The Knight x Reader ꕥ You deserve a praise

Aaa the knight be so dreamy and protective. He's a really big boi. Enjoy you're read!
Yamaoka Estate-Family Residence.

The sound of the fire sizzled. Low nature sounds can be heard from my ears. I sighed and stared at the fire that was in front of me. I was holding a stick on my right hand while the other rested on my cheek.

I was a bit bored and out of space since I haven't been in a trail for a while. Odd right? Not that I'm complaining or anything, just glad I can rest from that hell hole adventure.

A break seems fine but there wasn't much to do really. Other survivors are busy while others wanted to rest and sleep. Nothing but a dark forest in a no where place. I sighed again but more quietly as I put the tip of the stick in the fire.

Obviously I'm doing this for no reason. Just want to entertain myself for a bit. I move the stick around in the fire and stare at it. "Everyone! We have a new survivor!" Someone yelled making me flinch and look behind to see Meg pointing to a direction.

A new survivor? That was unexpected. But a new survivor also means a new killer...The chain goes on I suppose.

I got up from the log I was sitting on and saw other survivors coming around as the crowd was form. I couldn't see well what was going on with the people in front of me blocking my view so I use my tippy toes to look.

A man in a green-grayish jacket was on the floor passed out. He had white hair with white beard and mustache as well. And is that a...symbol on his neck? An actual glowing blue symbol, not just a regular tattoo.

This man seems interesting..We we're all looking at the passed out man as I hum observing more until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "Hey! What do you think about the new guy?" the red head woman asked known as Mikaela.

I looked at her before looking back at the man,"Interesting, he looks like this isn't the first time he been through stuff like this," I said and then turn away,"But we will see when he wakes up." I shrugged and walked away from the crowd.

Mikaela followed and catch up to me. "Yeah seems so, he looks pretty hot too." she purred and I smiled rolling my eyes. Mikaela and I have been good friends for a while now. We usually hang a lot after trials if we're available.

Her stuff was interesting like her witchcraft and her fancy book she always carry. A nice witch. I walk back by the camp fire and sat on the log again. The camp seems a bit empty for now since the others are busy with the new survivor.

I felt Mikaela sat next to me and we both relaxed for a while til she spoke up. "You haven't been in a trail in a good second have you?" she asked raising a brow. I shrugged and huffed,"Nah not really, I don't mind though. Better than being stabbed and hooked am I right?" I turn to her and smile.

Mikaela nodded and did a long sigh,"So luckyyy! The last trail I had with the Trapper was annoying! Everyone was sacrificed so quickly!" she whined and I chuckled at her complaint.

We were talking for a while now until a black mystic fog appeared around my foot. All of a sudden? I'm a little surprise. Mikaela noticed and she gave me a quick pat on the shoulder,"Good luck! Hope you're trail goes well!" she said with a comforting smile.

I smiled back and nodded as the fog form around me as I entered in the darkness.

My eyes slowly open to see I was in a abandoned Japanese house. I look around and saw there was a generator right by me. Nice, a good start..Wonder where the others are right now?

I hummed before shrugging it off for now. Doesn't matter, I can finish this gen alone in no time. I was repairing the generator as I connected the wires together to fix it.

My eyes were focused until a scream snapped out of my concentration. Who scream was that? It sounded low and odd...maybe not a scream, a roar maybe? I continue to work on the generator and finished it up as the lights lit up working.

There we go, only one for now...hope these bums finished another generators already. I walked out of the building cautiously so I won't be spotted by what ever is lurking in the darkness.

It could be any killer that I don't know for right now. Hope it's Michael Myers, he's kinda fun to loop. I walk around looking for another generator to be done until I heard a low groan and pant.

I frown looking around until from afar I see the same man with white hair from before hiding behind a rock. " could he still be here? Especially his dumb minions..." he grunted out hissing to himself.

Minions? That sounds new...I wasted no time to run over to where he was. He's definitely injured I can tell..I could see the faint blood trails on the ground. I approach him making the man look up and flinch in surprise.

He was going to get up until I stopped him,"Hey hey now I'm no threat, are you that new survivor?" I asked to make sure. The older man sat there for a moment before nodding.

Figured then. "Look I'm not going to hurt you, let me treat you. Your injured," I said calmly while kneeling down to his level. He seemed hesitant for a moment before slowly lifting his shirt up. I blushed a little when I saw his abs but frowned when I saw the scar.

It looked long and wounded so it's definitely some kind of big weapon. I pull out my medkit I had and started to get to work. I cleaned up his wounds and the man grunted lowly but stay silent still.

"So what's you're name?" I asked, trying to make a conversation. I saw him look at me and clear his throat. "The name is Vittorio, Vittorio Toscano." I smiled,"Vittorio huh? Nice name. I'm Y/N, do you know how these trails work?" I questioned and he shook his head.

"Not as much, the others said I was stuck here forever saying there are killers to face through. But they must be kidding around..How do we get out of here?" Vittorio asked and my smile turn into a frown. There's no escape here. Even if we try to there was no sign of any exit. Only pain and suffering.

"There is no way out.." I mumbled. I avoided his gaze by stitching his wounds up. Vittorio only looked at me and before he could say anything I finished patching him up making the man surprised.

"Yeah I know the pain is magically gone don't ask yet. Come on, let's do a generator," I said while getting up holding my hand out. Vittorio took the offer by taking my hand as I pull him up from the ground.

We both walked through the tall rocks and logs. It was kinda dark since there is no sunlight but hey at least I can blend into the bushes.

I look behind me to see Vittorio following me closely. Gotta make sure the guy is okay. Just then, a scream was heard showing a faint aura of someone. Shit..they are down. I don't know where the other teammate is.

We continue walking til I saw a generator in the shack. I smiled and head towards it as Vittorio followed. I kneeled down by the generator preparing to fix it until I realized something.

Has anyone taught him how to fix the generator yet? I turn to the white hair man,"Hey do you know how to fix this?"

Vittorio shook his head so I gestured him to come to me. He did so and kneeled by the generator,"Alright well all you gotta do is connect these wires together, make sure they connect well or else they will explode if you mess up. Be careful because that will alert the killer. Here let me show you." I started to grab the wires and connect them.

Vittorio leaned in closely to look at what I was doing. I felt his low breath tickling my neck making me shiver a little. I blush but didn't say anything. As I showed him what to do so pulled away and look at Vittorio,"Here do that, I'll keep an eye," I said.

Vittorio nodded and did the generator. I hummed til I heard another scream from the distance. Seems like they are hooked...I sighed and got up causing Vittorio attention on me.

"I'll be right back okay? If you feel like the killer is around hide in the lockers quickly as you can. Stay safe." I said and Vittorio nodded,"Thank you, please be safe too." He smiled.

I smiled back before leaving the shack and headed to the hooked survivor. I slowly walk to the direction but made sure I was hidden well. I peaked over through the tall bamboo's and saw a strange humanoid creature by the hook.

What the hell? Is that the new killer? Why are they camping by the hook? I saw a green aura circling around. The survivor that was hooked was Kate.

The man was still there, he was wearing a red scarf and scouted around quietly. Suddenly, he disappeared into thin air and vanished. So..that wasn't the killer after all?

I shake my head and quickly ran to the whimpering Kate. I put my hands under her armpit and got her off the hook. "Kate? Are you okay? Where's the killer?" I quickly use my medkit to heal her.

Kate groaned and sighed,"It's the new one...we have to be careful. We don't fully know his abilities yet," she said between her whines. I was almost done patching her up until I felt my heart began to pound. It grew louder and louder until I heard heavy footsteps coming towards our way.

I turn around with wide eyes to see a tall figure wearing a armor, their sword raised up high ready strike. It almost seems like they are a...Knight.

I turn to Kate and quickly pushed her away,"Go! Vittorio should be in the shack to heal you up!" I yelled. Kate nodded, giving me a thankful look before running away.

My heart was racing fast as I quickly ran to a building and look behind to see the killer still following me ready to strike. I gulped and quickly vaulted through a window and I ran more faster than before. I ran around in the building before leaving to hide by the wooden barriers.

My heart rate slow down as I panted feeling exhausted. I think I lost them..thank god Lithe is a life saver! I slowly rest my head against the wood behind me.

So that was the new guy..why is he so god damn tall?? And we're those his minions that Vittorio mentioned earlier? At least I'm okay for now, I ran out of medkit materials..

I took a deep breath and sighed. I walk to a different rout on the other side. A noise caught my attention showing a generator was done. And then another generator almost at the same time. About time they finished a generator..

I huffed and quickly walk over the small bridge and spotted a totem. Instead of destroying it, I decided to bless the totem as a blue aura was filled around the area I was in. This comes out handy when I run out of medkit.

A scream caught my attention and I was not that far. Shit I need to hide quickly. I hid behind the boulder and peeked through to see the killer picking up what seems to be David.

David struggled to wiggle out but failed when he was impaled by the sharp hook causing him to scream loud. Ouch that hurts...I then saw the knight turn around and damaged the generator that David probably worked on.

Once the killer walked away I quickly ran up to David grabbing him off the hook. He let out a groan as I put my arm around David's back and lead him to a safe spot. David crouched down as I began to heal him up with my hands as best as I can.

The process was done quickly thanks to Circle of Healing. David let out a sigh and turn to me with a small smirk,"Thanks doll."

I smile and nodded,"No problem, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. David scoffed as he stood up dusting the dirt off his pants. "Hell no. This asshole is insane! He can summon more killers!? That's bullshit!" he yelled.

David calm down when I gestured him to be quiet so the killer won't hear us. "Don't worry, we will soon figure out his abilities and what we can do to stop him. I'm sure of it," I said with confidence.

This made David smile and he put his hand on my head,"Heh anything is possible with that determination of yours," he said while ruffling my hair.

I pouted, getting embarrassed and I pushed his hand away rolling my eyes playfully,"Oh shush you bully, let's get to work shall we?" I tilted my head.

David nodded and we both head back to the damaged generator. We started to fix on the parts as later on we were half way through. I'm glad no one was sacrificed yet, especially Vittorio. He's doing a well job being alive and he's a fast learner.

Almost done with this gen...after this the others might finish the other generator as well and the exit gates will be powered on. I was feeling happy that we were close to escaping. Just a few more fixing then we can-

"Y/N! RUN!" I heard David yell making me jump. I turn to see the killer heading towards our way but he stopped. I frowned until he put his sword deep into the ground as a the ground turn glowy green-ish. Another minion was summoned and they were holding a lantern. Their eyes couldn't been seen because of the blindfold but they laughed menacingly and started to chase David.

David cursed and ran away as the other killer followed to hunt him down. I watched them ran as I turn to see the killer in front of me. I yelped and stumbled, falling to the ground.

The knight looked down at me, not saying anything. He was holding his sword still. If I move an inch I might be dead.

I gulped quietly and stare at the knight. He glared back and it felt like we been staring each other for hours until I decided to speak up,"W-what do you want? If your going to hook me then so be it." I stuttered out.

There was a hint of fear in my voice but I didn't want to look afraid. The knight tilted his head as he loomed over more closer. I flinched and scoot away nervously. The knight stopped before he start to kneel down, setting his sword aside and look down on the ground.

"Your beg pardon for the trouble at our first encounter. I terribly apologize for frightening you." The knight spoke still kneeling. he for real? I sat there with a blank expression. Your highness?? Alright that's kinda weird...I slowly stand up from the ground and looked at him.

"Um...why are you apologizing? Also why did you call me 'your highness' or something?" I asked with my arms folded. A killer NEVER apologizes. Who would anyway? They will just hurt you until you die. All killers are heartless either way..

The knight slowly stood up as I look up at him feeling a bit intimidated by his height. "I did not mean to harm you in any way. It is not my intention to do so. Your highness, you have the beauty that has caught all heaven's attention. You are a bright rose with soft petals that will never rot," he finished waking closer to me.

I felt my cheeks started to heat up and I avoided his gaze, trying to calm down. The knight noticed and lean closer to me,"Your highness! You look red all of a sudden! Are you cursed? I shall slay who ever did this to you!" The knight yelled grabbing his large sword and raise it in the air.

I flinched and shake my head,"I'm fine I'm fine! You don't need to kill anyone. Killers these days.." I mumbled at the end with a sigh.

The knight tilted his head like a clueless puppy and before he could ask more I turned away and walk to the generator that was halfway fixed.

"If your not going to hook me then at least let me finish this generator," I got ready to fix it until I felt a metal hand gently push me away from the generator.

"Your highness, let me do the honors to fix this magical machine! I shall get this done for you," he said and kneeled down by the generator. A killer helping me with a generator? Well this is very new...

I walk closer by his side to look at what he's doing. The knight observes the generator in front of him before touching it but when he did the generator exploded his face.

He's going to damage it more! I quickly pull the knight away from the generator and gave him a scowl,"Hey you're going to damage it more! Just stay still and let me do it." I huffed as the knight sat still.

I turn back to the generator and started to work on it. Later on I finished the gen making a loud noise and the lights turn on. Just one more then.

I huffed and stand up looking back at the knight still in the same position. Before I could say anything he kneeled more down in front of me,"Your highness...please do forgive my ungrateful action..please punish me! I deserve it!" He begged.

Even though I couldn't see his face, I can tell he felt pretty bad. Maybe I was a bit harsh at the moment right there. I sighed and put my hands around his helmet to make him look at me.

"It's okay, I'm not going to punish you. I'm sorry if I snap at you like that, hope you can forgive me as well?" I tilt my head a little, giving him a small comforting smile.

The knight was silent for a moment before he nod,"Of course your highness..anything you do is always forgivable." I chuckled and pat his head,"Jeez are you that down bad for me?" I laughed at my own joke.

The knight looked at me with confusion. No expression to show, but I can tell he was confused. "Do beg pardon?" He asked.

I laughed more and shake my head. "Nothing, do you have a name?" I questioned. He stand up. "Tarhos Kovács your highness." Tarhos huh? That's a decent name.

I hummed and nodded,"That's a nice name. Also, don't call me 'your highness' or anything me Y/N." I smile.

Tarhos nodded,"Of course, Y/N...anything that pleases you," he said making my eyes roll. A sound of a generator being done was heard as the exit gates ringed, letting us know that the end game is coming up.

I sighed in relief that the others were doing okay but I need to go and escape as well. I turn to Tarhos and walk up to him as he look down at me.

"Hey I need to go with the others and escape, but I had a fun time hanging with you. Maybe I'll see you next time?" I said, hoping he would agree. Tarhos nodded and kneel down in front of me once again. This time he gently grabbed my hand and held it out in front of him. "Of course, Y/N. It was very pleasant being with mia dea, Please do take care." He finished as he air kissed my hand.

Warm heat ran up to my cheeks again. God he's such a gentle giant..I shook my head and quickly gave him a peck on the helmet before running off.

Why did I ran? Never in my life kissed anyone or gave even a simple peck. Clearly I was embarrassed at what I did but hey yolo.

I ran to where the exited doors were seeing it opened. At a far distance I saw Kate waving at me,"Hey Y/N! Glad to see you're okay!" She yelled and I ran up to her and saw David and Vittorio there as well.

I smiled and nod,"Yeah, let's go back to the camp." I said before we all left as darkness formed all over my surroundings.

My eyes opened to see a fire in front of me. I smiled knowing I was back at the camp and saw all the other survivors,"How did you all escape? Was the killer easy to beat?" I heard Meg question as she walk up to me.

"Hell no! But strangely Y/N was able to loop him really good, right Y/N?" David said and looked at me causing me to blush as I rub my neck nervously.

"U-uh yeah totally! It was really hard but I got it." I lied. Surprisingly, they seem to believe it. They all cheered for me and we had a little celebration since survivors never usually survive when greeted with a new killer.

Later on I sighed and sat on a log with my elbows on my thighs and rest my cheek on my palm. Everyone was talking to each other having a good time until I felt someone next to me.

I turn to my right and saw Mikaela sitting next to me,"So, what really happened?" she asked with a intense look. I flinch and tilt my head a little,"What do you mean?" I said trying to sound dumb.

Apparently she raise a brow making me sigh in defeat. "Alright I didn't loop them..We actually talked," I said while avoiding her gaze.

Mikaela was surprised and lean closer to me,"What? Really? What happened? Did they do anything bad to you?" she said with concern in her voice.

I smiled to myself a little, knowing that Tarhos was completely opposite. He showed me royalty and affection only to me. Seems like he wants to serve me no matter what. I don't think he will even stop if I said no.

I turn to the red hair woman and smirk,"Let's just say I got an overprotective knight on my tail."

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