Chapter 10: Sports Festival Part 2

Third Person POV



Present Mic: "And we're off to a racing start! How about some color commentary Eraserhead?!"

Aizawa: "Why did you drag me into this?"

Present Mic: "So tell me what should be paying attention to in the early stages of the race?" He said as everyone watched the students running through the Entrance.

Aizawa: "The doorway." He simply replied.

Y/N: ('Thoughts') Hmmm I could use instant transmission to teleport to the finish line, but where's the fun in that?

Y/N watched as everyone pushed and shoved one another trying to get out of the doorway, suddenly Y/N felt a cold breeze as Todoroki freezes everyone and runs out the door running across the Ice.

Todoroki: "Apologies."

Y/N and Ekon look at each other and smirk as Y/N simply jumps over everyone and takes off running, Ekon punches the ground which shattered the ice around him and most of the other students, and ran across the frozen walls of the entrance and out the doorway as he easily caught up to Y/N.

Y/N looks back and sees Bakugo, Momo, Kirishima, and Aoyama, and many others use their Quirks to get across the ice.

Momo: "Nice trick Todoroki!"

Bakugo: "Spiky hair! Icyhot! You bastards won't get away from me that easily!" He shouted rushing at them using his explosions.

Ekon: "He's quite persistent."

Y/N: "You have no idea."

Todoroki: "I didn't expect many of you to dodge that, especially those of other classes."

Todoroki turns back and sees Mineta catching up to him by throwing his purple orbs on the ground and jumping from one to the other.

Mineta: "You think you're so cool Todoroki but I've outsmarted you, that's pathetic! Eat this my special attack! GRAP-"

Mineta was hit by the arm of a Robot which sent him flying.

Y/N: "Huh?"

Y/N and the others look up and a majority of them were shocked when they saw Robots and even multiple zero-pointers from those that took the entrance exam.

Midoriya: "It's those robots we had to face for the entrance exam!"

Present Mic: "It looks like enemies appeared out of nowhere, bet we're in for a treat here! The first obstacle is the Robo Inferno!"

Kaminari: (Shocked) "Are those the Robots we had to face for the practical!?

Y/N: "Giant Robots huh, pretty neat."

Ekon: (Shrugs) "Meh I don't see what everyone's so worried about."

Todoroki: "So this is what the other students had to face for the entrance exams."

Momo: "Where does the school even get the funding for these things?"

The robots start to attack as Ice starts to form around Todoroki's foot and his hand gets covered in Ice.

Todoroki: "They obviously went through a lot of trouble but I wished they prepared something more difficult."

More Ice surrounds Todoroki as a huge block of Ice gets launched at the Robot.

Todoroki: "Especially since my dear old dad is watching."

Todoroki threw his Ice covered hand forward as the Ice completely frozen the zero pointer in place, and then he starts running forward again.

Random student: "He stopped the Robot!"

Random student 2: "We can get through now!"

Todoroki: "Careful now, I froze them when they were off balance."

The Ice starts to come off the zero pointer as it falls to the ground creating a big cloud of dust.

Todoroki: "On purpose."

Present Mic: "That's Todoroki from class 1-A! Pulling ahead in the lead with a devastating display! (Turns to Aizawa) He's the one we should watch! It almost seems unfair right?"

Aizawa: "His attack was both offensive and defensive."

Present Mic: "No wonder he got in through recommendations!"

Aizawa: "But he isn't the only one you should look out for."

Present Mic: "What do you mean?"

Aizawa: "Just keep watching, what you may see might surprise you." He said as his attention was focused on Y/N."

Y/N: (Grins) "Alright I guess it's my turn now!"

While everyone was trying to figure out what to do, they all saw Y/N walking towards the Robots."

Random student: "Hey what are you doing?!"

Another Random student: "Are you crazy!?"

Present Mic: "It seems like class 1-A's Y/N L/N is advancing towards the Robots with no hesitation at all! What could he be planning?!"

Y/N stops and extends his arm out and opens his palm as a blue sphere of energy formed into his hand.

Y/N: "Take this! BIG BANG ATTACK!"

The dust cleared as the attack destroyed three of the zero-pointers upon impact.

Present Mic: (Shocked) "T-That was incredible! Y/N L/N simply one-shots the robots with no effort at all! Talk about an overpowered attack!"

Almost everyone's jaw dropped except for Aizawa, Ekon, Midoriya, and All Might, then everyone in the audience started cheering.

Random Man: "Did you just see that?!"

Random Woman: "I know right!? That kid is amazing!"

Ekon: (Walks over to Y/N) "That was alright I guess, but I could do better."

Y/N: (Raises a brow) "Oh really?"

Ekon: "Watch this."

Ekon dashes towards the Robots and jumps up in the air, he reels his fist back and punches straight through a zero-pointer leaving a giant gaping hole in the middle, he quickly grabs it by the arm and spins it around and when he got enough momentum he threw it towards another zero-pointer with so much force that they both exploded.

Present Mic: "Amazing! Ekon from class 1-B is now showing what he can do! He brute-forced his way through the Robots with just pure strength alone!" He yelled out as the crowd cheered even louder.

Ekon: (Sighs) "How disappointing, well I guess you can't expect much from a bucket of bolts." He said as he landed on the ground and vanished from sight, now running ahead using more speed than before.

Y/N: "Hey you get back here! (Turns back to everyone behind him and waves) Good luck everyone!" Y/N said as he ran off leaving a large trail of dust behind him.

Random student: "How did they do that!"

Another Random student: "Those guys are insane!"

Awase: "Holy shit! I know Ekon was strong but that's just insane, I guess he wasn't kidding at all about his strength."

Kendo: "Yeah and that Y/N guy from class 1-A is no pushover either that's for sure!"

The rest of the contestants continued on as Kirishima and Tetsutetsu got through the Robots because of their similar Quirks, Bakugo used his explosions to get across them, other people like Sero and Tokoyami easily got through with their Quirks as well.

Snipe: "Besides that 1 boy from Class 1-B It looks like all the ones ahead are from class 1-A, at least for now."

All Might: "It's not that 1-B and the other students are doing's just-"

Aizawa: "Class 1-A has learned not to hesitate, they've seen what the real world is like, they've felt the fear of facing villains, yet they fight on trying to overcome that fear. They've grown, all of them. and they know they have to act quickly if they want to stay alive."

Izuku: ('Thoughts') I won't rely on One for All this early in the competition!

Izuku dodges an attack from one of the smaller Robots, and notice something on the ground.

Izuku: ('Thoughts') It's a piece of the Robot that Todoroki knocked down.

Izuku picks it up and walks forward.

Izuku: ('Thoughts') This thing won't let up, it must have me targeted. It's moving so quickly! Which means it can't stop fast enough to avoid an attack!

Izuku swings the armor behind him and destroys the Robot.

Izuku: ('Thoughts') Just keep going! I'll use this as a shield because it could come in handy.

Izuku looks up and sees the rest of the zero pointers were getting knocked to the ground, he looks back and saw Momo who had created a cannon.

Momo: "Piece of cake!"

Izuku: ('Thoughts') That's amazing, no wonder she got in on recommendations.

Snipe: "You're better off dodging those things sometimes, but if you need to take them down, those dumb hunks of metal are easy to hit as long as you land a smart shot that is."

Ekon and Y/N were running side by side, they looked up ahead and saw a massive pit with multiple pillars with tightropes attached to them, they stopped running as the others had caught up to them.

Present Mic: "For those of you who thought the first obstacle was easy, let's see how you feel about the second one! If they fall they're out, if they wanna get through this they're gonna have to get creative! It's the fall!"

Uraraka: "When did they have time to build something like this?"

Tsuyu walks forward and crouches on the ground.

Mina: "What are you doing?"

Tsuyu: "Ribbit!" She jumps high into the air and grabs the rope and starts crawling forward.

Tsuyu: "This is finally my moment, easy peasy!"

Mina: "She's fast."

Ekon: "This is nothing." He said as he walked forward.

Ekon: "Try to keep up Y/N."

Ekon dashes forward and jumps off the cliff and lands on a pillar and proceeded to jump over to the rest of them to get across the obstacle.

Y/N: "Now this looks like fun!"

Y/N: (Turns back) "Do any of you guys need some help getting across? At most I can help about two of you." He offered as Mina and Hagakure immediately ran up to Y/N.

Mina + Hagakure: "We do!"

Y/N: (Chuckles) "Ok then all I need you girls to do is hold onto me- Woah!"

Mina and Hagakure both wrapped their arms around his and can also feel 'soft pillows' pushing against his arms which made his face turn slightly red.

Mineta: (Mutters) "Lucky bastard."

Y/N: "Alright here we go!"

Y/N slightly crouches down on the ground and jumps high into the air and goes across the entire second obstacle.

Mina: "Woohoo this is awesome!"

Hagakure: "Kyaaaaaaaaa!"

Y/N slows down his landing when he gets to the other side of the second obstacle and landed on the ground.

Present Mic: "Would you look at that folks! Y/N decided to help some of his classmates get across the second obstacle, even though this is a race!"

Aizawa: "Y/N is easily one of my best students so he could've gotten past the second obstacle by himself if he wanted to, but he decided to help the other's who might have had a harder time getting across, that's what being a hero is all about."

Y/N: "Thank you for riding Y/N's airline express! I hope you enjoyed your flight!" Y/N joked as he did an army salute as the two girls started to laugh a little.

Mina: "Thanks for helping us get across Y/N, we really appreciate it."

Hagakure: "Yeah I don't know what I would've done if you didn't help."

Y/N: "You're welcome! Well, see you later!"

Y/N dashes off once more which created a small gust of wind that made them shield their face.

Mina: "And he's gone again."

Hagakure: "Come on we have to hurry before the others catch up!"

Mina nods as they continue running.

Present Mic: "In the world of heroes it can be hard to get popular without a flashy Quirk right Eraserhead?!"

Aizawa: (Annoyed) "I don't know what you're talking about idiot."

Present Mic: "It looks like Y/N and Ekon are now ahead and tied for the lead in this race, but Todoroki is close on their tail!"

Todoroki looks back and sees Bakugo catching up to him using his explosions to get across.

Todoroki: ('Thoughts') He's finally getting fired up, it took him long enough.

Bakugo: (Growls) "Get back here!"

Random Spectator: "Those two dudes in first place are so far ahead, and that other kid isn't that far from them."

Another Spectator: "Not only that It's their natural talent and keen judgment keeping them in first place."

Some of the students started crawling the rope to get across, while the others started used their own unique ways to get across the obstacle.

Momo frowned a little when she saw Mina and Hakagure tightly hugging Y/N as he helped them get across the second obstacle, she just ignored it and created a grapple gun to help her get across.

Y/N and Ekon had made it to the last obstacle, they looked up and saw a red skull with a sign that said danger.

Present Mic: "As our top 2 contestants reach the last obstacle of the race, they better tread carefully or you're gonna step onto a minefield! If you look carefully you can see where those little bombs are on the buried so keep your eyes on the ground folks! But those landmines were designed for the games so they might be loud and flashy but they're not all that powerful. Just enough to make you wet your pants!"

Aizawa: "Get a hold of yourself."

Ekon smirked as he ran straight through the minefield as some of them went off in front of him, but he really didn't give a damn about it because it wasn't hurting him in the slightest, it was more of an annoyance than anything.

Present Mic: "Doesn't Ekon know the meaning of danger?! He's crossing through the minefield but the blasts aren't having any effect on him at all! That kid is such a Tank!"

Y/N jumps on one mine and propels forward toward another to get across, the blasts Y/N left behind were pushing back some of the others that made it to the last obstacle.

However, Todoroki and many others were right behind them.


Bakugo: "You bastard! Your declaration of war was to the wrong person!"

Bakugo tried to hit Todoroki with an explosion but he quickly dodged as they started to fight while crossing the mines.

Izuku: ('Thoughts') Y/N and the others are so far ahead, no this isn't over yet!

Izuku uses the Robot piece to dig up some mines and pile them up on the ground, he grabs the Robot piece to act as a shield and slammed shield-first into the mines.


Everyone looked back to see a huge explosion that was way bigger than the others.

Present Mic: "What was that?! That explosion was may more powerful than it should be!"

A figure appeared out of the smoke as everyone saw the metal piece of the Robot with Izuku on top of it as he soared passed everybody.

Present Mic: "Whatever the case class 1-A's Midoriya is suddenly in hot pursuit for first place!"

Y/N: "Good going Izuku! That's using your head!"

Ekon: "Pretty impressive kid."

Bakugo: "Get back here Deku!" He yelled while launching himself forward using his explosions speeding towards Izuku as Todoroki was right beside him now using his Ice to get across.

Izuku: ('Thoughts') Oh no I'm losing speed, this is bad if I don't time this landing right there's no way I'll be able to win, I just have to hold on and keep going! I have a chance here, just reach out and take it! The only way is to stay ahead and take another leap! I have to take them out of the running! I'll show the world who I am!

Izuku slammed the piece of metal on the ground as the explosion launched him forward passing up Bakugo and Todoroki as Izuku landed on the ground and started running behind Y/N and Ekon.

Present Mic: "I don't believe it! he cleared that minefield in an instant! Eraserhead your students are amazing! What are you teaching these kids?!"

Aizawa: "This has nothing to do with me, each of them is powered by their own drive to succeed.

Y/N looks back at Izuku and smiles a little as he starts to slow down a little, which Ekon and Izuku noticed.

Ekon raises a brow and looks at Y/N, then back at Izuku.

Ekon: ('Thoughts') I see what you're doing, (Shrugs) Oh well, this was fun while it lasted but his competition means nothing to me anyway, all I care about is settling the score with you. However what is up with that kid's Ki? It's like I'm sensing more than 1 Ki signature in him.

Ekon starts to slow down too as Midoriya passed them up and is now in first place.

Present Mic: "Wait what's this!? Izuku Midoriya is now in the lead! Y/N and Ekon seemed to have slowed down right before they reached the finish line, this could be bad for them if they're starting to get tired!"

Izuku runs as fast as he can and finally makes it towards the stadium's entrance.

Present Mic: "And the winner is Izuku Midoriya!"

Everyone in the crowd started cheering as Y/N was the second person to reach the entrance and Ekon was the third.

Midoriya: ('Thoughts') I......I actually won!

Y/N: "Hey Izuku!" He said while walking up to his green-haired friend.

Y/N: (Smiles) "You did amazing out there man, I couldn't be more proud of you!"

Izuku: "T-Thanks Y/N, but why did you slow down? You could've easily taken first place and won."

Y/N: "I saw how hard you were pushing yourself out there and you haven't even used your Quirk yet, nobody deserves that win more than you did buddy!"

Izuku: (Starts to tear up) "R-Really y-you actually mean that?"

Y/N: "Yep!"

Izuku starts to cry.

Izuku: "T-Thank you so much, big bro!"

Y/N chuckles a bit as he ruffles Izukus hair.

Y/N: "Anytime little bro."

Y/N walks over to Ekon who was leaning against the wall with his hands behind his head.

Y/N: "I actually expected you to keep running and take first place, so why did you stop?"

Ekon: "I already told you this sports festival means nothing to me, all I care about is fighting you that's all."

Y/N: "Hahaha that figures."

Ekon: "Also.....that Midoriya kid, what's up with his Ki? It's like there are several people within his body."

Y/N: "I can't tell you that right now, but I promise I'll let you know when the time comes."

Ekon: "Fine by me."

The others start to arrive as Y/N notices Momo walking through the entrance looking out of breath, he smiles and starts walking over to her.

Y/N: ('Thoughts') Wow she really must've had a hard time, wait what's that on her back?"

When he gets a bit closer, he saw Mineta sticking onto her back using his Quirk.

Y/N: ('Thoughts') What the....?!

Momo: "H-How could this happen?"

Mineta: (Laughs) "Two birds with one stone! I'm a genius!"

Momo: "You are the worst!"

Y/N: "Hey Mineta that wasn't very nice of you to do, Could you please get off her?"

Mineta: "No way! I'm starting to get really comfortable here-"

Y/N: "I'll ask you one last time. MOVE." Y/N threatened as he gave a glare that would make Vegeta proud.

Mineta: "I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" He yelled as he ran off.

Y/N: (Sighs) "let me help you get those balls off your back."

Momo: "O-Oh ok."

Y/N points his finger at the purple orb and fires a tiny ki blast that easily disintegrated it, he did the same thing to the rest of them until they were all gone.

Y/N: "All done!"

Momo: (Gives a weak smile) "T-Thanks for that Y/N."

Y/N: (Concerned) "Hey are you okay?"

Momo: "I-I'm fine, I'm just a little exhausted."

Y/N: "Hmmm let me try something."

Momo: "What are you talking about-"

Y/N put a hand on her shoulder and she suddenly felt very replenished and felt like she could run a marathon and wasn't exhausted like before, it just simply vanished.

Momo: ('Thoughts') What's going on? I'm not tired anymore and I feel so.......warm.

Y/N: "That should do the trick."

Momo: "Y/N what did you just do?" She asked while inspecting herself.

Y/N: "I gave you some of my energy to refill your strength."

When he said that Momo starts to fill guilt welling inside her that he willingly gave his energy just to help her.

Momo: "I'm sorry!" She said on the verge of tears.

Y/N: (Confused) "Huh? What are you apologizing for Yaoyorozu?"

Momo: "I-I made you give up some of your energy so you could help me, you didn't really need to do that for me Y/N, you should have saved it for yourself."

Y/N: (Laughs) "Is that what you're upset about? No need to worry I'll be fine."

Momo: "But I-"

Y/N: "I'll be ok Yaoyorozu, it's not like you took all of my energy from me, and even if you did all I have to do is eat and rest a little and it'll come right back."

Momo: (Sighs) "Alright then I'll let it go." She replied as she looks at Y/N and smiles.

Y/N smiles back as he looked at Momo and actually started to take notice of her track jacket that was open which showed her nicely toned body and also that she had a very 'big personality'

Y/N started to blush and turned his head to the side.

Momo: "What's wrong Y/N?"

Y/N: "You may wanna cover yourself up."

Momo raises a brow as she looks down and then back to Y/N whose face was red and was trying not to look at her at all. The sight made her laugh as she zipped up her jacket, the guy could face zero pointers and actual villains with no fear at all, but he was embarrassed by something like this?

Momo: (Laughs) "Come on Y/N, let's go see what the next round is." She said while walking away.

Y/N: "Hey what's so funny?"

All the students gathered in the middle of the arena as Midnight showed the stats of the contestants in the race.

Izuku Midoriya: 1st place

Y/N L/N: 2nd place

Ekon: 3rd place

Shoto Todoroki: 4th place

Katsuki Bakugo: 5th place

Ibara Shiozaki: 6th place

The rest of the contestants were shown as only the top 42 were able to move on to the next round.

Midnight: "Don't feel bad if you didn't make it to the next round, there will be plenty of other opportunities for you to show your skills." She said while seductively licking her lips.

Midnight: "Now the real fun is about to begin, this time you must fully move yourselves into the limelight. Give it your best! Let's see what we have in store for you next! Would your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be? The waiting is torture! Prepare yourselves for this!"

The screen behind Midnight showed a game that said 'Calvary Battle'

Kaminari: (Groans) "Calvary battle? I'm terrible at those!"

Tsuyu: "It's not an individual event, I wonder how they'll split us up?"

Midnight: "Allow me to explain, the participants will form teams of 2 to 4 people if they see fit. It's basically the same as a regular playground game, but there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value on the results from the obstacle course."

Sato: "I get it a point-based system from the entrance exams, that seems pretty simple."

Uraraka: "So that means each team will have a different point value based on which students are on it."

Mina: "Aha!"

Midnight: "Maybe you should shut up and let me explain things to you!"

Midnight: "Now then, the point assignment goes up by 5 starting from the bottom, the 42nd place is worth 5 points, and 44th is worth 10, and the point value assigned to the first place winner is 10 million points!"

Everyone had gone silent as Izuku turned pale as a ghost.

Izuku: ('Thoughts') 10 million!?

Y/N: ('Thoughts') He's worth that much!?

Almost all the contestants stared at Izuku and glared at him with malicious intent.

Ekon: (Whistles) "Damn feels bad for that guy."

Midnight: "That's right it's survival of the fittest for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!"


Next time on the Saiyan Time Patroller: Sports Festival Part 3

Hey guys I managed to get out another chapter!

Remember if you have any questions about this chapter or story leave me a comment down below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See You Next Time!

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