Trapper x Reader ꕥ Need help?

Let's start with the dear old Trapper! I got some other story ideas I got up in my sleeves so if you got ideas let me know! Enjoy you're read!

Coldwind Farm-Rancid Abattoir

I look at the small crowd that was in front of me. Everyone has their food from the entity but I decided that I didn't want to eat.

Not trying to starve myself or anything, just didn't have appetite...I shifted a bit as I pull my legs close to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs.

I sighed and continue to look at the others. I was sitting on a large boulder instead of a log. Why? Well, it's kind of my little spot I use. I saw the group talking, mostly about the trails and killers mostly.

Claudette looked at me as she stopped talking before heading over to me with a smile. I didn't think she would come to me. "Hey Y/N, are you okay? You're not eating?" she asked with concern.

I gave her a small smile and nod,"Yeah I'm fine, just didn't want to eat really. Not that hungry," I waved it off.

The worried woman nodded and ate her veggies she was eating in a small box. The food ain't the best here of course. Mostly it'll be raw meat we gotta cook and some fruits. At least the entity is nice enough to give us water bottles.

I sat there quietly as I rest my chin on my knees. Claudette looked at me again and tilt her head,"Are you upset about you're last trail?"

I flinched a little when she said that but slowly nodded. In the last trail I had no one helped me when I got hooked. I was already in my second phase until I got sacrificed and I could get the chance to do a generator or escape.

Everyone can be assholes sometimes..I'll admit I was a bit sad that one of my team made it out alive. They don't deserve that..

My thought were back to reality when I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I look up to a smiling Claudette,"Don't worry Y/N, I'm sure they didn't mean to forget you!" she said.

I hum and shrugged,"Letting me die was totally a team work.." I mumbled under my breath. Claudette frowned and pull her hand away. "I'm sorry if that happened, I promise it will get better soon!" Claudette smiled once again at me.

I let out a small chuckle and nod,"Alright then, let's hope it does." I agreed. Claudette smiled more before she turn away when someone called her. "Yo Claudette! Come here!" someone yelled in the distance.

Claudette then turn back to me and sighed,"I'll be right back okay? Let's talk later," she waved and I smile and nodded.

She then turn around and head back to the group. Alone again, it never gets old. I huff and got off the rock I was sitting on and headed to where my tent was.

It was a black tent and the size wasn't too big nor too small. I went inside seeing my sleeping bag was a little messy with my blanket as well.

I sighed and lay down, pulling the warm blanket over me. I was getting a little sleepy so I might as well take a nap. Once I was comfortable I close my eyes and cuddle into my blanket.

For some reason, I feel cold. I don't know why since I have my blanket on me. I open my eyes and all I see was darkness. Nothing but black.

Before anything the darkness faded away and I look around to see a corn field in front of me. It turns out I'm in a trail right now.. I let out a annoyed sigh and looked around.

These tall corns are going to be the end of me..I walk through by the corners and peeked around. I spotted a generator from afar. Perfect.

I headed towards the generator and started to get to work. I connected the wires together focusing until I felt my heart pounding.'s the killer. Immediately, I quickly walk away from the generator and quietly enter the locker.

My breath was shaky for a moment but I quickly took a deep breath and sighed to calm myself down.

I felt my heart rate increasing more and more as I peek through the holes to see who was the killer. A tall man wearing a white creepy mask known as the Trapper. He slowly walk up to the generator and kicked it. The generator sparked which sadly lower my progress but not that much.

The Trapper looked around before looking at my locker I was in. I gasped but quickly quite down. He stared at the locker for a moment before turning away and leaving.

When he fully left I let out a heavy sigh that I didn't notice I was holding in. God that was time I should run away.

I got out of the locker and went back to repair the generator. Once I flip the lever the generator cling loudly so I quickly run from the area so the Trapper won't come near.

I notice a big barn from ahead known as the slaughter house so I run towards it to see another generator. But this time someone was working on it. I walk closer and saw that it was Feng. I scoff quietly at her and just get to work so I could ignore her.

Feng noticed my presence and smirked,"Well if it isn't dear Y/N. Surprised you're not hooked yet." She said un amused. I roll my eyes and look back at the wires,"I was hoping you would be first since the last time you didn't even save me."

Feng was the one who didn't try to save me in my last trail. I saw her aura that she was close to me but instead she just ran off. After that happened it really pissed me off.

I heard Feng scoff next to me,"Oh please, you're never good when it comes to being chased. And that's just facts," Feng shrugged at me.

I clenched the wires as my hands turns into fist. Alright she's definitely getting on my nerves now.."The only thing that's a fact is you're the worst teammate ever!" I hissed at her as Feng looked at me angrily.

At this point we weren't even doing the generator anymore. We both stood up and glare at each other.

"Don't get cocky like that Y/N. You don't know who you're going against." Feng warned but I only smirked at her. "Well guess what then?" I said as I lean more closer to her face. "I don't give a fuck." I said darkly.

The angry women growl until we heard footsteps coming towards our way. Heavy footsteps. We both look in front of us to see the Trapper coming with his weapon ready.

I cursed under my breath and ran and so did Feng. Turns out we were both running in the same direction which pissed me off but I don't have time to fight.

There was a pallet near by but I noticed there was a bear trap there. Thank glad I luckily noticed or else I'm fucked. I was gonna go to a different direction until I felt Feng grabbed me and push me to the pallet where the trap was.

"Have fun Y/N!" Feng yelled and laughed as she run away. I screamed when I felt the bear trap sunk deep into my leg. "Fucking bitch!" I cursed as I try to get the trap off.

The more I tried to pull it off the more pain came. That fuck face is going to pay soon..I groan trying to get my leg free until I stopped when I heard footsteps behind me.

My heart was pounding a mess as I slowly turn around to see the Trapper hovering over me. His mask staring into my eyes, his breathing was low and his hand grasping his weapon. I can't help but feel still for whatever reason.

Trapper continued to look down at me not saying anything. Damn it..why am I the first one to get killed easily? Am I really that bad? Maybe Feng was right..

I looked down, avoiding his gaze as I close my eyes slowly. I felt tiny tears forming in my eyes and my body was shaking,"P-please..just hit me already.." I whimpered through my tears.

I didn't dare to look at him. I was a hot mess already and I am too embarrassed to show my face.

There was silence for a few moments until I felt my leg being released from the trap. I open my eyes and saw my leg was completely free but I was still injured.

What? Why did he help me? I look up at the Trapper in front of me that was knelt down to my level. He only stared at me and I stare back but with confusion.

This time he spoke,"Please, don't cry." I flinched at his low voice that was made. I never actually get to hear him talk. The only sounds he make is grunts when he gets stunned.

I realize the tears I had in my eyes still so I quickly wipe the tears off with my arm. I made sure that no tears were left on my face as I slowly look at the Trapper again.

He was still looking at me and I blush a little at his gaze. I look away before mumbling,"Thank you.."

The Trapper nodded at me and what got me surprised is that he picked me up. Not just on the shoulder like every killers do, but only in bridal style.

My cheeks felt warm and I look up at the Trapper that was holding me. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck because I was afraid I might fall.

I was carried back into the slaughter house and he went down in the basement making me tense up. Is he going to hook me? Kill me? Well I wouldn't be surprised..

As we went down in the basement he walk past by the hooks and set me down on top of the chest.

I frown and look up at Trapper who stare down. "Don't leave. I'll be back." was all he said before leaving the basement. I sat there quietly before trying to process what happened.

Wait...he actually let me live?? But why would he? I was injured by the bear trap because of that jerk Feng pushed me to it.

I hissed a little when I tried to move my right leg. It was still bleeding a bit but not too crazy. I look around and decided to stay in the basement. I don't want to make Trapper mad if I leave..

I carefully got off the chest I was on and try to unlock it hoping it could be a medkit inside. I was able to open it but it revealed a flash light inside.

Damnit just a bad flashlight..I guess I can't heal myself really. I sighed, grabbing the flashlight as I close the chest and sat on it again. I lean behind the wall and waited for Trapper to come back again.

As I rested I heard screaming making me get a bit worried. Later on more and more screams rang out. I hope they are doing okay...I wish I could help but I can't.

I sighed and waited more. Time pass by, I decided to play with the flashlight I had. Flicking it in and off repeatedly. I wonder why it can blind killers so easily. It's not that bad right?

.....okay since no one is here I'll test it out. I turn the flashlight on and point it towards my eyes. "Huh it's not that ba-AAAA MY EYESSSS!" I yelled and quickly rub my eyes with my hands.

Okay this was stupid but I at least know now! I accidentally drop the flashlight on the floor making me curse. I got up and kneel down on my knees and search for it.

I still couldn't see well so I use my hand to find it. As I search around I felt something in front of me but it felt like a leather. I frown and rub my eyes again to see my vision was cleared.

It wasn't a flashlight, it was a shoe. I paused and slowly look up to see Trapper right in front of me looking down.

I gulped and pull my hand away embarrassed,"S-shit sorry I didn't mean to do that!" I stuttered out and try to get up but groan in pain when my leg hurts.

I stumbled on Trapper as he catch me with his strong arms. My face was on his chest as my hands rested on his um...y'know....big man titties.

My face was heating up bad and I try to pull away but Trapper still has his arms around me,"Don't struggle. You're leg will hurt more," he said lowly. I bit my lip a little before nodding at him.

This seems to please Trapper as he gently made me sit down on the cold floor. He kneel down and pulled out a medkit making me frown in confusion. "Where did you get that?" I asked.

The Trapper opened the medkit as he pulled my pants more up revealing my exposed leg and started to patch it up. "One of the survivors," he answered simply.

I glared at him until I realized he probably took one from them. This means that they are all dead by now..

I shook my head at that thought and look at Trapper. Even though he killed them all still, it was sweet of him to get a medkit for me. I never felt cared this much before...

I blushed at that thought and waved it off til I saw Trapper finished. I look at my leg, it was wrapped in bandages showing slight of blood through the fabric but not much.

Magically I feel better now and not hurt anymore. I look at Trapper and sighed looking away,"T-thanks..I really appreciate it.." I mumbled quietly.

A low chuckle came from him,"Not a problem." I look back at him and smile softly. He's such a big sweetheart, though there is one thing I need to ask.

"Hey um..Trapper?" I said out of the blue. He looked at me but didn't say anything, meaning for me to keep going. "I just wanted to ask why you haven't sacrificed me yet or kill me.." I nervously said.

Still he could take me down at any moment. But would he? The man was quite for a moment and so was I until he spoke again,"There is a feeling I have. I can't explain it, but it's telling me to keep you alive."

Keep me alive? Is he actually..? I didn't say anything but stare at him. Does he actually like me? I do remember the times where he lets me escape through hatches. If that's the case then..

I start to stand up causing Trapper to stand up as well. My back was pressed against the wall behind me as my heart began to pound when Trapper was leaning in more closer.

I blushed how close we were and also the fact that I was smaller than him. I gulped nervously and look up at him,"Trapper.."

"Evan. Call me Evan." I hum at the name and nod,"Evan.." I restated,"May I do something really quick?" I asked tilting my head a little.

Evan didn't say anything for a moment but nodded. I took a deep breath for a moment before leaning close to his face using my tippy toes to reach his height and kissed him. Our lips locked in as Evan didn't respond for a second before kissing back.

My stomach definitely had butterflies flying around. The kiss felt nice and smooth..I felt his arms wrap around me. I did the same by putting my arms on his neck bringing him closer to me.

The kiss was nice until I pulled away to catch some air. I was panting a little and so did Evan. I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Evan hummed and kissed back with a peck as well making me giggle quietly.

"So, is that how you feel about me?" I asked curiously. Evan hummed and nodded,"Yes. I really like you a lot. No, I really love you, Y/N." Evan said with a smile.

My heart immediately fluttered as I look away with a blush,"Oh shush..I love you too." I chuckle before hugging him. Evan hugged back and it was the best feelings I ever had. The moment felt long until he pulled away making me whine a little.

"A hatch should be near by. Come on, let's get you back to the camp." Evan said and hold my hand to drag me with him.

I silently nod feeling a little upset that I have to go already but it had to be done. We left the basement and looked around for the hatchet. As we did I heard a fade noise causing me to look at my left to see the hatchet between the corn field.

"Ah found it," I said making Evan turn to where I was looking. We headed towards it and I look down at it, not jumping yet.

Evan turn to me tilting his head why I didn't go in yet. I turn to him shyly to tell him about something. "Hey you think we could hang after trail? Like in the woods?" I asked nervously a little.

The survivors says it is forbidden for anyone to go to the killers campsite. We never truly know what they do over there. But there is a wooden bridge that cross over each sides so maybe I can sneak in the woods without being noticed.

I waited for Evans response before he smile and nodded,"Of course dear, just don't get caught easily." This made me smile happily and nod.

"Cool! I'll meet you there soon!" I chirped and quickly gave him a peck on the lips before jumping in the hatch. Darkness was the only thing I see before I was back at the camp.

I looked around and saw everyone relaxing and chilling. I saw Feng with a frustrated face as she went in her tent. I guess she didn't make it out.

But I don't care anymore about her though. What's in my head now is Evan and I need to meet up with him soon. What can I say? I fell in love with a killer.

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