true warrior in you, never give that up no matter what."

Ojiro: (Smiles) "Thanks Y/N, that means a lot. Also why are the girls dressed like cheerleaders?"

???: "I'm Nirengeku Shoda from class 1-B, I want to withdraw for the same reason. Regardless of how strong I am, this isn't how I wanted to get here, it would go against the values of the festival if I didn't rightfully earn my spot."

Kirishima: (Cries) "These guys are so manly!"

Midnight: "This sort of talk is incredibly naive boys, that turns me on!"

Y/N: (Thoughts) What did she just say?

Ekon: (Thoughts) What the fuck? There's something wrong with this woman.

Midnight: "Shoda! Ojiro! You're withdrawn! In that case we'll have to move up two people from the fifth place cavalry team so we can have enough contestants."

Kendo: "We were frozen most of the time, so we didn't really do much in the cavalry battle, right girls?" She asked as her teammates nodded.

Kendo: "You should give it to a team that's more deserving like team TetsuTetsu, it should be them instead."

TetsuTetsu: "Kendo....!"

Kendo: (Smiles) "I'm not doing it as a favor, it's only fair right?"

Ekon: "Hmph, You're pretty selfless aren't you Kendo?"

Kendo: (Giggles) "I'm only doing what I feel is right, I don't really mind it anyways."

TetsuTetsu: (Cries) "T-Thank you Kendo!"

Ekon: (Thoughts) Seriously what's up with all the crying here?

Midnight: "And TetsuTetsu and Shiozaki have advanced to the finals! Take a look at the brackets and see who are your opponents!"

The matchups were:

TetsuTetsu vs Kirishima

Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu

Ashido vs Ekon

Izuku vs Shinso

Todoroki vs Sero

Y/N vs Shiozaki

Iida vs Aoyama

Bakugo vs Uraraka

Present Mic had announced some side games for everyone to do but they were only optional so you don't have to participate if you didn't really want to.

Some participated in the games and some didn't as Ekon wasn't really interested in this and told Y/N he was gonna rest up a little, Y/N wasn't interested in any of this either and started to walk off.

Momo: "Y/N you're not gonna play any of the games?"

Y/N: "Nah not really, I'm just gonna relax for a bit."

Momo: "O-Oh I see."

Momo sounded a little disappointed that he wasn't gonna participate in any of the games.

Y/N smiles as he walked over to her and started to softly pat her head.

Y/N: "Hey it's fine, go have some fun. It should take your mind off of the fights for right now."

Momo blushes a little and slowly nodded.

Y/N: (Chuckles) "Alright then, have fun!"

Y/N started to walk away as Momo watched him walk off.

Momo: "Y/N!" She called out.

Y/N: (Turns his head back) "Huh? What is it?"

Momo looked like she wanted to say something to him, but couldn't get the words out."

Momo: "Nevermind!"

Y/N shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk away as Momo closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

Y/N made it to the waiting room and decided to use this time to Meditate. He started to float a little into the air, and then crossed his arms and closed his eyes as he started to prepare for the final round of the sports festival.


Next time on the Saiyan Time Patroller: Sports Festival Part 4


A/N: Hey everyone, another chapter is out! This chapter is pretty long, so I wanted to stop it here before it gets too long.

If any of you have any questions about this chapter or story, leave me a comment down below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See You Next Time!!!

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