Entity x Reader ꕥ Im the..Masquerade VIP..?

I'm enjoying the event so far. I think Tryks is a silly little character :) If you ever noticed, the titles in the chapters with the symbol is always what the killer thinks/says. This one is Y/N thoughts for once. Just a little Easter egg to share. Ngl some of the words in this chapter made me giggle cuz it's so me 😭 Thank you everyone for supporting this book and the rest. Ily all 🫶 Enjoy this special chapter and happy anniversary DBD :D


This feels like some kind of plan here. An anniversary of living in this hell? Endless eternity of suffering until I can't take it anymore?

Well, might as well dress up nice for it.

I stared at the outfit that was sitting on my bed. It was 10 minutes now giving thought into the outfit I would wear.

Mostly though, I was debating if I should go outside where the other people were at. It was an event, a masquerade party.

It was another one of those years to celebrate in the realm. Why do we need to celebrate? I'm not sure, it's not like it's some kind of game.

Again I'm not sure how long I've been here but I know damn well this is my second time experiencing this event.

I didn't really want to go outside. I rather just stay here and wait until I get called into trail. Obviously I can't stay here forever and shut myself out from everyone.

I don't want to be treated differently like some people do. They would call me a "monster" or "Entity's spy" and all.

Not knowing why the Entity is involved with this hurts my head more. It just..suddenly happens?

I didn't do anything special or odd to the point the Entity starts to favor me for a while now. Hell, that's why I live in this wooden house shack in the middle of nowhere as a "gift" from the Entity.

People were pissed at me that I was the only one with a house instead of tent. Jealousy and hatred grew everyday, I didn't want this in the first place.

I would get complaints and teased by others being treated like I'm some kind of someone to be worshipped. Now that's bull crap.

Believe it or not, I would secretly get extra help from the Entity in trails. Extra medkit, extra sprint burst, extra toolbox, even extra FOURTH chance to be hooked instead of three.

It's cheating I know but it's not my fault! I didn't ask for this in the first place! Now with the dumb Entity help people don't bother to corporate with me in trails.

I sighed heavily. I was growing tired every now and then. I'm not sure how to stop this or even speak to the Entity.

Whatever, I guess I'll just wear this stupid clothing.

My hand reached to the clothes and I started changing into the piece. When I finally finished I took a look at myself in the mirror.

The theme was gold, black, and blue. The suit/dress fits me perfectly well as expected, I kinda like the style how it looks on me.

It's been a while since I've worn something nice. Then again it's the uncomfortable feeling that I always hate when it comes to wearing fancy clothes.

I look back at my bed and saw the mask I was given. The mask was beautifully gold with the color blue as its pattern

Giving one last glance at myself I walk out of my room and head towards the door. With my hand barely touching the handle I became anxious.

I wondered what the others will say this time..Hope it's better than "Entity's pet" for hopes sake.

Shaking my fear I turn the doorknob and push the door open. I close the door and step down on the porch, my shoes/heels coming in contact with the ground.

I live amongst rather far with the trees and bushes from the others. My area has a bit more touch of nature which, I'm happy for that part at least.

Clearing my mind was to walk around and enjoy every aspect of life in front of me. Better than just rotting in bed all day.

Though in rare times I happen to get..stalked. I shivered just thinking about the time I happen to caught Michael Myers outside of my window.

The image of his white scary mask staring at my sleeping form was horrendous. At that day I decided to get curtains.

Anyhow, I was getting close on my way to the campsite. My guts are telling me to go back but I ignored it and kept going.

When I finally made it I was surprised at the decorations surrounding the whole lobby. The decorations matched the color theme as well, it was a nice sight to look at.

The balloon, the lights, the stands, it made the plaza a little more lighter like a true party. They really are trying to make this event serious then.

As I made my way to the lobby I noticed couple of my friends chilling by the tables. A smile appeared on my face so I quickly head my way to my friends.

"If it ain't the cheater coming here. You sure you got invited?"

I stopped my tracks from an irritating voice. Out of all people it would have to be HER. I did my best to stay calm and sighed before a red head girl walk in front of my path.

"Hello, Meg." I was heavy bold with her name at the end. Out of anyone she pisses me off the most.

Still, keeping my cool would least cause a ruckus. Meg rolled her eyes,"Don't act like you rule this place. You know that people here don't want you around," she snickered.

I only stare at her for a moment before shrugging,"Alright, and? That's just not my problem."

I was already getting tired of her already. I just want to leave and be to myself. My response didn't please Meg too well.

Instead of anger, she only smirked,"I see then. Okay, you can go," she stepped aside with her arms crossed.

I raise a brow at this. There's something wrong, but I'm not sure what. I just know she's not planning something good. I don't know how to stop it but I need to carefully keep an eye on her.

As I stood there giving her a glare, I turn to the front to my destination I was going before. Odd she's letting me off easily..don't mind though.

With two step I felt something blocking my pathway causing me to trip on the ground harshly. I was face planted on the floor in front of Meg and everyone here.

Are you kidding me right now? Not even ten minutes of being outside I'm already being treated like shit?

"Oh my god Y/N! Are you okay?" Nancy's voice came closer from behind me. I felt her arms bring me up from the ground gently.

A couple of my friends came along to help out. Nancy looked at Meg angrily,"The hell is wrong with you? Y/N didn't do nothing!"

I could hear Meg scoff at her,"Like I give a shit. I know you're tired being friends with them admit it."

The argument went back and forth. The voices were getting quieter until I couldn't hear anymore. I was getting oblivious with my surrounds all of a sudden.

I look down to realize the mask I wore was broken into pieces. The gold pieces scattered on the floor with the dirt combined together.

It was fragile. Fragile just like me. I can't handle another negative feeling attacking me every time I try to breathe. Why is this happening now?

Strange..before I was dragged into the hell I always wished to be separated from reality and be somewhere else. Somewhere that won't hurt me again.

And here I am now, with people who are suffering the same fate as I am. Freedom is never a choice.

I slowly stood up from my crouch position and hold onto the mask. This caught everyone's attention on me, including Meg who just snarls,"What's wrong? Gonna go back to your cabin and cry?"

Her bicker laughs were loud and irritating. I didn't bother responding and turn to her with a flat emotion. With my other free hand I launched my first into her cheek in a sudden movement.

Meg was punched to the ground hard with a thud. Everyone gasped at the sudden action I caused but stayed silent still.

I knew it was bad that I had to punch her, but I couldn't control it anymore. If anything I felt better that I treated her with her own taste.

I turn to my friends who were standing there flabbergasted at the sight. "I'll be heading off. You guys have fun," I gave them a little bow before taking off.

"W-wait Y/N-!" I heard Nancy called but I was already back into the wood before anyone could stop me.

My silent footsteps turn into heavy stomps when I continue to walk further. My teeth slowly gritted.

I wasn't sure how far I was in but I couldn't care less about that. I'm clearly pissed off now with everything in my way. I didn't deserve to be tortured like this.

"FUCK!" I screamed with the top of my lungs and throw the mask against the tree. The mask fell on the ground more broken until it's barely unnoticeable.

My blood is boiling with anger and mixed feelings together. Ever since I was treated by the Entity everyone thinks I'm pathetic.

Damnit..I didn't ask for this. I just wanted to live a normal life like the others. Even though there's nothing normal here.

"Ever wonder what it all means?"

My head perked up quickly after hearing a strange voice. I look around closely to see who it was but I couldn't see anyone.

Who was that? Is it someone new? I can't recognize whose voice is that.

Skeptical, it's no lie that I'm here alone with someone. But who?

"Hm...maybe I'm just hallucinating again." I mumbled quietly. I was still looking around the woods.

Just then, a head peeked in front of me from above me,"Well of course you're not hallucinating! I'm as real as I can be!"

I nearly screamed again as I stumbled my foot and took a step back from them. What the hell!? Who is this lady? And how is she floating?

"You might be wondering who I am. Usually that's not your business buttttt...." The woman turned clockwise returning her upside down position to a normal one and face me.

"My name is Tryks! I am the one who set up this masquerade party. Yay me!" She cheered and wave her hands around.

I stood there quiet and take a look on her appearance. Her hair was snowy white with her buns as well. The outfit looks rather childish but creative at the same time.

Her mask covered her face but only the right eye for some reason. Everything about her is..odd.

If she was in the middle of the crowd with people she would surely stand out more.

"It's rude to stare ya know?" Tryks snapped me out of my daze at her. "O-oh sorry. So your like..the Entity helper?" I asked unsurely.

Tryks hummed while making a duck lip as if she's brainstorming hard,"You can say that."

This is weird. Has she been the one hosting the party's every year? I never see her around until now.

I cleared my throat a little,"Right then..well what are you doing here?" I questioned. Tryks smiled and put her hands on her hips,"Saw the fight. You punch real crazy for a mortal like you! Pow pow kya!"

Tryks punched the air as she made sound effects. Again, I'm kind of shocked that she's the Entity helper.

"Thanks I guess..wait, if you're with the Entity then I need answers about something." I was desperate to know what's going with the Entity liking me a lot.

Tryks sighed,"Yes yes I know. You're wondering why Entity favors you. Am I correct?" She pointed with her head tilt.

I didn't say anything but nod at her question. Tryks grinned,"I've heard about you. You're that little survivor who always gets extra help in trails. Even if it's unfair. How interesting! Good to see you in person," she took my hands and shake it.

I was startled by her gesture but I hesitantly shook her hand back. I'm still in complete loss of how she knows me that well. Am I that recognizable?

Tryks started to float closer to me. I felt uneasy of what she might do if she gets too close. Hopefully nothing harmful, right?

As Tryks was an inch close to my face, she stare down at me quietly. The silence and gaze was intense. Is she inspecting me..?

Tryks then move back a little to give me space before smiling,"I'm not really sure actually." She shrugs as if it was nothing.

I blinked a couple of times in confusion. Wait what? I frown at this,"But you said-"

I was cut off,"Up pa pa! I don't know the answers to EVERYTHING you silly goose." Tryks shook her head.

I was baffled on how she silenced me but I didn't say anything. Tryks hummed and look down at the ground for a moment thinking.

I'm not sure what she was thinking but already knowing her, it can't be good.

Then her eyes suddenly brighten up,"Say! Why won't I send you to the Entity instead?" She said excitedly with her hands clench together

My eyes widen at that suggestion and quickly shook my head,"Wait me?? I-I know I wanted answers but that is a really big step to the bridge! I can't just MEET the creator of the realm!"

I was surely panicking about meeting THE Entity itself. I was 100% not a big fan of that disgusting thing.

Not only that, but it can somehow harm me as well if I do anything wrong! I mean does it even speak or understand anything at all?

I just know that I'm gonna die if I make one itty bitty mistake. Will I ever come back if I die though..?

Tryks on the other hand started laughing at my distress look,"BAHA! You'll be fineeeee! Trust me, just give it a little chat and I'm sure you'll get the answers you need."

Tryks reassurance wasn't helping at all. I was still panicking on what to do. Tryks floated close to me,"I'm gonna send you off about...right now," her hand came towards my face and boop my nose.

"Wait hold on-! OH SHIT!!" I blurted out when I was magically transported into a deep dark void. My head swift into many directions but all I see was darkness among me.

Holy shit I'm actually here. I'm in some kind of fucking void or something? Where am I?

Okay okay just stay calm..breathe it in, and out..

I took a few deep breaths to ease my mind for the meantime. I don't want to have a mental breakdown just yet in this place.

Once I felt better I look around in the void to see if there was anything. Nope. Just pitch black. Maybe I should yell?

That idea shouldn't hurt. "Um..hello? Anyone here?" I called out. ...but nobody came.

Weird. With baby steps I walk around not knowing where I was going. Oh god, what if I'm stuck here forever? Did Tryks tricked me here to-

.....I'm not even gonna recognize that. Anyway, what the hell do I do here then? Maybe I should try to find an exit.

With one step, above me was clouds of smoke forming in the dark sky. It almost look like it was forming a tornado but no. The smoke was forming around in circles.

The smoke got bigger and bigger until a yellow hue light shine in the storm. What the fuck is that?! What is going on?!

To answer my questions a large black claw came out of the light as more claws appear from behind.

Oh no. I recognize that spider looking demon from anywhere. I-it's actually..the Entity.

The large main claw slowly made its way towards my direction. I stood there stiffened, my heart was starting to increase due to fear eating me up.

T-this can't be real. Am I going to die forever? Shit shit shit. I-I don't know what to do. Why can't I move?

My body was too paralyzed to move an inch. I'm totally fucked.

The claw float in front of me silently. I can hear mythical clicks and slithery noises. I felt tears streaming down from my eyes just by looking at it.

The claw noticed, so it gently came close to my face. My breath hitched when it came contact to my skin. It felt dry yet smooth at the same time. It wipe my tear away in a careful manner. It almost like it didn't want to hurt me.

I remained still as it back away slowly,"Do not be afraid mortal." It spoke.

It spoke. It fucking spoke. WHAT THE FUCK.

I was on the verge of having a mental breakdown now. It can fucking speak??

"I won't cause any harm. I promise to aid you until dear life."

Aid me? What does it mean by that?

It was taking me guts to try and speak but I manage to let out a voice,"W-what do you want from me?"

I didn't care if my voice sounded weak and small. I'm meeting the Entity for christ sakes. This thing can kill me in one blow.

"Our souls have been in contract for life. Your offer has given me satisfaction." It echoed in the void.

Wait what? What contract? And what offer? Wait a damn second..

I open a door and look down to see a package by my doorstep. Oh this must be my new clothes I ordered! Nice.

I grabbed the box and took it inside with the door closed. I set the box on the bed and started to open it.

I'm surprised the package came fast, thought it would take a week to get it delivered here. When I finished unboxing my face turn into a confused look.

Inside the box was an old dusty book that looked like it hasn't been touched in years. What the hell? I didn't order some damn ancient book.

I gently grab the book and look at the cover. It had some weird symbol that looked like spider claws. Is this some kind of prank? Must be my stupid friends.

With a sigh I open the book and look at the pages. I couldn't understand any words it was saying or talking about.

All of the pages are speaking in gibberish when I turn few more pages.

"Oh wait I can understand this one," I stopped at a page when I saw English words I can understand but it was still confusing.

I need whine for this. My hand reached out to the glass of whine on the desk and hold it as I read.

I took a sip before reading more,"What is this...Aroudeh..Omon ous, wreekro uhgl..mou snou.?" I spoke unsurely at my horrible attempt on reading the sentence.

My eyes stayed on the page with silence in the air. Oh well, this thing sucks so I'm throwing it away.

Before I put the book down I felt the ground shake underneath me. I blinked in surprise, is there an earthquake going on?

The lights flickered crazy and my stuff was falling on the ground. The book was shaking causing me to scream and drop it on the floor. The book started to glow as smoke form around it.

Holy crap what the hell is going on!? I need to call 911 asap! I tried to run past the book to get my phone but what's worse is that spider claws started coming out from the book.

I screamed loudly and stumble to the ground at the sight in front of me. More and more black claws came out from the book quickly.

My breathing became heavy and short as I try to crawl away from that creature. The claw immediately grab my leg and drag me close to the thing in front of me.

I gasp and tried to get its grip off of me but nothing was working. I look up at the claws with deep fear in my eyes.

It hold onto my leg tightly as more started to grip on my arms and stomach. I couldn't escape anymore. This was the end for me. I'm gonna die.

My vision was getting darker and fuzzy. My eyes couldn't stay open much longer. With one look I passed out into the darkness.

"I accept your offer. You will be eternally mine."

Oh. My. Gosh.

There is no way.

"I SUMMONED YOU ON ACCIDENT!?" I blurted out loudly. Holy shit this all makes sense now!

I remember in the book it shows a picture of a wine with the words I read out. If I have the wine while I chant out the words then that would summon the Entity itself.

The worse part is that I, apparently, asked this THING to be its soulmate?? What the fuck dude!

"This is all a coincidence! I didn't even mean to use that fucking book! No way." I was trying my best to not pull my hair out right now.

This can't be true. I didn't even knew what I was doing. I thought it was just some shitty book from Wish.

"Do not fret little one. Overtime our bond has increased more in the realm I kept you in."

I totally forgot that thing was in front of me. I put my hands down and look at the Entity in front of me.

Might as well ask. "So...basically we're like, dating?" I asked.

It nod,"Yes. We are essentially connected into one now." It explained softly. Oh no this can't be true.

I shook my head,"No that can't be possible, I mean- you are a literal god and I'm just a human. How will this even work?"

The claw only looked at me and tilt its head curiously,"Do you not enjoy us anymore?"

I was curious why it would want to stay in this weird relationship. But if I said no, something bad might happen to me.

"N-no I uh do enjoy it um..it's just that, you're literally a spider claw that kills people and enjoy sacrifices. If that makes sense..?" I explained with a small shrug.

The Entity didn't say anything for a second. I was getting anxious if I pissed it off or not. The claw slowly morphed into black substance.

The dark liquid slowly turn into a full body with clothes coming on as well.

Omg it's actually turning to a person. When the transition is done I look at the new appearance in front of me.

The Entity itself was tall as hell. Almost around 7,2 feet. Their pants were black and the suit was fit right on them. It has a head but no face on it which makes it either better or worse.

The skin tone was just black literally. It's expected since the Entity is rather more dark. When I was finished checking out the Entity I need to commit on something first.

Why is the Entity kinda...

"I know you like a type of person like this. Am I wrong?" It or er, he for now asked. I look at his body. No wonder he is tall and fit. He's buff as well with this muscle arms and big chest I would like to sleep on.

Damn it Y/N focus!! This is still a creature that could kill me! No need to suddenly fall for this..sexy man already!!

I cleared my throat and shyly nod,"Um yeah I guess so.." I avoided his gaze.

I jumped when I felt a finger under my chin lift my head up to look at him,"I can sense you're afraid. Do not be worried Y/N. I would never harm you in any way." He said softly.

I blush at this and quickly shook my head,"W-wait you said you wouldn't harm me! What about the trails? You basically kill me in the end."

There were chances that I lose the game even with the help. Entity chuckled at this,"Yes, but that was only temporarily for trail wise. You come back in one piece, yes?"

I look at him for a moment before sighing,"I guess so..but still!" I still tried to argue.

He shook his head at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pull me closer to him. I let out a surprise squeak at this.

The sudden contact was too much for me to handle. His other hand trail to my owns and gave it a soft squeeze,"I longed for your touch. You're someone I couldn't resist," he whispered by my ear closely.

I could feel heat rise up to my cheeks. Since when did the Entity get so romantic!? I never thought I would view this in a different way.

Entity let go of my hand and gently push my head into his chest. I felt his chin on top of my head as we stand there quietly.

Man titties.

I just need to calm down for a second and let it happen. So I relaxed into his chest with a comforting sigh. I don't think I remember being held like this for a long time. Damn I must be lonely and desperate.

I got a little jumpy when I felt a hand rub the back of my head. His fingers trail on my hair strings repeatedly slowly.

For a god he's really gentle and comforting with me. It's almost kind of luring me into sleep.

No though, I need stay up and strong in case of the Entity does anything to me. I won't give in that easily.





My eyes suddenly open wide as I sat up. I look around to see I was still in the void. Okay..but where-

"Awake now?"

"AGHHH!" I screamed when I turn to see the strange man beside me.

I look at him with wide eyes. I took note that we were on the floor. Oh no,"Did I...fall asleep?" I asked tiredly.

He nod,"Yes. It appears you knocked out while we were having our moment. I don't mind at all though. You sleep rather cozy. So I let you sleep on my lap." He said like if it wasn't a problem at all.

My mouth a-gap when I realized I was sleeping on his lap for the whole time. Embarrassment rush through me and I groan while covering my eyes.

"Fuck sorry, I didn't mean to do that.." I mumbled. It was weird that I was already comfortable with this creature already. How discombobulating .

A pair of hands hold on my waist and pull closer to the Entity as he put me on his lap,"No need to feel sorry. I understand you mortals function differently with important requirements like sleeping."

I blush at the position I was in and sighed,"I guess so. Um..thank you." I breathed out silently. Still embarrassed.

"You're welcome my dear." He said and rub my cheek with his thumb. I grew flustered at the gesture and decided to strike a conversation.

"So...what's it like being a god?" I curiously asked. Entity hummed,"Powerful. Yet lonely at the same time. The feeding and sacrifices I'm given makes me more powerful. Plus to ease my hunger."

I tilt my head,"So that's why you accepted my um.. 'purpose' back in my world?" this connects the puzzles I've been asking for my life.

"Yes, I grew rather lonesome for centuries. That is why I choose you mortal," he sounded kinda happy at the end.

I almost awed at him when he said that. I never knew he would have feelings as well. I thought he would be emotionless like all rest of the killers.

I let out a smile,"Same here. I tried dating this person one time but it turns out they wanted to dump me already after a week," I laughed.

I couldn't blame them since I was horrible with relationships. So I had to spent my years by myself.

"How unfortunate. You are a prized diamond no can ever find. No matter how far they look, they would never see your rarity." His words were smooth when he said that.

A burst of heat rush through my face at his compliment. I laughed it off awkwardly,"Thanks um..I appreciate that a lot," I grinned.

He nod and we both started to stare into each other. Well, I couldn't see his eyes but I was looking at his face still.

It was like I was sucked into a void I can't look away from. As I stare I couldn't help but ask something.

"Do you..have a mouth?" I spoke lowly. By answering he opened his mouth, showing nothing but sharp teeth with long slithery tongue.

I gulped at the long tongue in front of me. The things he could do with that tongue of his. I ignored my non respect dirty mind and look at him.

Do I want to? No. I mean, maybe. I don't know. It's a damn creature for damn sakes. Would I? Is it worth it? Fuck it.

I leaned in and kissed him rather fast but gentle. This caught Entity by surprise at me but kissed back.

Holy fuck I can't believe I did it! Shit now I'm nervous. The kiss was slow and easy. It turn into a passionate kiss as we continued on further.

For a god like him he's pretty good. The sweet moment only lasted a while until the kiss gets deepened each second.

My hands wrap around his neck as my eyes shut tightly. The feeling feels so warm and fuzzy yet good at the same time.

His hands wrap around my hips and pull me closer to him more. I blush hard when I felt his tongue slowly slithering in as a request for access.

Without denying I let him in as he explored my mouth recklessly without stopping. I muffled into the heated kiss as his tongue was dominating me without stopping.

A new rush of feeling was sticking me like glue. His touch, his voice, his gentleness, it was starting to get to me more.

I felt his claws slowly burry into the fabric of my clothes but not too hard to where it hurts. I moan and let him do all of the work because my tongue was already tired out.

I quickly pulled away and gasp for some air. A long thin of saliva both connected to our mouths. Dear god what happened to me.

I panted heavily. Even if we stopped my heart is going crazy. Entity didn't needed air like I do supposingly. Make sense.

My cheeks were still hot like crimson. I never thought someone would make me feel this way. Yes it's wrong, but I don't give a damn anymore. People can suck it.

"That was...fascinating." He chuckled at the end. Still getting air, I smiled and giggle,"I guess so. Can't believe I made out with a god," I breathed out.

"Yeah! That was pretty a dare devil to do that!"

I went stiff at the voice. I slowly turn my head around and saw Tryks float there with a popcorn.

My face was turning into a lava now. I hide my face in Entity's chest, hoping to die already.

Not only that I was making out with Entity, but Tryks was also watching the whole time. Someone please get my gun.

"Tryks, it would be polite if you leave. Y/N is uncomfortable now," Entity told her calmly.

Tryks laughed loudly, assuming she's wiping a fake tear. "HAHA! Okay okay I will. Off to the trails now while you two have fun~" she cooed before leaving in thin air.

It was silent now but it was kinda awkward for me. "Tryks is gone now, no need to shy anymore," Entity lift my head up gently.

I look at him before letting out a sigh with a smile. Maybe I wouldn't be alone forever.


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