Chapter 81 - Do what no other may do

"Okay, boys, what's the battle plan?"

Sam looked up at Jodie as she clapped her hands, standing ready to kick some ass. He glanced at Dean, who sat on the floor with Trixie. His brother absentmindedly scratched the dog's neck, his face stricken, his hands still reddish from carrying Amore's remains to the backyard to bury her under the tree. Trixie whimpered, as if she, too, had been brought down by her owner's actions.
The sight of the dead Cupid's mutilated body wouldn't leave Sam. He'd seen and been through every imaginable and unimaginable horror, yet this had shaken him to the core. Not because of how Amore had been left on display, but because of who had left her like that. 

Sam's gaze settled on the little empty vial in Dean's hand. He remembered from over a year ago that Allegra had used whatever had been in that vial to threaten Balthazar and the angels, should they ever cross her again. Clearly, she'd made good on her threat.
Fear kept Sam from asking Dean what it'd been. He had a hunch, and he sincerely hoped he was wrong for his big brother's sake. Yet a part of him was also relieved Allegra might have done the unthinkable. He'd never told her when they were still together, but he'd found the translation Kevin had made on the prophecy while they were looking for a way to rescue the teen from Crowley. It'd been obvious what it implied; Allegra was supposed to give birth to Lucifer or Michael's child, possibly bringing about a new apocalypse. If what had been in the vial took any chances of her getting pregnant off the board... it was one less thing to worry about. 

"Boys, come on," urged Jodie again. "We can't just sit here. We gotta find Allegra."

"And do what, Jodie?" asked Sam. "You saw what she did. You really think she'll just abandon the warpath she's on?"

"Okay, first, you don't know she actually killed the angel. Someone else could've gotten in here, even with all the magical, mystical warding in place. Second, do you really wanna leave her on that warpath? Allegra is one, if not the most powerful being on the planet right now. She's pissed off and working with the King of Hell. If we don't at least try to reason with her, there'll be a lot more casualties than a few angels."

Sam opened his mouth to argue, but at that moment, his phone rang. He took it out of his back pocket and frowned at the caller ID. "666?"

Dean's head jerked up. He scuttled up and snatched Sam's phone from his hand to answer, immediately putting it on speaker. "Crowley?"

"Speaking with," replied a gritty demon voice. "I'm fairly certain I called Moose, but either way, nice to hear you, Dean."

"Where's Allegra?"

"Around. She's a busy bee."

"Crowley, I swear if you hurt her —"

"Me hurt her? I believe you've got that the other way around, pumpkin."

Dean and Sam exchanged a frown. They both looked at Jodie, but she seemed just as confused as they were.

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Sam.

"Moose!" exclaimed Crowley in pretend glee. "There you are, excellent. Listen, little favor to ask of you. Did you or did you not have powers once upon a life?"

Sam stiffened in his seat. He'd gotten those powers after consuming demon blood, something he'd stopped doing years ago after Ruby had nearly destroyed him by getting him addicted to the stuff. It'd taken weeks, months to get clean. But if he remembered correctly, they hadn't even known Crowley back then. So how did the bastard know about that dark period of his life?

 "Hello?" said Crowley. "You still there?"

"Why do you wanna know about that?" demanded Dean. 

"Just answer the question, please."

Sam pinched his lips. "Yes. Once upon a time."

"Splendid! I'll drop by in a second to discuss details."

"Wait, what do you —?"

The line went dead. The trio stared at the phone in Dean's hand, unsure of what the hell had just happened. Then a knock resounded on the door. Jody was closest, so she went to open it, one hand on her holstered gun.

"Oh. Hello," greeted Crowley. "Don't believe we've met before. Crowley, King of Hell."

"Jody, Sheriff," she replied, her body tense. "You the one who took Allegra?"

"Took Allegra? What've the Winchesters been saying about me?"

"So you didn't kidnap a teenage boy only recently?"

Crowley's eyes narrowed. "Right, we're done now. Boys? Hello?"

Sam went to stand behind Jody, Dean not taking much longer to join them. Allegra's dog trampled the carpet where she stood, clearly annoyed, but didn't come near. Even with this much distance to the living area, Sam still heard her low, threatening growl.
The youngest Winchester took a moment to look Crowley over. Though he kept the appearance of a composed bad guy, he looked as if he hadn't slept in days. There were bags under his eyes, his skin was dreadfully pale, and there were a few bruises peeking on bits of skin left exposed by his black clothes. What could've caused the King of Hell to seek them out in this state?

"Ah, good," said Crowley, a tiny, weary smirk curling in the corner of his mouth. "Brothers reunited once more. How've you been, Moose?"

"What do you want, Crowley?" demanded Sam.

"Never mind that," said Dean. "How the hell did you get here? No demon or angel can see it."

"True," answered Crowley. "Unless the person living here brings them across the threshold, as you yourself should know, consider you invited that Cupid. Allegra was kind enough to grant me access."


"Manners, Dean, manners. Aren't you going to invite me in for a proper chat?"

Trixie bolted towards them, standing defensively in front of Dean and barking up at Crowley. The King of Hell actually recoiled at the snarling animal with a little jump, but she never crossed onto the porch.

"Looks like that's a no," said Dean. "Now start talking."

Crowley licked his lips and huffed. "Fine. I need Sam's assistance."

"For what?" asked Sam.

"To stop Allegra."

He stared at Crowley, not having expected that answer. Jody and Dean seemed just as confused, judging by their agape mouths and knitted brows. Dean was the first to recover and asked, "Wait a second, I thought you and Allegra were in cahoots?"

"Were, past tense," said Crowley. "Now, I'd very much like to get out of the deal I made with her before she dooms us all."

"Why?" Sam tried to ignore the fear gripping his heart. "What happened?"

The King of Hell seemed reluctant to continue. He sighed before turning to Dean. "You know about the vial, I assume? The one we left in that Cupid's chest cavity?"

Sam looked down at his brother. His lips pinched when Dean's Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped and averted. So it was as he feared then.

"Jody," he addressed the Sheriff in a low voice. "Can you give us a minute?"

She didn't seem too keen on leaving them alone with Crowley, shooting the demon a wary glance, but then nodded. "I'll be in the kitchen. Yell, if you need me to shoot this bastard."

If the King of Hell took any offence at that remark, he didn't show it. His full focus was on Dean, who looked like he would break down at any moment. Trixie gave a growling whimper, as if she were unsure about what to do; chase Crowley away or comfort Dean. She stayed by her owner's boyfriend's side, though, brushing against his leg to let him know she was right there. He barely noticed her, though.
The moment Jody was gone, Sam put his hand on his brother's shoulder and said, "It's not on you. Whatever she did, whatever she took, it's not because of you."

"It is a little," mumbled Crowley.

"Shut it."

"He hasn't told you, then? What the angels did to Allegra? Because he was stupid enough to trust them?"


"No, Sam." Crowley turned to him with an unforgiving look. "I'll be the first one to play the innocent card or at least argue all parties involved are at fault, but in this, it is very much your brother's doing. And he bloody well knows it."

"That's no reason to rub it in!" exclaimed Sam. "Allegra isn't the only one hurting."

"But she is the only one with the power to open the goddamn Cage!"

Dean's head jerked up. "What? No, why would she want to open the Cage?"

"Why do you think?" retorted Crowley. 

Sam gave a light gasp, instantly understanding what the King of Hell was insinuating. Despite choosing and loving Michael's vessel, she'd picked Lucifer. Because, like him, the angels had betrayed her once too many. Dean reached the same conclusion and vehemently shook his head. 

"No, she wouldn't do that. She knows Lucifer can't be trusted."

"Neither can Michael," said Crowley. "In Allegra's mind, going with the Devil she knows is the lesser of two evils. Though, in all honesty... I don't think she really cares anymore."

Sam cocked his head at those words, taking in the demon's body language. It was almost as if he gave in to... defeat? Shame, maybe? For the first time since meeting Crowley, Sam believed to see actual remorse in that otherwise smug expression. It all clicked then.

"The vial," he said. "You gave it to her."

Crowley gave an almost undiscernable nod. By the way Dean didn't immediately burst out and attack him, Sam gathered he'd already known where Allegra'd gotten the vial from. Which begged the question, why hadn't Dean convinced Allegra to destroy it? 


His brother looked up, guilt so clear in his green and gold-speckled eyes. His voice broke as he answered Sam's unspoken question. "She... She asked me to hide it. She agreed we'd decide on it together. It was supposed to be our choice."

Crowley gave a light scoff. "Should've thought of that one before going rogue on her."

The accusation finally seemed to snap Dean out of his stricken daze. He fisted the lapels of Crowley's black coat and pulled the demon in. Yet the King of Hell didn't seem at all deterred and met Dean's rage bravely. 

"You want to blame me?" he dared. "Go ahead. But I honor the deals I make, Dean. And both in Allegra and Kevin's case, I had absolutely no reason to believe they weren't upholding their end. Everyone was getting what they wanted and would've walked their merry ways after we were done, but you had to go running to those feathered bastards and ruin it all. Blame me, blame the angels; it won't change the simple fact you were the catalyst, Dean. You're the reason Allegra's preparing to hand the world over to the Devil instead of decorating a damn nursery!"

Dean's fist collided with Crowley's jaw, bones crunching underneath the thud of the impact. The King of Hell stumbled back, and Sam hurriedly grabbed his brother's arm to prevent Dean from punching him again. Trixie snarled, her sharp fangs glistening dangerously as she locked eyes with him, her fur bristling.
A sudden gunshot made everyone jump and turn their heads to the hallway connecting the living room to the kitchen. Jody lowered her arm, having fired into the ceiling to gain everyone's attention and break up the fight. She glared at them in the same manner Bobby would have and gave a sharp, "You idiots finished?" 

Everyone took a step back. Dean took Trixie by her collar and pulled her behind him. The dog didn't struggle, as Sam would've expected, and meekly obeyed. Jody holstered her weapon, but kept one hand on the grip. It didn't appear as though she had any intention of returning to the kitchen, so Sam cleared his throat, hoping to bring the conversation back to the actual matter at hand. 

"What did you mean before when you said Allegra doesn't care anymore?" he asked Crowley.

The demon gave an exasperated sigh. "I warned Allegra when I gave it to her years ago that there'd be no going back if she decided to drink from that vial, and I did so again now, but she wouldn't listen. Despite what everyone believes, evil isn't born. It's made. And in Allegra's current state of mind, that's exactly what she's becoming. The vial contained some of the darkest magic available to us. If she lets it, it won't just consume her womb, but her very being. Her soul. Lucifer won't hesitate to take advantage of that, should she succeed in freeing him."

"Dean said he hid it, though," said Sam. "How did Allegra find it?" 

Crowley's lips pressed together into a thin line. The son of a bitch's silence said enough.

"You found it. Great, that's just... Why the hell would you give it to her, if even you were against it?"

"Because she left me no bloody choice!" exclaimed Crowley angrily. "My deal with Allegra stipulates we can't kill each other, and we have to save each other from death if we can, but we can still hurt each other."

There it was. The reason for his defeat and shame. The King of Hell had cracked under torture. Though, knowing what Allegra was capable of, Sam couldn't really hold it against him.

"She didn't hesitate," continued Crowley. "Not in... using her powers on me, nor on stabbing and playing Surgery with that Cupid, nor in drinking the poison. If Allegra opens the Cage and joins forces with Lucifer, there'll be no stopping her."

"Why do you need me, then?" asked Sam. "I can't go against Allegra. She's a hybrid Archangel, and I'm... me."

"And yet, you're the only one who can stop her. You go back on demon blood and regain your abilities, you can fight Allegra. Incapacitate her, or... if push comes to shove..."

Crowley reached into his coat and pulled out a golden dagger. Sam's heart dropped when he recognized Allegra's Archangel-blade. The same blade he'd once used to stab her with when he didn't have a soul. 

"Wait," said Jody behind him, finally edging closer. "Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"

"We may not have a choice, love," said Crowley. 

"Hang on a second." Sam's mind churned with the memories of a conversation in Bobby's basement. "The blade doesn't actually affect Allegra, right? It'll only make her slip into a coma until her grace recovers from the attack. The real damage to her powers can only be done by an Archangel, and unless we let Allegra open the Cage and get Michael to join us, there's none left to do that."

Crowley's eyes narrowed at Sam, brow furrowed in thought. Before he could ask what was wrong, Dean already beat him to it. "What's with that look?"

"Let me guess. You got that bit of information from Balthazar?" The brothers exchanged a glance, prompting Crowley to drag a hand down his face and grunt. "Of course... Goddamn Gabriel."

"Gabriel? What does Gabriel have to do with any of this?"

"Rotten bastard being a Trickster again, that's what. I never understood why Balthazar took such a risk in letting Sam stab Allegra, but it all makes sense now."

"What does?" insisted Dean. "Crowley, come on, help us out here!"

"Balthazar only told you part of what this particular blade can do," explained Crowley. "If a mortal, demon, or angel wields it, Allegra'll sure enough slip into a coma. An Archangel wields it, and it wipes out the part of Allegra that's celestial, effectively stripping her of the plague powers and turning her mortal. One of you two wields it, though... that kills her."

All the color drained from Sam's face. He reached for the staircase behind him, stumbling to sit. Jody was at his side in seconds, but he refused her help with a raise of his hand. The last lines from the prophecy, that last sentence only Kevin could translate, floated before his mind's eye — Destined vessels possesseth the power to do what no other may do. That wasn't just about creating a super-angel, but also... 

"No," said Dean. "No, you're lying."

"Gabriel told me himself," said Crowley, "way back when we struck our deal. Balthazar witnessed it, so I assumed he was in on everything, but clearly he wasn't. Bloody prick obviously wanted to test his own little theory and ensure I'd keep up my end of the bargain in saving Allegra."

"How?" asked Sam, his voice raspy. 

"Archangel-grace. When it became clear you two were the vessels and you were hanging out with Allegra, Gabriel gave Castiel a vial of his grace as a failsafe. Since he and I were working together back then, and he knew of my deal with both Allegra and Gabriel, Castiel gave it to me, believing I'd reach her faster should anything ever happen."

Sam ran a hand through his hair, taking all the information in. He knew Gabriel had foreseen a lot of things, preparing for every scenario to help Allegra with her destiny, but to learn he'd actually gone this far... it was astounding. His only mistake was not having shared this vital piece of information with Balthazar, prompting the angel to test his own theory about the blade when the opportunity arose. 

But... that doesn't make sense, realized Sam then. Balthazar himself said Gabriel rigged the game so it would always be in Allegra's favor, yet he didn't share this with him. If he had, Balthazar would never have given me that blade. Why share it with Crowley and not him, if they were both in on the scheme? And Cas, how big was his part in all of this?

"None of that matters." Dean's unyielding voice broke Sam's train of thought. He peered up at his brother, surprised to find him radiating determination. "Sam won't drink demon blood, and we won't need the blade. Allegra isn't going to open the Cage."

"She's already doing it, Dean," said Crowley morosely. 

"I'll stop her. I'll talk her down and bring her home."

"God's sake, how naïve are you? Allegra's been ghosting you for two months. She left an obvious message with the Cupid, yet you still think talking is going to get her to forget about revenge?"

Sam hated to admit it, but Crowley was right. Like them, Allegra took things personally. She wouldn't listen to Dean. Not after what he did. But... maybe...

"She might listen to me." Both Dean and Crowley turned their attention to him, brows raised at his words. He continued, "I haven't spoken to Allegra in over a year. We may not have parted on the best of terms, but I don't think she'll shut me out."

"What makes you think you'll have more succes than me?" questioned Dean crudely.

"I don't know, Dean. But I should at least try. We know Allegra doesn't wanna talk to you, but —"

"Oh, believe me, she doesn't wanna talk to you either."

Sam frowned at that. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Surely Allegra couldn't still be upset with him over what'd happened. He tried again. "Dean, I really think —"

"You're not going anywhere near her! Screw this!"

"Dean, no, where are you—Dean!"

But Dean had already pushed past Crowley, snatching the keys to the black Impala from the little table at the door. He stomped off the porch, Allegra's dog hurrying in pursuit. Sam pulled himself up by the staircase banister, but Jody was quick to stop him from going after his brother. 

"Don't," she said. "Give him a moment."

"Jody, we can't let him face Allegra alone," argued Sam. 

"I know. But if she's really this far down the road, we gotta prepare ourselves for the worst, Sam."

His jaw clenched at her terse tone and the underlying meaning of her words. He wanted to say it wouldn't get that far, but... that was only idle hope. A hope that got shattered the moment the King of Hell appeared at the door. 
With a silent nod, Sam beckoned both Crowley and Jody into the living room. Baby's roaring engine made him look down the road one last time, his heart filling with apprehension as he watched Dean speed away. He knew what needed to be done. He knew Allegra wouldn't stop until someone made her stop. And if that someone wasn't his brother... it had to be him.

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