Chapter Twenty-two - Voting

Muichiro's pov

I sat in our room, covering my ears, trying to block out the yelling that was still coming from the other room. It was like this for twenty minutes now and it didn't seem to be stopping any time soon.

"Is this my fault..? Was I supposed to keep it to myself..? And just not say anything..?" I thought to myself and sighed, not knowing if I made the right choice of telling others.

"Muichiro?" I suddenly heard someone next to me. "O-Oh Kotetsu, you okay?" I asked and pulled my hands away from my ears. He got on my bed and nodded "I don't like when people fight" he mumbled quietly and I nodded understandingly "me too, it's okay, let's just stay here before they stop, hm?"

Kotetsu nodded and I sat closer to him, leaning him on me and covering his ears so he didn't hear their yelling. I hated hearing their yells but Kotetsu was just a kid.. and I didn't want him to hear such things, he doesn't deserve to go through so much.


Soon the screams stopped completely and soon Tanjiro and Nezuko came into the room. "" I mumbled quietly and pulled my hands away from Koketsu, laying them in between my legs that I had slightly moved to my chest and my belly while looking at Tanjiro anxiously.

"Well.. Mitsuri doesn't want Shinobu here, Sanemi is... I guess he's not on any side, she sympathizes with both Mitsuri and Shinobu.. I don't know.. let's talk about it more later, I am exhausted" Tanjiro said and I nodded, patting the spot next to me.

Tanjiro smiled slightly and sat down next to me. "..but we won't kick her out.. right?" I asked worriedly and Tanjiro looked down "it depends on how many people will want her out.."

"I don't want her to go.. yes, she did do something messed up b-" I said but was interrupted by Nezuko "she is dangerous to everyone here, she is a yandere"

"Huh..?" I asked and Nezuko explained "yandere is a type of person who is deeply in love with someone and will to anything for the person just so they love them back, Shinobu is that case.. if anyone makes a wrong move with Mitsuri, makes her cry or even just spends more time with her.. Shinobu will get jealous and you'll just be her next target at that point"

"She wouldn't do that to any of us here.. she didn't like Obanai from the start but.. she wouldn't kill Sanemi or me.." I said, trying to defend Shinobu a bit but it was hard after what she did "Muichiro, you need to understand that she doesn't care about anyone else but Mitsuri, if you went to her now and said that you love Mitsuri, she wouldn't hesitate and kill you on the spot"

I shook my head, trying my best to come up with something but I couldn't. Tanjiro wrapped his arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder while having Kotetsu laying on my chest.

"We'll decide what we do later.. if most of us vote for kicking her out... we'll do it" Tanjiro said and I slightly nodded "okay.."

Next day

We all sat at a table, about to decide what we will do with Shinobu. Mitsuri sat there, dead staring at Shinobu. It was clear that the last thing she wanted to do now was to be in the same room with her.

"So what is this all about?" Shinobu asked and Tanjiro who was sitting next her laid his hand on her shoulder and said "Shinobu.. you know you did something wrong.. and some of us here just.. really don't want you here after that.. so we decided to vote.. if you'll stay here or end up.. going out"

"What?! This is ridiculous! I won't last a day outside!" She yelled out and slammed both of her hands on the table in front of her.

Sanemi rolled his eyes "you should have thought about that before you did what you did to Obanai.."

Tanjiro grabbed five small squares of paper and handed one to me, Sanemi, Nezuko, Mitsuri and kept one to himself. Only ones who didn't vote were Shinobu and Kotetsu.

After we all wrote our votes, we gave the papers to Tanjiro. The main reason we voted this way was because of the reactions. We knew Mitsuri would end up hating whoever wanted Shinobu to stay so we did it this way so there are no more fights.

Tanjiro picked up the first paper "out" he read out and picked up another one "stay" and then another one "out"

I could see Shinobu starting to get nervous at this point, she was anxiously looking at Tanjiro as he picked up the second to last piece of paper "stay" he read out and on the table there was the last piece of paper that decided everything.

Tanjiro picked it up and read out "stay.. Shinobu gets to stay"

The second he said that, Mitsuri broke a glass with her bare hand, glass shattering everywhere and blood from her hand pouring onto the table below her hand.

"I can't fucking believe you guys!! She fucking killed someone and only me and one more person wants her out!?" She yelled out and ran to another room.

I was about to follow her but Tanjiro grabbed my hand and sat me back down. "This is your last chance Shinobu.. next time something like this happens, you're out" Sanemi said, it being clear he decided to spare her.


"I am worried about Misturi.. she seemed really mad.. I didn't see her leave her room since so that means she didn't even try to do something with her hand.." I said and Tanjiro replied with "I know Mui but give her some time"

"I think I should just check on her.. just to see how she's doing.." I said and stood up "okay but once she tells you to leave, do it, okay? Don't push her much"

"Mhm, I won't," I said and slowly walked towards Mitsuri's room. I slightly opened the door and saw Mitsuri sitting on the floor, resting her back against the bed.

"Hey Mitsuri" I said softly and sat down next to her "you okay?" I asked and tried to make eye contact with her but she just kept looking down.

"I feel great," she replied with a blank voice. I took her hand and looked at it, seeing small pieces of glass still in it "let's take care of this, okay? It must hurt" I said and Mitsuri slightly nodded "okay" she mumbled and we both stood up.

We headed into the bathroom where I opened a cabinet under the sink and took out tweezers. I grabbed Mitsuri's and started taking out the small pieces of glass that were stuck in her palm.

"What did you vote for..?" Mitsuri asked and I felt my heart sink, I was afraid that she'd ask me this. "I.. I wanted her to stay.. I know you'll be mad but..I-"

"You only did that just so she can continue working on the antigen for Yuichiro.. am I right?" She said and I shook my head repeatedly "huh? No, that's not why.. I just think that she deserves another chance.."

"Another chance?! She killed someone! Would you give another chance to the monster that infected Yuichiro?!" She yelled out and I slightly backed away from her.

"Mitsuri please I-" I tried to say but she interrupted me again "exactly, not knowing what to say, hm? You wouldn't give them a chance, Yuichiro is suffering because of them and if you saw that monster again you wouldn't hesitate and immediately killed them.. and same with Shinobu, she killed someone I love and I am holding myself back really hard, if it was my choice she would be out already yesterday"

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say, she brought up the situation with Yui out of nowhere and I just couldn't force the words out.

"What's going on here?" Tanjiro said and walked into the room. Mitsuri and I didn't answer, I just stared at the floor while she stared right at me "speechless, hm?" She said, completely ignoring Tanjiro. I shook my head, not knowing what to say. "That's what I thought, you only think about yourself and your well being" Mitsuri said and walked out of the room, leaving me and Tanjiro alone together.

Tanjiro turned to look at me and asked what happened but I just stood there, processing what Mitsuri said to me. I looked at Tanjiro, tears shining in my eyes "..a-am I that selfish?" I asked, my tears slowly overflowing and falling down my cheeks.

"What?! No! Of course not, Mui!" Tanjiro yelled out and rushed over to me, wiping my tears away "what did Mitsuri tell you?" he said with a serious tone, clearly mad at Mitsuri. I just shook my head again and fell into Tanjiro's arms, wraping my arms around his waist anf burying my face into his chest.

He wrapped his arms around me and caressed the back of my head "shh, it's okay.. you're not selfish, I am sure that whatever she said is not true, okay?" he pulled away a bit and cupped my cheeks, giving me a small kiss on my forehead. I gave him a tiny nod and looked up at him "she.. she was really mad because I voted for Shinobu to stay.. she said I did that just because Shinobu is the only one who can maybe make an antigen for Yui.. I just.. wanted to give Shinobu another chance.. i-it just.. really hurted when she said such a thing.."

"mhm.." Tanjiro hummed and pulled me into another hug "don't listen to her, she's going through a lot right now, I am sure she didn't mean the things she said, alright?" I nodded once again and smiled a little "thank you.."

"Of course" he replied and grabbed my hand "hey, how about we go play a game with Kotetsu? That'll help you get your mind off of things, no?" Tanjiro said and i sighed "I don't think so, last time we played together I ended up six times in jail"

"That's just a skill issue" Tanjiro said and I crossed my arms "rude" Tanjiro chuckled and led me to the kitchen anyways and prepared the game.

Sanemi's pov

I walked around the shelter, bored out of my mind. When I got to a kitchen, I saw Kotetsu, Muichiro and Tanjiro playing monopoly once again. Not suprised, in this shelter there's nothing else to do. "oh Sanemi, wanna join? We just started" Tanjiro asked and I shook my head "I rather not, thanks tough" I said and sat down at the table too, wanting to discuss the mission intead.

"I want to prepare to go to the hole tomorrow and the day after go there" I said and the whole room immediately went silent before Tanjiro spoke up "I don't think that's a good idea. You know how things are between Mitsuri and Shinobu, Kotetsu is just a kid and shouldn't go there, if we leave there's no one to feed Yuichiro and me and Nezuko can barely kill something"

"Kotetsu will be safe with us, the thing between Mitsuri and Shinobu is not my problem and I don't know what you think is going to happen with Yuichiro but I doubt that if we wait and feed him he'd suddenly change back to normal" I said, just wanting to get out of this shit hole. I rather die trying than die in some stupid sheter because of starvation.

Muichiro sighed and looked down "I understand but.. I just don't want to lose him too.." he mumbled and I nodded "I know but.. the monsters keep going there and coming out in a certain time, it's like they have a reason to go there and I want to know what the reason is"

"I don't know, Sanemi, I really don't want to do this.." Tanjiro said "I don't want to die yet.."

"We won't die, I won't let us die, I will do anything it takes for us to find out what's causing it and stop it, I am not gonna let anyone else die and if someone will, it'll be me" I said. Tanjiro and Muichiro looked at each other with worried looks but eventually nodded.

"okay.. we're in"


Word count : 2075

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