Chapter Thirty Nine: Imladris

"I cannot say more, but my heart tells me you will learn the truth of things in time. And not from my lips." - Elrond

20th October/Narbeleth 3018, The House of Elrond, Rivendell.

Summer had given way to autumn and the trees around Rivendell had turned golden, their leaves gently falling to the ground. A weary Aragorn looked on as Gandalf consoled the three worried hobbits after Elrond and his healers had carried off their friend. He had completed his task and got Bilbo's nephew to the safety of Rivendell. But the journey had been long and dangerous, and Frodo had suffered grievous wounds.

"Frodo is in a very poor condition, but rest assured, Lord Elrond will do all he can for him. Now I suggest you all get some rest whilst I speak with Aragorn, even you, Sam," said Gandalf. The weary hobbits muttered in agreement and the Elves showed them the way to their rooms.

Aragorn gave Gandalf a warm embrace. He noticed his friend's demeanour was a little more sombre than usual. But put it down to the wizard's concern for Frodo. "It is good to see you, old friend. We feared something ill had befallen you."

Gandalf cast his eyes down and frowned, as if remembering something unpleasant. "It did......... but we will speak of that later. Now there is more pressing news to discuss. Arwen and I would speak with you in the Solar. Prince Legolas is here with news from Mirkwood."

Aragorn frowned. "Does he bring news of Anberenien?"

Gandalf stroked his beard. "Yes....... amongst other things. Aragorn, something has happened, something terrible."

Aragorn looked into the wizard's sad eyes. Then turned from him and ran up the steps to the house of Elrond. His mind racing with many dreadful thoughts. At the Solar's entrance, he took a deep breath, then burst in. "What has happened to Anberenien?"

Gandalf followed him, huffing and puffing as he entered. "I am sorry he was too fast for me."

Arwen ushered Aragorn to the chair beside her. She looked pale and anxious. "You should sit down, Mime Melda."

Aragorn looked at all the concerned faces in the room and feared the worst. Though all the dangers he had faced, the thought that at least Anberenien was safe and happy in the Woodland Realm had been of comfort to him. "Gandalf said something has happened to Anberenien. Please tell me she is not dead."

Legolas smiled nervously. "Fear not, Aragorn. Thorwen is very much alive." He explained as best he could what had taken place at midyear. The Orc attack, Thorwen's abduction and torture.

Aragorn covered his face in his hands. The cuts inflicted on Thorwen had all the hallmarks of the Dark Lord himself. "How was Athelas found in the Woodland realm? No Dunedain save Anberenien has ever lived in the Woodland Realm."

"That was a great miracle indeed. I found it growing a top of young Rodon's grave."

"Then he has saved my sister more than once. I am most grateful to your father and his people for all they have done for Anberenien. I dread to think what would have happened if the temple had taken her to Dol Guldur."

"The plan was not to take her to Dol Guldur. There is more to tell of what took place. But I am afraid now is not the time to speak of this," said Gandalf.

"I must go and see Anberenien right away. My mind cannot fully be at ease until I have seen her with my own eyes," replied Aragorn.

But Gandalf shook his head. "I would ask you to wait a little longer. Many of the free peoples have arrived here seeking guidance from Lord Elrond, so he has decided to hold a council once Frodo's fate is known. You will need to attend, then you will be free to visit Anberenien."


21st October/Narbeleth 3018, The House of Elrond, Rivendell.

Elrond sat by a rose covered fountain. He had spent most of the day attending to Frodo. The last of its flowers produced a comforting scent in the cool night air. He looked up at the stars, trying to make sense of all that had happened over the past few days. For a time, he followed the brightest star as it made its way slowly across the sky and wondered if his father could see him far below. Then his mind turned to thoughts of other family members long departed, his mother Elwing and, of course, his wife "Celebrian, if ever I needed your counsel, it is now," he whispered. This had always been her favourite place, and he often came here when he missed her.

The sea longing in his heart told him that the time was drawing near when he too would travel over the sea, where she would be waiting for him. He only hoped that he would be leaving Middle Earth in good hands.

"How is Frodo?" Aragon's voice interrupted Elrond from his musings. He looked up and saw the Ranger now dressed in princely garb, standing before him. He smiled sadly and indicated that Aragorn should sit beside him.

"Not good. Gandalf and Sam are with him now. I thought I had found all the pieces of the blade, but I am sure one more shard is still eluding me."

Aragorn shook his head and sighed. "What will we do if Frodo dies?"

"We will still hold a council to decide the fate of the ring. But arrangements will have to be made first. Should the worst happen. But it is not only Frodo on your mind, is it."

"No, I know I am needed here, but Anberenien is still foremost in my mind."

"She is lucky to be alive, Aragorn, and it pains me that I cannot go to her. But current events prevent me from leaving Rivendell. I take comfort that she is in excellent hands. Lady Celephinniel is a most proficient healer. She came here for her training, you know. Long before your time."

They both sat in silence for a time, the trickle of the fountain being the only sound between them. "Did I do the right thing? Asking Anberenien to relinquish her birthright," said Aragorn.

"That I cannot answer. Every decision, for good or ill, carries a consequence. Anberenien has accepted that consequence. Just as Arwen has."

Aragorn shifted nervously. "I never persuaded her. Arwen chose of her own free will. I would sooner she take the straight road and be reunited with her mother."

Elrond placed his hand upon Aragorn's. "I know that, Aragorn. And I will endure the pain of losing her, knowing she is happy with her choice. That is why you must accept Anberenien's,"

"But Anberenien is not wedding a Half-Elf who can choose mortality. It will not end well for them. Her father and I wished for her to wed a Gondorian noble, as a symbol of the reunification of Arnor and Gondor."

"You are that symbol, Aragorn. The blood of both Gondor and Arnor is within you and that is all you need."

"If Thranduil goes into the west and Anberenien cannot join him, she will be left alone. Why would an Elven King want to wed a mortal girl? How do I know this is not a way for Thranduil to lay claim to the throne of Gondor if I am slain? Why did you give your consent to the match?"

Elrond's heart weighed heavy. It pained him that he had to withhold the truth from Aragorn whom he had raised and loved as a son. How could he explain that Anberenien was both Beren's daughter and an immortal Maia? But his heart told him the time was not yet right for him to know.

"If you are slain, there will be no Gondor. No restoration and no hope. The best Anberenien can hope for is sanctuary in Lindon. But even then, the Dark Lord will likely seek her out. Thranduil is a king, a suitable match for a daughter of mine. You have yet to become such. I have insisted they not wed till you and Arwen are king and Queen but I will do no more than that. If all we hope for comes to be, Anberenien as regent, will play her part in the restoration of Arnor. Thranduil is an experienced ruler and will make a fine consort."

Aragorn stood and made to leave, then turned. "I thought Elves wed only once, Elrond."

Elrond nodded. "That is usually the case. But there have been exceptions, in special circumstances."

"But surely there are no special circumstances in this case."

Elrond's gaze fell upon a nearby waterfall. "I cannot say more, but my heart tells me you will learn the truth of things in time. And not from my lips."

Aragorn eyed him suspiciously. "Are you implying something improper has occurred between Anberenien and the Elven King? You had better not keep it from me if that is the case!"

Elrond turned back to him, frowning. "Certainly not. They have only plighted their troth. He has not taken her to wife. I would know."

Aragorn sighed. "The day has been long. I require rest and to be alone with my thoughts, I shall retire. I bid you a goodnight." He bowed slightly and went on his way, leaving Elrond alone again with his thoughts.


10th November/Hithui 3018, The Elven Halls

Legolas and Aragorn reached their destination in the early hours of a cold and stormy morning. The King had been at his rest, but Legolas insisted that he had news that could not wait. Padir went to raise the king, and they met him in his campaign room. Having dismissed the servants, Thranduil welcomed his son and Aragorn, suggesting that they change into some dry clothes and rest first. But Legolas insisted that the matter was urgent and could not wait.

So Thranduil ordered Padir to keep all the attendants away while Legolas related to him of Mythrandir's escape from Orthanc, the great council and the discovery of the Dark Lord's ring.

Thranduil shuddered at the very mention of it, as if a cold shadow had passed through him. "But I thought it got lost." Even Mithrandir had no luck finding its whereabouts when he questioned that...... 'thing'!"

"Legolas informed the council of Gollum's escape. Mithrandir hopes, however, that you could at least recapture him alive," said Aragorn.

"Because of that thing, my people were attacked and Thorwen taken captive and after everything, she did for it. Mark my words, if it ever has the misfortune of being in my presence again. Its head will hang alongside my father's hunting trophies. Forgive me if I am not inclined to show any mercy!"

"The subject of Gollum is probably best not discussed further for the time being," whispered Legolas to Aragorn.

"Well, at least you are home now. I am expecting Calenamath to return with news in a few days, and we must unite our people in such times."

"Alas, we cannot remain for long. We shall return to Imladris in a few days," said Legolas.

"But why? You have completed the task I sent you for."

"No Ada, I must return. There is a plan to destroy the ring and I wish to help in any way I can."

They spoke for many hours around the campaign table and Thranduil asked if Thorwen had been mentioned.

"Not at the council, but we spoke privately on the matter. Lord Elrond sends his love and gratitude for all you have done, King Thranduil. As do I. I come to see my beloved sister and how she is faring. Lord Elrond sends some healing drafts, recipes and rare ingredients for Celephinniel. There are many letters for Anberenien from Rivendell too," said Aragorn.

"A few gifts also were given into our keeping," replied Legolas, indicating a large wooden chest by the door.

Thranduil smiled broadly. He was relieved there was no ill will from either Aragorn or Lord Elrond. "That will be a pleasant surprise for her when she wakes."

"How does Anberenien fare?" asked Aragorn.

"Thorwen's recovery has been slow, but her spirit is undiminished. We normally breakfast together. She will likely wonder where I am."

As if in response to his words, a guard entered the chamber and announced that Lady Thorwen and Lady Celephinniel were outside. Thranduil bade them both to enter and an emotional reunion took place between them all. Thorwen expressed concern at their lack of rest, but Aragorn assured her that it was for good reason.

Thranduil explained to Thorwen and Celephinniel about Elrond's council. That Saruman's treachery was now known. "Mithrandir was indeed taken captive, as you feared. But Gwaihir reached him in time and bore him away to safety. He is now resting in the House of Elrond."

Thorwen breathed a sigh of relief. "I should send a message to Radagast. So he knows Mithrandir is safe."

"Alas Thorwen, we met with scouts on the way back from Rhosgobel. They said he could not be found and his home appears to have been abandoned for some time."

Thorwen's face went pale. She and Thranduil exchanged glances. He took her hand and tried to reassure her. "Perhaps he has gone away into hiding, fearing reprisals from Saruman and the temple. It would be prudent under the circumstances." But as they looked into each other's eyes, their minds both betrayed their concerns. What if Radagast had been taken or worse?

"He is not dead. I would know if he was. But I do not feel him close either. I pray he is hiding somewhere." She replied to his mind.

Thorwen was overwhelmed by the letters and well wishes she had received from those in Imladris. "Each letter makes me feel stronger as I read them." The gifts had been sent in a large chest borne by Legolas' scouts. When she opened it, Thorwen found that among the many books and trinkets was a shirt of Mithril and plate that had been altered to fit her perfectly. With it was a note from Glorfindel.

Gracious Lady,

May this letter find you hale and hearty. Alas, I cannot be at your side at this moment. And I fear what you may be about to face and so I had the smiths alter my mithril shirt. You shall need it more than I and Lord Elrond had the plate and helm made for extra protection. Although we cannot be with you, may this keep you safe in the wars to come.........

At the bottom of the chest, she lifted a helm of shining steel in the shape of an eagle's head with two wings on either side.

Aragorn stood aghast. "Surely Elrond does not mean you to fight?"

"I fear the battle against Sauron may be fought on many fronts at the end," said Legolas.

Thorwen placed the helm on her head. "It is a perfect fit and comfortable, too."

Thranduil closed his eyes. Melian's words came back to haunt him. The time for protection was indeed over. He knew now that if the enemy was coming to his door, Thorwen was doomed to be at his side. Lasseth's last words were coming true. "Hope comes on Eagle's wings," he whispered to himself.

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