Frank x Killer!F!Reader ꕥ Anything for my god P.1
I made sure to give a good characterization on this chapter >:) So as the appearance it's pretty much like the grim reaper looking and all. Black long cloak with a hood up and faceless so here's a drawing I made! If it not you're style then gladly change it then :> I got lazy to make the scythe so the main weapon with be the double scythes and the design on it is you're idea. Here are the perks I made! I wanted to do the killer one first.
Fallen again. -You experienced love ones dying before you're eyes. Now it's time to do the same for people to see the last light.
☆ When ever you grab a survivor from the locker, all other survivors become exposed up to 10-20-30 seconds.
"Run away little rabbit, soon enough you will fall into you're own trap."
Death is behind. -Spying on victims before their death stand no chance.
☆ If one survivor cause a cooperative action their aura will be revealed for 6-12-18 seconds. If they are hit within those seconds all survivors aura are revealed for 15 seconds.
"Don't worry, my eyes will never leave you're sight."
Stay Down Forever. -Others has run away from death before, but in the end they met their fate.
☆ Survivors who had been in a chase for the last 6-5-4 minutes will be in the second stage when hooked. Does not apply when a survivor is already in a second stage.
"Fool to think you are safe. No one has escaped me yet."
Deaths Shadow.
-Either in light or dark places, you can still appear from behind to catch the survivor.
Once Deaths Shadow is activated, you can hide within you're own shadow and appear behind to a survivor shadows. The survivors heart terror radius won't be alerted unless they have spot you.
Hitting a survivor with Deaths Shadow activated, once you use Behind You the survivor that is hit from the weapon will suffer from being Broken.
And that's all! I really had fun coming up with creative ideas I have for the perks and special abilities and powers! This might be a long story than the others so be prepared! Any who know, let's get to it :>
Midwich Elementary School
"No! Please don't! I-I promise to keep my mouth shut!" Fear was the only thing that appeared in his eyes. Living, yet so dreadful. It's a shame that it will turn into nothing.
Down above me, was a man about maybe around his 30's. His long slick brown hair was messy. His clothes were also a little ruffed up from the...'mess' we made. I look down at the man before leaning down slowly to his height.
The man flinch in fear and try to scoot back but I immediately stopped him by stabbing the wooden floor with my scythe next to him by his head. He flinched yet again, I can almost hear his heartbeat..pound. Pound. And pound.
I lean closer to him, his breathing was heavy..he seems to be shaking. "You shouldn't have play with fire, dear," I said. The man shake his head quickly, his eyes still focused on me. "I-I'm sorry if I made fun of you! I never knew you were r-really real!"
Real huh, to be fair I'm not really. In this town there has been rumors spreading widely. Whispers and gossips about the Grim Reaper who takes out lives just to consume souls.
Souls that are dearly precious and delicious. Though no one never really know if it's actually true. It's nonsense when someone panics about seeing a real Grim Reaper in front of them. Hard to believe is what to say now.
But all of those rumors are definitely true, random people dead on the ground only to be spotted. The deaths are very unknown that even the police and doctors can't figure out who killed them.
Little did they know though, I was the one who left the mess. I pulled out my other scythe from my pocket. The man gasped in fear but frown when I put it down. "I don't blame you for your lies, I am real in fact. So maybe you can tell the stories to the other folks." I said with a head tilt.
The man breathing calmed down before he hesitantly sat up,"So d-does that mean I could live?" He breathed out. Ah there it is, the hope in his eyes I was looking for. Bright yet so pure into the mortals eyes.
Before he could react my hand reach out to him as I poke him his forehead. The man instantly fell down on the ground without a word. His once hopeful eyes was gone. Sad, it really is. But I couldn't care less.
My hand reached to his chest before it phased through. I pull my hand back up only to be greeted by a white soul in my hand. This seem to be precious, maybe I can put it with my collections. I grabbed my scythes and put it away.
I put the soul in my bag pouch that connects to my thighs and shut the bag. I think that should be enough for today, I'll head back then.
Before I could vanish away, a black dark mist formed around my feet. What is this? I don't remember encountering anything like this before. The fog grew more and more as my surroundings became very dark.
Darkness don't scare me, not even a little. I couldn't see anything at the point before I heard dark growled from behind. I turn around to be greeted by a black claw.
"Ah, Entity. Long time no see." I said in a monotone voice. The Entity god. One of those I heard before from the other gods I met. Something about games really interest the Entity a lot. I like to call it the cat and mouse games.
"Death.." the Entity spoke. The voice was being heard in my head of course. The Entity is not humanoid nor ghost. I hum and cross my arms over my chest,"Is there anything you need? Clearly there should be a reason why I was summoned here."
More claws came as it wrapped around my thighs and legs,"Death, I need you here to play the games so I could be satisfied. The puppets I have are lately becoming more useless than they are. My powers are slowly draining and I need it to come back." It spoke.
I raise a brow, even though my face couldn't been shown,"You want help? From me? To satisfy you? Well I am flattered but clearly I'm busy collecting souls," I said as I push the black spider looking claws away.
Clearly it's pleading for help, but I have other things I need to do. A silent growl was heard but nothing happened though. "How about a deal then. You help me with the trails I put you in, and I will make sure to give you spare souls I get."
Spare souls then hm? I wouldn't mind to have some, especially if I can see what's this whole cat and mouse game the Entity has. I stood there for a moment before sighing and took my glove hand out,"Alright, deal. But I will leave once the souls are enough."
The black claw slowly came towards me and shook my hand. "Deal." And with that, I was taken to away by darkness. Once I close my eyes for the process to finish, I open them again to be greeted by a campfire in front of me.
I look around at my surroundings, trees were everywhere, logs were spread around. Crows were in the distance flying around by the trees. I hummed at the sight before I was greeted by someone walking up to me,"Well well well! Looks like we got a new fellow member here."
A man voice said. He was wearing a white coat with a shirt and tie. His eyes and teeth were wide open by the metal gear he was wearing. What a weird sight.
This seem to bring others attention as well. A person with a pig head mask came up with a tall woman along her side with a bunny mask. Another few came like the man with burnt skin and floating woman with a bag over her head.
Some others stayed but still looked. Not like they care. "Has the Entity dragged you here? Wanting more pawns like us?" the smiling man asked with a head tilt.
I looked at him and roll my eyes at him. But of course, my face is hidden with darkness magically. "Yes. The Entity asked for my help to come here," I responded.
The smiling man frown as the others looked confused as well. Before they could say anything a tall man with muscular arms came through. His white smiling mask stare into my hidden eyes. This man doesn't intimidate me though, no one can.
"The Entity talked to you?" Was all he said with his raspy voice. I shook my head,"Yeah, something about you all being useless to displease it," I said before continuing,"But that's what it told me," I shrugged at him.
The large man hummed at what I said and stood there silently like he was thinking. I sighed before walking past them and sat down on a log by the campfire.
The others stared at me before my head turns to them,"What? Still standing there?" I snapped. They all look away and went back to their business. I hum before turning away and look down at my lap.
I pull out three little diamond shape cards from my pocket. I assume these things are called 'perks' since everyone uses it. As I finish reading them I put it away in my bag pocket.
I took my scythe out and started to sharpen it. I guess I'll have to wait and see what happens for the trail to start. "Wow that looks cool, can I touch it?"
My head perked up and turn to my left to see a person wearing a white mask with a smile face on. I only stared at him, not responding. "Frank stop gawking over the new newbie." a male voice said as I look behind to see three people right by the man next to me.
One has pink hair as the other looks like what I assume Frank but a female figure. The other has a skull mask on and his arms were crossed. The man turn to the other,"Shut up Joey, I'm just checking what's up," he barked.
I rolled my eyes before turning away looking back at my weapon again,"No you can't touch it." I responded to his previous question.
The smiling mask man tilt his head,"Okay then, well welcome to this shit-hole," he said as he put his hand out. I didn't turn to him but only glance at his bandaged hand.
I chuckled before shaking my head,"Wouldn't do that if I were you." I mumbled. This seem to confuse him,"Why not?" I didn't say anything and continue to sharpen until a crow fly past by.
I grabbed the crow with my hand making the crow yelp before it died in my hand. "Death touch," I said before throwing the crow away like garbage. The mask man gasped and lean towards me more,"Woah so you're, like, a Reaper and all?"
I looked at him and try to scoot away but the others came closer,"That's kinda sick!" the pink hair girl said excitedly. "Oh please, she's just another random newbie." the other female scoffed.
I turn my head to her and stare as she stare back at me. Then I slowly put my hand out to reach her making the woman flinch at the sudden movement. I smirked and put my hand away to scare her with my death touch. I can control my death physic touch if I wanted to or not. So it's a choice that I could kill her but I don't want to deal with the Entity.
The skull mask man laughed, knowing what I was doing as the woman growled,"Fuck off!" she hissed. I sighed before standing up and look up the sky,"Okay I'm ready for my trail." I snapped my fingers so it could get the Entity attention. It seem to work when smoke started to form around me.
Everything turned dark before the dark fog faded away. I look around my surroundings to see I was inside some type of school. There were desks everywhere and stuff that are knocked down.
Sirens were playing in the distance as I pull my weapon out. I guess it's play time. I walked out of the room and walk down the hallways to look around inside. I'm not familiar with this place but I'll know my ways around.
As I walk by the rooms I heard some noises in the distance. Almost like a machine noise. I walk into a room and saw a man wearing sunglasses with a hat jumped when he saw me,"The hell? You're new!" he shouted before running.
Oh I'm definitely new alright. I ran towards the man with my scythes ready. He seems fast, but apparently I'm catching up. The man was gonna head the other way until I quickly stab him at the corner making him grunt in pain loudly. He ran to where the upstairs was and pulled a pallet down.
When he did that his aura was revealed to me. I was glad it didn't hit me since I wasn't close to the pallet, so I broke it down with my foot. I ran upstairs and saw the man running through the hallways limping a little.
I chase him down, slowly catching up as the man was heading to where the pallet was but I able to caught on as I quickly stab him in the back making him fall to the ground with a loud painful yell.
When he fell I saw red auras of other people as I look around. Seems that two are working on a generator upstairs here, then the other is hiding in the room from afar down there.
Perfect. Now I know where they are,"Y-you know sweetie, even though you're a killer you are one f-fine chick," the man laughed out before it came with a cough.
I look at him and raise a brow at him,"Are you seriously trying to hit on me?" I huffed. The beard man chuckled before finger pointed me,"Ya damn right, wanna bang soon?"
Alright he's pissing me off now. I ignored him as I slowly form a large shadow above me and sunk in. I slowly rise up to see a woman with brown hair working on a generator not noticing me. The other on the side was a old man as he turn to see me and screamed in terror before running away.
The brown hair woman frown, still not sensing me before I yank her off the generator. The woman screamed as I put her over my shoulder. "S-shit!" she yelled and struggled to get off. I guess my death touch is disabled by the Entity during trails. Fair I suppose. I walk out of the room and saw a hook that was by me.
I'll take a guess that I have to put her there. I put her on the hook by her shoulder. Loud screams rang through the giant building. It was like music to my ears.
I walk back to where the generator was and kicked it with my foot. The machine sparkled showing it was greatly damaged. I head towards where the old man ran and search around.
I walk into a large room and looked around. I look at the lockers and stare at it. He could be inside maybe..I hummed, before forming a large shadow again and sunk in before rising back up to be behind the injured survivor on the floor.
He looked up when he noticed me and smirked,"Hey baby, that seems new doesn't it?" he said. I immediately grabbed him and put him on my shoulder before putting him on the hook that was close to us.
He screamed loud in pain as I turn away and left to find the others. What a weirdo. Hope to never see him again soon. As I search around for the victims I decided to head back upstairs to check on the other hooked survivor.
She was still hanging until the old man limp his way towards her to get her off. Not on my watch now. Before he was able to get her off I stab him in the back making the male groan loudly.
I wiped the blood off my blade and picked the old man up to my shoulder. I walk down the hall trying my best to hold him still with him struggling. Once I found a hook I put him there as screams were ringing in the area.
Seems like there is one more survivor left. Surprisingly the pervert man down there is still there hooked. A shame that he's not saved yet, I guess it's time for hide and seek.
I form a shadow underneath me and blend in before coming back up to rise behind a man with brown messy hair. His blue sweater was dirty and he looks pretty tired with the bags under his eyes. He didn't seem to notice me since he was peeking through the door way to see if I was around.
But what he didn't know is that I'm already behind him. I lean close to his ear before letting out a silent whisper,"Boo."
The man jumped and turn around with a scream once he saw me. I stabbed him with my weapon making him ran away quickly with a shriek. "Oh god!" he yelled as he ran.
I chuckled at this as he ran down the hallways holding onto his medkit. "Crap, I can't heal.." I heard him mumble to himself. As I chase him I was slowly catching up to him. I raise both of my scythes high to hit him before I was hit by a pallet in my head.
I silently groan at the pain, shaking my head before looking back up. The man ran as I broke down the pallet and continued to chase him. It took some time chasing him down, though I can hear the other hooked survivors being sacrificed one to another.
You know it would of been easier if I could just kill him in one touch, but I guess that didn't seem fair to the Entity, especially the game itself. It felt like minutes pass by when I was chasing him.
I gotta say, the guy is good. Especially that he's still standing even when he's injured. As he vaulted through the pallet he dropped earlier I felt a new power that's activated. Perk is what they say? I'm still new to this.
As he ran I was catching up slowly and it seems like we been running in circles. One survivor got sacrificed as the other two are close to being sacrificed as well. The injured man made his way to the broken window he can jump through but once he was going to jump over it I raise both of my scythes high and hit him.
The man scream in pain as he fell on the ground. I grin a little before picking him up and took him to a hook. I headed the outside since I was close to the hook and put him there. The boy screamed in terror and whimpered at the pain as I stood there watching him.
Game is over already? I expected more of a challenge I guess. What's this? I notice there was some hope in the man's eyes, making me tilt my head. Before he could do anything, sharp claws form above him as it stabs the man in the chest.
"W-what the? I didn't get to e-escape yet!" he said as he fought back against the claws with all of his strength he has. What was that perk again? Stay Down Forever? Very useful when being looped then.
A cold breeze hit through me, notifying that all the other's survivors are hooked. It didn't take long before the claw stabbed the man in front of me as his body was carried through the air where the Entity form in the sky.
"Delicious, good job Death." a dark echo voice whispers into my ear. I hummed in response, the dark fog form around me taking me back to the campsite.
Eyes were on me once again and that kind of irritated me. I ignored the stares and left the campsite. I headed to the dark mystic woods just to clear my mind for a bit. A hint of fog was around by my feet as I walk deeper to the woods.
Seems like it will always be nighttime forever here. Not that I don't mind, kind of comforting. I stopped in a halt when I met the river in front of me.
Not sure how long I will stay here, but I need to make sure the Entity is fully pleased so I can go back to business. Maybe the whole town folks can get a break from me so the mortals won't die.
As I took a deep breath and exhale, a heavy footsteps was coming towards me from behind. I took no hesitant by pulling out my scythe and aim for the neck whoever was behind.
"Woah woah chill! I ain't gonna hurt ya," Once I saw who it was it was the same boy who was sitting next to me on the log.
I only stared at him before pulling my weapon away and put it back on my leg strap. "What do you want," I boldly asked. Clearly I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone right now. That's why I wanted to get away from everyone.
The mask man scratch his neck slowly,"Just wanted to see what you're up to." I look at him and frown, clearly there should be a reason why he's bothering me.
"Shouldn't you be busy, by doing teenage stuff or something.." I mumbled at the end before turning away.
What I assume 'Frank' walk next to me and cross his arms,"Hey! Just because I'm a teenager doesn't make you the boss of me!" Teenagers. I roll my eyes before walking away from Frank.
"Hey! Where are you going? Shit-" Frank cursed trying to catch up to me but I stop my tracks and turn to him,"Clearly you want to ask something. So say it now," I said in a demanding tone.
Before he could answer I grab my scythe and throw it to a tree where it sticks to the hard wood. I only stare at the direction for a second before a pink hair girl pop up from the bush.
"GAAHH! SHE ALMOST HIT MEEE!" she cried and step out from the bush. Two others pop up as well and got up.
The other female cross her arms, clearly she's trying to act tough. "For fuck sakes I told you we shouldn't come," she scoffed. The skull man roll his eyes and stand there with a confuse face. "How did she even know we were there..?" the skull mask man mumbled to himself.
Easy, presence. I let out a low sigh and turn to Frank,"If you want to talk then don't bring you're teen friends along everywhere," I hissed. Frank slowly nod his head as the small girl whined,"Aww we can't cheer you on to hit on he- Mph-!" "Aaaanddd time for you to go Susie, I'll see you guys later," Frank interrupted and pushed Susie away.
The other two nodded and walk away while dragging the whiny girl along. Not even a week things are already getting weird. Is this what the Entity called puppets? I hardly called that than just fools.
Once the members left I turn to Frank and look down at him. I wasn't too tall or anything but to Frank's size he seems small to me. I stand there, waiting for him to talk as Frank seems like he was struggling to say something.
"U-uh..I just wanted to ask how you got here? I only know half of the story of what you said before," he asked with a head tilt. I hummed at his question, but nodded. "The Entity and I are both gods at this point. I know it's little games it plays for puppets like you. I was summoned here apparently because you puppets aren't satisfying it enough. So the Entity needed my help for an exchange."
I finished my sentence and Frank seem to grew curious,"It asked for help? Weird, usually it never speaks to any of us except for the Trapper guy." Trapper? I assume it's the man with a smiling bone mask.
I only shrugged at him,"Maybe so. But once this is over with I will take my leave soon," I said as I extended my arm out, making the scythe that was on the tree fly towards my hand.
Once I grabbed it I put it in my pockets and turn back to Frank,"Is there anything else you wish to bother me for?" Frank flinched before looking down at the ground to think.
This man is extremely odd for me. Honestly no mortal being dares to come in contact with me. The smiling mask clear his throat and look back up at me,"Would you like to uh..ya know, hang with me and the others?"
Hang? With them? Well isn't this interesting..I walk closer to him and lean to inspect him more. Frank flinched a little and took a small step back. I hummed at this. "Are you afraid that I could easily kill you like this?" I said and pull my gloved hand out.
Frank jumped a little bit shakes his head at me,"N-no.." he mumbled. A grin came up to my face as I lean closer to his face. I put my finger tips under his mask and slowly lifted it up to where it show his jawline and lips.
"Don't lie to me, Frank. I love it when you get nervous like this." I whispered close into his ear. This send shiver to the man, his breathing became heavy and I can almost hear his heart pounding fast.
Ah the smell of fear is super gives me more cravings and lust for it. Especially that it comes from a mortal who can't control it. It's everything that I need....or so I thought it was.
I felt something underneath me poke by my thighs. I frown before looking down to what I didn't expect to see. A fucking bulge. I was even more confused before looking back at the flustered Frank.
We stay silent for a moment, still in a position we were in before I spoke up,"...are you really getting a boner of this?" "IT JUST TURNES ME ON!" Frank yelled before covering his crouch area and ran away.
I looked at the direction he ran and stood there. The woods were quite once again with no sounds. Well, I certainly did not even expected that. Almost caught me off guard too, which is pretty rare for me..
Mortals are definitely the strangest things in this world.
Frank: Hey isn't it you're turn to wash the dishes this week?
Y/N: Shut up you dog.
Frank: Yes mommy.
Joey: .....
Susie: .....
Julie: What the fu-
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