Ghostface x Nervouse!M!Reader ꕥ Why so paranoid love?
Ghostface be my true love. I swear every Ghostface players are such goofballs and sweethearts <3 Besides that, enjoy you're read!
The MacMillan Estate-Groaning Storehouse
Where am I? Oh..I suppose I'm in a trail right now...While ago I was talking with my friend Yui but I got interrupted by the black smoke forming around me..
Now I'm here at this gloomy place. What if I get hooked first? Who's the killer? Will anyone help? Shit...I need to stop over thinking too much..
I slowly walk by the stone barriers and spotted a generator with a pallet next to it. Yes a pallet! Maybe I can get away more easily. I walk up to the generator and start to repair it.
Once I did that I look around at my surroundings being very paranoid. I always do that every time I do a generator. I spot the killer every time with my spine chills and my paranoia.
I almost yelp when I saw someone walk up to me. "Hey chill it's just me dude." A man said with brown hair known as Steve. He was wearing his outfit that says 'ahoy' which is funny to me. Cute, but funny at the same time.
I sighed quietly and smile,"S-sorry..thought you were a killer," I laughed nervously. Steve nodded and smiled,"No worries, sometimes your paranoia helps our team," he said while working on the generator.
I tilt my head at him in confusion,"Really? I-it's helpful?" I said with slight confusion. Steve nodded and pat my head.
"They mean it. So if you feel like the killer is coming let me know okay?" Steve gave me a comforting smile. I blushed, smiling back at him and continued fixing the generator.
Once we were done we headed to another generator that wasn't far. When Steve started working on it I pause for a second. I looked around seeing nothing but there was definitely something creeping over to us...
I continued to look around before looking at Steve,"Hey..I think we should g-" before I could finish, Steve was exposed resulting in getting stabbed in the back with a scream.
I gasped as the killer in front of me was no other than Ghostface. I felt frozen and I couldn't move. Steve whimper in pain as the Ghostface in front of me look at me.
My heart sank. I snap out of my daze and ran. Oh crap oh crap I knew it! I shouldn't left Steve there but I need to leave.
I quickly ran in the giant building and hide by the pipes. I quickly peek to see Ghostface picking up Steve and hooked him.
Loud screams filled in the dreadful air until it quiet down for now. I saw Ghostface going into stealth mode as he crouched and went to a different direction.
Do I go get him right now? But what if he comes back..he can kill me in one hit if I get exposed..
Gah snap out of it Y/N! Just go get him! I quickly left the building and ran towards the whimpering Steve. I put my hands under his armpits and pull him off the hook.
Before he could say anything I grab his hand and lead him to a stone barrier before hiding behind it. I peek through and saw no sign of Ghostface anywhere.
Good..being in a open space will be dangerous, especially he can stalk you anytime without a notice. By playing it safe it's easier to be hiding somewhere.
I turn to Steve who slouched down panting. The blood was bleeding through his shirt so I pull it up. I didn't have a medkit but I could help him without it.
I grab my shirt at the bottom and start to tore it off revealing my stomach. I blush a little but quickly wrap the torn fabric around Steve's back.
The scar was deep so I made sure the fabric was tight. When I finished the bleeding stopped. Steve sighed calmly before looking at me with a smile. "Thanks mato."
I smile and nodded,"N-no problem!" I stuttered. We both got up and went to a different rout this time.
When were were looking for a generator I saw a totem by the wall. I turn to Steve and tap his shoulder,"I'm going to destroy this real quick," I said. Steve nodded,"Alright, I'll try to find a generator."
I nodded as Steve walked away searching as I knelt down by the totem and start to tear it apart. Picking the bones off was simple, nothing hard. I was close to destroying it until I felt the same feeling hit me.
My body shivered, feeling the goosebumps on my skin rise. I look around to spot anything but there was nothing. No, there was diffidently something.
I continue to look closer until I saw a white mask at the distant hiding behind a crate box. I yelped and quickly ran off to a different direction.
Oh god so it was him! I need to run. Far. I dash to a different path not looking back. I saw a shack so I quickly went inside and crouched by the pallet that was by the exit.
Okay...I won't believe that I lost him but if he comes near me I got this pallet right here..I let out a shaky sigh trying to calm myself down. Just calm down..don't over react..
"Hey? Are you okay-" I screamed dropping the pallet quickly. I heard a groan and I look down to see it was Nea on the floor.
"The hells you're problem??" She yelled while rubbing her head. I gasp and slowly vault over the pallet to kneel by her,"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean too! I t-thought you were the killer!" I apologized.
Nea groan and stood up looking pissed,"Well clearly someone dumb as you don't know the difference." She hissed making me flinch but I didn't say anything.
I deserved that insult, I didn't mean to hit her on the head or anything..before I could say anything Nea screamed when she was stabbed in the back once again.
She fell on the ground bleeding, revealing the Ghostface in front of me. My eyes widen in shock. At this point I couldn't even hear my heartbeat anymore.
"Well hello there...are you going to save you're friend here? If so, I'm waiting." Ghostface said and took a step back from Nea. I flinched and look down at the groaning beanie woman. "Just run Y/N! Go!" She yelled through her grunts.
I only stand there, not knowing what to do. Should I really try to help her? But if I do he's going to stab me anytime. Shit..
"Clocks ticking Y/N," Ghostface said while playing with his knife in his hand. I stared at him nervously and took a step back.
Ghostface tilt his head at me, and I know he was grinning. "What's wrong? Will you run away like a rabbit?" he took a step forward.
He was getting closer to me at that point. Even if I deal with many killers in every trail, I'm always afraid..I'm tired..I'm tired of being a coward. The others think I'm probably weak to them...but....
I took a deep breath and let a sigh out with my eyes closed. Then I open my eyes and step forward,"Not this time. Are you just going to stand there or man up to get me?" I taunted at him.
The Ghostface didn't respond for a moment before chuckling,"My such passion, I kind of like it~" he said and raise his knife in the air.
I quickly dodge his attack and ran from him as I vaulted through the pallet. I look behind to see him break the pallet with his foot so I continue to run.
I headed towards the giant building and went inside. I saw Ghostface catching up to me so I vaulted through the broken open barrier and ran around the building.
The aura of Nea was gone meaning she was healed up from a dying state. I smile knowing she was safe but panicked when Ghostface was still chasing me. I headed towards up the metal stairs and vaulted through a window.
I notice a locker was next to me so I quickly went inside and saw Ghostface jump through the window and turn to the locker I was in. He chuckled and walk to it,"Hiding already? We just gotten started. Too bad you- AAGH!" He yelled when I open the locker and stunned him.
Wow I guess the Head On perk was worth it after all. It felt like hours when this whole chase been going on. I was getting tired but still kept going. I quickly vaulted again and ran back down the stairs where I was before. I quickly dash to a corner and hid as I saw the angry Ghostface walk past me.
I was panting but I made sure to calm my breathing down so he couldn't hear me. Just then, a loud ring rang through my ears meaning the exit gates were powered. Wow already? I didn't even hear the generators being finished.
I smiled to myself and quickly went over to the the broken barrier and quietly jump over. When I did that I felt a glove hand grab me making me yelp loud in surprise.
The hand was on my shoulder and it pulled me up to someone's shoulder,"I caught you now little bunny. You're mine~" Ghostface purred as I whimper trying to struggled to get out of his grip.
"Let Y/N go!" A familiar voice yelled from my behind. I turn to my head and saw Steve with a flashlight and point it to Ghostface through the eye holes. Ghostface suddenly dropped me and grunt trying to get his vision back. I gasped and vaulted over as Steve ran with me and stay behind to body shield me.
"Get back here damnit!" Ghostface yelled as we headed towards the exit gates. Nea and Meg were waiting until they saw us. "Go! Open!" Steve yelled as Meg pull the lever down and the end game happened.
Ghostface was catching up to us trying to get me but Steve made sure to protect me as much as possible. The others followed and we were able to escape the trail.
I ran and ran until the dark fog formed around me and I was back at the survivors camp when I saw the camp fire in front of me. Thanks glad that's over...
I sighed and look around to see people looking at us making me feel nervous from the stare. "Hey you all made it! What happened?" Claudette was the first one to ask.
The others grew curious as well but I didn't say anything as my heart race a little. I don't like the attention I'm having right now.."U-um.." before I could say anything Steve cut in,"Y/N was amazing! She distracted the killer this whole time without a scratch!" he smiled making everyone gasp.
"She looped the killer? That's brave of you Y/N!" Claudette smiled and clasp her hands. Nea walk beside me and nod,"I'll admit, you were cool. And you saved me from being hooked." She admitted but still looking away from me.
Something about Nea complimented me made me tear up. Nea never usually compliment but she did. And with everyone supporting me too felt...nice.
I quickly hug her making Nea almost stumble in surprise. Nea sighed and let me hug her as she put her hand on my head,"Yeah yeah I'll let this slide." She huffed.
After for a minute of hugging I pulled away and quickly wipe my tears. I felt a little embarrassed crying in front of everyone since it's not usually a thing I done before. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me turn to see Steve next to me with a smile.
"You should get some rest before the next trail Y/N," he said. I hum and nodded. I was pretty tired so I guess I'll take a quick rest.
I waved a goodbye at everyone and headed to where my tent was. I went inside, turning the lamp light on to see my sleeping bag on the ground. Next was my drawing book I had.
I use my offering to get a drawing book so I can use it when ever I get bored. For some reason though, I have an urge to draw something...
But yet I still feel tired. I can probably sleep through it then...I sighed and lay on my sleeping bag, pulling the warm blanket on me. I turn the lamp off so it can be dark. I close my eyes and started to rest.
....damnit just sleep! Why can't I sleep?? Something doesn't feel right..Maybe I'm just being paranoid again..
I sighed, sitting up as I turn the lamp on. The tent lit up and I rub my eyes a little. I guess I should draw to take it off of my mind...I look at the book next to me and picked it up.
I grab my small lantern as well and left the tent. Usually when I'm stress or overwhelmed I like to go in the forest and sit by the river to draw. Yes I know it's dangerous since the other side of the river is the killers side. But nothing happens really.
As I left the tent I look to see the others hanging out around the campfire. Nea and Meg were talking as Felix, Yui, and Bill were relaxing while sitting on the log. Ace was playing poker with a struggling David.
I guess for Ace offering was for some card games. I quietly walk behind my tent and left to the woods. I didn't really want to be ask or caught by the others why I'm in the forest
A secret for myself won't hurt anyways. I headed into the dark woods as I walk further deeper. The sound of water flowing by meaning I was close. I smile to myself and walk faster til I found the river.
The river was calm and soothing which is why I love visiting here. I walk by the edge but not too close as I sat by the rock behind me and lean on it.
I sigh calmly and put my lantern down, opening my sketch book before taking out the pencil. All right everything is set here..
I made sure the light was on the sketch book so I can see. Let's see here..what should I draw? won't hurt if I just..
I started to draw on the paper quietly. The sound of the river flowing by calmly was very peaceful. I was drawing Ghostface for some reason..
Though I didn't know why, I just feel like it. It would bug me if I didn't drew him. I was sketching the face then to the hoodie, making sure the blending fits well.
A few minutes pass by and I was already almost done with the drawing. It's like I can memorize him completely. I put my pencil down to give my hand a rest as I look down at the picture.
I stared at the very well drawn Ghostface. That mask he wears stare right back at me. I wonder what he looks like..maybe he looks human as well? Most killers are usually deformed or mask hidden as well.
A small heat form in my cheeks thinking about him. He is kind of cute sometimes..oh god snap out of it Y/N! You can't like him!
"Very detailed, I'm flattered." A dark voice said making me scream and fall to the side on the ground. I shivered when I look up to see the white mask in front of me.
When did he came here?? Did he spy on me? How did he sneak up on me? This never happen before! I was slightly panicking, almost like I was having a heart attack.
Ghostface quickly pull me up and made me sit by his lap,"Hey hey calm down love! Just take a deep breath and let it out." He calmly said as I shakily nodded.
I inhale the air for a moment before exhaling quietly. I repeated this for a minute as my heart started to calm down.
The quietness and the nature sounds help me a little. I took a last deep breath before turning to Ghostface that was looking at me. Even if I couldn't see his mask, I knew he was worried.
"Are you alright now love?" he asked in a calm comforting voice. I look down to avoid his gaze and nodded. I sighed as I hold my book closer to my chest,"S-sorry.." I mumbled quietly at him.
The man chuckled and put his hand on my head almost making me flinch. "Don't worry about it love. You know, I actually never get to scare you really. You will always catch me even if I try to sneak up on you." Ghostface hum making me look down.
He's not wrong on that. Every time I'm in a trail with Ghostface I was always able to spot him trying to stalk me while crouching. Shit, I could even see him from far away.
I guess being very paranoid and check my surrounding very often is helpful. But it sucks to deal with it in general...It makes me feel more distant and afraid from everything.
I'm such a wonder I don't have friends..not even here too when I got drag into this realm.
Thinking of this almost makes me want to cry. I forgot about Ghostface that was next to me so I quickly wipe my small tears that formed around my eyes.
Ghostface seems to notice this and put his hand under my chin and made me look at him. I grew more anxious and tried to avoid eye contact but he definitely made sure I look at him.
"Sweetheart, please don't be afraid. I promise I won't hurt you." Ghostface said as his gloved hand slowly move to my cheek and stroke it with his thumb.
Something about this comfort made me feel safer. Despite the fact that he's a killer, he's good at calming me down. I hummed and lean close to his hand.
Even if this attention was little, I still enjoy it. My eyes slowly averted to the man in front of me. I blushed before looking away quickly,"T-thank you.." I mumbled.
Ghostface chuckled and pinch my cheeks making me yelp,"No worries sweetheart. Who knew how much of a cutie you are up close." He commented and that made my face heat up even more.
I look away and try to calm myself down, feeling my heart pound each second. "'re just being mean.." I stuttered and move away.
Ghostface snickered and lean closer,"Aww is someone angry?" he teased even more making me blush even harder. Why is he teasing me so much right now?! This isn't fair!
After the whole teasing session, we made our goodbyes. The teasing wasn't fun but...spending time with Ghostface wasn't so bad.
"See ya cutie! Hope to see you in a trail soon." Ghostface waved before slowly disappearing into the darkness.
Well, that's expected for a stalker killer to be gone fast.
I let out a shaky sigh. I can hear my heart pounding, but it wasn't a bad thing. It wasn't anxiety or anything else, it was just excitement.
Was I that excited to see him again?
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