Deep breath socks repeated to himself. Turned out church guy was actually an infected. He attacked Ally and she was injured so we stayed in the safe house for a couple of days. Eventually we decided it was safe enough to leave. Thing is, we chose to leave when mercy hospital most likely had been looted and was no longer an evacuation center. Ally still hadn't given up hope yet. "Alright guys, we're gonna split up. We each have a copy of a map and should be able to rn d the next safe room right?" Ally asked everyone. They all nodded a yes and Ally smiled approvingly. "Alright Meme and socks, Blaza and Laff, Nadwe, muffin, and me. Will be groups, Meme and socks you'll look for food." Ally said handing them a bag to fit all the food in. "Blaza and Laff, you'll look for amo and stuff to make molotvs." Ally said giving them a couple of empty glass beer bottles. That most likely contained well beer. "And the rest of us, will look around for some water and possibly any survivors, bile bombs, and Pipe bombs." Ally said. "Meet at the safe house about Sunset. Don't make it by then we'll come looking for you. Understood?" She asked Everyone nodded in agreement and began to split up. Meme and socks walked in silence until they came upon an abandoned gas station. "Sweet." Socks said smiling he ran up to it and used his crowbar to crack the door open. He held it open for meme. "Go ahead." Socks nodded. Meme slipped inside and socks followed.
"How long do you think this place has been abandoned for?" Meme asked. "I don't know, but they've got some stale chips!" Socks said pulling out 5 bags of regular chips. "Want to split a bag?" He asked. "Uh sure." Meme responded he felt his face getting hot but he shook it off and as socks handed him a handful of chips more then what socks had. Socks looked sadly at his hands. "What's up?" Meme asked concerned. "I- did I actually attack Blaza?" Socks asked. Meme hesitated not knowing how to respond. "Yeah you did." Meme murmured sadly. Socks Inhaled sharply. "I- I'm so sorry." Socks sighed. "Eh don't worry about it. You didn't mean it." Meme said kindly. "I guess." Socks smiled back. "Let's grab a bunch of the food we can find and head to the safe house." Socks said standing up. Meme sighed sadly and got up aswell. "Ok." He responded. Socks walked away, into another Aisle. Meme started shoving the food into the backpack and then he heard shuffling behind him. "Huh?" Meme turned around and saw socks with his hood on, claws and bright yellow eyes. Growling softly. "Oh god!" Meme shouted he ran out of the store socks following close behind.
Suddenly meme got tripped and Socks pounced on him seconds later. He started tearing into meme's skin. Meme screamed in pain but he knew there was no one here to help him. He felt his eyes start to close. "Socks please," meme muttered a last desperate plee before meme blacked out.
Meme woke up surprised he was still alive. "How?" Meme asked staring into the eyes of Ally. "Blaza found you being attacked, sadly it meant we had to shoot socks." Ally said uncomfortably.
"Is he ok?!" Meme asked Looking around frantically . "Careful! I'm no doctor but you almost died." Ally said quietly. "Is he ok?" Meme repeated. "He's probably been better," Ally sighed. Meme bit his lip and got out of his sleeping bag. Socks was lying on his side, his breathing ragged. "He should be fine. Right?" Meme asked. "I'm not doctor." Ally shrugged.
"Yeah you have a point." Meme muttered.
Socks growled in his sleep and twitched. Meme took a step back. "Bad dream." Ally assumed as she looked at a map. Laff walked in with the backpack meme had used for the food. Laff looks from meme to ally to socks. "I'm sorry about this meme." Laff said his accent showing through. "It's ok laff. We'll make it through like we always do."
Ahh this is so short ahh it sucks ahh
Words: 705
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