Steven awakens on the floor of the Prison Tower after being imprisoned with Connie and (Y/n). He groans then looks up at high window. "Oh, right -- prison."
He turns around as the door is opening. (Y/n) emerges, immediately beginning to berate Steven. "I cannot believe you! Making a scene like that!"
Steven stares at her confusedly. "(Y/n), you know that we weren't trying to make a scene! We were just... dancing...? Connie?" Steven looks around to find Connie but she isn't there. He points at (Y/n). "What have the Diamonds done with Connie?!"
"What have we done?! What have you done?! You're the one that wanted to keep those organics from the Kyanite colony. I'm just the fool that let you."
"Now your little pets are chasing the Pearls up and down the halls. What were you thinking -- letting them loose in the ballroom? They could be anywhere."
A multi-colored, whimsical caterpillar-like organic creature appears from behind (Y/n). It babbles happily before (Y/n) notices, screams, and throws it across the room. It faceplants against the wall and lands in Steven's arms and hugs him.
'That's weird. (Y/n) would never do something like that, not even to a cute creature like this one' Steven thought.
(Y/n) groans in discomfort. "Ugh. Please. Just get rid of it." With a concerned look on his face, Steven walks over to the wall where he lets the creature escape through a crevice. Instead of (Y/n) speaking it's Blue with (Y/n)'s voice. She turns to look out the window as she sighs, then speaks. "Pink... White is very unhappy with you. If this keeps up, she's going to take away your Pearl." Pink Diamond is now in the place of Steven but still speaks with his voice looking remorseful. "I know. I'm sorry."
As a tear hits the ground, Steven and (Y/n) gasped as they suddenly realized that they weren't in their bodies. They could hear voices all around them. Yellow and Blue were in front of them with their face written in disgust. Behind them were the rest of the Crystal Gems being poof and out of nowhere the Diamonds hands extended towards them as if they were about to be corrupted.
"No, stop!" Steven begs. He looks at his hands as he was rapidly changing between the forms of Pink Diamond, Rose Quartz, and Steven. Same with (Y/n), but her forms are Full Human, Half Diamond, and Blue Diamond. They screamed in pain as they kept changing forms. Suddenly White Diamond's eyes opened, staring back at them. Steven and (Y/n) wake up in a cold sweat and see that they were back in the tower. (Y/n) looks at Steven and gives him a blank face. "Diamond dream?" (Y/n) asked. Steven nods. "Diamond Dream." She groan as she flops on her back. "I hate these dream." She sits up and noticed that Connie is with them. "Oh, Connie, thank goodness you're here." Connie rises and yawns, rubbing her eyes "Yeah. Can't exactly leave..." Connie said.
Everyone turns around and saw the door opening revealing Blue.
"I cannot believe the both you -- making a scene like that!" Blue berates them. "Whoa -- deja blue." Steven commented. "You're telling me." (Y/n) stated. "We didn't mean any harm! (Y/n) and I asked Steven to dance; they weren't trying to cause trouble!" Connie explains.
"What do you know about this, human?" Blue questions.
"You think I've never been grounded before?"
Steven stood in his feet. "Blue, you gotta let us out of here. We're gonna starve!"
""Starve?" What is this? Another made up problem? Another trick, so I'll cave and let you out? Well not this time. You're not leaving this tower until you both apologize for fusing at the balloon still can't believe that you've got (Y/n) into!" Blue yells. "The both of you are better than this!"
Steven and (Y/n) looked at each other and turned to Blue giving her their answer. "No."
Blue Diamond gasps. "Steven! (Y/n)!" Connie gasped. "What? We're not sorry." Steven said.
Blue begins to tear up. "We finally have you both back... and you're worse than ever!"
Blue Diamond emits a blue energy causing Steven and (Y/n) to cry as they collapses to the ground. Connie runs towards them. "Steven! (Y/n)!"
(Y/n) gives Connie a smile. "It's alright, Connie; We're not even depressed."
"But you're both really dehydrated!"
"Mother, Connie and Steven fuse all the time and not long I fuse with him. It's normal for us."
Blue shakes in discomfort. "Agh! In what universe could that possibly be fine?!"
"This universe! The Crystal Gems fuse all the time, too. Blue, you gotta tell me where their gems are. They didn't do anything wrong!" Steven exclaims.
"Oh! Pink! Your time on Earth has warped your sense of right and wrong! And what's worse is that you've gotten (Y/n) into your little habit!"
"Yeah, maybe it has. Maybe Pink thought you guys were right to lock her in here when she messed stuff up. But I know what it's like to have a loving family. And we don't do stuff like this to each other. The Crystal Gems understand that I'm Steven, and they support me and Connie. They even understand that (Y/n) is still human even with her gem. And you guys poofed 'em for sticking up for us. That isn't normal."
Blue became enraged as she summoned a burst of blue energy from her finger and throws it at Steven. "That's enough!!"
"Steven!" (Y/n) runs up to Steven and examines him for any injuries, but all she sees is more tears from his eyes. "This isn't normal." (Y/n) whispers. "How many times did you lock her in here? How many times did you make Aunt Pink cry, Mother?!"
"I didn't, I..." Blue realizes her abuse and leans against the wall. "And I'm doing it again... aren't I?" Tears fall from her eyes and she turns towards Steven. "And this is why you left... isn't it? You were right to leave. I always thought that you were failing this world. But if you were happier on Earth, maybe this world was... failing you." She glances at Steven and smiles. "We never should have brought you back here. Your "family" -- your "Crystal Gems" -- are bubbled. Let's get you all back in your legs... and back home."
Blue picks up the three of them up and takes them back to Pink's room. "All right, it's safe."
The three of them hopped off as they quickly go to their backpacks and started devouring the food. After they had their fill, they started to get everything ready. Steven fosses his Pink Diamond outfit and back to his regular clothes. (Y/n) stands behind her mother as she dresses back to her Earth clothing. (Y/n) kneels to the pebbles and holds a needle to them. "Could you guys do me one more favor." The pebbles took the needle and stitched two stars in her sleeves.
Now (Y/n) is an official Crystal Gem.
" I'm ready. We've got friends to save." said Steven.
Blue hides the three of them again, as she takes them to Yellow's throne room to save the rest of the Gems. A pair of Topaz guards are surprised to see Blue, but open the door for her. As Blue enters, the dark room lights up as they see different gems being bubbled but they were able to see their friends, Yellow is seen in her thrown with anger.
"What... are you doing?" Yellow questioned.
"I'm taking back my friends!" Steven exclaims.
Yellow looks back at Blue. "What are you doing, Blue? Take Pink and (Y/n) back to the tower."
"She refers to be called "Steven." Blue exchanges a friendly glance with Steven. Yellow slams her hand so forcefully against her throne and stands. "What are you talking about?! You can't keep bending the rules for them, Blue. They have to set an example, and we have to set an example. If we bend the rules for them, we have to bend them for everyone!"
"Well, maybe you should!" Connie barked.
Yellow looks at them with anger, but draws her attention back to Blue. "Take them back to the tower, now!"
"I won't." Blue rebelled. "Then I'll do it myself." Yellow reaches out to grab Steven (Y/n) and Connie, but Blue Diamond slaps her hand away. Yellow is incredulous. "Blue?!"
Blue gasps as she surprised herself, then throws an energy blast at Yellow. Yellow is knocked back into the wall, she angrily growls and sprints towards Blue, engaging in combat.
"Mother! Aunt Yellow! Please, stop!" (Y/n) pleads.
"Guys, now." Connie grabs their arms as they all leaped to the Crystal Gem's bubble. once they've reached the bubble, Steven forms his bubble around them before Yellow could grab them. Blue grips on Yellow's wrist to stop her.
"When we thought Pink was shattered, when we thought (Y/n) was stolen, when they abandoned us, I alone was there for you, and you would use your power against me?!" Yellow screams as she pushed Blue through the wall, causing everyone to fall.
Once they've reached onto a platform, Steven's bubble pops after bouncing several times to break their fall. Yellow's bubble around the poofed Crystal Gems breaks. Connie, (Y/n), and Steven run over, anxious for them to reform.
"They're free, but they're not reforming!" (Y/n) gasped.
The three of them turns and see the Diamonds preparing to fight again.
"You'd hurt a fellow Diamond?!" yelled Yellow. "Didn't we hurt Pink and (Y/n)? They've been suffering in silence for ages -- just like our Gems -- just like me! And I know you're suffering in silence, too." Blue tried to reason with her.
Yellow is caught off guard and her angry facade wavers. She looks down, almost ashamed, then clasps her fist and uses her lightning power on Blue.
"MOTHER!!!" (Y/n) screams.
Blue cries in anguish, trying to remain together while Yellow is clearly torn, betrayed, and disappointed with a unique expression on her face.
"AUNT YELLOW, STOP IT!" (Y/n) summons an energy ball and aims it at Yellow's hand.
Yellow was surprised and glares at (Y/n), but soften when she sees (Y/n)'s face filled with pain. (Y/n) runs over to Blue and examines any damage she sustained.
"You don't have to do this." Steven spoke. "Yes, I do. This is what White Diamond expects of all of us. From a thin flake of mica to the deepest, hardest stone, we all must make sacrifices for the sake of our perfect empire." Yellow explains.
"Does this look perfect to you?"
There was a pause from Steven's question. Once everyone has calmed down he finally speaks. "My dad says if every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs."
"And that means... what?"
"It means if you try and make this empire perfect -- if you just wipe away everything you see as flawed -- you lose all the things that make you happy -- like hot dogs."
"Or our Pink and (Y/n)." Blue added.
Yellow falls collapsed to the ground, crying. "Stop. Stop it, Blue. Stop using your power on me." Blue looks at Yellow surprisingly. "I'm not!" Yellow turns to (Y/n). "Then...(Y/n) stop using your powers."
"I'm not doing anything either, Aunt Yellow." said (Y/n).
Blue walks over and comforts Yellow as she continues to cry. (Y/n) joins as she lays her head on Yellow's lap.
"Steven, come on. Grab the gems. Let's get out of here." Connie broke the silence. "Right. I hope they're okay. Amethyst would usually be back by now." Steven said.
Yellow composed herself. "They'll be out for a good while. They took a direct hit from me."
"Yellow, we've got to get them out of here-- before White finds out about any of this." Blue instructed.
"Right. Quickly. Your legs are this way."
Yellow and Blue leads Steven, Connie, and (Y/n) back towards Pink's Ship. Steven looks down and speaks to the four gems in his arms. "Don't worry, guys. I'll get you home safe."
"Even if we have to escape now, we'll find some way to heal the corrupted Gems. We can come back to Homeworld and we'll still have the legs." (Y/n) reinsured.
"I don't know, I-... I don't know if White will ever see us."
"We're almost there." Blue said. jubilantly "Here we are. Hurry, get inside." Yellow ordered.
Steven, Connie and (Y/n) rush towards the ship, but they are intercepted by White Pearl who appears in a bubble.
"You're not going anywhere." White Pearl smiles creepily.
White's ship starts to move towards the gems, and lands on top of Pink's ship, forming a giant body without arms.
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