I'm here for you
(part 2 of the last chapter)
zn/n: Zane's nickname for you
Garroth's POV:
"Gene! how could you say that?!""It was a joke man! CHILL!!""It may have been a joke for you, but.....I know something you don't!""Ow ya?! & what is that?!""Your such an ignorant clueless jurk. Don't you get it?""Get what?!""YOU FUCKING OFFENDED HER!!!!" I slam him against the wall & choke him. He just laughs at me."Ha. you really do love her don't you?""THATS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!!" He smiles & I punch him in the face. His nose starts bleeding & there's blood on my knuckles. I wipe it off on my pants & let go of his neck. He smiles & wipes his nose with the back of his hand."Glad you showed us the true you Garroth.""W-What?" I turn around & see ur/n staring at me in fear. She runs away & I run after her."n/n! Wait!" She slams the door in my face agen."Go away Garroth!" I here her crying & whisper something to herself."n/n come out! I-""You what! Garroth just leave me alone!" I back away from the door."Im sorry ur/n. I really am." I walk away from the door & my eyes fall on Gene.He smirks at me."Glad to see your true colors Garroth. How long have you wanted to do that?" I clench my fists. He smiles wider."That long hu?""How long have you loved her?" I look up. as I said before. That's none of your business.""Fine. don't tell me. I don't really care. But-""Gene. if you even think about touching her again I will kill you." He gets up."Fine. I won't. But you can't keep her away from me & I her. She is a shadowknight after all." My eyes widen."W-what? When did this happen?!""Around noon. She asked for her & Zane to join." I go from confused & surprised to compete anger."Don't even think for a moment that i'm going to take my eyes off of you know. First you take my best friend, then Aph, Now her?!""Yup. im picking you all off 1, by, 1.""You can't do this. I'll stop you.""I have her & your brother raped around my finger. Aph & Laurence may have gotten away, but I still have them. I already have what I want. I don't need you." He gets up & walks out the door & leaves going to his car & driving away.
ur/n POV:
I pull out my phone between sobs."I cant believe him!!" I text Zane.
Me: I need you.
Emo Nuget friend Zane:What happened? Did Gene do something? Did Garroth do something? What happened?!
Me: Ill tell you when you get up here.
Emo nuget friend Zane:Ok. I'm on my way.
I put my phone away & curl back into a ball & cry.
Zane's POV:
I run upstairs & pass Garroth on the way & I see his hand & pants are bloody."Garroth what happened?! Wares ur/n?!" He points to her room. I go over to it but he grabs my arm & stops me. I turn around & rip his hand off me & get a glimpse of his face."Garroth what happened?""N-nothing. I'm guessing n/n called you?" I nod."puft course she'd call you. I wouldn't go in there if I were you.""Garroth. She needs me. Not you Garroth ME!" He looks down." Good luck baby brother." I look him in the face & see compleat sadness & despair in his face & eyes."Thanks." I we go to her room & he goes down the stairs. I knock on the door."Go away Garroth!""Its me." She unlocks the door. I open the door & she jumps on me & hugs me tight in tiers. I hug back & hold her."What happend n/n?""Gene......he......" I stroke her head trying to comfort her."You don't have to tell me know. You can tell me when your ready." She nods & lets me go & I let her go."Thanks Zane. I needed that. Gene......He just.....Then Garroth came & he he" She starts crying agen & I hold her hand & lead her to the door & close it then take her to her bed."You don't have to tell me. You can if your ready, but.....You don't have to.""Are you sure?" I nod."Thanks Zane. You should go down stairs for dinner mom should be done."I grab her hand & look her in the eyes."zn/n Im not going anywhere without you." She looks up at me."I'll.....I'll be fine.Go eat.""If you insist. I'll be back with food." She nods."Thanks Zane." I nod & smile."no problem." I walk out & to the kitchen & grab 2 plates. One for me & the other for her. I load up the plates with food & head back upstairs."And ware are you going?" Says someone behind me. I turn around & see an depressed Garroth & 3 questioning mothers & a curious Aphmau."Ur/n is feeling well, im bringing her food." Aph stands up."I'll come with-" I cut her off."She's mad & doesn't want to talk." She tilts her head & smirks at me."If she doesn't want to talk to anyone, then why are you going?""She asked me to. I'm her friend it's what friends do.""I'm her friend to-" Garroth cuts her off this time."Zane's the only one she will talk to right know.""fine. Tell her I hope she gets better!""I will. Thanks Garroth." I walk up the stars without waiting for a response. I get up to her room & open the door & see she stopped crying. I smile."Glad to see your done crying." She laughs a little.""Thanks for bringing me food. You should eat to.""I plane to. It looks amazing. Your mom did an amazing job!""Thanks. Guess what?""What?""She's making cupcakes for disert." My eyes widen & shoot up at her. She smiles."I requested it for you.""R-Really?""Ya.""Your amazing n/n!" I hug her & she hugs back."Thanks Zane. It's the least I could do.""zn/n you're too good to me. You got me into the shadowknights, your my best & mabey my only friend, & you know my secret! Know your requesting copcakes for me! your an amazing friend." She blushes."Th-thanks Zane. I, I needed this." I smile."No problem. I'll always be here for you." She smiles 'knows our chance!' I leen close to her face & her eyes widen as I pull down my mask."Zane what are you-" I cut her off with a kiss. Her eyes soften & her eyes close & so do mine. We wait for a moment case someone pulls back. when no one does she kisses back.Then out of nowhere the door opens "Hey ur/n Im-" We pull apart fast & look over to Garroth who's standing in the doorway shocked.Our eyes widen "GET OUT!!!" she yells chucking a pillow at him. It misses & he stays there shocked. He looks down & a tiers start falling down his face & he runs out of the house to the car we came in & I run after him"Garroth wait!" I chase him out the door & beet him to the car. I stop him before he can get out the door."Zane move.""Garroth we need to talk.""Zane we've talked about this. My feelings for he may not be reciprocated, but it doesnt change the fact that it hurts! Especially when my own flesh & blood goes behind my back like this!""Behind your-Garroth what do you think is going on between ur/n & I?""Don't act like I didn't just see what I did Zane." I laugh a little."Garroth Were not dating if that what you're implying.""Zane, you can't say your just"Friends" know.""Why Garroth? That's what you & Laurence did!""Shut up.""why?! You brought this up were finishing it!""Zane Garroth knock it off!" We turn around & see a pissed off ur/n."Everyone go home! Zane well talk in an hour. Garroth I'll explain what happend tommorow. Aph i'll tell you what happened later, & Dante tell Gene we need to talk. Know everyone out of my house!!!!" Everyone nods & leaves. I stay in the doorway."Even you Zane.""But ur/n-""Know!" I nod & leave.
~end of part 2~
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