Chapter 4: A spirit's trust


Snow flakes gently falls from the sky with teh area around Y/n was nothing but darkness expected for a large light in the sky follow by snow slake.

Y/n hold our a hand as snow flakes gently lands on his hand before he gently crushes it and felt the cold around him as he shut his eyes until he hears Sobbing and looks up to see someone sitting in the middle and it looks like a female crying.

Y/n: Ma'am? Are you.....okay?

He walk towards her while reach out his hand to her but then suddenly there was a massive shake as a large creature came out of the snow in front of Y/n and he looks up in complete shock to see two red eyes glaring down at him.

Y/n step back and try to summon and sword but nothing is happening. The creature looks at Y/n for a short while before it roars at him which his breath was pur ice as it not only sent Y/n far back but slowly frozen him and soon he was in ice.

He was trying to keep himself awake and he open his eyes and sees the mystery women as she place a hand onto she glass and she spoke.

???: You'll protect me....right?

(Dream ends)

Y/n suddenly open his eyes and looks at the ceiling and realised it was all a dream. He slowly sat up from his bed and see it was nearly morning which he breath a sigh of relief, seeing his dream didn't make him late for school.

Renie: What was the dream?

Then a lamp turned on which made Y/n jump a little and turn to see Renie sitting on his chair.

Y/n: (surprised) Renie?! What are you doing in my bedroom?!

Renie: Just researching. I can tell you have a dream, mind telling me about it?

Y/n: Well. There was this women standing in the middle of this light while snow flakes falls on us. Then when I try to get close, this large creature came out of the ground and blast me with this freeze breath or something that froze me and then she appeared right in front of me and said "You will protect me right?" Then I woke up.

Renie: I see.

Y/n: So dose Kotori know you are here?

Renie: Maybe but she'll understand why.

Y/n: Ook?

Renie: Well I believe that dream and possible other dreams that may come in the future might be telling you for a next Spirt that you might incounter.

Y/n: (surprised) Really?!

Renie: Indeed. These dreams might be telling you to search for one of them and seal their powers.

Y/n: But i didn't get a clear look on this women's face. How can I know if I find this Spirit?

Renie: Maybe that might be the challenge you must do.

Y/n: I see.

He looks down while Reina leaves the chair and walks out of his bedroom not before she turn to him.

Renia: Ask me if you ever find this Spirit or Kotori, this will help us more.

Y/n: Sure, no problem.

Renie smiled a little before she left his room. Y/n lay back onto the bed and looks at the ceiling and he thinks about this the rest of the morning.


We see Y/n in class with Shido sitting next him as Shido sees Y/n was thinking about something and ask him.

Shido: Hey you okay man? You haven't spoken for a while.

Y/n: Oh it's fine. It's just.....I have this dream of meeting another Spirit soon.

Shido: (surprised) Really? How can you tell?

Y/n: Um j-just a thought.

Y/n: (thought) I might not mention about Renie unserpect visit at my room with Shido or Kotori's knowledge.

Shido: That's crazy man. So is that part of know.

Y/n: Maybe but if so then it kinda be easy for me to get ready for a next Spirit visit.

Hiroto: (smile) Yo what's happening with you two?

Then Hiroto walks over to them and sat on Y/n's table which Shido respond.

Shido: Nothing important. You?

Hiroto: (smile) Just have a great time with my girlfriend you know.

Y/n: Who is a app?

Hiroto: Well when you put it that way, it sounded like she isn't real.

Y/n: That's because she isn't real. (Sigh) You really have a problem.

Hiroto: (smirk) Well at I'm proud of it.

Y/n: Riiiight.

Tohka: Hey Y/n!

Then Tohka came into glass wearing a apron as she walks up to Y/n's table and hands him a box of cookies.

Tohka: (smile) I made these cookies just for you. Hope you like them.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow you made them?!

Tokha: (smile) Yep. They teach me how to make them and they said they are delicious.

Y/n: (surprised) That's pretty good, thanks I-

Then another box of cookies were on his table and he looks and they see Origami which Tokha shot a glare at her.

Origami: Wanna try mine first?

Y/n: Huh?

Tokha: No! Try mine first!

Origami: I assist. Try mine first.

Tokha: I was here first! You can't just bump in like that!

Origami: And who said?

They glare at each other while Y/n try to calm them down whike Shido and Hiroto watch this.

Shido: Well this won't end well.

Hiroto: (tears) Man he is one lucky man to have two girls offered cookies for him.

Shido: Seriously man?

Ai, Mai and Mii watch this and they too were jealous by Origami and Tokha made cookies for Y/n.

Ai: Damn we were thinking about making some delicious cookies for Y/n but they beat us to it.

Mai: Yeah, maybe we can give Y/n something else.

Mii: So lame.

(A while later)

Rain start to pour as we see Shido and Y/n rush through the rain which they weren't suspected for rain to come. Their clothes were getting soaked but they found a tree in a park which they take cover underneath and once there they catch their breaths.

Shido: So much for weather report.

Y/n: Agree. Sometimes they get weather news wrong.

Shido: Yeah, maybe we can take a bus to get back home before the rain will get worse.

Y/n: I think this is the worse as it ge-


Y/n looks over and see what looks like a women splashing on puddles with her feet and onto another puddle. Y/n looks her and can't help but feel like he knows her from somewhere.

Suddenly she trip and fell onto the ground which Y/n rush over to her while Shido turns back to Y/n and see he is gone. Y/n walks over to her and bend down to her while she slowly sat up and turn to see Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Hey...need a hand miss?

She looked a bit nervous which she crawled back onto another tree and spoke in fear.

???: (scared) Pl-Please don't hurt me.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just came here to see you are alright.

She sees his smiles a blushes a little which she slowly stand up on her own and walks out which Y/n stood up and walks over to her.

Y/n: (smile) That's a pretty rain coat. Never seen it anywhere in my life.

???: (little blush) Th-Thank you.

Then Shido walk up to him and she jumps back a little but Y/n assures her.

Y/n: It's okay. Shido is my friend, he or I won't hurt.

???: (nervous) I-I'm sorry.

Y/n: (smile) No need to be sorry. It's alright to feel nervous around people.

She looks at Y/n and Y/n can see her eyes and they were very cute whichmade him blush a little and look away a little so he won't act like a creep and ask her.

Y/n: Are you lost?

She nods and then her stomach gramble which she blushes even more for embarrassment but Y/n smiled and lend out a hand to her and said.

Y/n: (smile) You must be hungry. Come on, I think I know one place we can chat and eat.

She was a bit nervous but she slowly nods and she gose with them while we see a dark figure watching them leave before enter into the shadow's.

(Short while later)

We see the trio at a small but nice cafe and we see them sat down with the girl as she looks down at the delicious sandwich but doesn't know if she could eat it or not..

Y/n: Is there something wrong? You want a knew food if you don't like it?

???: (nervous) N-No it's okay thank you. It's just....I never have food before.

Shido: Never have food before?

She nods which was Y/n snd Shido look at each other and back to her and she grabs the sandwich and takes a little bite and it was yummy to her so she eats it.

Y/n: (thought) Never have food before. How is that possible.....unless?

Y/n: So what's your name, if you don't mind me asking.

Yoshino: (nervous) M-My name is Yoshino and this is Yoshinon.

Then she pulled out a bunny like puppet underneath the table.

Y/n: (smile) That looks pretty cute.

Yoshinon: Of course I am cute. Don't you forget I Mister.

Shido: (surprised) Is I me or did that puppet talk without Yoshino moving her mouth?!

Yoshinon: Don't call me a puppet! I'm Yoshino's best friend.

Y/n: (thought) If this is true that means she must be the spirit I saw in my dream.

Yoshino: My apologies. We should probably leave.

Y/n: Oh no it's okay, you both can stay. I just wanna know, like why are scared and who wants to hurt you?

She was nervous and looks down until she looks back up to say something but her face turn to horror when she sees a dark cload behind them that is slowly coming towards them.

Yoshino: (scared) O-Oh no. He's here.

Shido: He? Who is he?

Y/n sense something and turns to see the dark cload which he sat up and he sees it slowly coming towards them.

Y/n: Shido behind you!

Shido turns and sees it which he leaps out of his table and soon the claods form into a male person and a male dark spirit appears in front of them as he open his eyes and stares at them.

???: I see my luck has come. A Spirt and a god spirit. How wonderful.

Y/n: Who are you?

Emica: The names Emica and I am a dark spirit and I am come for Yoshino.

Yoshino was scared but Yoshinon tells him.

Yoshinon: If you wanna get to her, you gonna get pass me!

Emica: Foolish doll. I won't be scared by you.

Y/n: Oh yeah, what about this!

He summons his sword and charge at him but he reach out hsi hand and grabs the blades with his own hand which made Y/n shock while Emica grabs Y/n by the neck and throws him out of the window which he smashed and he rolled onto the road.

He slams onto a car wnike Emica walks out and walks towards him which Y/n stand up and turns inro his base armor and launch at him with his sword but Emica also turned into his armor and clash a blade on Y/n's with his own sword.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! You have your own armor as well?

Emica just kicks him sending him flying but he land on his feet while Emica tells him.

Emica: I'm the only member to have this ability. Now you rather get out of my way or be destroyed.

Y/n looks over to see Shido and Yoshino rush off which Emica sees and he teleported right in front of them and grabs Shido by the neck and lift him up into the air.

Emica: Foolish human.


She was terrified but she ran and gone to the alleyway. Emica was angered by this and was about to crush Shido's neck when a arrow came and stab Emica into his shoulder which made him let go of Shido.

Y/n rushes over to him snd onto him up.

Y/n: You alright?

Shido: Yeah thanks man.

They turn to Emica and Emica was about to attack them when bullets bounce out of his armor from behind and he turn and see the A.S.T arrive and open fire at Emica and Y/n which Y/n summon his sheild and block the bullets so he and Shido won't get hit.

Emica: Weak humans. Using their technology to kill a spirit. How Foolish of them to do.

He summon his demon wings and flies up to them and knocks them back and start to fight them while Y/n lower his sheild and see they were distracted.

Y/n: Alright you go and contact Kotori while I go a find Yoshino and Yoshinon.

Shido: Okay. Stay safe man.

Y/n: You too.

Then he takes off into the air while Shido rushes off. Y/n was flying over the city searching for Yoshino in hopes she and Yoshinon will be alright.

Kotori: (radio) Yo what the hell happened?! Shido just called telling me about you finding a spirit but this other dark spirit attack you three.

Y/n: Yeah and I'm on my way to try to find Yoshino.

Kotori: (radio) Well so much for our alart system. Anyways, you gonna make sure she won't get too much stress otherwise things will get worse.

Y/n: Hey Tokha's was....mostly easy, Yoshino's might be easy as well.

Kotori: (radio) I may think you jinxed that.

Y/n: Yeah but here gose nothing.

He can sense her at the abandoned mall which he flies down through and hole and once there he looks around with sword in hand and looks around for Yoshino.

He needs to be careful so Emica or the A.S.T would find them here so he move slowly through the mall while searching for Yoshino.

Y/n: Yoshino! Yoshino! Where are you?

Then he hear something dropped ahead of him and he sees Yoshinon peeking out and seeing Y/n.

Yoshinon: All clear. It's just Y/n.

Yoshino came out which Y/n puts away his sword and walks over to her and ask.

Y/n: You okay?

She looks like his armor but not in fear but amazed which Y/n sees and tells her.

Y/n: I'm not like the humans here. I'm what call a god spirit. Do you know of that?

Yoshino: I think so. Still thank you for saving us.

Y/n: (smile) No problem. I'm just glad you two are safe.

She blushes a bit more and her heart racing a little ad Y/n looks around and sees no one around but them.

Y/n: Looks like we can stay here for a while and hopefully they won't find us.

He turn back to his Human form and land on his feet and looks at Yoshino who is still scared but he has an idea to calm her. He took out his note book and shows his drawings to her.

Y/n: (smile) Here. This helps me when ever I'm feeling strees or worried.

She slowly grabs his note book and the two start to look through the pretty drawings. They sat on the floor while Yoshino and Yoshinon looks through Y/n's drawings.

Yoshino: (surprised) Whoa they are so pretty.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. I learn how to draw many months ago. I was bored one day and I saw a group of students drawing so I decided to draw which I learn that I'm a great drawer.

Yoshinon: I can draw better then you! Maybe even more prettier.

Y/n: (chuckle) Can't wait for that.

Yoshino giggles and her giggle was actually cute to Y/n and then she blushes to see she giggled but Y/n tells her.

Y/n: Oh no it's okay. I actually find it....pretty cute.

Yoshino: (blush) Th-Thank you. No one hasn't said that to me.

Y/n: So you were alone?

Yoshino: Not alone. I have Yoshinon with me.

Yoshinon: Aye!

Y/n: (smile) Guess Yoshinon counts but I mean like human friends.

She shakes for no which Y/n feels bad for them reach over her hand which made Yoshino blushed as Y/n said.

Y/n: (smile) You know...I can be your friend. If you like?

Yoshino: (surprised) Really?!

Y/n: (smile) Of course.

Yoshino was surprised by this and she suddenly Y/n by hugging him which made Y/n blush but smiles and hugs her back.

Emica: How cute.

Y/n can hear Emica behind him and he quickly pushes Yoshino away and turns to him but he suddenly felt something sharp stab into his stomach and he looks down to see a blade and Emica stab him with his blade.

He pulls the blade out and Y/n fell onto the ground while he hold his wound while Emica turns to Yoshino and walks over to her while she stare at Y/n in horror while Yoshinon face with Emica.

Yoshinon: You won't take any step you mean-

Then Yoshinon was grabbed and pulled out of Yoshino's hand by Emica as he looks at Yoshinon which Yoshino tells him.

Yoshino: (scared) P-Please give me back Yoshinon, please.

Emica look at her before throwing Yoshinon away which hurt Yoshino while Mutter in anger.

Y/n: (anger) How dare you.

Emica turns to Y/n and tells him.

Emica: You are a fool to return. We shouldn't have fully kill you when we have a chance.

Y/n: What?

He then took out his blade once more and raised it into the air while he said.

Emica: Don't worry. This will be quick.

But before he could stab him and kill him for good. A feel of cold fills the air as they turn to see Yoshino looking down until she scream.


Then a burst of ice sharps came out and Emica was hit by them while Y/n rolled to cover while the earth shakes below them and a large white rabbit came out of the ground as Yoshino claims on.

Y/n: (thought) That creature. That is the same one I saw in my dream.

Emica: Damn it! You will pay!

The large rabbit roars at Emica with his ice breath and it sent Emica flying and crash onto the wall and soon the place around them started to fall and Y/n reach out to Yoshino before the whole building collapse on them.

(Short while later)

Soon the A.S.T troops arrive to investigate the malls collapse and one of the solders rush up to Ryouko and Origami.

Female soldier: Ma'am we look around and there is no sign of the spirits.

Ryouko: Crap. They must have gotten away. Clear out girls, we're pulling back.

They agree but Origami spotted something so without anyone looking she picks it up and she and the rest left. After they left a hand burst out from the rubble and Y/n came out or the rubble just as Tokha arrived just in time with Shido and Kotori as Tokha hugs Y/n.

Tokha: Your okay! I was worried that you were-

Then she felt something wet on her and she step back and see blood on his weist as Kotori and Shido rushes over to him.

Kotori: What the hell happened now!

Y/n: Emica attack us and.......Yoshino.......Yoshino.......

Y/n can't think straight due to blood loss and he fell onto the ground and passed out while they call out to him while Kotori calls in a medical assistants while they try to shake Y/n so they can keep him alive.

To be continued.................

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