"The moon can never breathe, but it can take our breath away with the beauty of its cold, arid orb"

Éowyn helps my quickly dress in a white satin underdress, a white with lace corset above the dress, to support my breasts and a gorgeous red dress with copper and golden accents embroidered in the upper part of the dress. The sleeves are long on the edges, like an elven dress. I put my boots on and Éowyn braids my hair, so everything is up, as a finishing touch she puts a silver circlet on my head. 'It's a gift' She says happily. 'I-' Why is she giving me this? 'Do not feel encumbered. I give you this Eleniel. I have many more and you told me yourself, you are nobility. And if you are going to wear your armor and fighting clothes, like a pants and a tunic, at least they can see that you are noble' Éowyn smiles at me. I stand up from the chair I am sitting on and turn around. I hug her tightly. 'Hannon Le!' I whisper. Éowyn nods her head and takes me by the hand, leading my out of my room towards the Hall of Meduseld.

When we arrive at the throne room, I see two young children, sitting at a table, eating ravenous. They also look very tired and afraid.. What have they been through? The king Théoden sits on his throne, with Mithrandir at his side. The king has his head buried in his hand and looks like he is in deep thought. 'These children were on the run from the Wild Men! Their village is destroyed and plundered. My uncle and Gandalf found them, after we buried my nephew' Éowyn whispers at me.

Buried her nephew?!

Before I can reply, Éowyn walks towards the children, checking on them. I walk towards Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli, also sitting at a table in the Hall. Legolas smiles at me and offers me a seat next to him and Aragorn. I look at Aragorn when I sit down and I caught in looking at me. He quickly looks away towards Éowyn, who is asking the children questions about what happened. 'You look like a princess Lassie!' Gimli addresses me. 'Thank you Gimli! I feel like one'

'Because you are one' Legolas replies in a whisper. I hit him softly in his flank. He growls but understand. He shuts his mouth. No one can know.

Éowyn walks before her uncle and bows slightly. 'I have spoken to the children, whose names are Éothain and Freda. They lived in a village at the edge of our country. But the Wild Men invaded these parts. They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the Wild Men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go' Éowyn says with deep sadness in her voice, looking at the two hungry and tired children. I know they slept a night here, because yesterday was the funeral after Wormtongue was banished. They must have found them when the funeral ended. I look at Aragorn in concern, he has the same look, but still with a glimpse hope in it. 'Rick, cot and tree' Éowyn adds. Suddenly the young girl, Freda looks up from her plate towards Éowyn. 'Where's mama?' She cries out. She has listened to Éowyn's explanation and now she fears for her mother.. Her brother Éothain is looking devastated at his plate, I can see silent tears streaming down his cheeks. But Éowyn turn quickly around towards the children and comforts them both, hugging them. Mithrandir turns towards the king. 'This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on!' Mithrandir states and leans forward and puts a hand on the kings chair. But Théoden looks warily at him. 'Draw him away from your women and children. You must fight!' Mithrandir says urgently. I feel someone squeeze my hand -Aragorn-and he stands up, he bows his head slightly. 'You have 2000 good men riding north as we speak. Éomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king!' He pleas.

Wait, who is Éomer?

The king gets out of his chair and walks to the center of the Hall. 'They will be 300 leagues from here by now. Éomer cannot help us' Mithrandir moves forward to speak but the king halts him.

'I know what it is that you want of me, but I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war'

But it already is!

Aragorn, who has begun with smoking his pipe, removes it. 'Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not' He says with clearly irritation in his voice. I roll my eyes towards Legolas and Gimli and they chuckle. We all know Aragorn and Mithrandir are right. Éowyn looks up from comforting the two children. I focus back on Aragorn and the king now turns towards the Ranger. 'When last I looked, Théoden, not Aragorn, was king of Rohan!' He says indignant. 'Then what is the king's decision?' Mithrandir cries out. Aragorn takes his seat back next to me. We all look with restrained breath when the king turns his back on us. He thinks for what feels like forever but he turns around. 'We shall go to Hem's Deep' He decides. Aragorn growls in sudden anger. It made me flinch a little, knowing he is angry. Gimli huffs also. Théoden gives Háma the order to deliver this news to the people of Rohan. The man walks out of the hall, Mithrandir follows him. I see Legolas look at the three of us and rushes after Mithrandir. I look towards Aragorn and Gimli, and make my way outside, Aragorn and Gimli follow quickly. Háma is already standing in the midst of the city. 'By order of the king, the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep. Do not burden yourself with treasures. Take only what provisions you need!' He delivers the news to the people. Gimli and Aragorn have caught up on me and we walk behind Legolas and Mithrandir, the wizards pace is quick. 'Helm's Deep. They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight' Gimli snorts. I agree with him.

Without notice, Mithrandir has lead us to the stables and walks past the horses of Rohan. 'Who will defend them if not their king?' I think out loud. 'He's only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past' Aragorn replies and he walks past me, towards Mithrandir. He stands before the stable of Shadowfax. 'There is no way out of that ravine. Théoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he's leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre' Mithrandir states and turns to Aragorn. We – Legolas, Gimli and I – stand back, not wanting to interfere. 'Théoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defenses have to hold' Mithrandir says grimly to Aragorn. 'They will hold!' The Rangers answers with hope in his voice. Mithrandir nods and looks at us, he smiles and turns back to Shadowfax. Gently strokes the mighty horse's coat. 'The Grey Pilgrim. That's what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of Men I've walked this earth, and now I have no time' He mutters. Aragorn opens the stall door and Mithrandir climbs on Shadowfax. 'With luck, my search will not be in vain. Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east' He address us, especially Aragorn, he nods. 'Go' The Ranger orders the wizard and Legolas pulls me out of the way when Mithrandir blasts out of the stable at top speed. I run after him. Mithrandir rides out of the gate, across the open plains as fast Shadowfax can carry him.

Tiro nin Elbereth (May Varda watch over you)

Together with Legolas and Gimli I walk out of the stables, towards the Hall. Aragorn stays behind, he looked so concerned...

'Legolas?' I ask my friend when we enter the Hall. 'Who is Éomer?'

'He is the older brother of Éowyn, nephew of the king and now heir to the thrown of Rohan' He replies. 'Oh' is all I say. 'Yesterday when you were asleep, we buried the king's son' Gimli adds and sit down at a table. 'Yes, Éowyn said something about a funeral..' I didn't know what else to say. What do you say when people die?

My thoughts are interrupted when Aragorn walks into the Hall, and a horn sounds. King Théoden enters the hall together with Háma. He looks at me in a disapproval way. I quickly turn away, only to feel the Rangers presence beside me. 'Eleniel, we have to depart soon. Do you want to fight in a dress?' I look at him and he grins. 'No'

'Get dressed then' He gestures with a grin, I rush of the Hall and walk to my room. when I enter it, Éowyn is already here. 'I help you' she smiles at me. I nod happily and undress myself with Éowyn's help. She helps me back in my tunic and black corset and I put my pants and boots on. My cloak from Lothlórien is also washed clean and I put it on. Éowyn hands me my bow and quiver. I put my belt around my waist and look at my sword, steady in its sheath. I am ready to fight. 'Wait' Éowyn says and quickly braids my hair. I want to get the circlet of my head but she stops me. 'It was a gift'

'Hannon Le' (Thank you) I say and she nods. Together we walk back into the Hall. The doors are open and I see the people of Rohan already pour out of their city by the hundreds, carrying what they can. Standing by the door, is a smiling Aragorn. 'Eleniel' He says, his eyes lighten up. I swirl around. 'What do you think?' He laughs. 'Ready as always'

'Thankyou!' I say and walk past him, only to be grabbed by my arm. 'Legolas is with Gimli at the stables and have prepared a horse for you' I look into his blue grayish eyes. 'Hannon Le' I whisper back, unable to speak another word.

It feels like I am drowning into his blue orbs, time itself stops. But his smile brings me back to Middle Earth. We stare like this for what feels like forever. But in the corner of my eye, I see Éowyn pulling something out of a chest. 'Boe annin mened' (I must go) I whisper again. Why do I whisper? The Ranger releases my arm and nods. I rush out of the Hall, towards the stables and I look over my shoulder, only to see Aragorn talking with Éowyn. A pang of jealousy comes over me. I shake my head.

This is ridiculous, you are on a mission, on a quest! Focus Eleniel!

Naneth, Ada, what is this feeling?

I reach the stables and Gimli and Legolas are already sitting on their horses. Standing next to them is a black horse, like the colour of the night sky. 'Déor is his name' Legolas tells me. 'It means brave in Rohirric' I nod thankfully. 'Déor' I mutter when I mount the horse.

Awhile later Aragorn joins us and also gets on a horse. We ride at the forefront of the people who leave Edoras. I see the king look back at his city. I hope he comes back, I hope we all make it back..

We ride for a day, the people of Rohan behind us. It goes slow, to slow.. I look around me, scanning the plains for Uruks but I see non. Éowyn is leading the horse where Gimli sits. He is telling her stories about his kin and I can help it but laugh with her. The people close to them are also listening. 'It's true you don't see many Dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they're often mistaken for Dwarf Men' Éowyn smiles and I catch her looking at Aragorn. Again a feeling of jealousy rises inside my chest. 'It's the beards' Aragorn whispers and gestures a beard. Éowyn laughs and I shush the Ranger. 'Aragorn!' I whisper, not wanting to let Gimli know. 'And this, in turn, has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf women, and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground' Gimli continues. I start to laugh, together with Éowyn. 'Which is of course ridiculous!' Gimli mutters quickly. Suddenly the horse rears up and Éowyn loses her hold on the reins. The horse gallops through the thong, throwing our Dwarf into the dirt. Quickly Éowyn rushes forward to Gimli who struggles to get up. 'It's all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate' He says breathlessly. Next to me I hear Aragorn laugh quietly. I see Théoden glance at the Ranger. 'I haven't seen my niece smile for a long time. She was a girl when they brought her father back dead. Cut down by Orcs. She watched her mother succumb to grief' He tells him. Aragorn's expression turns dark and mournful when he looks to Éowyn. She laughs and looks to him as she brushes Gimli off.

'Then she was left alone, to tend her king in growing fear. Doomed to wait upon an old man who should have loved her as a father' Théoden sadly mutters. I glance back at Éowyn, she is still smiling at Aragorn. I shrug the feeling off and hold my horse a bit so I ride next to Legolas. 'Eleniel?' He asks me when he sees my semi-mad face. 'Don't ask' I mutter.

We ride in in silence until we stop to make camp. I sit with my fellowship at the edge of the camp when Eówyn walks by, carrying a pot of stew. 'Gimli?' She offers the dwarf some. Gimli shakes his head. 'No, I couldn't. I really couldn't' He mutters, Éowyn smiles and walks towards Aragorn. 'I made some stew. It isn't much, but it's hot' I hear her say. I sit alone against a rock, playing with my sword. My head jerks back at Aragorn and Éowyn. Again I feel jealousy. Éowyn draws him a bowl and Aragorn takes it. She hands him a wooden spoon. 'Thank you' He says polite and dips the spoon in the bowl and takes a bite. I see him freeze and he looks up to Éowyn. He tries to swallow. 'It's good' He says and tries to smile. 'Really!' Éowyn says happily and begins to walk away. I chuckle at Aragorn who tries to empty to bowl beside him. But Éowyn turns suddenly and he tries hold the bowl upright again, but ends up soaking his arms in the streaming brew. I laugh out loud. Aragorn sees me and looks angry at me. I laugh harder this time. But Éowyn is walking back at him. 'My uncle told me a strange thing. He said that you rode to war with Thengel my grandfather. But he must be mistaken' She asks him. Aragorn nods a yes. 'King Théoden has a good memory. He was only a small child at the time' Again a pang of jealousy flashes to me when I see Éowyn kneeling down to him in shock. 'Then you must be at least 60!' Aragorn chuckles at her words uncomfortably and looks away, straight at me. I smile at him. 'Seventy?' She asks again. The ranger looks down but still doesn't respond. 'But you cannot be eighty!?' Éowyn says in shock. Aragorn looks at her calmly and smiles. 'Eighty-seven' He replies. I can see that she is speechless and she understands. 'You are one of the Dúnedain' She mutters, more for herself than for him. Aragorn nods, humbly. I stand up and walk towards them. 'A descendant of Númenor, blessed with long life. It was said that their race had passed into legend' I explain to her. Éowyn look at me and nods. I sit down next to Aragorn, taking his hand without she sees it. I squeeze his hand in comfort. 'There are few of us left. The Northern Kingdom was destroyed long ago' Aragorn tells her. He looks down in sadness. 'I am sorry' Éowyn apologizes. 'Please, eat' She gestures to the bowl he is still holding. He looks at it and then at me. He dips the spoon in and guides the spoon towards my face. 'Eleniel, taste this' He says and I hear the laugh already in his voice. I can't refuse.. so I take a bite and immediately I try to swallow it instead to puke. I swallow and smile at her. 'It taste good' I say. 'Thank you!' Éowyn says and takes the now empty bowl with her, trying to let the other people taste of her stew.

'Hannon Le' Aragorn says.


'Why?' I ask him and he turns towards me. 'That you came towards me, I don't like it when they ask me about my heritage, especially when I still do not know if I take the path that is meant for me' He says quietly.

Oh Aragorn. I move closer towards him on my knees, so we sit against each other, leg to leg. 'We do this together' I say and he smiles and takes me in his arm, embracing me.

Can this feeling last forever?




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