Chapter 7: An eye for a time
It was the afternoon as the sun is setting down as we see four teenagers hanging about at the alleyway near a school as they take drinks and tossing their empty tin cans onto the grounr while some smoke as they talk to each other about things going on with their lives.
They were talking and didn't notice a young women standing at the entrance of the alleyway until one of them stop and looks over which the rest stop talking and look over to see her. They look at each other before they ask her.
Male teenager 1: What are you doing here?
???: (smirk) Nothing that important. I'm just wondering about that's all.
They look at each other and turn back to her as they tell her.
Male teenager: Well you best be leaving. This ain't none of your business.
???: (smirk) Oh come on don't be mean. you wish to play a game?
They look at each other even more confused and a bit creeped out now and soon she enter the alleyway and the next thing we hear were screams before slince fills the air.
(Next day)
It was another day at school as we see Shido, Tohka and Y/n are seen sitting in class and waiting on their teacher to come into class.
Shido: Hey have you hear the news?
Y/n: No what happened?
Shido: Apparently there was a murder happened in a alleyway near this school.
Y/n: (shocked) Man really. Who was killed?
Shido: Four teenagers but the police have no idea who murder them.
Y/n: Guess we have to be careful for that.
Tohka: Why would other people kill each other?
Y/n: It's how this world works. Sometimes there have been murders around the world and there is nothing we can't do about it.
Tohka: I see.
Tamae: (smile) Okay class I have some exiting news!
Then Tamae came into the class with a new female student with her which she looks pretty cute as she turn to facetted class. Her left eye was covered by her hair as she smiled as she Tamae telle the class.
Tamae: (smile) I would like you all to meet our new student for this class.
Kurumi: (smile) Nice to meet you all. My name is Kurumi, i hope we get along.
Y/n: (thought) Whoa she's a pretty cute girl. Say, why do you feel like I've seen that face before?
Kurumi: (smile) I've moved here a while back and I'll be looking forward to meet you all.
Tamae: (smile) It's great to have you here. Perhaps someone will give you the tour around the school. Say Y/n, do you mind giving Kurumi a tour around the school?
Y/n: Um sure, no problem.
Tamae: (smile) Wonderful. Kurumi you can sit anywhere you like.
Kurumi: (smile) Thank you.
She chose a seat close to Y/n as the other students finds her very nice and pretty to some guys.
Shido: She seemed to be a nice girl.
Y/n: Yeah but I have this strange feeling I've seen her before.
Then Kurumi turn to him and noticed him looking at him and so she give him a wink which Tohka is a bit jealous as the class starts.
(Hours later)
We see Y/n showing Kurumi around the school and we now see them at the football feild as he tells Kurumi about the field and how the sport clubs use it to play sports for championships and contests.
Y/n: And that seems everything I can show you. Is there an questions you like to ask me?
Kurumi: (smirk) Such a great place and nice to meet a great man like you. So what things do you like?
Y/n: Well I really like art. I like the draw things and sometimes I lost track of time and be late to class. Guess you can say Art speeds up time for me. (Nervous laughter)
Kurumi: (giggle) I can say the same. I also enjoy art as well and I really like I when someone draws a painting of me.
Y/n: Um if you want I can do that someday.
Kurumi: (smirk) I really like that. Say have you got plans after school?
Y/n: Not really no, why?
Kurumi: (smirk) How's about you meet me at the mall and we can get to know each other more. How dose that sound?
She then get close to Y/n which made him blush a bit while Kurumi sees this and lick her lips which made Y/n's even more blushed and then Kurumi step back and walk away before she called out.
Kurumi: (smirk) I see you later Y/n~!
Y/n just stood there and watch her leave as he wonders what was that all about but he also feel like he know her before but he wasn't sure.
We see Y/n home and talk to Shido, Tohka, Yoshino and Kotori about Kurumi and he felt like he know her from somewhere before. Kotori thinks about what Kurumi told him and then telle Y/n.
Kotori: If I have to guess, she must be a spirit as well.
Y/n: You sure?
Shido: Yeah. Aren't spirits can't control their powers and cost Spacequake?
Kotori: That maybe so however there is a chance she can control her powers or maybe she's probably powerful then Tohka and Yoshino.
Tohka: (anger) So not only she's pretty and flirting with Y/n but also powerful!? I'm gonna get her by anymeans necessary! She's dead!
Yoshino: Please calm down Tohka.
Yoshinon: Looks like someone is on fire today.
Shido: So what's our opinions?
Kotori: Well there is no opinions but to go out with her.
Y/n: Still I have a feeling that she knows more about something then the rest of us.
Kotori: What makes you say that?
Y/n: Well when we met Tohka and Yoshino, they were confused, scared and lost. Kurumi seemed to be calm and seemed to get along with everyone in our class and the other students like she was a normal person.
Shido: Yeah that's true. Its like she's been living her and know so much about humanity just like Y/n.
Kotori: I see. Well there's nothing we can't do about that. Right now you need to go on a date with Kurumi and maybe you can get more information from her. We record everything while on your date.
Y/n: Right.
(Sometime later)
We see Kurumi waiting at the malls entrance as she standing around being patient while we see Y/n peaking around the corner and seeing her with a nice smile on her face and being patient which seems good.
Y/n: (thought) I got here 5 hours and it seems she's not mad or impatient.
He shrugged and head over there and soon he approaches her which she turn and said to Y/n with a smile.
Kurumi: (smile) Y/n you came~!.
Y/n: (smile) Yep I did. Sorry I was late.
Kurumi: (smile) That's alright. We're not in a rush.
Y/n: Okay. So let's head in.
Kurumi: (smile) Actually, I want to walk around and see what this city has.
Y/n: Oh sure thing. Let's go.
And so they heaf off together while Kurumi slowly grabs his hand and let out a cute giggle while it made Y/n blush a little as they walk around the city as Kotori and everybody else on the Fraxinus watch through the camera on Y/n's chest as they walk around the city as Y/h show Kurumi around.
It seems that she is interested by the city as they continue walking around. Kurumi seemed to be nice and pretty as they walk around the city as she pulled Y/n's arm gently as they look around. Soon we see them at the park and on the bridge as we see Kurumi looking down at the lake as ducks swim underneath them while Y/n lend forward onto the bridge and looks through the lake while he turn to Kurumi and ask her.
Y/n: So where did you come from?
Kurumi: (smirk) Oh just somewhere far away. What about you?
Y/n: I actually live here throughout my life and stayed with Shido and Kotori.
Kurumi: (smile) That sounds pretty nice. Are you three good friends?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Shido is Kotori's little sister and he take care of her. They're really nice people and I'm glad to meet them.
Kurumi: (smirk) I've seen Shido sitting next to you but I can't wait to see Kotori when I have a chance. It will be pretty nice to see her and the others.
Y/n: Others?
Kurumi: (smirk) You know...the other two girls you have that fall for you. They seemed to be cute, don't you think so?
Y/n is shocked by this and step back a bit as Kurumi continues to look at him with a smirk while he tells Kurumi.
Y/n: I-I'll be right back.
Kurumi: (giggle) Okay~.
He turn and heads off to talk to Kotori while Kurumi hears something behind her and turns and decided to follow as she enter the bushes and sees a few teenagers shooting a airsoft pistol at around a kitten which it was scared.
Kurumi watch this happen and let out a smirk while we see Y/n behind a tree as he radios in Kotori and tell her.
Y/n: Kotori did you hear that. She knows about Tohka and Yoshino.
Kotori: (coms) That's impossible. Was she spying on us?
Shido: (coms) That's very creepy.
Kawagoe: (coms) Ma'am I got a spirt activity appear on my radar. Its near Y/n!
Kotori: (coms) That must be her then. Alright then Y/n, you know what to do.
Y/n: Gotcha.
He heads back onky to see Kurumi gone so he track the spirit signal which leaves him into the woods. He called out to Kurumi, trying to find her and then he push over some bushes and was immediately shocked to see blood around him and covered the trees. Kotori and the others were shocked by this as well and even Shido nearly throw up while Y/n hears someone begging and looks over to see Kurumi in her spirit form as she aims a pistol at the man.
Male person: No! Please spare me!
Kurumi: (giggle) Sorry but your time is up.
She was about to pull the trigger of her pistol when Y/n changed into his armor and pushes the man away and slide backwards while the man rolled until he stop and turn to Y/n as he tell him.
Y/n: Get out of here now!
The man nodes and runs away in fear but immediately he was shot from the back by Kurumi as she turn to Y/n and smirked as she said.
Kurumi: (smirk) Whoa look at you with that fancy armor. Your even more hotter then before.
Y/n: What are you doing Kurumi?! Why did you kill them?!
Kurumi: (smirk) They were harming a poor little kitty. I was just given them a taste of their own medicine.
Y/n: By killing them?! That's wrong Kurumi! You can't kill other humans.
Kurumi: (smirk) I like when you act all serious. It makes me turned on even more.
Y/n: Look we need to go before the A.S.T will come. I don't want you to-
He walk over to her and was about to grab her but she immediately disappeared which shocked Y/n as he look around only to get shot from behind which he turn around to see Kurumi as she tell him.
Kurumi: (smirk) Try to catch me darling but I bet you won't get me. As long I have this with me.
She turn ti reveal her left eye which was like a clock which shocked Y/n as Kurumi gose on to explain.
Kurumi: (smirk) This is called Zafkiel. Basically I can control time and space. I can also do many other things such as this.
She snap her fingers and suddenly hands came out from the ground and grab hold of Y/n's legs as he struggled until he fell onto hid knees while more hands came out and wrap around him while Kurumi apoorches him and kneel down and tell him.
Kurumi: (smirk) I've been looking for you all my life and at first i thought you were long gone. But when I heard the news about a golden armor Knight in this city, I knew that was you.
Y/n: What are you trying to say?
Kurumi: (giggle) You must have no idea do you? Well unlike the others I remember what happened before we came here and how.
Y/n: You do? How?
Kurumi: (smirk) That's a long story for another day. But what I can tell you is that you've made the ultimate sacrifice ensure all of us will survive the war. You've made the ultimate sacrifice to protect us and now we are here in this new world and maybe we can make this pkace our kingdom.
Y/n: No! This world belongs to the humans, not us. We should respect them.
Kurumi: (smirk) Well I can't say the same to them. After all they have been trying to kill us because of us being responsible for those spacequakes. They blame us for the destruction and hunt us down without any of us say anything about it. They are unfair and unreasonable people who will wipe us out. But we can survive if we work together, what do you say Y/n? Let's remake our world here and show the humans who we are. After all....we are lioe gods to them so why not ruling them as gods.
After she said all of this Y/n fell silent as he lower his head and then tells Kurumi.
Y/n: Your right. Humans are like that. They rather kill all of us then letting us to explain why we are here.
Kurumi: (smirk) That's great to hear. I really like when you think so sma-
Y/n: However. Not all humans ain't like that. Some are nice people who wish to live whatever they like amd the reason they attacked us is because they are afraid. Afraid of beings from another world came here out of nowhere, leaving behind destruction and injured or killed a lot of people. I wish to make things right for the humans, by protecting them from evil like you!
Then there was a huge glow and the ghostly like hands disappeared as Y/h is free as he pulled out his sword dand ready for battle while Kurumi stood there and instead of being mad or disappointing, she just smirked and then said.
Kurumi: (smirk) I like your words. What I really like is to show me what you got. So what do you say darling, shall we dance~?
She ready her pistol as she aime at her while Y/n ready his sword and was about to charge at her when suddenly someone crashed between them before they battle as they stare into the dust and a figure stands up and soon the dust clears up to reveal a young blue hair women wearing the suit that the A.S.T wear as she turn to Kurumi while Kurumi smirked even more while Y/n is confused by her arrival and the ask her.
Y/n: Um who are you?
To be continued.......................................
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