Chapter One - The Start Of The End

Also befriend me on project sekai >:) : 306078212272717829

TW - de@th,

Tanjiro's pov

"Here's your tea" my sister said, handing me a cup of green tea. "Thank you" I replied, taking a small sip.

It was really cold outside, the sky was dark gray, it seemed like it's gonna rain any time now. We both watched a movie on TV together before hearing our phones beeping.

My heart dropped, it was an earthquake alarm. Nezuko grabbed her phone "it's magnitude seven!" she yelled out, panicking slightly.

Before we could do anything everything started shaking. I pulled Nezuko close to me immediately and held her close, protecting her with my own body as things began to fall off of shelves.

Nezuko grabbed onto me tightly before looking up at me with eyes filled with fear "don't worry Nezuko, it'll be fine" I tried to comfort her, she nodded and closed her eyes tightly, burying her face into my chest.


The shaking stopped and we both looked up, looking around at the damage it made. Nezuko let go of me and slowly walked over to a window, gasping.

"T-Tanjiro, come here right now!" She yelled out. I quickly stood up and ran over to the window, looking out.

There was a huge hole in the ground, most likely made by the earthquake. Nezuko wrapped her arms around my arm, shaking in fear.

"Nezuko, it'll be okay, take deep breaths, alright?  No need to panic" I said, holding Nezuko close. She nodded and took a deep breath, resting her head against my shoulder.

I looked at the hole again, seeing people surrounding it by now, taking pictures.

Suddenly something came out of it. It had a human-like figure but it was way bigger. More of them came out, they were looking more and more messed up.

More arms, eyes, missing parts of their body, making weird noises and stuff.

People suddenly started screaming, immediately running away from them as they attacked them.

People were screaming, yelling, crying. The monsters were attacking them, killing them and turning them into monsters as well.

Some people just laid there... dead, while some of them turned into the same thing.

I started shaking "what the fuck is happening" I thought to myself, hearing screams outside our apartment.

"T-They already got here! W-Were gonna die!!" Nezuko yelled out, panicking and crying uncontrollably.

"Nezuko! Look at me" I yelled out, grabbing Nezuko by her shoulders. She looked at me with tear filled eyes, sobbing quietly.

I grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes before pulling her into a hug "shh it's okay, It'll be fine, we won't die, I promise... I am not gonna let them hurt you.."

I didn't know if everything will be fine... I didn't know what would happen next... I didn't know what I was supposed to do... I didn't know if we would... survive..

"Nezuko, go pack your things, we are leaving from this place we can't stay here, sooner or later they will find out we are here" I said. Nezuko's eyes widened "huh?! Tanjiro, that's like a death wish!"

"Believe me, okay? I won't let them do anything to you" I said and Nezuko after some thinking nodded, running into her room and packing her things.

I packed my things as well and grabbed a baseball bat with me and Nezuko took a knife with her.

I slowly opened the door, me and Nezuko quickly ran out of the building. There was chaos everywhere, everyone was crying and screaming.

Nezuko grabbed onto my arm tightly "TANJIRO!" she yelled out, pointing behind us. There was a man running towards us.

His body was normal size but his head was much bigger than usual, he had no arms too.

I grabbed Nezuko's hand and ran as fast as I could.

People were trying to get in cars and drive away but every single time it only ended up with them.. crashing and killing more people..

I turned to look behind me to see more of those things running up to us "Tanjiro I am scared!! I-I can't do this!" Nezuko yelled out desperately.

I looked around for someone or something to help us. "HEY! OVER HERE!" I heard in front of us.

I saw a tall male with a mohawk, calling us. We ran into the building and he shut the door behind us. There were three people in total in the room.

The guy with the mohawk and two other guys who looked exactly the same. One of the guys sat on the floor with a huge wound on his arm as the other tried to stop the bleeding.

"Are you two okay?" The guy with the mohawk asked us. I nodded and Nezuko did too. "That's good" he said and then looked at the other two males "how's Yuichiro?" He asked.

The long haired male shook his head "not good, we need to get to shelter now" he said quietly, it was clear he was panicking.

The guy with the mohawk picked up the guy apparently named Yuichiro and looked at us "do you have anywhere to go?" He asked and we shook our heads.

"You can come with us, the shelter is big enough" he said before the other male interrupted him "what?! Are you serious?! Genya we don't know they what I-"

"Muichiro calm down, we need to help them, we can't leave them alone here"

"Are you just gonna help every person we pass by now?" Muichiro said, crossing his arms and looking at us with an annoyed look. I was clear he didn't want us to go with them.

"Just stay behind us" Genya said, ignoring the smaller male standing next to him. We both just nodded.

We opened the door and immediately ran out. The smaller male named Muichiro ran behind me, it looked like he was struggling a bit with keeping himself up on his legs. He looked exhausted. I tried to help him a bit but he pushed my hand away immediately.

He picked up on speed and ran over to Genya, quickly catching up with him. I looked behind me to see one of those things following us "one of them is right behind us!" I yelled out. Genya nodded and quickly put Yuichiro into my arms before taking out a gun out of his pocket.

"Muichiro, lead them to shelter now! I'll deal with this" Genya yelled out. With Muichiro it was clear he wanted to resist but he was way too exhausted to do so, so he just nodded and began to run again.


Soon enough he got to a shelter. Muichiro shut the thick door behind us and dropped on his knees. I laid Yuichiro on the floor. He was panting heavily, shivering in pain.

"Y-Yui.." Muichiro stuttered out before calling out to someone "Mitsuri!" he yelled out, holding Yuichiro in his arms. Soon a lady with pink and green braids ran over to us, immediately kneeling down next to both of them.

"Don't worry, Shinobu grabbed some meds with her, I'll take him to her" she said and picked Yuichiro up, carrying him into another room.

Muichiro stood up and walked into a different room, shutting the door behind him, not saying anything more.

Soon the braided hair lady came back "and you are? sorry I didn't ask earlier, it's just a lot right now" she laughed awkwardly.

"I am Tanjiro and this is my younger sister Nezuko, we met Genya and others outside when we were running away from those things. Genya said that we are allowed to stay here" I said. Mitsuri nodded "alright, that's okay! Are you hurt anywhere? Are you hungry?" she said, taking us into another room.

"No no I am okay but thank you, and you Nezuko?" I asked and she nodded "I am a bit thirsty"

"Oh okay, come with me dear, I'll get you some water" Mitsuri said and Nezuko nodded, following Mitsuri. I sat down at the table, still in shock of what happened outside, trying to calm myself down a bit.

A male with white hair and scars on his face came into the room, he looked similar to Genya.

"Who are you?" He asked. "Oh I am Tanjiro, Genya said me and my sister can stay here"

"Oh.. of course he did... well I am Sanemi, Genya's brother" he said before grabbing some food and walking away once again.


Some time has passed and Genya finally came back. He looked tired, his clothes were covered in blood "oh dear, Genya! Are you okay?" Mitsuri yelled out in panic, running over to him.

Genya nodded "yes, I am fine, it's not my blood, don't worry"

Mitsuri sighed in relief "thank god, you must be exhausted". Genya shook his head "no no I am fine, it's okay... where's Mui?"

"Mui? Last time I saw him was when they got to shelter" Mitsuri turned to look at me "Tanjiro, have you seen him?"

"Last time I saw him was when you took his brother away, he went somewhere into the another room, I haven't seen him since then"

Mitsuri sighed and nodded "thank you" she turned to look at Genya "maybe you should go check on him, he's probably stressed out about this whole thing". Genya nodded and left the room.

Genya's pov

I walked around the shelter, looking for Muichiro, eventually finding him in a storage room. He was curled up in a ball, hiding in a corner, sobbing.

I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He looked at me with tear filled eyes and hugged me. I returned the hug and asked "Mui.. what's wrong?"

He grabbed onto my shirt "i-it's just... a lot.. I've been holding it since this whole thing started.. n-now Y-Yui is hurt too... I-I don't know what to do.." he said quietly.. his voice was cracking a lot.. the last words were barely whisperes.. 

"Muichiro, what did I tell you about bottling up your emotions? I know it's stressful but.. please any time you feel like this just come to me and tell me.. I don't want you to cry alone"

Muichiro nodded and buried his face into my shoulder "thank you Gen.."

"Any time, love" I said, pulling Muichiro into a quick kiss. Muichiro sighed and looked at me "I don't trust those people you invited here, what if they betray us? What if they attack us out of nowhere and take our shelter??"

"Mui calm down, it'll be okay.." I grabbed his hand as he looked at me "I promise it'll be fine, they were in a desperate need of help, I am sure they are grateful to us now, alright?"

Muichiro nodded and hugged me tightly "wanna go get some rest now? I am exhausted.." Muichiro sleepily murmured.

I nodded and picked Muichiro bridal style "h-hey! Put me down! Just because I am tired it doesn't mean I can't walk!" Muichiro yelled out, trying to get out of my grasp.

I laughed and held him tighter "nope" I said simply and carried him into another room.

Tanjiro's pov

I saw Genya carry Muichiro into another room. Mitsuri sighed when she saw Muichiro "poor Mui.." she said quietly.

"Did something happen to him?" I asked curiously. "Well.. he's been through a lot already but now that this thing started his grandfather and grandmother got killed by those things and Yuichiro's state is getting worse and worse by a minute, it's only a matter of time for him to just break down again"

"Well when I saw him he seemed pretty emotionless"

Mitsuri shook her head "it's his stupid facade, he only allows himself to freely cry in front of Genya and Yuichiro, when's it's really too much for him he can break down in front of anyone but he mostly opens up to Genya, sometimes to me but that happens rarely"

"I see... Why is it that he's so private?"

Mitsuri shrugged "only Genya knows, Muichiro told him not to tell anyone else"

I nodded and looked down. "I'll show you your rooms" Mitsuri said and stood up. 

We both nodded, "alright, follow me" she said and stood up, leading us to our room.

"There is one bed in Muichiro's and Genya's room and one in Sanemi's" she said and we both nodded. The shelter was really big, we were both really glad we managed to get in contact with someone like them.

"Sanemi? I got you a roommate~" Mitsuri laughed and Sanemi looked up from his book at us "alright, who?" He asked.

Nezuko looked at me "I can take this room?" I nodded "alright"

"Do you have everything with you? Clothes? Hygiene?" Misturi asked "yes yes, I do but not much clothes, it didn't fit"

"That's okay, we have some spare ones here, just unpack your things and get some rest, you'll need it"

Nezuko nodded and happily walked into the room. Mitsuri then led me to the other room where apparently Muichiro and Genya were.

Mitsuri knocked on the door and opened it slowly "Gen~ Mui~ I got you a roommate!"

"Mitsuri, shut up!" Genya whispered. Mitsuri looked at Genya who was holding Muichiro in his arms, he was sleeping. "Ohh sorry, well Tanjiro will be staying in your room, is that okay?"

"Of course it is, just be quiet, Muichiro gets really grumpy when someone wakes him up"

"Y-yes don't worry, I will" I said and sat down on the bed and Mitsuri shut the door behind her. I opened my bag and took out my things, putting them on a little shelf above my bed.

"So how are you handling this?" Genya asked "like that thing happening outside"

I signed "it's crazy that just this morning everything was normal and now everything is in chaos... I don't know how I feel about it, I am just really scared and worried about what's gonna happen next"

"Yeah that's understandable... well you're lucky you met us" Genya laughed, I laughed as well and nodded.

Genya then looked at Muichiro and ran his fingers through his hair. I laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"What do you think will happen next? Maybe this is the end of the world" Genya said. I shook my head "no no it can't be, I am sure the military will do something about this.. they can't just let all of us die, I am sure somewhere outside there already is a place where they will keep the survivors and after killing all those things... Maybe we will be able to live normally again.."

"You are taking this really positively" Genya laughed "unlike someone right here" he looked at Muichiro.

"Yeah I am trying to take it the positive way... crying and panicking over it won't solve anything"

"That's true but it's still better to let it out then hold it back, if you need a relief just let it out, I won't laugh"

Genya smiled kindly and I nodded "thank you but I think I am fine"

"Alright then, have you met all the people here already?"

"Ehm I met you, Muichiro, Sanemi, Yuichiro and Mitsuri"

"Oh there's one more girl here, her name is Shinobu, I'll introduce you to her tomorrow"

I nodded and yawned "I'll get some shut eye now, I am exhausted"

"That's understandable, I'll go to bed now before this little devil wakes me up again" Genya said, grabbing Muichiro's cheek playfully.

"Sorry if I am wrong but, are you two like.. dating?" I asked. Genya smiled and nodded "yup, it's been three years now"

"That's wonderful"

"It is, I am glad I found someone like him"

I nodded and rolled over to my side, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight" I heard Genya say "goodnight" I replied before quickly falling asleep.


word count : 2563

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