it begins part one

Chapter two it begins part one.

it has been over a year since naruto family moves to tenguu city, now being 16 years old as well going on his next year of high school.

Anne calls her son to come downstairs, "naruto breakfast is ready," but Naruto didn't come down, "NARUTO! BREAKFAST!" naruto still didn't come down, Anne went to her son room to see naruto was still in bed.

"naruto, it's time for breakfast, now get up, son, you have to get ready for school," Anne said as naruto just roll over.

"Just five more minutes please ma," naruto said as Anne was not having this.

Anne put her head out of the door and call her husband, "oh jasper, somebody needs help here with someone who won't get out of bed," hearing that made naruto jump out of bed and fall on the floor.

"ALRIGHT! IM UP MOM!" naruto yells as he didn't want his dad getting him up.

"good now get yourself dress son, you don't want to go to school in your underwear now don't you, Anne said as she left his room, "don't worry jasper he up now."

"good, I didn't want that to happen to me again," naruto said to himself as he remembers it.


jasper came in with Anne, "naruto you heard your mother, its time to get up," naruto still didn't get out of bed.

naruto just rolls over in his bed, "just ten more minutes please pa," both Anne and jasper look at each other.

"ok then," jasper said as came a little closer to the bed then he jumps right on top of naruto, "GOOD MORNING SON!" that terrified naruto to death when jasper did that.


flashback ends  

"I hated him for that," Naruto said to himself as he did Chuckle little after that he got himself in his school uniform, he went to the bathroom and brush his hair down since he wanted to try a new look, he packs his school bookbag and his journal.

"Naruto... BREAKFAST!" Anne yell thinking did he went back to bed again? but then naruto came downstairs, "good now eat up son you're going to be late."

"ok, ma," naruto said as he went to eat his eggs, bacon, blueberry muffin, when bit into his toast he saw the time knowing he had to go now, "thanks ma for breakfast." 

"son, you don't need to say thanks to me ever time I'm making food for you, it's my job to do it for you," Anne said.

"I know ma but I'm always so grateful for meals you make for me, after all, It doesn't pay to be nice," naruto said as he kisses his ma goodbye and runs off to school with the toast in his mouth.

"that my son," Anne said as jasper came over to her.

"you can say that again about our son," jasper said as both Laughs.

at dannys restaurant with both shido and Kotori.

"I love dannys food," Kotori said in joy.

"Kotori it's just a diner," shido said as both plan to eat here after school.

Naruto ran up to them, "hey shido, hey Kotori," he waved them as kotori had a big smile on her face.

"Hey there naruto! it's so great to see you again," Kotori said as she jumps up buy a couple feet to hug naruto.

Naruto quickly catcher, holding her in his arms as Kotori was so happy, "Kotori! we see each other every day," naruto said with his cheeks turn a bit red.

"Kotori let go of naruto, we have to get to school now," shido explain.

Kotori let go of Naruto and Naruto put her down, "ok but know after school I will be waiting for you right here in front of the restaurant, naruto you also should come it will be fun," Kotori said as Naruto was a lot of fun to hang out with as well.

"Sounds good,"shido said.

"Sure, why not," naruto said.

"and don't break your promise same goes for naruto, both be here no matter what happens," Kotori stared.

"yep," shido said.

"got it," naruto said.

"even if the place inside is surrounded by monsters we still eat," Kotori finish.

"if that does even happen I doubt I stay, don't worry I will be here," shido said as he pets her head goodbye as she smiles before naruto huge her goodbye as well.

Kotori ran off, "don't forget your promise ok, because I'm going to eat here even if a spatialquake happens!" 

"don't worry we won't... wait! what!" Naruto said in shock.

"spatialquake huh? ok, now go to school already, naruto you know she joking," shido said to him with a board expression on his face.

"no, it's just...? hu...? never mind about it, let's just go," naruto said as shido knew something was wrong with him.

later both of them went to school and got into their homeroom class 2-4.

naruto was setting in the back of the left corner desk as shido was back of the right corner desk, he was writing in his journal before class start.

this is my following year of being at Raizen High School as well as being in the same homeroom class, my friends I made, shido, Hiroto, ai, mai, mii, and now a new girl name origami tobiichi that somehow know shido, shido tall me that he never met her before maybe they were childhood friends and not see each other in a long time but that's my theory.

Hiroto Tonomachi for what have known about him since we met last year he is a 15 now 16 teenager with swept-back spiky black hair and dark gray, nearly black eyes, Hiroto to me is a rather straight-forward boy who is not shy to express his emotions, He seems to be able to keep his cool in any situation he a person that is the best in going with the flow, and good with his words.

I like hanging out a lot with him and shido they both had shown me a lot of places around tenguu city.

Ai Yamabuki has spiky blonde hair that spikes at her bangs. Likewise, she has golden yellow eyes that match her hair color, wearing the Raizen High School uniform, Her height is 165 cm.

The next one was Mai Hazakura, Mai has brown eyes, and short, Brunette hair. Usually, she is seen wearing the Raizen High School uniform. Her height is stated to be 160 cm.

the last was Mii Fujibakama, Mii has long purple hair that reaches beyond her shoulders. Likewise, her eyes match the color of her hair. She also wears circular glasses with a thin frame, wearing the Raizen High School uniform, Her height is 155 cm.

all three girls seem to stick together with Mii keeps saying that so lame with everything.

Origami Tobiichi has the look of a young, attractive female with blue eyes, and short, silvery-white hair arranged in a bob cut with three hair clips in the right part of her hair, all that I know about her besides what put in here in the best grades and sports in school.

shido Itsuka like what put in here a few times already, he has helped around knowing the place I think his sister has a crush on me, he a really good friend all last year we both did hang out a lot as well work a lot on homework he knows how to get good school average grades here, he has become my best friend here and I'm happy for that.

naruto closes his journal up as class was now started.

Tamae Okamine was their teacher she had a childish face, has light brown middle-length hair, wearing thin-rimmed glasses, She is 150 cm tall.

later after school end, naruto was ready for his journal as he was still sitting at his desk.

"look naruto in his dream journal again," ai said.

"he always looking in his journal," main said.

"that so lame," mii said as all three left.

'huh, I don't understand that same dream I keep having? I see you soon,' naruto thought as he went to shido, "shido are you ready to go to dannys restaurant?"

"yeah..." shido stop talk as all heard the spatial quake alarm has gone off.

"everyone! evacuates! evacuate! this is not a drill! to the nearest shelter now!"

"anther one already!? naruto said as didn't like this, origami walkout as Hiroto already left.

"We better go now to the shelter at the school," shido said as both quickly left.

everyone was getting ready and to go to the underground shelter, naruto was about to go down with the others but he quickly looks back to see shido was on his phone as well looking worried, and then ran out.

naruto was in shock, 'why is he running out when a spatial quake is about to happen!? wait a minute.'


Kotori ran off, "don't forget your promise ok, because I'm going to eat here even if a spatial quake happens!"

 flashback ends.

'oh no!' naruto thought about both of them could get killed, he was deeply afraid of spatialquake but he couldn't let them get kill by one, naruto ran after to help him out.

shido was running as if he never run before, he was trying to remember his way back to the dannys restaurant, all he could think about was his sister knowing she was there and time was running out. 

naruto was so close to catches up to shido, but the spatialquake came at them both were thrown away from the explosion.

shido was on the ground as he notice naruto was here, Naruto struggled walk over to him and help him up, "naruto!? what are you doing here!?"

"When you ran out shelter, I remember when Kotori said I'm going to eat here even if a spatialquake happens! I came to help," naruto said as he help shido to get up.

both walk up to the crater to see something that they would never expect to see here, it was a girl with very long, dark-purple hair usually tied back with a ribbon of sorts, and matching dark purple eyes with white irises, she to be at the same age that they are, and look like wearing Dress with a black, cream, and pink color scheme and a set of purple-and-cream plated armor which adorned her shoulders and waist. her dress is open at the back and made up into a black corset which exposes a part of her cleavage and a two-layered, knee-length skirt that has a pink-to-white gradient. Her hair is tied back using a butterfly-shaped hair accessory, She also wears a pair of gauntlets that have petal-like cuffs, both sharing the same color scheme as her attire, as well as a pair of armored boots.

both were completely speechless.

the girl pulls out a sword and releases an energy sword slash at them so close they almost were hit as she appeared right in front of them, both boys ere in fear and on to the ground, "so you both are here to kill me, don't lie I know that's why you both are I kill you both before the others come." 

she was about to use her sword on them but yell, "WAIT!"

"please we don't know who you are!" naruto yell.

"We never kill anyone!" shido said.

"you both never kill? you both don't know me?" she said confused before she could go on, even more girls from the sky all wearing combat wiring Suit, a pair of sensors are attached to their hair with armor covering there from her shoulders to her hands, as well as a part of her body and legs except for her thighs. Her chest is visible at the top of the transparent suit that reveals her belly.

"what the hell is going on here!?" naruto yells as all the girls try to kill the one who just tries to kill them, they both watch as she was able to block their firearm attacks, one of them jumps over close to naruto and shido.

both saw the girl was origami.

"origami!? why are wearing those clothes," shido said.

"shido! why do you care about that!?" naruto asks as origami tries to kill the mysterious purple woman.

both use their swords and it causes one big massive explosion knocking both boys out cold.

naruto slowly open up his eyes, He found himself in a void of complete darkness, He felt something was pulling him, Until a blast of light appeared in the center of his sight.

It was a golden six curl ninja star with a glowing white orb in the centered, It was half the size of Naruto, The star was spinning really fast and the light only grew brighter.

naruto gaze into the light, suddenly naruto gasp as part of the light From the top of the orb, it took a human shape form, It was a kid curl up sitting on the orb, He was wearing an orange jump and he was crying.

"Hello? Are you alright?" The kid kept crying and did not respond, Suddenly the room was filled with sounds as mouths appeared around endless void, They made voices that echoed throughout the void.

"banished demon and dont come back!"

"son, I'm sorry, we see you again after a year."

"'Im free thanks to you!"

naruto looks up to too see several broken images, they all looked to be made out of glass

"what's going on!? What is all of this?" naruto ask himself Before looking back at the boy wearing the orange jumpsuit but he vanished along with the orb.

everything else soon vanish and replace of the endless void, now completely pure white with a soft female voice, "You made it this far, I need you to keep going, shin needs a close friend that will help throughout yhe tough times."

"Wait who are you?" Naruto asks but got no response as he soon woke up, slowly opening up his eyes to a bright light, quickly closing them and turn his head over.

It took a couple minutes But his eyes soon adjust to the light and he saw he was in what look like to be a future Hospital, 'where am i?' naruto thought as he got up.

little did naruto know he was going to learn about what he saw soon.

to be continued

ok, I was not good at describing a fight scene and the ball with the ninja star in it.

i decide to spell this into two parts.

chapter two will be out soon.

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