My version of the Muder fanfiction
I'm on my way home from church and even though it was dark I needed time to myself so I walked home which was a bad idea because I took a wrong turn and ended up in the woods and if that didn't scare me I heard twigs and branches breaking then I turn around to see who or what is following me but I don't see anything so I turn around and start walking again and this time I hear voices 2 guys and 1 girl (one of the guys was very scary but also nice don't ask me how) *I stare at them and one of them started to walk towards me.* then I say "Whoa, whoa hold on what are you doing?" And then *they all three in unison laugh* then I said "Whoa too close please back up." Then one of them said "Really your gonna talk to us like that you do realize we have a knife?" And then as he's getting closer I back up until I can't anymore then I looked up and saw it was my favorite YouTuber Dave Brown from Boyinaband and he wrapped his arms around me and whispers in my ear "I won't let him kill you sweetheart...."
"Sir... Please don't hurt me let me go I have friends." Then Dave says "This is better because if we let you go we would just follow you and kill your friends just to get you. So just look at it this way you are saving their life if you just come with us..." Then I nearly start to cry then Dave says "See I can tell by the way you are crying that you really do care for them..." Then Chilled got closer to me with his knife and he put the knife so close to my face and said..... "Mmmmmm. Your so beautiful and I will love stabbing you to death after I have some fun with you!" And Dave got mad because they all agreed that I would be Dave's first kill but once he saw me he did not want to kill me he wanted to kiss me. But then I get the feeling he wants something more intense and interesting. Then they take me to some abandoned cabin (because oh what could go wrong in an abandoned cabin?) Chilled was looking intensely at me and so Dave takes me to a different room so we could be alone.... Then Minx comes in saying "Dave he's mad..... He wants her to go back out here..." Then Dave looks at me and smiles and then says that... "I don't care if he is mad or not she is mine not his!" As he said this he was tying me up and I said... "Dave?"
"Yes cutie?"
"Are you going to kill me?"
"No... I'll do something more fun to you..." He said as he put his hand on my leg...
"Dave? Your scarring me." I said as I nearly started to cry and tried to get out of the ropes... But it was no use they were too tight.....
"Oh I am? I'm sorry... Not trying to scare you baby."
"Dave let me go...."
"No baby."
"But Dave?"
"Don't!" He had his hand around my neck as he said that...
"Yes sir." I said as his hand was still around my neck... "I'm sorry sir."
"It's alright, just don't make me hurt you..."
"Will you let go of my neck please?"
"I didn't even know that it was still around your neck. But I'm sorry." He said as he let go of my neck... And sat down on my lap.... And said.... "You know that your really hot right?"
"I uh....-" he didn't let me finish talking... Instead of that he slammed his lips against my lips and started kissing me.... Then Chilled came into the room and saw Dave on my lap kissing me.... Then Chilled walked over to us and pulled Dave off of my lap then he sat down on my lap and said... "Mmmm. He is not wrong about you being really hot. In fact, your more sexy then hot Babygirl."
"Yes slut?"
"Please don't hurt me."
"Oh my little slut, I will hurt you, but not how you think..."
"What do you mean?" I asked him while I was breathing really heavily and the top of my boobs were going up and down... And he smirked at me when he noticed... "Oh what's wrong little slut?" Then he slowly and softly run his finger from my lips down to my shirt... And I started to panic, and crying and he said... "Oh my God! The slut is afraid! I love scarring my new toys!"
"Yours?" Dave asked...
"New toy?" I asked him... Then he licked my cheek and said... "Yes my slut. You are my new toy." Then I cried as he said that... Then said... "I'm not a toy."
"Well you will be once I'm done with you!"
"Please don't!"
"Don't what?"
"I know what you mean by 'toys' and I don't want to be one." Then he puts his hand down my shirt and sits his hand on my boob and squeezed it and I tried to bite him... Then he said in my ear.... "I'm going to cut your shirt off and watch you begging me to not touch you..."
"Please don't do this to me."
"You shouldn't of been outside in the woods at night then sexy..."
"Let me go.... And I won't tell anyone..."
"Oh little slut. We have you now your ours now... So give it up already little slut."
"Dave! Please get him away from me..." I said as I cried... "Baby, how do you expect me to do that?"
"I don't know."
"Oh little slut you need to know about something..."
"I did something..."
"What do you mean by you did something?"
"Before we came to get you I left and I was at your house..."
"What? That explains why my friend's mom texted me saying that you were there looking for me..."
"Yup... But... If I ever touched anyone from your friend's family would you be sad, mad, or anything else like that?"
"You... Didn't.... Did you?" I asked him as I was crying.....
"Hmmm. The slut actually cares?" He said as he got up and started to try to take my Jeans off of me and smirked at me.... And took his shirt and jeans off and sat down on my lap then kissed me and I bit his lip and he said.... "Ah... This slut is a feisty little one aren't you?"
"I'm not a slut! Or a fucking toy! Now let me go! Or tell me what you were going to tell me!"
"I can't... Tell you. You'll hate me..."
"Fucking tell me!"
"God it's hot when you cuss at me!"
"Your so fucked up in the head!"
"Sh... My little slut!" As he said that he had his finger against my lips...
"So are you really going to tell her what you did to her friend's family that she was living with?"
Then I looked at him with the sad puppy dog eyes... And Dave held onto my hair as Chilled forced himself to tell me... "So my little slut Babygirl, I killed your friend's family...." And as he said that Dave let go of my hair and Chilled was still on my lap watching me with careful eyes and I felt like crying and screaming at him but I stopped myself and calmly said.... "Can I be alone with my thoughts so I can processes this whole thing?"
"That means you too Dave.... Please..."
"Yes Baby. Just let me kiss you." Then Dave kissed me and left, and Chilled put his clothes on and took my Jeans with him in case I somehow manage to get the ropes off of me... Then left me alone and I let it out and cried so loud that Minx came in to check on me and I somehow managed to to make the chair fall and I was in the floor crying then the chair broke and I only had the rope around me still so tight that it made me cry more...
Then Minx helped me up and I sat down on the bed and she sat by me and asked me.... "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"
"First, Y'all kidnap me for whatever reason, then Dave nearly tried to choke me... Also... Chilled killed my friend's family.... Not only that but Chilled is calling me a slut and said that I will be some toy... Also known as a sex slave..."
"Can I ask you something sweetheart?"
"Sure Minx. You don't have to ask me because you guys kidnapped me and will kill me if I ever told you no."
"Baby. No one is going to kill you. And... Do you love us?"
"I loved Dave. I haven't seen any of your videos or his.... But I do like you both thanks to the song Murder.... I love Dave's part in the song it's so hot! Please whatever you do... Don't tell him about what I just said.... Please Minx."
"Alright cutie."
Then Chilled comes back and asked... "Sweetheart, are you alright?"
I wanted to scream so bad at him right now but I was afraid that if I did that he would come over to me and slap me then kill me.... So I didn't say anything at all and he said.... "Baby talk to me... I am so sorry for killing your friend's family... But I had a reason why I did it..."
"What? What possibly could be your reason for killing them?!?!"
"Sweetheart, don't yell." Minx said in my ear...
"I'm sorry Minx."
"It's alright."
"Hello? Talk to me not her."
"Chilled, don't be so mean!"
"I'm sorry. And thank you for talking to me...."
"So what's your reason why you killed them?"
"Do you remember, your fight you had with them?"
"I fight with them a lot because they are like my actual family... but, it doesn't mean that I want them dead....?"
"Honey... I'm really sorry."
"Ok. Well then may I have my Jeans back please...?"
"Why do you need those tight things?"
"I want to play a game with Dave. And I need my Jeans for it."
"What's the game?"
"I'm going to make him chase after me and if he does then and catches me... Well nevermind.... He gets to do that all the time now... Even if I ask him not to... I can't because y'all kidnapped me and now I'm his..." I said as my smile started to fade away....
"Are you scared that your not allowed to tell us no?"
"I'm not scared to... I know that I won't be allowed to...."
"Dave wouldn't make you do something that you don't want to do...."
"Yeah ok..."
"Don't yeah ok me.... He wouldn't!"
"Okay fine! But you would!"
"What makes you think that?"
"The way you act towards me, and the fact that nearly every fucking time you talk to me you call me a fucking slut!"
"I won't hurt you!"
"I didn't say that you would! I said, you would not allow for me to say no to you."
"I... I... I... Don't know.... I mean... Would you really ever want to...."
"Want to what?"
"Have sex with me."
"I... I... I... Don't know."
"Okay sweetie. So since it makes you sad I'll stop calling you a slut..."
"Okay... Thanks..."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Would you let me touch you?"
"Touch me? Where?"
"Oh... I... Uh... Don't know...."
"Will you allow me to have sex with you tonight???"
"Aren't I Dave's... Though? Because he said that I was."
"No you are all of ours..."
"So since your not going to kill me now... Does that mean that I'm going to be some kind of slave?"
"Baby... Don't look at it like that..."
"How else am I supposed to look at it?"
"That I don't know."
Then Chilled kissed me on the lips and bites my bottom lip as he lets go then he looked at me like he would never hurt me ever again, but he hasn't ever hurt me yet, at least not physically but emotionally he has.... Everyone has..... And no one seems to care enough to help me... So then Dave comes in and said.... "So it's a party in here and I wasn't invited?" Then everyone laughed and Dave looked down to my legs and noticed that I had no Jeans on still... Then I got up and walked over to him but I couldn't hug him because of the pain it caused me to be in... Then he said.... "You look so hot and tight in that rope burn baby..."
"Minx, may I have a word with you ALONE?"
"Sure." Then Minx helped me outside and I said... "Minx, how did he know that, that was one of my favorite parts in that song?" Then she giggled at me and said... "He probably overheard us." Then she looked at me and said... "I saw you blush when he said that though. So hot!" Then I laughed and blushed and she said.... "There you go again, being as sexy as ever..."
"Me sexy? Nah."
"No! You are!"
"Ok. Don't yell at me."
"Okay." Then she smiled at me and it started raining and she said "It's cold and wet out here do you wanna go back in?" Then I looked at her and laughed and said.... "Yes. Please."
Then we go back in and Dave is on his phone with someone.... Then as I came back in he stopped talking to whoever was on the phone and looked at me and said.... "Babygirl, are you alright? Did I say something wrong?" Then he laughed and said "And your all wet?"
"No Dave you didn't. It's just I needed some girl talk."
"Oh ok." He said as he had a smirk on his face. "Was it about me baby?"
Then in my mind I start mentally screaming yes, but on the outside I am trying to remain calm... And say.... "I uh.... Don't know what to say..."
"So it was about me?"
"I uh..."
"Sh... Baby. Let's look at a post you did..." Then my eyes got wide.... And I said... "Uh... Do we have to?"
"Yes. Now here's your phone."
"Which post are we looking for?"
"Murder song post... I want to see what you said on it..."
"Can't I just tell you?"
"You could. But would you honestly tell me the truth? Or be afraid.... And tell me a lie?"
"I said that I thought you were so hot in that song, and that line from the song was one of my favorite parts...."
"Mmmmm. Baby. I'm glad." He said as he put his hand on my face and kissed me on the lips and bites my bottom lip as he lets go then he looked at me in the eyes and said... "Baby, do you know that you have gorgeous eyes?"
"No I didn't know that, but... Thanks."
"Your so beautiful..."
"Thank you."
"Your so welcome beautiful."
"I uh.... Love...." I closed my mouth before I could say more....
"Sweetheart? You love what?"
"Uh..." I said as I started to back up and ended up tripping over the broken chair and fell and he purposely fell and landed on top of me and kissed me on the lips and said... "Tell me what you love or I won't get up." Then I started to cry and then he kissed me on the lips and said... "Please don't cry. I'm not even hurting you. I'm just on you."
"Sir. I'm scared."
"Promise me that you won't use it against me Please."
"Ok. I promise."
"I love you, your eyes, and your hair."
"Mmmm. Good girl. I love that you love me."
"Can you get off of me now?"
"Mmmm. Tell me baby, do you really want me to get off of you. Sexy." He said as he touched my hair and put it behind my ear...
"I uh..." Then he smirked at me and said... "No excuses baby. It's either yes, or no. Also no lying too."
"Please don't hurt me."
"I'm not going to hurt you baby." He said as he smiled at me and kissed me on the lips and played with my hair and said... "I could never just hurt someone as gorgeous as you."
"I'm g...g...gorgeous?"
"Yes. Baby."
"So... Um...?"
"Yes, Baby?"
"Will you do my hair like yours? Please...."
"Yes. Baby. I'll even make a video of me doing your hair."
"I can't help it but..." I said as I reached up to kiss him... And he smiled at me and said... "Mmmm baby. Love that kiss! Keep kissing me, please Babygirl."
"Can you take the rope off of me?"
"Tell me why I would. And then I might sexy."
"It's hurting me Dave... It's too tight. But I guess you don't care if I'm hurting as long as you have me..." I started to cry as I was saying this...
"Baby. Don't cry. Or say that I don't care about if your hurting... Because I do! Baby I'm sorry." He said as he put his hand on my face and started wiping my tears away...
"So? Are you going to take the rope off of me?"
"Depends on if you are going to run away if I did take the ropes off of you."
"I won't I promise you that I won't run from you."
"Show me." Then he got up and helped me up and took me to the bed and told me to sit down on the bed... "Sir?"
"Yes Baby?"
"Will you take me to get new clothes? These are wet. And I'm cold."
"Mmmmm. Or you could take that shirt off and I could put it in the dryer with those underwears of yours..."
"So. You want me to be naked?"
"You could use my boxers while the shirt and underwears are in the dryer."
"Um... Okay." Then he grabbed a pair of his boxers and gave me them to put on... "Uh... You still haven't taken the ropes off of me." Then he grabbed the knife from Chilled and started cutting the rope... "Watch out, be careful, and don't move..." He said as he was cutting the ropes off of me and then they fell off and I smiled and hugged Dave and said... "Yay I'm free now! I love you so much Dave." And he was surprised at the sudden movement that I did... Then he wrapped his arms around my belly and smiled at me and then he looked down to my arms and saw the marks that the rope had left on me... And said... "Babygirl, I'm sorry I didn't think that it would leave a mark like that on you..."
"Oh... This? That's my fault. I was trying to get it off of me so I could run away... But now I have no one to run to. My friends already thinks that I am dead... And Chilled killed my friend's family..."
"Sh... Baby I'll hold you. You'll be mine. I'll keep you safe. I won't let you die..."
"I really love you a lot sir."
"Babygirl, please don't call me sir, just call me Dave, master, my love... Or anything else that you want to call me."
"Um... Dave?"
"Yes Baby?"
"Do I have to call you master? It's just that I don't like the sound of calling someone my master... Because it sounds like I am some kind of slave."
"Ok. If you don't want to then I guess you don't have to... But just so you know it sounds hot to me."
"Thanks Dave. I love you!" Then I take my underwears off and then take my shirt off and sat them on the floor and said... "Where did you put those boxers Dave?"
"On the bed."
"They aren't there." Then I walked over to the bed and bended over to find them and they had fell off the bed in between the bed and the wall... And while I was over on the bed trying to get the boxers I feel someone come up behind me and I looked behind me and it was Chilled in nothing but his boxers then he smirked at me and slapped my butt... Then said... "Sweetheart, can I take my boxers off of me and stick something inside your butt?"
"Get away from me now! Dave! Help me!"
"I'm coming."
And as he said that Chilled held me still and said... "I will be inside you no matter what!" Then he pulled his boxers off of himself and started fucking my ass.... "Chilled, please! Don't. Your hurting me."
"No I am not! Stop lying you slut!"
"I don't want this!"
"Well, I don't care you slut!"
"Dave help me! Stop him! Please! Help me!"
"He's not going to to help you! Now shut the fuck up you little bitch ass slut!" And as he said that I started crying and he said... "Oh little slut, you really need to stop crying..."
"And you really need to stop this and be a good person..."
"Sh... No talking. Just enjoy." As he said that he put some duck tape on my mouth, then he grabbed my hair and pulled it as he was fucking my ass... And I was just there stuck in a really bad situation that could turn to worse.... If I would fight him...
"Mmmm. I love fucking your little sexy ass... Can I keep doing it?" And as he said that I started trying to say 'no you can't' but I couldn't because of the tape and he smirked at me and said... "Mmmmm. Sexy slut. You are so hot. And I won't stop til I cum inside of you sexy little slut."
"Pmmm. Lmmm. Mmmnn. Gmm."
"Huh?" He said as he ripped the tape off of my lips and said.... "Sexy slut what did you say?"
"I said. Please let me go..."
"Oh. Well no. Now shut up and be a good little slut. Because I am almost done baby... I'm about to cum..."
"Hurry up and be done."
"Mmmm. Someone is impatient to see Dave huh?"
"Where is Dave?"
"He is tied up to a chair watching me fuck your ass... He secretly likes watching me fuck your ass..."
"No he doesn't! He's not like you!"
"I wouldn't be yelling at me if I were you. And plus I wouldn't be too sure about that... You don't even know Dave! But I do! Now shut the fuck up!"
Then he laughed at me and started fucking my ass harder... Then he finally cummed inside of me and got out and slapped my ass after he said... "Thank you sexy." Then I got the boxers and sat up and cried... "Oh shut up! You loved it! Don't you lie now."
Then I put the boxers on and then I tried to get up and go to Dave but, Chilled pushed me down onto the bed and I hit my head on something and passed out... All I remember hearing is Dave screaming... "Baby watch out!" Turns out Chilled had hit me on the head with something...
Then like two hours later, I wake up... And I was stuck in a very interesting and horrible situation again but this time I was laying down on the bed handcuffed to the bed and I look all around the room and I was alone...
Where's Dave? Where's everyone? I'm alone?
So then I started to cry and tried to get out of the handcuffs but I didn't have a Bobby pin, or the keys... I'm alone without a shirt and pants...
Why? Why me?
Then someone touched the outside part of the window that I am by... It was someone that has a ski mask... Then next thing I know is that the person comes in and as he was walking closer to me I started to cry and tried to get out of the handcuffs but I didn't have the key so I was stuck here... Then the ski mask guy touched me on my belly and laid down on top of me and kissed me on the lips and started to dry fuck me and I was scared that after he does as he wants that he will kill me.... And next thing I know is that he stopped dry fucking me and looked at my eyes and wiped my tears away.... Then he pulled his pants and boxers down to his knees and started actually fucking me.... And I cried even more than before... Then I looked at him and started to beg him to stop... Apparently all that did was make him mad at me and every time I made him mad he would fuck me harder.... Then three hours later Dave, Minx, and Chilled all came back from the store and the ski mask guy was still in here... But, he's hiding in the closet... "Dave!" I screamed as I cried and he came running in the room...
"Baby. What's wrong?"
"I... I... I... Was alone... You left me alone... And Defenceless some man had came in when you were gone and raped me... And he's still here don't leave me... Please!"
"Babygirl, I'm sorry it's just that people already think that you are dead and I can't have people freak out because they see you...."
"Please...-" Chilled cut me off and said... "Sexy? Are you hungry?"
"A little bit. Why?"
"Because I have something for you to eat but you have to sit up."
"Dave. Can you help me out of the handcuffs? Y'all are back so they shouldn't be on me anymore."
"Okay." And he helped me and took me out of the room and I saw my favorite kind of ice cream....
"He's in the closet in that room Dave."
"Who is?" Chilled asked me.
"Some man that was wearing a ski mask."
"Did you get a good look at him?"
"If you mean what I think then your gross!"
"No baby that's not what I meant. But now I'm curious about what you did see..."
"Nothing. When he started fucking me I tried to pretend to be asleep... I was scared Dave... Please next time Dave stay with me let them go but you stay with me... I love you Dave..."
"You really do love me. Don't you?"
"Good baby."
"Hold me?" I said as I started to cry and tried to get closer to Dave.... Then Dave took me to bed and I woke up in the middle of the night with Dave Cuddling up next to me and I looked at the closet and the closet door opened and the person walked over to me and wispered in my ear.... "I know your not asleep... Just like I knew you weren't dead despite what people were telling me... By the way you were more fun then what my older brother had said that you would be."
"Get away from me now!" Then he smirked at me and said... "Bye. But first I have to give you something."
"This...." He said as he slapped me in the face and laid down on the bed right in front of me and kissed me on the lips and bites my bottom lip as he lets go then he looked at me and said... "Don't ever fucking cry ever again when I fuck you! You understand?" And I said... "Yes sir..."
That is if Dave doesn't listen and doesn't stay with me.
Then he fell off the bed and I said.... "Bye and good night."
"Bye. And good luck sexy. Oh and night."
"Good luck?" I gulped when I asked that... "What do you mean by good luck?"
Then he laughed at me and said... "Nothing sweetheart, you'll find out later..." And as he said that he had his hand on my face and then he kissed me....
"Who are you?"
Then he laughed at me and got closer to my ear and wispered in my ear... "Your worst nightmare." Then I tried to take the mask off of him but... He slapped me and said... "You take my mask off and I WILL take you to my place and fuck you until you die..."
"Ok. Sorry." I said as my eyes were wide and he smirked at how scared/shocked I was... "Sir...?"
"Is that even possible?"
"Is what even possible?"
"What you said."
"Oh... I don't really know."
"Then why say it?"
"I said it to scare you Sexy..."
"I wish you would leave me alone."
"Sorry sexy little thing. But that won't ever happen.... I finally got to have sex with you.... And I will have it again sometime...."
"Your scarring me."
"If I woke Dave up right now... What would you do?"
"That's easy. Try to kill him."
"No one touches Dave!" I said to him as I started to get mad...
"Shut up little bitch. You asked me. And I answered."
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"Doing what sexy?"
"Being a jackass."
"Don't fucking talk to me like that, unless you want to be fucked so hard that you could barely walk...!"
"Ok. I'm sorry... But please don't hurt me."
"Mmmm. It's so hot when you beg me like that..."
"Your being mean to me."
"How so? I just called you hot! How is that mean?"
"Your being gross."
"Yeah. And you really should leave before one of them wakes up and see you..."
"Oh... And you might not want to make him stay with you next time they go out... Oh and next time I come... I might not be alone. My brother might come with me."
"Uh.... Bye."
"Bye." The man said and he kissed me on the lips and left then I turn around and faced Dave and his arms were so tight around me.... And it was a good thing that I didn't have to use the bathroom.... Anyways I faced him and put my head next to his chest and he had woke up when I had moved closer to him and he kissed me on my forehead and said... "Baby I love you, being this close to me..."
"Baby? You alright?" Then I moved my head to look him in the eyes and he saw a red mark on my face and he said... "Baby... You have been crying... Haven't you?"
"Why is your face so-" he stopped and looked at the red marks on my face and said... "Baby who hit you?"
"The ski mask guy."
"We need to get new locks for the cabin then..."
"He told me to make sure that you go with Chilled and Minx next time they go out."
"I am not leaving you ever again!"
"You might have to. I mean he said that he would try to kill you just to get me."
"So... Are you saying that you actually want me to leave you here alone?"
"No. But if it means saving your life then do it please."
"Baby what about your life?"
"He said he only wants sex with me. That he won't kill me. If I don't fight him. So the best thing to do would be you handcuffing me to the bed when y'all leave..."
"Baby tell him that if he ends up killing you that I will personally kill him... You are mine I don't appreciate it when people takes advantage of you like this! But if your too worried about my safety that you agree to be taken advantage of... I can't stop you."
"Don't hate me Dave."
"I don't hate you. I love you. I care about you."
"He also said that I can't cry when he is having sex with me. That he gets mad when I do."
"We are going to take you to my house when I can...."
"So this is actually happening to me? My friend's family actually died. And I actually have no friends anymore... And you will be taking me to the U.K. to your home? This is really happening to me. Oh my god! This is exactly like a dream I had before."
"Yes it is actually happening to you."
Two hours later Chilled comes in with breakfast for us... And said... "Sweetheart, me and Minx are going to go somewhere today and Minx wanted to know if you would allow Dave to leave you today since you were so freaked out yesterday."
"If he wants to go he can...."
"What are you going to go do chilled?" Dave asked as he was holding onto me like I was going to die soon... "It's going to be hot out today so we were going to go to the swimming pool."
"I love you Katherine."
"I love you too Dave."
"I'm going to go to the store to buy her some food... Chilled watch her until I get back."
"So hey chilled."
Then he laughed at me and said... "Hey so, how was your night?"
"Good... But I found out that I am a bad actress...."
"And why's that?"
"So I woke up in the middle of the night and I tried to pretend to be asleep... But the ski mask guy knew that I was awake."
"Oh... Or maybe the guy knows you and just had the biggest crush on you."
"Um... Someone having a crush on me? That's insane. I'm always the one to have a crush on someone... I'm never the person that someone actually has a crush on unless it's my internet friends."
"Your cute."
Then Dave came back and said... "When we are gone... No leaving the cabin."
"Alright. So your not going to handcuff me to the bed?"
"No you will need food baby..."
"Kiss me before you go Dave."
"Okay." So he kissed me and then left with Chilled and Minx...
I was walking to the kitchen to eat something, because I was so hungry... Then I heard a noise outside and I walked over to the door but didn't open it instead I looked through the window on the door and the next thing I know is that the ski mask guy was inside and was right behind me and said.... "Is my favorite girl ready for sex?"
"No. I'm actually about to eat..."
"Oh in that case can you make us some food?"
"Us? Who else is here?"
"Your ex, me, my cousin, and my big brother..."
"So 4 others?"
"May I just say... You make cooking look hot..." As he said that he was walking closer to me and I was backing up and accidentally burned myself on the stove... Then I moved as fast as I could to the sink and turned the water on and put my hand under the water... And I forgot all about the fact that he was here until someone touched me and got right up next to me and wispered in my ear... "I'm sorry beautiful."
"Your unbelievable. First you scare me so bad and I end up burning myself then as you are telling me that you are sorry you have to complement me? Why is that? But thank you. And your forgiven."
Then he laughed at that and said... "After, sex can we get in your hotub?"
"Isn't it-" and I was interrupted by my ex coming in and said... "Mmmm, sexy It's been a while hasn't it?"
"Get away from me now!"
"Oh how I missed you. Do I finally get to have sex with you today?" And as he said that he looked down at my boobs and they were going up and down and he looked at me and smirked and said... "I've been waiting to fuck you... Ever since that day you told me no and broke up with me. That pissed me off..."
"I didn't brake up with you just because you wanted sex with me, you were abusive and a dick! I was scared to even be around you! You sick Bastered. And I hate you!"
"I was not abusive!" He screamed at me as he was walking closer to me.
"Mask guy let me go and turn the stove off." I said as I started to wiggle out of his arms then I got out of his arms and ran and to hide but... Darren Wilson my ex... Was running after me and tackled me to the ground and said... "Bitch! Stop running from me and your problems!"
"Let me go Darren!"
"Sh.... Baby."
"I'm not your baby! Get off of me!"
"You are too. Remember? Your parents made you get married to me."
"Only because I liked girls and boys. Now get away from me now!"
"Shut up!"
"Please Darren don't!"
"Don't what? You let my friend do it?"
"Your friend? That's why he wouldn't tell me his name or let me take the mask off of him..." Then my phone started ringing and I tried to get it... But he grabbed my arm and said... "Don't fucking answer the phone. If you do I'll brake your arm..." Then I looked at him like I was scared... And my boobs started going up and down again and he said... "Baby I missed you at home..." Then I started to cry and he looked at me like he was mad at me and slapped me in the face and said... "Bitch Don't cry!"
"Let me go! Why are you doing this?"
"Sh... And you know why!"
Then I start crying and shaking and he kissed me on the lips and bites my bottom lip as he lets go then he looked at me and said... "I told you to stop crying!" And my phone started to ring again... And he said... "Ugh the person won't stop til you answer the phone will he?"
"No he won't."
"Fine answer the damn phone."
Then I answered the phone and Dave said... "How is it going there?"
And Darren mouthed the words 'tell him it's going great here.'
"It's going great here..." And as I said that Darren was still on me and I could tell that he was horny and hard... "So How's it going over there?"
"It's fine. Just miss you."
"Miss you too."
"I love you so much Babygirl."
"I love you so much too. Well bye because he's mad that I am on the phone."
"Ok Then bye."
Then he hung up and Darren said... "Your such a good girl. But did you really have to tell him that you loved him?"
"If I didn't he wouldn't have hung up."
"I like you a lot."
"No you don't."
"You want to be slapped?"
"Then don't fucking say that I don't like you!"
"But... Fine."
"Good girl." Then he laughed at me and said... "I get it you don't like me. So what."
"I want you off of me."
"I don't think that you understand, you have no power over me. I don't and won't do what you want. You will do EVERYTHING that I tell you to though. Want to know why?"
"Because baby. Men have power over women!"
"Your scared huh?"
"Please Darren get off of me."
"Pretty please. With cherry on top."
"Your too cute sweetie."
"So are you going to be nice to me and get off?"
"You know what?"
"I also missed your cuteness. Can I ask why you even tried hiding from me?"
"You wouldn't stop hitting me that day. You treated me like a thing that you could boss around and made me wear things that were so short."
"You were nothing more than a thing that I owned!"
"You don't own me!"
"Not now, but I did."
"No you didn't! No one owns me!"
"Don't fucking lie like that! Your parents forced you into a marriage with me... Now remind me why."
"No. You know why. You just want to call me a freak!"
"Either tell me or I will put my hard dick Inside of you."
"How about none." I said as pushed him off of me and got up and ran to the ski mask guy... But Darren apparently scares him too because he literally gave me back to him... And he was mad at me for doing that.... "Don't fucking do that to me ever again! You hear me little bitch!"
"Yes. I hear you, I think everyone heard you!" I screamed at him and he slapped me and said... "Don't be a fucking smartass to me!"
"Don't hurt me then!"
"Sh.... You know that I don't want to hurt you baby."
"I don't like you!"
"I know that baby."
"Your confusing me."
"I'm hungry. Will you let me get up and go eat?"
"Make all of us some food too then sexy."
"You can make your own food!"
"Mmmm. I love to see you stand up for yourself. It's a bit hot. But I will hurt you if you talk to me like that ever again! You understand?"
"Yes. Well sorta."
"That body of yours I want to hold onto it forever."
"I want Dave..."
"Who is Dave?"
"The guy that called me a while ago."
"What are you doing?"
"Taking what should have been mine that first night!"
"Don't please don't...." I said as he had a smirk on his face and he said... "You look so hot in the color red!"
"Thank you I guess..."
"Let me kiss those gorgeous lips."
"According to you. I have no power over you. So there in fact if what you say was true then I can't stop you."
"Mmmm. You learn quick baby. You sure that you don't want to come back home with me?" He said as he started to dry fuck me and started playing around with my hair and tugs on it softly and my head goes back a little bit and he put his mouth on my neck and started sucking on my neck.... "I'm sure that I don't. But thanks for asking."
"Your so beautiful and your welcome."
"Why couldn't you be this nice to me then?"
"Wait. I never called you beautiful?"
"No. You have. But you usually called me a bitch, slut, and whore."
"Where did you run to?"
"I stayed at a friend's house and chilled killed them to get me."
"Ok." Then he stopped dry fucking me and started to pull down my underwears, then he pulled his pants and boxers down to his knees and started actually fucking me and before I knew it he had his hand on my neck as he was fucking me and everytime I moved or cried he would squeeze my neck harder.... "Darren, sir. Please don't chock me. I don't want to die." Then he let go of my neck but still fucked me.... And apparently the ski mask guy was making a video of it.... "Darren?"
"Yes Baby?"
"Why is he making a video of this?"
"For me to remember you after I kill you."
"Kill me? You have to be kidding me. You wouldn't. Would you?" I asked scared of the answer because I promised Dave that they wouldn't kill me..... "Baby I'm sorry but, I can't have you fucking other guys if I can't have you." Then I looked at him and he saw the sadness in my eyes and I started to cry and then he said... "Baby, please don't cry. I'll make it quick and as painless as possible."
"It's just. Ah... Nevermind, I can't change your mind."
"No tell me."
"I don't wanna die." I started to cry even more than before and he kissed me on the lips and wiped my tears away from my face.... "Baby stop crying."
"I'm scared. Plus, if you did kill me Dave said that he would personally come and kill y'all."
"Good." Then he fucked me for like an hour or so and I was actually moaning... Anyways I said.... "Alright. Are we done now?"
"So I'm free to go make me some food?"
"Actually sweetheart. while y'all were doing that I had my brother make you some. I hope you like fried Bologna."
"I do. Thank you." I said as I started to try and get up but my legs starts to hurt thanks to Darren... "Thank you very much Darren, You made my legs hurt now I can't move without it hurting."
"Mmmmm. Baby. I know that was meant to be sarcastic, but it was so hot. And it was my pleasure to have sex with you. However, I wish I could have sex with you whenever I want to."
"Please don't kill me." My phone started to ring again and I looked at him and said... "Can I answer it?"
"Yes baby."
So I answered the phone and I heard Chilled scream in the background and he said.... "I hope that person is done with you because we are coming home a bit early, apparently someone missed you too much and tweeted that we were at the swimming pool just to come home to see you!"
"Say hi to Chilled, Minx, and my favorite one Dave!" Then he smirked at me and said said... "Hi guys. Listen I will still be here because I need to talk to you Dave." Then I looked at him and he smiled at me and Dave said to me... "Awe! You like me. Your my favorite person too."
Then Dave hung up and Darren laughed at me as he helped me to a chair... "Oh sweetheart I love you so much Babygirl." Then he tried to feed me? Then Dave, Chilled, and Minx got home and Dave walked in the room and Darren was sitting in my lap and the ski mask guy was just standing in the corner starring at me and said as quietly as possible... "I probably shouldn't of told your Ex that you were still alive." But Darren still heard him and looked at him and said... "And why's that?"
"You took all the time away! I came to have sex with her! Not to watch you fuck her! And also I'm going to delete the video!"
"No you are not!" He said as he shot him a angry look.
"What do you plan on doing with the video?" I asked him and he turned his attention back to me and smiled and said "Watch it and masturbate to it."
"Oh... Okay."
"Sh.... Baby don't talk right now just enjoy the feel of my dick being so close to your vagina."
"Darren. Stop. You were not doing this a second ago. Your just being mean because they came home early."
"So stop."
"I was just mad baby. I'm sorry."
"Bye Darren."
"Bye? Why? Baby don't make me leave. Wait a minute, you can't make me leave."
"Leave her alone you sick man!"
"Shut the fuck up and sit down and watch."
"Watch what? Aren't you done?"
"No. I was saving one last thing to do to you...."
"Which is?"
"Tounge fucking you. Little bitch." He said as he grabbed my legs and pulled them apart from each other and pulled my underwears back down and put his head in between my legs and said... "Are you ready for me to tounge fuck you?" Then I looked at Dave and said... "If you promise not to hurt them then I will always be ready."
"Mmmm. I like you a lot more than before." Then he smiled at me and sticked his tounge inside of my vagina and started moving around in there... And I couldn't help but moan... I felt dirty, ashamed, and frankly sick... And Dave couldn't watch... (He didn't even want to hear it.) Then once he was done he sat on my lap and said... "That was fun. I heard you moaning so you can't say that you didn't like it."
"Dave. I'm sorry. Look at me. Don't hate me please." Then Dave looked over at me and he looked like he was about to cry but nothing happens and Dave looked at Darren like he was about to kill him. So Darren grabbed a knife and put it close to my neck and said.... "You even think about trying to kill me and I'll slit her throat!" Then he smirked at me and said... "In fact, I might even take this sexy little thing home with me..."
"No. Please don't make me go with you."
"Shut up or I'll cut your precious little hair..." And Chilled, Minx, and Dave all had their eyes wide open and he laughed at them and said... "How is it that you are not affected by what I had just said and they are?"
"Don't get me wrong because I do love my hair but I love something else more then my own hair..." As I was saying this I was a bit stupid enough to look at the person who I care about more then anything in the world.... Luckily, he didn't notice... Then as I looked away Dave was trying to ask 'Is it me?' Then I mouthed the word 'Yes.' Then Dave started smiling and Darren looked at me and said... "Oh is it him? Or him? Or her? Or all three of them?"
"None of your business!"
"Actually sweetheart. It is my business."
"Fine yes."
"Mmmm. So you care about their lives more than your own?"
"So if I gave you a choice between me kill you vs me killing them you would pick?"
"The killing me one."
"Damn. I'm a bit jealous of them now."
"Because sexy...." He said as he was walking around me with the knife slowly sliding it around on my body and then he finally said... "You love them so much that you would sacrifice yourself for them, and I know your parents forced you into a marriage with me but I still wish you would love me like that..."
"Darren, the only reason why I didn't love you like that was because you were abusive.... And treated me like a slave and you made me wear things that were so short..."
"I'm sorry baby. I didn't really like the fact that you liked both guys and girls... And yet... I made you wear those stuff to make me like you better..." Then as he continued he touched my face with his hand softly and moved my hair out of the way and kissed me on the cheek and said... "If I wasn't so abusive and such a dick would you of loved me like you love them?"
"Then I want to take you home and make you love me."
"You can't make someone love you." Dave said as he got up and walked over to us then Darren pushed him as hard as he could back to the chair and said.... "Stay the fuck down!" Then I tried to stand up and then he turned to me and forced me to sit back down and put his hand on my leg and went up to my vagina and said.... "No moving baby. Stay right where you are." Then his hand went up onto my body and he kissed me on the lips and said... "I will have you back at my house one way or another."
"No you won't!"
"Yes, I fucking will!" He said as his hand was around my neck... "Please Darren stop this..."
"Not until you come back home baby. I miss you too much."
"But, if I left then I'd end up missing them. And I would be upset..."
"Do you want me to love you or not?"
"Yes. But..."
"If I have you back I won't be sharing you with them."
"Then get someone else to replace me."
"No one can replace perfection baby."
"I'm not perfection. I'm not even perfect. Nobody's perfect."
"Sh.... No lying to yourself."
"I'm not lying. It's true."
"Dave... Come here." Then he starts to come over and Darren moved over to me and wispered in my ear... "Don't fucking talk to him! You are mine I don't appreciate it when you talk to other guys...."
"I am not yours! Now shut up and let me go."
"Sh.... Unless you want something bad to happen to Dave I suggest that you stop fighting with me."
"No. Please don't hurt him."
"Good. So we are on the same page. Huh Baby?"
"So... Just to be clear.... I have to go home with you, and be your sex slave?"
"No I won't allow it!" Dave screamed at him as he shot him..... Then Darren started to fall and he landed on top of me and made the chair that I was in fall to the ground and I tried to crawl out from under him and turns out he wasn't dead because as I was trying to crawl away from him he grabbed me by my foot and pulled me towards him and once he got me close to him he started crawling onto my body and he smiled at me and said.... "You just love pissing me off don't you?"
"No sir."
"Then why are you doing this?"
"I don't want to be a sex slave."
"Well. I don't fucking care baby."
"Then you don't love me."
"I don't want to love you. I just want you to love me and do everything I tell you to do baby."
"In other words you want me to be like Harley Quinn?"
"Too fucking bad Darren! She's not Harley Quinn, she's better than her She's not a slut, villain, or as damaged as Harley Quinn is...."
"Uh... Thank you Dave I think..." Then Darren forcefully kissed me on the lips and bites my bottom lip as he lets go then he looked at me in the eyes and said... "Baby, you have nice eyes."
"Uh... Thanks..." Then Darren smirked at me as he was trying to dry fuck me.... "Get off of me now! Darren."
"No! You are mine!" Then I tried to crawl out from under him and he keeps grabbing me and pulling me back towards him... "Stop!" Then I tried to crawl out from under him again but, he grabs me by the leg and pulled me back towards him and said... "Babygirl, stop this or I'll brake your legs and arms!" Then he smirked at me when he had said that...
"Sir. Please let me go. I know that you will find someone way better than me."
"No bitch! Trust me. I won't!"
"Yes, you will. And don't call me a bitch ever again."
"Okay fine. I'll let you go be with him, but if I don't find anyone better than you then, I will be back for you! You understand? My baby."
"Yes. I understand. And thank you."
"Your so welcome sexy."
"B-" I passed out before I could finish talking and Darren took that as an opportunity to pull my underwears off and fuck me.... And 3 hours later I woke up and Darren was gone along with my underwears and shorts that I was wearing anyways, when I had woke up my head was on Dave's lap and I cried and asked him... "Dave? What happened?"
"You made some deal with Darren so you could stay with me...."
"Oh... Um.. What was the deal?"
"Something about, if he doesn't find anyone who is better than you then he'd be back for you..."
"Oh ok shit! So... Why did I make the deal with him?"
"I think to save our lives..."
"So do you really think that he will actually find someone better than you?"
"I don't know. I'm a bit scared. I mean what if he doesn't find anyone who is better than me."
"Then... He'll come and take you like he said he was going to do."
"Shit! Well tell me... Do you think that there could be someone better than me."
"Baby, I don't know. But I don't want you to go. I want you to come home with me..."
"I want to go home with you too." Then I hugged him and kissed him on the lips and he said... "But... Baby if we go and nobody is here that's going to make him mad." Then I cried... And I looked over at the corner and saw a note taped to the wall.... "Dave, can you help me up." Then he looked at me and said.... "Sure baby. But.... What are you looking at?"
"I think they left us a note."
"No baby, it's more like they left you a note baby." Then he helped me up and and I walked over to the note that is on the wall and took it off and read it...
Dear sexy,
Don't even think about leaving and going to Dave's I know how you think in case you have forgotten I had you for how long? And you ran away from me.... But anyways the main thing is don't leave until I tell you that you can. Alright sexy little Babygirl? I like you a lot.
Love, your soon to be Master
"Oh my god! Dave read this..."
"I already have."
"It sucks. He's sick! I'd rather kill myself than stay with him...."
"No! Please I don't like to know that you are scared...." Then my phone started to ring.... "Who is it?" Dave asked me.... "It's Darren. I have to answer it." Then I answered the phone and said... "Hi evil Darren..."
"Hey! I am not evil! Don't make me come back and give you a punishment for what you did!"
"I'm sorry. Please don't. So what did you call me for?"
"I just wanted to hear your beautiful voice..."
"I uh...-"
"Sh... Don't talk for a moment please Baby. I want to tell you something."
"Okay tell me."
"I think that I was too hard on you..."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I was probably a Bastard to you that day... But I want to make up for it, so if I did get you back I promise to be better..."
"I... I... I... Don't know what to say about that."
"Can I come over to see you? I promise I will leave... I promise you that I won't hurt your friends."
"Fine come over as long as you be good."
"Okay we will be there in about 1 hour baby." Then he hung up and Dave looked at me and smiled and said.... "He promised you something? He's starting to love you... For more than just your body."
"Okay? So... I love you, not him..."
"Sh... Don't say that when he gets here." Then he was here and knocked on the door... "That can't be him... He wouldn't go to the door and knock on it...." Then I looked at Dave and then we heard Darren say... "Let me in or I will break this door down."
"Alright we're coming!" Dave screamed and I was holding onto Dave and Darren laughed at me when he saw me holding onto him and then I had let go of Dave and Darren just stood there starring at me and I tried to move out of his eye sight... But every time I move the more his eyes follow me... "Darren, stop your scarring me."
"Then stop moving away from me."
Then Darren started to walk towards me and I start backing up and the next thing I know is that I am right up against the wall and he was right in front of me and held my head still and kisses my lips then his tounge went into my mouth and he coated my mouth with his Silva... Gross... "Stop Darren please stop!"
"Mmmm, I just love how you act when you are scared baby."
"Please don't hurt me."
"Oh sh... Listen to the wonderful voice you have..." He said as he put his finger against my lips and smirked at me and said... "Oh well ain't that sweet of you, you haven't covered up your vagina...." Then his head got closer to my ear and whispered.... "Is it because you want sex with me again?" And after he said that he smirked at me then put his lips against my lips.... Then he smirked at me and said... "Let's go enjoy each other's company. And I know that you out of all people know what I mean by that..." And after he said that he pulled me into some room and then pushed me onto a bed and said... "Be a good girl and help daddy out of his clothes baby."
"Fine." Then I helped him pull his pants off and he said... "Mmmm, good girl." Then he took off his boxers and then he kissed me on the lips and said... "Are you ready for my dick baby?"
"Well too bad Babygirl. Get ready now!"
"Yes sir." Then he violently sticked his dick Inside my vagina and I couldn't help but cry and he looked at me and said... "Sh... Baby I said enjoy. Not cry."
"Sorry sir."
"It's alright, let's go home."
"Home? I thought we made a deal."
"Trust me only ones that are better than you would be a porn star and they have bodyguards, and you don't. Now come or it's their lives...."
"Fine!" I screamed as I cried. And once we were about to go to his house Dave shot him.... Then said to me.... "Baby come here you'll be safe."
"No. If I don't go he'll kill y'all."
"No he won't not if we kill the bastered first." Then he reached over to me and grabbed my foot and pulled me down to the ground by him and turns out he still had the knife... "He has a knife Dave!" Then he smirked at me and said.... "Good girl. Tell them your in danger of being killed if Dave shoots me again!"
"Please don't shoot."
"Sweetheart, I don't want to let you go just yet. Your mine!" Then he shot Darren and it killed him and I ran to him and he kissed me and said... "Love makes people do crazy things Babygirl."
Then they live happily ever after....
The End
My precious followers...
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