i'm in.

ur/n: Your name

n/n: Nickname

gn/n: Genes nickname for you

ur/n POV:

We get to the park & Gene, Zenix, & Sasha grab a spray can & a face mask. Gene looks over to me & toses me a mask to."Put it on." I do as he says & grab a spray can & put the mask on. We go over to the bridge & mark it with the shadow knights logo in spray paint in 4 places. We move on to another wall by the entrance then do it again. after the 4th change in places we leave. We go back to the school & its lunch time.I go inside but Gene stops me."gn/n Ware you going?" I turn to him & point behind me to the school."Lunch du!" He just laughs. "Sure see you after class."  "k. bye everyone!" Sasha waves & Gene & Zenix just ignore me. We go our separate ways & I go inside through the door behind the school. I open the door & look around to make sure noone is around & go inside like nothing happened. I go to the lunch room & someone comes up to me & grabs my shoulder. "where have you been?!" I turn around slowly."Hey Aph.""Everyone has been looking for you! Where have you been." I look down & mumble under my breath."I was with Gene.""What was that ur/n?" I look up at her & speak.

1:"I was with Gene ok?! Now Lay of!"

2:"I was with Gene."

1: She backs up."ok! SHESH! Chill out! THe guys & I were just worried! Come on! Everyone's waiting for you.""Ok."

2:"ok. Come on! Everyone's waiting for you!""Ok."

You fallow Aph to ware Kaitlyn, Kawaii~chan, & Cadenza are sitting. I get over thare & they look at me shocked. Kawaii~chan talks first."Kawaii~chan got scared when ur/n~Sama didn't show up for art.""Sorry I had-""She was with Gene." Aphmau says slyly. everyone owes for a moment."Kawaii~chan ships it." Everyone's eyes widen."W-What?""Kawaii~chan ships you & Gene~kun.""Hahahahahaha." I laugh nervously."Guys i'm going to tell you what I told Laurence & Garroth.Were just friends.""Like your friends with Garroth & Laurence or like your friends with us?""Like i'm friends with Zane!" They tilt their heads."Your friends with Zane?" I nod."Im his emo friend that wants in with the shadow knights, & If I play my cards right then I can get him & me in.""You say it like its a master plan." I chuckle a little."It is. Only you & Zane know about my plan." Sydney everyone's glance goes from me to behind me. Someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see a strange werewolf."Can I help you?""Gene wants you." I blush a little."W-What?""He wants you over at the table with us.""Who are you if you don't mind my asking.""Balto?!""A-Alfa?" I turn to Aphmau."You to know each other?!" She nods."Balto leave her alone! She wants nothing to do with the shadow knights.""Wait I never-" He nods."Y-Yes alfa." He leaves & goes back over to the shadow knights. I look over to Aph whos smiling proudly & muttering something to herself."What are you thinking?!""I just saves you ur/n!""No! Aph! you just duge Zane & my grave with just 9 words!""Im sorry n/n.""Sorry won't get me into the shadow night's know will it!" I get up & leave the lunchroom. "Damn it Aph!" Someone touches my shoulder."What do you want Aph?!" I turn around fast hoping to see a sorry Aphmau but instead I see Garroth & Laurence. He lets me go. "Ur/n are you ok?""i'm...Im fine....."Are...Are you sure?" I start crying slowly & hug Garroth tight & cry into his chest. It takes him a moment to realize what just happened & hug me back."Aph may have just ruin my chance of getting in the shadow knights." He pushes me away slowly & holds me in place."Wait...Why do you of all people want in the shadow knights?""Its not what you think garroth. I'm doing it for Zane.""ok..So that's why Balto went over there. To get you. That little-""GARROTH!""WHAT?!""Stop! Just...Stop! Everyone needs to mind their own business!" "Ur/n......Were just looking after you.""Well stop!" I brush him off & storm out of the school. I walk until I see Genes car. I get in & start it up."I'm so glad he gave me his spare. I've known him & Dante longer than I've known Aph. I really trust them. Why is everyone treating him like crap? I don't get it!" I start it up & call Gene. He answers fast.


"Hey Gene."

"ow! Hey gn/n. Whats up?"

"I'm borrowing your truck."

"Balto told me what Aph said."

"Shes......I still want in."

"I know. I also know that you want Zane in."

"Can he?"

"Sure. Anything for you."

"Thank you so much! I swear you wont regret this!"

"I know. I wont. you will."


"He's in, if your in."

"Th-That's it?! You know how long i've wanted in & your just letting me in with him! Yes! Its a deal!"

"Only. If whenever we go vandalizing stuff you come with."

My Heart drops."I already told you i'm not doing that."

"Guess you don't want Zane or you in."

"Gene......If It gets Zane in...Then....Ill..."

"Say it gn/n Say it. If you don't say it then the deals off."

"FINE! If I go vandalising stuff with you guys the ndo Zane & I get in?"

"Good girl. your in!"

"I'm not vandalizing anything."

"That's fine. You just have to be there."

"Good. Bye!"

"Bye. Wait!"

"Don't crash my truck."

"You've known me for how long know? 10 years? Do I seem like the one who would crash your car?"

He chuckles a little."No. See you after school."



I hang up & drive home. 

I get home & open the door. I go up to my room & lay on my bed. "Lets see.....Mom wont be home till 6 tonight. Ill call Zane." I call him & he answers fast too.


"Zane guess what."

"I told you not to call me at school- Wait. Im going to class...& your in my class. n/n ware are you & why did you call me?"

"I'll explain that later."


"Guess what."


"I got you in the shadowknights."

"W-what?! If this is a prank I swear."

"Its not Were in!"

"Who put you up to this."

"No one! Zane! I pulled some strings & were in!"

"Your series?!"

"yup! if you don't believe me ask Sasha. shell vouch for me I'm pretty sure she was there when I asked Gene over the phone."


"Ya Zane. I've known him for 10 years cores I did! Your my friend! I wanted in & so did you. I got him to let us in!"

"What do you have to do?"

"Go with whenever the vandals something."

"That's it?"

"Ya. Im not a fan of....Vandalization. I like art, but....The logo is.....Something I...Came up with as a joke & Gene knows it."


"Look. Class should be starting soon. Talk later!"



I hang up & lay there till school gets out.

~End of chapter.~

This was a long one too. I want to do long chapters like this one, but it will take time & this was 1192 words. I hoped you liked this! I want to do more, but I won't of no one reads it. Good knight! I was writing this till 1 in the morning so i'm tired. Alfa out~

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