Chapter Twenty - Plan
Muichiro's pov
"I'll go feed Yui now" I said and quickly hopped off the bed "alright" Tanjiro replied simply, not taking his eyes away from the book.
I chuckled "I knew you would like it! And you said you don't like va-" Tanjiro immediately inturupred me "because this one is actually interesting, you made me read fucking twilight and expected me to like that?"
I rolled my eyes sarcastically "okay okay sorry" I said and left the room, happily walking to Yuichiro's room. Once I opened the door my heart sank.
"Y-Yui?!" I yelled out when I saw a puddle of blood forming under his head. I immediately ran back to our room, yelling for Tanjiro. "TANJIRO! Y-YUI HE.. H-HE-" I yelled out before Tanjiro walked over to me and tried to calm me down "Muichiro, calm down, it's okay, deep breaths, okay? Tell me what's wrong with Yui"
My whole body was shaking, I couldn't say anything more, I just grabbed onto Tanjiro's shirt and sobbed "okay, let's go take a look at Yui, okay?" He wiped my tears and took my hand before leading me back to Yuichiro's room.
Once Tanjiro saw Yui he immediately rushed to him. He seemed fine, he was moving okay and didn't seem weak now, but the blood still kept pouring out of his neck.
"He seems fine.. but we need to stop the bleeding" he said and I slightly nodded "b-but.. how? He can attack at any point.." I said worriedly, not knowing what to do. The loss of blood didn't seem to affect him but the blood didn't stop pouring out. He was stumbling a bit but that was all.
"Go get bandages and gloves" Tanjiro said and I quickly nodded, sprinting into the bathroom, almost tripping five times over my foot.
I quickly grabbed bandages and gloves before running back to Tanjiro, seeing Mitsuri and Obanai standing there too.
I handed Tanjiro the bandages and gloves before backing away slightly. Mistruri placed her hands on my shoulders to comfort me a bit. Obanai pinned Yuichiro down on the floor and pulled his arms behind his back before putting his knees on his back just to be sure he didn't escape.
Tanjiro put his gloves on and grabbed the bandages too, wiping away the blood first to see the wound. "The wound is really small.. it's like from a needle of something" Tanjiro said and bandages the wound quickly before letting go of Yuichiro.
Obanai let go of him as well and quickly backed away. I kept looking at Yuichiro, being really worried even though he seemed okay now.
Tanjiro opened the bag with flesh and threw one piece towards Yuichiro who immediately charged at it and ate it. "See? He's just fine, Mui, no need to worry" Mitsuri said with a reassuring smile.
"But.. how did this even happen.." I said quietly, looking down sadly "you said it was a.. wound from a needle.. no?"
"It doesn't need to be, it can be something else" Tanjiro said and took his gloves off before looking at the black blood on the floor "I'll clean this up now, Obanai can you stay here just in case Yuichiro does something?" Tanjiro asked and Obanai nodded.
"Come on Mui, let's go now" Mitsuri said and led me away "don't stress over it, okay? Just look at Yui, he's just fine"
"B-But.. the thing that mainly worries me is.. how did this even happen.." I said quietly and sighed "I know Yui seems fine but.. how do we even know he's okay for sure.."
Mitsuri nodded "I understand that you're worried, Mui, but I am sure he'll be okay, we'll check on him every hour just to see if he's okay, alright?"
I nodded and smiled a little "mhm, thank you Mitsuri"
"It's no problem, hey how about we go play monopol-" Mitsuri said but I interrupted her "I am not playing with Kotetsu again, last time I did I lost 10 minutes into the game"
"Nahh you're just bad" I heard behind me and when I turned around, I saw Kotetsu. "What did you say?" I said and Kotetsu laughed "you're just baaaad"
Shinobu's pov
I looked at the needle filled with Yuichiro's blood, thinking of how I should inject it in Obanai. I kept thinking and thinking for hours but I couldn't seem to think of anything.
"Maybe put it in his food?... No, what if someone tastes that too and turns.. hmm.. maybe put it on a cloth and wait until he hurts himself so I can place the cloth on his wound..? That might work.." I thought and grabbed a cloth, soaking it with Yuichiro's blood just a little bit so no one notices.
This is going to be fun..
Muichiro's pov
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP" Mitsuri yelled out "it's just a game, kids, be calm"
"Don't call me a kid, I am almost seventeen" I rolled my eyes and Mitsuri replied with "in four months, sweetheart, you are still young" she said and playfully grabbed my cheek.
I rolled my eyes again and pushed her hand away before Tanjiro and Obanai walked into the room. I smiled and patted the spot next to me, signaling Tanjiro to sit there.
Obanai sat down next to Mitsuri and first thing he asked was "are you two dating or?"
I didn't know how to answer. We didn't kiss but we.. did say that we love each other..
"Not really, we do like each other but Mui needs some more time, once he's ready we'll move forward" he said and I looked at him with a smile, being glad he's this understanding.
"Ohhh, I see" Obanai said and leaned back to the chair, sighing and looking up "me and Sanemi were thinking about exploring the hole those things came out of"
"What?! Do you know how dangerous that is?!" Mitsuri yelled out, clearly not liking the idea.
"Would you rather stay here and wait for nothing? Military is not doing shit, if you don't go to a certain place, they just assume you're dead and that's it.. I am not gonna wait here and wait until I die" Obanai said and Mitsuri sighed.
"But.. What if we die when we go out?" She asked worriedly and Obanai grabbed her hand in his "we won't, I promise"
They continued to talk and be lovey dovey while me and Tanjiro just quietly sat there. "Explore the hole huh.. we won't last a day" I heard Tanjiro mumble.
I immediately looked at him and hit his shoulder "don't say that!" I yelled out, immediately silencing the whole room.
"Sorry.." I said quietly and Tanjiro shook his head "no, I am sorry, I shouldn't have say that"
"You're not wrong, the monsters are strong and if there is more of the in the hole, we have no chance.. but I will do anything just so we don't die out there" Obanai said honestly.
I shook my head "no.. we can't just die like this" I mumbled quietly "can't we just.. get in touch with the military or something? I.. I don't want to lose anyone else"
Tanjiro laid his hand on my head "it'll be okay Mu-"
"You just said that we'll most likely fucking die and now your telling me that it'll be okay?! It fucking won't, if we go out, who know what will be there?! Who fucking knows how long we survive!? Who knows what things might be hiding there?!" I yelled out and stood up, walking away from the room.
I sat on our bed, just looking at my hands blankly. I don't want to go there.. I really don't.. the thought of losing more people than I already did.. was tearing me apart.
Suddenly the door opened and Nezuko walked in "hellooo" she said cheerfully she sat down next to me "I went to check on you, I heard what happened and I just want to make sure you're okay"
I slightly nodded "I am just.. really worried.. I really.. I really don't want to go there.. it's just a death wish at this point, I don't know what they expect to happen" I said, my voice cracking a bit with each sentence said.
"Mhm.. I understand that, I don't want to go too.. it's dumb yeah.. we've been holding on for so long and they just decide to do the most dangerous thing they can.. I am worried about.. Yui too. I doubt they will take him with us and.. who knows what will happen… how long we will stay there.. how long Yui.. will survive here without any flesh given to him" she said, making my heart stop.
(Just for context, the monster that crawled out of the hole, cannot die of starvation while the infected ones can)
She's right… what about Yui.. we can't leave him here alone.. he'll die if we keep him here alone.
My eyes filled with tears again, starting to sob soon after. Nezuko moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. "don't worry, I am sure we'll figure something out, okay?"
I nodded but I wasn't so sure, Sanemi didn't approve of keeping Yuichiro here from day one and Obanai wasn't much happier either.. but there was still hope they might do something to let him live.. the chance was just really low..
She slowly caressed my back while holding me close, reassuring me that it's going to be okay and that she won't allow them to just let Yui die like this.
We both walked into the kitchen where Mitsuri was happily cooking dinner for all of us together with Obanai and Shinobu. I quietly sat down next to Tanjiro on the same spot as before and he immediately turned his gaze to me, noticing my red and puffy eyes that were caused by crying again.
"You okay?" He asked and I gave him a slight nod "let's not talk about it now.." I mumbled and he nodded, putting his chair closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, leaning my head on his shoulder for comfort.
I leaned into it and just sat there, watching Mitsuri, Obanai and Shinobu cook together. When Obanai pulled out a knife to cut some tomatoes, Shinobu seemed to notice immediately and kept staring at him for some reason.
I was starting to suspect something, it didn't seem right.. I knew she was planning something.. and soon my thought was proven by her act. She 'accidentally' bumped into Obanai, making him cut himself with a knife.
"Fucking hell Shinobu can't you be more careful?!" He snapped at her, making her flinch a little. "Sorry! I didn't mean to!" She yelled out and pulled out a cloth out of her pocket, pressing it on the cut to soak up the blood.
He pushed Shinobu away and held a cloth to the wound himself. Misturi reassured Shinobu that it's okay before going back to Obanai.
Once Mitsuri turned away from Shinobu, I saw Shinobu smirk.. "weird.. somethings definitely up.." I thought to myself.
Word count : 1860
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