Chapter 9: The fun begins
It was another day as we see Y/n in school and in his class as he is doing his work and just minding his own business as everything seemed to be peaceful.
He was writing on a piece of paper as he sat there as he keeps on writing so he can get his school work done. Then we see something approaching him from behind while Y/n is focused on his work.
Then he felt like two hands grab the back of his chair as he hears breathing from behind and then heard a familiar voice whisper to his ear.
???: (smirk) Your gonna die.
He spinn around only to see no one behind him as he look around while Shido noticed him a bit startled so as soon he sat down Shido ask him.
Shido: You alright man?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fun. I thought I heard someone whisper to me from behind.
Shido: Really? I don't see anyone.
Y/n: Alright. Well I'm okay. Say Shido, has Kotori and Mana in peace or are they still arguing about the sibling thing?
Shido: Well it seems they are slowly becoming friends but I'm too afraid to even get near them or call out "sis" in case they start arguing again.
Y/n: (chuckle) Well at least they are making progress.
Shido: (smile) Yeah, I guess so.
They continue on working until the bell ring which we see Y/n waiting for Tohka outside of the cooking class and once she did, she shows Y/n her cookies that she made for him.
Tohka: (smile) Here, I put some caramel into the cookies so it should be super delicious for you.
He takes one and had a bite and it was indeed very delicious.
Y/n: (smile) This is really good. Your becoming a great chief I can tell you that.
Tohka: (smile) Thanks. So Y/n, any plans after school? Wanna hang out after school?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. I'll be happy to hang out with-
Then he look over Tohka's shoulders to see Kurumi wearing her school uniform while staring at him and given him a smirk and then walk away, disappearing around the corner as he watched her gone from his eyes.
Tohka: Hey Y/n? Are you okay?
Y/n: I'm fine. Hey sorry I gonna go now bye.
He heads off while Tohka turn to watch him leave and wonders what is wrong with him. Y/n rushes through the hallway and turn a corner to stairs as he sees a glimpse of Kurumi walking up the steps which he follows her while he called out to her.
Y/n: Kurumi! Kurumi wait!
He race up the stairs and soon burst onto thr roof as he catches his breath for a moment and then look around to see nothing around him. At first he thought it was just his imagination but then he heard her voice from behind.
Kurumi: (smile) Hey there Y/n.
He turn around to see her, already in her spirit form and looking at him as he ask her.
Y/n: What are you doing here?
Kurumi: (smirk) What's wrong? Can a cute girl like me come here and visit her boyfriend in school?
Y/n: Your not planning of killing anymore humans aren't you?
Kurumi: (smirk) Now that's kinda rude to assume. I only kill those that are cruel and needed to be punished. Besides, i can't help it, it's fun to see them scared and afraid of me.
Y/n: But that's the reason why the A.S.T is coming ater the spirits. Because they were afraid of us and if we attack them, they just going to attack us back.
Kurumi: (smirk) You sounded like you care to these humans. Silly but I love your heroic side of you, makes us want to have fun with you even more.
Y/n: Us?
Then immediately he moved out of the way when Jun and Emica try to jump at him from behind but missed. Y/n moves back and then summon his sword and then turn to Kurumi.
Y/n: You join with them?
Jun: (smirk) We agree to have some fun with you and maybe get our revenge. Me and Emica's revenge.
Emica: You have no match against us.
Y/n: Wanna bet?
Jun: (smirk) Yeah but first, Kurumi.
Kurumi nodes and cast a red bubble all over the school, making everyone in the school to fall unconscious as they are seen laying on the floor which Y/n looks out of the roof to see this.
Y/n: What did you do to them?!
Kurumi: (smirk) Don't worry darling they are not dead. They're just unconscious and can't move as long I'm around.
Jun: (smirk) Plus it make things far more fun.
Emica: So are you ready to see that your truly are the god spirit?
With no choice he immediately transformed into his spirit armor and ready his sword and then said to them.
Y/n: Let's dance then.
We see Tohka grabbing hold of something as she feel like something is pulling her down as she look around to see every student is unconscious.
Tohka: (thought) What is this? Why do I feel like heavyweight is on me or something? What going on?
???: Tohka!
Then Origami rushes over wearing her A.S.T armor and rushing over to Tohka.
Origami: What happened?
Tohka: I don't know. Everything was normal for a second then all of a sudden I feel heavy and everyone just drop onto the floor and unconscious.
Origami: This must of a work of a spirit.
Then suddenly there was a shake above them as the two look up and realised there is a battle going on up there.
Tohka: Quick! We have to help out Y/n! He could be endanger!
Origami: We?
Tohka: Yes! I know you don't like spirits but do you rather face the threat alone or not.
Origami wants to help Y/n but knowing I could be a powerful spirit up there he takes Tohka's arm and the two climb up the stairs.
Origami: This doesn't changes anything, got it.
Tohka: Yeah, sure thing.
We then cut to Shido leaving the bathroom and then noticed everyone laying on the floor and unconscious.
Shido: The hell is going on?
Then he looked over to see rubble fallen off from the roof so he race up to the roof as we cut to Y/n fighting but Jun and Emica as the two clash at him.
He blocks their attacks and kicks them both back and then summon a huge ice wall to block them only for a few bullet rounds break through the ice and the ice shattered as Kurumi laughs as she launches towards Y/n and fire more shots at him but he move back to dodge the incoming bullets and then swap his sword to his bow and fired a arrow through Kurumi's barrel which blows up, costing her to leap back and look at her blown up pistol.
Kurumi: Aaww my toy. Oh well, at least I have more!
She laughs while she summons another and fired more at Y/n as he move back while Jun launches towards him but he duck down and then blocks Emica's strike and then summon his shield and blocks Jun's strike. They ended up in the black lock and then Y/n pushes the two back and stomp his feet down, costing a shake that sent the two stumbling as he goes towards Jun first within incredible speed, knocking him back and then rushes towards Emica and knocking him back as he crashes into the wall.
He was breathing heavily as he teleported to dodge Jun's strike and then appeared behind him and once he turn around he headbutted him and the two clash blades until Y/n managed to knock Jun's sword away as he grab him by the shirt and tosses him towards Emica which he leaps over Jun and then charge towards Y/n and managed to stab him on the waist.
Y/n gasp in pain as he groan as he grab Emica's blade and then slowly focing his sword out of his waist and then kicking him back and throws away the sword and then look over to Kurumi and then tell her.
Y/n: It's not too long to stop this Kurumi. Please.
Kurumi: (smirk) Stop what? Isn't this fun?
Then Jun launches towards him and then try to swing his sword at him but he moved out of the way, strike a elbow at him and then kick him away only for him to disappeared and appear behind him and stab his sword from behind as Y/n let out a groan of pain but he elbowed Jun from behind, costing him to stumble back as Emica and Jun continue to strike blow and cuts at him.
Although he fought back, blocking their attacks and dodging them but the injuries he gotten made him dlow down as Kurumi watched as he stumbled backwards and then fell on one knee while Jun walked up to him and use his blade to make him look up at them as Jun asked him.
Jun: Any last words?
Y/n: Yeah....screw you!
Then he slammed his fist, shooting out ice spikes that nearly stab them but they move out of the way. Jun gets angry and launches over the spikes and was about to end him when he was kicked by Origami and was sent crashing into Emica as the two hit the floor.
Kurumi: Hey!
She was about to shoot her only for Tohka to came up in front of her and swing her sword at them. Then Shido came up and then rush over to Y/n as he slowly gets up.
Shido: Dude your bleeding! Are you okay?!
Y/n: I'm fine, thanks for the help.
Origami: No problem.
Kurumi leaps back from Tohka's strike and once she was at the edge she says.
Kurumi: Well it looks like we're running out of time. Oh well, let's end this with a blast.
Suddenly the spacequake sirens came on, swarming of a spacequake as they look up and see that Kurumi is going to use it over the school.
Origami: (shocked) She's gonna to unleash a Spacequake!
Shido: No don't do this! There's still people here!
Kurumi laughs while she unleashes it while Y/n slowly forms a first and then reaches up his hand and then the Spacequake stopped as Y/n holds it for a bit and then he let out a yell as he start to wuck the engery into him.
After for sometime he sucks the space quake and after that he changed back to his human form and falls unconscious.
Tohka: Y/n!
Kurumi: (shocked) Amazing! He stop a Spacequake and make it go away!
Jun: No matter! Time to end this once and for all!
Then he swings his sword, sending out a burst of energy and knocking out everyone back as Jun launches towards the unconscious Y/n and was about to end his life when suddenly he was hit with a large burst of flames and was knocked back.
Jun: What the hell was that!
They see a figure lifting up the unconscious Y/n, checking to see if he is alright as the figure looks over at the Jun and a large wind blow to reveal Kotori in her spirit form which shocked Shido and the others to see that she too is a spirit as well.
Shido: Kotori?!
Kotori: You give up a good fight Y/n. Rest easy now.
She gently set Y/n down and then stood up as Emica was behind her while Jun and Kurumi were in front of her as Kotori summons two flamed swords and then said.
Kotori: Now.....its my turn. This is for messing with my brother friends.
To be continued....................................
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