Chapter Two - The First Victim

TW - de@th

Yuichiro's pov

I laid on a bed, sobbing out of pain, I was sweating even though I was shivering. Shinobu was standing on the other side of the room, searching for medication for me.

The scratch from one of those things was bandaged but I still could feel the unbearable pain.

Shinobu came over to me and grabbed my arm gently, taking off the bandages. Her eyes widened when she saw my arm, the wound turned black, still bleeding a bit.

I groaned in pain, grabbing onto the sheets. Shinobu grabbed a dezinfectant, pouring some on the wound, making me scream in agony.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks uncontrollably, the pain was spreading through my whole body.

I started to lose consciousness, soon enough passing out without even noticing.

Genya's pov

I was covering Muichiro's ears so Yuichiro's screams wouldn't wake him up. He's not a deep sleeper so even me moving a bit would probably wake him up.

The screams suddenly stopped. I pulled my hands away from Muichiro's ears and looked up at the ceiling, thinking I won't be able to fall asleep again.

"Can't sleep too?" I heard Tanjiro say, staring into a wall. "Yeah.. I am really tired but the stress just won't let me sleep, every time I do fall asleep all I see is those things attacking everyone"

"Yeah.. same.. well maybe we can go to another room and talk or something? Both of us won't sleep anyway"

"True" I said quietly, pulling Muichiro gently off of me, trying not to wake him up. Me and Tanjiro left the room and headed into a small kitchen, sitting down at the table.

I grabbed myself a glass of water and took a little sip "so tell me something about yourself" I said, Tanjiro nodded and replied "well I am eighteen, my hobbies are reading uhh... nothing else I guess, I am not really an interesting person"

"I see, do you have some experience with fighting or anything? At this time it would be pretty usefull"

"I used to do something like it, not anymore though, I probably forgot most of the things"

"Mhm.. well I can train you.. or Muichiro or Sanemi, we all have some experience with it"

"I wouldn't say Muichiro would be the type to fight"

"Yeah he may have an innocent face but he is really strong, not emotionally or mentally but he is really strong when it comes to fighting"

"How long will food last here?"

"Well there is seven of us... it's gonna probably last time a... a month? Maybe, I am not sure... but you know we can't stay here for month straight, we need to go outside and actually try to do something"

"Yea that's understandable, but now we should probably just stay here, right?"

"Yes, of course, for like a week or less maybe, then try to get in touch with someone like a military and try to find help"

Before we could say anything more Shinobu ran into the room in panic "GENYA I NEED HELP RIGHT NOW! YUICHIRO IS NOT BREATHING!!" she yelled out, making me immediately run into the room.

I saw Yuichiro there saying unconsciously, I ran over to him, at first trying to shake with him a bit before connecting my hands and pressing them on his chest over and over again.

"COME ON! WAKE UP!" I yelled out in panic.

"What's going on here?" I heard behind me, it was Muichiro. "Y-Yui? Wh-Whats wrong with Yui?!" He said clearly in panic.

Tanjiro's pov

Muichiro tried to get close to Yuichiro but Genya told me to lead him away from the room immediately. I grabbed Muichiro's hand tightly and led him back into our bedroom.

He was shivering, sobbing hysterically, struggling to breathe properly while yelling for his brother. I sat him down on the bed and I sat down next to him.

I pulled him into a hug, trying to calm him down a bit. He didn't try to resist, he just held onto me tightly, sobbing loudly "YUI!! YUI!!" He repeated constantly.


20 minutes passed and Muichiro was still holding onto me, now already asleep out of exhaustion. Genya walked into the room and sat down next to us, pulling Muichiro closer to him.

"How's Yuichiro?" I asked. Genya only shook his head and looked down at Muichiro "I don't even want to see how Muichiro will freak out... he already lost his grandparents yesterday when the thing started... and now his brother who was even closer to him.."

Next day

Me, Genya and Sanemi were already awake, we were just sitting at the table, not talking. Mitsuri came into the room "Good morning everyone! How did you guys sleep?"

She asked, she seemed to be in a good mood. Nobody answered "did something happen?" She asked and sat down at the table as well.

Genya sighed "Yuichiro.. he.. he's dead". Mitsuri's eyes widened as she looked down in shock. "Does.. Muichiro know?" She asked.

"He knows that something happened but.. he doesn't know he didn't make it"

"I see... when are you planning on telling him?"

"He will most likely ask when he wakes up"

"True.." Mitsuri said quietly and grabbed a piece of bread before leaving.


Soon enough Muichiro walked into the room and immediately asked "where's Yui?! Is he okay?!" He looked exhausted, his eyes were red and puffy from crying.

"Mui, sit down please" Genya said and patted the spot next to him. Muichiro nodded and sat down next to him, looking worried.

Genya sighed and grabbed Muichiro's hands into his "Mui... I am sorry but.. Yuichiro didn't make it"

Muichiro's eyes widened and immediately filled with tears "w-what..?" He asked quietly.

"I am so sorry Mui.." Genya said and pulled Muichiro into a hug, Muichiro then started sobbing, hugging Genya tightly as much as he could, not letting go of him.

Genya's pov - 2 hours later

I sat on a bed holding Muichiro close to me, caressing his back gently. He was still sobbing but seemed to get better, he was probably exhausted.

I grabbed a tissue and placed it on his nose. He blew his nose and wiped his tears. He let out a sigh and laid his head on my shoulder "Gen.. I-I.." he stuttered out before bursting into tears once again.

"Shh it'll be okay, try to calm down a bit, alright? Try to calm your breathing again" I said in hopes of Muichiro calming down a bit.

He took a couple deep breaths and I wiped his tears once again "there, good job, continue taking deep breaths"

Muichiro nodded and continued taking deep breaths while holding onto me. Mitsuri walked into the room "lunch is ready" she said and I nodded, standing up from the bed.

Muichiro only looked down, refusing to go anywhere. "Mui... if I bring you some food here, will you eat?"

Muichiro didn't answer, he just kept looking away from me. "Alright, I'll give you some time alone, come to me when you feel better, alright?"

He didn't do anything for a minute before just slowly nodding "thanks.." he said quietly, resting his head on his knees. I kissed his forehead and left the room.

I walked into the main room where everyone was already sitting, eating lunch. I sat down and Mitsuri asked "is Muichiro not going to eat?"

"I'll bring him something to eat later, he's not hungry now" I said and Mitsuri nodded "I was thinking.. What will we do with the body?" She asked.

I shrugged "Let's just put it somewhere where Muichiro won't find it, when we will be ready to go outside.. we will just throw it somewhere" I replied.

Sanemi groaned and slammed his hand on the table "Can we stop talking about it!? I have enough of this bullshit!" He yelled out. Everyone went silent, no one said anything, everyone slowly started leaving when they finished their meal.

I finished mine as well and grabbed something for Muichiro, walking back into my room. Muichiro wasn't there. "Mui?" I said, looking under our bed and under Tanjiro's to see nothing.

"Mui?!" I walked out of the room, calling out for Muichiro. "Maybe he just went to the bathroom" I thought to myself and knocked on the bathroom door, nobody answered so I came in to see no one.

Tanjiro's pov

I saw Genya running around in panic, calling out of Muichiro. "Genya, are you okay? Is something wrong?" I asked.

He took a deep breath and shook his head "no no I am fine, I just can't find Muichiro anywhere"

"Hey I am sure he's somewhere here, I'll help you find him"

"I know I know... I am just scared that me might do something to himself"

"What do you mean? Is Muichiro suicidal or something?"

"No no he's not... he has been through a lot for the past days and I am worried that it might be too much for him... and that he would actually do something do himself"

"Hey it's fine, lets go look for him I am sure he's okay, maybe he just went to someone to talk to or he's at the bathroom, let's separate and look for him"

Genya nodded and we separated. After a couple minutes of looking I walked into one of the rooms to hear quiet sobbing.

"Muichiro?" I closed the door behind me and saw Muichiro sitting on a chair next to one of the beds. I walked closer to him, seeing him having his head laid on Yuichiro's lap, while holding his hand.

"What do you want..?" He said quietly between sobs. "Genya is looking for you everywhere, he's worried about you" I said, sitting down next to him.

He just hummed and continued sobbing, holding onto Yuichiro's hand tighter. I moved closer to Muichiro and caressed his back "I know it's hard b-"

"No you don't! You didn't lose so many people in one day! You don't understand!! He was the only one I had left!"

Muichiro yelled out while looking at me, tears streaming down his face.

"Just leave.." Muichiro said and looked away from me "and don't tell Genya I am here... I want to be alone"


I walked out of the bathroom after taking a bath, walking to a bedroom to see Genya sitting on a bed with a worried look on his face. "You okay?" I asked and sat down on my bed.

"Yeah yeah, just fine, just worried about Mui," Genya said and looked down. "Maybe he just needs some time, I am sure he'll come to you sooner or later, you are his boyfriend after all"

"Yeah, thanks Tanjiro, goodnight now" Genya said and laid down. "Mhm, goodnight" I replied.

Muichiro's pov

I slowly caressed Yuichiro's hand, looking at him still. I sighed and buried my face into my arm, I had no tears left to cry, my eyes hurted like hell, every time tears filled my eyes inmt felt like something sharp stabbed my eyes.

I felt exhausted, I didn't eat the whole day either. I stood up and headed to my bedroom, everyone was most likely asleep.

I opened the door to the bedroom and laid down on the bed, cuddling close to Genya who woke up immediately. "Mui?" He said quietly "o-oh sorry... I didn't mean to wake you up"

"No no it's okay, don't apologize, I am glad you finally decided to come"


"It's okay Mui, don't apologize, I understand you needed some time alone, are you at least feeling a bit better?"

"Not really.."

"Alright, just try to get some rest now, alright? You need it"

I nodded and closed my eyes "thanks Gen.. I love you.."

Genya smiled and kissed my forehead "I didn't hear that in a while" he laughed.

I just buried my face into his chest without any other answer "I love you too" I heard Genya say before we pulled me closer to him.


Word count : 2016

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