Chapter 6: Dark spirits vs A.S.T
It was nice day and we can see Y/n at his room drawing on his picture while Tohka is on his bed eating some delicious candy while Yoshino is sitting on the floor, playing Yoshinon as Y/n is in the middle of drawing when Shido knock on the door and came into the room.
Shido: (smile) Hey, how's things here?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good man. Just drawing something on this paper.
Tohka: (smile) I'm doing fine as well!
Yoshino: (smile) Same.
Shido: (smile) That's good. Say things has been quiet and it doesn't look like there isn't any spirits to be reported.
Y/n: Yeah now you think about it has been a while. Wonder why?
Yoshinon: Maybe the spirits is taking a day off of destruction for once.
Yoshino: Let's hope it stays it that way.
Shido: Yeah agree. Well we can't sit here and do nothing, what should we do?
Tohka: Oh I know! I know! How about we go to the hot springs place!
Shido: Hot springs place?
Tohka: (smile) Yeah many girls at school we're talking about it and then I ask is it good they told me it's extremely good! Maybe we should go there and have a try!
Y/n: (smile) That's a great idea Tohka. After all we need some break from all the crazy things that has happened.
Yoshino: (smile) I think its a wonderful idea as well.
Yoshinon: Hot springs huh? Seems great, what can it go wrong?
Shido: (smile) Alright then Hot springs that is then. I could call up Kotori and see if she wants to join us.
They cheered and once Shido heads out to call his sister Y/n remembers something and pulled out his phone while he said.
Y/n: I might call up Origami and ask if I can leave her book tomorrow.
While he places his ears onto his phone we can see his drawing was clocks along with a figure in the middle of the huge clock.
At the military base we see Senichi sitting on his desk as he brings in a sigh while he rub bith his eyes with his fingers as he just finished talking to Ryouko and he can tell she is stressful. Still he lend back from his chair and looking up at the ceiling when he heard a knock which he sat up right and then a man wearing a army uniform step inside his office and walks up to him.
Senichi: Excuse me but who are you?
Noah: Names Corporal Noah sir. I'm here for a request that involves around the God spirit.
Senichi: A request huh? Then what is the request?
Noah pulled out a file and place it on the table. Senichi looks at it and then open the file up and look through the file and his face turned to surprise but confusing as well.
Senichi: A task team of soldiers that is cable to face down a god spirit?
Noah: Yes sir. As you may know the current Anti-Spirit-Team is shown to not stand a chance against this powerful god like spirit. This spirit as you may know is nothing like we have ever seen. The government requested a task team of high tech soldiers to combat this type of spirit or any other God spirits that might appear in the future.
Senichi looks at Noah and to the file he has on his hand and then look back at Noah and guve him back the file and said.
Senichi: If your task team is able to take down this spirit...then I'll approve on it.
Noah: Thank you sir.
Senichi: Tell me before you go? What will your Task team be named?
Noah: Task force:....God slayers sir.
Senichi: Right. Do what you have to do Corporal. Dismissed.
Noah saluted and make his leave and then we see him walking down through the halls when he heard a scream of frustration at a door up ahead of him and he walks over and peek over to see Ryouko throwing down some paperwork in frustration when one of her team enters and tells her.
A.S.T trooper: Um ma'am?
Ryouko: (sigh) Yeah what is it?
A.S.T trooper: W-Well remember that trip that we were planning on today?
Ryouko: (smile) You mean that spar place with amazing food that we can eat eveyething we want?! Yeah I remember why?
A.S.T trooper: (nervous smile) W-Well there have been some spirit activity and command wants us to keep an eye on the god spirit that might appear.
Ryouko: What. Are. You. SAYING?!
A.S.T trooper: (scared) I'm sorry ma'am but the trip have been cancelled!
Ryouko was in rage by this which she tossed her paperwork out of the closed window which smashed through as glass fell.
Ryouko: (anger) SCREW YOU SPIRITS!!!!
Noah can't help but lend out a smirk but then her trooper continues.
A.S.T trooper: Wait we have been thinking. How's about we take a Hot springs that me and the girls are thinking. We think it be a nice place to relax and as a way to thank you for the hard work you have done to us.
Ryouko anger and frustration turns to joy and Happy as she leap over to her desk and hugs her trooper.
Ryouko: (smile) Thank you so much! Of course we can go there just to get the stress off of our backs.
A.S.T trooper: (smile) Thanks ma'am.
Her trooper lend out a giggle a bit while Ryouko day dreams taking a hot spring bath while Noah make his leave. He enters a unknown room filled with unknown soldiers as the soldiers stood up and turn to Noah who Noah tells them all.
Noah: Continue your training soldiers. We won't take some stupid breaks unlike the A.S.T.
We then cut to where the A.S.T troopers are at and among them was Origami at the vending machine as a can of soda came out which she takes out and was about to open when the same A.S.T trooper came into the room and tells the rest.
A.S.T: Hey everyone! The captain agrees on the hot springs!
The girls cheered except for Origami who sighs and then says.
Origami: I refuse to go there. I rather keep my guard up for incoming spirits then taking a hot springs.
The girls turn to Origami when they all hear her phone ring which she pulled out and answered it.
Origami: Hello?
Y/n: (phone) Hey Origami! Do you mind I leave your book tomorrow?
Origami: Sure. Why?
Y/n: (phone) Well we're going to the hot springs to relax a bit. Actually we're going right now.
Origami: Whose coming with you?
Y/n: (phone) Well me, Shido, Yoshino, Yoshinon, Tohka and maybe Kotori. Maybe you can come as well, what do you say?
Y/n: (phone) Um hello? Are you still ther-
Suddenly she hang up as the girls look at Origami and then she turn to them and said.
Origami: Let's hurry and get to the hot springs!
A.S.T troopers: (thought) That was a quick chance of thought.
Underneath the city we see a long and tunnel that doesn't look like any subway as there was only one track leading straight through and then in the distances following the tracks where Jun and Emica as they follow the tracks while Emica asked Jun.
Emica: Any idea what this track will take us?
Jun: Unknown. Hopefully a place that we can set up base and call apon more Dark spirits to help us to take down Y/n.
Emica: Agree. Still how the hell is he still alive along with hid other spirits? The last time we saw any of them was when they enter the castle and all of a sudden there was a large explosion and the castle was gone along with them.
Jun: What ever they did, they seemed to not remember anything from thier past. If I'm correct, that explosion must have damaged their heads, costing them to lose their memories.
Emica: Well at least it be easy for us to handle them since they are not as powerful then before.
Jun: So you weren't beaten by Y/n?
Emica: (anger) Oh shut up!
Jun: That was a joke.
Emica: It was more of a insult then a joke.
Then Emica stop and turn around which Jun stop and turn back. Emica can feel something and soon the two see a very fast train coming straight towards them.
Emica: I thought you said this tunnel is abandoned!?
Jun: I must be mistaken.
Emica: Yeah! You think!
Emica pulls it his sword and once the train gets close Emica slice it, costing the train to crash behind them. Once that Emica and Jun turn to see the destruction as Jun ask Emica.
Jun: You think that killed them?
Emica: No idea but at the same time I don't care. Come on, let's get out of here.
Emica burst open a wall above them and they go through the hole. Once they left we cut to the crashes train as Ryouko and her troopers came out from the rubble while Ryouko calls out.
Ryouko: The hell was that!
Origami: It seems something destroyed our transportation.
Ryouko: Well we're not gonna let that ruin us. Come on girls, let's keep going on foot!
A.S.T Troopers: Roger!
Up in the sky we see the crew of Fraxinus as we them spotted the Dark spirits the A.S.T's at the same location.
Minowa: It looks like there is both the Dark Spirits and A.S.T at the same location!
Kawagoe: (shocked) What?! Why are they in one location!? This doesn't make any sense.
Mikimoto: What should we do? Commander Kotori is away to monitor things on the ground while Kannazuki is in tne middle with his punishment?
Nakatsugawa: We have to make sure both threats will not be near Y/n and the rest! We will set up road blocks and do what ever we can to stop them!
Rest of the crew: Roger!
We cut to Emica and Jun walking through an alleyway and they were aboit to exit when a large truck blocks their way which surprise the two.
Emica: (surprised) The hell?! Where did that human vehicle come from!?
Jun: I believe it's called a "truck" Emica.
Emica: Truck, vehicle who the hell cares! I will not allow this vehicle get in my way!
He slices the truck in half which he smirked but then more trucka block their way which pisses off Emica while the A.S.T have problems on their own as they were keep getting blocked everywhere they go.
U like Emica who just slice his way through, the A.S.T have to fund alternative ways to get through or go another path. After a long while the two groups come across a large wall that is between them with Emica and Jun at the other side while the A.S.T's at the other.
Origami: Captain it seems there is a wall in the way.
Ryouko: Yeah I've noticed. Strange that didn't say in the map. Alright then let's blow it up then.
Origami: Roger that.
While the girls pkace bombs on it at the other said we see Emica and Jun looking at the massive wall I'm front of them as Emica ready his sword and tells Jun.
Emica: (smirk) Now this is gonna be fun. Let's see now strong this wall can stand against my sword!
He swings his sword at the wall just as the A.S.T's were done and they step back and Ryouko press the trigger and the wall blows up. Emica and Jun steps back in shock to see that the wall suddenly blow up.
Emica: (surprised) Okay that was something.
Jun: Still we should move before-
Ryouko: Alright girls let's keep moving!
A.S.T troopers: Yes ma'am!
The smoke clears up as the girls were about to walk through when they spotted Emica and Jun as they stare at each other for a bit and then Emica ask Jun.
Emica: Who the hell are those girls? And why is that old women smell bad?
Jun just shrugged while Ryouko gets triggers when Emica called her old which she yell back.
Emica: (smirk) Seems like your old. Listen here ladies, how's about you beat it or we will destroy you all within seconds.
He snap his fingers and changed into his armor while Jun ready himself as he pulls out two blades out of nowhere.
Ryouko: (shocked) You both are spirits?! I'm not gonna let two spirits ruin our day! Girls take action!
They aimed their weapons at the two as Emica lend out a evil chuckle while he ready his sword. But then they heard something and looked up to see a missile flying down and then there was a flash of light and at the same time sticky green slime spits down and some managed to caught a few A.S.T troopers while some including Emica and Jun dodged it.
Emica: Well played humans. Well played. I must admit, you nearly caught us but now you're fates will be sealed!
Ryouko: Wait were didn't call in a missile strike did we?
Origami: No we haven't.
Ryouko: Still girls take the down!
They open fire but their bullets bounce off from Emica's armor while Jun use is wings to dodge the incoming shots. Then food stands suddenly come to life and start to attack them with explosion food. Some even teaser some A.S.T troopers while Emica dodges the incoming explosions and dashed forward and slice a few food stands.
Then Jun while in the air was being tracked by carrot like missiles as he try to dodge them as best he can but A.S.T troopers also got up in the air and start to fire at Jun.
Jun summons many blades to form a circular shield around him and then launches all blades at them but they dodges his blades. He thinks the skies were clear but he gets blow up from behind and fell from the sky and crashed through a flower shop and land hard on the ground.
He slowly groan in pain while she sat up and look up to see a few A.S.T troopers aiming at him. He thought this was it for him when suddenly the flowers start to shoot out gasp which the girls drops their weapons and fell to the ground and falls unconscious while Jun is surprised and gets up. Since he is a spirit he isn't infected by any types of gasp so he look at the unconscious girls and walk out the floor shop and joined up with Emica as every building around them came back to life.
Emica: Who or what is attacking us?!
Jun: No idea but who ever this unknown enemy might be, but we gonna stay focused.
Emica: Right.
He then slipped by some oil and slide into a building while Jun watch him while he lend out a sigh. He looks over to see Origami dodging the attacks as he looked at her closely and thinks to himself.
Jun: (thought) Wait....she looks familiar.
We see Shido, Y/n, Yoshino and Tohka walking through the market heading yo the hot spring when they walk pass one food stand which made Shido stop and turn to the person at the other side.
Shido: Kotori?
The rest stop and see her at the other side of the food stand as she flintch when Shido called out to her as everyone else walk up to her.
Y/n: Hey Kotori! What are you doing?
Kotori: Oh nothing just making sure things won't get nuts, that's all.
Shido:.....Is it about the hot springs?
Kotori: Yep. It was Kannazuki's idea. He figured it be best for me to take a break but I have a feeling its for something else.
Y/n: (thought) Yeah I see what you mean.
Y/n: (smile) Still why not come with us? It be relaxing.
Kotori: know what, yeah why not. Let's go-
Then her radio in her ears ring out which she answers. While she talks to them Y/n senses something as he turn and look around and then tells Shido and the rest.
Y/n: I'll meet you guys at the hot springs. There's something I need to do first.
Before they ask he suddenly disappeared just as Kotori finish the call and turn back to see Y/n gone.
Kotori: Um where did Y/n go?
Emica keeps slicing up everything that attacks him and now he is sick of it. He takes down a store that blows up in flames while he breaths heavily and then turn around to see A.S.T troopers slowly approach him which he growls in anger.
Emica: (anger) You humans are starting to piss me off! WHY CAN YOU ALL NOT JUST GIVE UP!!!
Suddenly he gets shot by Ryouko who fires her mimigun at him while he steps back until the mimigun ran out of ammo. Ryouko throws the mimigun away and throws a grenade at he which blows as Emica stumble back and then gets shot even more by Ryouko who yells out load.
The two battle each other while the A.S.T troopers along with Jun watch this play out.
Jun and A.S.T troopers: (thought) Looks like they are in rage right now.
Ryouko just laughs while Emica steps back as the bullets bounce out of his armor. Ryouko thinks she is about to win when Emica attempts to throws his sword at her quich she dodges but the sword stabbed onto a building and it start to collapsed. Ryouko turns back and sees the building collapsing but she was shocked to see a little girls standing under it seeing the battle as she froze while the building starts to fall.
In second she drops her weapon and flies over to the little girl and was about to reach her but the collapsed building was quick and it quickly crush her as Ryouko stopped and was in shocked by this including the other girls. Ryouko was standing there in shock but then suddenly there was a golden glow follow by the building lifted up in the air and Ryouko and the other A.S.T troopers sees the god spirit lifting up the building with one hand while the little girl was on her knees while her eyes shut when she open her eyes and looks up at the golden armor spirit god.
Y/n lifted the fallen building and then tossed it away from him and the little girl. He breaths heavily while he turns to the little girl who stare up at him as he bend down to her and ask her.
Y/n: You okay?
She nodes while still surprised while Ryouko is surprised that a spirit saved a humans life. Then Y/n turns and quickly moves towards Ryouko which she thought he was about to attack her when he quickly get behind her and blocked Emica's strike as Ryouko turn and was shocked once more.
He then kicked Emica back which he was sent flying an dead on the ground. He glare up at Y/n and he ready to attack when Jun land next to him and tells him.
Jun: Let's go.
He growl but he glare at Y/n and Ryouko and then the two take off. Ryouko watch them leave while she turns back to see the little girls parents hugging their daughter while Y/n is with them as they thank this spirit and they walk off. Ryouko just stood there still in shock and then ask.
Ryouko: Why?
Y/n turns to her and then she ask again.
Ryouko: Why did you save that little girl?
Y/n stare at her for a bit and then he answered her question.
Y/n: Because it's the right thing to do. Not all spirits are here to destroy humanity, some are here against our will and some have no idea how to control their powers. Maybe you should tell your government that instead of killing us, they should help them to control their powers rather then destroying them.
He then turn away and then he disappeared from sight while Ryouko is shocked by those words along with the other A.S.T girls including Origami as she looks down a bit but he can't seem to let the hatred go.
Y/n and the rest arrived at the hot springs as they sat inside the hot paths as they lend out a relaxing sight
Kotori: (smile) Now this is perfect.
Tohka: (smile) Agree. It's soo warm and feels nice.
Yoshinon: Yeah and the good part is! Nothing bad didn't happen!
Yoshino: (smile) What a relief.
Tohka: (smile) Same here!
Shido: Say Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Shido: Where did you go when Kotori was talking to her crew?
Y/n: (smile) Let's just say..........somesuper hero job.
Shido was a bit confused but just shrugged while at the other side we see the A.S.T girls enjoying the hot springs as well as Ryouko sighs while she noticed Origami looking over the wall as she make her way towards her and poke her head next to Origami and ask her.
Ryouko: What are you spying on?
Origami: (little blush) Just...someone I like.
Ryouko: Really? Who is this person you li-
She then sees Y/n which her heart skip a beat while her cheeks blushed as she nervously ask Origami.
Ryouko: (nervous) S-Say who is this that boy?
Origami: That Y/n L/n ma'am. He's from my school and he's very friendly. Why do you-
Then she turn to see her gone and look down to see Ryouko sitting against the wall behind her while she thinks about Y/n at the other side as she have a bright smile on her face as she thinks to herself.
Ryouko: (thought) For the first time in my whole life......I've never have a crush with anyone in my whole life! Y/n....I really wish I can get to talk to him one day. (Giggle) Y/n....I already find you as my new lover~!
To be continued..............................
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