Chapter Nineteen - Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Tanjiro's pov
"Do you want me to carry you?" I asked, helping Muichiro get back to bed. He shook his head "N-No.. I am fine, I'll m-make it there" he said but it was clear his legs were about to give up on him.
"Come on, let me help you, you are clearly struggling" I said and Muichiro sighed in defeat, nodding and letting me carry him. I picked him up bridal style and carried him towards the room where he rested.
I laid him down on a bed and covered him with a blanket, patting his head "how are you feeling?" I asked and he shook his head "weak.. and very tired.."
"Alright, get some more rest now, I'll stay here with you as long as you need me to, okay?" I said and he forced a small smile "mhm.. thank you"
"No problem… there is.. one more thing I want to ask you.." I said and Muichiro laid his head on his pillow "what is it..?" He said before yawning.
"You said you.. love me.. is that true?" I asked and Muichiro's eyes slightly widened. He looked down and sighed "w-well.. y-yes.." he looked away, his cheeks turning red a little.
"Ohh.." I said, being speechless "come on come on, say something.. say that you like him too!" I thought and looked over at Muichiro who was looking at me with tired but hopeful eyes "do you.. f-feel the same way a-about me..?" He asked and I slightly nodded, smiling a little at him.
He smiled back and I leaned down to kiss him, he almost leaned into it as well but then it was suddenly like something snapped in him and he covered my mouth with his shaky hand.
"I-I can't.." he said quietly. I was confused "why? Is it because of the past few days? I am r-" I said in panic, thinking he didn't fully forgive me. "I-It's not that.. I-It's just.. I-I don't want to date anyone t-this early after.. Genya's death.. I-I might have feelings f-for you b-but.. I was mainly ignoring you b-because of them.. I-I just didn't get over Genya's death y-yet.. I-I still miss him.. so much.." he said, tears filling his eyes.
I nodded and pulled him into a hug "shh, it's okay, I get it.. I understand.. we can take it slowly, we don't need to kiss or anything like that, let's just act like we used to and slowly work on it.. we'll give it as much time as you need to" I pulled away from the hug a bit and wiped his tears.
"Th-Thank you.. I-I just feel like if I got into a real relationship n-now it would.. feel l-like I.. betrayed Genya.." he said and I nodded once again "I get that, it's okay, we don't need to rush but.. don't you think Genya would want you to be happy?"
"Huh..W-What do you mean?" He asked and I replied with "Genya wouldn't want you to be sad all the time, right? Even if he's not here I am sure he would want you to move on, to talk to new people and get into a new relationship.. I am not saying this because I want to force you into a relationship with me but I am saying this because you can't live in this fear forever.. you need to move on"
Muichiro slightly nodded and looked down "I know… i-it's just hard.." he mumbled and I nodded understandingly "I understand, just remember.. Genya would want you to be happy and move on for sure" I patted his head and smiled "he wouldn't want you to be sad all the time and be stuck in the same spot for years, no?"
"You're right.. but I still need some time.." he said and snuggled more into his blanket, yawning again "I'll g-get some rest now.."
"Of course, you need plenty of rest now.. if I won't be here when you wake up, don't panic, okay? Just wait for a bit and if I don't come, just call out for me" I said and Mui gave me a sleepy nod, his eyes closed.
I kissed his forehead, realizing he's already fast asleep. I chuckled to myself and caressed his head while he slept.
Couple days later
"Are you sure you're feeling well enough?" I asked and Muichiro energetically nodded "mhm! Much better actually, the medicine Shinobu gave me helped so much!"
It was so nice seeing him this happy… I couldn't have asked for more.. It has been so long since I saw him smiling this widely and I just wanted him to stay like this forever.
"Alright, I am glad you're feeling better, let's get some breakfast now" I said and Muichiro nodded once again, quickly walking to the kitchen where Mitsuri was already making breakfast for both of us.
"Good morning!" Muichiro said and Mitsuri turned to look at him with a surprised look "good morning, I see someone is having a good day, huh?" She chuckled and Mui giggled "mhm!"
"Good morning to you too, Tanjiro" she said and I smiled "good morning" I replied "where is everyone else?"
"I think Shinobu is taking a shower and I didn't see Nezuko today, I think she's still asleep, same with Kotetsu" she replied.
Everything was going great when suddenly someone started banging on the shelter door. Muichiro sighed and chewed on his toast "not again"
"Muichiro, where's your katana?" I asked and stood up from the table "under our bed" he replied and stood up as well.
"Okay, I'll go get it, you two go wait there" I said, Misturi and Muichiro nodding in response. I rushed to get the katana before going back to the shelter door.
I moved close to it and yelled out "who is it?!"
"Iguro! Iguro Obanai! Now let me in you nutsack! I am here for Misturi!" He yelled out and I could immediately hear Mitsuri gasp. "Open the door right now!" She yelled out and I opened it.
The second I slightly opened it she immediately rushed over to the guy and hugged him, tears streaming down her face "Obanai! Thank god you're okay! I was so worried!" She cried out and buried her face in his shoulder.
I was about to close it but right behind Obanai, there was Sanemi "Sanemi?! Wha-" I wanted to say but he interrupted me "surprised I am alive, huh? Yeah me too" was all he said and walked into the shelter without any more words spoken.
I closed the door and Misturi was still crying in Obanai's arms. I smiled, being happy that they are finally back together but then I took a look at Muichiro who had a kind of.. worried look on his face.
"You okay?" I asked and Muichiro quickly grabbed my hand and took me to another room. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked once again, knowing something is bothering him.
"Shinobu, she.. she has a crush on Mistruri.." he said, making my eyes widen "I feel so bad for her, I can't imagine for painful it'll be for her to watch person she loves.. be with someone else.." he said sadly and I nodded.
"Yeah.. it'll definitely be really hard for her.." I sighed "well you have a good friendship with her, no?"
"What does her being in love with Mitsuri have to do with me?" He asked and I replied with "well.. maybe just being there for Shinobu and reassuring her that she's not alone would be great at this time... I don't think she has any more connections made here beside with you"
Muichiro sighed "I guess but I am not really good at comforting, it fact I suck at it.. I don't know how to help her with it.." he said, his voice getting quieter by the end.
"I am sure you'll do great, I'll try my best to be there for her too" I smiled and he smiled slightly as well "okay, we'll help her!" He said with a more energetic tone now.
The second he finished the sentence, Shinobu walked into a room, drying her hair with a towel "I heard some noises, is everything okay?" She asked and Muichiro and I looked at each other.
"Ehm.. Sanemi and Obanai are here" Muichiro said quietly, most likely afraid of her reaction. Her mouth slightly dropped, her eyes widening.
Muichiro turned to look at me with a worried look again. I gave him a reassuring look, not wanting him to worry too much but it seemed almost impossible at this moment.
"That's great" she smiled and chuckled "I'll go to my room now" she said and quickly walked away.
I heard Muichiro sigh before saying "I feel so bad for her.. she tried to hard"
I patted Muichiro's head "love is love, Muichiro.. it hurts and we can't do anything about it or try to change others feelings.. Shinobu just has to.. get over it" I said and Muichiro slightly nodded.
"How about we go to our room and uhh.. shit there's nothing to do" I said, trying to change the topic. Muichiro chuckled again "Hmm.. true, I mean, there are co-" Muichiro was about to say but I interrupted him "I am not reading another book, I read more books here than in my whole life"
"Come on! I found a good one yesterday! I-"
"I am not reading anything with vampires and werewolves again"
"You're so mean"
I rolled my eyes "fine fine, but only this one, next time I'll pick one"
"Yay! Thank you!" Muichiro said excitedly and grabbed my hand, leading me to our room.
Shinobu's pov
I sat at my table, just looking down at my lap, tears streaming down my face. "How.. how could I've been so stupid… I tried so hard and yet he's still getting in the way!"
My sadness turned into anger in only a couple seconds, I stood up and started knocking things from my table onto the floor, throwing them everywhere.
I laid on my bed, looking at the mess I made "how fucking pathetic… stupid Obanai, he messed everything up.." I mumbled to myself.
"If only he was dead.." I thought and the second later it hit me "dead.. if he's dead.. he won't be able to be with Mitsuri.."
I quickly sat up and started thinking of a way to kill him without anyone noticing. "If.. the monster's blood gets in your blood.. you turn.. or just die.." I thought, smiling widely to myself.
I walked to my table and opened a drawer, taking out a needle before going into Yuichiro's room. He was more active now that Muichiro gave him flesh every day so it'll be hard to take his blood..
I closed the door behind me and faced Yuichiro who was sitting in the corner of the room, looking at me with wide eyes before looking at the bag filled with flesh.
"I am not here to feed you, dummy, I am here to do something better.." I smiled and walked over to him, once I got closer he immediately charged at me.
I pinned his head to the ground and held him down with my knee. He was trying to move away and attack me again but he couldn't.
I grabbed the needle and quickly took his blood from his neck. Once I was done I didn't even bother stopping the blood, I just let it flow from his neck freely, watching him for some time before leaving.
Word count : 1955
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