Chapter 5: I will protect you
The rain still continues over the city as we see Emica on a roof of a building while rain is pouring on him. He looks at the veiw of the city as he grunted a bit as we his stomach have a Ice shape on his chest so he pulls it out and throw it aside.
He use his powers to heal his wound while a voice spoke behind him as Jun appear behind Emica and approached him.
Jun: Seems you've been busy.
Emica: You were right. The god of the spirit still lives.
Jun: You shou have listened when I told you.
Emica: I thought we have killed him. How is he alive?
Jun: No clue but what about his spirit friend Yoshino?
Emica: She pulled up a good fight so I escape before things will go even worse.
Jun: We must track her down, maybe she might tell us where Y/n is and kill him.
Emica: She could be anywhere. All we know she might have left this city already.
Jun: Then I'll search around while you stay here and search for her and if lucky, maybe Y/n will appear.
Emica: Let's hope so Jun.
Jun turns to leave while Emica is done healing his wound as Jun spread his wings and he turn to Emica and tell him.
Jun: Understanding that Y/n is not like himself. I believe he has lost his memory.
Emica: Hmm I have noticed how he didn't recognise me and his fighting style Like he hasn't fought for years.
Jun: Maybe so he is still strong especially with his friends so best to watch out for that.
He then flies off while Emica stood up as a lighting bolt came down from the ground while Emica looks down at the street as he said.
Emica: I will.
We see Y/n in his room laying in bed looking up at the ceiling of his room just thinking about Yoshino and wonder if she'll be alright.
He sat up from his bed but he sat up too fast as he lend out a "ow" as he pulled up his shirt to see bandages wrap around his waist as he slowly stand up just as their is a knock at his door.
He walls over and opens his door as Tokha is there as she looks at him in worry and ask him.
Tohka: You okay? You were in your room for a long while.
Y/n: I'm fine Tohka, thanks for checking up on me.
Tohka: (anger) I can't believe that jerk try to stab you in the back. If I ever see him I will tear his wings off!
Y/n: It's alright Tohka. I'm just hoping Yoshino is alright on her own.
She then look away a bit like she is upset when Y/n mentioned Yoshino as Tohka ask.
Tohka: Do you like her or something?
Y/n: What do you mean?
Tohka: Like is she cuter then me? Or dose she have bigger breast then me? If so tell me alright.
Y/n: It's not like Tohka. I'm just worry for her that's all. She is alone out there and I won't sit around and do nothing.
Tohka seems to be mad but she herself doesn't know what so she just walks away while Y/n watch her leave. Y/n walks down stairs to grab his coat when Shido approach him.
Shido: You sure your alright to go out there while your still injured?
Y/n: I won't allow Yoshino be alone out here with Emica out there tracking her done. I have to do something.
Shido: Well mind I come with you. You need help so I'm here in case your in trouble.
Y/n: Sure thanks Shido.
Shido: Besides I probably need a break of cooking because of Tohka.
Y/n: Tohka? Why what did do-
Then he realised what Shido ment by that and just simply nod to him.
Y/n: Yeah I think I know now.
Shido: Yep. So let's go.
Y/n: Right. Let's go.
The two headofd while we see Tohka sat on top of the stairs and this weird feeling was in her but she doesn't know what when Reine sat next to her and ask her.
Reine: Is something bothering you?
Tohka: I just have this hurt feeling but I don't know what? I just feels weird.
Reine: That's jealousy but you have no worry. He dose care for you and everyone else.
Tohka: Really? Why dose he care for people? I don't understand why he has to care for other people even know he doesn't know them?
Reine: (smile) Your maybe right, he doesn't know people that he is trying to save but it doesn't stop him for doing what he believes is right. He's a different type of man that you usually see. Most man be brave but self or strong but cowardly. But Y/n is different, not onky he is a god of the spirits but he's also a type of guy who is ready to throw himself I fights in order to save a life. Even if the government doesn't see him that way when he turn inro his god form, he dose want to fight for those he cares for.
Tohka: I see. I sounded selfish now I think about it.
Reine: (smile) It's fine. He doesn't believe your selfish. He knows you don't know these things and we're here especially him to teach you and other spirits what humanity are.
Tohka looks at Reine and thinks about as she stare at the door and hopes Y/n will be alright.
The rain stop as we see Shido and Y/n search around the city for her and they even split up to find her more faster. We see Y/n walking the the park looking for Yoshino and soon he spotted her behind a tree as he approaches her.
Y/n: Yoshino you okay?
She quickly turn in fear but sees Y/n which she leaps and hugs him.
Yoshino: It's just you. I thought you were gone for.
Y/n: (smile) Good to see you ok-Ow.
She stop hugging him and step back as Y/n grab his waist and Yoshino sees that he is injured which she felt bad for hurting him but Y/n tells her.
Y/n: Oh no it's not your fault, you didn't know. Still you okay?
Then he noticed Yoshion not on her hand and ask.
Y/n: Where is Yoshion?
Yoshino: I don't know. I can't find him. I think he might be taking.
She start to cry which Y/n hugs her which Yoshino hugs him back. Once that he text Shido and Kotori about Yoshion and once that he turn to Yoshino.
Y/n: My friends will find her for you.
Yoshino: (smile) Thank you so much. Your really nice.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. Say wanna grab something to eat, my treat.
Yoshino: (smile) Yes please.
The two find somewhere to eat and they arrived at a restaurant and they sat down and order their small meal. Once that their wait for their food to come and while they wait Yoshino asked.
Yoshino: So her you a spirit like us?
Y/n: A god spirit but I don't remember what I was before I came to this world. Still I have a goal to seal your powers so they won't go out of control.
Yoshino: How?
Y/n: (blush) Um we can get to that when it comes.
Yoshino: Oh okay.
Y/n: So tell me about Yoshion and how long have you two been friends?
Yoshino: (smile) A long while. He protected me a lot and she is brave.
Y/n: (smile) That's nice. You know I like rabbits as a bet of mine.
Yoshino: Really what kind?
Y/n: (smile) A type of rabbit who has white furr and very cute. I remember there was a rabbit in a film I liked at first but.....let's just say I never wanted a rabbit that "takes care" of his enemies.
Yoshino: Huh?
Y/n: Moving on. Your powers is to fire ice at enemies and create ice storms?
Yoshino: Yes. It's kinda lame.
Y/n: (smile) I think it's cool.
Yoshino: Really?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah and you show Emica never mess with us.
Y/n: (thought) And nearly killed us but let's just ignore and move on.
Tueie food arrived and they start eating. Yoshino take the first taste and it was delicious as she take small bites which Y/n thinks it's kinda cute. After a while they were done just as there was a beep on his phone as he pulls out as read through the message.
Y/n: Good news seems like they tracked down your friend.
Yoshino: (surprised) Really where?!
Yoshino: What's wrong?
Y/n: I think I know who has her.
They arrived at a apartment building ad we see them standing outside as Y/n turns to Yoshino and tells her.
Y/n: Probably best you stay out here. This person....might not like you.
Yoshino: Oh okay.
Y/n gose inside the apartment while Yoshino waits for him. Across the street behind her we see Emica as he smirks while we cut to Y/n exiting out of the elevator on a floor amd walking up to a door. Once there he moved his fist over to the door and he thinks about it but takes a deep breath and knock at thud person's door.
Soon the door open and Y/n see the person is Origami as she stare at him for a bit and ask.
Origami: Hello Y/n. Didn't know you'll be here?
Y/n: Hey Origami, do you mind I come in?
Origami: Sure, come in.
They head inside as Y/n shut the door while Origami heads into another room possibly the kitchen as this gives Y/n a chance to sneak away and search around each room to find Yoshion.
Y/n: (thought) Why would Origami have Yoshion? Okay I git to admit she is kinda cute for a puppet like rabbit but can she not but one in a store or something? Unless she knows? No let's stay focused and find her already.
He checked all the rooms but couldn't find Yoshion but he didn't check Origami's bed room so he head inside and was a but surprised that her room is clean but he shakes off the surprise and search around. At first he thought he couldn't find Yoshion when he looks up to the self and see her and grab her.
Y/n: (thought) Huh well that was easy I thought it would be. Here i thought something bad happen or something that make this mission even more harder.
Origami: See you want to take it to my bedroom?
Y/n quickly turn to see Origami standing at the entrance as she enter and shut the door behind her and walks over to him. She then lend her body to Y/n's making him blush crazy as Origami stare up at him and tells him.
Origami: Well, you wanna do it here and now?
Y/n: (thought) Okay this is getting weird. I rather this mission be harder then weird.
Y/n: Look I apologise for breaking into your room but I need to give this back to Yoshino and-
Origami: Look youcan join us.
Y/n: Join us? What do you mean?
Origami: The government have been dealing with Spirits for years but seeing you confused the government another military. They think if they take you out, maybe it will end the spirit. tut I was thinking if you join the government, you can convince the spirits to go back home and there will be no violence, no death nothing. You andI can live together without the government tracking you down.
Y/n was surprised by this and he thinks about it until he looks at Origami and tell her.
Y/n: Look I think your idea is good but it's not right for me to kick them out of this world? I mean it's not their fault for all the chaos, they can't control their powers.
Origami: Their a threat and I want them gone but you don't want then to be killed. If you convince them to leave then we both be happy.
Y/n: That maybe true but I don't know how to bring them back. Look I need to get to Yoshino before it's too late.
Origami let's go of Y/n as he walks off to leave when Origami tells him.
Origami: They won't stop you know. They won't rest until all of you are gone and I can't protect you from them.
Y/n: Maybe so.....but I'll do what ever I can to protect this world, even if they are against me I will protect them.
He then leave the room leaving Origami alone in her room as we see Y/n existing out of the apartment building as he show Yoshion to Yoshino while he said.
Y/n: (smile) Looks like mission is com-
Then he realised that Yoshino isn't here which Y/n sigh and tells himself.
Y/n: Well at least I can get any worse.
Then there was a massive explosion in the distance as Y/n sigh once more and said.
Y/n: Now I jinxed that one.
We see Yoshino riding on her massive rabbit while Emica in his armor chase after her as he fire red beams at her as Yoshino continues running away.
Emica: Your one coward spirit aren't you? This is gonna be a lot more easier.
Yoshino: (scared) Please leave me alone.
Emica: (smirk) Your fear joys me. Maybe I can make you even more scared.
Then Yoshino fires a massive iceblqst that sent Emica flying back but he stop himself and then return back with a blast hat hits her rabbit as Yoshino crash to the ground. Emica lands down and walks towards her while Yoshino looks at him in fear as he summon his sword.
Then her rabbit lend out a roar as a large black feild surrounded them as Emica walks up to it and reach out his blade into it and pull it out to see ice on his blade.
Emica: An ice wall Huh? How interesting. Anyone gose there will be freezing in there, maybe even die. No matter, i will kill you once it gose done, you will lose your power and I will make sure you will pay for what you did to me.
Then a kick from Y/n hitd Emica as he shiked back a bit as helooks up to see Y/n in his base god armor form with a sword and shield on him.
Y/n: You won't get to her! If you want to hurt her, YOU'LL GONNA HAVE TO GET PASS ME!
Emica: (Evil chuckle) Your either brave or a fool. No matter, I'll crush you either way!
Then two launch at each other and they clash blade as sparks fly out of their blades as they battle. Emica summon another sword ti stab him but he blocks it with his shield ad he kicks Emica that made him stumble back as Y/n summon a bow and fires arrows at him but Emica blocks it with his wings but when he reopens them he gets punched by Y/n and theh grabbed and Y/n headbutted him as both of their helmets shattered into pieces ad Y/n lifted Emica up and tossed him away.
Emica crash on the roof of the car as Y/n walks towards him but Emica throws get car at him but Y/n slice it with his sword as Emica leps towards him and pinned him to the ground.
Emica: I know you have no memories of your past! Once I kill you we will destroy this world and every life is it!
He then raised his sword to the air and yells out.
Suddenly a slash cuts Emica's back as he was thrown by Tohka as he was thrown while Tohka helps Y/n up.
Tohka: You okay?
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine. Thanks.
She nods while they notice the feild is getting bigger and bigger.
Kotori: (radio) Hello! Can you hear me?!
Y/n: Yeah I you Kotori. What's going on with Yoshino?
Kotori: (radio) She's going out of control. If this keeps up, thid whole city will be frozen!
Y/n: That's not good.
Emica stood up after healing himself and turns to them in anger. Tohka step up and tells Y/n.
Tohka: Go and do what you have to do.
Y/n: You sure you can handle him?
Tohka: He may look scary looking but I can takeh im on. Just come back alive okay?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing.
Y/n turns to the feild as he looks at Yoshion on his hand and back to the feild as he walks through the feild while Tohka and Emica stare at each other.
Tohka: Your gonna pay for hurting Y/n.
Emica: (smirk) I like to see you try.
The two launch at each other ad they battle each other while inside the feild we see Y/n slowly walking through the feild as his armor start to freeze up but he still keeps on going. He hears sobbing and soon he sees her.
She sees her on her knees crying as Y/n slowly walks towards her and knee down next to her as Yoshino slowly looks up as Y/n slowly gives Yoshion to Yoshino.
Y/n: I think....this belong to you.
Yoshino: Yoshion!
She take it and slide it on her hand. There was a moment of silence until Yoshion start to talk.
Yoshion: Hey all. How is it going?!
Yoshino: (smile) Yoshion.
Y/n smiles while he start to lose some air and fell bothto his knees while Yoshino check on him.
Yoshino: You okay?
Y/n: I.....I can barely breath. This haveto stop it.
Yoshino: I don't know how.
Y/n: Th-Then......remember I said earlier on how I can seal your powers?
Yoshino: Yeah?
Y/n: You have.....have to kiss me. It may sound weird but it is the only way.
Yoshino: (blush) Really?
Y/n: Yes but if you can't do it it's alright. We can find another wa-
Suddenly Yoshino kisses Y/n on the lips which surprised Y/n but can't help her soft lips as he kiss her back. Soon the feild fated away around them and soon the feild was gone as the two stop kissing and look at each other.
Yoshino: (blush) Whoa....that was.....
Y/n: Kinda weird?
Yoshino: (blush) It was nice. You have soft lips.
Y/n blushes deeply as Yoshino hugs him once more while Y/n hugs her back as Tohka is glad that Y/n isn't hurt at leats while Emica was angered by this amd flies off to battle Y/n another day.
We see Shido return back from the shop and he enter the living room to see Y/n as he is getting cuddle by both Yoshino and Tohka as they each grab both of Y/n's arms while nuzzling Y/n's neck.
Shido: Guess you three are comfortable.
Y/n: Yeah you could say that. I can't even move my arms.
Tohka: (smile) Your body is just too warm and soft. I can't resist.
Yoshino: (smile) Yeah so warm and soft.
Yoshion: Looks like you have two cute girls all over you Y/n.
Y/n: Yeah I see that Yosh-
Suddenly Kotori lands onto Y/n's lap which kinda hurts while Kotori was right at his face as she tells Y/n.
Kotori: You should have wait until your healed! What were you thinking going into battle while your injured!
Y/n: Well it wasn't so bad.
Kotori: You nearly died!
Y/n: But at least I'm okay right?
Kotori: Guess so. Jeez Yoshino and Tohka weren't joking. Your body is warm and soft.
She then lend her head to Y/n chest which made Y/n blush even more as now three girls are now on her as Shido walks by them while Y/n ask Shido.
Y/n: I kinda need some help.
Shido: Sorry cooking dinner. It be ready within a hour.
Y/n: Oh come on man!!!!
Shido dose his thing whike the three girls suddenly fall asleep while they cuddling him. Y/n sees this kinda cute as he lend his head back up to the ceiling and thinks ti himself.
Y/n: (thought) I wonder what will the next spirit might be? Hope this one is a lot more easier.
Then the camera moved up to the roof of the home as we see a mysterious women standing on the roof of their house as she giggles before she turns and walks off as she leaves the area before anyone can see her.
To be continued.............
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